- i, n'"- lj Suttmg Itealft KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NISWSI'APKK PRINTS THE ; NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! I'.lglilli Yrsir Nil, U.'Jin :r: X suss- sae-xz titammmt H Fire QMti KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. VR1DW, NOVEMBER 14, 1913 ANOTHER STORM IMPEDES SHIPS SEARCHING LAKE i in: i.iHior iuiowM.it una. mi:it until, in Muii:ii WTkgr ill 1t.tr " '""" HCi-i.i.rt. Found 1iU llMla Urt- Ml- !) Oin.li.r, I, Ml Mill. . , t- I j. . llala n llirlr I Mmi.) llrllrlnl I Mrf ,! I iihr'I urinal i I irci.l Hade Wrrak t.ii.ll.rt lto.1 Failed I'f lUrvlce Cl.r.VIII.AMI. II, ft or II All- .Mb elrong fain bio. lux un l.ak Itupatlur liat forced In pott all tea l lhat hate, bem doing rracue work !( lb tlofia uf Ik Out uf Hi k flila sacuad gale laal bight (imtil! the woodan aleurr Malur lu sink off WblUflah Folia Tb. craw uf rick- lM a aaved I Th IUI uf fattllllni flu in Hunda; a1 alorui la Increasing homlr II la Iiiik tllnalrd Ibat J00 ale UmiI. and It", ImmIIm f.mud may ritmi thla tiuiu-i Ur ' i II la known Ibat Ml nun ptll.-d I Oil fltlru VMMla rllllrra uf lhf blggrtt slramef al' Vllllan lit b lual Harll ralllrU il uf at lr.it l.rnt) IU.Mr..i WA8IIIMITO.S. II. I' . Nov It lbrlha I h fi'Ul.d the "' of , vitm lluwaid Tll, 100 pounds at trail a ilium amallrc rlall llrblri kau whru br lrt the Wbllr ... . . . . . ... . ill .. .... --.....- iviniiih ui me Argus, n;urua. ami lUutl found today Karh ! rarrl'd a crw of 21 lu SI Tbe bnal weir ft daa utrrdur Ttm ownrra bfllrlr.l that Ihrr bad haiixiirO lu aafely MRS. HOOVER IS ALSO RELEASED IVIItKMi: INTIIOIIl I 1.11 Hill Mf 1'inivi: that iiiMit 111 nit w in: hah oiiiii:ii 1 111 ik i:n ihmini:mi:t Following tbn dlaiulaaal uf tbe charge uf forgery agalnal Frank 1 Hoover, a Klaiualli Indian, Friday, I Juallrr uf tbe I'eaie lluweii dlamlaael the aanie charge letting against Mrs lliHivrr. Tbe evldrlirr. Inlloduird failed In. .l.w ll.. ll...rr bad endorsed a' ibnk alveu lu Ktl.lt riill.-iuln laal March I.V Ire IM1I011 This chrck ' Waa raahrtl at a local att.lr. allir ll PWt 'Mi n,... payment had been aluppe.t. HiMivrr w.a .llainlwrd upon niutl.iil if I.I. all..ri..v. W II Hhaw. II W l.'....w. wi... .......r..l Inr Mra llnu v.r. l... a.ked fnf a dl.nil.sal. and thla waa retu.i.mrnde.l by I'msecul lug Allurney Irwin Big Basin Has New Camp Concern Has Leased Ackleys Railroad at Keno ,...-.. u. 1.1 u...l,.. iliemm 01,.. ..., 1 KICNO, NOV. it. new HiggliiK ..... ..... 1...... tamp Haa lieen eataniianeu in. ' by llm lilac llualn Lumber imnpaii), ,l(. m.er nud lmulluK to the rail mid a big crew of men Is ut work ' r(mi, ihero urn nlno four-horso leiim cutting from h fureiU l ll' " engiigml in pulling tho U'K Into tho Die vmbryo house. water, Tl... company line lake,. .1 1mm uii II Una been rumored that tho IHg il. railroad owned by Hip Ackley llaalii Lumbw company contcmpluto llrother Lumber coinpnny. Thla ex laud from tho river u dlstimco nf Ihrvo tulle lulu the iiiuuntuln A donkey englno nud twenty head nf home are uted lu draw tho log from where they are failed to Uio( U, 8, G, S. ACTIVE lil THIS COUNTY n iittoi.it triii it i hum com. I I Ml III mi, I, MTllll.lhll ii w i.isi, hi t ihinh nut mi IMHt HI.IIVII I. I'm Hi itirMM of going mvi ilir "nik H. Matnalh .nunlv. Iliilti.n. oher Hatidall l I Ik- grolnghal m " ' '" "' I'nMlaiut ll will I I.IUalll a riluplr (If Heel ' Whilr in ibe xiuidr Mr llahdall alll iiUtll.il gauging aUllmii mi Kpracue lllier kbil riltaii Cuik uii M.i KUuialh fmrrtalliin Tlirar am fur ,11m Ix-nrDI nf Ilir Indian burrau hlrh building pruect In Irrlrstr ll"''t' - TAFT LOSES 100 LBS. IN WEIGHT llll.ll I'HIMIHKNT I til AT nil. win 1 1 ihiim: inii wood IIDU MIIMf, IUII i;i:ilV(,,,(llKra.i nf lltanijurt In thr field Hill It rtl. I. lilt with bta IruoiHi llr haa taken a aeat m a log fur the imimrnl to figure " "" -mit a mllllary matiruurr lllanquct I'nlled I'leat Henlce . iii.ua. raiie.i ii in tmuui" i.umi. today lu pay bla rrtprtla In Wuudraw Wlleon. who Imntrdlelaly aldr-lrarkrd ' rirlj nit elar and Wrlruuml Ibe !' Ilur. wlii irmalnnt buLa biUJ UnM.i Tall who u hrir In lecture at the, Salumal lirura.blral tforlrty mret Inc warmly rongratulalnl WiUun mi Ibr aurcraa uf Ibe adlullllllrallun FAMOUS JOCKEY HIT BY A TRAIN t I 111 ns ri- ki'tliH Hill'1" IIIMMl ... ..--.-- I 1111: i'in.Mii:it joiki; iiitud iiTm:T. kii.i.i:i toiiav IN COTIIAM t'nltrd I'ress rlerli Ni:v VOItK. Nm. l Jockey Tu Hums waa klll.-.l llila motli- lug " elevated train III llrmiklyii In bis pocket, were found n nm- Iracl lu ride at II... Merlin nitre no I In American inline) ami i"ii..ieii.ie) . . . Herman iiirniir). .. Iliirna -. .1 !... cr..L VlMTllIlIIfBllllflIIIa,fMll iuckr) fur Ibe Whlllie) table., mid Hi IVJ! h-ri..le 3il winner It Impussll.te to determine l.-lher llum M.minilll sulrldu by jumping " 'ronl uf Ibe iraln, or fell by imbHiil iiilliuad. IIIIIIUlKI. AUlllll ine.iij ini-ii ... .- ........1 ... iim mini.. Mr. Jo Oley 1 ....... .1 in llm rn.nl.. ,""' e'.,,'' " "" In iid.llllou lo tln force working extending llm rnllioiid two or three mile further, but an fur thla lina not .been conllrmi."!. Tito company owna uud operate mo 0111 inuea-uiarae mill oil the wl l,l "f ',,,k ,UvBr at Klamath Fall. tBlanquet, Right-HandManofHuerta ftm$ If I'rraiUrnl llurrla nf Mrilm fallt, a .- !...... 1... I .k. ' ""' ""'l- - in "ihh "' " "-' -- .if ibr triMi who Inraded the Najnlnx and the ralmncai of tfait preal- llutial I'aUff In thr Moody daya . . u .. ' which led 10 iIik rii.l uf Prraldeut ila- ilrro. mar aurired him Thli la a "THE SHASTA" CHANGES HANDS I J I'llliltts hi:i.l.H OCTTO MKN LINK III' IH'KIKK Hill NOMK riMI T Itllst lllllld iimi ii.i-i.innw A deal that hat been under way for aitrral da)a waa closed Thursday wbrn l II U'noi and A. K. Kent purchased from K J. Tlpgrae the Sha.ta .andy and Ico cream parlort. Mr Irruiii la an cxperlencetl man ,h, ""X bualneaa. having itin- duitcd a randy kltcheu In llosrburg .... a a a 1.1 l It..., t.... fur nil years Mr Kent haa had many yrara rxrleiir In Iho cigar and lo- harm ImalnrM. which will boa ralu- able aasrl ll. the new eoterprlae. a. .... u.. . ... ... "" "' " "" ""- ' " rlgart and tobacco. llolh gelillemru are favorubly In.-, Klrst -A Iwtlllon to tho County plewsed with Klamath Falls ami aro'Ciiurt signed by one-tweutleth of routlileiit uf II future. .,!,' regUltrwl voter at numbered at Ilio ljt elerlloii. tt Int; the amount Frank J I'lpgras. the retiring pro. prletiir. will awlat the now owner .... . -..-. ... v -" - ..fumi. .... .1... I.n.l.m.. i.flnr M III.'. 1 - - ...HI .. ... ll it ami iiifi iHiuiir win ku iu niiim-i".' - ll" ,r " wmier. SCHOOL KIDS IN EOOTBALL GAME WINNCH OF TtlDAY.WII.I, 1111 IIV TITI.i:il TO HKCO.NI IIO.NOItS IN Till hCHIMlli l'(H)THl.li TIIUII- NAMK.NT Two picked twin from Hi.. Central . . , ., 1.1 . . achool un. hnldlng n gridiron conical Ihl nlteruoou on the Xlodoc 1'ark ground, This conteat I to itcti'do the honor for fecond place In tho grn.lea fonllmll lengue. The team will kirk off In the follow lug line up: l,eler Spurk Tenm: (iruve Center ltoblusou Lett guard I Daw quarter Shipley Itlght guard Ilodviihiiiner . lllght tncklu Wright Lett Tackle Arnold Left oud 11) geek ltlght ond mwwhwwvmwww.wwwmi (Contluued 00 page I) aaafaMaaaalBwi la lii-lloui) In I aa deaperale aa Ii . II.i.iibIi inaM laol 1 tl aw flllla .(-I II. . I. k .nllvl. mttit l.a.l vl. drnl. Ilw la a rough and ready aol- iljrr. wlni brllere aa do many of Ibr Ann ilcana who hare InVralUatrd Ibat tx only way tu gorern Meiko. la with the tnallnl flat The method! uf I'orfli HI", according In hlrn. arr to be emplojed lu the amo way. ( An Open Letter llj- (lie County Court l"i lo thla llm we. at a County Cuurl. hare dlecuaeed lb queatlon of good roada'.eituiustlirely We hare rerlewed thoroughly the work we Ve done and hae pointed out Ibe new way that tucb work may be accomplished Wn have told you about the ex; VKItA CIIUZ, Nor. II. Tho acout crllrnl plan the laat lglilatureeru,r (.nrr arrVC loJy at yera provided, namely that of the twndCru, liaue. which la much bolter than! , .... . the old way of building roada byi ,-ofnll- J1 u PPt tRa warrant route V hare tpoken lnt lo taki l.lnd borne when tilt mla- of the outlets that tbe county need flon In Mexico ends, and the plan we think should be adopted In order that Klamath. vtt n,'f ,r"ln her position la , ,hp sut( ,n tho ,tter of road construction ll la not possible tu inr iruiii ran 01 ruunura luruuau' do more at Ihl time .1 .. a The County Court of Its own vo-l lltlon can not put this question otj "on"" nB M"" or call a bond 'I""0"' The people thomtelret ? "" ""' " ''" " "ccompllth llil. Then, are two ways In which j, Crtll b,. dotl. w,,n 1, , , ,,., ,.,- Unoll irrseiii.iii..n 111 una im-iiiioii, iii l.mnll l..iirt UlV .ml Ih. nt.tlar ' -" ma fa ft k.tfaa tllial (all aa luin.t al.m. vote and cull " " w..u -iw.v- lion Second- -I'lKin prewntatlou of u Ix'lltlun sinned by :.". per rent of tho legal mid registered voter of the count), tho Countr Court Mt'ST put the question 011 the. ballot and call an election The Count) Court can do nothltig until )ou dlriH't. un.l we now await jour pleasure. We feel that wn have done our duty In dlacussluK from every viewpoint and anglo this great question of road construction. If you wish 11 to follow tho now mi I hod we shall be more than glad lo serve you uud shall await our expressions ur ilelre and com mand. We lire only vour servants and , - "' "'! ou direct. Iho mat or now la entirely In tho ,,,, of l0 1WJita ()f .Anu Cminly Adverllseinont. A record enslou of choa wu hold recently lu 11 g.uuo botwecn Frank J, Marshall, tho American champion, and O.. Durua, tho Uohemlan cham- plon. Marshall wqii after a ten hour contest, lu which tho loser took forty- eight minute for tho consideration of ' one, move. 1 A oulh named Abdul Latin wua (ut rested at Calcutta for having cllmb- ed up a water plpo 120 feet long lu 1 order to hold converso with hit Wweethoart. DICTATOR WILL RESIGN, STATES THE PRESIDENT ADMI.MHTIUIIO.V ItKMAiriH IlITTI .K.NT HTIM. lliiHilrlira lUtflrnl I'nim'Amrriran in.r,-,.l-.lr. In ll.o SooU.U..d Am hiltl In Itilaro llurrta hi-i llir I'ulllKf uf T17I111C tit ll'ilil Ilir I'mt In llm 1'iun uf llm 1'untr M.iklnK OlijrrtliHi - 'locali a Dad drubbing. J-ortmimer I'liltid I'rtaa Serrlcs laaked a (banco to ra matter, and WAHIIINOTU.V. 1) f.. Nor. II. lhi wai (ranted. I'rwilduntWIIioii and Betrotary Ilrran) iiotb Uama bare been practlclnc an- atlll rcllrriu rncardlnx tbn llri hard for tl.e catne. Iran altuatlon. J Tliey ay lliry arn well aatUfled with the way plana nr worklnc A Jirnnaturr publication of aorae de ri'lomenU. In tbelr mlndi, would prute a boomerang. (lovernment offlclala are confident that lluvrta will retlrr. Nothing will llM uuiilced aa to how and when tbti wii u, nuallr brouitht about Itiapatchea from O'Hbaughneaay and l.lnd Indicate that the dictator baa decided that It la Imnoealblo for Mm to defy the powers. It la bellervd Ibat be wilt agree to mediation and an arm lit Ice, pending a natlun-wlde election. M'nltvd I'resa Verrlco MEXICO CITY. Nor. II. Aa toon jaa Ambaaaador l.lnd left Vera Crux I Iluerta appeared on the atreeta. Thi altuatlon If not changed at alt. UlTlclala do not regard Llnd'a with drawal aa a formal morement. aa be la uot an accredited enroy, to hla act loua are unoTIcUl. United i'reif Serrlce TRIAL DIVORCE IS THE LATEST t .,...,. ... . ,. SWKKIMI UWLhKHS VUS TO M.tKi: .MK.N AMI WOMK.N 1IAVK i:oi;.i, iticiiTS L'Mi:it nkw I.KCIM.4TIO.V I'nllud l'rcs Service STOCKHOLM, Nov. II. To bring ...vorce w.tn.n tne reacn o. ,ne poor. nm. m nine, wniiien on un ..nuii tr . . ... . with men lu tho marriage relation are uie principal oujccis 01 a new mar- riage mil .ouay auomu.eu uy me the I'lilteU Farllameutary committer, of D11 ...I. .a. VT.aaaaa nk. ahttil I l.k 11 m axal. lew tit. 'Sweden, Norway uud Denmark, lo tbe refiKttlte parliament Tho iiieasuro provldia' for a tort of "trial dlvonu." Kach divorce must bo proceeded by a period of legul ep nrutlou. Various conditions are laid dowu whereby It will bu found convenient and expeditious for candidate tor mntrliuou) to provide themselves with medical (ertltlcate. Minor mu) not marry without tho consent of both parents, and no girl under Is eur of uge may marry. Aviator lilllcil MANILA, Nov. 1 1. Lieutenant C.'tho iisststanco of Mr. Milter and men l"..rrv. u ueulthv livlator attached to . the IMilUpplue Scouts, while hydro- i.lanlnc about tho Asiatic aauadron. nnchorcd In Manila bay, fell Into tbe Indian on till end of the reserrn- have alway Boon noted for their tlM wuter i.nd vva killed, .tlon. and good condition. They are all (ii. Tbt.ro woro S00 head loaned out to j timed on grass, with no other kla4 W A lighthouse on the south const of tho local Indians. Theto are all the j feed. -.- thu Isle of Wight lias been equipped I beat strain ut Durham ami Hereford. ' In addition to Ibe cattle dlstrlbated with u revolvlug light of 15.000,000 1 Tho largest number taken by an In-, huro COO bead have beau tent to Yal cundlo power. 'dividual Indian was fifteen. The oth- nax sub-agency to be djatrlbatnd .'to Tho llrltlth government la consid ering an ttuxllllary motor boat reserve for service In case ot war. FOOTBALL GAME TOMORROW PI Ml.llltll.l, tl Kt..MTII COII.TV IIKill M.-IIOOI, i:i.i:K.NH WIM, )ii:irr iok tiii: hikom) mamk 1HH .SlUhO.V Home hard faucht football conteat Mill be tho atMXtacIa at Modoc Park ,0nl"rr"w """""""i "h" " rill hlgli acliool eleTcn mtrcbra on tlir field In aa i-ndearor to rerecfe tbrtnavlYr on Klamath count? bleb atbool. A fo trunk ao K. C. II. H. In- jvadrd lbs Alfalfa city and cava the SAYS HE CAN CHANGE SEXES m;IK.TImT I.N Itl.roitT IVEX OtTl TUII.VV IttX'iailrM UK UAH. WITH HIS K.Y.' ritOVK.N TlllH I'DUIMKNTS .spread all orer the Southern I'acifle system unleea there la a quick aettVa- fulted l'reaf Serrlce 0,n,. Tncr My tby wll uut mvXl. VICNNA. Nor. II. That be haa utr now, and Insist that the convpaBy suicteded In changing the aex of ant- deal with them aa tbe United Brott mala through transplanting ccrulu erliood of Hallway Trainmen, glands from the male to the female. The company la preparing to op end rice rerta. waa tbe tomewhat ,.,at0 trains with office men who barn startling aunodncement made today rlten from tho rank. Strikebreaker In - public address by I'rofeaeor rn(i supplteat are being aecured. ' Stelnach. a tingle train hat left her ttace In other wordt, I'rofeaaor Sulaacb'lke atrlke-atarteal.' The etrtwefrare aayt be ha made female a ImaU Into 1 drawing M0 and $50 monthly ban uialea and male Into female. efttt. To prove hit statement he showed anlmalt which be declare he ha cnangeu tue aex. lie oeciarea ioat placing the male glands Into female animals, changed tbe entire nature of the latter, and rice vers. He believe that similar operations ore possible on human being. Thrro More Adikxl to KaUUUea I nlted l'rea Scrrcle MONTOOMKHY. Ala.. Nor. II. Three more of the victim of the wreck at Clayton yesterday died In tho hospital here tblt morning, mak ing the total number of fatalltleaj twenty. Including fire negroes. The1 list of Injured Include 1CI. Mu.ly Club Funuetl A few of the women of Mill Addl- tlon met at the home of Uma Auttad last Thursday afternoon for tho pur-ln,4 pose 01 orgaumng a c.uo tor m study uf toclal, political and economic I a , , , ,,, BnJ economic . . .. . , qUpations. tne next meeting win oei hrW , , nome of aMtY on ..r,dliy .,.r.1Mu. Normber lltb K.r.onM hu 1- imeroated In these quwtloui, u corJl.uy nrltod. I Indians Get Five Hundred Head of Durhams andHerfords Sold (Herald hpw-tl ScrtUe) KLAMATH AHK.N'CY. Nor. II Superintendent Kdsuu Wattou, with' reprenentine Hill llanley. Thursday completed the distribution of tho lut- est shipment ut blooded cattle to the' era mostly took five cowt. The In dian who received cattle In the dis tribution will pay for them In seven year time. PRESIDENT ASKED TO TAKE ACTION IN ESPEE STRIKE HOimiKlt.V HK.VATOKU HAY IT MKAXH HUI.N Mierullrn Aaanrra Texaaw That Oo Mrtmrnt of Labor Will Do lire llilnff I'oMlble to llrlotc Aboat 8 llrn.mt fnlom Mm Hay attrtka Will Hprnad All Orer Um HoeHJaerm I'ncldc Hyalem, L'nlled I'reea Serrlce WAHIUNUTON, U. 0., Nor. 1 Sanaiora Itanidall and Thornton of Texaa today appealed to t'realdemt WlUon to take Immediate action to ward aettllng the atrlke on the Beat ern dlrhlon of the Southern I'aclle. Tbe aenators told WlUon that M the atrlke contlnuta for any leagta of time, tbe Induitrles of the ataba of Texa will face ruin. The preatdent Informed tbe Lone jFtar legtilatora that tbe departaaeat ,rf labor will do ererythlng poaalbte to bring about a quick tettlemeot. United I'raa Barrlee 1IOUSTOS. Nor. II. Union aea today Intimate tliat tbe strike vlll HECTOR OPENS A STORE AT AGENCY , IMIIA.NH UIUVI.NO CATTt TO WI.NTKH l.UITt7K.taK WIIX Cltl'IMK TIMIIKII &THim NW OF lUMEHVATIOX Wrf (Herald Hpcclal Henlce) KI.AMAT11 AQKNCY. Nor. II." (1. M. Hector of Klamath Fall U now i keeping a tlore here. We wUei him I luck and success In bit new location. Ufa W. .Itan and wife were rlall- . lh. TMt..,oa atord.T cam down a tDt, au0 r.turBtaf ,,, ,fc. . .. "" th. ..m" y Home ma fame aay, J. M. Bedford, forost itipervUor on ,lho reservation, leave Monday wkh WW.WWWW.WW. (Continued on pate 4) Good Cows The Klamath reservation farmer now have n lino cuttlo ut will be found any place, and tho addllluna Just recelred will toon make the llre- stock Industry one of tho leaden hero. fr The steer from tbe reienratbM that section. Superintendent wImb and assistants and n govern-! -' apoctor went there last nlM ,' out the cattle. , V ' it r. ' eV'j T J . -, . $ . w ' vyi he 1