ieraa Speciut Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 itwttttuj Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OIMMCIAL NKWSPAPKK PRINTS THE, NEWS WHILE IT'lS NKWi t'" P' Klgtilli Vrar .Nil, U.U07 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1913 Vtlt VlT 0B tickets to '4 fr ' ' i . fe OF REIGN STERILIZATION IS FEDERAL TROOPS . In TTTi v i u . ILEWIS WAIVES (MEET TO ARRANGE ONLY Bill not l besieging city 'iger Is Downed by New York Votersi examination marketdayplan BOSS MURPHY IS ENDED CARRIED AT POLLS I MilxiairilKlnl I'HKI.Illll ri:on.i. Ill: "HI. MlVsllll 1IIIN M.lsftH IMM'MI Hint follltl uii.i. nit 10 xiutu. hum on. .iuii.u:ii. 1111:111: ovni! More States Enlist Under the Democrat Banner;, . is rir.iitt.Ko with HtuMmsa a ,t iiki-omjimi to a .VKIGIf. HOIt lti:i.K.HKI UMIKIt IIOMt TIIIH AFTKHMOOX I I iilrtll ii( tMrgnti lntiiiUiiit l'itlr-l Hi WIm.Ip si. I.. mii In I nite-J I'ltH Rertrt i:iii.i: I'ASfl. t.i . .. : u 1. rapArtrd tier I bit I lone (.di-rsi Oik. ,,.l ILIIr, U.n. T. ll..r,fc.ulBltTefrraB,llest)( TtiMllmi til W111I lliH-ugti l.i m tl (o .ir oat lh reflltllutli.hali. Mill l-algrr ilr, tl. l',(...iti..ii "I." bold the illy lUlHtf MnimI ll.lro III Our. ' ""' '" lard lil ' KBMS I hllxl I'lru IWrl 1'UlirMNH. H According .1 ., ir ike rtli i.l 1li,mlft ..i,i h if II..,. la ah, reaLlst,.- i 1t.fik1.1ir 'mH4 t.tuit.. dam n 11 it nri I nnn7r .11 ..( u.r .lip. a. huh , ,U1 . fill 11 1 urii.r npb.1.1 ii. i. i urn ii ",,,, UL--i- uuuu ON OHIO TRAINS l(liUtuif hi appimlng ItHtr al U.r mpamlr pa. b ll Welti.!" Mfh ! l.lelled In th pe-sple rfif i tefrirndtim 'i Hi unit nir.i.i. In lo . lb' Hit. .. J.lMlr.1 l rinllM't-l.l Mil by .ru.ll in. trio Tit s.r.atr.1 of IMitiort In Ihu t-lll Id Multnu m.K county Tli li, al linn HMt'ilfr ..l Xif ! at I lu km Till. aMHir. lb .rnr bulM lh. f..r II- In.tltutlmi. .I.J lit d-,1 """ "" " u.t Hf lb fkt.imt.i mill .. n..t i-oi-iMiirs. uhi. nv 1 Id advancement l th who'll riantac today, yiw'll bate to go The worVmn, routtatlt act , .,,,, or be ledMrd li the lul ( Iti lrllim. Tli tnull . .ie- .1 r mroi , p...,iru ... (, (e( ,.M. )wit niw hciiiu inni fidinic on l'l'l Till It N UN I.H'I NhI.h tl.HlWIMi I'l IIMINS Til isTl, I.IVlllll IN tills M.tV. zziiaazzsgacu-s 1bbbbbbbbbV1bI8a H HHHIIIIIIIIA v aBBBBH HHrag iBBBBBBBEjrSc9l VSiWti HEH "VV. W. Iwl., who operate. rtnch kouth of till, city, w broucbt be fnro Ju.tlco of th I'r.ce flowen to- (ilar, ch.rged with abootlnc a colt. (Thn i-oiiiitfllnl waa made bjr Jamea I V. Jorr. "ho ar the colt atrajred to t IxjwU iilarn throuth a broken Kale. Iiwla aUed hi. preliminary ex nmlnatluo. irefrrlng to no direct to 'ho (tranJ Jury. lis waa liberated on (S00 bond. AUTOS RACING . OVER A DESERT MIST IIXISII WITIII.V A. TU.K LIMIT OK nIITV IIOl'ItH l.V OR. 4 Di:it to iik i.v uv tiik phizb MOXKY. TIIIM Willi WIlV IH:il T.IMM..N Vt'ttMu Irll Hi .lBU1"rlm H. Whitman, riullnK aUerwr: John Curni) MIKlirll. i.)..r nf r Yiiik. tlnirKP lr.tinir. irr.Ulrnl of llic board i.r nMcrmm. All wrrr miiill.Llr mi tlir I'iuIiiii llrkrl. AT 7:30 TONIGHT AM, mOUCKTKD ARK VRONB TO ATTK.ND r'armm anil HMlnr Mm WIH Mtc In lUKiin I'ropotMl 1WaHioai. llmlarM llouxy I'Uaahkg to Offtr MprrUI rrVr for Caah Hal oat ilu Jk7 IM.l49.alnl for Mark I iJ All Are latemted Tanilble plana toward laitltut loK Market Dajr will be d!fcua4 thbi eYenlrjf at tba Klamath Chamber of Commerce, whin bualneaa and profaa alonal men and Klamath county farm er wilt meet to outline tba proper plana for auch a dajr. All who can attend aro urged to do ao. The general plan for Market Oar b) the Uealcuatlon of a certala dajr each neck, or Mich month, when the farm era will brine producu, lUeetoeh, machlnerjr, etc., that they wUh to dkt poee of, to Klamath ralla. A bit auction will be held, and theae arti cle, will be ilUiod of to the hlf beat bidden. In thla ay farmara In the dlaTeremt parte of the Klamath coantrr wlH be ItroiiKht cloeer tofether than erer ae- tl ally Ihlr (m mm In It. t.ti.r Tb riiunll atluit.ry mr.up a.- .4 by a .imirwhat .niallrr nle. but i.ilmail. In I be .tale nf Hint) Hrletlbrli-... II. Biln.tlini .t it- J fhll. 1 Ni:VV MIIIK. Nut ' Tli voter vl New Viitk bat rrralli'U Cbarlr Tbeir !. of roan. Ibe allrltiatlto - Miirfby. lb Tammany bow. ..I trap lr irfa pop. or lnrr -.. . . .tnrtM iteriiretatUin ' ,' " " "" ' ,,r'a ,,r .. the muiilrliwl and general rlcellona reluin. nil the ! In Kl.m-1 Atlwnei-delteral lloj.B. In look- rp,tl,rf Hhlrli rraulled lu a general ath rminty will nt U atall.ble until l .me, rerlaln amre ur l wu.ty ,Bl),jr 'f.u lb prngrraanr and the (l.i. i.tDflal lama.. f the nlr I.IrIH. ef ta .tale romlltutli'li. !,),,,, laa.lp. A tety lld.t ml '' tiwail Ibal aaB.tHf "IfHiii. efn ptip three belnt- but Utile Inlrrr.! m.nt-1 MWle.1 llo Itllonnr.l I lie .late fexletl. llallol tHiira ale bln( biouibt In " fiiiin thp vatlitu. Milln plareJ. but a tin. men brlnclnc tbtn dl.l not take llm trouble In .prufp an abtttart nt lb tote, All .ay that all nf lb inea.urp wet .trunily tuppa'ted i $30 Tor IT in ' POPCORN TRADE 1 lliinr tut me rnmmU.lnti tI hi. dt A. a r.Hjull, Ibvrc I. (cry Ilttlu pat nin.Kc lo be ih.lrlbulrd tn aJliereut. -f i .! ' on train, .re l. toda I. il Tammany ball. Tbo Tiger face the Ipanc.t fuur ynta In tbv Malory ..I the orgauliatUm . l-.Jn. of Tnmmany are angered and chagrined a. a rt-.ult of the elec tion The) a In dl.po.ed to blame Murpli) for I lie defeat. It la ripectrd that tbem lll be a mn ileal nml a new bead for Tam many beforti the nvit election. t'linipli'to leturn. from tbo city gho Jiilm I'urroy Mitchell, tbo fu.lon cu-1 rislli:llli:ru.Mi:i AMiiait 'IMlo for maor. a plurality of 116, ........ i 3i tote oier McCall, Tammany' I'l. l;ls IIMIW l 1.1'i.nnrn SAYS Win, SULZER aeaaaaaaV aaaaY:awaw-V " g. A' TvL VvJawaV. ' 'W 'y BaaaaaaaVV .bbbbbbbbW. riSawawawTawawawawawaal VPSAlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa F TlamBBBBBBBBaaWaaWaE alT!aaaaaBlaWaaaaaBWBeaKW carried the city yciterday for the first j jn faih I'nlted l're. Service , Kl. I'ASO, Texaa, Nor. S-lften 'canr-yoday are rompetlnc In a GJI i mile auto race from Kl i'aao to rh.Hnlx. Arltnna. over the Uorder- ,.. nuuu ... . . . .. n-n ti'.ii uivamxnry TifiAV iici mu.e. roiir inou.ana aonara . . HI of co-orrat(on will h. hnlli will be divided amene tb...,. v.rm. ih....k... ... . . limp In .lit..., ..r. Keller ...,- .... ..J. .. ."" "". wiiaty ' I "' '"""" iiniaoinB wmun mo rr- aro enthulaatle over the plan. They elrrted major by a large plurality. oulred lime limit of forty houra. ,r thla feature ha long been needed. The race will end tomorrow at the " The merchant of Klamath Fall lulled fret Service lArliona atate fairground. The",re ,i,0 atrong In their endorsement.1 CINCINNATI. O. Nov 5 Judge'"""1' ro ,n 0Kl tbtt" ni1 ,h wln' "" majority have announced their Frederick Spiegel M the entire re- "'" " '.' "l"1 . db!,,er "f ,n,en,lon of 0"MlnK ,Ptl "doe- publlcan ticket were elected at yw- , , " """-""'"" "' ",uon. in price of good each Market ...ft... .., w. .... vnii aiiaiuini v ly. iMuglaa, Arliona. There are check- ilnc atatlona all along the Uorderlandl route. terday' city polling. This rwtore to power the Cox Hkrutne. United I're.a Sertlce ' TIl&vrON. N. J., Nor. 5. The lat eat .title vtlde return ghe Fielder a plurality of 18.000 for governor. A! democrat legl.lalure la alto a cer tainty. entrant. Oi)-ll Murpli) so saih a.v i:ri:iiT who woiikm roil I'M'i.i: mm. ...M in- : I'Utl.NH HOW TO MAlii: rills . imrj .,c Servlco I I.MHtMOI'N I'HOr'IT NKW Itllll. MiV. ocratlc lclorle. lu theto plact vlndl I I'nlted l're Service CI.KVKt.ANU. O., Nov. 5. -Tbo o 'clall.t ticket carried In Shelby, Canal Dour and Cothocton, all third cta.a Iclllea. The socialist vole In Colum- . bus waa less than n third of the total 'polled In 1911. I IHM.N A.M HtS Mt'ltl'IIV IS' .v. iwiiitiuitiilL Inltrd I'ress Service . WASIIINtlTON. II. U., NOV. 0. nun., anere iae latiu urn sail tue INHIANAI'OI.IS, ltld Nov. 5. I'rptldcnl Wilson today policies ero issues. Tlie ucmocraU carrea thlrty-elgbt congratulations to tbo winner In New city elections In Indiana yesterday. Itoss lur- Jlr,r).( Massachusetts, Marylaud and - um'u '" borvlce Th, republicans won In eighteen cltle lento hint, especially In thu stale I'loc-jl'ulteJ lress Service ,. tlons, here the tariff bill and the ad-' INDIANAI'OI.IS ALSO TO VOTEl MICHIGAN WOMEN DEMAND THE VOTE I.ON Kit HOL'iii: l'.S.SIS Mia.SUItK UV A.V OVKKWHKUMI.Va MA JOIIITY, AMI I'KKIIH CAN KCAHCi: HO OTIIKIIWI8K. OIJXIWI.VO TWO HVCC'satWiVK IIKKKATH, A TIIIKD atMIMIOV, hTHO.NflKH THAN IIVKR, H TO III'. I.VKTITUTKD ROO.V. Phy ba nos learned how tlm recall . ci?rlli.l. Ho foeU that the dein-l TOI.KDO. O.. Nov. 5. Itepubllcans'nud the nroerixalre in tn. Thltly iloll.ra' wotll. ..I popped operalr. when plac tbo hand. I cum lu the form of i-celil packages fur the market reprtseula an oulla ( only about 1 or 11.60 fur ra lualerlal, arrnrdlug to a tanners bul letin (No. r.53) Just la.ue.l by III" di I'artinelil of agriculture entitled 'Tl font for thu Horn,!,' Hultlcletil pup mm In make 30 worlli ol 6-ceul packages can be grown on u piece of laud 4U feet lung by 30 feel U' Thu spoclull.U III com Invesllga linn wlui wrlln this bulletin say that pup rum hue ronaldernblu laluu aa a li'od. and whult properly pn-pared for ihu latin It I u'orlnr In many of Iba l.iMikfn.t fiinil nnw mi Hto market I It I ruatdiiinry on umiiy farm where pup corn la not deslrod ns a umrkel trnp in plant a few rn for homo iiso. This phaso of farming usually lutnri-.t llto rhllilri'lt. and It Is well to let thorn do Ihu pluntliig. If It I desired I" grow pop torn nai u Held crop, tho surplus alork mil wanted for homo uso rati usually no Hold In local merchants tit n fair price or II can bo irintiibly sold directly to innsiimvrN, BaaaaaaPF - aaar MANY KILLED ON ALPS THIS YEAR United I're.s Service COl'KNHAtn.', Nov. B. Votes for women today Is regarded aa a cer tainty, following the passage In the I lower house of parliament nf the constitutional amendment bill by an J overwhelming majority. 7; Kngllsh, tj other, Tho same bill,. which went through countries. 9. ,tl0 lowcr noUsi last year, wa I It I estimated that SS per cent of wrecked In the upper house because tho fatal nrcldcnts -could have been I besides providing for general female avoided It the climber had taken I enfranchisement It also embodied re proper precaution and observed ( form of tho houso of peers. Knemle simple Alpluo rule. 0 the measure tacked thl on In a The principal cause wre bad last desperato measure to defeat what weather, searching for flower In , was popularly demanded, dangerou place, slipping and the At the last general election tho breaking of snow-brldge. progressive were returnod In tin- creased numbers, and It ! believed last night elected to tho assembly ou Ihu Progressive ticket by an over-( helming majority. "Murphy took the pcoplu's power himself and recalled mo becauso 1 did nut turn tho state over to him. , Now the peoplo have recalled him. 'The peoplo of tbo stato have con- demiiKd .Murphy by Ihelr ballot. HI. .1.TV TI't-'llcrvroKTiii-' puppet landldales were bealen every "''" Ml LI..NT OP THh win-re. and Tammany Is tottering mi- I'ATAI.ITHM WKHK Till: IlK- idt-r Iho wolglit of n illscn-dltcd bos. siri.r m Ai'nlliAin.H ivi. "I have the sail. faction of know- At tho request of the government now that lu these circumstance the lug that I struck Tammany Iho hard-! i'i..'. 0( China a Chinese student has beentpeor will not persist in opposing full i-sl blow It has received alnco thu' - 'assigned as aid In one of the Held "aud complete suffrage for women William Hulii-r of tho people," said former llovoruor William Sillier today. Hiilicr waa iliij of IIo.h Tweed." jllnllod I'res Service ... ... - ........ ... .....i milter urgeu mo nuopuon ui iuu llASKI,. Sllxerlaml. Nov. S. Ono direct irlmary, tho referendum and llm recall. St. Leonard', Ttvlngloti, near Minn Head In lkiNoimlilre, Is ono nt tin. smallest mid utialntest churches In Kiigluml. It has no steeple, but II hui two clilmuejs and It Is thatched with straw. Tho data of IU lonutruc tlmi Is lost In Iho mist of antiquity. hundred ami stxty-lle Alpluo climb ins uero killed ilurlng the season Just closed, according tu government statistic uvallablo today.. Tho killed Include fourteen women u ml four guide. lly nationalities tho vlctlmo were: Austrnlns, DO; Uortuaus, 49; Italians, parlies of the United Stntea geological sur-. Tho road to Shlpplngton I Just as bad us of old either mud or dust, with no Immediate prospect of Im provement, Wo may live in hope, but may die lu despair. The council should look after this much trav- It.illlclil Itelterate Intention. tleforo board ot commerce of Flint, Mich., Secretary Itsdfleld ot the de partment ot commerce reiterated hi statement that should wagea be re duced because ot the new tariff his department would make a searching Investigation Into conditions In the oiled thoroughfare, which now I manufacturing Industrie. Ill de little more than a streak ot mud andjpartment will loon begin an Invert., n right of way. gallon of public utility corporation. United Press Service JACKSON, Mich., November 5. Another campaign for votes) far women I to be waged In Mlehlaa ht tho near future. Undaunted by (wo successive defeats at th poll wlthta alx month' time, and declaring they will have detective honeycomb!; the state to prevsnt a repetition "art ;ih frauds which defeated them the last time, member or th MIchlfjM Kqual Suffrage Association gatkeNaf here today In annual coavintltS. l'lan for launching the third cam paign were discussed today. Mr. Clara II. Arthur ot Detreet, retiring president of the associatbu. and Mr. Edna Dlalr nt Illlledatt, atate organiser, reported that ment among the women of th i was almost unanimous la faver H another Immediate attempt to ."fa, the ballot for womm and'tariflit ot representation." Commltt) MI be appointed daring lb iitiiMga to determine upon detail. .jj" ' Mr. Arthur iubmltt4 bar rM(f. '' nation formally today. Rb kM bMBt connected with Hi erftlltiUM gaTK twenty yean, ha bee Iti since 1908, and hag 14 tbt t wide campaign for tba I Mr. Blair of HllUdal. Mra. erme uartutt crane of and Mn. FrederlekK. nH'T are regarded a tba .l.i.. . .ha.. ma upiv m nmai W. aswaaaaas. ;. r ' i m j cz-v. afWaaWagPaJ-B, v ; i . ' j lUMaMgm - .Ui saaajgaiKu '' . awWj J&M ssaaaajr -ajajjajF taaatf !. ,af ' ffiySaH '4 .a , Xi -ij?r'swjsf' Tt wffiaVn AH Issvi M j'Wij