tfrt J0UIMM1" ltlttWf I Herald Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 tji? Euimmg HmtUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW KlfMI. Yrr .Vit. Jft,H0ft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1913 I'rle. 1t (Mi ! MEXICAN SITUATION CRITICAL WNWWMKKMMWoyvWVWVyvywWWWWy yywyywiwVMWMVMWWV BLANQUET SAYS HE WONT ACCEPT 1 American Steamship Detained by Mexican Gunboats ACTUAL CONDITIONS THERE ARE THE PRESIDENCY; BELIEF IS THAT THIS IS THE PLEASURE OF HUERTA : miiivamivt tmmmu it iii Till IMit'lllM MITAHMt 4 A mi:ii iiimi'iTi; Mllrn tin.. I llmL. trtlllli li. Ilir )lnl Intertill rrvraue ,nlpir ufnre Vrth It 1 1 la liu earning! fn.Mi ll.r.l. I I I a in l tin ,-nil ..f ii,r l it luhr 1 the rotterlm will lioliff him of th amount f Ihr in mill ' ' III be tl t J ilir Z Allrf Iti. - .Vet i4 twir.... .. lit. l '",l '''' '' "" lt' I 'i. 'I UlrlilKl )! 'tllMtlH lit Confer Willi 1'rr.l. Icl Ullxw-MrHlni M.) Ilr.nti In lln.lll.H ( Ilir llnnlullmi. Ma, and Km- Allowing n( tiumunl 1 1., HIilptMrwIa Over llw IJne ' United ft- BatVlC. , MUX ICO I'm', Nov. I -U.u.i.l lllanut annuunred thai he -Ill nul UT ,.,. 7 M,.,MIN sU); m. accept the pmldenry I' 11-eM ! Hrs or U Urr4 by 'm(iHi II. M ! prraldrnl cm lb llwerta ticket. "No reason U gt for Ihe general's! HyiyBUSBgajiBUBMMMMHHHH .BSCsC!? is"TrHHa1!i i i "nrnST" ' kT' Ti , tj NOT FULLY REALIZED IN AMERICA, SAY REPORTS; PEOPLE STARVING alone the ((reel, but In each Instaee they were overpowered and mada to ,rtum the girl to her sthert. An Idea of the Imracnio throng attending the 1'ortola festival can be had from the fliture of the Key Koute company, which show that C0.000 crossed on their boat Saturday night going to Kan Francisco. MATTKIW WOllKi: TIIAJf AT ANY TIMK HI.VCK Itlltr'UlO DIAZ I.KIT TIIH l'ALACK AWFUL EVENING hum t uu i) iikmtt i i 1 1 1 1 : MiiiuitTt i: ion moi i.ii.iii; iwii.i.HMie i Mnrro fasti as about to leave 'Stained In It possibilities of war been momentous. Tbli Incident l e (rut Meiltu, the other day. '"' ,to Vlillt4 Hu,r ,lut u '' the dlieet causo-ot the newly strained , , , .. her go very quickly alter President rrlatlom bttwetn the two countries. .I.rn .he l-.und ou i,r to X.ur.u w.,on Mtt , l)rCj(. -U( hj Di)l uoMf tom eT,ntuly t Blr auntoat ready to May her I'rctl- ,! , lhw ronneijuencea to both tho ald that the Morro Caitle camed the dent lluerta bad (lien an order which I'nlted Hlaten and llcxlco might hato flnt ipark. L E ilnirrlcaa anil Foreigner Are la Kx trrine lUiiKrr CIomi Watch Will ll Kept on JUltent by Kmbaaaf Serrrlary Xrlwtn ()'Sliautiaeuy. Hunts llankrupt, anil All 1 Ha lleen I'aralyieil. WATER USERS FOR MARKET DAY United I'rtia Senrlc WAHIIINOTON', D. C. Nor. 1. "" Feeling In Mexico City agalnat for- CHL'IICII OV (UllIST KCIK.NTISTS 'inM. particularly afalnit imif Icani, haa reached the point of ea niLLTAKKHTKIIiTOMOniUlW lreme ,,,,,, accord, l0 ,dTleM TO I OHM fKIUIANKNT OUOA.V. received by tho state departmeat, IZ.KTIO.V IV THIS CITY Mexlcana of alt clauea are feellBg the effecta of the prolonged conUo- deetaloB. but Jt U taken a matter of riMirae (rial ifuerla dictated II The II) UIIU NINd Alxtut I hi moat amuiiua thine that general Ibmrt U that IhU done lo lite llnrtta an ieua In remain hat taeHlird 111 nik iif the la offlr. Um Ibe ground lhal hie e- ! a. the ll.ll of a pally of Hal llrement la an l(niilblllly luae'enrra In Halnt Cloud Ul night Tho eipedlllAn a failure, prob ably beeaui th'ra were thirteen III I he part. iniatlr ladlra wrapped In l.rela The raille gale being locked for the night, the Invadeia wete rum- pelle. lo rrawl through I lie barbed Iwlie. and here Ihe trouble com- Meeting of Those Interested Next Wednesday Night Dulled I'reaa fUrilrw WAnlllMJTON. I C. Nor t What he heara from lloberto I'm HUlera, nephew uf (leoeral t'altania, mncernlng the plana and progreaa of the Bght way have much to do with in preaiaant nec.ion .. 10 -ne.n.r , mfaf , (iM(C )n ,, to reeognli. Ibe-M.ilcan rM. W14lche. by thr wire I'aiqurlera I. evpecled UMay , rhftr u m Uound ,, ,,, , No aeeret la made of the fact lhat ,r,.j ,nj the afore-mcnlloneil h. p. Ihe prealdrnt would greallr PI''!,,, Ir)n( 0 crawl under Ihe galr. got leaving It to the tebela lo overthrow ,,,,! In ,nJ i up , awful howl. Iluertt. If he la convinced lhat , bit the man who went to reecue tan do ao epeedlly and eelabltih alnl alablt, conilllullnnal government. i Alolr of ,, b0 r, r " i wheelbarrow aud nearly broke hit So i:ievllve) Tmtay ',,,, ()ne of the glrla then tried to United Treat Hervlco 'lie thn door, but in Ihe dark got the WAHIIINHTON. Nor, I Under thel gong Imlead of Ihe doorknob In new Income ta. Ihe. t.rnvlelone re. drawing I ho .Irlug Ihe cord broke quiring th lax lo be withheld at lb. and everybody knoat what lhat gong aourr do not bom effective loday anund. like llea.ill. Ihe llel l.epre-. but ll b enforced neit yar Thehann met tho parly at the door Sees a Gr For Oregon Potatoes tton, and chaoa relgna throughout th Notice haa been given to all partlea, country to an extent hardly jeaJkud connected with or Interested In the in' the United State. Church of Chrbt SdentUta to meet, u pr,ce,r . btakn9U tomorrow In the baaement of the Pub-; A bulnrM u fotlriltadi and m,r. He Library to take atepe toward form-)ch,nU . lni0,Tellt inga congreganon in tnucuy, ana to .. . t.k .Minn In nth.r -hi,s ! Tho atfetU are filled with atarvlog 'will probably come before the meat.nnlln,,,g,,r1,MK, ,kl ,,. , , and cxprea. their vlewa at thla time. ng. I For " of ,hl lb ,leop, bUm 1 In ca.e there are reople with .ug-' T,, .,. . .,, ,,, R . . ' " for.lgnera. Particularly Am.,1- .i.r iiuiuiii ii rmn i, iia aiiiaiinii in n.k. im in i iimM. . . . cant. According to tho advicef tner i.t the director, of the Klamath v. " " ; -" ". .""-"- T '" T" ".. "V """" are quite numeroua in hUmath Fall. ,.. ...,,-. ,,h . ,h.nll, ,,,. .. n v. y auwu.u ur..u. .on r- ,o ...rnu. ,oey are urgeu o reuue. aI)(, t ,h(( h , ,,, , , ,".," n, !. tain place whero the Market Day the., .uggcetlom or optnlona to writ. . fn,h ,nj rho.. a BUJl ,bt . il ,lnc nl" '" ing and .ubmlt them either to the fhoM1 " cuUr '. , ' d ' "' Mta ,6e diplomatic colony la .aid new.paper. or the Chamber of Com- ,D' "! ""?'"!! "" " ", Z'10 " ,n a ,uu of !'. mcrC)J work thtT re ,eplr ,nter-. CVSnaughne.iy haa been Inatrneted The atamp of hearty approval w,a!o lake up thl. matter." .aid l'reil inn upon Ihe Market Pay plan today ! Abel Ady. "and render what- Irr t'.era A.wKlallon at Ihelr meellug thi. afternoon. The organlxatlon Mini mi record aa .trongly endorsing the iiinvriiieiil, holding It to be one that will In of Inmniiiif mutate txii rfll to both Ihr farmer and Ihe ctly leeldent nurllonltig can be held." In order to make tangible plan, for Ihe Inttltulloii uf Market Pay, a meet ing of all Intereatcd will be held Wed nesday evening at the Chamber ot Ciimmrrrc llii.lnca men, reddrnti I li.lkio the city council .hmilil , and fariinr aro all urged to attend Membera ot the Chamber ot Com merce will tako up with the council Monday night the qucatlon of Market Day. CAR SHORTAGE HITS STOCKMEN J dumped red pepper In the car from a , five-pound aark, while another tried lo reach tho premier with a dog whip,', ,hut wa. uiiiurcceaful. , IK'trctlvea finally dl.pcraed the wo men, but It wa. n painful potltlon for' IKngland'a flrat rlllien for a short time. Aaijulth, however, waa uninjured, PORTOLA PLEASES KLAMATH PEOPLE to watch tho altuation with the ut taoit attention, and warn the offlclaU Woman la Crlmlnologltt 1 lhat foreigner rauit be protected. ... . .. ..... .. ' Mr. Mary Holland of Chicago la I i doubled it tno oraciaia can con I co-editor of tho Detective, and la aald ''! "o people, should preaent condl to be one of the beat crlmlnoIogltsitl"n tontlnuo. In the world. It wa ahe who Intro duced tho system of finger print lden-1 tlflcatlon In this country. She went' I to Scotland Yard and learned the new science, and then came homo and .taught It to the various police depart jtnvnls. She la now In Cincinnati at Mending tho convention of police I HillTi:i:V t'AIIHtirr.UTI.i: AND, and refuted to havo the aulTragatte,!.. M. M'lltlKIKIJI AND IIAItHV heads. iund or iioiimm aid: lll:u,arrM,Hl riMT.M)lUM, WAITIM! ''hJu,, Tn1: IIOLMMIHTOCK . ii:.ii. , IS Ul l COUHT! A.vtii.i.v uirruitM:i) ix uvr-i I A new German electric locomotive crane which handle loada up to Tint'M CAIt, KNTIIU8IAHTIU IUM)sTi:its IX) It THK riMTIVAIi'olRht tons geta Its power from a stor- logo battery of ISO .cells. Action to recover 12.000, Interest, Knouib r.UI to llll eighteen ..r. ft ',.. M.10n' WHU 1'ortola flags and pennant i ............ ., , 1..11... dr.. rlillil'. Iiileir.t will he Increased III . con .chool children can raise Ihe r.c proportion. ,., ,, ,i,H, Hy.tcmallc records "III he kepi by SCWd polatoea of the world. I "'"l,; f1l,f TllMfl r,forda will con- ' statement of l)r, C. V. Ilodgo of ",,nU( (lf tonipletn account of tho lift- tension doparlmsnt of the Mtilrl- (t,rt, f t soil, preparullon of tho " .. .. . a .. 11 ..a it a). -sill.., nat.a.l VitpllV it fl(l if, Pft HOago U iffiuriuft " "' noil, irruiifvi m-vm. w ....... I !...-, uf 1.1 ii Hilar ft ml IirirVtlt . ...,r.U ..)C.,Cii w m.J ,od,y Ly C ,.. M,on ' - ""- ,-V-U.U-j Ift AUanU (h() awaiting car. tor fco Mn of w , Cru,ck.'fl)lng from tho side of their car and owned by John 8. t. The cattle are isnk ( crnnhall u Mason' th extra tire draped with 1'ortola stret, whoso pas o ranch ot J. t-J,,,,,,.,,. (colors, Harry K. Anglln and U M.,lot valued at ICOJ ihe stale on plant and bird life and is enthusiastic over Ihe agricultural .,poslbllltli of Oregon. Not only does he believe that this state ran ral.o tho record polatoea of I ho world, bill alto the beat berrle and vegetable of llffrrent kind. Thh stalnmnt In mad after careful survey of rondl (Ion. In order to brln about Ihe illiOYO result, Dr. Hodge plana In keep accurate records. Me doe not . Ullcvo (halt he child should be urged In l also a Urge area of potatoes, but vijuit fw hills. The drudgery and , Irksomeness of lending to a Urge "patta will V eliminated, and the p.,,,, ,, ....-- -. ...iiiiv.i. time of Planting and harvest lug and results. Theso records will tin filed III n central office for study rod comparison. A prlto of soino kind will bo awarded l Ihe ono tccurliu tho best rcsiills. Tho result lima se cured can he applied lo larger area for Ihe Hitmn principle will apply In both cases Dr. Ilodgo saya that the school tuiKhers aro taking up with tho plan, and that tho people aro be coming Intensely Interested lu agri culture. "Von huvo Urn inmate, tho soil Hnd ii,., children for raising record pre ilttct," say the profeator. aio now nt Midland awalllug car for shipment In market fioiii Ihe big rattl Mitchell. TKttily-lhreo hvud of horses wero brought lo tho local yards last night front Merrill to he shipped to Oakland today or tomorrow, Dan Colwell, foreman for tluy Mer-'county. Thla note waa later assigned rill, brought them up, and will leave l,i Mason, Ihi'in In charge of Hoy ratlorsou.t According lo thn complaint, W. J. who will look utter them llll n cnri Crulckiluink died Intestate In 1902 ran bo secured, Anus Will lie Cold. No matter bow thick her dreaa la this winter tho smart young woman will be eold, for aho la to have only transparent rpverlng over her arm. Velvet, serge, duretyne and cbar meuse frock will alike liar thin sleeve ot chiffon or crepe da else, Theso sleere come away down over the knuckle. Another thing that la Interesting In the fashion note I that the hat I mada of the tan ha torlul aa the coat or suit. Thero aro flfty-flva oak In th Atlanta thero Is a Jersey cow I United States, about erenty dlyldtd Clark of Peachtreo, between theKast and the West. The utturo Is a neighbor Kastcrn tpeclea ore particularly while ,000, i oaks, and are the most valuable. According to the complaint, In . srhonold brccicd Into Klamath Fall .,.. . ... u.,...u. .rw.. Un 0enlnB Bt g 0,c,ockt flu,,nnc fe,UVt' 1.1 1 1 HJIIUWIHUIJ IIUIU IIUUI . Jnmc. ('. Crulckshank. giving a. se-,t',rec ' run ln Anglln' Clyde car curlty a mortgage on properly in this "om San rranclsco. Mr. Angllu aud I .n..uu rrl. I. .. .. . (.I.h ..f.l II- O.t.ei.1.1 .... 11 a-- It. -a. I. tViltv.Me lu San PrancUco. ami botU nro omitlintlc In .leclnrlne the clbrA DUMP RED PEPPER IN ASQUITH'S CAR United Press Sorvlctt LONDON, Nov. I.tAs I'remter As. qulth was motoring to Stirling today his car was surrounded by auffra gutti's at tho village of I'lenn. Tho women stopped tho car and Jumped on the steps, Ono of them Tho heirs. It Is alleged, transferred ,,w J"1 cloi,a to " bcon bMt J tho innrtgageil property to I. T. Ma- )t attemplod, I sou. Mason usk tho amount duo, Sovcnteon ships, ovolutlng from the Willi Interest, and to bae his claim '"ravels lu which Columbus dlscov Strikers Fighting in the Streets of Indianapolis recognlted aa n first lien on Iho prop erly. ered America to tho latest model bat-' tleshlp, cruised up Market street! SI INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 1. Six men because the company rfua4 If you with to support the State University, vete: ttOtt X YKS soa x yks You ran swear lu your vote idectlon day, whether registered or not. f i om tho Kerry building to Van Ness t wero Injured during fighting by the avenue. Thcso wero built on flat , striking street car men thla morning, cars, around which painted water jand a negro was killed when struck scenery extended olgUt feet on every , by a patrol wagon rushing an Injured side, giving the appearance ot actu-'man to tho hospital, ally being on the ocean. j Forty arrests wore made. The Kach ship carried cannons fromjrnuka of tho strikers Is Increasing which charges ot contcttl wero fired l hourly.. Into the forts built at the corner of All tho street car lines are tied up every block. A tribe ot Indians, tight. All Indianapolis walked to seemingly being driven back by Co-'work this morning, litmbus' boat, kidnaped young girls I Tho men struck during the Bight ik' .,; demands for bUor pay and warl conditions. A.L.nk.t. H...A aaA ,.. AJ.A n.tiiiuui ffvii mini iv afvnieji w cars under police guard, but s4flkn' and sympathUor assemlUsi Bt aMfj . transfer points hooted and M4 M. '' iroiieys on, rrane wa ly sawri i , donod completely. v t' -w.'4 ,' Hallway olflclsls annouaied jpttr' T , .J A Irulnload of strlkUrkeri 9: J' route from Chicago. ' sttfetM iMMp , I. expiated UP-. tWMtWr r ...:li -.. i. 1... ' i- h