The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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1 f
HeraW Special Tickets to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30
uiroittg Ittealfc
"""" "'
-" - r- ",-"-tT i"i - ,
(ir HI tHH(HN til H H
I'lllttllM I UK MlHI.
Uiii4Mi fMrillli ! IIuUm Mini
lit I'uulrr Vtllli AmltoMilnr I nl
xl rt Our li llir Mmul Uh
I'hIIkI Hlalr. Will Tain Ml. Ur
tliiu.r AMallln- lliilll.Milt ail llir
OmiIiiiIU-,, dl rll
I Mini I'HH tK
VIIIIA ( HI t. M II llama . i.
IIHWI, llir t.rlHMM MIlWH, D-J
Hi-IHI aM K4 aMfeMMaur at
rftsal IMe altrrfHraa IB castes "
AtnUauadw l.ltfl If OidlKC the WW
Mo An4iii Htltrf, ffecmhl Htaa
iUrl t drraird HMMlil
I'nlltJ I'iom twtke
WAHlllNmK. I r. 0l II
IVufldmllal 4rirHui'MtcaUltj
at lu 111 Mi Ibai f UsiU h Will,
making hioMiV f"IHIl arrrals, al
leging thM H mi (eol tet lit
Th muli ' Ike fHtM (tl Up
tele b rg" ta i1rj before
Munday U ilH fcaa wdefed Nrtsea
0'8liauclinr lHiul li White
lliHtio aa Hui'ili aa miIiIc uii all
lrjitlrhi" 'ii llih rratartl
I.MrtON M MI'.MIINs Will.
in: TiiWhi iiiiiin in amiiii-
lilt Mill IN MIIMMT.W
I'liltril I'ihi Srnlc
WAHIIIM lll.S Ii ' lift 31 A
ltlaaa mr-jiu Irum Wra I'lul
talc .dial Krin lilii ami lili rum
IKlilona ha ulallnl nurlli on llio
This Is the Spooky Night
Goblins, Spooks andKids-to Be Out for Mischief
lly llui way thai Klu llio oui" Tlila l llio o (if tbo fwnl of All J
i. , .niilJii'l II bnn Hnllima Tim IPKrlul uf hnv-,
luuan Oil lla hlllKr. aiillldll I ll Un
prrlly mind 1.1m I" l"" I"'1'1" "'," I
rvrlilliK. AUu that buiiy Jim havn
1 ... I...... If lllll
Li... 11 wunt tu hiavn nulildo -If "'
utiirrt In un It III llio luuriilnii with-
nut a ruiinty wide avnrrli, II ahuuld
nlan bit iindur luck and key.
Nil IMl llllitvi .....w mi'. .
11..-1. 1..- ,l.MMn ufliMl'a llm
II'MIIIVM, IIIVl-l' MH ..-- l( ..,,,,.. .........
UiuT A itlanru nt llm culcudnr will ahrrU mid pillow niaca. Dim UiihtK,
lull yuu that llil U Oclobur Slit, und' uncniiny imli ami Krcwome atorlca
It rerullrrllon nf llnlluwo'em pntt will will Im In order,
antt of prdpnro juu (or IhU iiiiIiik' Tlio Indlca n( Hiicred llrart church
iiimarllily pruceedlnm. jwlll Kiwi ii ilnnco IhU dvciiIiib nt
TliU U llm nlllil Ihut llio KhuaU Mihiiio llnll. mul tlio docuralloin will
nr wunt In atillk (orlh. nud tholbo In kviil'liiK with Ihuucrnalnn. tur.U
way tlinaa aplrlla Imlinvo iiieimeivra
mnko Unit imitikiiy In Iho Krapovliiu
uliout wa hnriufiil it n ilrltl iimfk
ortl, Home uf thimo Khnata can bo
inimlil, loo, iiflur omu niUchlof, nnd
I hoy nulckly naaiiino tlio form nf bad
ly frlihlenuil boy.
- - - - ir'r-irjLrLrj'irj-j.nj'yu-x
Customs Inspector
Find Hidden Gems
Un Mar Van Aim Tbouiiik, a
titW aat nlrra ut Hi" III t'olunrl
Julili Jaroli Atlm. a Mul IraJrr anil
lataflt (ur B ihii, u in ntlout
linaM fHb tk cuMVOlt Ini lector
ul Itetlwi Waui il.ri (uund about
lua our Hi l .rrl anil ntbrr
Jtl pluuol wllbiii curirt bn
tbn riamlnrtl allrr bi arinal at
llualuH un IbD IIBM Arablr.
ll la Ibfl Intlile uf htr ruiart
Mil TtiBWlfVU rairlnl a anvall rba
noli Wc flllcl llli I'Mtl. own of
ll.rm IB cllllili Tb riacl tatUaot
ibr poarla la not t knoan Thf)r air
im-i ik hcM fur appraltal by tiili
iiui-llie tranVa rr btoudit
,.i. i un Ik Arabic b Mr ThoMou
in. arrount at Ihd rlct) ol the enn
in ia ll urrtry lii : ball
.. .l.'i.-i ri-rta Ui act prlrra nn Ibr
u.n Kim tit. (ilia ami ailka.
Ibr ruilmiia autburltlnt rn aUu
uiluclliiK an Intrallicatliin lul" H
iMi.tin Mra Thpnifnn nlwn) mIIihJ
(nun lliuluu. Plio bail nflrti brrn
knl alHiul ll. anil aabl alio ilbl nut
raio lu aall (mm Na Ynrk Mho hat
brcii a (rruriit iram AlUnllc iMrn;
rr, aalliliK ! ur Ibrrv Ilium n rear
rrularr Mlrliltau.
t'hr iaii lll lir Iraliilvrrrd liii
uinr nlbrr ablp while at Ma It I
nut knun Kbrlhrr Dial will K" tu'
New Vutk ur lu llMnlia
Mldilli. Arm. ninl In ll l'rla uf tb.i'
(1l( rml,,trlr It n iirmolelil bo-'
.. . 1 ... nnl.. m..
,.. i.w-liK- ainiuratlllDiii rhurncler
(l( ;m, i.')a tlioro will bo n
nuiiilirr uf llhiml imrllra IhU ovrulllK.
Illlllll'l I Ul lilll'l I'lMlll" im n
11. t.l.lrh II111 trllnlti will COIIHl clnd III
win iimu iu.
vim iinrliira of Iho MotliodUl
rliiurh will ivlmi ho Iho nceiio of u
lliilliiwuVu pnrly. 'IhU la kIvoii by
Iho l.'pwurlli lA-nKHOi "'l "10Bt
tinliu proitrniii him been nrrnnged
fur thu enlarUlnuicnt of tba guetta.
M t.Mlll I. MlhllSOS lllllll'l'lill
iiiiiniiiii mil's mmii.iam;.
in si. i 1 run. 0111 (.us M mi:
niltj m Krrvlc
A i, (ll II.- KraiiV tWwutir
tt 1IK HpaiiM, rutuliCfil to lr Ih
o !-! In Medftllll, aril liailgrd
... .!. penitentiary IhU mum-
n naiKi were sprung itmulta-
. al M 39 llelb Kirn died In
inr allrr I lid drop.
irtn ur ainl Mpauos trie ronvlt-
f Villine tlrurge llntaiVlou, a
"i u lioiMn 11 f III irtmlc al
V afotil 111 H. iimbrr. 191!. Hin
lu. a lltrrk, ami ll In allrnnl thai
luml hl riiHiilrjinaii In lib ilrath
lir nilllil Ir rcil.bfil.
Mrnilrra u( Ibr lm tjlrrln or
Milium of WiHHlrrall har arrantrd
cir a lanrlnic larly In tbt Vt
bail uf lbs I O I) r' bulMInx WrJ
nrJar rtilli( Hprrlal luuile hll
brrn fliKHCd
rdllTI.AMl. Oct. 31 -If your net
liirorae la I3.UOU a year you mutt pay
an income lat. If you uro married,
liourirr, thn Inruniu tax atarta at
1 1 .00 11.
Kite drpiitlr lu liaudlr the luruioe
lax (ur DrrKtm bate brrn aaked (ur
by Cnllrctur uf Internal detenus SI.
A. Mlllor. Tbo nainea of the fho hate
been rctummeudi-d, and tliey will
prubabl) br appnlutvd within a ahort
time. The liecraalty of clerka for thla
wurk la irrudilied by the Kovern
inrnl. and rolleclora of Internal rorc
ni'r lmo Im.'1'H luMructcd lo aak foi
aa many drputlc ua will bo required
in lake rare of the new bualucM.
Allhmiith ho haa notblnc on which
to bain lila rallmatii, Mr. Miller bo-
I lot en Hint tlrcKun will contribute
(300.000 u year Inconio taxca to llio
natlunal trraiury. Ho admlta that It
lu.ty nm under that mm nnd may ex
cm! II.
"It U koIiik to be a inlRhly hard
job to dlirnter th nnium of orery
unu with nn Income, of $3,000 n year
ml," explains Mr. Mlllor. 'Thtro will
bo n turito number who will keep uu
der rover until they nro imoked out.
It will be an enay matter to locate
Iho more prominent, for lha welt-to-do
men nud women of Oregon ran
le.idlly bo llatod, but In itettlnK down
lo Iho 13,000 crndo la a different nf
(ulr. Corporation!, of rourie, will
hnto to Kupply Information, and thla
will help ioiiic,
Alroady there hnto beeu n uumber
uf puoplo ImiulrliiK of tbo Inturual
retriiuo rollectur ua to the provlilou!
of the law-, nud when It U to become
oporiitlve. A dlapnlrli from W'nalilne-
ton, unofficial, announced that thu
Intv tnkea effect alter Noveiuber 1,
but Mr. Miller declares he hni not
been ndvUed Hint llio now itntuto bo
ronioi operntlvo at that time. Fur
thermore, ho hnn not received Iho
iiereiitary blank! which mutt ho uod
In KotherinK tho Incomo tax,
Hlnglo poriona with n net Income
(r 13,000 mint pny n lax of 1 per
cent. Tho tax la graduated, for uftor
thu Incomo renrhca tho prlnrly sum of
$30,000 a year, there Is an nddltlonn(
1 per tout; from SO,000 to 175,000
IltlMll'rt liait .S ATTACK IIV
1'auilllr i( Ibr hlrlkr llintbiki Air
ll Inn Mirllrml In a llle Mixkiulr
Ml Asultar Tiiaii Nmiii lo Al
Irmpl Ii, lllaiiii hlrlkrr at
Iiih anil MllllUnim Air IMnK llrlil
III llrailllllM fur Arillrtt HrsUlalMC
t ulltil I'rcii flortlcu
TltlNIDAD. O.I. 31 Tu Iroon
of ratalrr and a biliary uf artillery
f trnt (rub lirrr today to Ibr l.bri
luw Ulnlrlct, to aaalat In dlaarmlDC lb
Crtirral Chate l cloarly watcbluc
Aitullar (or ilvrtlopmenti,
Dujrda tbrrr lay that btiBdreda o(
(Continued on Pax C)
i o
Will Pay
Income Tax
Iho tax la 3 per cent, and from ITS,-1
OUO to f 100,000 the rato la 3 per
Ileyond that point tho taw will af
fect tery few, but Juat to give further
knowledge on the aubject bo It known
that from uny ImpoTerlabed cltlien
who haa a net Income between $100,
000 and $300,000, a graaplng govern
ment denfanda I per cent; from
$3S0,000 (o $300.00 It Ii 6 per cent,
and anything above the half million
mark tho tax Ii 6 per cent. There
w 111 be no 6 per cent tax collected In
the Denver atnte.
Tbo main Intcreat cenlera lu tho
minimum amount $3,000. To ar
rive at Iho net Income of a ilngle
pcrion lliero nro a few deduction!
from tho groHa Income permitted. The
neceaaary expeniea of buitneas can be
deducted, but you can't deduct your
poraonal or family expemei. You
ran deduct all Intereit paid on In
debtedncai nnd all tnxei paid for
natlounl, itale, county, ichool or mu
nicipal purpoiei. Loaaci can bo de
ducted If they hate been actually iui
tallied by lire, itorm, shipwreck or
utherwlie, and not compensated for
by Insurance. Worthleai debt! (the'
money jour frleud touched you for,
and which he won't pay back) ran bo
charged off, and a imall percentago Ii ,
allowed for depreciation. After de
ducting theso expense! from tho gross
liuome, the mult U tho net Income,'
lend If It rendu $3,000. then the
I Kotornment want! 1 nor rent, or ISO.
A married man U exempted to tho
ixilnt of $4,000, but If husband nnd
I v Ho each liaro n $3,000 Incomo, only!
one U entitled lo claim the $1,000 ex-1
If you with to support the
State University, vete:
auu X YK3
You ran an ear In your vote
election tlay, whether registered
or not.
OCTOBER 3 1013 "
Till: l.'ITl'M I'HOI'IMITV, X
Tba prayer of tbo (artnr for a
ilare to tlo but team wblla In tba clly
un a abort tradlnc lrli baa at lait
brn anawrrrd. Tba clly baa Juit
complrtcd a aet of hitch I Die racka fe.
llir u of the public
Tlirtr racka ara at the clty'a pron
rrty on Walnut, nrar Klflh atrtol,
and am caiy to reach.
Tliero la accommodation ample
(ur It. rty or forty leami," aald Coun
cilman Townannd, who broucbl the
tnattrr before the council.
at tiii: aui: or 103, mi.vs naiuii
toiiii, ohi:c:o.'s oi.iit huk
IIIAdlrtT, WH.I. CAST lli:il
riit.vr iialixt
I'nllrd I'tess Service
ta'CKNK, Oct. 31. At the age of
103 years, "Grandma" Sarah Todd,
the oldest suffragette In Oregon, and
lrhaps the oldeat in America, will
rait her first ballot at the elections
hero on November 4.
"Urandma" Todd registered here
a few days ago, her registration being
thu occasion of quite a celebration by
local sutfffrogo leaders.
Mrs. Tood for years has been au
anient supporter of vote for women,
and she Is far better Informed on
political questions, both state and na
tional, than the average male voter
In Oregon.
i:tt itittit ok ruo.-ji-KitiTV is
(Herald Spti-UI Service)
SHIPIMNCITON, Oct. 31. All the
creeks and Inlets along tho Upper
Lake are literally alive with young
tlsh. Some of these were planted thla
year, but It Is probable that most ot
the fish are of native stock.
A great luuny members of the
Upper Ijike homestead colony locat-,
ud west ot Hall's llayy have moved'
out, hating proved up on their claim.
Captain John Totten, Prank Court
ade, Mra. Itoso Torrey, N. K. Qruy
and n fow mure still remain to hold
the fori. I
Tho steamer Maiama came down1
from Wood River yesterday. Can
ed west ot Hall's Hay have moved)
wholu country Is suspended out of
reach. Tho steamer will go back up
thu lake tomorrow, carrying a cargo
uf assorted freight.
Kverybody In the vicinity of Modoo
Point U wearing a broad grin. TbU
Won Health
Marriage Certificate
ala ' Vaaaaal
aaaaaaaaH r fJjaaaaaaaaaaB
It. U. TeVrllt. a clerk In one of the
departmenta at Washington, U tba
first man In tbo Called States to ob-
'taln from the United Slates govern
, mnt a health certificate for bli forth-
'ruml,! m,rrlir lla him.
iself to the physicians of tbo lieaeral
health board (or rumination, anj
after looking blm orcr tbo Joctors
concluded that be answered alt the
vciubhui, oui ut mo laumsij oi eU'
genlcs, perhaps, but of modern act'
Is caused by ibo big crops Juit bar-
It must not bo thought that Just
because the Algomi mill Is shut down
that the town Ii deserted. There are
a lot of people there to itay, and one
Is not likely to get lonesome.
Quite a lot of summer goods ure
brought down from Pelican llay
Lodge a few days ago. ThU was
most petlahnble article! that would
bo of no use while the re-joit ! closed
(ur the winter.
Dan Urlfflth of Kagle nidge says
uv cry thing Is coming bis way.
Mortenson Passes Away
Young Lumberman Succumbs to Scarlet Fever
Following an Illness of but a few, of iho stock In the Pelican Day Luat.
days, Charles Nelson Mortemon died I ber company.
last night at the home of his brotbor, i He spent several weeks Jn the corn
Herbert D. Mortemon, at Pelican Ipany's logging camp on the Upper
Clly. The young man was taken with' Klamath Lnko. and since then has
scarlet fever Sunday, been connected with th big plant at
From Iho first, young Mortenson's Pelican City.
condition was serious, and It reached' The death ot th young saa owu a
a stago a few days ago where It was ( gloom over that community, for he
deemed aavisaoie to teiograpn tor bis
parents. His mother, Mrs. Jacob D.
Mortemon, Ii on her way hero from
Chicago, In answer to the summons.
Tho young man was 22 years of
age, and was born In Warsaw, Wis.
In Juno ho graduated from William
About three monthi ago be cam
to Klamath Falls to learn th prac
tical llde of tho lumber buslneis un
der hU brother, Herbert D. Morten
son, who Is manager, and who with
his father owns the greater portion
.Mallrr uf a Itrgnlar Day for In
rnurr to Ilriaa; Protar( aaxl
hlurk Ilrru for IHapixal la Ooaav
mrntol t'pun KaTorably bf AH
Who llaro ConaMercd the) g3E
llun Watrr L'acra Will I
Hearty approval from buslaaae
men and (armeri la being met with c
very hand by the luggeetlon ot the
Klamath Chamber of Commerce that
there be held here at regular Inter
vals a Market Day.
Prominent agriculturalists from all
parts of the county are enthualMtte
over Ibe plan. This. thy say, U what
has been needed here a loag Uaae.
"The Market Day plan haa beeu
surceaiful whererir tried," m14 Jm.
DlxoDr onof the director! ot the
Klamath Water Uian Aasodattea.
'Thla has long been needed here, M
It Is a metter of help not only lo the
farmer, but to the housekeeper as
"We hare always favored and sup
ported any movement that would ben-
i eflt the farmer," said O. K. Van Riper
jot Van Riper Drothera this afternoon.
t"The sooner a spirit of co-operation
(xlsts, the better conditions will be
for all the people."
"Market Pay Is a feature that his
long been needed In this country,"
said Secretary Albert K. Elder of the
I Water Users Association. "There
haa been too much distrust manifest
ed between farmer! and merchants,
1 and If this was summed up It would
J be found that both are partly respon
'slblo for engendering It.
"Tbo question of Market Day will
bo brought up at tomorrow' meeting
ot iho Water Usors Association dlntc-
tors, and there Is every Indication of
hearty approval nnd support."
Merchants, business men and farm
rs will soon hold a meeting to er-
range a date for Market Day, and at
, tend to other details lo this connect
ion. It Is possible that prises "will be
i offered for the largest (aaalHvi
brought to town on that day.
wai well liked by all the mem,
nected with the plant. Curiae M
brief residence hero he nude sway . "
frlendaMn Klamath Falls, to '
the ind tidings of hi oiaWaeHMM ,
a shock, '
The remain will be kept at MM
Mortenson home la retleM OMf Mlgti
the arrival of tbebereve4valHr
The body will thea b shljuktd l4Mlf
Park, Illinois, (or talrw ' '
"Dad" Qom hi la the stir
his Bcaaasa hasae, , ',
j .
'i -j,
.' s