The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 10, 1913, Image 1

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    Herald Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, J&39
Etji? xtvnhm Mttaih
lililli ir No. a.'JII
------' t r ytt- iirn nn n n.n. rrn nj-r uir ju'ir j-Lnjin.rLrui.nj- rinniVuVuVuYi mivinv'iiifiiiir r!1 !---------------- ....a.ja, at, a a a .. .a, .... . . ---
hi x r it huiimii: itniMi'UTr
sl'll Mllll PLAN Hilt TIM!
KM (I, HlMMttCltH
I'lral.lrrit nl lllgMlll"ll Plan a III
llufk ami ItiN-ac. Hlnl I'l Mrltit-ria
i, .r lall.-n. all. I Hie III. Ill
l.utk.n ul lli-. t liolir lixliM lllliU
In '....r Willi )v NiH In !'"
II..II III III!) Illlkrja
Tlir,iHi- I.I Hi" lor all.' la til'
tll.ti . anipalCIl lit Ik- taken up In
KiitoiHi rn
Tbla Idea la one thai "III be pit
tnled ai tiiinurtn HUM mrcllnc
u( ihr Klamath HpolUIMrn't Aaaarla
(ion b, Hunter KaMilfr Couplrd
auh 'l. I'lraiorr. of a about Im pilla
lh 'relrlilahlllg lit nthrr ! drplrt
4 la'dna
Tha i.ian outlined It for lli- manv
ta .1 thr Hr-urlalnrn'a AaarKlallou
la c ' a big iluca ami fi- ahool
Wfurr ThanalCltlhC
Tar liltila killed "III llirn Ih- dla
IiU.hmI In I a in II Ira whine latitr
iiai.t nltirr-il.r I" aana MM A
II J dura ur iv.r In lh rninJa ul
uar ranks ahrad uf anr mhrf fiirrn
lliinlrr rUtlilge
of di-llrar)
Mvmlirta of Ihe r I nl are trry rip, nti.r the piojerl Hume
fU'ilirr ailtl.n dlatrlhiilliill uf other
IlKlura Dial gu tit innkr lli a Thalika
ug lupaal
A Ilhg uf Ihe urgaiillalluli will
I" held liimurruw evening Ai t til"
1 1 iii.i olnii will lie nutlllii'd fur the
'"l. nnniial meeting, which will l
I eld tin. aiirrreillng Tlieada)-
A big liamiut't I to he oiik uf Ihe
I'alurra uf lh anminl meellng Oni
c" will alau be elecli'd nl Hint lime
I M 'a'a'aH
aaaaaaaaH Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaa ,'4laLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall
BaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaP jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai '
laaiiiH aKiiiiH
raaTaaaaaW! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH
'Sheriff' Morley Is Irate
Wants to Testify; Threatens to Tell McReynolds
'llm following I mi extract from a
'"a AiikhIus iliwpalili III Ilia Oregon-
mi relutlng in tho Irlnl of Ur John
"rniil l.ymuii of Ihe Panama Uml
oiiiianyt nrcuavd of using tho iimlla
'or frniidiileiU itiriovai
"l' W. Morley, acting sheriff of
lilniiiiiih .'., Oregon, who helped
leiHiii i v, .,,.,. ri..r i. la ,.,iii,i
"" mi Oakland hospital two teurs
ago. nn.i i,. u. i- .ii.. i..
iiiuu ..rr i a..,... , .n.....l
Ity to esrupe, mado u (ormnl demand
on l.dwnrd A, lltgnii, special prose
"Hor, thai bo bo permllted lo testify
in mice and return to Oregon lo at
mil to urgent business.
I.I.I. I.lkr 'I in
i."rilOIT Miili S.m Ual
ir.i.l .f rallh aim iralllr Ihr
aila.lal.UMr "( 1 1.' I'iuiI rar ata Uu)
ihr Portia fur tba bora ami stria uf
Ihr tamllr Inaload n bavins the
Una d-i.rndrtii on a blr. drltrr,
lhr arr lausbl tnlf rllafl-r t brlnr
Kltrn amtll rar to drltr The Pord
la trcariim at u ideal rar far Ihli
pilar, ai in atQillrll of operation
aoit rsir uf rontrnl la aura that anr
ur ml -hu mill airrii.a anr
air at all ran drltr. 11 .ali-lr
I 'llrt I nun il.ancliil,
I. II Itobrrtton. maiiacir of ilir
l.xjl uffir of Ibe letapbunr company.
ri-ralinl a laiirr rrcrntlr frnm Ham
Puler rwal markr.l Hl.alxlial. China
Ur Pulr I ihr man who Inilallnl
Ihr Inral lrlrihonr rtrhalKr. and la
an rlprrl In hit lint- llr la now In
rhaicr of ilir out I. ul iuIIIik In a
phone i.lrm In t'hlaa
li II Kfatrraun uanrr uf Ihr lilK
liimlwr tnllli al t.irrla I. in thr rlit
lirlt tin a lltlaaliin of buainra.
Fraudulent Methods in
Alfalfa Seed Sale
U AHIIINiiTOS li f n lo - .ntraiigatinna lii the drparl.
iiinit of agnrulturr hate rrtralrd Hie
far) that large quantities of ordinary
alfa'fa ami are bring orfrrrd fur aale
under ihr nauir uf ilrliiiin ll ha
at. ii Inrti liiuiid Hull hrgr iiianlllla
ul alfalla raiai'd undrr Irrlgallim are
being sold at nurthrrifgroan dr '
land -il
In .aaea uf aumr uf llila tnM ll waa
I. .uu. I Hint il wn. not eni diinirtllc
rr.l liiil waa whu r ur In Hart III-
i.oilid Turkman arrd Thl prar
in. .f lllng ulhir arrd fur llrlinm
ii'aulla 111 llm f.iriurr pn)liig frum lit
i Ilia in II ur more per ihiiiii.I fill
i'imI which wuuld ulliirwie aril from
II In 2H rent a pnuinl. and liuamurh
n the ordinary seed It not a hardy
llilniiii, Ihe llrtl seieii' winter mn
kill Ihe entire rrup.
The utlglnnl 41 r I ill lit nlfnlfn tuwti
In I'arter loiinl). Minn. Iin under
gone a natural croa with the com
mon tnrlel) Mhlrh. lugi'iher with It
etpuaiire In uiimeroila artrre wlutrra
which liae etlmliiiileil the weuker
plant, ha madu ll one uf the bardl
et! of our iiimmrrrlHl strain The
"Hi-nun refused, nud Morley throat
ned t iipi'riil I" Attorney llenernl
.Milli)iiolil ut WiisIiIiikIoii."
It ' '' ""'" '" I11'"' ,,ml
lliero I uii)lhliiK lml frleiidahlp lie
l''' Morley nnd llm slierlff'H offlcni
lure Morley lina ncled In llio!
!ty of u special oncer during tho lut
I tmr. iiiii thl hits nhwiyii been In con
itecl Ion with tho olllcu of DUtrkt Atl
i.,r.. - 7 Irwin.
"Aiurlev hns no connection nt nil,
wllh the sheriff's olllco," said Hhorlff
,n w today. "K lio has any right to
stylo himself acting sliofKT It did not
come (rum me. and tho lyticla In the
Orcgonlan was tho first 1 know of It."
Mll'llll III II III. II M I'MtTV
till lllll. II, I t in UIIMMIN
Mil lit I'ltlll'Oilill Hill 111:111:
imi inrri in i:sr
Jamra J Hill, railroad builder, and
Ma iianr l Unaniler and railroad
torn will not villi Klarnalli Fall, aa
that -tpr-ri Inalrad, lln-r will rr
lurn at mirr to I hi Haal
Tbla lufortnalmu n-rritnl h
Krcrrlar WrMr uf tin. Klamaili
fhambrr of oiomrrrt.. In rraiinMt tu
a lalrrram ami tin. I'nrtlaiid '"in
mrrrial cmti frgrnt ni-inuli)' fur
Ihr irrat-mr uf till' iall)- In Ilir Caat
U Ihr Ulli la (It'll aa Ihr fin
Ihr rlnnai- of I'laha
ttli iillmii (mini Waiiliii,
I. M Hrliiiflrlil and hla auprrin
imdrnt. lllll; ('onrrlman. iin nth
ll.K Kunda. and rauxlil too durka
Thr) had tin Kun. ao Ihr au.oiitun
la thrr raiifhl Ihr .lurk with a balled
hiHik Thr anltliiK of Ihr mralrrr uf
thr ton durka It up lo Ihr (am aar
ImIiji. Mrrtlnu.
Klamath IMlKr Nn ". A I" A
II lll mrrt tnnlchl In rriiular
laird rnininuulcallon
I ae produrrd urlglnall) lu Mia
nraota. bin iit of the true tarlrty
alnif gruviii III iMkoia, .Montana and
Idaho indicate that Hutu tula are all I
of i'iiial talue mid are iiilte ns hardy
u thiMf griiwii In Mlmii'aotn.
Aa It la dlllUult In di'ti-ct aiiltli
Hilr fur llrlinm In llm and, the
Ijiiih-u nrr urged lit buy tlrlitim only
fiuiii rrllabli. drnler. and, m far a
I'Uaalhle, III Iruru Ihe ri'd b.tck to It
mime III man) cute the retailer
ale not iienneraieiy perpetrating a
fraud. lhe hau purchned
ared for llrlliilu and tell It In the bi
ll. that ll I Ilrliiiin
I'lil. tied liua bi'iome trry pupuliir
in legion of ruld winters, and It sim
ilar.) nut mil)' In the Nurlhweat, but
to Uu- i:al, partlrul.irly lu northern
New urK nud New Knglnnd
Slinlliirl) II I liiuiid Hint lu Ihe
ilnr) hind region where Ihe winter
ure aeteru niul thtre It Utile snow fall
titul lomparathely little moltttiro tlu
iiuilli.Tii n I fulfil seed grown 111 cold
region on dry land I imperially use
ful Much of Hit seed come from
Muiilnmi, nud It I found that uu
(riiuilmi driller lime been taking
t.-c.l rnliM'd under Irrigation In that
statu niul telling It n Montnnn dry
land nlfnlfn seed
Meiu: TIIAX A IIPMlli:i) IM,.
YW.iu. i i..iiiiii. "-"
(llenilil Spetlul rk-rlie)
MAI.IN, Nnv. 10. One o( the moat '
KUicetaful itfTnli of the kind ever I
'" 'I'1 -" l10 basket
social ill the Ourr school liotiao Batur-
duy night.
Twenty-lhrco baskets were sold by
Auctioneer linker, nnd a total of 1117
was ruallted thereby. Of this sum
1 10 wns contributed by Laton Htev-
Spanish Queen
Thla la one of Ihr frw ihotorairt
lorn Uat June. He la Prince Juan.
in. the llrait tlrummi-l of the recla
mation aervlre.
The rvmlnit'a entertalnraenl open
id with a well rendered literary pro
gram, after which came the auction
The remainder of the evening was
IM'iit In dancing.
A race beren Kinney b Sullivan's
to mules pulling a wagon and setrn
turn and A Kallna's team hauling a'
llrrlghMadrn wagon was u feature
"f Inlerist to thoae on their way to
the riitertalnmrnt
J "AltS. M VJry I''" il aaaaPR""N J
.... .. I
Kinney .Sullltan caught Mp with
the freight wagon on the way to the
i. Ir.1,.1.1 un..... .... II... .. . .....
arhool hoiire, and n race for the
schuul roiiiini'iireil. Jutt aa the mulea
wen. abuiit to gain fu lead somebody
In Hie freight wagon ned hi hat.
and the lung-eared steed ran Into n
The front axle uf the wagon was
i . a a t rt ... a
brokm, and Kinney. Sullivan. l-aton,.
Steten. Jark and Jim Corkery and
r,, ,.. , i .,J, ,k.
,,...., .1,1 P.. .,1.. WM. lllll.
for n illttntire of n hundred
None were Injured
MlHti: THAN .1 lll)MMIi:il I'm:.
K.ST AT Till! PIIK.aCHI.NO m:ii
The urn Ice tit the Christian
(Imrch Stinduy were very encourng-'
lug. There were ITU present at tho
i prearhliiK sertlro nnd one arcestlon
lo the church, ,
feel of permanent road from the east '
entrance to tho park to the crater's!
rim at Hand Crook Notch, This road
next )enr will be resurfneed.
Camp No. 2, from tho lake, work J
g toward Hlcol camp, graded u nillo
"r m,,r,, "l, "11 cleared seteral
miles nud surfaced half a mile In sec.
Hon to tet tho materials and grades
of rock, to ascertain the best surfaroi
(or adoption.
The OH miles of road extendlm
(mm Ihe aontheabt entrnnco of thi
park to Hand Creek Notch, or proper
ly knowii a Kerr's Notch, passes by
tho plctureaiiuo plnacles lu Hand
Crook, yhlch form aycrltablo "Oar
den of tho Coda." The road has no
sharp curves, and 1 per cent grade Is
tho steepest.
and Newest Baby I
-"t-aWy ." .i.l
taken of the new rojral babr-of Spain.
Next Tuesday Is Apple
Day-Eat Lots of Them
(llcrwlil hi-tflal Service)
Ullllt ..!.!. 1M. IJre.. AOT. IV. II
CUItVAI.I.IS, Ore., Nor. 10. "If
in .
" -
pie on Apple Day, November IStb. we
shall ronaume twel.e carloads of
pie inai uay." said rroiestor .-. i.(io ! ways announced In papers
liwl. bend of the horticultural de- rnd booklets for preparing and serr
parlment. Oregon Agricultural col I tg apple. Try ono or more of these
log... In auawer to the question of(ijy.
how beit to relebrale the day. .-n, hotels are planning special
I A n.l ttniit.t Uaa a at A Ih-lf mtr-Tt
tlim PiitiHiM "- .v iiiws HVtt I'vi-. tai'L'tv U4VMUI WUU lliC rilAUl Mil la
. ... . n,'.'.l",A , .. t ' '
, V, 7 ,
I'1'''- thmM h" amoved one-
half of Ihe Oregon crop from the
market thl Jear.
' In bulng apples be sure to get thus advertising to Ihe tourl.t the'
the tarlelle that are 111 to eat Such 'wonderful qualities of our apples. '
tnrletlc n Urn l)al nnd fiauo are "Applo Day ha been celebraltnl In'
not suitable for fall ute, aud we the Kant, and most encouraglug ro-l
ahnuld look for such u the Jonathan," ports come from Itochestcr and flur-l
llrlme (lolden, Delicious, Wagcuer, fala. More apples wero sold aud con
Orlley nud Spltienberg, which are lu sumed on that Uay than ever before,
good ruling condition at lht time. and a great stimulus has been given
'We ran lurrease the consumption tba use of apples."
Kia.M.VTii ii:vi:i.op.mi:.t com.
I'.WV I'llKI'AltlMi A COMPItlr.
ui:sivi: i:iiiiiit roil ri.ooii
lll'l 1.1)1 Ml, HAN FHANCISCO
Klamath county's products aro to
be further advertised, Tho Klumatlt
Development company lias urranged
to havo u display In tho offlcea of tho
Southern Paclllc lu tho Hood build
Iiie. at Sun Francisco.
Krnnk Oullford Is
collecting the
nrlou product
lie Is being assist
ed by Socretary Wjldo of the Cham
ber of Commerce. Any specimens
submitted will bo gratefully received.
I.oIm of Duck.
WllllnmM. Duncan, A. M. Wordcn
and Dr. U. P. Mason, Journeyed to
Tula I-ako Sunday for a duck shoot.
They returned last night with thirty
iJi:.i:it.l, hLJIM.tUV IH I'ltKIMIU,
Kit ItV V. H. K.Sfil.VKKItS IX I
(-haiic;k ok tub co.vstui'c.1
Work hy thr. novrrnmrnt upon Cri
tr like roadt durlnr the araaon of
1913 l Ihua ummarlicd;
Camp N'o. I, located on Hand Crek,
couiprlttnc tlitr mm, la addition lo
trmporarjr roada, ronatructcd 34,500 1
Tim llltilf tchool attendance reach
Ml 15, with an offcrln of II. 58. j
Mra Kaaon, ttate Illble acbool aun-
rrlntcndent, will vltlt thla city neilt
Kundar. and dellri-r aomn addreatea United I'reta Servlco
on finndar achool work. She comet i COI.UMI1U8, O..Nor. 10. Aa a r-
a an rjperlrncrd worker, and nil In-..,.,, , . ,hl... h... ,.,,
Irrotrd In the Sundar achool houldl
hear her
Thr new
motto for attendance
SOU The Chrlttlan Kndearor U put
aatlni; with new life. The member
hip la Increasing-, while the rooma
are crowded at each eerrlce.
llrl'niru'a lull ei.
Tlcketa for the Thankarlvlnr Kire
IUII by the Klamatb Falls Volunteer
' Klrr Department are belns prepared.
and will loon be out. A ilx-plece or
centra will lurnlih rautlc for the
(of apples In tbe United States only by
educating the public to know the bett
"In our homes let us try a new re-
np-jrlpe for preparing the apple. There,
at titiln manna ainrl k-. .........
, --. -.
pie In many form.. And etery train
that comes Into Oregon on Apple
Day should be supplied with fruit.
(Honolulu to spend tbe winter.
A meeting of tbe Cascade Club will Mr, UcCoy w, return ,0 KUwtth
be held tomorrow afternoon at te. county In the spring, and has been en
home of Mrs. Fred II. Hremer. on I BllKea Ly Oordon Baldwin for n.t
West Main street. i summer.
'Laborites Are at Seattle
Federation Has Many
SKATTI.K. Nov. 10. Ubor chiefs
from tho entire country gathered
hero today for the Ihlrty-lhird annual
contention of the American I'edera
Hon of Labor. Headed by President
Samuel Compers, they prepared for a
two weeks' convention in which vast
problems will be discussed, union
Jurisdiction settled, and u president
elected . Qllleluls of tho Federation
today predicted flompers' re-election.
Opposition, It It arises this time, will
bo Inconsiderable, tbe chiefs bolleve.
The chief Jurisdiction dispute Is
likely to be that of the steam shovel
men, who (or some time past have
had Internal trouble over the proper
ItrlrKutr In Contention HrlinlulrO
for TiKlajr at (.'ollllnlma, Ohhs An
Drlajnl In raaorngrr Tralru Hr
real Mllra r'roni Ttial Cltr UaM
In Mlrlilnaa lUa .tlrm.ljr
Hip Half Million Mark.
ttiura and electric roada are (tailed
Uja" 01,er ,b" ,ut ni1 lctrle wire
are crippled,
Clereland, Akron and other clllea
jare completelr liotated.
Tboutanda of delegate to the antl-
J8aloon Uifue national conrentloa
and th minor baaaball lraaMia mai.
!nc are delated In their trains from
The average snowfall throughout
the stats la from ( to 10 Inches.
United Frtsa Servlc
I'lTTSUUnO, Nor. 10. A hYr
snowstorm Is sweeping the entire
Bast. It started early Sunday.
This morning there was a fall of
I eleven Inches. cThls breaks all pritvl-
lout November records.
United I'ress Senlc
WA8IUNOTON, Nor. 10. Prac
tically the entire country west of tbe
Mississippi Is stormbound, from Flor
ida to New England. '
llekry snowstorms are reported,
especially In Virginia, Southwestern
Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Killing frosts aro reported In Geer
gia. South Carolina and as far south
as Florida.
This morning there was a Smll
gale at Duffalo.
Wind, driving before them lMr
snow and chilling rains, are reported
all along the Atlantic seaboard.
Win McCoy, who ha been In Hi
employ of the Clordon & Baldwin
Aulo company the past summer, left
this afternoon for San Francisco,
from which port ho will sail soon for
Questions to Be Settled
niombershlp (or their orginliatlou?
Other minor disputes are expected
to bo settled without particular tru
ble. Minimum wage legislation, es
pecially (or womon, w be one of .be
biggest problems before this seaSaM.
The labor chiefs, believing that Uu
minimum wage for women workenV
a proper solution of low pay 'at that
time, will urge that tbe Federation
go ou record In (avor of It.
Determined opposition to
quarters was expected at'the'ej
of tbe convention, beaw,MMy' (
tbe several hundred delegate) arfe
(Coatlan'4 on Mfe 4)