Herald Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 I tje vxttmng IHeraUt KLAMATH FALLS OKI'ICIAI. NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ,;l,llirii N. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1913 Vitro Five Cata REBELS MASSING FOR A BIG ATTACK Felker Signs Extradition Papers in the Thaw Case Today IVVVMMMVMMMVMMMMMW E GOVERNOR GIVES THAW 10 JEROME IIIKiai MtllUx Mtlll'ln I llll l'l:MHM. Marx Garden Brirws Another Nnveltv I Hill ENGINEERS I "Wife or 'Plane' .. llllir , Is Her Ultimatum Mill IU hW A '- GAMP NEAR BEND I.II..I. .1 I mulllr Wil Haa ltl-1... . , lliil Nrlnll.rlr... l.a I .UIiImI H..lllM Ma. li-. I l't..lllltrl lllWt ll llHllMI l. NrM l..k lor Ji.)fll Iti.liLa. llln Iiim In I'm IL), t I D hue rirMlfl. nil' II . Nov .- tisrer- c . i Ui tlihist lb r.lrjlll " ! lh iriHiu In K. t ' ii. iii Krn.UII Thaw Tfir 'fliiMi i i I. la ntlradllloil It at IU.de l ' linn, rliarilm oiiiptr. .(. i.. i itK fount. J it. . .i . i,..i mem that Tim" will J I ' ' M.llraaau ItHHMdlalrt) "" ' ' ' libett) IHa tail tat I. ..I. ..II wa. (rlirrallf t- i ..il.i.e.l aleiig romm,. mi. I ilillinl Dm mallrr to i.i-i. .1 federal JiuUd AM- I lb A ratlr' Yea. ll) Uul ' drliuml a linrcmi euiicluttiiii ll a t ' alii mil be lak.ru In New ' alng in Ilia habeas firit i .a irmllHK Iii lhr federal ' ...mi ma) .e loirlat i.tdiir nnal di-aMon l Irafh "' ixiili aur itl drtrrilllur.1 lin " ti.e .aa In Hit. Hiillr.l Hlalral -pinilr .Hurt nrcraaary. II.L .l..t l.la tlllilliAP HalH lall1 '" hri. IVUrf. deel.loll was '" ""'"' ,"n ,n" "rm'a ' XUn rnt 1. 1 It wa In accord Irntii Cutupe fur lirr wltilrr teaiou i'i. u.i-.r eipoetallolia. I. mi I In- lhlUdrlphl.i Opera I'm"- I am leil llllirli illaappolnted that',,,,,) n '- .ilita. who empowered Hi NUo M(r) ., ,,,,,,, , bring "' llif niMiknliiru ami Irrraiu-J ' ' ,i a walk la,,,,... . .... mm lr contrao. wa. raining wait,- iai.i.r au Ii ii a ahowu Iii lliuar ia i ' . ...r,i.... i . ,,rra .gent, .ml, "IK - " " m" ,'"", ,"" I'nriiml in llm luius tit Nnw Voik r blllul tflii- )"' ll l"v ''l"l t.i lakr mhaiilain of till l- raiipn II a IIp lll H'l " ,'r1' HiMulillir aalil Mra. Tliaw. "Tlili M), .. Ulliria llitiimM lio carrlrJ ii.il ui Irnm rrliirnliig Immc fur u i.unx. aim iif I In" f"rl oM iiaiikKlIK.-i 'inlrml mall) lliouaamla f Alilcrlmn . untiirli III lirr 'ii" in I'nllrfi, Franco niailf llin rniic ami mailo ll "ml In cullrct 9301.13 allrgril iliici l.i lit lulu llif roilumn III lilfli M' " I'lninlimiir)- miln wna riniiinrnrril llanlrii iliwumlnl from llii' lnrKi l'l)r Iii Hit. circuit court by V I ValiliiKlon iiim lli nnl'iun.liil x''-rp ninln.l iwa A, ami A l. of IIiiImi.i-ii Kuril malumr' A Hr.ii,i v , hi,bw , Miiorn' M- iiri-iim Hi l'ri'l I'mU'I "" l'"r Imiiar . lint of Nat'iilMinlr rill, urile DYNAMITE FIND NO. 2 Wl ..4tllllllllllllllY.K'llll&llllllllllllllllH lak aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLa'VaVa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRnaaB'i'aaaFaaaaaaP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHt I ."aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaF aaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaar' mBniBa hhhhiiiiiih i lllf.. THE CONSTITUTIONALISTAS WILL MAKE AN ATTACK ON THE HUERTA EORGES TO PROVE THEIR STRENGTH mi. hi ecu ay ii.ii m ri i:n is I'l'lUlllSI.II l;.l.lriil ui lllal S.-.II..M sa) Till. I i 'lrinNir.it) 1'irH, Miii Art" Kit KHrl In Maklnt: h IVrinauriit I'miiiii fur jiiKrr I'trwa Ii I'iiIIiih, Ibllrtol In llr ,iirM.r of llulliU InK Timaiil Klamalli In .""I'rlng Humor Dial tti Hill auJ IUrrl in .u llnra arc In unite lu I be com! rue Hon of a ruail runnrtllng tbv tod of tlir lirrceu Trunk llnr at llcnd wltti It... nnrlbi ru trrinlnui of Hie Klam alli part of lbs Kliinath-.S'atron rut olt am aiiarrntlr tll founded, aar rrldinta of llrnd and Tlclnlty. a rn Klnrar liar rttabllabtd a ramp near that rltr. Ttm party Ii located fire mllra out I of llrnd, aajr rr porta from Northern J Klamatb. and It baa already pur rbard aufflrlrnt bay to feed a nuui Per of li.nm all winter. I Tlir mrmbrra of thla partr am en ard inalnljr In ronilrurtlou orK iThey atr building a ermanent ramp jtor a iiiiirli larger rrw, and It ! lie IllrtrU Ihat ttief are there merely to 'prepare for a murli bigger forrr. ho 'will rarry on rnglnrcrlnc and rail Iron. I iMTatlon in the iprlng alamrr tbe aurlal evil and 'civic III nallli are to be found. Ielrgate( from a (core of nitlona 'i ttia netenih International I'urlty 'Vnitn-ta in ration bare will orrupy he local pulplti. I In every church In tbe United i -ate. if tb program la followed, i n:iter and apeakera will deTole. I: ir rermona and addrrax to aoclal and cItIc bettermenL I At eiplalned at today'a leailon! I itt the iermon". "dellrered at aa i marly the umc hour aa poatlble In I etiry rlmrch In eery city, town andj t l-rr in tlio nillon will rlie ilmul-i ittnenuily aa the nation plea for Utter humanity." m: .WV.tlTIMi l.lrTI.MJ UP TMK K.MIUIIliO IIS ,IUH AMI ,.niUMTIUV .. Ililng Itnlrillr Will Iw HUletl by Any of the oaiclala In Mrtlru City Iteunnllni: I'rrwut Hlatna of the .xlcuailon AilTltcr of the Mrtlraa I'rr-iltleul ay He llaa So latent Ion of TrtiilerlOK Itmlgnatloa, L tilted 1'reas HeMlro i OI.Vlil'tA, Waatu. .N'oV. 1 rrueiaraatloii of (Jorernor LUliir io- rrn-ruw will be "rurujr DajM Ihroi ibt tbe i tal. I'lrf m f aawttl and .tad, eTtry m'nhter (,ked to bate aermona on H atibject (..led l'rea HerU WASIUNOTON, U, C. Not, 8. Hhow America your potent fighting ., I forre." la the r word which haa be r ic I n lit l nt i Ubulou" aubln coat, and Up. and aupreinrt touch- while .,,Ai- t. otrr lirr nlmurdly amall In. Oil I liu armed ami nulpped rap-a-pie. MIm tlardeii .rnHea to lie all Die heaila of Klflli arnue (New lor.i ami llro.d Itrvl (I'lilladel Ipl.Ui ami Michigan atruur, (Chi ragnt In n hard ktiut and then play golf with tlieiii, reil If ho hat to mil her mtlnphiira aomewhat In the ' proei'. On the iNcmloii of a former re MIm Ha'jel Itlcbarda, one of Uril iKirtant chararler In "The l.eaih," which recently o-xned 1 thtvitrlcal ieaon, i tbe wife aviator whom ihc will not fie. 'M "Cbooto between me .in J yW plane." abo laid to her hna Cbarlea Turpln. Now Turpln wat one of the 4 Die ailatora of the Wright. J Three other havo been icllou TO. ami one or two of Ihvui are de una with Turplu In l.o Angeircj I I... r.,ll unit i.atalned YiTY rial ... . - .-"'. -TM A mother-, meeting -ll he held ;."" M.e numed mm tnnj Tueaday afternoon at the home nfi "Wo .hall quit thli bualnew, Mr.. lto. A. llarnold. nt Third aud lii "You rami tlud .omethll . .. .1... !... l.l..u. I . .In St J The hmband went Into thuau MOTHERS MEET TUESDAY P. M. Mlt. I'. II. KI.VNT-Ul Wll.l. UK Till! I'HIMII'AI. SI'llAKKII, A.M Al.li iTi:itiTi:t aui: nuii:n hi: in atti:ma.m'i: Main alrecl, opinialte the library. Mr. P. II. Klnnear will be the prln- !AL TEAM TO .Ay AT ASHLAND ...... i.a -ii..rla IUtt (In r tJM iaIJ .. ... i-t, .... iriimi .imiVfr &t thla tfutulon. arid ibo bllo butlncci and iho ent o4c hf VOI1IO riTimui ii Him. nrr vmivc-i - -i ... a ... t .I..II.U. l.rllJiraaal Mil lilt Tf t III r AlIlJrei. tllUSttKC. ill it mut-Mil Wit iiufnii i iirrn" no(" r- -- ... lutrt CRIMSON WINS rnuJ J " ... FROM PRINCETON' DINi. m "Mow rould I act properly," h, "If I had It on my mini aUJ tnuo that my buaband might be I iin) time he went Into tho alrt I hale Mown, and the danger I" then convinced me that rtjtug-; no btiiluea. for a married man.' lKMilVlMI (JAMi: JLbT All Wii:i TUIMY 1AN.MLS OO- ISO IN IIAUIt TO WIN TUK iMI'IO.S.MIII' Bfllf Klamath county high achool all team will meet the Aahland ljtho.it at A.hland Tbaukiglvlns al game waa dertaltely arranged lurh lutertat U takeu In tbl. gamo it- the Southern Oregon high for It la conreded that the Vlnnlnc the conte.t will be tbe lUctalmant to the champion I Southern Oregon. I In. itrfralril Medford. i. and other team. In that MSI 1 are able "TV force on the d,?o:tn'Twben the final break come, between Waiblngton and lluerta 1're.ldent WlUon'. next tp will be the removal of tbe embargo on munition, of war. and Carranta will receive the equipment o much need ed 'jy hi. army, Severe fighting I. looked for Imme diately In Northern Mexico. General Carrama want, the con trol of .everal large elite, and will probably concentrate hi. force In the vicinity of chihuahua. Unlet unexpected developments arlie, Ambkatador Lind will remain In Mexico City next week. United Pre Service MKXICO CITV, Nor. S. -The M.x lean tltuatlon, apparently, ha not changed. Nothing definite can be learned re garding development.. I.lnd, O'Shaughnetay and lluerta all remain .Dent It U reported that Huorta'a cabinet met latt night, and decided that the dlttator abould retlgn. lluerta ha. not an.wered thli. Ad- ivUem. .peaking fcr him, ay that ha will not realgn, and that he haa for mutated a reply to WlUon laying that America liu. no right to Interfere In hi affair.. ath county high baa lu thl. county. I A motor-driven reciprocating hw flayed a tcorele. ha. been patented by a California, in- MTweek ago. venter for dicing meat, evenly. I IVUiM'Olir. ISTIIItl IMI IN I A VI lit III' IIAIIVAHI) Sticks, Fuse and Caps Found at the Maddox Place i:i,i:vi: Tii.iisAn4si:i:Tiir! (i.vmi: il'iriiTION 1'II.KU IN TIIK fOU.NTV no notii.j roi'itT 11 (iim.ntkii hv jiumh: WOIIIIKN lWKASi:i I.HIVI.S MICH TIMIIKU laxit TOMORROW TO BE ID PURITY SUNDAY I It piimlhlo that tome peraon or I"tmiii inid piunt to iiettrny prop V"X of into or llm leader lu the "Kl't liKitlinit llm tenuity rotirlt 'rill. I. an abridged edition of Iho 'Wry wlilcl, m tlu atry nflhe rind '"K of tho (lynnmlto lu llm caunl hear tin, tuurt bullae October 33d. 'Hicru I a further ullvralloii In thl. Imniiilto .lory, luieiul of baliig found near Klam 'u coiiniy'a llOu.OUU court I job, llm latest dyiiamlle " '"cov ered lu oiie f "'" uHtbullillim- on tho Maddux runch on tho Merrill mini The fliiil - wi'l Krlalax ly J A. Maddox. Ilo l , ' inuul for II pruioitcd, Muddox hua been i.l opponent. Q i... nnurl lioaa inn ,'...- I'aWaBB. . i, hi frlVtutfjBPrt)''t mjr wa. beiu iroperly for Ihl. I'ltlNOKTON. N. J.. Nov. 8. Tho Yellow mid lllack failed to get luto a .....ntnn r..r nilmllllnr In urohnto the ettato of tho late Daniel W. 1)1- I'XITKIl STATKS AMI KOUUIO.V I nveu of Cluverdalo, California, ha , nill.NTIUUS WU.li UNITK IN A .The Government livestock to Thea !UY CATTLE i riAsii VBawfA-BBat iii..iwwBPrj HHprrinai u JflBtalwwwwwwHi been ntrd by hi. widow. Klliabeth. lino for Iho Ilia,' Six football cham-, nineen. The petition wa. acted upon plonahlp thl nflernaon, when liar- by tho county court. ' van! I'nlwr!!)' defeated II loam 3! The property in Klamath rounty i In u In tho II ml of the big guinea. roiitltt of timber land worth from Thnu.nmL from all part of tliw) J3S.000 to f 50,000. Kant attended I KKUIT AOA1X8T T11K SOCIAIj K.VII. AND WIIITK HUWKIIY (Herald SKilal Service) KIMATII AQKNGY, Nov. 8. ll ''In addition to tbe cattla expected at the agency, It U atated that too more bead are to be Mnt to tha Yat- nax aub-ageney by tho governnMat. M I ludlan. on tho Klamath reservation are expecting 500 head of cattle Th, InIpm,nt will be dlrtrlhlM ' from the government. These should j anionic the farmer In that section. g, nrrtio today or tomorrow. t'ultod Vtva Service IIIKlUL.llini 117 tllnn KnV MhitiuniuN... ."... ..w.. v. -. Tomorrow will be celebrated a. Tbl. stock will be furnltbed to the In I more advanced Indian farmers, on i. . .i....im, mi. oiiimiid. lod.veli auiomobllo Irlu through California. IMInneapoll -ind throughout the long payment. '""- .--. ------ i . ... .... ... . .!., ...... o... Una Mrlha.e uud Henry Kettteever in u.ii. tri.aoii.uoo lu'b.avo tomorrow or Monday for an I I'urlty Sunday In every church "IS T . .. ... . ....... - . ... ...... .1. 'l. ....,.,.. !.. umnnnl trip tnrougu caiuornia. laiinneapoua -iiiu ioioiibii.i.h hi i. i1"!"""." --.. hoiiila to dnvolon an oil field of morel They will .pend tome time In San I'n'ted State and a acoro of rorelgn'or cattle to ue lurni.nea eacn inuiau than 18,000 acre. IDIego and along me noraer. ruumrie wuete ui num... un . ... m. .-----. Tho Indian haw long take aa actlro part In furnishing the. nation with beef, and nearly all know Uaw I big mouey In falsing ctU. itja, tbe Klamatb rewrvatlon Uera , some who are advanced ciittl t -HBii vrjaasril