v v jOt', U8B fct V)H fV rtV -v ;f"iA,.JWMtt i Wqz Euimmg llteall. , f KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .. r-t , . . PRINTS.THBTtft thi NEWS WHILE IT IS MBWt lllllilli Yrnr .Nil. U.llili -atsr-r ? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1913 I'rfre Five CeaU HUERTA'S NAME IS ON BALLOT Klamath-Ashland Game Ends With No Scores MMwiAMwvyMMiWMvywywwvyvwwWVvwwwwvwvwwMMVWM MMMNMMMWMMMMMMM MMMMMAMAMMMnMNAMMWWWMMMWkAffMWMMVMMiMWMMWMMMWywWMVMM MMMMMMMMMMMMl ASHLAND LINE UP UNDER BACKFIFLO; BIG TO STAND OF LOCAL AI GAME ABANDON HOPE I 1.111.1:1 Ibe libr xiMU'rhtl) Ik " ..rrtrij ilnn it, ibr lti.i) mil I hr bt Ik KlalHalll ...Ulltr UK S-I...I. II.. tiuiii ut IV....- and t'nu .IimmI mil rlt JiitINK lilt (Una ( iha law, A it.HlrarJ run W; KullUark lr- luir lr MaMtth r'lk triil ll.r lull i Hir goal line M a a. .1 I III Mumrut I It 11 Klllolt tttrilrd lit mlllr lurKlMiir, apee- Nrlltirr M.le ;'"" d H. I)f Jln thi loiich- tints MM0 aa ll.r frautl ul all .iff tl.tr i;.i...i i ...... i... Ur rhr amM M i, ,. JmM- IHiiIm ll.r liai.ir'a l'.ira antral hr Ihn rraad on Ihr'tlilr Hurt S'tlikri td MOIrd IN Hi' thlld k. V, II. .., Uj .IiUm.I, II. n iitr tat mt r-r Aim in shAFT i.iitsn.i ii. ia, i : i . i i : r i . n. iti.MM'i: rni:us Question-How Long Can It Last? BELIEVED NO CANDIDATE WILL BE ABLE TO GET A MAJORITY, ANO HE WILL CONTINUE HIS REIGN iliti lint: 1. 1, 1. ion i'i:mi,iij. HN'ti, mi uii it tniriiiHiw s Ul.r lla.lr Xl.li'.J n.i.lir.1 lit ll.r tw ...mI Hull, Maiiu.Hi I unl) 111(1. Ilr.rl.ra ,t.lnl HtIIm.I, i ll.r IknUtiN. ( m.u amHrtr.1 ! ,1m) Itilrtlor l x.llr..il Will. II u.iU. I.H, IIim.I. ami IdHlIn HiinllT) tlanali.l Ii) II. I.it.r .if IIh lit I0.I..11 IU-lli'nl That llirl- Air Mm.- 'Mian -.'lHi litliii-. nf ll.r liL-.lrr. mlol I'ini f.lllco HAWHON, N. M, U.t. :i -There ft alwolmrlr no .tinner nf auybus) bom .lllr in Mine Nu. 3 oMLa Stir maltr.. Hlhrf. tut Jurllic thli lllod .i,inn nilii.. ILb i'iiii. d! ILo rr.. ThU li. iull ul IhJ)' aWHle Hlaittl mntr lilli rbnl 'Uy- ;mii nplotlnn. ny IhoM who are In trlrtn the rival bUb trhoolt, Uh wt hald faUllit Itilou.hnul Hail It Itut tH lr lb drrltlnii .if l(ffrr Hall Klllutl. the (i aiiitU lir Un In Itiut ul Klarotll. Kallt ThU ilMltluti tarn lu tli mJ hall, allrr WtCluin had tiit.t th hill iriwi h lln ful luurliiluau lUllntl hrM that Ihla tnadr uii an nltildf Ida)', and iDtltad ul allualnc I ho luuchdnan, lit (wnatllod Iha Klamall. I'atlt tram n ilrHwutliatrd lt.r fflfflltrr.nt ul .1,1.1. .,f tl.r mruo work I in-ir fcaraBrld acaln.l U.p Athland rh ,,,, , ,,,,. of tu, l.nr Nrailr r.rrr tlwr r"r. ol-. orkn,, wutr t WM 4Up,.J In ad llrlMulr hll llm llli Ihr) U.rr ' ,luW . ., IUtl, UuU .,' ' M.lM fllllllll. Tlic lultrlor ul thv Initio a frar-' Ihrwixh Inr calm Athland hrld Klamath for dn a fr UWrt bul aa Wiwl ol I lie flajr at In thflr trilltor). lln tltltera tr i.nlrd I" forward iiattrt to K't tl" llaakin out of Ibr dancr ipnr. In Ibr It.i jfrlod of th (anir Ath land (iwr 'Iim to Kurlnc, fntlnwliu In tbn nrtl quarlar Klamath fallt ' "' "' '"' !" ""' rr- kkkl ..0 Ii. Athland. hut hrld lh-.'," M lrao "' "'ni! ' . '.... nf iiim rnii ai ini-n iKiini inr Mucn Ithrr Uj Utr Ui.tttt Uj dint INDIANS ENJOY BUMPER CROPS lull lrkril by the iiolou. Ilaudi, lm, and utbrr parta of human uodlr wrrr blown all orrr the lacr. The ttrnra thrre are sbattlr. tar Ibr r.rutr The forra fYerjrwUcrc. If not mutilated and torn In ilerr by the furre of the aliork, are terribly aS?5&(??i: litk laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBtL T V aaMflaaaDP Jalaaaaaaaal I illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHat. "V '-v.af. ' rriair VB I aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9''aI aaaV-aaaaV I vKv 'i "v f' Tll.&iiii aaaaaaaEaKTalaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaf aaaaaHHV VBKwiaaaaaaaar aHatlCriaV l.MTKIl HTATKN IH HAKKI.XO TIHIK L'.Vnii ArTKR THK in.KCT10.H the tipendlture of our money. And all thli ll bare been done within the abort apace of four yeari. We admit that the burden bai itemed bay at time. Hut tbeae bare been bard yeara. We abould bate built a courthouie with bond money .. hut there U no way In which a county can do tbU, althoujh cltlee Tnmr Art. rrraae.1 Into 8erk by may do to. under the lawa. And o we were like a farmer atartlnr out on bU land. Wo bad to hare Improrvmenti and we had to ro In debt for them. No farmer would' healtatei to fo Into debt for la-' prorementi that will enable him tf' put bli farm on a paylns baala and to piy off thlf dbt and make. more money bealdee. . And to wo did not htiltau tolnl,cJ ,'r,M.srT,c CO Uto debt Jor Imprpiccnenti, Uiatj MIfO 'CITY.. Qtt. jSSDtwIt v wilt Pay the County for yeara to IluerU'a dlaavowal of bla candidacy COme. Hut WO feel that If the peo- fnr lh nrcManrrnf Ihl. rannln hi. 11 lv 11a .ha mf. hf. . . . llurrta to Carry Out HU WIN la (.Hiorrtloii With Tomorrow' Vu( Inn I'rlli Dlai" Mill la Vera Cnaa, Saja He Will Go to the Capital To morrow to Caat III Vote. pie will (ire ua the road boada name aprear on the official ballot. Irfm.l.c anrk of tl.r livala olt.rt the ""'lotted Thry hae already com- inenred to mortiiy, rcnuermE tne Ink nf thr retrurr mnre dtfllcult. Klimith Kalla The lalett rttlmite plarr the dead llaliir at :C1 mrn. IVII ailtanr. Thr llnr-up An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly lli County Court Athlamt llulnira llaHrll uiflniiiiat Kramr Athrratl Kramr Krll) Hhliui I'Al.llVlM'tlltAIN .! i:ciiu i.csr iirin:n .l: Nri(i i,,,ull. iim:am:u nv tun i.m; iir.i'-,"'""'''-r IH'itmau lll.sKSTATIVi: I'ntltllill ..lllll. . . . . I1TV ...11(11. V . ..Milt . . . I.TIt .l.l'.ll .. J lllll. . .1.1111 .. r HillutllMlr and Ainlrrtnii Hilbillllllra KI.AMATII AtlKNOV, Oct. 5.- Tho tlirethllig cre eccll lint rek I (t((K ((j (.rl lu nnlali Ilia work ot IhrrahlliK out I. Ihn cratu tatted by the ludlani thli year. Prom the very itarl of tho tea. aim the llirraher haa liven kept alrad lly at v.nrk, an lurtn a ih rrup inltrd Dili fall. Ililph Tlca U halilliiK !! "' ' ClilliHjiilii. Tku haa the beat oata ycl,, icept the aaihplva ahuwn by Juhu Wilt. Thrro la uu doubt but Mhatj I hoy liae tho fllieat oati that ot. raited In lh comity thla year, all uf which coi'i 10 proTe what Modoc l.iliil Imwl will iirii.ln.'n. .avrtl ultll. ...I.... (lllllilli hlHlUI (H'tllio) Harry Wilton and IMwh, Wll.n.i ISHIIKNM. Or... n. " Imvo ju.t n..l.l.r.l haylus at Ihrir lVrn"m l" I'l.Urralty n t r. k ou w 111 Markwardt ! MlliiK Ihr MirrllT. ..Hlraart j a llraltlt and Uc of I'hovnli, Mrlhate olr , are tltltlnc In the clt for a fo- iliiltrhrnbacber'.iara, the KUftti of Pherlff and Mr. C. McCnrnnck ( IW-, (lirrrtt Kertr w T irr ,lt..jriit ,,f the OrrKUU- ... Holler California Autn oiiiMiiy, Krlday McClurr mmpl ,, now homo on Kourth Wllhroa. Wallace at reel. Juat n Klamath alcliue. llila chance la er roiueiilrnl In that it II Mnttchrnbarher. It only halt a block from lilt homo in hla place of butlueta. Oregon Plays Idaho U. With a Crippled Team (ilnr nu tho Klamath Marah. They rut u big crop, Huperlnlenilent II. (I. WIU011 und IMton Walaon went to Yulum outlier lu tho wi'k In nllend to Kovermiu'iit malior. Koriiiitoii H Hoim, who linvo broil imaliirliiK 33S head of Artioint ratllfl mi tho Wilton brother' tract at tho mnrah, left during the week with Ihn initio for I'rlnovlllo. Tho imtltiro la uirellonl, any tho intlloinon, who imoil It nil aiiminvr, Jamo Jnlimnii, wlfo nud inn loll for I'orlland, Thoy will appear ni wit iioaav In n whlakey rnm to Ui Irlod In tho federal Ulatrlct court there. mrct tho I'liUorally r lilivlm ou Klu raid rlolil lu the Ural cmferenco loot bull Kitiiio f Ibo )ar for OrcKon. Thli Kill"" ' t 'l"1"1 linrort iinru to Oregon, bvrauiu It will bow tho atreimtli of Ortgon' warrior In ininpiirlaou with olhor contender for Dm chniiiploiuhlp uf tho Norlhwcat. Iilnlm Inn nlreiuly bealcn Wnihlnf inn Htnlo coll.i'. nml H'l lm wo" 1 1 0111 OriKoit liiat 'iir, which lud. cftlo that Iilnlm bii n utroiiKor team thla .mr. tlrcgou had to bo coutiut id Willi n .1-tn-u vlilor)' ner ldnho tin! )our, nml. coiito'iuontly, Orcgou' pnaltlnu I critical nt ll'ln Umo. lug pluyvil no t'U'or conforeuco game. Wllllrt It hll been conceded by Norlhuutloru oipcrlM Hint Oregon will give tbote interested n run for their uiniiiiiiA, though awvral In Jurlc to plu.'r reaiiltlus from tho riiiiio with the inllor laat Saturday and lu dally acrlmmiiRe, the chancei of tho team winning are not a good a nt thla tlmo laat week. HUM llnltbnck I'nrtona It out of tho gamo, nt livitt ttimporarlly, with n twltti'd ku;o. llnhe llrynnt and C'rowull nro nltn nut with Injurlea, mid thua the hackllold' olllrlonry la mnterlnlly drrrvntml, Oregun, howevor, I confident In her team, nml tho Oregon fighting aplrlt which tins won many gumm In tho putt will undoubtedly curry the team lo victory, UecauM we bate been compelled by law to do to, wo babe been conttructlng roadi In Klamath Coun ty by tho taauanoo of warrant!, al though wo know that tbo warrant Itaued for thl purpoao went In exco of tho conttltutlonai limita tion and therefore technically Il legal. Hut Klamath County needed roadi and needed thorn badly and tbU waa our only method ot pro cedure. And to we did aa every County Court In thli County anil In every othor county In tho State had been doing for year Ignored tho antiquated provlilon ot the Comtltutlon and did what waa noc eaaary to bo done namely, garo tbo cltlien ot thla County a ay tern ot road wheroby tbey could get from ono part ot tho County to another and without which tho de velopment ot thl County would havo been retarded many year. Hut, now that tho Lcglilaturo! haa onacted a law permitting coun Ilea to bond themaolvca to S per cent ot their valuation for the pur poie of conttructlng good road, we feel that we cannot In Juitlce build any mora roadi by tho warrant route. Wo beltovo that moro road and bettor road aro nooded and needed badly In Klamath County. Hut wo do not bollavo that tho preaont generation hould pay for them. Tho prctent gonoratlon has already done It iharo )ea, oven moro than Its aharo. It wo want any moro roada now wo ought to li aue bond to pay for them. And ao tar aa tho niomber ot the County Court nro concerned, that I tho only way In which any more money can bo expended on roadi during our term of offlco. Whllo wo recognlia that the County haa benotlttod Immeasurably from tho construction ot tho roada wo havo built during tho laat few year, we are glad that the law haa finally opened tho door to the people whoroby they oan construct roada without having to carry the great burden that haa been carried by Klamath County taxpayers during tho past tew years. And so we aro putting It up to you the taxpayers J to avail yourselves ot the easier way. If you caro to do so, w shall construct the roads. It you do not. we iball have to content ourselvei for omo years to come with our present inadequate tyt tern ot roads. At the present time the Countr Is In debt. We have gone Into I debt for tho construction ot roads. It Is the Intention ot tho County 1 Court not to make a heavy roadliimiij. levy mia coming year, levying mere ly enough to cover malntalnencei chargea on tho roads wo bave. The general fund levy will be suffi cient at laat year's figure, to pay off balf the present Indebtedness ot tho County. Meantime, It we bave the money from the Issuance of road bonds, we can go on with road construction, without any bur den to ourselves. At the end ot next year the now courthouse will havo been completed, and we can then dispense with that levy. It wo have road bond money to oper ate with, we can cut the road levy to -a ftguro that will merely give tfirv will .n.TilA t rMnn.a.i. fine system of permanent Improve- uh '"-n-iuet a vice president, at ments for Klamath County. 0elad-Uaurrx. Ouadalajara and other places Ins a poor farm, courthouse and' where the ballot bave been received, good road, and at the tame time to General Jaurz assert that all ot leave the County out of debt (ex-,th, ,,oral troop have been com- -r?i JV. """V0!,0,"' "a.J ".l4 1 wPPorl Husrta. m . i-.. wvu.i. ;vu .. a better administration than that! The other ticket are a follew: Advertisement. HJ FEED GRAIN ! TO THE PORKERS ( National Democrat!, Dlas and Re i,urnai Clerical, Oamboa anJlUicon; I Liberal, Calero and Magnon; Liberal ' Itepubllcan, Delafuente and Knrlqu. Kedrral dlspstche tend to contra the report that the rebel wsrore pulsed at montery with a loss ot 100 ain. I United I'fess Service I WASIII.NUTO.V. 1). C., Oct. . V.I.I.i:V 1UNCIIKH On the eve of the Mexican presides- .lYSlll:cH-u.UKUnrTKlll,,, 'tl0M' oflJelu believe Afcit , uonu of the hoped for relief Is In .MOXKYIIYTHlSilKTIIOl.TIIAXj,,.,,,, ,,, lnat other eompllcalioM IIV .sKI.I.IXO THK tllUIX 1 cannot be avoided. "" It U expected that lluert will cos- ,, ,. , ., . .in . Itlnue. In control, as It seems lmiosal- II. K. Crane, whoso time Is divided1 ,. . ...... . -:. 1 ble for any candidate to get a nu tet icii this city and his ranch In the' j0r Ity. ' Merrill Valley, returned to tho city. Until after the election. America' U laat night after a few week spent on 1 awaiting Inactive. Thereafter t the farm. Ho ha Just flnltued thresh LU gralu crop, aud will commence hauling next week. Only about 1,300 bush! will be us a small sinking fund to retire sold, the bulk of the crop remaining the road bond. And that means nu the ranch to bo ted to hogs. that after a year from today tho "According to my figure." said Hlotidy, "I can gel more for my grain taxes ot tbo County will bo cut In half. And we shall have a fine rniirthouae. 4 new noor farm and it flno ayatem ot roads to show for l'or' by tretllng it to lings and selling the Bishop Receives Last Word of His Victory expected that dovtlopmenjs will fee speedy. " V h ITulted Press Service HAMPTON IIOAD8, Oct. I(-Wm dreadnaugbta of t,he Atlantic fleet, hi command of Rear Admiral Badger, steamed oft for a cruise la the M4 Iterranean. . Members ot the crews believe they will be summoned by wire! to the Mexican coast. ' United Press Service 4 YHllA CRUZ. Oct. 15, Felix DiM Is still here. It is not known yW when he will go to Mexico Ctty, jJ Ilia adherenUvelrMi''iHratsal hi in to go 10 the Capital, ai;k Im agreed to do so, though keeping kit plan guarded. f '"I an a candidate tomorrow,'! . ssld. "My frleads ask4 ate fa 'nil,' to I will 'not withdraw. JwHJ reaek-; 11. St. Ceo. UUhop. whose battle, bad bceu listed with the department Mexico City In tlate to TO" aguluat the forestry service for pos siwslou of 127 acre ot laud border ing ou Upper Klamath Lake, has been before tbo people ot this section for tho )tur. today recehed potlthe ua- ot the Interior tor homeatoad entry. Tile tract waa within the limits of tho Crater I.ako national forest, but Htshop contended that the land was agricultural, not forest land. This contention was finally upheld by Sec- aurtuice ot hla victory. jretary Houston' ot tbo department of Thl was In tho form ot u letter agriculture, from Congressman Willi 0. Hawlcy,' UUhop I here today from "The enclosing a uotlco from the general J Cedar,'' as he call hi Upper Lake v He I urn toTMIrMssais. r Day atons put W. N. Atwee;, have been la charge of Mm maklngtdepartatat m the arlllclal tOB. worhs. M in evening tram ror taew. Oakland.. Tke yewst i many friends darlM Klamath Fall wkVwitl going. y r r J h r Ma friiTt iJ ' '','. v 'mlm,WF. ";ili '. ' TrS J'rt, ' 'V, - - '-: i. ' -id i, -"? t"t. M