I Al tx ,,. vtnum Msmlb KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE, I Us NEWS WHILE IT IS NKWS l.llllllll Irm-Nu U.-JIM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913 I'rlrw Five OsaHa LUMBER INDUSTRY HIT BY COMMISSIONERS RULING Qlhz E v Washington Gives Constitutionahstas No ANTI-HUERTISTAS AS THE RESULT WASHINGTON AND PETTY JEALOUSY MI,U I'LtNH m hi vvt M i it ll UK I.I ll OWN III oi.l IKi of nt ' ir tftbftrtfu Ktbt rillii i i rutiiHl ltt Mill I ttfrtrntr Willi II. ' Tl.r (it III 41 flf Jjltilfl hi Hr r.rltr.Mll. ..I IV.Ir.U M( m" ! wl ihfW tll lhr .. Hi ft (MMlllitn li win nut .iti imi mi i Ja.ll-I IM.,..I, ' Hm. Inllr.l ,, r)t mn n NUIn, mill II ! lUllrlnl ,l - gnOalluii Willi l',in.tlliil..nIUI. Will IU Mil. km i in Uhllid I'le-S r.l.llt. iMItlll.tK, till. Nm IN. It l lullMift-vl Mll.iniit llir lrlw-1 fn lltat lirlM-t-l WII- Mill If) I" UfiUlll lir)irtl l'-irll- III llir litilrrlil. .if llir trivia mill- iiiii iluru ln trt-Jl.tnll- It) -4u- Mrlltil 111), t4HtlK I1illmli 111) oii.ii' llm fa-il. , -MaMI- ! Iml n-llar lining, Hmi cih,iIiuIiiimIUU mi iwfiiuiil nf j till flllllr Hi willlr llir llflllig n( llir) riiilMrii mi iitiiw ml iiiuiilllnl.ui I nll'J l'if iffiK WASIIIMITOS II f Nnr 1- in.... ... iii.iii.11ik brr.k In Brithllot brl.rtll Aturilo.na II. iiutltiillimilUtii fnrcK lr lipitil ImUr. Whew.! w iii thrtv .ill U rt cnmiilete to. Jriil uon Hie GHttilW ot mnfrrrlite l.rturrn Wll 11.1 mi IUd Hale ami rrrm "' WIUoii and llrxii ! Klrally dla-(.lr-iil at Hie ni-eullon of MraU i, it. ,..!..! at Jaiirri IIik chlrf ,r ,. tbou.h. for lb- pi-rni .t.lu. , li llm leimitnl iiiiwllllnni of rani III liullllif a future ruuri An far a llnirla li roiirrnir.1, the lliiatllm rrtimlli unclialiard ili'inf b) Ihirltlita Hlillrd I'irai Mervlro vniiAl.l-' ,.imrd. Nov 1 I'1'1' ral farrama ami llmbaiiador Halo Mfmid to dlMu.a llir lttiniit.l m....- I.,k uf la.t nl.bt. at -.liltl. " IH'B. , H tumnr.d, lb" fiitllliy nf i.rolntiKliiK ' A,.u..lll.ll.ll.a atl UlllllllllMl llal.iand Uciidrtii nro aclinlul.nl lu ,.,,.., and m....h.,.r. 1111. .'' AM """; " ;,.:,..l-l of llrookl,,,. .bom I knew a. IH.IIHlTr.l. 1II.IT llflilin Is MJ. :::" vr :i";?,;v"! :"r . . nr: a : z;.;,,-...., , , ,. (WIIiaMrmmiTKIW lMl Ibliia. tn Hiill on thr nirl-ci. nu) ' . 'lilm nf my dlicmer). Thr doctor ini n ........ ...idr,rrt of .,,., w..nu..n .Lil.m .1 ''''' ,,Kd . lf , Wliulll MUow olw , IIIIIThl. T S.:.: ANV HUT HIS laaoiilin. toaard Amrr.ca,,.. ,-,,., Wb,L U " " '' r.11Mir. o,ol,rr T vu. arerd rAlilVKF BOND ELECTION NEXT Only Property Owners Tim iiuratlou nf bnndlliK ,'"y lur llm rrrrlliin nf n illy hull on thr ilty'a propurly mi Wnlnul ilrrrt, will l.n tiiiMiillt.il in Hm liropurly imneni 1 1 llir ipnlul I'lrcllnil lo liu lltdd .Moil ilny. 1'iilla wlll.l'O upon hi nil llm vnrdi from (I n. m. U 8. p. m. (Ill till' biillnl llm uuoalloil I" ln a (ileal on U; "Hliull ImiiiiU lu thr iiiniiunt nf Ifiil.OOO lu Imtie'l lor Iho liurpomi of cauilruclltiB flly I"'" " lot 0 and 10, block 7B, of Klimmtli ddltlout" I ARE IN DANGER OF HESITANCY IN lifr I 11 Una f flu- i m ' . i -I n ill lw n atf i hk . t.rti an a it I will )irulli it t Nl.lll It. ItirrllllK Jim trsla ifrrM lo ttul t-ii In i 4l ) It i STRANGEAILMENT "MI'S MOMIIs Ol.ll SON Ol Mil, (Mi Mils iiiieiu.i: (iiti..i.i: Alll.ini.lt WITH lltl.lSMKH'. IMI III IMIWKKS Kiilliivlnic ail ii.Ttlim li llr I Wilnlil Wlilln nil Trui In llif tln ' iiiii of mirk II. llir ; niuntlnolJ '' l Mr. i"l Mrt. (Irurcii (lrliil J.l ll rtrRlne t HUrkliurn litw- !" Tin. run-fl hrld at J " "" .'trtn.H.n from thr Orl ilr tPilUriiCF llrr J fl Slubtilinilil n.lart.. the frrrmony Tlir rlillil llRrrnl IrolH trlMi-oili; nf lbl boarll and Monda) (.rntlllC ibf diM-lora inaortrd to uprratlon aa tl. only wratia f lailliK lt Ute Tho ilimciill otx-rallon irifiitmrd wllh nrrixw. bill llir Inlnillim ( llu-Utile auffrirr itr an badlr Intlainrd that ""J''l " ' Wit !- lit sIIh-iU Thr Dril ri.mmrrrlal mraa Inn- .,! I..I-.,,.. A.Morlr. uirnt me.ii.r Itom nt i-ricnuurt; addr.'Mi-d to I'nminniidi.r Wllkltty, l. l..tKr body of land .llinivcl.r nf I in llir Arrllc 'l"- "'" '"'" ,,,K,, '"ml,cr '',""1'"" u KiiK raiii. i ". mil. ron'tviitlon. itaatit'ii uiiwii, iw Inalnisi. b aiiminrr work Eligible to Vote Monday I mlol thr i hurt, r mi pvimm ilinll iili nt mi) rli'illnu lor tbo purptwo uf miIIiik upon irrallon of city In ilrblKilui'M or llm Uiunnco of bonila unlihH III iiildlllnli to buliiK ri'Klitvrcd, br or llm ihull ut tbo tlmn of totliiK bo llir ownrr nl iml properly or Iho buii'i llilu ownrr of atotik In u torpor- liilluu niMiliiK H'lil proporty wltliln llm 'illy uhlili la lubjiirt to luxation. 'llir apuclill oliii'llon U bt'lliK hrld In rrKpoii'i' In n petition liit)d by iiniiny tu-pn)n, uikliiK tbo cvuucll to inko hiicIi action. lllMl til . ..... , .. - Hliutui I. 1 unit tn iik lir. Cliarlra I . .hi r.ir lli.i tn.l nti.l mi Hull ilnlM 111 -"- 'wwms'm Qhemist to Prevent Bichloride Poisoning V-a. & !-l L W It..! I MwluU x.uns cliiniltt! TAI.KCII THKIII' MILS. I'AMC nl -loik ill) nm inti-nlril a' lll'llsT ll'.Mi:il ItllillT iwuU il. at a I t.ilU'..l Mill innkr. talo ll.r tiniiillliiK of Oik UrcauV.I bl-! nir. l'tr Srrvlco rbturlilr of nifrtiir) ttlnilula lm' CAilllltllNIK, Nov Ik, Vat tb tuili. an ui'i'llcatlun fur a iAlnt. , Rrt tltm in III binary. Harvard I'm xlnru Hi" dr-tb of IUnkr WaUvr , i Macon, lla , xmir monllia aso. I l.ni. brrn -...km. on a c.,ulo -birb I biiu-.c Mould uiuki. d.atli liu- '" " ,n ' " u " ' 11' lu",B ' ' blrblorldr. laid Ibu joung chvtnUt. I ho lonR bin It riinvllicod that tli ,cnl afc iiihIiimI of putting up tbla di-adly .olion a In uuaolubU rai uIm. About n munlli ago I m con- vim imI that I bad dlicotrrrd tbo rUht lommiiltlon It tonililrd for llir moil part of India rubbrr. and I Imd I""'' - 1 "wH-'Mllon I"-' "'X ral'lUtr l.Ulil tint UIMOlto 111 till) lhft. - .rncr nf Dr. Charlc fabit and llr. .1 U' IMci.rli. 1 Hwuluinrd n ran milr Thn doctiin kept me under i rli.nr olikcnntlon. and In twenty-four l.mir driliirnd thr ti'kt ucfi-mtul, tbo raMiilo IiuMiik paiurd rtKUlurly " RAILROAD HEAD QUITS THE JOB. has iii:i:n -onm:(,ti:h with It ll..1 SIIHMCi: M-AIUil nn m.xiis s.is hi: i:i:iw v i.ostf iii'sr I'nlted I'rni Hrlce NI!W VOIIK, Nov. IS. - I'rralilunt llrnmi of llm Now York I'tiUrnl lina tilidrri'd bin rnlKUu'lou. TliU hua brrii ni'friU'd by tho illrrctoiH. "I Iiiimi btH'ii lu tbo riillriMd Ber v I en forl)-lniir ))'rH," ho i.tld, "mid with til" Ci'iltml lurlio )rnm. I frvl that I luo riiruoil freedom from raro mid inpoiiiilblllt), which cuti bo ob tiiliird imly by roUrlii. from uitlvu irrvlco," I " -" " " ' I NlNW-"SJ R. A GANTRALL IS l.t MIHHM N l" I.I.I (Tl.ll IIV Till i irrn u.Mti) oti its tii in. i, 1 1 i v.rrn in . u. m mix iii:sk;m:ii H.nnnr A. i mrall was Monde If. 1 1-) .iunctlm.ni by llmKlftli War! i.UTi to nil tl" met plied trrm of w O 1 1 u. ml, wiii rtilgned Punt rati Hi- mily -tuwrd Sendldatr Nm fuurb liiUrti' lakrn In n i.Ii.iiiii, I,) Klflh Want tutcts. as mljf rU mi olM were nut 01 thr lr titrall rrcrh. ciRlit. Krl IhiraainK anil lllril Uolr onr, ami utio m rzit o tlank SUFF TO SPEAK 1 AT HARVARD U. I vim, in: xi'i. nit.vr timi: i.v iii- I TOIl THAT A WOMAN HAS " "'"' "onlcbt in IU dor to a woman .roKRandUt to addrri thr ftlllitii.tl tukll tlA lla.l,n Tnilil nt ,.,.,, w, ,, ie .,,, , , ,ai( f t1P unra,o inotvmi-nt. ,,B i imimnii wo iirnii'ii una ,'" ITMIfjo. FOREIGNERS f IT MEXICAN CAPITAL 1!lua , n .Mll.ll U 1.11 ., ilUI, 1 P.-! UIV.aH rr nro liiilliK .Mnlco City, today lu. Iiirito niimbrra. I.ery voait bound l.L'a.!, HIT.. V'.... 1v IV. ...I.... t train currltn bl partlra of Ihi'in. Hucrtn U ircludvd at Uhnullepec. It rrporlrtl that til- loldlcra lu vlruct all riillen be will iro uono but tni'iiibora ot lit- cabinet. Ma) llUUiiiil ArkiiimiH (iimr.1 , As ii romlt of n report by Captain II. .Sloan, l' S. A , mllltla luipoctor.f tlm Arkakmni National Guard may I bo disbanded. Actlns Hrcrctnry of War llrrckltiridee baa notlllod (lover nor Hn)i tliut tho 150.000 fcdcrul n poiliounii.it will bo withheld The guard Inn tent)-twn coiupuulva of I .noil enllilod uu-u. No i)itcm ot uc lountliiK for federal property luu been prncllcvd. llitnili l.iMikH Well. It. 1'. .Sinllli, who owns n 1 CO aero rum li' tli roe miles be)Otid llon.intu,, milood out Monday to so his prop urly, mid found e-ioDthlnK In Hue; londttlon. Ho was accompanied b) ' J. 1'. KitUerlco, u rnlduut ot l.oug 1 1 each, Cullf,, who owns proporty tin i'liimatli Falls. Mr. Satterloo Just returned a few days ago from an ox-, tended Kastern trip. i VWVWWMWWVVWVWOW Keeper Feeding Members of Chamber of Deputies Imprisoned by' Huerta t'Vf-dH9tl RI 1 " 2-i BHH'JvM;' r ' '! ,-K?'-' M if i - U -?''.' -Ql H. ' -H & &-$M?l B ''-(j&j ''i vfe u . r ''-KSKl--r'' -BSJr !Br - ,linFUeibi P 1 UHiS' JPr'. "$'EMp' i "-sjtt TV a1CF,F Hr i --i I, -Mil ,-i' r' V "& T rv ;JiilMS'MKLllr LPtBsSEL'nir W-S-l--rvVa,,-!9r 'EBnKdBarLfU. r . riBB--rLVrAl I-C'i-EJ'-Ki -HIliJ-G--R v-.w -HKi VxHT' -K!iljeh tE jL-&-M Thr Hiforru.it jb ta Jait come frunt Mfilru City that Trnldrnt llu rrla .rorourd the ch.tnbcr of depu tl Iwjiiio be knew be vm about to I be Iraprached ly that body Thtn ho mined the arreit of I CO of thr rucni- REBELS SAID TO E i'Min:NTirii:i) stii.mi:ii nvsn. is nkxvs or r.iiL'iti: ok ta.m-rit-o - win, hi: conkihmho TOMOIIIimV I tilted I'ren $crili (lAI.VKSTON. Nov. IS.-WlreleM rrpurts rrcctrd today iute that thr rvbeli captured Tumplco yeiterday. Thi'io were tent by mi unidentified iteainrr from (lalvnton rxpected In port tomorrow-, when u full report will bo available. I HfAD A LEAGUE imi.nxsyi.vania uxr.cutivi'. to hi: si:l!:oti:i as i-iii'siiihnt OK Till: XATIOXAI. I.KAGUi:, IN l-UU'i: OK LYNCH United l'ress Service MAIUUSUUIta, Nov. IS. Qover uor Jobu K. Tenec Is to bo the next president of tbo National I.euKue of llaiobnll Clubs. This was settled positively today, Encouragement I "a Ho cent them to Jail In the c ty Thli la tho prlion ther orcu P ;d. Tbey wi-rr behind atrel doora In a prima tald to be ono of the flneit In thr -orld, A keeirr mlnx-li atonic their food on a cart and slip ptataj In throuKh tho slot In the door. when he laid lie ould accept the offer to b made tomorrow by a com milieu of leuKiii. mtgnatira. Tvuer baa Ions hern a follower nf bavbaU. mid I Interfiled In th IraKue tlnanclally. Ho will aiiume at ouco ton dtitlea of tho otllm vacated b Thnmni J. I.) neb. Alni'ltw Taken Knun llata In fplte ot threat!, Inipecton. at New iurk continue, lo inlp al.rcttci fron the hata ot women nrrlYlng from abroad. When tbo Krou Prlnzwln docked, fancy feutbera wero takukn from tho linU of many, nmonc them Mine Dutrnnue, wife, of the oprra sliiRer, 11 1 ii i:va Cladd ot I'hlladel pbla, and Mill Carollno White, the American linger. WATERUSERSTOMEET IniPrtant Session at Matters ot Importance to the future ot the Klamath Water Users Anoclu ,0011 will bo taken up at a mass meet Inn of the btock holders ot tho organ liatlou, which will bo held at Merrill tomorrow ulght, Tbo meeting will be at tho Merrill opera bouse. At this meutluK tboro will be taken up OKalu (be matter of tho water , litem taking over the first unit of the Klamath project from the reclama tion smlco. Bomu uow plans In tbla regard have WWWWWWMWWWWWWWMMWW WILLIAMSON IS -CLOSED TO THE TIMBER DRIVES KTWV Wll.l, i'ANfKI. MAXV IW(I .S A I.I'M .MIIIIiMin .f Prrt of Ulir Timber1 on Klanuilli HrMTTatton Adjacent lo Willlamxin Itltrr Are Tint CrvHr iaur llir Coniinlwlniwr of Indian AfTalrx I'aior Ultlnc Klilirrnirn llnlliiT Tlmn I'urcli-arm. On of the moit nrloui blow! to ltd lumtxr Induatry In Klamath coun ty waa received in a recent order ot ConimliiloBer Belli ot the departmeot of Indian attain, revoklsx all permlu for runnlnc loci la Wllliaauon Rlvar on the Klamath Indian raarvatlon It la eitlmated that thr ara M,-oo.ooo,ooo feet of goo. merchnt ibln timber tributary to WlUlaawe Hlter. The recmt action of Ut d rmrtment tn cutting thli Umber -rwi up Into untta and placing It oa t market haa attracted the attention of the prominent lumber men all over Iho United fltalre. Already a number of iale hate been made and aawmllla and lumber cam pa eitabllabed. The Intereat bown by other lumber men Indicated that the reiervallon would shortly ba cume onr of the moit aittv manu factutlng centers on the coast. All theie bright proipecti, bow t,r, bate been wiped out by the naw order ot tbo commluloner, made a few days ago. Pour timber unlta have been eitl mated and offered for sale, lllda for sotue of tbla timber were rujected for tho reaion tbey wero made on Use provlilon that tbo contract should contain n permit to uso Williamson i lllver for conveying the log to'tta I mills. As tho use of the river la tike I only practical method ot bringing tin 1 1 o.i to tho mills, this will mean tMt there will be no further purchasoa'of timber on the reservation. f"1 , One of the units offered for sale contains 400,000,000 feet; another .7U.000.000 fret; n third 50,000,000, land tho fourth 10,000,000 feet.' Te inanufacturo ot this large amount. of 'iimuer wouiu mvuu employment l thousands of men and the establlek- ment ol a large settlement on the rw- IiTvatlon. M Tho loss of this enormous daveloy ment. by tho order of the commlssloo rr, has stirred the business people of (Continued oa page 4) fit Merrill Tomorrow Nist X4 ' tl I been lormuiateu. -run aetaus oi inn, and of the association -isuml-f cuurge oi tuo orsioacc, operauuav maintenance features will bo outllcM by Presldeul Ady, f. i In addition to the anumptlon jf tbo flfst unit, Hie water users i-avjl .discuss u number ot other JmportMt matters at the misting, which pre-' lies to be well attended. '.. c JW4 I Several of the Qot aos-sMMWia I age force are eajoyhig baat i A .'f: ''$ n , '4"t -(4 " ' if :; ' 1f- '