a 4UA )4J Ull t' o fcraW Special Mcfe to Medford Have a Stopover Privilege. Round Trip, $6.30 V Evening Mvrsdh u KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS TH NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NISWBI'AI'UK I'iKlilli rr u, U.Uilfl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1913 rricFtr i U. S. President Determined That Huerta Must Go Without Delay UNO IS MAKING FOR PEACE, AND, 4)i-iinr riw'-HM in: HtiuiMi nut mu o mi; I'titr or I , tit KM HOW rl.M I'awglrM Will Mrc Nluf .U,. h. ll. t,vW t'm II til, Hie) Takr In lb Mallei I Mllnl Mle Will I H) ItWux- lu ItrciHllo IIUh-CIWII. llawlU'a llmliNiH, Meln riraMcul. I 0114 lr HtMl" 1'n.t Mii .imoTov M r, 0.1. , i) li'l K ! ' liollnr fur W'AhMI TIiv H" r,ilip Ih MrllfU. ,r.Mril Wll-ti I In lxn lll l, Mill IH be lrr.l'l. bul ! l.1rl In Uk" llile 'Tauii". ii' ) ami tiMlrl air IwM In ir4l. H.-xal lialra'lr Jtla lli Wlluui lia -IIHrl Umkici wiai llurfla " Hr airca Hllli IiU .,im,. l,al n.illlln In II"" IhmiIIi' ,, Hrfutillr l.f linunw IwtiilcraliU nil i'iu.1 mil liiiliinlUlrl). OhIIiV I'lrMMIr (ir III Mllnl HUlra In ril "" HailillnK In Mrtloi I r ironi. f.it.lm dlnliiiiiala lu IIK fill h. not.Med the Whit. llou.. that Iber - no rhauew lor l-eaco unlca the tlnllr-l Hl.le. rr.olt. to force -or th. fir.t lime Wll.on I. a.rlouil, 1 .....,.... ..., ' ' ' . ... . .... ....W. . I,,,:.....! to'dea. w I... Khould be fall. Wtlaon will ellhtr re- n,ri to aimed UileMenllon In reatote ,...!., I lie C'arraliia '"' " " . . rebel aa Ibe defarlo KutcMiiurni, ami .enult him to ImiHirt anna. ,. ,l known how I.I...I will ,.,. i,e.l, II I. thought Ibat he will le- new th. augg.ailon for a general arm-,., new the auggeillon for a general arm-, ,,f0 l.llre, ami an etectlnn under urel.;1llf lancn of III ctll aulborlllra. Meanwhile, Ih powara are reluc i- No Salmon Hatchery Responsible For Shortage Felt Herel 1 .... ...... ih, ii nf why the aui run of autumn !" u ",,l ,u "l" naarancu lu H' Klamath UUer a ' 7 . . . i -.I...I .ml I .11 H.u.1 1... k """ "'' Hulw ,iu,eu of lUherlo. I... c.tab ,lan of UiiuM. ii w takng of ,B,m0 , Mon a. ' """" "jw,,,r, (((r 10i wo found ilial tbcre are two .P mon run IiU" t'1" "U"TM ... i..i.dliiir nutlroly ncroa m... of reproductloni auU loault llu. Callforiila-Oregou 1'ower .omimuy lu.liiint un '"V"11' aoii to ileleriuliii' ' "u" ' , any way t tho Klamath Hlvor dam undnr ron.tructlou lu Callforulu. At tbo riu..l of Ihla compauy. I1UU In tho InlorMi- ' ' fll'ln "; ,lu.try In Houthoru Oregon. wo.t thorough HiYMtlgatlmi wa. made. No TROOPS A FINAL MOVE FAILING IN THIS 1 Ir uiibnldlnc Atearlca'a l!7 ll ool belieird that recognition of rani will aalitfy them aa ll In fr luiib.r nthilng MIxiU lint irral.l Ilia 'oinplel de. Urellun M the pot. but baa de- lT patt of January. Tlila la the good ( tided not tu eubinlt It lu bli cabinet 'liewe Ibat will gladden the heart of mull tint ek II wlil.r tu ej , " M.l conilea. .Ill do, I I emier iiueu vw iiibii,4 or lllanqqall la .I-, laird lelel tbr Ctillrtl Stale ill lefuae l frrnll hliu In maa'tig Hilt iinllAratlon, Wilton de HUM a new Killrf Ibat may Involve l.i-.ientlon ourr Mlrr UUI I LATEST PR0JECT; (1MN MllirMn UllliMIIMI to nun. i. ami ahm mi:n AMI WOMKN Willi Alii: IHIIITIMl i on tiii: iiu.uir Inll.d I'll" Herlce I.ONIIOS. Oct. 10 A aunrane aim), well drilled aud armed, ready, tl...rr. I. literally BlH tor Ih. ,!,. la the lalrat acheme of the mill- Unl ,uBr..lt. Ml.. HyUla fank., ,,,. who la out of jail on a "roou.o" i ,...rc..e.l hrr rradlnc.a .'...ii. 1-..1 it., arnir. and ahe ...Hnnaf vyt.JJJ tirr follower In Jlu-Jllau and regular milllary drill. t i. .,i n,. t'..i Knit am " i"i" - ; tvttif ,,, ,ol ,or u, and would be "" i -- I the court hou.o. work will b aurlcd I ,,. fljhter. If they l4'," ""'' ',',"r, '"3,. n the Carnele library. Thl.wlllbK1 , :,,; ,,, Jrc,t4 , ,..k. J "" -". ,J!lrf;;,l r.hea m. Ml. . tl l. the Intention lUr , , i,rlew with the UnlteJl''" ' P r '" l r"rc,r 0,, ,ti It under root beforo Inter acta ... t). fr,j, now are no The lil.l utory lener. j, for the police, who are ePe- iui.ii.ni ini'ii-i--- .- (Continued on page 4) Below Dam uuukliaalmoll wero fouud below tue uam. Thl ll 1" furlhiT Invi'illgation I . .1 I,,.!., heliiK maui-. aim i" ' "" ' ,, I l at MaillUllllUI, niie.u ... v....-- tho rlur from I"'" '" 'u bua flltecliinll) niltlng "f tbo entire run ui auluion, In Juatlco lo the power company w run )' Itml lliy ' ' ml w,r re aponalblit for tm aalmnii being lu the liter. 0. M. IIAMSIIY, A. i. BlMUaUE. .MMMWWWVMMMMMiWWWMMMVNMMMMMMNMWWVMWWWMMMlAAAAAMMAAMMMAMMMMAAM LISTEN, LOVERS Of LITERATURE i tii.icirio iHf.xr in sTiiiti; nut tot ni:it tiii; m:w viiah iimt .or IMNT APIOllll TO MIHM Oplr Head. Ibat delightful delin eator ill Ike quaint Southern chanc ier will Hall Klamath Fall lb (ai 0.lo Hnul .1 all loiera of one claaa of the leading - ' ;,";;;; IU-U I. an Mneu Boulli. and rara o rca lh character, that h. poneut of the Old rcaldence among o faithfully I 'l"'rlra. ha. chrii a sra.p charac-' a, ' ggggK Mm LKmDJMmmmmm "' ""V ' , ,, ltoinilctrd court hou.e. etc.. will " ' , , ,. .'welt within tho flCS.000 limit. Arrnn.enielliB nae uern wane wm.. '.,., .....,. i i.vp.iim llur.au to' IIIAK llANIlH IS UUnll linilUII III A busy place WILL III! I'IiAI'KII IN TIIK WA- ...nniriiiiiTiiiv axii rxiV.'lu '"ill Honania STUUITIOV fltKWH IIUHV (Hrmlil SKclal Krriliv) ODiatSA. Oct, 30. Much bu.lnea la In eWdi'iico along thl. ahore ut Hall' Hay. I). I'. oak I moving along lino with hi part of It. Jnmr Dougla. DotiW oftlcUnt foreman, plan In Put 1,000,000 feot of log In tho take thl winter. Thtrly Inn of mill feed hao been taken to Iho bay In fiwil two ! ' ,h work. In addition to thl big logging en Ivrprl.o, much other work la being done at tho Doak ranch. Thl In clude tho reclamation of swamp land and tho building of road aud fence. READY TO MOVE COURTHOUSE JOB TO STOP; LIBRARY , TO BE woiikimjmkv will iiavk viTt:n Jim ALU Cmiil Huum- Cuntlmcllun Mule Than Half I'liiMinl at an Kiiwuitllureor l,r llian SJMI,OfMl Court la Cer talu W'uik Will Ik rlnl.hcU Within tl,r l.lnill of Ch hlH-cinol lrra rnt Tumi U About Kiliauatrtl. Conatrurtlou work on the nw JK5.000 rountr court boua will atop In a few dajra. Workmen are now an leaned In cocrlni up the walla pre-' paralorr to auiftodlnc bulldlnc (or ' IIib winter. Willi the coaaatlon ot work on tb court buuar, the workmen are to br tarted on tbo conatructlon of tbe 121,000 Carnnle library bulldlnc. wblch I to be built on tbo ciurt houte block. Tbla la to tx r.uhfd J with all Kalble baalr, and roiuilet itl aa iKMin aa ioaiuir. The work on tbe court houaa will ceaae for the winter became hae nearly e.bauated the fund for lu con- lalrurlton ralaed br aoeclal lew.' aald Judge Wordcn today. "Aa aoon ,thla fund la replenlahed work will be rraumed. Work un the building baa reached .uch a atage that people need ha noi 'rear of the atructure being in nuyj I mm u -m mi Mm mi rnmA l m t ml tAl ,1 I I I At. l"" " -". . n'' no Paio.e oanger. ; The court nouie it now luo.-e inau nf thj....a. 11IIIK.IVU. Hliu u tn. .v-. mi 10.000 ha been etpended. The court U potltlre that the coal or ttie, ....,, ui,,n f .rk onl " " ."-.". . . .. . . aa .k "Work on tne liurary win commue a .... . !,h'J - TMa will give employment toithat the parly to bo given by the'biHuenlllJ)dMbM(,,oflnooowd number of artlaan.. carpenter, etc. laJle of Bacred Heart church will be ,. , , . ,u ukgwJ all winter, until the building l nn - all winter, who otlierwt.o would b . .. a. a . ... - ..1 a.- ..... k.la idle. 'Tho court, In the library atructlon, will follow the ame policy a In tho court houie work. We will Inaltt on local people being given! riuployment.' Amna Slack, one ot llonanta'a, 'prominent roaldent, I In th county ai-nt lodny on bu.lneaa. Irf.rrlU Cllltrn lu Town. Tboiua. Wllker.on, a tho I.ori'lla vlclulty, I biialnea here today. realdeut of I tramactlng -i If you with to support the State University, vete: 800 X YES SOfl X YES You can awtsar lu your tote election day, whether rcglatered or not. MVMMMMMMWMA j May Be Ambassador, to Court of the Czar Henry M. I'lndell. publUber 'of, I'corla. may be the next amba.iador ,0 iUMa. jr. lndll I well known throuchout UllnoU and tbe Middle Weat. and baa been a lupporter of the( i.i ti.. ...ii . i-lv hrr .faitfttA ir. I'lndell. but hi. ,,,, n not yet been recorded. TICKETS SOLD HAI.UIW'K'KX AT JIOOHK I'llOMIHIM TO UK A Sl'CCKSH- , -, ITI. Ar'KAIH C,HIH VIXI UK I'UVYKll The aale of tlcketa for the Hallow-' !... .l.nlHe k . tr td Vft at uuwu ,...., .- -v ....- . 1... - .. a II i.....u klkl Ih.II a oo uau ito .. ertl t1trAad 1 1 t1il a. II 1f That tlTO !" .." eon-.c. The Tludal orche.tra ha been en - gaged to play tor the dancing, which will continue until midnight. For tboae not caring to dance, card will 1h a feature. A luncheon will be, nerved during the evening. KLAMATH COWBOY RIDES 'GRIZZLY' JACKSO.V COUXTY'H UXHIDAULE UHO.NCHO KAU.S UTTEItLY IN THY1XO TO THHOW COHUBN TO TIIK DUST At tho bucking conte.t held at the ball park Tuc.day afternoon, Coburn, one of Klamath connty'i rldera, lue- a great ucc flnanclatly. Tbi iPro-;n,,u .cn00i. jr. Arant U a nephew lot cigarette tobacco, th United State .. aeeaiiBa.l InanTaJ them atrial! llifo' .. ..I.. t... ONLY TWENTY MEN POLICE DUTY AT ORDER TROOPS celled In riding "Grluly Murphy." I Coburn I. without doubt th bt ilder erer cn In tbla icctlon. lie lode the outlaw until both man and hone were dripping with iweaL With the ciceptlon of on critical moment ' Coburn rod airtight up, without I ualng any four hotdi. It could not be called a atralght up' ride, yet ereryon agreed that Coburn ' I did the beat riding letn her thla aca-, mi. The rider waa put at a dlaad Tantage In not wearing boot, liar' Ing a aore foot, from being ttepped , upon, bo waa compelled to rid rtth ordinary abo. In thla way loalncl strength In gripping. Medford Sun. LIHDLEY IS HEAD ! OF SEATTLE CLUB - ,.,(,. lianoFTHK KUULITU I.VKK 1UII.HOAII COMPANY IS .NOW ACTIVK IN" Till: WASHIXO- tov jiirrKoi-ouH II. II. Kdmondt, tuperlntendent of tbe Algoma Lumber company'a plant at Atgoma. returned laat arming from an extended trip through Waab Ington. "Wbllo In Seattle I met llarrcy jUndley, who uaed to be head of the Klamath Lake Itallroad company, th 'far-famed l'okecama line, which waa one ot Ibe varlou method ot tram .Ll.'lM,r,a,lon ilcalt out to people coming to Klamath Kali a few- year ago," aald Mr. Kdmond). "Llndley wa on WILL Saturday elected president ot th Ha nter Club ot Seattle. I. i jpir jiuiic iracner. ,,.,. ..., ...... w.j,. u evening from Foret Orore, on 1 . ni to ukevew wner. n ha . . ....... . ,of w Frank Arant of tbi city, and U .on ot tQS tme; DCIt known youngltomer. coxt to Qraat Orltatu, rraae 1 mUilcUn. Refuses $500 an Acre NitschelmB elieves Tract The valuo ot a truck garden In Klamath county 4 ihown to a certain extent lu tho retuial ot Fred Nit chelm of an offer for $600 an acre made for bla ten acre garden plot juit outald the city limits. In Mill. addition. The land waa purchased a few year ago at a figure much lower. H darted gardening In a .dentine man ner, and hat railed produce enough to net him a comfortable Income, aa ARE LEFT FOR LEAVENWORTH; ON TRANSPORTS Hi:cOM, CAVAUIV UKOCRKO TO l-KAVU IIOIWEM AT VOKT IIMSri AM) EMBARK bctum! l)lllon of Ui Arwaf la MeM In llcwtluna at tJalTaaloej Beat! nalloa of Hie Arts? Traaeaori Is Kept Hccret by tbe CeaauaaaaMHat; Uiflcer. Llut lYrfwraliuea laillraiK Tlut It la Vers Cnaa. L'nlteJ 1'reaa Bertie UALVfrMTO.V, Oct. Ir'rank W'rat, rountaiatUaur Ue HaetMatl Camlry ij.tionrU at Fort HI I, wm today utilerrtl lo prtxccU ber wrUlt lila entire coinmaml, leaftaur Um liure at Ibe barrack. Army Irauuporta are waiUauf la ttaa liaibur licro for Uie troop to eaa bark. It U probleutatlc Hhcre tu traaw l-oru will go. It baa been aUlcd Utat Ibry will gu rltlicr lo New York or lo rr Crux. OdUrr are allrtit on thla matter. The prrparallona brlnj tuaue lauUcate lliat Vera Crux la tbe port of ilawataBav tlou. The arcun.l illilalun of th mrmf Is linr, kept lu rcauliawaa to BtoTe at inoiiient ' notice. ) LEAVENWORTH. Oct. 30. Th rtttalh jaccond uadron ot th Cavalry baa been ordered to proceed at once to t-'ort Huachuca on Ih Ari zona border. Thla leave unly twenty detach1 men at the pott her to do police duty. Th rett ot th MOO troop for merly alatlonad bare are In Tsaa. Oil dlatllled from th needle of ipruce and fir tree are being uxed to acent petroleum floor olla wblch ate lometlmea f objectionable on ac- count of their odor. Partly owIdit to haavr nurehaaa I of late ha become Turiceya mm 'ranking thld and Qerminy fourth. Wortk More For Gar in the Nltxcbelm garden truck I alwar In demand. Tho KnterprU Land a4 taTfti ment company, who holalMi a4J-5.'. tbe Nltacbtlm gardw, hav kM $Mtt - thl tract for lorn tlat. Last fMT-p en offer of 95.000 wa MttU 1st ilk : plot by th company, kt H M K ' fttaed. V. v -', Again ihla yr la Maipaar nwed 1U of er to Mr. Nekweaja again he rofud W eaillt at, ,. ifl 7 . 1 "S'l ..,' y& ft- -. t.:ie. w