im n . i uraing IteaU. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS lt.1,11, Vrar So. WI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1913 murmaiu: majruut'.it TrlcoiFIre CMte Ehz V Wilson Tells Powers the Mexican Situation Is an American Matter MAKES IT CLEAR THAT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE WILL BE TAKEN AS AN INTRUSION BY THIS COUNTRY oh hi: mix afmk mjuai. I'ltOTtXTlOX t 41.1. m)Ii:ium:iim t l.llr.1 Malr Cntlwr U 1'ialol al a IVIal Xrr Whf Colon) uf I l'rud .Im Hai4 lu It la I birr ol Allali la (' 1I) tia tMcalnt, MHw Will IW la.tal at rarsU l Mrraff, I Itllrd l'M Henlro tVAKHINtlTON, Oct :. !(. Iiiak.n al lb Will. llottM, I'rMlil.nt tl il.un la preparing a docuta.til ini "lib lb Vlrtlran situation, whlu tnbuJIr. en upo declaration of what (btr Lilluui of Ik world raey asp! fmm Atoxic In thla matter. ItlUoa b. promised lb poatr to .ituacl.U UeCnll poller. Vvl)t tag an .i.tnlsattan of a gtti.ral tutu mry prepared by JUtrslary of HLU Hr;an, and a Itgal uinmrjr arr.ucxt bjr John HumII Moor, Ug.l advisor u( ih atat department, lb prldtnt aiartrd i.i work on lb document. In promising, the prrsldthl wad l c.r to lh poaere that lb Unltd rllatr. Ill rnl tar out.ld lBlr I"""' II has warned lb minis '' that the Metlcau problem It MDlUllf in American on, and look paint In roak till, warning emphatic Tb rhUf danger point In Mxleo ludr ! forlr mllr from M.iaiUo At ib.t Mut, Id roBttllutlon.lltta it t.ld in U lhratnlnK a rrvnrb ill)njr Tli. rrulxr Maryland hat bwn to Mautlan. V (urnUli lb aama inol.t linn lo rrcnrlimvn m would In Amrlfan." mM PrMldtnt Wilton. bn aikrd It Ilia m.tlut would lx Utidnl Tb imldnl la lr;lm lo And aoiu m.lhod lo rllmlnal llucrla wllloul rraorlloK lo forr. (Itrmanr, Kranra and Koiland iiat l'tiiinli.,1 not tu intarfaro, but liav rirrti.d a willinintu Hi ro-orat will. Amrrlra In all waya. Thla tio.., Hon by tbMa otra groatly atrcnilh n I'mldrnt Wllaon'a tHMlllon. It la) rilltmra..! tka.) ft. ....I.I.. I """Marlng in ulllmatum In lluarla, Ifinamllnr. bin ratlramrnt, and It la J im.uani mat it,. or(Cn power win. m'hold him ir iuch t la lakn. CANAL WORK IS RAPID fovenuKnt and Contractors Making Progress Work on the enlargement of the Adams ranal enlargement, below Merrill, Is progressing rapidly, ac cording to advices received by Iho reclamation service. Knglneer Hmltb, ho has charge of the government ork at Adams Point, ha twenty four men engaged In rock work and nine on concrete. . Uealdea these, a erw of ad Btn u working on the nl at llevln'a Point. The contractor who have the ma jority of tho schedule aro alio mak ing good headway, Several will (In- II lllU It Mm '"-i '"' llitrl,ra fli. , u.d,,,,, muimih n Ih Irrbltl. rii tmi .( (Irtl. , j,ri. "" Vi f ' titirhl h .its. Ih.t " A t i , ,1 1 f A . I 1 , GIVE BIG BALL II til, ! I III D Hill slovn of. I. Ill Hot l. loll llltNKMlll. IMI i:il.. IMl Mil. I. Mthl; HO. HIM I. IN INM II. tl'IMIIt I A il.lir all! ba all.U .1 lloutteh'. 'irra huut Tbautidtltic n. by tbe iKl.nulb I'.IU VuUnlrr I'lta IWftt- mini inn an ukihm ai iu i.n m.'tttiK ul tba dr.rtinal CuHitnlttra-. to lain fluu. ol lbs all) If mnnl In a ( dit Tb Slrwrll bat lrU (Itlnt Ht. I'.truk Hit ilanrr fur rUbt or nine )ar. and tbrav bat !) Ixtn hlabll iur.caitul In ltaKili lo pop ular itrtuand tit Dip UddlM b.t '! rl.lrd In bold rinl-antiual danfM. Tl money I. utc.l In riUr . lolli UK daniigrd ahll (llitlne nm HUNTING PARTY MAKES KILLING Hit HirilllN niOM ItOHItIA it n ii hi rv.MVi: mvKH, that tti.iii: liii.i.i.'ii iii.-tu i:i:.n tlOIIMMI AM i:ii:.MMl IIimi.I durk liuiitlnu luck attended John r'rey, Krauk Jetler, farl Hhu brrl. Kranela It. Old. and i:ertt llanlrnbrook on their trip l Wnrden Tuday They returned on lit nlaht ' iralti wllli lly-nlne nuackert. The party left here on Iho morning train and hunted until Jl ""' " ilov.n. l.h lhl. fall. V)iikoopnd Joseph Hmldl aro almost finished with their schedules. Additional cnnlruct for excavation hato Ju.l been made by the rectum. Hon service on thl rk. J. t. "" in., .ml Con Murphy hato been nwarilt"! schedules 3. 8 "nil 7, and will aUrl In rk right away, nthnra awarded coutrnrtn were John 1). Morgan, 0. U Walton, A. U. Oale, Kinney Klghtmler and n. P. Tniiin Thnro woro nine bidder for the U schodule. end tomo bid ou more than ono schodule. 11 Alt, nan. Who Gave Iwa)' BigSums itlVV ' A laA y jf - I Amiiau m. icrrat N York m.Kii.tii all.- tt.ruucb Dciin iialf a ..H...M . f aorL built u,. una ol i Lc ticatr.1 IwrtuRM In tlir United flair. nie lliaalr ut it hato (enrat bleb a St.S40.U80 lm left hi. ttrat art rollecllnii lo lb Hiiro-i-uliun Mhnki of N'ra York tlty Ilia a III prorldrd that If ccrtalu mpl rondittona arte cumpllvd wllb tb rollerllon of an ratluialrd value of Iron 4, to boulil b bouiMl w lilt Urn Metropol itan Mum-hid of Art. to which be left I'mu fur li' ear and miOtiten-.n- Tu prut Id fur auy poa.lble rejec iiuti nr lit. KTiui li ttio MvtroiHilltau Muiruiu. Mr Allium dlrrcted tbat In uib a a 111. elrcutura .liould or-' xanlip an Atlmau mutetini of an, lo ai.irii im lift 1220.000 In audi a con-'I alalalalHt 3 St HaPv HaLLLBLr ' 'flaw laaaaaawaW Ti awaal BawaaaaaaaaaaaaaawawV I LiaaS tiiiKrtio in protldr for Us housing In' roDY. Wyo.. Oct. S. Coroner l',J pictures taken by iho Mil hi. late rcldeiif. Cii Hftli avenue juml, lluwo has unuouncad that there ler ,,notu fol'y n ho recent trip and I Wnl nftleth street. Tho dl- will b. no Inijurst held oer the body ' ,'1 ,J"a UoU' Mitu Uftyonc butl-ti-rl.n ul the muteuni haa given aa.'t Charles (late, who died hero yea-i04'" u,u r Klamath Fall and Mer-, .uranre that lb condltlona of houf',.rdy of apoplexy. .... and .lisnUr ould U. fullllled. j , , Ju rt)lurUla (f0m I! !. by far the most taluablo gift liullllg trip to the mountains, and ... I ili.. Mstirntuillffii. SllllaUIll ill ATI bail.... I..t....lf.,r il... iAA !. I. l..l I ..-.-- - - - , -mm iMMiTuiittR. uv mtk mat tiv uau rr riH-iUr.l lit rath tnluc aa a MII imablo in spend ITO.uuu In tho mailer ..f fan it itiralcuable. At the'w Ul, iaj teen In Cody. He had i me "f Mr Altuinu'a death some per- lvc,,ty made a big clean-uti In the mint who had teen the collection val mil it at but It contain mnnr objects of art upon which It It imnnlblr In plaro n cath taluatlon, DRILL TEAM MEETS TOMORROW NIGHT I O. O. F TIIIIIO DKdllKi: TI'..M( wii.i. i'h.u-iici: TiiKiit worn; j IX I'ltlllMHATIOX WIMTIt MONTHS roit thi:, Mi'inbor nf the 1- O. O. F. degree learn for the Degree of Truth will moot tu Odd Fellows hall tomorrow night to practice the floor work. Thla Indgo has lately adopted tho plan of having n captain for the learn In each degree, nnd it spirit of rivalry hus lliiia been genorittod among tho member of ench for tho supromncy which promise to bring the belt ot letulls nnd greatly benefit tho lodge. Considerable work will be done this winter, mid the lodge as n whoto Is nmkliiK preparations to recelvo Iho new members In u royal manner, In ii )enr Turkey produces approx imately 100,000 bales of wool of S80 pound each. . ...,.. :....... U hHK niTnn. nnrur nr I rAIKUL SUM Ur RECENT DISORDER ui ii.t I'licv.tiLs i.v ii.i. or 'i hi: iumi I liln.i Mlnr i:tn.ii)r .lir IMaanillliK 'lltrliiM-liia a ,e hilltrliiii i(f. 7l.Hr IMl-n. MllllU Aim .trcj 'MNllrml ll.ruuiili .III rniw.lro I till; trti rt. ami I'mkUIuh. J for Tim IV.rk., i i ruled l'ir Hrlc THINIDAI). Colo.. Oet. !. .A iimuiand mlUUam.n ocuilrd Ibo' iiiuiitic .tribe dUlrlct at dayll(bl. Maillal law I In tttrtl rtery I'l lh" union miner, nave all arnird IbaniMlTra at lb luKt ot tbt-lr Iradrra. I'lacc, dt. utKratlon Troopa paUot alt parla of the dla tr" Tbey bate identy of ammunl ,0D n,J ' ' '' . At .layllglit no dlaorder waa report ipl at any lai In tbo dlalrtct. COULDN'T SPEND $70,000 IN WEEK 1-t.MI.NT Ol Till: M. of "Hirr. to.. MILLION" (JATI1S, WHO ti.sriiiiitiY htrrri.Kii ms ILMtrlll.l Al'fOU.NTri ultitl I'reta Sertlco grain market, and had promltcd to upend thul sum beforo ho left Cody. GOES TO VISIT IT Till: COl'XTV MTKKINTKXPK.Vr i.iaviis roii a visit to kout ui.AM.iTii, la rixi: .txn oth- lilt XOHTHKHX DISTIIICTH County School Superintendent Fred I'etertott has started on n trip ot In spection to tho schools In the north- em part ot tho county. ' Ho will bo awny the remainder of tho week. Whllo gone ho vllt visit Fort Klamath, I.a Pine, Crescent and other districts. If you with to support the State University, vete: aoo x HOil X YK8 Vfiti mn sttvtir tu your vote electlnu ibty, whether registered or not. T AWVMvwwwixwMVMvywwsiwwwMwwvwwwwww Won Mural ...,.. .... . ... . D.u. ..,. May Be Brought Back l uited I'leii tortlc Ni: YUlt'K, Oct. J.-Ur. Krncat Muret, tbe New York Utatlit who a at .arretted for counterfeits follow lnx Itho coofcttlon of Her. liana Schmidt, Iwaa today aentenced. ! For tbe manufacture of apurloua ioln Muret mual terve "H year In federal prlaon at Atlanta, Ga. valdt-a bit prlnon term, tbero It a ponlblllty tbat tbere may be further punlihrnent In atore for tbe dentin. "Her.' Schmidt la the man who ionfp..d to murderlnc Anna Aumll- ' felly Amtrlan slrl, whoto dlt- 4U ll- I rkliirv. Number Ono window of tho Oolden Jltulo Stores ratchet the eyo ofTjU ;paer today In the window Is dla- rl" l"n, l "' eipioring tne ice, eate. and Modoc battle grounds. The' ! '"T" "ro "" Pllr '' 'rlttli llfflil. In tlinn.t a at "" -- tu ...v .nv Hit; lutili n" lluimli. Mr. Nurtnl, proprietor ot tho Klam ath Ilakery, mixed 100 pounds ot gin-1 ger rookie dough at one batch In hi Mr mUlug machlno this afternoon. 'When rolled Into flake and cut Into cookies, thl batch ot dough turned out 32,000 cuokles, The same rajxlng I limiltliiA Iklll hnnittM SAO hniiml. nt i bread dough, as It Is much lighter' land bundles easier. Iii .Sew Home. County School Superintendent Fred t'elvr.oii and wife havo moved Into their own home on Ktghth atreet. They recently purchased thl prop erly. SH-elnl Meeting. A special work meeting of tbo Ladles' Aid Society ot the Presby terian church will be held tomorrow afternoon at the residence ot Mrs. Charles K. Warden, on Cauby street. ' 'rim unrran nf IhrAA itan.rtmniit store In China has led to the estab lishment ot a fourth In tbo southern part ot tho republic. The greater part of the trade Is with the Chinese. Football Is coming Into Its own figaln at the University ot Pennsyl vania after last year's poor season. Much of tho credit for this year's bright prospect mutt be given to Captain Young. Young was an end last season, but ha been moved back .of tbe line and Is now playing a great I game at halfback. W HaM 'wawawawawal Vi't 'J "?- ' 'nWv' - t aa WW"""" - - - - - - for fminfArfo ihtm ,. U...J.. Later on Murder Charge ratiabered body wa found In the lludion Itlrer. Ui-clarlnc tbat Saint Elizabeth, tne patron aalut ot AuatrU, commanded him to make a bloody tacrine, Schmidt aayt he killed the flrl, drank oao of her blood, and c-cklns the body to pleret, threw It Into tbe water. The authorities aro ot the opinion that Schmidt was not alone In thla Rrvatomo crime. Aa be and Muret were partner. In counterfeiting-, tbey betlevo the dentist may know more ot the murder than ho detlrea to tell. SCAEEOLD EALLS WITH WORKMEN TWO MKX llltOI" KOItTY KKKT TO Till: SIHKW.ll.K wiiii.i: WOUK l(i ON A M.lllKKT STItKirr Ill'II.III.Vd I.V'FHISCO Culled Press Service SAN FHANCISCO, Oct. 29. Just Ik fore noon today u scafford Used In the erection of a Market stroet build ing collapsed, and two bricklayers, Itobert Hartley and Thomas Hooper wuro thrown to the street. Hartley was Instantly kilted and Hooper received such Injuries that Is la Impossible for him to live more than a few hour. The men dropped forty feet. WATER RIGHTS ARE UP Proofs Filed by Claimants Open for Insjwctiti James T. Chlmiock, la charge of Division No. 1 for the state board ot water control, I here from Salem In counectlon with legal matter pertain ing to tho adjudication of water rights on Lost Itlvor and on Cherry Creek, HIa headquarter are at the I Hotel Hall. Somo time ago Mr. Cblnnock was hero to allow the claimants to water rights to file proofs ot tbelr claims. He la now here to open the proofs to - - - - - - - -i-,- - nnriinj-unruarunjnjVxrAAAAjVi . MAPPT RAV PHD MAMA H MLLS BEING PLANNED MCIICIM.N'TS Alti: K.VTH08KD ; with run phohi'kot , XtxitA IkMlrra WooM Arrange a Oa I Uln Day In Kacti Month, Wheal tU 1'armrm Krooi All I'arta of Uia County Will llrlng Tlielr i'roduea In lo Ho hold, and When tlw Htorra Will Offrr IllaC lUrgaJna. Market Day, which ha been proven a big success In other places, may b cotne one ot tho regular Institutions In Klamath Falls, If plana now under way are carried out. Tbo raatur was dlacuued. at last night's meeting ot tbe Klamath Chamber of Commerce, and It waa heartily endorsed by all. The plan ot Market day I the set ting aside ot a certain day each month, when tho farmer from all parts of the county wilt come to Klamath Falls. They will bring with them tbe stock, produce, farm Imple- .mtna, -to., which-tbey wish to' dis pose of. Tbe various farmers will Hat with tbe Ctmbcr of Commsrc the vari ous articles they have for aale, and they will be sold at public auction, with no cost to tba firmer. This will bring about a free Interchange ot commodities between tho various parts of the county. Tbe merchants ot the city aro alt enthuila.tlc orer tbo plan. All who were Interviewed today placed their stamp of approval upon tho sugges tion, and It Is their Intention to meet tbe farmer on Market Day by. special prices In all lines ot merchandise. A mevtlng ot the bualneaa melt In terviewed lu thla plan will be held In a few day. "Commercial Possibilities ot Latin America" was the subject discussed at Istt night's ueetlng ot the Klamath Literary Club, with O. A. Krause as leader. Tbo question was one ot tbe of tbe most Interesting taken up by the club this winter, and the members learned that In the last year, exports to that region Increased 33 per coat In value. , Tbe California-Oregon Power com pauy will be moved to Its new offlce In tho Iteldy building, November I. Until the Iteldy buildings were erect ed, the power company, the Western J Union and tbe telephone company all .occupied the same building at the corner of Third and Kttmatb. With tho moving of tho power company's lorace they are all again neighbors. public Inspection, sod will b la ( city ten days. , Tbo state law requires tba keeplatg ' of thoso proofs open ten dsys, la as dor to allow a full examination bf str terested parties. Following thai it, day are allowed for persons to Msu. coutests, which are later turoehea vi by the bosrd, After this U settled there (o bo completed tba taking mony as to tbe a.ttstM? of j quired by each of tke .ismsiis --. A f '.; aT ;H 1