V4ft, -irx - l?0 lEvntttu. Urali u KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAIM.K PRINTS THBr NEWS WHILE IT IS NSW1 r.iniiiii v. ... u.ioh KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913 I'rtea 'lte ( wtr Dynamite Huertas Insolence Making Matters Worse III N.J. SAYS IT IS LEFT FROMSEWERJOB wntieii: iiiiiiu iiiiiiniNx oi IIIIMJ. V.S l. C.HIHI) Juilt WlK.IrM IJlrrtll) I'loaa rtl lit l.-tH ltlll lMrl.NicnL In IIm Can-, Onlug ! III ltclnl.il. ,11 i.l llir I'll) t lulgr Mail Attaint! lil.ll.alll CoumI) IVi.r aa a lt-.iill i.f t'lMallaunl luml .mx I Igtila Tta luyatarr U uJ Til MIUI' u( lb dyuaiull lik beu dlaetiirirj kd 111 full It bouse U anl Alter thuluugti Intratliatluu tij a l.pm.alallt ut lb Herald, II ! I.tattlratty irlLlli thai th Hi allcka ul dfliauill liiutiil TbUlsday III lb Iul.ltiM.llt Irrigation ranal hear lb i rtiuil Iiiium., U iiltl"i ul a llflr Ul trokcli Ultra. "Ill th uti.l I.) li Chapman Construction n.liilU) III Ilia ti.iitllutlluli ul a krr f lli ill). "V usr-d a luii ur uiulff ul Ulli mill.." said N J I'bapniau. Ill rt latallng lor III" ! In thai sec Hull. Whfntlrt I tiatn a broken but ul dlhamlle trll user lliini any Job I ) hair II deatfojrd, at I d uul lain In hat any loose dynamite Ur Itiat around I usually h in) in til bum u. ill a dinamll If II nor. lull aa ilunmliie II Ihln Mil' atr la j ml cITrttltr anil mufli rt trouble II la' inula- than probable Ilia! ulio ul my men dumped thai brokru tunes llilii lb ranal. Mr IimiI abrda wl Im-alnl along the ranal abut lh lare where III il)liainlln waa found, ami llirln It wlirla I unloaded llir powder Hint I waa using." II la rnlaln Ihal lb dynamite baa lrn In lb illtrh lor aome lima. Tim. broken holes aria (irnbably thrown llilii Ilia ranal, ami aa ll floated down lbr allrka were dlalillmled along Ibr biillom mill aid ul lb bank, Tlu government oRlrUla turned " tb ivaliir fl.'If.l.Mr I.I anil Ihn illicit all ....... '1 "-'I '-' -- " lb present lima la nrarly itry. Tba hiwrrinn oi mo waiar naiuraur hmi lb ilrnaliillK allcVa an lliat llier roulil It raallr arrn lr aiirmio Kiilnx alum lli bank, UfnliiiibtciHr lb ityuamlln liaa barn In llio ranal 1t1a.atatitavtta.aa).t1 (Continued from rag I) Powder Mystery No. 2 Where Did Ryan Another inyalery. Ham Walher and nil of hla aleutba lnao been iraloualy gunrdlnK Ha ' Vnl of Iha burial placo of I ho dyiiu inllu found yealvrday III tlm ranal, and tlila liaa reaultod lit a great my- llowt'vor, II la qulto rollably report ed mi the alreola that n wire liaa Ihmu lent to Ban Krauelaco to aum- Captain Francis Inch, Hero of the Ship Volturno, and His Dog Jack aPaaw ' aJ( aaBBBBaW aaBBBBBBBBaiaBf r' V U HfV i ' m ibbbbbbbbbbbbbI araaaaaaaaaWVaaL i f b t9 VVi V f a ffavl paaBBBBBBBBBBaa I ai'tain Pra'i m.h 'oiiiinalidur or lb Vnli n in. olii.li ami down Uli miir ibau a bulidird aani ttra hi. ainunf tlm aunivora liliiuklii i Hi' nurd Ktalra br lb Drrmaii litic-r KhhihUihI Wbrn lb diiili(raibria illnttid blm tn aland up b Uialalvil tbat lilt dux Jack, ablih hi. bad i allied Irulll I lie airrk at tbr laai inmnrnl. alinnld t lii lb" f4rturr Illllllbi: a lllll-af. II T McUlmuioiia. di-i'iil) it'inio MAidrll lor liki' iiiuiil). It'll Tlnia da lor Ukrl llli lilnclr Clihi-l .braaiiliU. valilrli lll bo lurntil looati In Uk oniiily. Mr. MoKlmuioua Imd a rl) lino bulldi( nlonK ltli lillil, ol wlilrli ho a ry imiutl. Wlirn ho arrltrd nl "Itno b lunifd lln JtK loiiao. bril II allackfd m of hmara. Tb botao a badly blllmi til, and It 'a mfratarjr In kill III dOK In order I" havo tlm lmr I Bury Dynamite?; iuoii back Klamnlli I'lilla renowned .l.,l..ctlvt. r'reil Mnrloy, nuu inni sir., Walker la keeping nil of tho clue i .'ii.ieneo Inlart ao Ihat Morley tun mike. Ili m)atry of Hi" ')' inllu. . .. , It la iiImu Htutotl thiit nan toriey( rvmnliioil liero Hint l"' "" wo"1" not biivo been treated to auch a icare na lliey ho liml t undorgo during tlm paat twenty-four hunra. Mystery v i .. tin. t.wncra ul tbn Volturno iiair liitii blaiiU'd lur I In' lliltaiumabl) iar,;i wllb olilcb ibry luudod a um tiiKtt all l. lur lb rulltn boao and inailniual lllrbuatt. nud lb captain I I tb llrlllaii Hilar CarnunU bUmrd lor Inacllun, nu one )u" uaiibid lb Volturno butu Ima had! ail) tliltiK but lb liltln-at iralto tor C.lln Ini h Mo and hit Irtlow olll ir i'in tbc briott ut tho Iraucdy. LODGE MEMORIAL SERVICE DEC. ii:miii:ii- tie ki-vmaih r.n i.niMii: m. r.'i;, ji. v. (i. nu. i. iiti.Noit iii:i'.iiti:ii mi iu:its THAT DAY Atriiugt'ineula uro being made by I li'nmath Kulla l.odtio No. 1217, I). I'.j 'i i:ika for thvlr annual memorial acnlreii, wlilrli will bo hold on tfur.-! ua. Iittt'inbel Tlh. Tho avrtlcea Willi bo livid nt tho ultra houao ut S , nVlork In the evening, Instead of tliol nltvinnon, ua liaa been tho t-uatoni III' tho putt. J lly a oloot tho lodge an Imitation , U to bo exleiuled to lion, lllugor Her-' man of lUuelnira tn deliver the mo-1 morlal nddnwM. Hhould It bo Impsa-j slhto to ai'curo Mr. Hermann lomul oilier welt known orator will bo av tiirml. t'uplnlu J. I', l.e will net na (hnplalu lor Ihu octnalon. Tlm roiuinlltev lm will lue vlinrgo f tlm arrangement for, the Horvlcon cnuaUta of Hunter Havlilno, John P.llla nud J. K, Hodge. I 'RESCUERS PERISH Ryf(j TO AID MINERS WIMIKIIII TIIIIOL'CIKIL'T M(illT ui:iii:ovi:itniMi: MlM-nlalllK Knslnrrr la Inalilr Jllnr, ami lla .Nut IU-n 1 1 rani I'mimi lnr Murr lliau IIimv IIimhu.VM Tlionglit to Itr In HaiiEvrNuuiurr uf ltr-iii litrriik Tliciiilrni ami llnulrn Mrtlkal Aid. t lilttd I'lrat Sank UAWHOM. N. M., Oct H Tu rea cuo work at tb Hta Canyon raltft la at III In frocrrat, and forty two ctira r rrmorrd this tuornlnc Thra bod Ita will te burled tbta af-Uiiioou,-- " -- Alan llorand and Jim Ijlrd, two of Ih rrvur party, artlns In the capac ity of hrlmrt men, died In llir tnln at 0 uclixk thla inornlni;, Tbn mtn wirr alnit'ly orrrromr, barliir alayrd Iini lone In th mine Tbry went Into th niluo at i o'clock lait nlRbt. and had wnrknl all through Ih long nlc lit rrfullng to Icato whn ordered to do ao, Krank Welliel, auienrlelng engln itr went Inildr the mint) tblt morn Ine and liaa not alnce been beard liotn No airrhenlon la felt for hla aafety, however, aa he la thoroughly acquainted with the mine worklnga, and It la thought that be la puthlnc hla way I li rough In an endearor to further the rmrue work, Condlllona In the mine are rapidly tufomlng worae, The air la getting more and more foul, and tho coal dual l Iw-comlng ao thick that anoth er idolnn la greatly feared. Many of the rctcucra hae been takvu front the mine, overcome with the atrcnuoti work and tho saa-laden ntuioaphero, aome of tbeni requiring medical naalatanro before they could Rain their feet. About MO roeuer are now Inilde, working In ahort alilfta, and doing ter thing poailble to ruth the work. The number readied altre tn thla tlmo la twenty-ali, and little hope ts entertained that thla will be In creased, The number of the deud la eatlmatod at SCO, Including the two member of the reaculng party. Re land and I.nlrd. CAN NOW BURN THE SLASHINGS IT.IIMIT I'ltO.M Till: K1HK WAH- r.v ih not ni:ckssahy nuu- INO Till: WINTKH MONTHS, Wllll.i: (1IIOUNI) IH wvx IjiihI owner ran now bum alaaU Ing wllbout awaiting tho aerurlng of n permit, nrcordln, lo Flro Warden Ohttwood. Thla will prevail all win ter and wll Into the eprlug. On nrcuunt of the danger of tire Blurted In alashlug Igniting tree aur- roundlug nud starting a forest tiro, tho atnto proltlblta promlacuoua burn ing of utaahlng during the dry Beaton. Cleared Today May Take a Hand In the Trouble Secretary of War I.lndley M. (!ar- rlaon la keeping a clote watch on the' turn of aRalra In Mexico, and la aaldi In hare arranged lor the quick tuore inent of troop aouthward In rate In trrtrntlon la neceuary. An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly the County Couit A auggeatcd In our letter of yes terday, all our communication tnu far havo led up to tho proposition of bonding tho County for perman net road. Until thU year It ha never been poaalble to do a wo are now auggeitlng that you do and that I to permit u a your County Court to luue bond to the amount of 3 per cent of our valuation a abown by the awcuor'a roll pro pared by hint and paiied upon by the Doard of Uqualtxatlon. Wo aaould have been glad to hold thla election on Nobcmbor 4 at the time when the ipeclal ref erendum election 1 to be held for tho decision of tho State Issue. It waa not possible to do thU for the roaion that we must wait until we know the amount of the aaaetuor' roll and this Information wo can not got until aomo time In tho month of November. It I believed tbat tho roll this year will bo prac tically the lime aa that of last year or In tho neighborhood of $18,000,000. That amount will per mit u to bond for practically 3S0, 000. A toon a thlt Information I aecured, wo will havo the peti tion prepared and aimed and will then call the election within twenty day, a provided by law. ThU will cause the election to fall on or about the last of No vember or tho first of December. It tho bond Isauo carries we will have aufflclent time to put the I bond upon tho market and realise from their sale and thus be ready tor a vigorous campaign of road building a oon a 8prlng opens. It I tho Idea of the County Court to make a pergonal campaign tor thla bond !uo In every precinct In the Couny closing tho campaign at Klamath Falls with a monster mass meeting In favor of good I amaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'tflamaaaal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKT' 5 aiaaaaaaaaaaaW laBiiP-ife a4Bw laaaHLtfJkaBl . i AMERICAN STEAMSHIP IS DELAYED IN VERA CRULHyORT OFFICERS -FELIX DIAZ NOVf AT U.S. EMBASSY road. We are making thla an nouncement of our Intention to call for a bond lsu. In ord.r that ,h",-UIK,CAV WAIWHIW MOOHKD ho are opposed to It will have ,.Y IIOTII TIIK KA8T AND the opportunity to prepare tblr side of the case and put It up to! WI-ST MKXICAX COASTH the people. In other word, w; want the people to vote on this matter of bond for good roadl . Set-rrtary llryan anil Others Claim to witn iuu Knowledge or both awes of the question and to make thnlr' decision after a full, fair and o,)n , discussion of the merit of both, side. The County Court ha long ftslt, that the method of raising revenue for good road In vogue at this time and which bad been practiced ' by every County Court In the his tory of Klamath County, ts unfair United l'ras Servlca and antiquated and a great burden WAKHI.NOTO.V, D. C, Oct. li on taxpayer that It hould be be- u- ., .....n-. ' . ie cauao direct Taxation for permanent H'f An,rr Mfa a now tta. road compel the present genera- thmT tlon to pay for road that will be four on the weat eoaae. enjoyed br generations to come. We The latrat advleea of Use Uto da feel that those who are to enjoy ,rment aw to the effect that ttsrea benef?!? tna, '& ??& c'd" "j,"" J Ion and larentr v..ra h.n. ahn.,M . . !! WVS UOt moIeaUtl. help pay for their Improvement. And the bond 1 the only system under which these reulu can be ae- JS: J??''." .ih.! this wa. made poulble, although The Mc,lcan uUo a. become other Ute havo been doing It for mMt omlnou- The continued den a long time. Now that we have the nte displayed toward America by chance, wo feel that we should do'lluerta ha brought armed Interven the work In tho easiest possible tlon considerably nearer. way and reduce too burden uponl .. ..... ,., , .. , you a. taxpayer, since It U unqu-' Today. Incident of the detention tlonably truo that If you wilt give!0' ,bo American ateamer Moro Castle Is road bond, we can, a soon a'rsed qulto a tensaliou. our courthouse Is completed, cuti Official declare they see ovtdeace your taxe In half. I of outalde Interference. They believe During the past three year we Huerta U carrying out a program that have prepared a .plendld founda.lotheri U . tlon for a system of road. The 1320.000 for which we will ask you will completo this sytem to auch an extent that the expenao for road construction after that time, will be reduced tq a minimum, be ing merely the upkeep of the per manent roads to be constructed un der tho bond Issue. Advertisement. Ihiik from Lava Bed. Captain and Mr. I. I). Applegate and daughter, Mr. C. K. l'ell, return ed today from tho Lava Hud, where they have apeut soreral week. Mint' to Town. I'. II. Clendennlng and family have uiowd In from tho ranch at Midland. They are living In the Loomls house on Ninth street. Me's Sentence Is Cut Penalties of Californians Ugbteaei WASIIINOTON, D, C, Oct, 24. President WlUou today commuted to a certain extent tho leniences Imposed upon Frederick Hyde and Joost 'Schneider, convicted of land fraud In California. I The courta entnced the men to Het- Hoiueone "-Tni Uvt htiln;. aaul .Cataataaj HtMrt to Take Audi HJgh-Haitetl Actiawa. Itoyal I'alace WUI Malta Wo byltv nation of Arreat of BlaaT bScers. " L'nlled Tree Service WA3IIINOTON, D. C. Oct U. OfflcUI. declare they N evidence Secretary llryan baa demanded the detail of the detention of the vessel. In tho meantime he expect Admiral Fletcher to guard Amerlcn, Interest lit Mexico. . , No reply liaa been planned forth l-ronunclamento by Jluerta, threaten ing America with foreign entangle ment It she Interfere 'w'lth MesJean Internal affairs, 3 I'uiled l'res Service ; VKHA CRUZ, Oct. 24. Tb,.VYrd Hue". Moro Castle, an Amerlcanv ttl, with' Mr. John I.lnd and Its oth er passenger aboard, wa itlll 4 taliicd thla morning by the port au thorlUe. Ambassador Llnd protested to Ms (Continued on page i) itH' n f-'' 31' " 'e.yt,J .serve two yr M4 tw oartkj Mi.. Hyde to pay a tlMM? 'tM ticnneiait; fi.vvv. Jit ,;7' ; Wilson rettoeael'Mtf jmm'M .. A.AA 'V..,l ' Drlsonmnt to a hat i ine uses war anrassaasam n W prasriaaa j.f 4. V ' .4A