ch? uentttg Mtmth KLAMATH PALLS' PRINTS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS lMh V .No U.V.HI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1913 I'rieo Mr Genre Miners and Troops in Armed Warfare p"WiiiwWtiwii - - -,. irainj-LrLruiJ iyWMWWIVMWVVNMWl UNITE Western world for all times Mn Bunny, ctor anf BaffFanl WDIILD HAVE CITY ELECTION BOARDS HOTHEADS IN COLORADO CAMPS Si u or mmmm PRECIPITATE MATTERS WITH A FIGHT i 111 III I llllllllill 1 I II III J I IMil.n Vl.lf LLIWIIU) ftfllaiAV VII- . -. . UUIVIL IIVILIlLUI IP1IIIUT 1 1 11 L OTl'TC Mill ITI 1 Hill flunmoi i ncjo i a i c miLinrtmcn ',iim tilth imiI'I'h i rum m u turuii. 'iu ,.lilml il Hi(r ul Male t'lau UlllMliuIr I tc llitif IM Ur )Joimi li I''" IIIm. 4 MaUKlN l-llrl.ll) ll Mumm. lt.ll. l"l IlilrMllilluM Hi'uM prl ( lm ! NolMIr .to l aim) III . (L : rWnlan u' wlifk HUl all III llalnlt iDitflirre, liliillll Itl J til lb fliU" ' ill. and Ciil I .l.illtr itl.uun eliminated II ill w maintain! UH ! i WalHiv-i rtriUH' vv fill llo tany .r t ' HU linn. Ilk ttrklsii tailks l"ir ir i k U ' VmIiw k' IIIMll Uu it it. ... i, irl4luu Ibal .as HtJ Ul IV it i. allHIUI'l nl till UW lit it ! mlnril In aViH.I ill lffitllla If cotiiLI TWarrtUm rallli tliat II. e ill ulkt It lit.. Lui jtt If i It bn4 la id Hi I Mind hlalet will iiMrs at tom iHtlbl 1 tli hi-". -n Wlliun iltlK tUl 4or u i intend tu tin any 'mitrr ih.,. i in uiur ibe liuou Wtae Uiril. Ilila ula Mm In a HaHlea, o , . .alt inimnanil lb H)iof !. ,arllf In cnnxtm If liaul m( f, , , lU(tcl,i mi.rau Ibal HualU l iltftoH i .u.lai. tlaraboa at Mat and niaiKiual tire pieal., l llaoth wnuld further mm- fl miti.i. ttllwa iii i.iuii, lomotiu from "HI Kol. uc hla arrival It la Jt4 Ibal b. .nd ir;,a er nl t 'l.encir dilatation of lb foj at it,. nai..ii, wwwfJbsW' r-lf,t ' i'i rf liVl ' aMaaMMaTMaMalaaaMaafcaMI aaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaHr AaW BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ?m. WWiaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaV ' J ' 4i4aaaaJaaal?aaaaaaaH 9BsMy(Pa.lllllllllllllH aaaaaaaaaaBbBaaaaB JaflalLaaaaa' .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaBaaaaaVa. r aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE-BBaaaaPs .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal " " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBE aBBBBaTaVBa BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal aE iHBBaaaMal ot'(t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaa9raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaHVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaBJktflaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP aaaaaaaaaaaaVRBVaaaaaaaKaK'aaBalVaaaaaxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaVQaalSKaWr'; aaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV HrtNPB HIGH aaaaaaaaaaaBaaRrMafTM. iZ;! 'bMattiJflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai IIIIIIBbESSiiHKH amaiaaaammia.ammmmmiam.mmmmmmammmmi.m-a miiii ii nisi iMi.n ntr .so ,t tuts t.ii:n Hi. lit I. SiiKK,a I'UiIiik )( SlultlliK I unit Mmirjr I'niliT Hmr I-iimI li'lllllmlr MalllifHa M--U a li. I'rr (nil Hall; lulanrr Ar. miicrim ul fur ir IMIirr Mnnlil. mI liikiii; I'molt. .ii 'li- Hir't inltiuie fund, (i diinlljr acruniulalluc fur in! nf bfiodrd Inilpbltdlitaa, r ill nil under lllilf ilri'ioill, oid liu diawliiK Inlcrrat. "II nan IjUllr Itucora. I In lua ll.allrr Ui al laal lilahCa iiir rnuncll Iiiimi MallliMit nf lllr rite . an nuriiiiil thf 2 r lanrc r'n for Hie oilier 1 Lils I Ibc iUn utid In i Hllli tbi ruuiitr inourjr - Hip a(l. . attrriU b) fouticlltntn that ai would durlUK the Jrar ..tii aum tu the trraturj'. - a lion aa taVau In rllbrr urttr l ril'lll. JIIHJCH AM) CLKItKH Wll.l. NKIIVi: AT IMTI1 TIIK iio.mi i:i.i:ltio.v ami ni'KCIAL CI.IXTIO.NH IT. LTO The follow Iiik clactlon oGlcUIa i.i. nami-d br th council latt nlibt fur llir tlty ball bond clxtlon toon lo Ii bald: Klrat Wart Judjra y. L. Armitronn, if. ilfinorr and V II U'lihrnw, Cltrka II. C. Talfotd and It. HllfCtt. Hrond Ward Judum--John Fountain, J. Ilouiton and Dr. Martin. fli-rka -K W flowcn and W SlfiUKh Tlilnl Wan! JudKra W. Frank Arant. J Mai lii and Arthur 0. Ixwli, I'lrrka- I'arrjr U t) Ijp and Oco. Illchli Fourth Want Jud(m--(l. W. Wbtte, Itobert AUi amliT and 8. K. Owtm. CUrki--A. J. I.jl nd J. II. I'ottar Klftia Ward JuJtra J. Mndtejr. John 8tout avinl lllrd toaltr. rirrka Alex Noilvr and Fred lluaiatnc. Tbixe offltlatt lll alao trrtc at the tpiclal election In tbn Fifth ward to choote a lurcettor to Councilman W. U lluioti. luembtr of on of tb companlea own- inc threahlOK oulDU which operated IIIH.U AMI MACIIINK OOH ARK there Tbti outfit and ona other llltOl'flllT INTO I'LAY IIV A.S(ii:iti:i HTKIKKKfi Ijiti-r In Hie Day Lewder Are AbU to Cunt lace Hie )let of tlte FuUill of A mini ItealMancc AIU1OU4I1 Vlr Idk Continued UcTeral Hour, Um CmiuIUc un lluUi HldM Will .Not lie Serloiu. J, ImiUiI' ' ao' a o-tr aie , u, avail's bum run in tb war fall llrar PLAY AT MERRILL WILL SURVEY FOR 2d ST. BOULEVARD 1II1I all the work In the Taller. 1 "I he field aa much hoarier than imual tbla ear, but the exact amount baa not Jet been determined," aald Mr. Ilurcdorf. J Mr. Ilurcdorf, "and Terr little of the i-iou waa damaied br frott. "Althoucb ttils waa a record yield, (be laal of the train waa threahed taat Frldar, which la nearly a month earlier than utual Thla waa poail-! -" Lit. on account of the Ideal October bulled J'reti SerTlce weather Klamath county la enjoy- i.l'ULOW, Colo., Oct. IS. Word '"" lta been recelTed that martial law , baa been proclaimed In the coat itrlk dlatrlct at the tent colour. Hotheada predicted that thla meant that the fOternor had aided with the 1 operator la openly adTocatlni tbe defrlnc of the militia and barnlnf j the mines. 4 At daybreak the strikers1 fired almuluneouilr at tbe Berwtad and Till: tX))IJIOI)Ollrrs llESTnMtBSI the tu.rJ. are TlA JKANK DltlVKK HIM TO CUIKJEI, j tually beaeljed. The Kuarda replied r.m-ll WITH A KMKK " i with the machine cum. but the range of tbe sunt waa too tons to do any execution. One rtriker wax wounded In tbe thlch. A wild rumor that fifteen (uarda bad been killed cannot be con firmed and U discredited. Ijter the strikers marched to be luga and attacked the suarda there. SAINT CLOUD IS AGIN M HOUNDS; TTiyilTi:i MASTICATION OF lly I-OltA KI.VU SIIII'I'IXCTO.V, Oct. :i Where Ii the doc warden of this city? , t have been bitten twlco today by low-born pusillanimous, butfe-eyed, ' pot-llcklnc rcontrel docs. In both rase the owners (aid their docs did 1 in 11 .ni.i .... ii. In I Intoluutar ii villi ihr .r..d about Mm. and ho .aftirirtl Hal Mrrali bla Idol, had a Inline run. with Hums and Muriav of Ihr (Hants, nl- 1 rail mi bate The ramera mau. Just I ill VI. I I.I IA Wll.l. TIIV IIA11U 1(1 (.IT IIAIiLlNCi; I'Olt UST l.llt'.s DUCK .Mt:i.T IIIMl'LT in mis i:m-oi'.nti:u enih limine of lb fourth ainr ul tin wurld'a teiiea In I'hlladrlpbia I'Milay. John llunny famous mixlnc ni-tiit artur and frantlr (llahla root rt waa fait asleep Mr llunny la nut ...... .. 1.. te nrm mi, in m lime .1. lou.i. .. ...- -- -, l,ll 1,1.1, l..n Tl, fnrm.llnn A ileal cheer went up from other m front, cauant mm as no awo.e -.. ....... .-. .... II awakened llunliy. rMliialloi, that Mrrkle l.a.l tempo- will practically the same with the, The Klamath tuuuly hlch school' football team will to to Merrill Bat-; urday fur a gridiron conteat with the IKI.Ii Wll.l, UK FIII'.l'AltKII THIS FALL IIV CITY i:Cll.NKKH t'XIIKI IVHTIIfCTlOV FIIOM COUXOli "Whasia altllnc up Uuuld llrllrr lU'.l I'reas turvu. XKW VOIIK Ocl 2 Willi dele. WHrm f. m all trrilo,,, 0f ,r mity to drUM ..Kluloglcal and r'i'llfsl ,ui,un, rrin, ,0 , ""faint nf ...udliloiia under which ' ' Ik I hll.d Hlatea work, the ''"Is Fl,n. HorlrlT of Alimrlra. M "' llurrlnl Tll 'wttd brie unlay In annual ao. Mr nmt Mrs ltnoro Ikal of Un nr .. iiiiiuvul aorloloilral Kill Valley made a hurried business ."" " "il'lfeta Ihe iiimIIuis. Irln In Ilia county seat tol 1 hey tla Wl rill.l.iiiiM ..,.(H. L.l.l.u 1. .t...... nnnH tnr l.mnM ' i.MH.i. r 1 111. j 111 ninmi uirvi. mi ..,. came l'rtliii Mrela TunUtil. Kwauaa Kncampmeut No IC. I O 11 F mrela lutiUbt In rritular srs Vlellliist I'nlrlaicht linltn.l FRANK SILVIES DIES THIS A. M. not bite perhapa chewlnc wilt souna ' Tn "trikers are sullen an.d deaper better, for my starboard pant lee U "' wnl1 ,ho on are openly ad- tattered proof that ther dlo" some- vocatlnc reaUtance. The ilocan la I thine of tho kind. run the rnllltla out of Colorada." .M i:.VniKi:illn DATA It makes little difference what your At s o'clock moat of tbe strikers docs are. bo ther Drown Leghorn. liaa returned. There Is still some I Jersey or Ilerkshlre. It behoores too. flnc the hills, but the battle la IIV CITY i:ClI.NKKH t'MKll.i0 i00i. .,r .hem when rou m a practically oyer. Two strikers hare tall centleman coming down Ninth ' o'n wounded, but not ssrlously. street, because, take It from one who The casualties among the guards Is knows, be Is going to cart along as unknown, but Is not supposed to be Kuglneerlng work In connection 'ballast a slippery elm club some Ur. serious. lulerard la I These does mar ba faTorllea hut Tbe leaders have reratnad eonirnl pla).d Ashlaud here last Salurdar. ,0 tt,nded to this fall. In order to I'm something of a favorite, too. at of ihe men. and the striken are dls- iioiuiiik m uoya irom uier mo uma Al0W nn rljr ftart on tne mproTe- my own home. 'arming under their directions. tu a scurt'itaa tour pouoas. mcnt work noxt year. (Inrrett was sllchtly bruised up In Thla work br Cttr Knglneer Me dio Inst scrimmage, but will be In, Lean will determine what property shape bt tUturda. Others on the will be effected, probable cost of tbe team were marked about the fire and I work, etc. After this, viewers will hands, but lions sorlously. be named to determine the damages) No word has come from Merrill as 'and benefits resulting from tbe Im iiu llio alreuitlli of their eleven, and ' provement. tin. totals ma) ruu up against a in matter was brought up by matter'" cried llunny. rant ai trail pul the (Hants In the Klamalh louuty high aa when they lh the gtcon(j itrMt boulevard 1st Jakes a Step for Power Inspect the Klamath Dam 1 ""-" ""'br r.":':-: rr.Xa.hrrSCoandl Adopts Resolution of Much Importaiice i:ill(ll'I.T( VIM r Ills FOIIMKU 1 nrB ,.olnK down with the team. They asked earlr action on the mat-. Icr. and cuaranleed the payment of' www IIKMI-CdMU'CTCII Flhlll.Ml lll.slllir ON WILLIAMSON fcials Will Investigate the Salmon Shortage; ' UlltrilllliM 11. - ... ..1 ..... .,..,- . ...... ....... ...I in HlrAnllia I cacll 1 t.ute 111 me uieir aiia.iiuift ai.nni.i" ,,, -. i of snluioii In thl. ..riinii ..iiiiiivlim lulu llm Duller l.nko, vi 1 I'l.l. .... . ,..- - -.. . , rn rt Icr, and guaranteed the payment of slulit-sii Inn and ri.lilng. the engineering cost. In order to assure the goyernmenti willing to farm out or rent to the' Fred llouslon auloed out to Klein- , Jl i,.?.-"".'! ::..?'" .? ... .. that the city will figure with the de- municipality sufficient for Its public nlh Hot Springs Huiular with a party ifl,runt' a driveway for local people! '"ru"nl of ,ho ln,flor regarding purpose, there being a great surplus of )oinK ioople brut on seeing the.. . -itv limitaTfttiea boulevard wiiii "10 fril"lug of power from thejover and above what said reclamation iiiiintr) ami trlng their Iuck who ; be milt by n f01ln,y ronit extending to K'fomeni a si oiue cuuai.a reso- aervico may ever oe ante to uiiuxe in mil and reel. They visited the big Midland ami Merrill Tla the fair ,u,loH ucUrln ,uat Mention was roclamatlon work or tho general gov ilam being built by tho California-1 grounds. adopted at last night's meeting of the eminent In any public werk: It Is Oregon Power company, viewed the ' (council. This will make possible the Resolved, Uy tbe city of Klamath Narrows from Top.y grado, lunched . ..... ongliieerlug work. Frank Hllvlra. who retort un the v llllainaiiii lllver Is known to anglers 111 nil p.itta of lliu Weil, died Ibis iiiurlilui; at hi home. Word to this fleet was tii-elvnl h telephone from . ... .. ... . ...... Mrs Hllvlcs. .111 tho Klnimiui 1101 tiprings noiei- At iihout o:30 this morning Mrs. and liouked 11 fovv specimens of the j o....... ...1 r HMIllllOII uf IhU '"" "" rviiiit'ss viiiiki - --- iiD.alallnglhiil Mr Sllvles was In the parly wero Miss vr. , Oril .Nelson, Mm v muuin u i.uukiiiiu, I Mrs. Fred Houston, J 00 urutt nun . .... .1... . ..n .... ' lll.i 1 ;. ' """" ,,l" There has been ail eutlro uhsvlice ousi) in. "" . ' "" ' : I Kr,, OUstou. utZ ).iUm' W"r,le,, '"'' f ""IWO" l" . n,'a ",0,M- "" "V m"n- """i"rtf0r,,1"'V . " ' Wt. 1 . .. """" MIrlm.mleiU . bavo heroine much alarmed Tho mis roany i o - "'"'" .,.,, ttorM u H.y.,i ' Il1"' l'wer com.. m,, h,vo btoii wont lu catch mid call, sini.1.1. "'"'" "" "7 j.iiou.nmi gallons of M Fill '"' '" "',' ,,",r,l," ,0r '" "' Williamson llhT. HUM.. . ii- ( . .. ' Ml(i mi I Im itl 11. in.. '...... ... ii.. has resiled III Klamalh county 1 ... lmiiiiiiM iiiiwii siiii inits aivnr innrn h inn skiiv - aMan - .. ':; "'""",, Fowor , M1'r company that the for tho !. "';""' J , , ' tinrieii ,i nf .... -ln in .llnw Iho rouilllfieil a iruin nninn - llrstdea! BIG GRAIN CROP . IN YONNA VALLEY I d.n . 'm llir II... 1 . . ,rl'po ""veiopimnil of oloo- '"(I'lOD." "n 1'n"'''"" "f ''' ' 'Umi.,!'., I'"""r comtirmy has '! !,r"""' " m '" ul'" ' vot, 11 rlvtr "" 'row the S'S.V;;::::::" ?!! ": "turr. ' "' " luaaes "Mt fur ." 'Wl,t ,,,l " ' ,gr llm .,!..... ... . . vu nsoeno to .1. .......... tit,.,. .- ....1 ti. i-nrimrnl on on t 10 Kiainaiu ne'i amnion 111 iit.vM.ii ...v - . Inalat. that list, hatchery nl Kl.m., 1.1. lf. ho leaves ovoral "' ...hi r,..pon.lhlo. a. It takes the Tho .., "ul "" wP okk. from Iho Minion, and they dn'urMimeniHiU ' l" l '' not go in II.. ..1.1 .wdI .round. I. Iher and hi. h... I lb. W coun- The trip of the oltlclal. will do- to bn U lc(k lor. ino hi. m I., case II I. 1'oron.r Whltlock won to Iho Bll loom,.,, ailvi-ahlo. it I. believed Iho U,. homo to ,. rcp. JJ5 '; powor company will l-t In a fish tmei.t. Tho llivo o holding the lntldr. fi-nernl ha. not heon arranged. consuming more than ' ker.wene everr , CHOMINKNT IIKHHIKXT OF THAT I KIXTIO.V 8.W8 THKKK WA8 NO I'ltOST ItAMAOK TO SI'KAK OK, KITIIKK If you with to aupportthe State Univeriity, vete: aim :uii! YKS YES Yiiu mn avvetir In your vote rlrilloii day, vvtiedier registered or not. Yonua Valley aud vicinity harvest ed one of' the biggest crops In Its his tory, according to Albert Uurgdort, a prominent resident of Dairy, who Is here attending to business matters. Mr. Uurgdort Is In a position to know whereof he speaks, as he la a ! The resolution follow.: I Whereas, Tho city of Klamath I Fall. Is contemplating the acquisition 'or construction of municipal water works, 0110 of tho plans under consid eration requiring power for pumping, and, Whereas, Tho city has also under consideration tbe acquisition or con struction of a lighting plant, Includ ing the generation of electricity for commercial power purposes; and, Whereas, Tho feasibility of all those plans for betterment of public conditions and health depend on eco nomical generation of power; and, Whereas, There Is u magnificent amouut of water for power pasting over the rapids In this city, unused, controlled br the reclamation service of the United mates, and it Is be lieved that the government would be- Falls, that Ihe honorably mayor of this city make application to the propor oUlctals of the United Bute, reclamation service for estimates of likely charges that the government would make against the city for per-, mlt to use of such surplus water sufficient for tho public needs; also what charges would likely bo made for delivery of water In sufllclsnt quautlty for such purpose, from the government canal, at sufficient height for development of power, and also, what likely chargo would be made fer: electric power from the government'.,, own plant, and for how many year. such arrangement and deliveries like ly could be counted on by said eltr, and whether water for power for mu nicipal usos could be acquired la er petulty, saving any further M(rl thereof by tbe general fovorassevt for governmental purpoossj.