w he rotting Uralh KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NKWSI-AI-KK No, u.uwi pghthi car- KLAMA'IH I'ALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1913 I'rieo Klro Grata ELECTION PROVES BIG FARCE WWliMMWVVX WMWWWWVWW HCLt SAM MAY NOT RECOGNIZE TIE NEW ORDER HI I KM III- MILXMilS OI. 1,111 I M'l 'I "H "IMI'MII lUrwr IU-H1 III'""'"! Ir-irf'tM M" an IglreaMe pl ll.r llltl. lali at Ma.lllli.t l t.lmii.iiil"ii la.ka fi.f llir Ifeltli-f Im lair III koft ( H lial llllimUa Tt'l ' WAKII.N ! I". IM I. Tt (jMiao''1 ' acfeesbtl lean-riaied i a aUali ( llulllig MlM4la Haiti... aa It 'e kUri Ivi IB . l..-.Mia TV Mtl . bali. aRrtlnl b) 111 URtI M 1 lUalla a Kiblfrta Itll till tVaul lrlf ot- kit "III lIMt4aal la- It tnUfh CUU lidi-l II. 'Main thai Ihr ! .' Ulklk." i aplmld HualU In lr If nA ' 4htril ti-aaat) it l(l 1'' - arlh.u wr Ibt. rt I Abwihs i af -i It li km ui,. . thai Ilia ailmlH Mrtlka a 111 remand llnrrta r re- .ft'l. all .t t i, rfingreaa Mrs. Emmeline Pankhursl Happy As bhe Sailed into New York Bay WAmilv.n I 4)llla i ' tit lltllmir Utll4 lb. . ttUdkn .1 , i' i tkt j: uilinllK In ilatall U.a 1'nltr.l Htatra I iimn linn republic TaaaaaaaaalaaHa&aaaHlafPv Tl r LIT "" n 'y tlOEr miii tiii: in. mi i. ii T.lllllT MI-ANHIO I'M - I l.i. new larlff lit became ef- ft, lite October Jr. I l,o rllllrti la watching to seJ if ii mill reduie the roit of Itr- inr. anil U anxious lo know .licl ll bUfllt ! took for . hraper prices The average man, who lin't faiflllUr with tariff schedules , would l uhablr htratclf to nit- ntp iiui the antiriuated cuts mi 4 iriail prlc. on agrounl of tlio manufacturing coats, overhead i argra and other complicated I i'tti which require extort fig- 4- i a t.jr rtl Mrt Itr I n tad Prr haa I m at , nn ink mattrr, n ' ra Ii K ItlC -il'lntlcn "f th larllt bill in itiU)iun throunh tli mr- ilium of III) I l (Irililra who Uaa hrrii I'OtWiM wlih mrmtom 4 of ihp wava an J laraua rmmtt- 4 ia of jnr' Th' will 4 ri.mjirln- III M abul twrDtjr 4 aitlclca, aid a III airar In thf HrraM tt Irliai.a The flrtt la ""litalnrj In t-ta iur 4 LOCAL DEMOCRAT IS AFTER PLUM WIII.I. KNtlWA ll Mi IIISTIUCT- Lit woii.n asm: tiii: iti: ci:ivi:itMiii' or un ernci: IN THIS IIISTIIKT OFFICERS VOTED FOR SOLDIERS IN SOME PLACES, POLLS NOT OPENED AT ALL BY THE OFFICIALS 1 1 i lr I mint it t t. lllllul fftili'ai lia( illbathfmiHillm "'ii -' PHtJIt ait.. .f lha .f.nt ail l'l JaUtlnk.r. h, Urikali nurallon. I,..trinr !! Mu4MUi.i ., w b, .holll; Wfl( ,,,,, ,., , a.,.,,,,,1 r1aMa.ac Ii iwlilK Hi ..xallad' , ...... U-il- vi. . . ., tHiilii I ,an a fra wumaala b lli In inllflet art I t hr iiitrr-natlon ra- Uflif ii .1 I Ilia lalaad i ii i' ihrrr hrr .i.-.l - i . t,' ! hratfrr i Hi . . laat la the M,ii i. :iir her bun ri la . I.Kik. lullrr anil lMn(rr I'lKI U M4.(l) i al,MI(r, Tka n-r.1.. . .1 Ilia Imitball Itn Kaluga. n..,ft Hafelr. Kl- but aim . mallrr il lafl. Ilia vi. ... ... . . , .i IBUUIU nil urru (ilatisl nil CHf lbllt.. .,f AabUud. Aa Ilia ' IlirtU. ..... .. ,,,.,vl .i,iir i,ie aaiuo eitur, tla ll.r.u . . . .. .'..., , E,an in ivinniti inr , lllki. fa. . ... .. . . . - nui , i.mnii ami tuace it Tll iaX III ijupa. . ai.r . ., ...ii n,riy lirti ttrujih A.lilanil linn fur a Inekduan . i i i.ilii,,. rUli....l lln. l1Ui. ... ff.lr , ,,,, nutMnt la da all h !.- .i. ......... .. m . - -..-, .., ur-itiuii, aain nrierre lllloll ...I ... ....... .. I- ..... ., iiiriiurii in inula IIIO 'Hit nirj ,( MtCutnirk u off. lUi I .ill --. . .i mil , itl, Howrtrr, In Hi thai .itii the wnnl nf tli Hi Ii nnal ami lila iliwUInn fan. "Ufliujiil t,r ,e rrfrrre," Tl. HlHl, ,(U ,,,,.,, l0 '111 bu.r r Hoiilli African .lla- An Open Letter to Taxpayers II) Die fount) ('nun We bale all'aitr ial I that we m until make a ainil(u tar tbo laiilaliro "I tiumla In the amount ml llSO.Oiiu tor Hi" iiii.'ruveHtcnl ,iil inaila In Mamatli I'oulU) Tbn iinrllniliiarr aleiia tuwanl rjlUnit Iko I tioml uli-ctlon aru altiMilr bolus i waile. anil In the tu'rr llnio iall. .... .... . ... .. Hum will lie rirriiuirHi '" elerlliiti haa t-n laltisl wit Inlrnil In linlil a aerlra of iftlni:a for the iIIk-iimIoii of the .ini.toiltloii Hie Jtlacra all.t ilalra tit Iheie inwl lm will lie antuiunre.1 In adfancu In order lhat Ihoae who opHe the bond, may have ample oji iMirlnnllr l I ' I"""1 '" ""' forth Ibelr arKiimnita In oi'poil lion We want Ihe diariiaalnn lo New Banker Is Coming -State Examiner to Invest Here lift ,, .","" " '" ''" """'a ' ' ' Imu. !' "' ,llu '- ''""l "! .1 l "k '" ,hl" cl,y ' ' Uta n.L 'minion, rurinerly l.t. ""ii"rr, will tnko ovor It ll IJ...I . ... V ,. : 'i-iiwin that ho will bo tWch..? !1,ru,l,ll ' tho cimror.1. tl. .. ,r"r In the voni- I.......I -111. tu,n,crlfl"' "Auk itml Trmt com- pi.UwM.,',',,l,m "r U,u ,ock Mr- Ii Will tiiirol.t..., i. .. ' ' "nt, Ai ,oon u he r- (llvia n niciitliiK "f H' Jliwlora "f Hi iiillMiratlnil will bn held, win'" Hi" i.n.ll..r will tie auttleil III full 1 Tli.. alurk that Mr. Ilvillii'lt l I" , imrrlinav, It U midor.tnod, I i'rt of tin. hilt-mat (if r. i, iii'iuy. mo !'"' flit lr irililriit ri,.. ii.iui it la well known III ImnkliiK tirclt-a lii II"" Norllit. 'rulHiia lo nririnniK i' t""i"" -hunk .HHinliior, Im lill rMiuuiallilo lioalllmia, llo rcalmmil n batik , niuliivr boromo lulorcUd In tl , liHnl Initltutlon. I at full and Iraak aa QMlul ... ii.4' Hit i-mc-i mat ) whether hi am lh wait B) aiarv road wiirk dnlie ilurlllC lhi pi It two jrrara ' iar a are rooceraed, we ba ItBUaed road work br tba warrast roalo. We bailee that, now that the war n bean olwnel, am farther road ttaprotementi ahuuld be lueda out of the pro .reda ' ihe aale of bonda If Ibe peiiiik- nt the bonda we will KO ah, ad wllh road work and tic the i iiuuii a bhmJ airaiem of hard iitltii.l lilhw H ther de .lite not lu laaue Ihr Ininda. we alll mm I finlah Ihe work we ha- .m hand and make a aiiall let f.ir Ihe nwlntalnmi-i of 111" road, aa ihe aland W' will tln ub Ibe new courthoure and then we aball oato done with our arhrme of Improtemenl We eaiwwl in th" nel )var to rail in a half of tho irwaiit In deidedneaa of the Couut) and to retire all ibe ouutandlue IndeblM neat wlililn Ihr "' l car' Iheie it nolblnK Hi tho now ul Hiio arliomi' lor prog tew VII lul I- needed l IT ,.,.r..iiie to alt allll lu Ihe boat aUl r.. togethor with Mi follow men No "" hould rock the Ii.iui ai ihia ttaiso of the caliu'. Ilei-iidlalion of fount) Indebted neat mini I'" atopped It la out il!iiiii for a fw pertmia to ity i Inn iUU founi ahull lint p) II h.m del.ia We Ihilleto lhat tho , de nre limits ' I'-O- 'I't'lf ).i dolita and publle .eiitlnient utiKht to iiiiiKo I'""" . ' Ul ."" ihe r. nuilUlor W.Hln..ly m.iruliiK hi" l! i'"' -V nhoui thl liropomiion oi ie,...u... ullmi Aihcrtl.oiiifnl. Il.tnie Wriliii'il)i Wednrada) omiiIuK th" Klulnwii Hub wul Ble the flrt "' " Mt, imiiiiiil irl.- of Jiuifl'iK l""lM "l the Wlillo IVIUim ln'li'l A " "' lelidniiro I expected m.- k iv ivll. who ha been UII- H,K her jiari-nl. fil. mul Mr. ' Appli-Kiilo l'' I'1" 'onn tor her humo In Aihlmul. i FIRE STEERS NET HEARLY$30,D00 iu his si 1 1 m:iin tir ttttii Tti miki.wii mit msentv nut ita.i: i:cii xiti: imiMi iiiii:iniiiv i:uiil..)a of Will C. Ualton are to dar loading on Ibe rani at Midland ! head of livers for ahlptntnt. The- wrrr bought by the Oakland Ueat luaipanj Thu price paid for I ho aoimata waa $S.1T earh. Thl brtnet the total talue of Ihe herd to CMU ' The tieem are all In tint data con dition and like tho majority of the rattle fed Iti Ibe Klamath llatln, are much aboe ihe merane lu appear mice from the ttandpolnt of Ihe meat buer Aiixther -I Ivlidld lot of beef lent ..in l.it sniiili. when a tlerber hli,eit J"" lii-ad to fallfornlii Thete i,ii. ,:. .I i.ied In from Arltona lut .hi i! nd they fattened tplrn .li.lh in ih. Ilnrtetly country. jealousygaOse OF rilliMIM VI' IllliUMI WOMl.N Ml.l.s III MIAMI. MltHITh .T (ll'M.KI.I.ri:it. AMI TIIII'.S Tl) i:ii iir.iii.iri: t iitli-d I'reta Serlco tlAKi.ANIi. Oil. ST. -Mra. Archer liniun !'' "' tho mllUoualro ou of I lie Lite aiipeiiur JiiiIkOi ntteliipted lo inniliilt aiihide )utterdiiy by ahootlUK. nnlni: to ieiiloiitl) tuuntd Mr. Mario ' Miller, housekeeper for n neliihbor Her wound. tliOUKh, M slight. 1 Follow lug IhU. he killed her hui (bund mid Bed from her palatial rcl iiltnce. Iiiixlng Ihe tragedy ttndlsro- (.Kirn-. Chaataln and Allan Hloan left for Ijikrvlew this morning la the Inlereata of the fight being made hr Mr Mtoan for the reriirihli of the Ijkeili.w land otnee Mr Mloi n baa Ihe undivided support of the deo. rrats nf Klamath county, and thin tru to Mkeilew la made to gtt ILe Uike county democrats In line lo amis) htm In hla contest. TLo present Inrutnbrn' V '' Crotiemlller. was appointed unlr a itpitbllean administration, and to a natural court of events bia resigns Hon may be atked for almost any day. Iluinnr hat It that a well known member of the JefTersonian patty In lo I'urtland has bis wires out letd mg in Ibis otSce. and It behooves the . -m her of the party In Southern t'rrgon to rally to the support of the randidate from tbts end of the state -adafjIiSau'eV aaaaHf W aasaasaasaasaasC ' 'afaBaBaTBaBaaaKH BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBWaaBawaKaaaBW I.Vi:itTIIIMi IX COXXIXTIOX WITH THK AKrAIK VfAH AltHA.NOKI) nKKHIK I. lull! Vole ("ajit KTerywIiere Con Eir..inrii Who are Huerta's llrnch. mrri. It Is llelleied, Will Declare I lie r.lerfJon Uncnnslltutlonal, Oar. Ins ! the I'act There Waa So Ma. Jorlly, ami HiirHa Wilt Continue Dr rttfrtP Jfuerti? ttyfrsico DIG DAY AT THE LOCAL MAN TELLS OF S.F. TREMBLOR nil, rriMisti t thk hiiii.i: I'Ulss TWII ((IMINsHlNh 1 lit: MllltMST. AM) I SHIN MCirriMi in tiii: kxkninii Vtterday was a great day In the lilttor) of the church In this city. The largest lllblu trhool attendance In tho htitory of the school The number present wm 1S8. The motto for the next Lord's Pay Is 175. The preaching service was well at tended and at tho morning service two )ou'ng ladles made the good con festlon. Klder Harlan will preach (He great sermons this week, which nil should hear Monday ' Home, Sweet Home." Tueiday "A Home Hun." Wednesday "l-et l' Atone." . Thursday "I-. Tlurlbus Unum " r'rlda) -"Tho Judgmeut." At night the union W. C. T. V. meeting was held at the Christian church, addresied by Mr. Wheeler, Her subject was, 'Tbo Double Coro nation " Her address waa largely lo the )ouug nun and women. Kery chair In the house was taken. An offering was recelvod for the V. C. T I work Mrs, W.heeler Is dead In earnest about her work, and a ery pleasing speaker, and Klamath Palls will be glad In welcome her again, inu in: or tiii: iuhuwiatio.n m:iuici. utrs tiii: sati'iiii.w MOKNINC slIAKi: CAl'.sKD DIltK I'A.NIf IV HAV CITV Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Wlddoe and family returned Suuda) from San Kranrlsco, where Mr. Wlddoe went to meet Ibe family, who ba.e been lulling rrlalhes In Kama for aer eral months. The earthquake shock In San Kran Cisco Saturda) morning caused panic to reign In many part of the city, ac cording to Mr. Wlddoes. "The shake catno early In the morning, and It was sufficient to awaken the sleepers," bo said. "I was awakened by It, but did not real Ho what the cauie was until I heard persons running through the hotel shouting aud badly frightened. The shake was sufficient to throw the food from tho dishes In some of the cafes and restaurant." n'trd I'lest Servlc MKXICO CITV,. Oct. 57 The pres dintlal election held yesterday pror td to be as big a farce as expected. There were no disorderly scafics, though In districts where the rebels are In control, the polls were not openel at all. Federal army oOcora frequently cajt the votes of the soldier without opening the poll, and elsewber the soldiers voted ai their commanders dictated. Probably In no place did the vutt exceed a fifteenth of the qualified voting rtrength. There was no Indication of Intimi dations. This waa unnecessary, aa it was evident that everything was pre-arranged. The returns show that less than 5.000 voted In a federal district where them are 80,000 voter. Nevertheless, It la expected that the congressional candidate approv ed by Huerta will declare themselves elected, and organlie. The first act of theirs, It la believed, will be. to declare th election void because of Ihe lack of a constitu tional majority for any candidate. At the same time, they will "request" Huerta to remain In office until an other election, which will be held whenever Huerta order It. Mr. aud Mrs. I. D. Applegate left today for their ranch near Tula Lake, where they expect to spend th, winter. "Daddy" Jeaa, ' Jess Huntacker received a wire from Woodland Saturday morning an nouncing the arrival of a bouncing big baby boy, weighing ii pounds. Mrs. Huntacker, who Is ataylns at the home of her parents, and tho big r boy are both doing nicely. West Says Story Misled MORE DYNAMITE TALK-- Klamath Farmers in No Danger If you wish to support the State University, vete: lion :lii'd X X yi:s YKS iiii tan KiM'ar In jour oto ilii lion ii"). wlirtliiT n-HUtiTixl or not. 'I'ultcd Press Son Ico CIIICAUO, Oct. 37. It was an iinuiiced today that tho argument of thn ronUctcd Indlauapolls union men for appeals will begin Wednesday lu I lha federal court of appeals. Thu moil nro charged with Illegal i transportation of dynamite. ered. Later she tried to kill Mr. Miller. This morning he called at her htisbaud'a law otllco and led her hus band' brothers to tho house to show thorn tho corpse. The Herald Is In receipt of the fol lowing teller from Governor Oswald West- "Iteferrlnc to au article appearing In jour Isaua of tho 14th Inst., and stating that tho state land board had ordered payment of alt notes to the jkcliool fund which Imvo been run ning over ton years, I find that you hao been misinformed aa to the fads. "Tho state land board Is not Insist ing upon the payment of these note. They may be renowed It the parties so desire. "Section 3915 of Lord's Oregon I Aw, previde: "All loans aball be made for a period of one year) pro vided, that In case the Inter! U promptly paid and the security re mains unimpaired, tbo board Bay. la Its discretion, permit the loan to stand fur a period of not loaujer thaa ten years.' "Upon examination ot the record I find that but throe borrowers la yoar couuly will be affected by tbo Mid ordor ot the board, so It I not lueb a rortous matter after all. I think tba loan of only four other pas tbo test year period during tho coming yr, und will have to bo taken ear) of through renewal." I