Herald Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 Qlqt l-uimmg literals KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS IUMIi ml ". 'J.UI'J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1913 1'rlco FIT ANTI-JEWISH PLOT IS FOILED warn J. Bull Cuts Off Huerta J JURORS ACQUIT MAN WHOM in m sinm wa. '"" ! t""1 fi)m mum RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT TRIED VI I Ilk WIVISSSI M a aiwaaa swa aa-w TO SAY DRAINED BOY'S BLOOD MINIMIS V II iMpltlluaO. ll. tit WHIN tllllHH I'lllMllll-aiN .,,.1,, i.hIk, a,rfi Ilia' KlotlalKl baa aitlnjiaali l.ri rr i(liitlin of lit ll.irrta (Mtrriiinrtit 111 Mall". Ilt.a III' HTOlIM I ha i.iililni l.ouliliua has been ! ..nl.rr.1 from Vera Cut In Tu.pam, : WIM FATAI.irilS .1111. alte..- a iela-1 alt' k U feared U ill.. ii In. mi ninl tin' mblnrt dla- tl'I'AI.I.IMi I ...I hu.l) U lam In tlait) III nil.. far. l'iiliM tlpa-taln an-1 Ik Htiiiifi I'Uira lli lrlrgfaj.li Vtlit .(in Hul i.l IImIm llli tie llll ami l'li'l Takr IMhik In I mm lli.uar. t kind 1'iraa Hrrtlr rlllHIlt III), .Sin, II - Tin- Oil) mil i' gal aiibaldad I lila iiiiiflilli' A fall i( Itt, lliilir. la tvfr4 lirin. II.'IU (fulil illlr palta'ol III" (( aa) II.. Ir mv drifts Irnm nttran la tamll (art dr,i. Ttlrph.Hi and Ulrsiapl. lra air dual, Thrlr baa brrla fill death If p-HIrd, ah. I lulol4 elllfrfllil Tail Ottilia, hr.tlng ill iiaaaell la lit Waahlugli.fi, ala alalia. I Hu alH lutululna la una u( lb dalaiad paaaans.la. Tb llalrlrla bat found laallrr at (allll bliuara I ailed Pfa-aa irlri t.i:vi:i.and. o. n ii -tii a lli J al.alr.l Ibla Illumine, but ruu JHI11M ala nut llllpluled II la allll ho tux. mill traltlc la tied up t'eu. auppllra In llir Iraldalna dis trict ma nbauali-.l lliiKria ala Ull l.f. ,.. ....h .Illk..al Tba mil. .,,,.,,1, . ,, I... OI.I) gO.rUm.rUt I. lr4rUII.lt CTUtt. lh. milk fur bad a. la bring ilrlhrrrd ilrtrrtnliiallnii ami stleiidh ot char iii.lir (a mra ur running atlrr alilrli hat carried the man Netrial Vra Am iuik nr lllimn In tin Sh.iir In lit. riuiiiilril In I'lncKaou,. ,,( Hi,. 11,-rrllfl Ala III Midi h Cinillllon i In I .l) llitiiKlillli.il li (Jlval ltLt. m. Hall. i. Million la.1. 'Gene' Wood Famous Lobbyist, Is Gone I lillnl I'li-u llarvlrn l-IIK'AIII). Nov. II. - llel-i iall inalra. 1 1 tl aturm rraulta nn Ihn l.fral Iwkfa a ml In Ilia Mblilia Writ I'Ura lb. fal.ll.tlra mar 1110. Tllr iinprll lina rilllat Inlo tha niillliina I '.ilnl I'm H.-nlm IAI.IMIX Ni.v. II Vraarli ar tmiiit iruiit iiaulnc rvckKe and lii.tli)r illllU.nlin.Ml atrcka. tl Hill br U) brfoir llir Hal of futnlllli-4 l bit ktl'lall. Tbla Ii lira, lira I 1 iraUl-lll llurfU. ilUlal"! ' Mrll." bir m a Uird iialr plurr 111 Ull- army i.. i a.. 'ai..ialii of lbi rountrjr la alu.ati III bia linn J So fur lit' ba ibOMli iiiucli tlm Minr iuallllr wlilcli I'nllfd I'l.a K.TVIra. - N - IIIIKKAI.O. Niiv. II. Tho IlKlit. alalia (latliinril ulT I'olnt AMno In Ijkc Kiln na tarifkrtl jrralrrilay. I'or Hunt uf ttlr III Ulrd rrafl aria blown lulu Hi.- Imrbor toilajr. Tim boat rarrlrj a raitaln ami n lira of alt ur rlKht nun. I'lllli'il I'lraa Sarvlic I'OHT lU'ltUN', Nov. 1 1 The Tun SEEKING CROSS COUNTRY ROADS I III! la rflrtlOr al itliro An rJllmlal .rtnl'li In Wralmlnalrr llalrllii aa): Tbr blr nl IW rlrcllmi brliiK brl.1 III Mrllni Ullilrr rtlillliR '"lull lliiiia la itliiimatlr Bfllon " made I'orfilrlii ll lb dictator for Harunar rrturnrd today from liucatl more llian arf f B "'if0'- KaillnK wri-fka. Sim ri'orl.'U that to IiIr frrlclitrin ank elxhl uillca north lumi'il tbc Mrtlrali tltuntlon for two ir hrrr. It la tH-llrvM that thry rol. .UB 'iaflkBBBBL. WFi'- r4lBBBaaiH GOVERNMENT'S RITUAL MURDER THEORY OVERTHROWN DY WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE INTRODUCED IN COURT bourn ioit.iv ill a lis i.'. Tbcy a.iy llirrv l no u,,.j in tho norm. I'nlti-il I'rra 8crlru I I'OHT III'IIU.V. Nov. II. A virccki in i.ikuim in tiii: i . s. i.ihiii IIUMIN ASMM'IAIIIIN Ml.irilMI mil i. iiiiixi miti:ii iicieiti: MIM.IICSKMK.N I nllrd I'lraa HrrlM WAHIIINIJTON. I N " I'lllllil I'rrMrirnllo CHICAGO. Nov. II All of the aa liMlny Idrntlltrd aa the atrmiier inialo mrll t I'oH I1"" "f" taialajr II- A S.' Clark. It la bvllvtcit that . . - ... .... ll... B..lnl .....1 ..K. nt lUA.llw ..A rlltlulhlliK Tliry nro uriirrru in iir n." iaimi iv . a-n,j ,.v.- bordrr Mini (ieuo" Wood, knoan for more than n quarter of a century aa the chief lobbylit at Albany, the capital o New York atatr, baa dlaap,varcd tvmorarlIy, at least. Ilia uame came to light In tho reielatlont of William Sulitr, the droaed socr- nor. of the date, lie told Sulxer or) bia friends, amonc them John A.I wherever itemed reasonable. Tho question fame up on tbe prtl 'lion of Hot. Sprlnc addition real- dents, asklnc the construction ot sidewalk to and over the bridge on ' hapianade. This bridle Is three feet aboin the sidewalk trade on both! tides, and both aprochrs are so ' I muddy that tdrstrlant sink ankle deep lu the mud.'trylne to cross. In addition. "the belcht of the1 bridge makes It dangerous for pedes trians (rum approaching ehldes. bicycle, etc., shut from view until 'J-st on the bridge. The council favor lowering the I bridge to the street level. The mat trr was referred to. tbr street com mittee, to report on at the nait 'meeting two weeks hence. I iFOREST SERVICE i OFFICERS HERE NATIONS Or' THK WOULD KISS IV I'ltOTT OP THK IIATIIi-D HUOW.V I or More. Thau Two Year. llaaaaUa (loirniiurnt Ha Hern Trjlag to Tnivr llMt lllell Klllnl Youlli la ArronUuco Willi Ancient Jewish lllir, MaLluK I'oHy-Heren Woauul ml llralnlnit the lllood IUH.MO.NT AMI Clt.VTKK U1KKI ATTACIIrM IX THK CITY TOI I mini I'frss Kervlco HT I.OIMH, Not It IMrriilllird bring before longrra tbr neiraalty " building rroaa rniinlr) blghwaya lid to llnpreaa upon llir arloiis state I'datalurM the uerraally uf lateral "ads romirrtlng with the general ''I ral rroaa roada, 1,000 ilvlrgatra '"'lay allenilril Hi second day's ses sion o( llir sli dar con.rnlltm of the 1'ultr.l Htates (IimiiI HojiIs Asam la tino II is understood the Mlsaourl go-. .rimir intends Hi HC up his moving Irbluie mat hln and show the- deb ' galea Just how Missouri turned out hiiiiilnds of miles of good roads lu l. two Hood Honda l.ia" last full. ' I Tho lulled Hlatea (loud lloada Asso-I Iclnlloii waa urganlied at lllrmliigham last summer, and Is a consolidation ' of more than forty other road build-1 lug associations. I NOT HOLD MEET iiumiiimi or feMMr.uci: tirn.!N,:w i ODT DELEGATE rims posri'exi: m:siox in:ri:itr.Nn: to miiiittimi Mi:irriMi IX .N'S Shooting in Limits Endangers Residents iirai:v taiioit i.kai:ii xai:ii iiy mui.iiai.i. as i:m i'i.oyi:, .not ai.uiwko ix cox. VI'.Nl'lOX AT SKATTI.i: , llennessy, many things about tho In side methods of Tamniauy Hall and the relations of Charles K. Murphy to the statu legislature. District Attorney Whitman of New York county, who began an Investi gation a few da)s before (he election, had the grand Jury Issue n subpoena for .Mr. Wood. He was not (ouud. On other occasions when ho wus wanted In connection with tho lines- 'ligation ho has disappeared. Hut his friends have no fear that "Gene" will return when tho storm blowa over. (Herald HxUI Hervko) HIIII'I'INtlTON, Nov lie Wlillo "ii" of Hob Hiiiiiieira men wu water Iuk n pair of horses nt tho rlter near Hi" upper rlfflo u few ilnya ago u bul let II red by moiiio nun lluilil struck Ihu uler a few lui'hen from Hie heuil of "lib of Ihu horses. Tho inlsalo struck so iloso to tho Meed that It caused (ho animal to I'Iuiiko. This nearly resulted In in jury (o tho har.u unit thu mnu, who waa near It The bullet una not u spent one. I'rom tho form with which ll alrnck Hi,, water, there In no doubt but what llm horse (u vuliiuhlu imlmiil) would have been hilled hud It been lilt. A lady ami l lw,l diHUren were standing close by at tho time. II nmkon ono shudder In Ihluk what might happen " "' I1"0 ,,tt),, "' tho hands of tho gun (lends, with tho chances ten l olio that somobody will bo killed ill Hie city HmlU, ami no ono will over know who llred tho shot. -.. .. ...I . II... .llrarl.ll'Ulieil HUH OtlllU I lie ri'Kuiai i.i.-v....a . ..... ....... ( lira of tlio Klnmutli Chamber of Com- j HHATTI.i:, Nov. 11. rrcsld.nl men o will not bo held this ouulUK.lriamuel (lumpers today ordered from iiistcnd, It has been poatponcd until jtlio coneutlou of tho American Fed lumorrow nlghl. Tho postponement 'erallon of Labor, Jacob Tatrlaur, of was taken on account ot tho moot Iuk1 Orange, N.J., it member of tho I'alul- of Hie Klamuth rlportsmen' Assocla-'ers and Deeorutors Union. linn, wlilili will ho lieiu at tno Taielaar was ono of several labor uitnTION' Ol union leaders named by Colonel Jlul hall III tho lobby Investigations us being emploed by him. Ho was elected us n delegate to tho conven tion before his naino had bceu gleu out by Mulhall MAY LOWER HOT (i.VTIIKH .N'KCKsSAUY STATIS TICS I'tllt DKI'AHTMK.NT Ollberl llrowu, supervisor of tbe Krceinut National Korea!, I-ike coun ty, and Miss K. V Cook, from the for estry department of Medford, are go lug over tho Klimath county tax rolls of 191S. getting statistics on the timber acreage ot Klamath coun ty now in the hands ot private own ers. This Information, which Mr. Drown estimates will take about a week to obtain, Is Issued In tho an mini report ot tho department agriculture. Tho timber on public land In Klamath county hat already been estimated. lulled Preis Service Kll'.rr, Hu.sU, Xov. al Mesdel lilt-lla, idiom Iho IliUMalan govern- iiirnl (or tuu jrar li4 tried to con tin nf kllllnie young ClirUtUa la uKonlaucn ullti at Jewish rellgJoua rile, uciiulllnl late last night, Hardly nu lie out ot prasota bar-Inn- llirrul urro made again bin life. Ilia liuma l being guarded by not illri and mIIc. Ho will leTe wMfa III. family soon a ho aocorrn tho (limit. The Jury verdict did not mention the ritual murder. Jew say this sus tain their theory, a the body of the young mac when found had forty so (u wounds, from which lira glasses of blood had been drawn. This, thy say, disproves tbe blood rlt'ial (l-arge. as thu murderer would not have drawn so much blood. Kver since the morning ot April 1. 1911, when tbe mutilated body of Androl Muschlntky, a 12-year-old Christian boy, was found In an aban doned brick yard Just outddo KUff, .tine pruswuuua uas uecu vuueaTuuaa; ' lu uaiauiiaii me iiibih luab uu aia i va.aNaiNarfNaaiaMaaaaa,aiaiaiaaa. (Continued on page 4) Chamber of Commerce rooms tonight. At this meeting plan will bo out lined for tho banquet nt thu iinuuul meeting next week. , Tho Nportsmen nt this tlmo will ..1.1,. i.,L. iii. llm mii.Htloti of a blir ...... ....... .... ...- ., ..... ... -- .. rliool by tho inemberB lo provldo Ho mado a Bpectucular effort lo CITY'S HIOHT TO (OMI'IU, HUCiaMATlOX SIUIY Hi; TO I'HT JX hhiikii: AMOXO mattiihs disccssi:d Eighth Graders Must Take Up Agriculture Klghth tirade pupils throughout "Wo have Just revised the rulM, I tho stuto must tuxo up agriculture Iflnnil " Prepared a now prowaa. I Has tho city tho authority to order .. .... ,i.... ,., .,..1 for tho examinations. These ara.bav TliaukHKlvliiK ducka and gecso for ki-eiiru recognition on tho noor oijUu, reclamation servtro to put liii ' ' ling printed, and a supply wUI las piuplo In slralghtmied clrcuiiistniices.lthu coinentlon, and when this fulled j bridges over tho canal whorovcr de-j,,,K'1 l00"- I scut you In a few day.' ,A ho Hhouled, "nil right, I'll lake my dredT i This I the dictum ot Superintend- Thero ha been much diHaVWC ot n-iri!.. Heurn who Is returning to inedlclno." I Thin was ono of tho 1,001 quea-eiit Churchill of thu department of oplnlou among educators aa 'to -"- --- I :. .. . .. .... ...... .............. ,.. .. .A n' ... I America, has puicliused the Ittto l.d-' win Abbey'H palntliiKi "l.ear uud Cor-i della," Willi tho luleutloii ot present lug It to. the Metropolitan Art Muse um lu New York. Tho plcluro brought '25,000 at tho MrCulloch salu In l.omlou this year. Hon up for discussion at last night's il'uhllo oducatlou. lu u letter to whether It wa Imperattro that tho (loieiumeiit KtH-iiMM llMt) ' meeting of tho city council, lu tho (County Hchool Superintendent Fred pupils study agriculture. Many MM Kslliimtes made by rnbluel olllcers end It wus held that uuder the Iran- I'eterson, Churchill makes the fol- that this wa optional, but the ruling tUea tho expense ot i mining tho Unit-jchlso of the Klamath Canal compauy, lowing statement: ( ot Mr, Churchill rnakw It cwtata Ut ed Htutes government from Juuo 30, which was lukeu over by the govern-1 "Agriculture win bo ono oi tneiiue ituuy is vaseouai w i li)14, to Juno SO, 191C, at U.2H0,-000,000. ment, tho city hua tho right to order j subjects required In future eighth jcosstully an eighth grade bridge over tho canal whenover and grade examination. tlon.