i&hv ufmnn Iterati KLAMATH FALLS' OIMMCIAL NEWSI'APEK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 1 1(1,11. tti N. "." KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1913 Price Fir Casta -r Wate sers Given Further Time for Paying Construction Charges of Year NO ACTION TOWARD COLLECTION WILL BE TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT. BEFORE MAY 1 OE COMING YbAR IN MEXICO ACTIVE STORM EXACTS CITY FEARFUL TOLL Fl ,MVMVVVWWWWVVVWIMWWVIlWWMWW'VWM John P. Mitchel, Anti-Tammany Mayor 0 New York City RENEW F IN OLD w t lll . Ml J.MH Hi IM. HM ' ' "' 1 1 lllllll. INHl U.I.MKM it ,, , Hill IIMK 11 1 v 1 il (I 1 1I1 ' .j'.la t ,n l .i i f . I i 1 Alee I At) 111MM. iu uiiiwm ritt it .nun uiti.n.so.N tun vi i.Wics 1 1 1 (-nits niTouii.ti 1 Tlw. q eat t M.nr )npli)i IllU lpl.1alii.li ill ' ' let. 1 III. Itl.lrl la Vla.tr ll) till trMII- , ,,, HMHl llii- Interior, In tlitlrt In ' I .. - il.) Vlitlliatinllng llr Hal.. I I akin I i I.) Mao. all. Hair I aria It.ltlg1i i liUKtraalliail i l l f.i-i llifrlirr l r I in J itii I ' ' ' .! 11 I tin tit In I I I II llKI I.I I III), Il J t . I6IO ka h( tlleltam. rrUiinx !" itarmrlila lui - m H10 drNtf fmrn f iti. V j. T.i prCfrAI tm i- - ' e 'tattitll tif f.a iulii 1 i i. till, a nil liu il.. '.,.! n.atia(era IH rarirluc .f.lt.n rf.ntatlli'd ll.rr. tin- ivtrfMH n( alllUC ' aall mhIi In trap I J public lintli r r"a . '. ! lull... r m . li. l tHa.te ' ' l.ullillHg !'' ' i 1 i tit ui llrrniil I I ' I ' .'tn-lliim uf 'l . 1 .( I Ui IllilnllUlrlil I ' l . . . hlrli (all ilrlln in- ' 1 AfH I arid Mar I MM l are fadBrcil tu our IMl.t lialalllHrKl. lint lint l-aa HiBI. !! ale III tl)r rm . riling, fur CHCrlllim 1)11 tulM.iiiil , Miilk S... toiling lllli I IhiIumiiU ih lhe lll.lalin. Iijliig ! f.miii llirlt lii uf I'muLt lalr Ini I'ttttMutial t'ti-liti.l. Uli 11. nli-. Il-ninl ,ililii In Hunt. li Urluii IHIIlf. 11 iJ I'lvae tferrlcu i' .illlM.ros-. It f . Nor 1S- 11. t tiium ti-tapl uo the part 'il. 1 mint Hum 10 trtutt an . . . hi. hi iiatsrvii warring farttuna vi. inn ) in progress 1 li.'i. Imitin lltal Ainbaisa- 1 1 .1 1 1 . 1 1. nl HuiTta Ho want 1 1, .11.1 iinliiialM aba would 1 f 1 ntuinail president.' WIlliU Mltrplllg I list vHlliill Arc. Mill High, tun Idkiu lii VmiIhii 1 I'nrlK vie I'li-pntlng lii Nill ship-. pliiK lull trala (.'iiitaritallirl) Plate i Hit l.i nl VIiim- Tlmn 'Inn .Million! 1 IMIi , ' nllnl I'iui gvrvclo Dl.TIloir. Kuv. IS. Tim icu are till vcr, hlcli on thf Ortat Ijikca, but miM 1 ' iki)'til livid u ixirt bx tttv fur uf Ilia tlorm uro iri'ir lltK to tall. HMiiiK Intctiila ntlmate tbo loai ! inarlnn fllllll. at titfifa than tarn M.in. fliy ounJlni:,m01, doUrfc Tbo n of dMd m 1 run cliHit tu a liuDilrctl. Ten cori wcrn rrtuul thU mornliiK froui tbo rk of a frelnlit- l.l mi.a.1 Itla AHUM ll ..ft I or tiurtli of I'nrt Huron. GUNBOATS FIRE ! ar.iiCLs ukiortki ah caitub f 1x0 crritM Titipant la (lie Hrrnn of Krrali Ont hrnik llrOrrrn Knlrral Arniy anil Sy nnl tlir Mwlrrlat Hupportrn. (urrrllliu . Ionic the .N'orttirm llor Irr .rr Ailitlnic lo Ibe Trrrura Ki lirrlrtirral Tlirre IHUIr. I nllr.) Prm 8mIc VKIIA CItUZ, Nor. 11 Tba Mex. lean cunboati Ilraro and Brarofoia arrlvrd oS Tuxpatn and are flrlnc on the rebel forcei. More (ban a tbomand UaderUtai, veil armed, are attacking the cltr. It U reported tbal tber bare repulaed 1 tbe federal forcei. , HU American! are In the cltr. Hull . I . hi a 11 li aarured true1 1 n. a 1I1 l... ilartetl. ..'I I'l.iu uf Hie oitmllf t ikM mil I titti:traiiiaii Hhtnnll. -KAOI.K I'AfiS.T.I.. Nor. 1J. DU- tlip mi kn In tlii tarloui lakre. but ni'iit nf ihtHio am In Imminent peril rill till .Mm 1 fulliia niK Ail l-n I . 1 all 11 t. 11 I'm aa vrlli 1 l.w i I.' I'nrOro llat lo .in iii iii il iiiiiiiiik thp rnlil.Krnm 1 1 miiLr.i llurria to rulKn. I United l'ret Ken lc II inia a aillun li no butlnru oti COOIIItlCII. Onl . Nor mini hi. aam If fir Irh mil rallied Wreckniti (mind along the bor of 11.. aitnil mi thrir own ti-ninllill-1 !.;,,,, Huron Indlrnlea that the J a nu- rm tlir n4rr iiitiaultiil ine. John I'urriijr Mitchel. who baa Jul radical dim- lie la very cold and bee elected mayor of New York city luajtlcloua Xecr haa a word been Un a j, nrrlee ... a . .- .a .a.a .. .a k.1. l-a.ta. Illal . UY4 uu(0 ia4iarM r. n.mn$ uv uiw"4 b..a.. .... .H.... ...- It U vitlinatcd tint on I-oke Sumrr- . - 1- -. ...M .i...t ui.k ).. win nuuviv Tir or alone a million dollar loaa re.ti.ted !f ind ,, ,B,,0W u youDKe.t come a national Dgure aa mayor; hi. ',eh ut' hl ib" "tutllnlloM - from tin. .lortn. ma) l., , tc ereteJ , ,h offlrt,. en(mlM lhai DP wl ru nmi,if by '" he captrwi ,,! ,B.n Tliorrewaof tm.Hearoen.unkon M(, j,llrh,, u ,,, B,,new of Henry hl ridlealUra. He won the nomlna. ton billow 'edrat Nlegraj. tlilalaki. wero aared. ,, ,. h m.n. ,-.,. or. nun of the futlon party In New York Colonel Quarjardo. In charge of Then an a ilorrii or more boat, on ram,. , roun democracy lo Duht through the backing of President " federala at Coahulla. U reported Tammany hall lie I boneel. of the Wilson. to bae been seriously Injured In an engagement Ilandlts are operating extenslrely all over tsa state of Coahulla. . nl. I i.n.r ti If I lrlliUrlirrHi prrtluus tu (tain I I .llili..l H ll tin llimn J.ii. abuti alalnl Mill be taken lug I'ndi-r liiatrurllima nf Snrrlar Ulra Ii4tin..l. Tin Ihalall- Ijillf tie lU l"-l "' pritjil ahirii bmmip linn on tlie.e , liglnri-ra a statement entering the -a' -.11 nut l.iH-uiue ilellintuplit and manner ul paxaenl of ilmrgva 11 a ' ...ill tin eiilrallon of twehnlwo kno If tbls arrangement dues '". tiiprrnllrr Kindly arknow- not fire Irltef .S J Sllinott "tf. -i.t w A llyati, t'omp-l I The fullnnlng staleinetil teitardlliR ' ' tbi mtlliK Is mrule b) Abrl Ad), irn- ii. i t" iiiakn I'irli'fllr clear lis ' MrM uf th. KUiunlli Water I'arrs ' .'-.. i.k tin ornl reilaliintlon l,aitrctltits: m. Ula wirnl for further inior-1 "rills urib'r. as o roiulruo It sus- PRISONERS ARE given joy-ride ;:::;:::; I Carrulhira. the Urges! grain boat , owned by the Ht Lawrenro and Chi jragn Nrnlrnilon ronipntiy, a t'snadlau Itrm. has ben a recked. ' The Carruthers g new boat. and sailed from Kurt Wllllans tm No- lib it crew of !2. JASEBiULTR WILL INSTALL A WILL NOT LEAVE HEA1ING PLANT SEARCH RECITAL LATER IN WEEK '" ninl today itiiltpd the fnl li iIik 'ii'Krnm nf Imb slates that tin e.nim. fur taiirelUlloii on m' nui.i uf nlly iiiiit)(.irra prior lo o I I'.lll, will bn Inkell l.efillo Ihsi ilale ll.rrmlur dale has tin slg mliaiiri. with refi-ri'lim lit Klalimth I'f-JMI ltaii. lug '" H'1'1). Mr Ally si'lil Hie follow pcmls until May 1. 1311. action fur the rolleiimn of I'uindrtirilon rhnrgi'H now ilelliuillflit. No further enlell- lull la niilhorlled for Hie payment of tin oieraltnu and iiinliiti'imnrv rhnrges of l,.H3,.aud that rliuri;i should be I'tld before N'uteinber 30, I'J13. "All unpaid dues lo the Klamath W'nler l'sel Assorlallou should nl.o (Ci)litlniied on page 4) Service MTFAI.O. Not. IS. Superintend- iiut l.lojil of tin Mutual Transit com Mil llll I IIIW I.VI'MII.IMIHS A,)M1). m. .rt,., telegram which rill ( l.lii:T IN Till; lltllM. inputiinemsi tut strainer Minn Ml Nl' M OltlM.lt MIA IN J.MI. WV.MIIMi IIII.XIi NOT KNOl (ill i-ans uiiiu:i thi: Tiiir to .Mi:iuoiti) ix) i.nmliii: thi: mx'i:s.uv TicKirr mai.i: nut tiik M'i:nAi. IIKtUVMATlOX hKUVICK Utile- yu.UTi:iw win in: kkit COMrOltTAIII.r. HV A HOT WA. Tl'.lt HIliTINtl SYhTKM Tilt: HIGH SCHOOL t rn (Jiieen on l.ukt Huron, near Ket' tin Point, Out. Bank Makes Changes III auiiiv penal lliMltllllnus, it la an lii, prisuurrs me fed dull) on bread i. ml wnler, In khiiik Hie) labor III iliKtrl.iual) foiirti'i'ti hours it da ut mil eas) luaks iih breukliig rock, iiiaklm; siiiii1, etc., while In others tin.) ii rn iiierel) kept In thvlr evils. HlnrirC Low todii) established n mm iiialnni in the treatment of pris oners Ho look Ihri'fl of them for n ride In hit iiutomiiblle. The guests went lloh I'ellus, M. I lurk mid Kimono Ketlou. All Iheso null hate hreii ill the louiity Jull sev 1 1 .il iiioullis, iiwnltliig tbo Di'i-ember lerni of vinirl. I'nlled I'ress Kervlre mi:nomim:i:, Mich.. Nov. is. The tug Mnrllu nrrltisl here this iiiornliiK after n twenty-four hours' b.-iltlti wllh tho storm. The oLlrers reported that tho bargo I'l) mouth, which w being towed oft St. Martin Island, Lake .Michigan, parted her tow and sunk, wllh nil on board. So rn men were lost. Including Dep uty IVderal Marshal Keenan of Mo-lintuliiee. J out lift) ptsiple lu Klamath Kails f were nnxluus enough to attend tho1 big ball game ut Medfurd lo put up !tho rush lu aduucv lo socure u spe cial train and it uo fare round trip I ' ralo. As It was uecessary to pa) tbo railroad compati) for lot) tickets b lor. tn.iv woulil omur lltu alulal - . - - .-. -, n - ,. iri. il... ...furaini. i...a i..... ...I1...I ! " I'laut to bo Installed by the gov- Saturday evening. off. A hot water heating system Is soon to be Installed lu tbo headquarters of i tbo reclamation service. It Is ' ! prcted that this will bo completely I Installed In a few weeks. OTi:i) CKI.I.1ST WTI.I, KEN'DKR A COXfllUT AT TIIK WIUTK PKIa. IC.l.V HOTIII, VOU IIKXKKIT OK Kor tho beuellt of the high school (athletic fund, Frederick Prestok With the exception of the White, Search, vlollncelloltt, will appear lav IVIIran hotel's mineral spring keat, recital at tho White Pelican hotel Tickets are to b ernmiul Is the only hot water system 'sold by high school students. "Skevlir lllll" Itobbliis left today t'ir the Adams much, near Merrill, nttir n short visit In tho count) seat. Former Slate Bank Examiner Is Vice President COPY OF BILL IS Al ii iiiiii ling nf Hut directors uf lh "Irst Trust uinl Havings Hunk lust "Kilt, Will II, llelilielt whs elected 'I'n president of the oriiaiiliullon, In Iditrti of ai, m, Utility. Mr. Ileldy iIIhhimI of a porllou of his stuck to Mr lliMiiictt, Mr, Ileldy, nlthmiKh he rollres it" uii nlllrnr uml n dlreilor, sllll rclutiis lli k In I ho biink. Ho lenves In n few 'ln)s for l.iini! lloarh, Calif,, wlioro ho "il his ruinlly will spend tho wlulor. Whllu uwny, ho oxprcts In go KaHt fur a visit with his father. The imw vtco prosldout of tho bank h ri'gnnli'd lis one of Ilin bosl finan ciers In thv Hlule Ho resigned from Ihn poMltlou of sluto bunk eviiiulner In hi.romo alllllaled with lh Iwnl Insll tiilloii. mid Hils nrlloii upon tils part Ih looked upon u very rilglilllciint, n Mr lleiinelt wits In u position In kuiin Hie conitlllon of nil hunks In tho stale, There wilt bo tin other i-liango III tho liiHiiiiKement of the bank, Cup-1 lulu .1. W Hlomons still remains piesl-j dent, mid tho oilier directors uro Hob t.rt A. Kuiinlll, Hd IIIooiiiIiikcuiup and (limrgo T. lliitdwln E herlalu hill, which follows; Mr. I'humberlalii Introduced ths following bill, which wus rtud twice mid referred lo tho eomuiltteo on pub- lit buildings mid glounds. From lwvtil)-uto tu thirty addi tional people havo telephoned tbut the) wanted tickets, but as they failed to seud the money It was lm I imaalblo tu guarantee tho sale of the ! tickets. Thcru Is no question but that , more than 100 people would have i been on hand lo tnko adrantugo of the special rule, but ovldentl) they did not realUo that It takes tho rath lo secure a special tralu. Thoeo who have purchased tickets will be refunded their money ou sur render of the tickets at tho Herald olllio. For thoso who desire to at tend tho game, n special ralo of ouo uml one-third faro has been secured i by tho Herald, This rate will be 1S.10 , for the round trip. Parties (itii either tuko tho Suuda) lug train will in tho city. Mr. Search Is regarded aa one of the leading 'cello soloists of the nay In ou HitaliifK. tlon, desplto tho fact that ho la a very James ri. Henley was In from tho, young man. Ills appearance here to' ll nicy much Tuesday, attending to hailed with delight by local musical business matters. circles Shooters to Banquet : Sportsmen's Association Making Big Headway' II.. I ..a A.l 1... (I... a.. ... .. i V....W.-M u, .., av..u uu ,or tm roiiim trip. ,,,, wtro miljw uy le Klamathiuro referred to tho association for It ........ . .e.u-e......,n. ot ,o t.,,,,,.. ,-a ties (in, e, uer .ko ti.o auuuu, . Association nt a meeting 'recommendation. Had II not been hues of America. In congress lissom- morning urovenlns train. Tho morn- f1" "'" "., for tho association the hunters of ibiuit. linn ino secretary or tno treas- lug train will reach Mcdtord early In "J"" 1"l,' "" "" " Klamath rnuntv woold not h bB I ttry he. unit ho Is hereby, nuthorlied ,tl.o oveulng. Those leaving Klamath meeting of tho association, olectlon of " ' "h "n.i,. th ,i! .... ...... . .. . .. ...... ..Ille.ra ami Imnnlmt whli-h la tn I... aU, ,0 SOOOl UUCKS On ttlO rlVr Or atl itif'ti. A'rrtiiE.M:i .11.111.1:11 .ii-i uioi uuvi.-it.-ii u. ui-.iuiiv. oy l.iircuiiae euiia 011 tue ouuuar uveiiiiiK ua in- - "-- -.-, - - -t ,.,. ,,. .....t t. .. (outlriunulioii or otnerwlso, a mid ciiuso (o bo ercctea thereon, n. Weed ut 3 o'clock. JWorden. OF (-IIAMIIIMII.AI.VS MKAKtllti:' ii:ni:n.i. iu'ii.im.vo Miulls, heutlug mid vantllntlng nppur ntus, mid upproiiches, for tho uso and " " lucoiumodutlon of tho United States Attorney llulln ('. (Iroesbcclc, who postolllco and other federal ottlces nt has been working In tho Interests of KlauiiitH Falls, In tho stato of 0 ro il federal building for Klamath Falls, gon, the co.t of same not to oxecod h. In receipt nt n copy ot-tho Clmm-' J 100,000," tti. . .l.ii a . s t . ... . .. a .. t ii (irui.ii. iiin nNinciaiinn nam hibmii silo., will make connection, with No. H at. hew next w eaucsuay evening at mm .,,,, . ..,,.,?, They will arrive White Pelican hotel. , - - - " " '" '7 "" -1? 'county, and in the development of the work on tho trout hatchery at Upon- API'IOPIHATIMi !ji I (111,00(1 Idlt .unable building, Including llrenroof I nt Medtord at 7 o'clock Monday Tho meeting wus well attended.. morning. These tickets luu be so- 'und n report of tho work aicompllsh- e.lteu nil tue uuy ut uvpariutg ut iuv t-u a.uiu uiv ui.uuimiiuh aa ivi-vii-i (Vflek 'loi-ut. ,ed with enthusiasm. Tho organUa-. Tne aDnua,ullnautt t0 0. ha ,, tlon is now mognlied by tbo BtatelWeJnuiaay will be lo line wltftfc J. 0. Mitchell, n well known stock 'gamo and fish commission and thell)g K0W dnner rKenlIr ,!' mnn, Is In from ML Domo, Calif., state game warden, and alt "'"""fa .....f.. -V--IVJWl - (ailing on local cattle nieu. I affecting the cama of Klamath county I (Continued oa ft 4) (( rrtl