,,,,, Jfttitnil'.' I'll'1 .. " v JVeraU Specia 7icfcefe to MedW awe a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip$6M Sty? mming UteraUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NISWSPAI'ISK PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! i;imii rs. j,umi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1913 I'rfcw Plvo CJ 'Is m L 7 '"'t i sk - if 'j - IV'fP Mi CHAMBERLAIN ASKS FOR (J-M--lr WORK 10 SECURE FREE DELIVERY m.vtiii:m in Atrrnt: in i hi: , movi.mi:xt I 1 j WAMIIMIION. I). C. Nor 3 - A Will InI..Ini "null ( I'.)ll..i..t",ul"lt o'wi '. iili color.. si i'ieli National I'atk u lb UImI Tl.l. I.trnlog. .taking tr ll.r Cm.u, ,fc. llMteu,, ,,k MlWJrlHoB, .Hurling I' I hlwul l.roglli n( nldm'sued under I ho dllnlloi. o( Krer.tary ,. ., ., , , , ... , l-.be of Hi? InUrlor dtpartiuri.i Mftlk, t'oattrlllug Wnlilit. lli.t r TkU lw abut.) lli park a. It Hat .Not Hcmi ImpM.M.I lu 11.1. ' .,u appear o mi bUrrr.r DrlBI. MNMr !) l'fii liir,. M. l. and t.lley. i.'iu l44 noil colored in unlvr u .-,. ilia relief. Thl. panorama. U lb. M- of m.klu. II IH-.IMr rkult mt) lf ,,,,.,, ,oun for lli lt lu aitl tie mll U.IH fl M Ik, apHBlfinlml ul doe ery, muibla u( Ilia rllr hm4uII ai m.l. (u(inMnl rlfittn oXtr al ifk Indutmc fiH-tl uta l inakfi ikaO lefalf U U". HJ HUluC III ruliallurlluu tit aaUa t) ' IhiM wku ( b(lrlnl Ibtw Tuui.f 'w!,7 l'..V. '"m....'..," H4ubtl fill III ltla lraHKl. a&4 InlltCbl III Inlrolum al lb cuubHI nn'i'H ( Ua( lrnlr lllli tar ijt..lk ItllKllUtllOII, Tli aU air !. all In lb Mr' MI)1 WarJ. Tli. al M-allrlr.1 all uir Ilia rltjr. Tb CfalT illlub ul aUa lUlrJ. Under Hie tltlona, and In lb' liumetoua ptllona liilroduir.) at lb U.t I. council ro.lln. are lf thet cnn.liuclloi. f -alk. in front M..l. ikalM Iftiaa tleiaaauatlt ntmtm Lata if Uat ' Iarle.1 lu liulld None ol the ate . .- , more than a block In lanith. "ullaf libera mvlrly rnrrr lb width nf a li.l. Ilr harlnc tbe plera nf Kalk built, lb rltra aldewalka will ! eon iircle.1 In lb prul-r manner. Till me of the Uiit Imixirunl mailer manded by Hi I'r.ILd Hlatr. when He- mall drlh.ry U rnul,l. Ch.i.. Mm M. N:W YOllK. No, 3 Ikw.M.r anu emcienry meiunua ,u, ,m..u.. ....i ....ii....n.... w-. .H..H....I P( , I. O PttllHII.I.I.M.Ii'll .ir.p.."- loday In a roiiferenr In the New Midland Hall O Mnrenl; Tul Vork cu.toiu. Iii.u., at which all cu.- Uk. Jei.nl llunn. Yalnax. II. I. torn, collector gathered upon order W..lfi.rd. rrairr Uki., Jrle II Mo ot Hecr.tarr ' l' Trea.ury McAdno m... Hildebraiid. Kineiiiicl J I oo . lie recommrnded lm.roement. .ug Thr.e a..ini-- r. all eimllliuH ,.lluti from wllliln th .tl ll Tl. .Hilnimrnt. hrr.. rliaiur. aro te.d of from rmnnilHee. apiKilnled - he mJ "' "'' rt hrru con from uiiiiiik iulldr, a herrlolor nmi.i Shippers Are 0'Gara Writes Eighty Are Ordered for Klamath; x . The following cheering Idler wn. lecelved thl. morning by Secretary Wyldo of the Chamber of Commerce Horn lll.trlcl Freight and I'auenger Agent Jaa. O'flara, regarding Iho car ahortagoi 'I thank you for )our ..,...... I-I.I. ......... . ...i... .' .. .i...,..in in in.ui . m... ur du, reiauro iu im. .r fur Inking caro nf Ihn liualne. of Iho TUMlwto PW ,i.iiiii raua iiiinr hi iiiv II ma. "Hen In advl.o Hint lliern hu. hvcn n Utile stringency In car., owliiK to tho fact that so much produro I. mov ing In nil direction, mid from nrnrly all points at thl. aca.on nf tho yeur, nnd wo havo been using every pout- hie effort to aupply the riiqiilroiiienlal of iho Klamath Kail, .hlpper., and I .nil havo up lu a very short tlmo ago wo been romnrknbly successful, consider - ... ....., ......, - - Itiu tho slrlugeitcy of Iho .Uu. Ion. litld uiion reculvlna- vour letter. I tolo - phoned to our general freight ogont, and I am advised that eighty can -.. . i-i-a-g-j-u-uj-u-iji ISSUE A CRATER LAKE PANOROMA IN Hl iiiHMih. tMi h Al llt.IIM MICH .III.MMIS. II lh IICIMi Mll.ll lit II.IWIII lli:IMIITMi:.M' III V HaHtlnti.ni. II. I .mniiiih KHilt luthra ami I. a I of Imtilal train "f milr In Ilia irh NldKAuKA rULKb ARE FIGHTING FIRE. s lll.l I.I M III IIANl'HCItH t Nil 1IIW Nl'l (llli: TIUINU TO stVl; II. I.I Mil Willi ULlNhl.T nlJ l'r. 8er.w. VAI.IiTINi:. S . No J-A mrte prairie Brr. piraumibly ttartci: by hDHleraan Ik lloebud Aarnry In. .. .. ... . .. ..... ..I .'Narin liaauia, eioaar, in aia mtn tbt atat thta iurnlux. Hoe rb ton ol Keeani la In the path l),,HWr. ,,, bHmlrrd. ol irama arel , , , ,Be ,fun, , r iMi.Kr. I... Om-chi ' J. , Tlll.tlld.r Under the p WAHHINimiN H r SZ tjXTJXZZl JSK IT. ---M M . ... SJ. .. -..(,, mI ,MWfl lh ,,. Th,r -. -- ... .,., Lanaell vallrr. Jann- Jiaioiir. I Getting Cars ..II.I.U. naaAttltll.! Mllll aClltl n i"' -" ," ," "".' ' lrMCj ,.,.,, - ... llMmirr of them car. wero Ju.t r,a,.i frm rvlrc, having come u',,al ullli ery heavy ahlpment of, .. ...i ..n .n,i i I, mm Mint heiirefnrlh airtu ,Hn. mi'i . v , ..... ,.f ,,r. will ..imbl Ihe our .iit., ... - -. .iro.lnro of Iho Klaniatli ran. section ' "' . in mi,.. I "I feel tint I nt" Prny w umiim i'ui.- - for lotto of Hit. troublo.oliig lo lhly I'd-J wllh him. ' ..... i uva been tolling every- Tho llfclc.a body waa discovered . ......... .1,1 nr wheat nnd .'"'... '.I ' ...il know .hat somohock wn. nolM-l. nnd took Cargo ot ,, dealer, of tlu... Product., whom I apoko to. Immcllalely nr- S I . rder n largo Ion..... and . ..i,..i H.nt Klmimtli rail. I III" ll! . 1... Imd audi it product on or grnm.iiiK iii coniiwtiou w.hi mo ... .-, 'nn c. unb !.''" ,00 " " '"J H'OU fount Of viiip. uu, in'i'w " .. - - - ... ...i. . .i . without any loss to tho shippers." WASHINGTON D. C, NOV. 3.-Senalor George L Chamberlain of Oregon to day introduced a measure creating an appropriation of $100,000 for a Federal building at Klamath Falls. The fund, according to the bill, is to cover the cost of site and the bMnf's construction. r In introducing the measure, Ckamkerlain pointed out the fact that there are nearly a dozen branches of the Government service in Klamath Falls, wftfe one ex ception housed in rented quarters, or with no offices at alL il TRIAL ON I0DAY iik. (oni i:iin is ii.iuji:ii with I MsllNH IN VIOiaTIIIN III' Alll:IIMN NII.TIUhT I.KOIh. Ul IV I lillvd I'rraa rkrilce HT I'Al I.. Not. 3.- With JudRo w It Sanburn realdlnc. tbt trial of n.r International Harvaater coinpauy li.i bilallfln of the Kherman antl iru.l la waa brxun In tbe federal Wl.Tjtuurl bvm today. ' The trial la the climax nf on ul' lh rnoat unuaual aerie of hcarlnta' (r ronducred for Ihe puriw. of miIiik -Mi.. hrrlni: IjIIii Amrrl.M I'lilled I'rrta Hertlre ...,. .v av-tos:iii C-..I.. .,r lAI'l. HAN ANTONIO. Cuba. Nor. - T... .lM.ln.hlll aii.ti.r ..r ,Im nw pi.it-m,. ..VH..M.... . ...v .,,., Ti1,Uembcr. of tie party. ' ' n " 'l. ,!?! "'"T "I 1 1 .1. "iii "' '""'' ""' " -"'"""i' Umarl on Monday, November 101b, tr Tayla. which Ihev pet lo tovh IT lllllliw IUK I HUl'.UrtJ. SAYS HE'LL TAKE LIFE; FOUND DFAD. , I llXAMISATIO.N mvr MOHTHSI I'llOVIM THAT DHATII WA8 NOT j un: to i hi: iimxTs oi" imis-i ON, IIOWCVKH John Hteer, for the pa.t five .tear, n re.nii'iit ot un. count)', wa. roum, dead at hi. homeetead In tho vlclully of IMne Orovo Sunday by Kariy Aram, who woni mere iu Kei, i .. .. ... ..... ............ "" '""" "" """ i1-"-'"' " Hleever. Abnul noon, Slcever wna nt tho luilim of 11, J. llllyard, and when u.ked In n-liiulu tit dinner he do- , ,, riinvu, i.j..i .. " , lak" XWUW' K "e ,"U' fr"ue,,,), , ... i ,i.u ..nr iiil.nr.i Ki.rn.' iihoiit two hours Inter. Coroner Whit- '.ho remains. An examination or tbo room nndj lit. l.o.o foiled to .bow any trace of Blty kiiiii oi poiaou. nmo " iiuiu-i . , ,,. .... .,., . I , n, cuio Hint poison una uccn ink- .. t,0terml..od to loam the exact - - - - cause, Whlllock hold n post morto examination thl. morning. Thl. $100,000 FOR KLAMATH (Herald Mirlal Hri-tlca) irrivc Hint ilrith wni ilut to bard rnlne of tbe valtn of Hi heart, r.ud by rtiwlvo drlnklnn. Klrctrr na about 43 Jnu of ace. sSi knuoii 4( mi anioctdtnu. Iwtti nddlctwl to drink, and Knera!ij' loft biro melin- li'ilr Ha made fraquent remarka Ilut he would lakn polion. Thn funeral Mill take plar loinor riinr mornliis at lit n'rlwk from Wblt liirk'a chapel. I SCIENCE CHURCH IS A CERTAINTY- A PIUIMAXKNT'TIIUIAM-tkTIOXl wii.i. hi: i:rri:rri:o at IX(I m.nhav Ani:nxoo.v AlOV ATTKNHi:il 11V LNV I .. . .. . ii aa ma unanirooua ucciaion oi the meeting of twenty.flre peraona""- -"'" '" "" " " """ " J and the III. Hon. Jam. William I)W. dull.. .lirillUVH ,llk H WUII.II.U .... ruiriety beurgauueu in Kiam-, " ak report, at tbo next meeting. on Sunday. November 9lb. at 3 p. m.J ""-" ' I" li, roadcra ac- -;-.... n, or..n,x.on eltecled. . J :i.i:iTIO.N I.N-)ltM.TIO ItOll.ni TO TAI1I.OIII AS A HHI.r TO THK KI.KCTOH 4' lU'frrrnituiu Mrauumi Slate I'nlxr.lty Building Itepalr Oregon New liulld- 1 Sterllliatlon Act. County Attorney Act. . Workmen1 Pnmiw-i".nl Inn Arl. , -. .. ...n...... - .-...t-....n,.v ..... ,o1U ' Wlivn to Volo open at 8 o'cIch tomorrow morning. ! Poll, cloit) at 8 o'clock tomor- row evening. Wlirro lo Vote We.t Klamath Pall. Bank Ex- rhnugo building. Second Ward Court hou.e. 4 Thri Wari,Meluttey rM, cs. Mo omcc Kourth Ward lluclng & Hen- nolt building. .) ' Hact Klamath Full. Jn.ck.ou bulldliiKi oppo.llo While Pel- lent) hotel a, . nuippiugion siiiiipingiou iioiei, "" Addltlon-Mlll, hall. . . , If you wi.h totupportthe I . Un;v,j.v vo-. , State Univer.lty, vote. jiuu .v ib . 8oa x Yl;8 You cu an ear lu your vote , ejection day, whether registered or not. PARLIAMENT OPENS TODAY iiiirtii iiiiMi; itru: ami i.quai, MTI'HAdi: AIO.N! THK JUT. ti:us to hi: conhiiikiikh at THIS CONVENTION (United 1'ieia Benlco LONDON, Nor. 3. One of tba xreairat crowai eTcr aeen In. Weit-i mlmter today wltnetitd the Imprea Ire opening of the now parliament. Intereat waa al high pitch becatiM tbla parliament will finally " borne rule for Ireland V - ., nteu Premier with woman auSrage n MHirrAaqulth again break, hi. proml.e to allow ,b. hou.e of common, to con- al.l.r another vnlaa.fnr.wora.n m.aa. Iurc. When Vlacount llaldane. Illch Chancellor, took hla Place on , ;- ,,. , - , ,. , ,,,. ... . iher. aneaker or thn nouia or com. . ; .. . . "":" " " '" """ -;- S'rh ,rom ,hc Throne." which for- f0 ,0, l prwldenla taeaaage In -"JSS. S. flf the prraldlng officer ot tbo uppcr,.i ih mn.l.m rr, ,m iii! ho.. Parliament waa prorouged on e;Augu.t is. aii me memoera oi mo common, held over, ao that the pollt- Ileal complexion of the body I. un- e'changud. REVIVAL WAS A GREAT SUCCESS OOOOH WOltK ACCOMI'LISIIK I.IUIM TO A I'LAX TO IX)X tixui: .MKinixns aitkh the IIOI.IHAV HIUSON Alter three week, tbe revival meet-j iiir. at tue unrutian cnurcu cioteai la.t ulght with four accctlon.. I'eo-, pie aro so bu.y thl. fall It I. difficult', ... .. .. i. ... .... i ...... ;" ""m "- unr ,"u "' .ervico. eacn nigni. tne lueeiing. , will likely bo continued agalu after' holiday., If tho weather permit.. , .mucu goou na. usen ccoiupii.aa . Ih- ,., ..... kmV. Th lllhla - -- - - --- school attendance grew to 1 ye.ter-' .llal On Novomber lfith Mra. EuenJ , - - - --- -- - - - --- , -i ,tato Illble school superintendent, vrl 'ho hero to load In a great "rally," wheu !00 are exrected to bo present, November 2d tho church entered tb. - " to"' church attendance. To aid this move- -;t jr Po.tewd. .nU ,.l.,lou. ,-..,..- .. - --... ,.,... James Nolaud arrived 8uuday from Kugene to study law In tho office ot hi. uncle, Hon. aeorgo Noland. Like hi. undo, young Noland Is a gradu ate of the Unlvorslty ot Oregon. """"""" - ""i"i"i'vvvirLraruVTJvarLnjijTjTjijTjuuuuiJUU RODEO OFFICIALS TO MEET TONIGHT I'ltKI.IMI.VAHY PLANS WII.I. IIK lam nut tiii: huccih ov Till: NKXTHIIOW, WHICH WILL IIK IIIGi:it AMI III.TTKH A mrctlnc of tba t(Kkboldra of the Itodeo Amaicmont Auoclatlon baa been called for 7;!0 tbla erenlnj at the Klka club rooma. The director! anil olrlcera whd are to bare cfaane of tba Rodeo next jear will b aelecte.1 at tbla raettlnj. Other Important builnrta la to be Iramaeted, and It la deilred to bare rrrry atoekbolder preaeat. WILL REBUILD BURNED GARAGE HA 1.0 WIN X OOHHON I'l.l.V A BIO - .....k .... t.iir. r-niAiuuan. MK.NT IXiaKKVIKW WII.I. BE IIHKI-ltOOOF J. A. Oordon of tbe firm of Gordon "'":!.D: !"b'?VZ nutuuivuuv ivwirau. ) fiukiii-rwi nf. the Laketlew garage which wU ami will dear.'?.... - -i. .... - -:-ruu','; -1"1 '".J.ajM. ",rr'tiiT in-taki 'awlaiiir. I awl eeiai , .m t.M.n..i. i..n. i... ..v. j . " Mv ""- "r-aaaaj ie' completed arrangem.nu with Dr. B." D,.y to hare . building conducted . " ". . . .t. . . ... i iwwr l im IVHI the corner of Main and IlulUrd tk. hi!.n -m ,,...... ... - "- -" " " atono and brick, with a cement Boor. .d will b. fir. nroof. It will b. 100 .-.,. . .en . .- .... ..... .... .ii. "" '" w.vi, .u . . , nnuea taroraoie tb completed thl. fall. bo In.UlIed. and Ihe leaao .pectfiea Z SL ZZTnT wlU rtota tt.M.- baV0 ar(a work.bop. with a lathe. ,uapr and other neceary machinery for rejailrlng and rebuilding purpo.e,' a. welt a. providing amplo room for the atorage ot can. Lakevlew Her- aid. Lots of Good Weather "Only Four Cloudy Days i I It ain't no uu to grumble and com - i plain: H t Ju.t a. cheap and oo.y to rejoice, vvnen uoa .on. out ine woatner ani .end. rain, W'y, rain', my choice. Jame. Whltcomb lllloy. , imuuiii oi uciooor no giree ox ,,. , KUmMh countyi eveu thoaa"01 of r"ur clouljr d"11 hodo not taken, phlloaophlo a view' Twenty daya In the, paat aoUi , . (ho .ai.-rlB4 of Sol. t. i..Uv. and .. . . .. oilier., cant mako any reaiouabie . 0. ,,,,, M. WMther .... . ..... .... . other., can t mako any conumona nero luia ran. a more Weal nulumu wM neYef w tBefUt . .,,,., ,,,,, ' . , ' ...i'" olhMWlae Ucr day, --- -- - - " ' ZI'mmZ ... ji,i. ,k., Tiw w, ,w atvvwf I'.vu.vi.vu. Mink thero would be rain. snow. or. even threshing. Hut there, wasn't. The total precipitation (or tbe BUILDING INDIANS OPPOSE SALMON RACKS AT HATCHERIES FtTl'IIK Hll'I'liV IX UA.N'OEH Petition Am lu Ho Heat la ' Ion, I'liHraUag Agataaat Ua ! anil Trap Clear Aetata Hirer at Klaamthotj -U Kept Awajr Ttire Year TlMaT(wttt Itrlurn Ho Mora. Heporta from Indiana froaa rarlea paru of the reeerratloa would aa4U cate that their prior right to tk ! mun flahlng In tributary atreaaaa et Ifl.M.IK f lr& kaa ti.aM .. ...! ... . .....M .. um wu aw..wif.r tav" jterfered.wltb, owing to tbe atosfxtaj I of all fith by raeka and trap i-intaa tbo entire rlrer at KUauthoai, OtUt. . Hoo of th' India leaden are'a- paring to roalat Iheae rack mad snd , B0 UM,ftoto IbamaelTea aa dUapprorlaf of I of ttMtr Ca a leatd "annual ahirliv. if 1mM. aupply, aa Urge number of are dried, amoked and aalted davlfal ihl time of the rear mother bad future thu m. , J .tfc.a. -. aw f ."' """ "T" "" ! T' uaiuiai apawaing gTOUna. UafO i, I," "r ' " "''t' "'J I '" " "" 1"ZZZ nr me JOITH year me Riaaiaia KIT- ' h.mm. ..,i .. . l I ,..,., In an effort to auaUIn tbla natural ... .,, .... ,. .. .... --, Z . iron l,,'"" lt th 0., Nor. J. Tb eupremo court ha. declared ralld Ihe MaMachusetta excUe tax tow Us ing corporatlona engaged la either than Intentate commerce. Mrfi IWI Wlnd( Tbe Herald', aoclety editor atred Saturday In atatlng that the Woaaea of Woodcraft1. Uarveat Ball weuld be given Tue.day. lutaad, It wl be jclvea Wedneeday erenlng. During , month ot October waa .St of aa aMk. which downpour could hardly tarure any cropa. jn iMnn-rnr irnninr nr inn rafHWHUf iiervlce keep, a meterologleat reaord jut hi. office, and he I. careful to brand each day juat aa It la. ror Ihe er0 r"',', M "" ' '. wl.n h .... rlr. h. u.u U. -" "- , - - without vestlg. of cloud..-. IM. heaven.. The ramalalu aauai aWra . 1 , .7 ...'... j were marked down , !,, I wnlh l oM Um 4r- w,r. .bort rVMIaN A ititntnaPH ill, a I ii lne-ii.a.1 conditions for October fojlew.r 1 " Temperature Meatt 61. 1; mean mlalsaua. I4.lt 48.3; mailBiuni, 77, Oftobor. t t 23: HilnlBjUBii II, on Oetotatt.il,' ' ,:: Preeloltatlon Total. '.Ui Saaaaaia. '' - ---.r . . rv .. ".'- f'f iam nuura, ., lam unvaaar-f Nunbef ot teya , Hi cloudy, 1; .'O, 4. ,r V Hfr - s. K:;h L JtiA s