Herald Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 tllje itutftmuj Wvmlb KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NI.WSI'AIIK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! d M.l. "Vr-i N . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913 VtUm FIT El r i ; BHJEVE HUERTA WHLDEFYU. HI BOOSTING FOR A MARKET DAY IN COUNTY I.MIII-lixtll MCI.TIMI lli:i.l KtnT i;w:ni.nu Imkililrr U Xtaril lu te In )' Jl.. Ulllt UI)MW(t' ,l"l4' Ik.. ail Aitanga's Hale fur Ux Mi! In Take I i llir IJur. ltx uf a Hulll.lo lime aHil I'lxr , II..MIh I'll. I Malkrt la Kiii It Palla --ut are b.aitll; taf.lui of Malket Da;. tk-a piuiau at leat night KKltLt ai ih I lituUf ul Cuwuirri k a laic number ...enabled and earnl anibuaiaalie u(r lb plan A uaitu r. aae natural lu call; tui tin -t, . au4 man) plana l Uiailrt. ..I lh ruiumlltee babied !) ilia nin )td air Pled lloue lua I i Whliiuul ami I'hall Mat It ah lial bualaeaa nun The; "III Mill IB a abort tlrur lth Ilia dtlrtl ilt ul ll.a Mkiaatb Cuubl; Delr; iihi AMuoallun. w laic It Imludea III III utnibfaliii IUI iteall; all Ik firm.'i n lit Klamath Huts. At luit maellng plane a III be ilia imiI fuflher. lu learn It Ideaa uf ia ('Din and a Joint committee i fce named tijr lh dairyman The lu runiniltlree will ork Upun It quniion i .lira, aullable da;, lc . and mil iitimlt their Ideaa at loin "& .if bualbc. mm abd lilinm I. be .ailed lalar. h.rle W rtheitnen Mr. N i ll..nuu. t: Hall, II II Duubar and ulker. aike al laat nlght'e meet lag and man; lirl(ul tile, were ad nrd It aa the enure neua uf upln Inn lliat Malkrt liar U a faalute that lita I.M-n Icmi lung neglected TO TAKE A BIG REST iiii:riii'iiTii:iimTKiioitiii:iii:i I1NT lUSTi: TO fAI.IKIIINl.t Hi I'HVhllT.tN, rol.MIWIMI , M:illll'NUII.MI'rtr: "nun M. lllch.rd.on. lh. r.l.r.u "'""1 '''" H,rT,f . ,. .it reporter, l.r. thl. .renlng for HAfllNAW. i- "J, .' I Angel.. arcompanW by Mr. U.H.r r.l S5. .IleJ l. It. U rlt, loJajr. Hie hard.,,,, They will .pend .om Ixn.r own.! e.len.W tlmb.r tr.cta Hm In the Houthl.nd. """'. '1 Ml "" r,,', "' Th. ,,r genial nkk baa been In m.le.1 .1 fro." l.0O.O0U lo. 110.. )" harnea. .teady for a number ul (itio.noo Indiana Militia Is on Duty Martial Law Will Be Proclaimed in Indianapelis: tilled 1'rc.a Bervlc INDIAN'AI'OI.IH, lud Nov. . !'Vernnr Hamuel M, llal.lou today uiniuiinred that It would call Hie en Urn atatn iiillllla hero for alrlk duly. Marlllal law I. to be proclaimed. It la eipiK-led that there will l 100 or morn Irooiw hers from other cllle IiiMI.d effort to quell lb .treet car Irlku, Th local roinpanle. aro be ing rnobllUad for action. Aa anon at tba iroopi are on duly, WWMVI TO OFFER STOCK TO THE PUBLIC miitixn miMi i in tin mi I HI. (Ml MIX fl.lt I I NT mii.i. Ml. ON Till. MMIUIrr Mill II It. II ti n mi. pmu'I i: AHIIIMITOX. i ('. Nov , Tt. trn.1 raiwmtllrr nn lilt rur ; bill loda; mad a piotlaluu bi mb lioa.ooa.em ortb ol lb i (louat bank ale. blrb lll Ural U ul per ral Inlelral. "Ill b offered In Ilia public. Thl. lll be ujwu fur till! d.re. allrr hlch lima tb la malnlnc alixk nail t anbarrlbrd b lb" batlka thawatllaa rh banki lll l. undrr lb ab lul iittilrtd uf llir fuirr&mrnt COMES IN FROM BEAVtR MARSH jhiin KMirr uii.i. mki: mti:ii lllll 1U TIIIh IITV hltKm. II h Inim: MIDI lllltll WllllK mis :n John Kaull. Ma;ur ul llairr Marah. iuli.rit tu Klauialh I'alla Ihla nininiiK in hla ntw Kurd runabout lr Kmill l road aut-ribxir lor thai niMiil; un Ilia. hUUaa noith ul Kurt Klatnalb. and tb rirallrnt condition ul Ibtw al all llniM ifaVa ell for l.la rmrlanfr Kin; lntrr Knott cuiui-a In lh riiunl; ai-at un aarra Juat for thai irfla. Mr Knott a art-iniiiild today bt Tbiiiuaa J Klnnott. vtlui baa bwu rliaid In rnliirln moi lu tba tlrlnll; ul I'lrarrnt II IH l-'nd aiim tint tlaltlnf hla britlhrr, l'bllli 1 Hlnnolt ;era. taking Hi iiluine of leall nun; that rr a pall of Hi bavy rtiurl ducket In KUmatli and I-k ruiilillra llulrr Ihl alialli b baa of lal blukm drnau. Wlin flu ult Jii'U ll-trr '- ""' tun lell for Ukevlew Ibta time lllrlf aidaun did not acrnnuian; him. ! inalnliiiE in lt H. "I ,"r,, r" In iiirb a ehal'f H'al III' l.ylclan, to ,,,,. Illrlnrdaun fluin a cuinplft ro. lapan. uritrl lilm I" ,r " 1"' longid irat In fallfornla. lallempla will be mad to run tb atreit rar. Till., It I Mictd, will luaiill III fuillier Ifliaodaliwd. 1 Tlm alrlkera today offored lo waive ' ...mi., i, uf tlm Union If tlm trar- ir' . ... jllon companlc would leave at-ttle- inciit lo n board of arbitration. din railway wen refu.ed lo II. ten to, The alrlker. k for !. for uln hour. work. Tlm alrlku brwikera are being paid H Uay, anrt aro fed and hnuaed In h car tarna. I ujri.r, Oir , Nor t. 11)11 'A i Hmltb. IMItor llrald ' TI.e rnuar labia rot (ln for rduotion m Klamath coub- i ia iinui tur much roncralu- lallou Thv lli-rald and llrpubllcan't i.tk maaid (hla nd drarnta xnannr a llianka rhr I nlti-rallr idana tu m- luin Ihla manr (old In l arr- ! ( lljf alalr I'lltV I I rAMI'IICI.I. l'T-ldr f I hiiriltv uf Orrgiin TO INVESTIGATE Ill.l.llill 111 Hit Till. KN ). Ml:ll( Ml, l1lMiltli .m: NOW WlllthlNII 111 lll.TTI.lt TIMIII. I HNIUIIIINs slMlllW till) hllrd I'lrai Hrlf i UMIN, I'atiama, Nnr -Tb alramir Albantarm ul tba l'nltt-J I'rull ruiuian llu. arrhfd In l-ocl liKlai attb a acoir ul DicmWra ol tb Cotnniaiclal Kidltlan," blcb lll lour Ctnlial and Houth Amrrlca, un board The allr, uhlrh U luada up, uf dflrfatra to the larrnt Houthcrn Cuiunirt-lal fonirraa at Mobil, ahrr I'mldrnt Wllaon addrad i Mr turrilnc. "Ill rtraaln hro until lh lnlh Thr; "111 aall nn that datr un lb alraturr Ijainarl lor l'a;ata. rnniuiru lh Mpdltloo will lnipt llir ranal aud lb Panama formica liuna aa lh (UMta of lb (OTrrntaent iirrirlaU In rhart of lh ranal ion IF I ItLM II MCIIICAI, .ll'TlltlHITIIM I INK THAT Tllli: MtlST HtH- i ci'tiiii.i: tin: tiieii: who (Hi: 11)1.11. .tlliTAISCIl I Ullrd I'rrM Henri I'AHIH, Nov. 0, Don't b a t tutakr If uu would avoid appeodlcl. II. Thl. I. the advice glrcn by Dr. lira; and I'rufraaor HabratM, In an article un tb aubject, publlabed to da; In th current laaue of Iji I'reaa Mvdlralr. They clt a family of iliteen per anna, among whom all, who wer Inlnl nbatalnrr.. had to be operated un fur apindlrltl. None of the oth er., all of whom were win drlnkar., Iii T allow n any aymptoma of th illarnao. PAYING INTEREST F llllli:TOlW OP KIIWT XATIO.VAIi HANK VOI.UXTAHII.Y KI.KLT TO PAV IIIHTIIICT OX ITU IIAILV IIAiaNCK A t per rent Inlere.t on IU dally balance U being paid Hchool Dlatrlct No, 1 by the Plrat National Hank. Thl. wa. voluntarily voted by fb di rector, at tbelr recent meeting. There I. about 1,000 to lh cred it of 111 dlatrlct In the bank. Tb In lere.t on thl amount will be quit an Item to tlio dlatrlct, which wltl levy nn apeclal tax Ihla year. MWMMWMMMiMMMMM Charles G. Gates Leaves Widow One of the Richest Womenin U. S. 9 ,mSm KaZBHHI Mn Cbarloia.UatM. widow of tb tb marrkd acaln and ab dl4 thl aon uf John W Gatta, tbroutb lb SHmbr. datb of b.r ;ouoC huabaad audd.nl; Th "ldow Ml bjr ,be 7"ut tt"- llooalr tu Mlaa Klortoc llopwood in ;o.n. comr. Into a aba,, uf gf MtaBMpoIto wbom u BtrrUd ,n on uf lb largt fortun Is lb splmbr. 1U Wbn tt nw of uild. Ob will b on of tb rich lb tcturaratnt ram wbll tb joss at aldoaa In lb world, unlra tb man waa la I'arla In conncctloa with lll of ;ouac Mr. Oat lattn moat lb drath of hla fatbar. of hta fortune to hla mother, Mr. Younc Gatra'a motto waa apd. Jubn V. Oataa. He trTlcd much of hi tlm. Mr flat waa oolr JI jeara old plall; when h had aajthln lm- b dropped dead at Codf. Wjro., porUnt to attend to, la apeciaj tratna, altrr a auceeaaful bunting trip la lb which bad a clear right of ij, H Hooky Mountalna. Mrt. Gate waa mad on trip from New York to Ar- hla aecond wife. Ill Brat waa MUi(lloca la record time, and aaotbtr Mar; V Martin of St. Loula. Tb; from MlaaeapolU. II balleyed U wr married thirteen yean when what he railed tb apeed of life," abe concluded to get divorce. LaUr'and he died at 37. An Open Letter lly the Couaty Coart ! In our laat letter we aald would .peak about "Repudiation of County IndebteOneaa." Too .ult. have already been I fllel inj fifa&l In a illabin Ob I by M. U Alllaoa and the other by' J A Maddoi, Theae were both! darted before the recall election and were laaue In that campaign.. Kuykendall A Perguaon. repre-! 'aentlnc aurneboJy unknoan, nov are. It I. ld, preparing a ault to enloln a laren lhirt. If not all. the remainder of our oulalandlnr obit. gallon., I t: M liubb naa irr aom time been louiing into and maamc a record of warrant, pre.umably r.ana ea lnaa aS. a a I ea a I wi a nt another action, and at tb bbet ' of certain unknown Individual.. Kuykendall baa publicly atated that he ha. .Igned a contract to enjoin the count;'. Indebtedne., .and along with Perguaon ha. taken. i the trouble lo warn many people lagalntt the purchase and ownership Inf miiihIv v.r,.nl. It It.tf ltn atBl.1 nn th atrel ' (that a circle of taxpayer ha. been formed to enjoin our obligation., but tbey have not et com Into th open, and no one knoa who they are. Rumor after rumor prevail, rela- tire to repudiation and the effect 1 1. .ery bad. Tb outalde pre jhaa taken it up and the publicity jaecured thereby la harmful. The Black Klag 1. flying and Ibe .tandard bearer are Kuykendall & Perguaon, Alllaoa and Maddox tbua far. Up to thta time lb other He pudlator have kept lo the dark. (Coat!nnd on pagw 4) MMMMMMA . I ANOTHER LOGGING ENGINE FOR WOODS IKUCk.V IUY HLXKIVU) bEOOSD lAeCOMOTIVi: lOR L8K IX ITS l.fMlllJUNO OI'KJUTIOXH OX ri-i'i:it LAKH A aecoad locomotive for tb Pelican "r Lumber company ba arrived,' .and today wa. .tarted for tb com-J (,an . logging camp on th Uppr jke, wber ll wll be put In na. The Pellcaa Bay companjr baa hi- rral mite of railroad through tb Umber, and tbo crew ar getting tb log. out rapidly, requiring th Mrv- Ifrt of more locomotlv power, KS STRONG FOR THIS CITY HKUK l.lvS Tltk.V A KOHTXiaHT, IIK PCItCHAhKS CHOICE IUMI HKXCK PHOPKKTk- AXU HKXD6 Mill IIIH FAMILY Ahaut two week axo llenrr J Week, came to Klamath Fall la r-' poa to a letter from hi aon. Oell Oawald Weeka. who had wrltUa bl SHORE LEAVE IS DENIED SAILORS BY ADMIRAL FLETCHER; MAY ALLOW REBELS TO IMPORT WAR MUNITIONS latbarr a iIolo account of tb clt and aurrouodlns countr;. Afur tb rxliit uf hla aon'a UtUr Mr Weak. a aold hla proprt; la i'ort Anl, Wajhlcctou, Ufora Itbsi lor Klamath Fall. Katbar, Ilka ten, aa ao tt' ptraanl ltb lh futur outlook of I i!.ia .l .. w mai. ia eta irmuni com, ana isu morn- ing cloaed a deal with tb K. K. Smith rralt; companjr for tb proper!; at lb corner of (Irani aad Third, known aa tb rJlaake; property. , TbU property, owned for om tlm bf It. K. Smith, la a valnabl one. Tb boua la a two-alory etea-roota frame building, with concrete baay- ment. and waa built b; a former own- er for hla own aa. Mr, Week ha teat for tb rrat of i hi fimlljr, who are due to arrlT' Monday or Tneedar. aad will take la-1 mediate poaaalon of hU aew bom, j of tb rport that Und baa eooflra4 II baa two grown daughter, a aoo.lb rumor of tb notification that In bU third year of high aebool andjuo-rta matt quit. Ldad U ailent. a younger girl now la the third grade. rbtft e rrn AB,fJeaB w.ip, Mr, Weeka will tak a month or o ! to get thoroughly titled, aad wlU ,B ,D t"bof- then engage In boalnea la'tbU city. STREETCAR MEN NOW POLICEMEN (iKKMAN TIUNinilt VKMH)ILS MIST .LM, C.NDKII K.NAI.TY III' I.WV. i:.NM)HCK HAT11.V OR- lil.N.t.NCK ON t.MW L nlted Pre. Be rile HAMnUKO. Nor. . Tfc aw po - lie taw requiring conductor, uf atreet ear, under pala of beary penalty aad revocation of their llcenae. to keep .11 mnrn .rlnr lone hatnln. with " " . w - point, narovered off th can. went Into effect today. Policemen arc r Uatl-Amerlraa feejlng la Mexico City quired to tak th aame. of women 'aad vicinity. II la ppraaalv of with projecting hatpin.. All TloUt- outrage, owing to Haerta bltur en of the rule will be fined from IS'nea. to 110. Will I'ublUli Thaw Ueciatoa CONCORD. N. II.. Not. . Gover- 'nor Petker announced today that be .aiuuiu un oaiuru Huiomt uuuiuu the Thaw eitradttloa decUloa. nutu rruca vtaiu Un II r Snlih r.lurr..l horn .ron s,er,nMnl0, WDtr, ',),, ba been vUIUng friend, and r.l- atlve for tb paat flv week. Negro Is to : - GSaCIIabr ioSoatk b APP ' United Pr Sarrlco - SKATTLE. Nor. . Samuel fJom- per, pre.ld.at of th. American r4 eratlon of I-abor today announced that be would not b a candidal forl,,Uple, ,htl u. whiu .uMn an re-election to that offloe, but that If be were cboaen to aucceed blmaalt h would aenr. Rompers, when queUond, Bad b" follow la .Utement: Tb child labor Bltnatioa la tb .wtio.nh or orna.UM lcabm tu IIKI.IKK T1MT MATTK1M .ut: lioiti; huuucm lluotli uf Trlsnuna ltrraal b Mr. llnma An tMlwt , WUmm fur a C'uulrrriarr All-Kurrapa Vt I la Mrtlout Capital la Maid lo Ha Mill Mors I'ruayuaifarcat Mala HaM l llu L'uafrniac alth Carraavaa. L'alUd Preaa Serrlt VKRA CRUZ. Nor. t. Admiral i Fletcher ha dealed abor lear to all tb aallors aad otoeers with hi Beet. KirtUmeal la renewed aa a fult I L'nlted Pre Eerrlca WA3IIINOTON. U. C.. Not. . It U tellcfed that dUqulellng new ram from Mexico to Waahlagtoa to day, Aa aooa aa the atal department re celted lu rode dupatcbe. Bryan ma bed with them to President Wll on for a tonferwac. When aakd whether Uaarta ka4 nolUed Embaaay IJaxrctarj- Q1tin. , araay of hla laUalios. Bryaa wo not "9lT' Ulueru baa defl4 Aaarlem. BrrM aad WlUon will sot cUacoa tala. It U aald that Wllllaai Bayara Uata )u nmuBlcatla with Carraaaa. Lh ' rebel leader. It 1 alao raaaoraa that be baa already received bl aralla laary report, and th rebel Uath la . anown lo UM, O Sranghaeuy report aa lacrMeil United Pre. Bervlo , WASIIINQTON, Not. -lt hi - i petted that coogrtaa will worn acu whether the rebla can Import araa rrom mo t,auu aiaia. WiUoa aad Bryaa will tak M cogaliaac of th rbl rquta, Mg aevertneleaa tnu win r- aucuaaaa k Wllaon think It would DTOalaa aarlT peac. II may writ a apeclal gnagai, aklng congre to lift taw mharfo. Be Superior i South I ao aaiiooa that wlUla a i 'eratlon tha negro rat will to - r "'L. "Tt fmnLaltv Thlfl U rou,n. mbo, d thmtuit becoming dgnerat lafwaa log lone hour la ta while tb negro ehHejraja, ability to Hv oa Um. aid, and r M mora ragalarir. h in