The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 12, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    WKNUMUIAY, NOV. IU, lull
What the Tariff Will Do for Us Town Topics
A Carefil Stidyof the New Measure by an Expert ;
Vnile nrws Operation.
Kilsanl Short. th ll-vear-orJ ton
of John Short, wr orerateJ on this
nrcnoon by l)r. Fisher, Morrow ant)
lUmllton. Th little fellow hid been
tufferlng with tonsil trouble.
News ot Our Neighbors
Joulp unit I'rotr of Nearby
Comniimltir Chronicled
In llio I'
Wife of New Mayor of New York
(Staff Correspondent ot the United Preet)
WABII1NOTON, D. C, Nor. J J. er. I( ther are at Ml to be Judged by
There' mighty little hope tor the Ihrtr .tlltud. lord MtlflcU bnty.
., . ... ...,.., are aa itralght-Iaced when It come
drug .lor. blond .nd th. ,of,r.plwdtrM1, Nllc,Mtt, Botl
beauty In the ntw democratic t"ttjactorbe Puritan preacher whoever
law. It not naturally beautiful orlf, fmh pulpit denounced frills, fur
entrancing, and the ancient and mas-' Moss and feather. Taking U the
cullne rrtlalltr for the girl who Increased dutlee on toilette ace
claste ai a "cood looker" doesn't sorlc and striking an average, wo-
change. It good nigm tor jours.mcn ana urui w,u uav i par rem a fMhef ,, , wn of Countr c,,fk
One Iblni: eeemi evident, and that Iti: to S centa more than formerly for .. . . . . brotn,r of
..-.-... . - -- - - . ,
UU of Prune
It now detslopt that Oougta coun
ty will ship at leaat l?ft car ot dried
prune thlt year. There U 40,000
Cram to Agency. poundt In each ear load, Sharpeu
. ., II. . - . Il.l . Ik,' .. .11 M ... ..... l.., .1.1.
lir. iiaromun i w iN.fnur pencil inu uiuiv vui im iu
Klamath Agency thli afternoon to at- meant to the farmer lhat were fore
tnd a cate. the nature ot which wail banded enough to plant out a few
not given In the telephone message acre. Ilotoburg Ketlew.
summonsing him. I
lire Into Klclkin
Another IV Lap. I Jack London, world famed as an
Word has been receUeJ from Aah-
land of the birth ot a eon Monday to
Mr. and Mr. Chester IX Up. The
that tbe democratic tariff trameri did i the following article
more to discourage the use ot face
paint and enamels and pbastly noo
powderi than all the mothers club
and reformer organisations could!
hate accomplished In a hundred
yean. Of course It your beauty cant
be washed off the tariff doesn't af
feet you. Ilut It you get the color ot
your cheek or hair from a drug
Ictsrlw le Lad.
Perfumery, cologne, toilet water.
sachet rowder. all application, '' Tl, Motl, lo Town,
inr nair iiHtiuuma ujrsf, wuuui
washes, tooth pastes, skin prepare
tlons, tooth soap, cosmetics, some
face and body powders, and many
False teeth and bustles, which Ut
ter are classed as "attire made ot
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Ankeny are
preparing to forsake for the winter
tneir rancn in ine vaiiey ana mote ( are woven
here. They hate a home on West i nun.
Main street
author, pays a tribute to the llogue
Itlver Valley In the December Issue uf
the Cosmopolitan niagaslue. In hi
nol, "The Valley of the Moon ' Two
loner are seeking for perfect con
tent, and the search Is always found
futile, but London, at JO rents a word
mjs nice things about us Th beau
ties ot the scenery, the returns uf ap
ple raising, the elltnale and Mining
Into th tale - Medfurd
store, and depend solely on artlflelal-. wire," are about the only beautlner
Ity for your beauty and attractlTe-, that will come In duty tree. Nothing
nees, you'd better make up your mind personal Is meant by saying that a
to ask father cr hubby for a bigger 'good many more women than wilt
allowance or prepare to be a wall-i admit It will be thankful for these.
flower henceforth. (The new law doe decrease the tariff
With th exception ot false teeth, on talcum powders and some perfum
talcum powder and bustle. every-ed soap and camphor. Hut the tax
thing from "twitches" to cosmetic! on musk, that seductive, overwhelm
will cost more than heretofore be-llngly and perennially popular per-
canae of Increase Is Import dutie.ltume. Is boosted. Milady' powderi
Paint and paste, lotions and lotenges, rag of chamol will com In with a
powder and perfumery, sachet smell ( 10 per cent reduction, hut aa one of
and twltchee In tact, practically an. these last a mighty tong time, the
lbbeaultfirodartotfaefemlnlne'decrae hasn't raised an awful lot
heart, hare had the Import dutle In-'of cheering and applause.
created, and therefore they'll be dear-j Ye, there I one other hope. Tbe
er. Tbe beautlfler which haten't had duty on manicure Instruments has
the Import raised, haven't had It low- been shaved, so you can keep your
ered, to they'll cost aa much It not fingers "pretty" as cheaply as before,
more. Those democratic tariff fram-lal any rata.
On MU Way Home.
True Cox. tbe well known rancher
from the Seven Mile country, arrived
In U e city Tuesday night from Ala
med' on his way back to the ranch
All IIUIihiu
lleeults from last Tuesday's elec
tion now appror to hate plared Jack'
sou county third In the slate In Its
majority for the university appropri
ations. Jackson tounty has taken
pride In It support of good schooU
and It Is gratifying to know lhat at
this special election, when so small a
tote was polled, that the mijorlty In
favor of th university bills was so
strong. It Is quite probable that a
larger vote would have made a larger
proportion of ' rc" voles Ashland
m "y
' A1" k
aLRsaallllaaHa ' iLiaBBaflaaaagtlllH
PikapPP. 1
Mn; i,ivimi iiii;v ham;
ini;i.i:i i, inn iimiiNii ami o.s mi: lamorias
til si I. SUNT
I Mr aim Ml, liutut ii mooim rv
turned mi Monday liom an alxni
ol eeil iiionltis, spent in Inuring
I mope Th.l reorl an eirelUul
While aay they vlslte4 CngUn,),
lieland. Ilrolland, Fratire. (Urinsur
ami llwitterltnd,
I TU a NiscnuiMr
Buy Your Nuts
and Fruits
otu PitiriM Willi
(Continued from page I)
(Continued from page 1)
the sportsmen ot Sacramento. Both
gee and duck are to be served, and
hunting parti will be la th field
trot now until Just before th ban
ouL Pledge were made by mem-
-bera present at Tuesday's meeting fori
at lai spo bird. A prixe U to be
given to tbe member supplying the
larceat bag, providing It doe not ex
ceed th limit laid down In the game
Th following committee were ap-
(Herald Special Servlte)
Kl'OENK. Not. IS Lecturer from
tbe regular faculty ot th University
ot Oregon are available for public
library course anywhere In tbe state
without eipense to tbe library or to
the bearers, and Inqntrle are becom
ing numerous.
The cities ot Coo Day. Marshfleld,
North Ilend. llandon, Coqullle and
Myrtle Paint are trying to arrange j
COMFLKTKLY CHA.NGKD IN OK-fa serle whereby each university pro-
be paid by November 30 Proceed
ings will be commenced for the col
lection of all sach doe remaining un
paid after December "it.
"This new order doe not give re
lief from the final payment ot the
1912 construction charge, but sus
pends action for collection until May
I 1)14, during wnich time payment
should be made for the full amount
ot IS per acre' by every water user
able to make said payment.
NKW YOltK. Nov i: Mrs John
I'urroy Mitchell, wife of the ae
mayor of Nee York Is on of the
yuungest women to becume the first
lady of th Metropolis For that mat
ter, her husband will be the youngest
mayor of th city - his age Is 11
and the I not so old Mr Mitchell
is an Intellectual vointu, much In
ter tt In ethical culture. While the
Ullelre in eoraan suBrat. the !
ool beelt bu.ilefuut about it. aad has
nut a.xul4 herself ah Ike wo
en lio & been drhuoii&ated au(
II l not liaelr that at wife vt the
naror the lll keep up a large (!
t.shment. far the Mltehel are not
Heallhr, and the young luaior will
pruWabli hale to tile wltblo bla l
i .ii of I ti.aov a year
On May 1, 1914. the 1913 construe-
feasor In the aerie would give a lec-llon charge can be met by the pay-
ture In the public library of each, n"01 or 1 Per acre, and the remain-
tlty. tng S per acre will be carried over
A series running to tbe close of the t0T flT . providing the opera-
eollet-e Tear haa been arranced for."0" maintenance charge are
liore lo Cliko.
Johnnie llobblns, who haa been em
I tcyed on the Adams ranch, left Tues
day for Cairo, o spend the slater,
llobblnt was Injured by a steer tbe
first day of the llodeo, but alter
sards he won several bulldogglng
roitteata throughout the West this
Ho great has bome lbs demand
lor stale meat In Japan lhat there Is
dtnger of a scarcity uf shale in that
prt of the Pacific and lb Japaaeee
golernment has limited the number,
' s haling Vestals
Herald want adt bring rttullt
WalnuU, poun.l UOr
tlllMiatlU, H4MI UOv
t.t.f, ..t . IIMInr.MI
IUUIh. rr.llr, iunil . . UK
IUM In I--. UK-In I'JIic
I Illon, ("kim-I U.V
Orengn Cil, wml . S.V
IIIUHI I'rrl, palUR'l a.
IMnl l'r-i, iuihI I3r
I If I" I tpl'li, l-iun.l I IV
I'tuiM, Mitiint Tc
111m V ami tlilte I lg.
3.Viuhi Ux
lllWI I lf, MlHi 7c
Fruit Store
8lem, and a series of three of fouriP11'' bo tUted.
I lecture weekly la scheduled for Port-: uunng ine next session or con-i
a a i a. - a a.... a. . rftwtai K til SI fakMs- ei rtw) kv lt& !
be much altered and changed, after !"""'" " "r""" 71 ?" J""7T, ZZZ.
.w... HvK"'--rM -... W .M.WI.1.W
Other tilace negotiating are New- providing a general extentlon of tlm
(Ifermlil Special Here ice)
8IUPP1NGTON, Not. 12. We are
pointed to arrange for the .annual -told that the tleamer Klamath la to
Sale of Uck.U W. O. Smith. J. B.'the preeent towing .extern U pasted. trarlei aa far a January tb
nk w . ,... r. t ... ti.. k.. i. i. ..i4 -m k- .. Other place negotiating are
..,.,.,l.,..,,v..v.IM., .-. .- .-. .... -. ...... O..J. . . - f, I...I, ..... RhnnM .ni-h . Mil
and T. W. PhlnUer. down to the proportion, of a tug "" ""- - -- - ",.,.:. "C. Z" ' ,1 ,
nan,u.lE. D. 11.11. CI. boat, that U. her cabin will be mainly lw: , , . . L7flMnZ?l?
and FT L. Houtton. cut away, and heavy towing bltU will' Consultation hour. -Ill also be ar- three "" ? ""'j
Duck comlttee-J. U. Chamber.,be placed abaft th. mld.hlp. t,.,.,4 at tome of the public llbrarle. cleat credl t i. : Mt rrerj liar .,
.... ....... I ... . . . . . ... 'Iietween unlvertltr professors and at that date, and give credit ahead
C.l.' Dr. E. V.Morrow. , will be quarter, forward for the crew. ' "D'"'J "' ...J -. V l. f, .tl ... .M i .-. '
It a ..a a . a . fc- a .... - a. J VTUVIQ W UU UTtilIJ IV well" UICI WWVaa - - - r " -.! w
I 'VftlKUi ivr UllrVUUJI IIUHlcr 01TI trv. twiuiui - wejiv.t,-i4 - ..
Idge, W. O. Smith and E. D. Hall.
The association now haa a mem
bership of !. All ot the have
Joined voluntarily, without aolldta- ran Day Lumber company,
tlon. It was proposed to Increase the. used In towing logs,
I'ltirtfe I Hen-
N'CW YOltK. Not. 11. Cltrrnce
Markay returned today from Kurope,
accompanied by th children ot Jotn
Kllln When atked If he planned a
divorce he replied'
"I think you will undtnland why
II la Impottlble (or me lo dltrutt my
domestic affairs."
h. .!,. r,.i., i ,i. Ln.n, .,i i. 'r .ubjecta In which Uey ar especial- "ire, full raymenti that have been
per year.
membership to 200, and a special
i .I.- i, i. . .. .. n.ii. oia oucB inim in loe in i-
I . . . .. .. .. lnc one of the University' free cor-' "Thl. general extension of tlm
irwpondenc course. Tbe contulU-l'" org.d with all the force at
tlon hours will often become a clear-. command of th water nteri."
and It
prlia ota busting coat wa. offered by of member befor. the annual metl.Hnghoue for general Information aa.
J. B. Ch.mbsr. ot the Gun Store to ling next week. Th annual due. are bw th VjAnnlXr can place a Up From Malha.
lb on securing tbe greatest number' f 1
lib Year's Grain Crop in Klamath County
b Estimated at One Million, Two
Hadred Tkrasand Bushels
O third tttor grain ba beea produced is Klaauath Oooaly thla
asaaoa tbaa haa ever bees produccU before. Till ha be, do
aaaaaly to the fact that w ha e in the laat twelve month had qalta
aa laUhu of ten farmer. WMila the next year there will he a great
ma ay snore famsera 'rg lalo this county. Thla will mean ta
created bullae In the city of Klamath Valla. More bntla bovaa
wUl ba required to cope wttb the Increase of trade. Mora work
saaal will have to be brought la. Three norkniea will require home
lo lira la. l'roperty value will Increase Mlth tbe Inertia. ed bud-
Wo bar aotue choice location nhlch can be bought at a
price oa oaajr twin. Why not buy one of the Iota,
It aad aasur yoaraelf of from IS to 20 per cent Interest
j jroaw latravewjeatT Thla la an opportunity to let your tnoaey awake
Way avat take HI Call ai our offlc for Information aa to
aOuttdi DeveJopment Co.
the disposal ot etch community what
knowledge It ba available.
Augutt Cacka came In Tuesday
from Matin for a thort vt.IL
hlab, llliKk, lUxly and IJmb,
Wholesale or Itefail
Car of Coal will arrive ahoal
Ocloher Idlh. Place your order
now ami avoid delay. lo 3.A0 pre low
OBlce SOS Mala. O. Peyton. Mgr
Pboae lay. lboaa Btafl
.avavavL A avvatj4a'ttfl'
f Kel1 .-nTavavavavavavavavavava
Style is like a shadow. You can point your
finger at it, but you can't put your finger on
it. It doesn't shout it whispers. It aims as
much for repression as for expression. A case in
"Barrister" Walking and Bmhuu Boot-fS
Made of Black Calf or Rutiet Lcathci roundish,
sloping toe perforated cap medium arch lowr,
square, solidly planted heel top corner! curved off
inmible eyelet Oothic hooks boot with lhat
deceptive plauinett which it the quintessence of present-
-T4tt ma-nwa
Thri art 97 mUtto tqtl Sitfi and 900 AimJiuJ Hit-'
AiMi, SnJtr ,ur Fall SqI, ., "'RtumJ Ik, W,rU wlk
m Ktfil," futiriif -what It vnat and 'wKin It wtar il.
Corner Sixth and Main
Sweaters and Sweater Coats
These seasonable garments combine bodily
comfort with a chic, dressy appearance, and are ex
tremely serviceable. They are made of pure wool,
and come in all weights and colors.
Some are loose fronts with roll collar effect,
while others are close fitting, snug at throat and
waist. Just the thing for school girls, or, in fact, for
any out-of-door wear.
Stilts Drygoods Company
The Oregon House . . .
Room and Board
by Week or Month,
$1.00 PER DAY
Table Board,
$6.00 PER.WEEK
Two Meali a Day,
$4.50 PER WEEK
A HiiiIIkI nuinlcr of men ran now
olilalll ijiiarlrr at lhla place. Ica;
of riMini makes It ImpcMlhle l c
roniiiiiMlalp more than a lew more
In ailillllun lo IIiimo whu note niakn
Ilils their homn, hut thrro I roovtl
fur a fim. Tho llrat applicant wUJ
liu the furliiunln uir. The Oregon
.. . . IIL. mlaM.
Iioiiaa I inn iniiei iiiiifii .-v-
III Klamath Fall, and It Isn't '
anry lo aajr word alniut the taele.
Several Used Player Pianos
at Half Price
"Have Music for All the Fam
ily at Anytime."
Not Door to IWoMc)
In good eondlllon.
m,(H to lo.on.
)Vrrantd ttn yean. Kaatenn.
TViA. -'