0, ..If 1 flV .vi w -,1" t " , uv Kl.AMATII FALLS' Ol'I'ICIAL NEWSPAPER Cllllilli ml Vii U.UI7 VALIDITY More Than Quarter of a Million Affected by Suit Filed Today HENRY RADBfcS IS PLAINTIFF IN AN ACTION COMMENCED IN CIRCUIT COURT BY ATTORNEY JOS. L KENT M.Utl.t ulll XIII ll MIHM I s : I.NIItMx till omi'umr in. in lit ..r Iho eald JUl .! .f Jail Villn.i I. lUml I (-.. Il.r tlltluli.l '. "H IB saW M.ulH l 1 bud now tim. oattan.)ins i.i. .. .- " ,uii """ M '" .ban ext.lliK. lit. ..f I ('mill ..i.i.Uill Iimm-"! il..., ThB ,a,d rlu u , .t, I,,,. ilrl.l..li.. i.l IhrlWuli, vWiMi'"'" ' laeurrrd pri. . ' Hr .!.. I Ilea uf lb raastlUtion ! - . ' '' ' ' " "' 'JortgoB. ...,) ., ... ,. . .u lluiml I.) Ijm. pre intnrixllon i riei invasion er to balld permanent "'! wihin 'uM rwiRtp la pnriuali i- .f Br t.or. Alledng tUal lb" irti I- ,, u( ,0,1, ,!,. ,,f it,, . ,, , i Hnl IB HI fr Inti'MrOBrt tnlas- Han i.f Ihe lair of llnr.i. lu Mint lallly lrnirl k Ike roBI " IB ,'' tndrbtedneM "i . in rr Bt lb. HHHUtl-B Krt h U h. "B.I. I ' r. ".. . fwrehate " materia lor III .. l. .1, .rtlo. W MMdHto k0 mm- w (( l( ,., f (lMl Hlh Mure 1MB iMrUr ,(, r.. Slot III the .urrlia.e ol i.l wlllH roHiwed Is ii,,kr m, poo, ,,,,. ,.i , ctr ,, lift tilt nmn today, went a bounty on wal ami in th, Tlir plaintiff I Henry llabbes. The j payment of eervirr ..I tmit- . ,ua wairalila hr would UtlHl n tea. ami fof ollit lnilrtlr.liir- kIiiiI i.l III a Ifrtal at IJl.:iJ ! 'l otantr. a H.I Hint u.li li.ilri.ir.l Ti-laj'a atlttiB l0 b Alio-J . ' ' 1m"" '" ""'',' nr Jowr - Kew T followlnci ! Umil of IS.oon alrraJr il air l.aHml aa .Irl.H.Unt. i '' BHnl"-frr allrl al lh ( I-. .hfllB. J. W 8.H,.,"" '" '"'"' "'""' ""' .,.,. t,HiarN. ABio u..,.i, i """' "' 'h" " ,r';";n;1 .. . . .. i t l li.i v.iiiiii rli H.I rrrr IhHrof. nil. I llir r 'at Nallmial bank, Hfil aliaiill ... . I....V ,,f Wrr.1. Ill Haalll l.imiUr rouinr. Mrtrhanla National Iwlik. t'llal NalbMNil liM ol KlalHalli KalU.i r'llal Nallmial hank ul Mrlllll, Kllati Tflll HI Halli IIIV. Noillirat cm National l.anK u( I'iMtUn.l. Ilrall . Cuail lliliU rnmi.aii). Wlllanf ellr Trill aii.l AwillUK riiiiiian. Ilir Hiiilllirril I'arlBr roniwitir, Marllll llrnlliria 1'imiI I'ullrlt ami r'lumr romiuiiii Hlar llrlllUK u MncMu rry riini.alir. Alurllrali llalik ami Tnul tinii.nr. Waitin I'liiiatriiflKw iiimimii). Ilarrla t. l- . MaiMm A 11.. I- i..t Ittl.llltltM I V' llllflllT ;;,,;;;, u. m,.,,.,.-, ... n lur llrrtll k i'ii ' I' Hlniir. llnrur III lait for '" ll"l'l" rniilpaiiy. Chat I. a i: Wurilrii. II. I. Amlelanu Alex Marllii Hr . IM lltiHiml.igiamr. Iliibrrt A Ciiimitl. II I Tulllo. Mm i: i:. Hnwlulli'. I I! Murrell. J. ' Harm. J I! O'Mara. I'nul llrelli-n-ali'ln, Hu.ll T Millimirrs, T J. Hulliglr Tlinuma llntiiplixi The, gcnetal allocation as a.t full Tailless Pups Are Born Freaks Are Cross Between Collie and Bull Dog (Mart Correspondent) MIDLAND. Nov. 17. A litter of inipn, six ill nil, IK devoid of lulls lis liulf n doieii guinea pigs. Is an nt-l-ncllnn at tin' Huilllitleld runcli on the Midland road, that is baRlluK all I henries. Tim pups urn n cross between ft Iip'IiIok nml cutllJ. Nolthor of the iirmitN Iium Niiffvrv.1 lo of citildn.nl iiipuid.iK, unit till" .''' uo ,u, of Iho toll-less pups even more Inler I'StlllK. ' Vlilor (Irolllo nud Johu axu tire vlTIjj? in ll, .tliplall.i r..llitK t mI ti "r 1UI la) .t JaM.a'V l I II . M'lUUn'IIIlK Hid. l'H-.N.- . t MltralH rntlt rlrf-rtlril III the aR (!-!' Ihr lain ol I'. t" unit l all I """ """' "'"'' -" " iitin.tutltiitli.iial and oKI "VWr.'fnio ilalnll(I pr)a tho Htrl fur ati iitilrr drflarlnic Hit" nld airAlili, ami llii' llididilrdiiraa Uin hlcli aatnr arr lard. tit t lllrcat rn.l Invalid, and fur an nrdrr rma nrnllr riiJolnliiK and rratralnlnc Ihr Ml.t .Iffi'n.lrlita ami rarli ttirrrof Irom arrurlnic, r allrmrllnR In rurr i)tui'iit '( aald urranta frnm Mid on tit r of Klamatli " lim- In llrtl I II ll (T. Mr ami Mrs. Carl McClrarjr left " - '"' -" ,:hr Mr Mrl'lrary lll br a rallriMil Irlrg- laplici Tlir Mct'liwry's liai rrsldiil birr tun )rra. Mr MrClcary Iwlng r.iun.'flr.l wllh llu local oltlri' of Ihn rfuulherii rarltlc. iii.iTi I'n.ni lloiiniiiii, Mr nml Mra ..'l Mi'll.inat.l and Mr. Hold iin- among Ihr county ami Ilors from lloiiant-i today sending potatoes In the California markets, and they l already ship ped nut nlito fN Hi Sacraiuentu. ' 1 he sent night cars of while and one, tnr or red polulots. Kor these they received 75 cents u hundred pounds. W II Walker moved to his place! mi I hi. Midland road so lto In thot summer that lio was not nblo to work! ii... r,.rm in nnr extent. Ho has do-' 1..1...1 iimi'li time to gettl.iB ovory- thliiK In l"l' tot tho coming )ear, when ho expeits to harvest u banner crop, 3tt immg KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1913 OF Democrats Elected Governors of the Republican States tx.iriiior I'lrl.lrr of Nr Jrrary ln.lrilH.r-IMii I IUil.1 J. W'mUIi if MaaMdiilirtta linleriinr I'leldrr of New Jt'lsey. Hhoiii 1'riM.l.l.nt WlUon tuadi bis ki llllral lirlr In that statr, won In the tin nl flection b a largo plurality. A republican and u progiesslto randl ilatr fought lilm. and Ihr republican olt brine spill. Iho governor was .Ii-IimI He flral'peranie the cii'CU tlie head of Iho atatr wlitu I'rrsldvnt WIUou atrpie.l nut for th' presl' d ncy. There were seven candidate 111 tho fit Id In MiiMirhu.rltii. ntnotiK tbetu (lovernor Ki, wlm nt Ihr laat mo tnent ainiglit ri-.loiiiiin. A atroiiK republican candidate In llcprcacntn (Hi. (Inr.lnrr and n aubatantlal pro greulve entiillilali' In Clinrlea Sumner lllr.l m .ml i' la poaalble for .Mr. W'nlih In villi RODFfl MEETING held tonight niTii'ciK wii.i, hi: i:i.i:tni:i. AMI I'Ll.VK LAID Itlll A 111(1- ir.it ami iitrru:ii show iichi: m:.t ji'i.v. Tint adjourned liientlliK of the Itoileo Amusiiucul Association will hi. held this evening at the I'.lks Club rooms, Tho committee iippolutvd to secuin subscrlptlmiH for tho stock among the members of tho Klks lodgo will report, ami It Is expected that It will show unougli stock dis posed of to enable tho trustees to turn over to tho association tho stock hold by tho lodge. If .ulMclcnt stock lias been sold election of ntllcors will bo hold nud plans mado for tho 1H Kodeo. iKuflBlM Tt,' aBBaSklt BBBmtvlK, J .aBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBWi ! aBBBBBBV taBBWaBV BY VaBBBBaH A .aBBBBBalB BbI 'aBBBBBBai I x si- ,,ir 'aV WARRANTS MMWWMSMVVAWtWVWWVVIMMWVVVVV'WSAMiM WEATHER BUREAU . WILL GET RAKED' rui.iin: or hTMiosH to in: I'llltl roiiMs IS IIUn'IK i on iiiiincMsr MlilS' o tiii: (;itiLr t H'ti-1 I'tmai S,tii' l'I.KVKI.AKI). (I . N'm IT Con Krman (lot.lon tixlar arlrrd l'fcil ii.nl Wllxiti trimf nc n awrtiilnK n. ii 'siil m of lb wrailKT liutt-au artlr .n Ihc Html I kn ilialrict aa o ri'u' of lh' n--ni Olaaitruui atiirra I) a tarrcil tliat .fce bureau did nr.i (it. ui iinirlriit arnlnr ol Iho iiurma J la MKinilble InJlrr-cll; liir ilir loiKra TOMORROW APPLE DAY; EAT IHEM j i.o(mi. norsi:i;i:i:.:us iitt:i.it INI, M'lUI.M. DI-.UI AMI ltl. Tlltl.MS Ull.l. Al0 IIIA.j Tl III llll'ir IN MltNl's' r.illowlm; ta thr Api.li Da) prof la mat. mi aurd Itf (lotrrnor Wrat Whrrraa, It apiata that there la a lnov, nunt on foot throughout the I'lilted Stulra in lur tlir 1 StU day of , No) ember proclaimed 'Apple Uay.'tplacr of Jolut McWeeny, resigned. He itli n view to bringing about an In- cirasnl dl.trlbutlon and consumption, of apples, that our markets may be aaiilriail (anil Ika lei fltiuf af ma.lu ...., mM ...v .M-..w .-.,t .- nijoy further prosperity; ami, "Whcrwu. All Oregomans should bo vitally lntrrcated In the success of such n movement Now. Ihemfore, In view of the fortKOInc n rem I ea and by virtue of tl.o aulhorllj In m vislcd, I. O.vvald Writ, guvvruor of tho state of Ore- Kon, do hereby proclaim the lSth day of NovemlHT as 'Apple Day.' and enrnenlly request all our cltliens to devote on this date a llttlo thought to the apple, whether It be In regard to Its production. Its distribution or Its consumption, with tv view of raising Iho standard of our product, securing . . additional markets and making possi ble Its enjojment, at reasonable lltli:MI.V hlllT hTAUTF.D .rice, uy me iiiauj iiiioukiiumi mo, I'nlon, who often hunger while thous- ,....i..i. ii - ...i' ueatli tho orchards," trees of our productive WILL HOLD BIG REVIVAL SERVICE M.ltANV .MIMHTi:it WILL Alt- iuvk uiti:ii ix tiik wi:i:k to commi:nci: a hi:iih:s oi- daily Mi:im(iK ; A big revival service Is planned by j Iho members of the local Haptlst.rtndered uu opinion to tho effect that church, commencing uoxt week. llev. K. I:. Hicks of Albany will bo hero to .-.,. i,.-. ,i,. ,..ii. .. i.ui, win K. ,.,,.,,,,, ,I.V,1I ,,.VV. .., 1, t,, I. ..... W held nightly. The man who will bo In charge It a forceful speaker, well experienced In this work. HeraU. iaiavaa.'Naaw"iNi"a x craso cAic new rouce thief Paplatn Jan:e C .on of the Shakesiware atcnue station, Chicago, liaa grown from the ranka under has grown up fro tntho ranka under' civ II service rulr. The courage of the nrw chief has been tried. Ills -..a... a I a- - Aa.t. .. - a injure 01 me cur i.arn ruuuer. a.iir an alt day fight at Millers. Ind.. sev jtral years ago, convinced Chlcagoans. Hy Iho apiwlntmcnt thr report that Major Harrison favored naming r. vo- mn for tho place Is dl.K)ed. of. If tue mayor ever nan sucn a tnouguine.. reconsidered It. ACT IS IN COURT ,,.. lOltr. S1 I'HK.VIi: JUlKil.S TU 1)K- ' fllli:WllhTIIKinillMlll.l, ISl.N rt'l.li IIITIXT bbbbbbbbbbbbbBT) bbbbbbRToK Mr 4l W "r bK l'9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV TJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal HafiaBaBB9.aBBBBBBa!Z HaaafaBBBBBPaBWaaaBBBBBBBBBm!' 'aaaaaaaF)d?aaaBBaBBBaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHlaaaaaaaaa1 FV JBBaaBaaaWf?t.rBt 'aaBBaB SALKM, Nov, 17. Tho question ot.aBafMb M M. R IMIV whether Iho workmen's coroensatlou law- is In full effect. Including the in- . inranco features, will be tested In the 'supremo court Immediately by means of a mandamus suit which was start- id Saturday to compel Secretary of State Olcott to audit a claim present-1 rd by tho Salem hospital, The suit Is a friendly action of all concerned. and nrrnneomenta have been made with ihe supreme court to hear tho arguments. In the ruse Immediately. It Is oxecled a decision ' Islon will bo hand- ed down by the court tomorrow. Sluco Attorney (leneral Crawford the law, while In effect, could not be come fully operative until next June. .... .i, .... i i,, .inninvAn nn.i I I Ul, HIV Bi.WUUM ,MH VH.,..wrf .shh..- ... .. . omplo)ea linvo until thut time In i Oreeu, J. L. Cunningham, George 'which to elect not to come uuder therlIe, 8. C, Iccnblce, Frank Bryant,' I law If they so desire, tho compensa-'J, A. llordon, (Horgo V. Ager. Frank Illon commission hos desired to bavejAnkeny, J. D, (Irlmes and J. J. Kl-j ATTACKED WITH THE DEPLETION OF THE HUERTA TREASURY, DESERTION OF COHORTS IS LOOKED FOR; WILSON TALKING the law tralrd ai aoon a potilblo, Tim tommlulon rntrrrd Into a con-t tr.ict with the Salem hoapltal for ac rummodatloni durloc the month of Dwember for the flrat aid to work men coming undr thr law who tnlnht i La Injured, A dcboalt of III vii! paid on tho conlraet. The hoapltal , prrwniKi in daim to tn itrctarfi of auto' offlc, which, la order to I make a baala for a friendly unit, re ; fuacd to audit It. . Thla transaction, desta with the ln curanre Mature of th law, and will brlnit the qutntlon of whether It la natv oratlve dlrertljr before the eu pre mo court. PETE ALBERTSON TO BE BENEDICT Vi:iHH! IIKI.IS Wll.l. II(J THIS I.VKM.Mi iltOO)l IS AWKI.L K.NOW.N VOl'MI Ll'MIIKIIMA.V. Wll.l. ItKHIIK IIKHi: Peter A. Albertaon was a pasien ger on the Weed bound train Sunday. Also ho returned from Wwd In the'" expected that Iluerta will be dH ermine. Incidentally. It might be stated thati . .,..,.., ... . ,,..,. v Slm.sou. who reached Weed Sun- ,!.,,, x.w Vork clty ToU af,er.! Bva n00n nfj.on ffrurj marriage license. The groom has resided In Klamath I county for the past two )ear. and! . i. .... tt.-t tiM. i. v.- (... ....I rclIun.,i.,e no.aiou with the Pel. . ..w ' .. . " a j i.uuiuer cuiupaay. ai b ici llmonlal of their regard for tho young ! man the employe of the plant pur- chased him a complete dining room ; ct as n wedding present. Mlsa Simpson vUlted Klamath Kails last summer In company with Mr. At- bertsou'a sitter. While hero aha mado many friends. Dr. Fred Westerfeld has moved bis 1 dental oClces from tho Loomla build - 'lng to a suite of rooms In the White-.attack MaddOX building V kt nfTrial lurnrc Dra wii Veniremen Ordered to Report First of The members for the Jury for theiler, Klamath Falls; C Klrkpatlek,; it) December term of Ihe circuit 'Joe Halousek, Malln; J, W.'Jory, J.' n court httV9 betu ' ordered, '" wear In court on the morning of : December 1st, at vrnicn ttmo iu ; grand Jury will bo chosen j The names of the citizens who have I been dratyn for this duty are as fol- lows- John Urlscoll, V, C. Ueckdolt, Levi McDonald, V. J. Itowne. Uonan- xa! It. C. Shlolev. John Matney. Win. ! PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! ."rlci. Fl?f OMto CAItlU.7.1 MAY IIK KXCOCRAOKD IV II IH I'lN TCI TAKK THE CAPITAL lU-fuRrra Arrlte Kroui Tormw, Tell- Inc Hamming Tales la Cimte ll.m Willi .Vewapaper Mra, VrtmL .lent Telia Thnn Mortra Abol WH- Mn anil O'Kliaugli aeiaf VtiUtg Arr Wlllioat Any L'nlted IJrtai Serrlce WA8IHNOTOV. D. C, Nor. IT. JohuLSiLli not, fiMlBg Meileo, and neither la Nation O'ShaughaeMy abandnnlnc-lhe umbaaajr: at Maxlco -Cltjr. ' Trraldent WIUod made tbU plala at hla conferenco with the newipaper men this morning-. He la itlll very confident that he la making progress toward peace In Mexico, and ao told tho reporters. Huerta'a supplies for cash hare (wen severed. He Is maintaining hi government on forced Internal loans. It Is admitted that this will soon be exhausted. When this happens It ' serted by his henchmen. ,f ,l ""'OP nt Huerta Is belug financed tMrough undereround than neU C"nia will be encouraged In1 hU plan to capture Mexico City, but .... ' "Wing the embargo on arms Will tM I tho very last step. United Press Service IaAuKDO. TXAti. StiY. 17. .Thrti (hundred American refugees from Tor? roi, r...eh..i m..i.. vi.e,u " -- ,,-.-.,, .. rou,e he- Tbe United State I pay. ,nK naif their expenses. S Tn P"1 ""red great bsrdshlpa '" ,nelr Journey to Monterey. 'OmJ hlld died on the trip and on waa boro' . M United Prs Servlc fi EL PASO, Texas. Nor. 17. Th r?j maluder of llenvral Villa's army 1 reached Jauret today. He expect! t,ot Chihuahua City later la thai week. M MA VI V saWi A M f f AA j W. Dcpuy. Midland: fleorg Eblentrt, 11. K. Tumor, Hans Nylandtr, Plwea' combs, u, J. Anderson, u. wunaM. K. R. Cardwll, J. W, lUsklosfalar. rill : C. II. Flackus. Dalrr : J. L. Bk ley. Kort Klamath, W. W. nJey, Wf' Mrs. J, B. Taylor UK ob train for Trinity couaty; ' - . -- ..... . belug called tbw on aaaavt" tt sorloua Illness of a "? jf-j! lMr'a fsmlly, MaMllilMlrl1 return to Klaasath Faaat. ' t .1 .! i M A .,'; 5 S - ' 9 4 is Jm vtim r . t ft v 'JT'M n ', -4$m ,' sm m V, ( TT J,