The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 07, 1913, Image 1

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    Herald Special mas to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30
cuj? jvmiw Metalh
Tiit.iii " '" U.,JIH
appears TO BE
u i i T.ikt:.ti'tio
Oregon Girl Is a IMyMWM WAGE
I'rlro PlfP rah
Initio Mr III llir Mailer
lu llx- (Wiule .Nation If Hnaarii l '
Ifelafnl Any loncrr Tlirra lartii
miU ami lour Itrfiwhll, aim iu
fuitn.. t llillllm ,(lr lltaanr,!
I.) 'i,lilrnl tillM-tritla lor IMaj
III l.l.l.-TIS '
utNiiiMiiuv, ii, c .... 7. '
Ulleuai appalrltlly MINI aa) ltllaul
rwie. In Ma i unruly Mil right lula),
km rwnalot llrl ami O'IIutiimm
inbkml) anlllltril, IIm-) tutral lu
Iniwhlrl IIm uilaluai ptraloual)
a-luptul, limiting Hi muiiiImt i( It
wfl bank. In four.
iwwaluf t'rwNfuril, irfHtblliu. tot
ed fur llio Inrimir, Mlilrll lartlnl In
Ik KMIIMllllir ( uUlllHll) Mas III.
IioIihkI IvIimk lltr itrilimlllrr, mak.
leg ll. Milt ,.f mriir ljik
Chairman E.E. Clark
Would Raise Rates
li:itrm vis mwi; i.n -limn tkmt
I .(it to v
' I'iiUimI ClniiU Juilgr Drililrw In
I'atur of llir IMature's I'unrr
, In lul.Ulr fur rrirulallng Work-
I luic I'liMillllinis Wage., Kir., met
Ullli II) (Vuuirii mill Minora l llir
Mrlr IIm NMra-pIng rUnt.
VI Ui l l. tile .f atr rrtary ' (
I lluKihur Wra' ' '' ii ' In -
( AahlUKlua ltl It.r .wed vlKtl wetl,.Nl f .utur lubbytats tin nli U
ill Inducing rung!, ! aet.rsl a"ng i.- inakr rierr H)aalblr honisl
dull fur l,r italr Mi il-.- b "I call a'ruinrnt to ronvihre thr 'i'lnnil
I? , Nor T It lirraalf Inbkllit li.Hl, .lltlll
i iuiii. i hi i iriiMi i mini tin
( II NT (Nil sll.AI.IM.
IliiiM ( i i:i Uiw nu.i:it
i tiled I'r.aa turtle
U ii4.l ihrit rr-at1nt Wllaun la
"l'"l 111 Ibr Out right of Mi ad
MUUixIkii. li thr rurrrnrr meat
et at Ikr Uinr uf iimlrnlluii
i (a UM rrlalu Itial li ran lnlir
lk laiiriit takr- Minn ..III, aut
l4ltlun alll.iMil makluf miwi
lt (uuciaaliina
VlrniUra n it,, i.oat,. ruilalif
oiomlllr. Mr aJiullJ cuntrulUJ
l t cuuikinalluu f ur iriubllrali
4 Ihirr ilrniiM-iaU Thr lallrr air
IUr.1 lHr,Kk an.) O'llnrnian
Tba .rranlrol baa brrll illarilatluc
lk utaamr lib m.mb.ra of th
nUu.i ai iiiMtlnc (Vllaon an
Ottnr.d ihat , ,,! , riini.rr.Ufal
Hriutur. Krin. Ila. )u,n.'
Illikr it,,t. Olrrinan ahj Jam..
Umbra i, r,ir ,hp t,ll. ami ihm
'l '!' Ilurr Irralrllranla on Ihr
MnU utnutlltr.
l-airr in thr arnalr lia Inlil
Wllii.n that llirrr air nrarlr aa manr
I'lilta fur rurrrnrr irluriu aa (bare
" "'BlUrla Thla la raf lallr trim
"I Ikn inajmiir. aa lunal of thr minor-
Mnir Ihr Alilrlrh Mall la food
Wilauit ami III. ailrlanta toilar ,",r '" "' "f"1"1 ivtf-
"""" rllirr lliry can Sri nunc
IK'ii in ihr mattrr by raucua,
I'lralilrnt Ullmra that If ha
n i. iiu Ihr ourk duu br 'ubb).
tlf '"ular thr la not u-iluf lb
'Ciaiaiuir thai ll.r bllla ihoulil s-
( Mill IT t (II OWNI.Its (III: NOW
wii.i.ini, hi ii ((i. Mrri:u
s lll.l ( IM hllllMCi:
I'haifcil mlh alrallnc 110 from a
frllu labuirr, Jarii Jnhnalou and
Ailhur Wlillr both lu llirlt ratlr
lurntlra, rlr arrralH al I'hllixjiiln
Tliunda) br ll.r Indian ollrr Tlir)
vrrr bfnlicht hrr b) lriulr Hhrflff
l.ln)d Ij
t'nllrd I'liil HMl
I'tJIITI.AM). .Nor. I t'ircultJudi
t'trrlnii today uphrld Ilia ronitllu
tionallix of Ihr mtnlinum wixo law
I a.i-.l Ur llio latt Unlilalurr. rclrlnic
'tin Indutirlal VVrlfire ('oinmlialnn
'thr iHimr lo rrKulato th hour; of
mirk, a-aira and working rundltTona
I of otnrn and minora titiplojcd in
jll.t. italr.
I Thr aull aa brought b mtrchanU
'I Cortland to Irat (br tonilltullon
Ml) of thr art a mult of rwrnt
r.uUllona made br thr romuilaatun.
Thr rrcuUtloni madr o far In le
Krd to aa and boura of rmplor
loeni onljr apply to thr city of Port
land and many of the lar
mrnt atom minai;rrt clalrard thai
ihrr would bo uuabtr lu continue
'buainraa If IU ruin laid down wrrr
Tbr rlKht-hour day for wornrn will
iiiran the iloalut of Ihr dcmrtnuht
alotra M 6 o'rlork ery nlieht In the'
rrk. inrludlnc Saturdaya. and alio
during Ihr holiday traicn.
Many fa. I or Ira, laundries', rutau
lanla and atnrra wbiTo women arr
rmployrd arr rtTrrlril by thr drtl
aaa ak M
VliaaaaV JHaat. -JaaaaaaaaaV
rJlaaaaaaaaal ,fl
V Jaai!-aaaaJaa
ti'jlunrr like our nauhbora at Bhlp-i
I'lngton. 8om of the iporUmrn ,. .,
hrr kj, huntlnit do.. 'Wll.v (Cll.l, llltlNil KUItTHKH
CHUSsUlli: TO lll-Ltlt O.V
Till: llI.T.(Tt)lt
llt it n.u i... ...,.., . I
" m-w w-u,iiui crcaiurraj
arn orer lu my placo Friday and
killnl two thlrkrna. A nelchbor1! '
(hlekrii bad Ita wine gnawed off and1 --
U owner bad to kill It. I bare a! . . ....
e pupa a ' ,"'" """ " HuJJ Trl. lo
mind lo git. tome of theae pupa a
bit of ml .pT or a bit of lead.i
Jloat of thnr dogi betone to Italian1
1 "I think the poundraa.ttr would,
'make a grrat haul around tnete
iquartrra gathering In thrae beautlet. '
f mran to art a trap for them, for
nrltner thry nor thrlr mailer, will
get thrlr rhlrkrn dinner, from me."
.Mrilrii flly, , , Confrrrnce
(dill O'MiaogliurMy J,Ulr,i i.
Trying to Otrrtliruw llurrta by
Inlturiirf l'Hm uy, Muppoticra.
I'arraitu n Worry lo lluerta.
rigiitinic it out.
Inlted I'reaa Serrlce
(VASHI.STiTON, Nor. T.-Cocoa
and thocolate manufacturer, today
argurd to the department of agricul
ture, that cocoa and augar constitute
Chairman K K Clark of the Inter
atatr fommercr Commlaalon .hocked 'wt podered chocolate
ftitnj. mnii a... . !. a,i. ...ji.. thouah thr ilrn9Mmnl I.aI.1
whrn ho luld Ibe (wcnty-flfth annual ,rnorot,e ' ground cocoa without
conrrntton of the National AatocU-,1 'u ''niol and therefore It
Hon or Hallway Commltaloner In nia ' IH cot the mannfacturera
(Vaahlngton that be bettered rail- morr money to make It and aril It.
toad ratra moil be adranced.
He IniUted Ihat the railroad. nd '
million, of dollar, for betterment,,
and thl. mu.t come Jrom Increased
rarnlnga which, of courae. can b ob
Ulnrd only by an Incrnaao In rate.
It did not mako any difference If the
bad rtuahclal condition uf th rill.
road, an dun to recklraa financier-1
L'nllad I'reaa Serrlce
r'or the flrat time In three wtekj, Ue
cabinet met In regular letilon.
It la underatood that the Mexican
altuatlon waa thoroughly canraaaed.
Vou ran aay that the Mexican alt
uatlon waa dlaeuaard. hi . ...
ai-.nouncrment can be bin. t..., ..
- . MWN,
"at aald Horralarr II... .. ....
, --u in tue newa-
paper men. following the two-hour
cabinet aeaalon.
When aaked regarding Llnd'a trip,
nryan walked away.
None of the other cabinet offleera
would dUcuu the meeting.
It waa learned, thouah. thai w.r.
Ico occupied all the time, and erery
Pbaae of the altuatlon waa gone Into.
L'nltcd freta Serrlce
Huerta la to be aubjected to renewed
be made whrn the road, earned more
ultrd I'lra. Serilre
IMHANAl'OI.IS. Nnr 7 Indira-
lima thl aflrrnuon wrrr Ihat thr
traction rnnipaii) would accept Ihr
lirniHUllluii of Ihr atrlkrra that Ihr
I'Hhllr Srrrlir Ciiiiilulaalnn arbitrate
Ihr drliiaiida.
Thla alleniiKiii Ihr pair etn ar-j Thr atrlkrra, after ubmllllng thrlr
mlanrd brfiilr Jiiallcr of Ihr 1'iwci!. , Ulnn. will takr out the rata, thr
alrlkrbrrakrta will br ahlril to Chi
cago, and thr troupe will be aent
Tbr iiiminlaalnii will make Ita dr-
ilalnii In thirty dayi.
r. (( tlimrn rpiiii Ihr adllce of
thrlr allnrnr) thr; wahrd pirlliul-
nor) rianiliiallnn, ami were bound
'"'la Ihr drmiH-rata will irulually
"I't hi. ilrna ,i the mailer. In
'r thry .In ,., ,n drclarra ho Mill
I"' Ihr mallrr tip In Hie people
It ha. hrr u auggealrd lo Ihr preal
I'M Ihat br take Ihr entire, inuhtry
nin in, rnnltilrnrn lii il. i. .,..ii.r
I'hr mblirri for which lh turn
wrrr arrralid waa riiiiimlltrd at the
Mmliir I'nliit rrclainatlou projrcl
rainp II la alligrd that thry rul a
hnlr lluougli tlni Iriil. and through
thla ntchi'd IU from Ihr Iromera of
Ihr man ncrui)liig thr tint
Mlllli: THAT I1li;i( TIIIII'S(M
.(CIIKs M.dtSII LtMl .(UNI5
tivi:it ii( i in: ii.niti:ii mt.ui.s
lnmliiK lii Nrx.
u I...II.. .. Ihl. rll, i.rv
...- '..iiMiinirn in una mailer. "" j,,mh ...--... .... -. ...
""lUr ham lufnrilird him Ihr ptnmltirnt III I lit. iiuii(rr aoclnl art,
l.i . . ... .. . ..
- ar in at, lid. a ( arcrpt an ' ilrilileil in nciinri' inr an in
'"HI. I drllrrr au addrraa lu manipulating Hie net'dtr and thread.
""r Mlddln (Vralern city. In mattrr awlal, mu.lcal aud cull-
nary, them young laillva aro perfect,
(I'tllla tull.H I, a. ' I !..... il..,. l.. itit..l iiam.IIm
...j tiMMClirr lirrr, mill "iini I...- .... . ...v..w
llriiwn Michael, n Yonna Valley work to thrlr many other acrnm
"iirhrr U among Ihr vlallnra In Ihr plUliliirtita, Ihr pliinaclii of kno ledge
""Mil aat today. will Imvr hrrii altalllrd
.(iiloiiiul llr .(rililriil
I ultrd I'reaa Hervrlo
I.OH AMIKI.IOS. Nov. 7. lu a cot-
lltlnii beturrn two automnbltra on
Waahliigton boulrtard today, four
wrrr klttrd, nnr fatally lujurrd aud
ai-tni Injured. Tbr dead
wrrr Krxln Chapmau.W. It. Andrewa,
llarr) II. Curtla, Mra. Vrlde Klmorv.
II (' Neuf.charfrr waa fatally In
Only Two Water Contests
Engineer of State Water Board Finishes Work
(Vonlrii Viallor,
I'liatmakler Veil of Wnrdrn Is n
buainraa tlaltor 111 tho county ir-M
today. Mr. Wit hrlnga rncouraglng
rrporla of thr "spud" crop In his rl-
I. O. t. I'. Mii'U Tuulglit.
Ktamalli I.iiiIku No. 137. I. O. O. P..
uii'i'la tonight III rrgulur svsalou, Vis
iting Jiri'thli'ii aro rordlnlly ltiltvd.
''iKlurrr libra l.uper, of tho Htnlo
'"rd of Ctinirol, who haa bou In
"nmtli Kan, M0l)rB ,,, , co.
iirciim, win, ,h njjmiifad,,,, ,)f ,ho
lnr rights on I ,o.t Itlvor aud
ditrry (r,.e,f (,f, ,, mrllg jor
rniorii to take, up matters concern
"ig llogiio IHvvr wnlrr rights.
l.uper'H visit followed that of Uhlu
, k ,MI acrltig, when Olilnnucfc'
'"'a thu proofs of those claluluf
, lur rights on thuso two stroarui.
'"I'tir while hero held open for In
I'ictlon these proofs of claims lu
iirilrr in nllnw ituybody dlaputlng
I hum to nie llinlr protests,
' In nil, Ihuro wero about II Hy
claims llli'il on uutur from theau two
Htrmms." until l.uper. "Thern were
only two rimtiiits II I ml.
"Tlit'sn contests nru in tno naturo
of friendly suits, tiled to muku uioro
spuclllc llio clulms of various parties
In wnli-r rights. The Horsefly Irri
gation district and the Unltvd States
are tho only contestants."
HrarluK of Ihoso contvats will enmo
up snmo tliiiu next sprlutf. '
IMllullli-r la lUiin.
A daughter urrlM-d lust night at
I ho homo or Mr. mid Mrs. Iiauc S.
Vonrhvls. Mr. Voorhels Is assistant
project engineer for the reclamation
Thr llrrald baa received from Gor
eruor (Ct a copi of the bill Intro
duced lu the arnate October 30th by
Senator Ceo, K. Chamberlain, grant-
Ing to Ihr atate of Oregon Ji tract of
in rr 4.00U acrt-s of marsh land In
Klumalh county, claimed by the state.
The land lu iiueallou Ilea near Lost
Itlver, nrur Olenr. Some of this Is
along thr cnurar of the rher. In the
bill It Is drai-rlbed aa follows;
KU. Sk-37-IOj KU and SW!i.
S3-27-IU, Wl. 31-37-10; S),. 1-J.
10, Sj 3-34-10; lots 3 and 4. 84 of
NWl. and S,, 3-3S-10; lots 1, :, 3
and I, S, of N4, Nij uf S'i, aud
84 of 8K4, 1-38-lOj N4 nudSKU.
1O-3H-I0I all of 11-38-10 NKK.K4
of NWU, NK( of 8WU. NVi ot
HKW. IS-Sk-lO, W4 of NKU. 11-!
3K-10; HHM of SWH, 17-37-10; lot
2, IK-3S-10. I
,. .--.. - ...- nueria is to be subjected to resawrd
ling, the practical question before the .,. JZu. ''"'
jcountry. he said, was tbr necessity' ,KAT,MI' '-" MHIUI1V WILL ,on ' ' 'a-
o. .mprovrmtnt. and that could only UK llM,Tr:il. .(Ml Ita.NS The Mexican .,..., k.. ......
((ll.l. UK l.dli roil THK VIKI.T- tbt l'n"'I States, instating that be
IN.W Tills ((INTKIt "'" "r: . To cop. with
. ',nI ' rumored that (VlUon has
! " " rrotred a now plan.
A meellug uf the Klamath County1 Thl ' connected with the mysterl
I liar Asaoclatlon will be held tomor-'u rlp made lo .Mexico City by Am-
row rrening at tne omce of .V. II. aauor jonn wnd. He left Vera
Shaw, m the Wlllets building. AlliCru at nlcht. and It Is understood
ihe attorneys are rniueated to attend. ,n' "HI endearor to undermine
Al Ihla IIm ).. .,..L nt !.. .. Hurfta With Kla Kihurt..
i elation for the winter will be out-' Tne Impression prevalla In Warn-
Kdl'IIIK Itlll.liKIl (Mi I'dtTV or'UeJ" Tb b"u,r wll take lcon that HuerU la weakening.
'up tbr iiuvstlon ot establishing a I Tne threat mado that the UnlUd
uniral law library. States might recognlte the Carran-
. - Ixaltes means much to Huerta. He
tin Duty .(gain. real lira that If the resolutlonl.ts are
Mla Anna Metcalf, emplo)ed inj'1" recognition, they will ba baVd
ine lauirs gooo. aepariment or lhe'u uriem.
l'IN,(N-Klts Mill Iti in; tint.
iNti iicitt: iiMs iiANgnn- i
Golden Itule Store. Is again nrealdlnn Hesldes. be la br no muni conn.'
:. Arrange- behind the silks aud laces, after an.""' of the loyalty of his fol!ow.ra.
(Herald rttial Mcrtlic)
I'OltTIANl). Nov
niruts Imvr bteu completed for a Illness of short duration.
L-rnii.l .. .1... .,....... I
.--.. h i..iiiii,u u, iuit rtlin IIUU '
of tho people of Oregon for James J.I Articles of clothing from
...... ... V..WHH .H. .HH.W . . ... w, ,wil,U. IIUIU HUUti
Hill, the great railroad builder, who i flber aru being made lu Kurone. Thr
is on his way here for a visit. This I material for a suit of clothes costs
will bo lu the form of a banquet at (about SO cruls. Clothing made from
Ihr I'ortlaud Commercial Club to-1 this material, however, can not be
In I'iiiiii Kriiu.
II. Suou goose, Justlco of thu peace
for I'lrvnn I'rrrlnct, la bore today
from Kino, naalstlng lu rauvaaslug
thn duct Ion returns.
In I'iiiiii Her lliiinrateail.
Miss Hone Turrey Is In the city
from her homestead. Mra. Torrer
Is one of the parties who located on
the uusiirvoyed land on Coon I'olnt.
irrr)' llrollier ApMlutetl.
('. (I. Cotad, brother of Gerrr Co-
sad of this city, has beeu nnnolnted
county utlorney for Grant county by rtal Kranclsco,
Governor Weal. Mr. Coiad has been
pracllrluK law In Grant county for
inuii)' ears and Is considered one of
llio best criminal lawyers In Oregon,
morroH night.
This Is to be au Informal affair, aa
tl.r Commercial Club desires to glie
I the other communities of Ihe state n
chuiu-o to tend delegates to attend.
Hill Is accompanied by his son,
l.nuls J. Hill, uud several of the
loading financiers of tho United
Hlatrs, Including presidents ot rail
roads, bank heads, ete. It Is under
stood that the party will visit Klam
ath full. Tho cntiro state Is await-
lug some word from Hill that will
Jills treasury Is bankrupted, and the
I Midlers, whoso wages are loug In ar
rears. It Is thought, would soon de
sert tho ranks or the dictator.
United Press Service
MEXICO CITV, Nor. 7.. Ambas.a-,
nor l.lnd arrived today from Vera
confirm the rumor of a Joint rail.
way fiiat ot the mountains by which
both Hill and lUrrlman will reach
of this city but now loenled at Grantiilcati embassy
ims. arrived In the clly last night
Crux. He Immediately Went Into',
conference with NeUon O'Shauiihnta-f
Tlioi All I'.i It.rL-
- w . . . .. .. .w.., .-mi d v.,,,, i.ciiun u nni ,nnM.i
O. O. Hunch, at one time a resident fsy, secretary In charge of the Amrr
tblS City but lfaw lonl.t al rirnf trai. nl.,v
fur u visit with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Huik in ImrrU.
Mm- Hl.pU) Hack.
Tho Underwood riurmacy has In
Stalled a nrw ItiBPnvlnM rnplr Inp .11-.
" - - -.-' .--. ,.wu, u.,i a.uie nere,
playing magaxlnes and periodicals. J confectionery store In Uorrls
Hoy To bur. of Iktrrla. riiir-,.rfl
home Thursday night after spend-
Ing a couplo of days with nls partner,
Hoy Sly. Sly Tnber conduct the'
Idlu Hour cigar store here, and-al
IIohiio iii Timit.
Kruuces J, llowuu Is lu tho couuty
teat toduy from Ilonama, tin a short
busluotts trip.
Helm iin to Her Home,
Miss Ague Drl.coll, lm has bren
the guest of her uunt, Mrs. Jim Drl-
coll, for aomo time, left this morning
for her home In Salem,
ll'a n Girl
Horn, to Mr, and Mra. Marlon
llarnes, this mornlug, a seven-pound
daughter, lloth mother aud daughter
are doing nicely.
A $33,000 Potato Crop
The- following lias beeu received
from Henry Franklin ot Mills Additeon:
"We folks ot the Mills Addition
nro very much annoyed over tho dog
That Is Value of Yield from 240 Acres Near Gty
Seventeen thousand sacka of first
class potatoes, sold for 1.S0 a aack;
S,000 sacks of second grade, sold fori
$1,10 for spring delivery, I
This was I tie yield this yuar ot the
Grlgsby ranch, eight miles from
Klamath Falls, which Is being farmed
by Japanese, uuder the management
of u, Sannomlya. Thla la the flrat
year the colony operated the ranch.
The lot of first class potatoes ware
all sold to a San Francisco concern.
and tho price is f, o. b. cars at Klam-o
nth Falls. '. - ';
Three four-horse teams and six
wagons are engaged In hauling the
potatoes here for shipment.
In the whole of the crop there are
voryJTew overgrown potato, 1b
teadrall are of a good ae4rU l
ali. ;
The uniformity of dlmsBstoM aM i
greatly to the selling valaj aJ:'
formlty of also waa obtain krftesV "
Ing the; potatoes close, togstaer "