- UmA- rr" - ritituY, (mt, in, inn THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nana 4 i tf.f n m- B B i MS i 1 ' 'I I ' mi I ass ImsM sb 4Jbbbbbbbbbb1 . m H sbbbbbbbbbI ' B aaaaVsV ', K1 aaaaaaaaW '' 4, "'.. ".& bwjVsV , v . .sVs ' & sMZ. bVsW.. " BBBBaTBBBBaVtBaWrfr --aaaaaaaf . BaaaVs v , SgK "vi bbbbbbbbbbV' "' bbB ; E? gBgwlB!w&lrr - .BbV t'.'lA,'M' TSVi- Shasta Valley Seems Assured of Irrigation YIIKKA, Oct. II. Secretary ot In.iChatuber of Commerce U Interested, lerlor Une la demonitratlng hit In-1 he etptalncd the l(ullon very fully, tercst In advancing Irrigation proccti l-ane In In sympathy with pUnt (or an In California. Although he bu no eiamlnatlon or the 100,000 aclea of nor moDtjr at command Juit now for' arid land there, with a view of get furtherlnc new enterprises, be pro-; ling government water upon It. poses to bar iomt before many daya, Secretary t.an virtually told the Co by. He hat two or three methods Irltlirns ot Montague to ko ahead and In mind for obtaining fund, one of raise thrlr share of the 130.500 or which Is authorisation ot a bond liaue 110.000 necessary for an expert ex If need be. In addition to what anamination of the Shasta Valley. It ready iUnda authorlied on the law' will take at least two or three month books. It l supposed to set thl fund In When Representative Kaker and tbape. Then when the government I Chief Engineer Davis of the reclsraa-'ln a position to allot iome money for tlon ervlre called upon the secretary an examination, ai Seretary Lane did recently In behalf of the Sbaita Vat-1 In the Iron Canyon case, there can be ley project. In which the Montague i expedition with the work. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE A Tribute to the lrinler l.'dllor Herald: I see by a newa dUpatch that the "Ohio renltentlary Newa,' a paper which ha for yeara been published exclusively by convict In the Ohio tale penitentiary, haa had to ui pend became there 1 not a printer In the Institution. The dlipatch aay there are plenty ot bankers, lawyer, doctor, preach er and laborer, but not a tingle printer. Now I bop that the printer who tela up thl letter will not feel too much complimented, becaut I do not bellev they are mad from a better clay than the rut of ut, but I do think 1 see In It a proof for what ha been my contention right along. that It la our environment which abapea oar life's philosophy, and which determine whether of not we manag to ttay ouUId ot the peni tentiary, and If society was organised la such a way that It would be easier for a person to make a good living honestly than dishonestly, crime would almost entirely vanish In lea than halt a century. Tb printers as a rule have steady Job, and fairly good pay. For thl reason they are. with few exception, owners of home and bead ot fam ine. Then tb printer Is far above tb reat of ut In Intelligence and edu cation, becauie In hi dally work be come in do contact with the prog fu of the world, as all Important new pattr through his hands. Ilecauie ot this, he doe not have to make a bore ot hlmtelf at home by reading the paper when hla wife would II kteo have him comptlment her on the cut of her new apron or to hear him aay that the I Ilk lagtr beer Improving with age. Thl. I know. Is the case with many a poor devil who trlea to hold down a long-winded Job and keep In the "foremost flies of time" by reading the Evening Herald when at home from work. It Is now an admitted fact that when the opportunities to mske an honest living are most scarce then crime of alt grade flourish, and I think we will And that this Is one of the rule that works both ways. That such Is actually the cat can be prov en with many example, but will men tion only one, with which all of your readers are more or less familiar In England years ago the land bad all been "hogged" by the lords, the noblet, ounts and no accounts, and the rest bad to take to the streets and the highways. There waa nothing much for them to ao. either, so they did tb best they could In order to live. Hut evidently that was not very well, for many of them were caught In the clutches ot the law. These "criminals" became so numerous thst It became a problem with the govern ment what to do with them, but a clever Idea cam to them. Australia had Juit them been dis covered, and thither they sent those convicts one sblplotd after another. When they were turned loot on tb new continent they taw no "keep off the grass" sign. They had plenty ot ground to run ocr. and could rait their own beet and mutton, to they did not have to atral It. Uetlde. they could did gold when thy on cath. In ; short, thero was plenty ot chances to make an honest living, and they be came honest,' repectablo people, Juit tike those who had tent them there, I only better. I It teems logical, then, that to make' run,', hnnxat. Uw-ahldlnc cltliena out! of all the peoplelike the printers' Is for society to give them all a) chance to make a living without un necessary hardships. And now. dear reader, can you sug gest a plan by which thl can b ac complished. JOHN AUSTAI). Inal act. and everybody wilt wall and sro Walt and See put oner one with their singing and Jewish and Italian Impersonations. Ullur I'nmt Yoim.i. Mr. Drown Muhaet la n visitor In tht lounty it today, attiring thl morning from her Ynuna Wley home to visit hrr uelru, Mls Agues Drlt- coll, who will leave lor her home In Salem tn a few data ARTIUERY SENT TO STRIKEOISIRICT Town Topics Wnldlnc IMU. Itev J 3 rUubbteneld on Thrut day performed the ceremony uniting Mary Jane Johntton and William Mc Nalr In matrimony. The groo mis a tancher residing near Dorrls, and the bride haa been employed as a nurse at the lllackburn hospital. The court ship commenced when the groom as taken to tb hospital with a broken leg. (Continued from page 1) tlrlklng miner are gathering, and It It feared that the) will attack all camp between Agullar and llerwlud. Six hundred ttrlke breakers and their families are at the stockade at Agullar. All are apprehensive. (leneral Chate thinks the situation Is exaggerated, but will take no ch nee. The troopi are being held lu readi ness for the tlrtt terlout attempt to dltarm the ttrlkert In tb Ludlow ill., trlct. rtK HKNT Itvs-rooni tutnlibed house with piano, alto 3-room fur jnlshtd house. Klmer l tr'rcnrh. 1010 Main ttieet. St-M I'KMAM: HKI.r wanted at the Klam Kails Steam Uundry. 3 t-tf Tm .New Acts. The Star theater llt be the tcene ol a bunch ot merriment tonight. when to vaudeville acta will endeav or to give the patron one ot tho belt bills eler Introduced here I.ea and Chandler announce a new and orlg- I deliver or take subscriptions tor "The ladles Home Journal." "Tbi Saturday Evening Post" and "Tb Country (lentleman " I II. 1. THOMAS. News Agent. I'bono 3SW SMI Wall Paper Wifriate fw aiy roon in yew beae, at fron 10c to 45c per Double Roll Alt a FJ IJm of Pants, Oils ami Vanishes at AttnctsTe Prices rW75 BROWN BROS. 1025 1-2 Mai. Si lib Year's Gram Crop in Klamath County Is Estimated at One Million, Two Hundred Thousand Bushels Oss-thlrd mors grain Its been produced In Klamath County Uil season ilia has ever been produced before. This lias been due mainly to the fsct thst we have In the last twelve month had quite an loanx of new formers. Within the nest year there will be s great uiosy more farmers coming? Into this county. This will mean In creased business la the city of Klamath falls. More business houses Hill be required to cops with tho Increase of trade. Mors work meat will have to be brought In. These workmen will require homes lo lira in. I'roperty values will increase with the Increased bust- W have some choice location which can bo bought at s rsasoasble pries on easy terms. Why not buy one of these lots, oti it aud assure yourself of from IS lo 90 per cent Interest JTMir InvesttnentT This is an opportunity to let your nioaey rnak Why not take UT Call at our offlce for information as to i-ilUIng; loeaUoaa. Khmath Development Co. .1303 MAIN STREET The Oregon House . . . KLM ATI! .IVMUi; MUlt SIXTH ST. Room and Board by Week or Month, $1.00 PER DAY Table Board, $6.00 PER WEEK Two Meals a Day, $4.50 PER WEEK A limited uumlwr ut utru ran now olitnln iUitrra at this plorr. Ick if room ilia km It lmHMlhle to ao (i.iiiiiuNUIr- more than a few more In addlthm to tho hIhi now make IhU llx-lr home, but liM-rw I rww fur a few. The ftrt applicants will In' the fort unateonx. The(rr(oti Houm U the miMt homt-llke place In Klamath fall", ami It lut't Brcr. ary lit 1 n inl almst the table. rr Teeth Extracted and Filled ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by DR. GRAY Painless Dental Specialist Now at the Hotel Hall for One Week Room 205 October 28th to November ,3d ' Gold Crown Bridge Work and Porcelain Inlay Work A SPECIALTY With III I'alent Klertric Inhaler for the Kttrartlon of Tilth With out Harm or I'aln. By Means of Vitalized Air Vitalised Air numbs the nerve of feeling, producing s harm ls, transient Intoxication, sod ogrr.ii with all constitution ami all conditions of men, being compel of , , Hi-menls of air, only richer In ovygeni In fact, la that part of the atmo.phero ulthout which no life could eslst. It Is a nwb.ralltr- In fainting by It Ionic effects! an antidote for many poison. You have your twth taken out mid new permanent one put In Immediately. Tho Doctor doe not tuc cocaine or any other local anesthetic to poison (lie gums. Will also have DOUIIi.i: INDUCTION MOTOIl DKNT.M, K.VOI.VKsi, with ithlch tl... m.t oentltlvo teeth ran be filled without pain. Satisfaction Guaranteed CONSULTATION FREE Dr. Gray can refer you to scores of Merrill's ami Ft. Klamath's lead Inif ritlsens, recommending his high grade painless dental work. Rubbers-Overshoes NEW, Fresh Rubber Foot-wear direct from the factory. That is what you will get when you buy your Rubbers and Overshoes at a Golden Rule Store. Not only that but you will get a lower price on New, Fresh stock here than you will find in most stores and you won't lake a chance of buying old goods. The var ious Golden Rule orders for Rubber Foot-wear for the Fall and Winter sea son of Nineteen Thirteen amounted to thousands and thousands of dollars, in which we made a great saving in buying. This saving will be given you when your supplies are bought at this store. o KLAMATH BRANCH GOLDEN RULE ASSOCIATED STORES d'Y.'Wn" 'I7i' m " , rtvtl -TVvTIiTfVaT V Tr JrTOMr'J MJZnr-?H I & f,Hl 'mMWMm KLAMATH FALL-S OREGON riiinP S5 SALTS FINE FOR Easy Terms err 1.1 l-t ISit fitl, ami pfhra fiitiii KlVt In Sl.MI. Itrtlvs; hk. CIIILCOTB S.-.IMMI iIuhii and fill a Himilli !; miiii if the trt, hrt lot. In ,Mchil .(MIiIimi, nrur urn ruuil limite, tails li.t.l Uln M. I'lMinn n1 llriald want ads brine ttsults hi: ilttim Mi'fii jiiLvr, which CMMih Till: KIDNKVri, 1IIK.N HACK Hl'ltTK AMI lll.llli:il IIOTIIUtH YllU Most folks furol that Hie kidneys, like tho bowels, (tl sluiclili and clog. Ked and need a fluslilnc occaslbtially, I'lsu v have backache and dull nils, ory In tho kidney reKlon, torpid liter,, arlil stomach, ileeplesancaa and all1 surls of bladder disorder. You simply muit keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an actio or pain In the kidney "(Ion, it-t about four ounce of Jad ! Holts from any good drug atore here, take a tablrspoonful In a glaas of w. (r before breakfast for a few daya and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is tnado from the acid of grapft and lomnn Juice, com-MiK-d with llthla, and Is liartnlcs to Hush the kldnty and stimulate them o normal activity. It alto neutralise the ncld in tliu urlnu so It no longer irritates, thus ending bladdor ills order. CPS A.V i:i,i:IA.VT I'lAMl rtllt $195.00 SHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT .Vrtl tMir In I'lMlufllcM CADILAC AUTO LIVERY Will! Cadillac Cars BVBBVMSVMBlYsiaSsTSBl D.ty or Night Ksrvlcs. We go Anywlmm. HpeClnl Hal la Hunting and VliMng I'arlle THE CADILLAC GARAGE I'HO.N'i: u:mu Herald want ad bring result. Continuous BOWLING St The Club Bowling Alley IJiiditr K, If. If. HTOIti: rf Vn T I fw ii ir T ut mad 0 KEEPING A FIRM HOLD t)ti (Mir patronage wo are by doing Ilia host class of work In our Una that rould ha ilniia by any onu. Wo are Jroinnt and olllclant lu uur aervlce, and arn rnmpvtunt to tindtrlnka thu biggest Jobs lu Introducing new plumbing without liiconvsnlenco lo llio hiiusoliold when you entrust your work to Greeley K w ' . , . .v - V -'!, - y f. ,. v. llggllll.gslglllf ' ' ' "' ' " -V'-