MHPMW4WWljnW.V . . Ij lEuntttu Iteatf KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THB NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Highlit Vii Nu, u.IHT lAri i "i.r.aj.i'.Tmigw KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913 Price Fire Omb 1 I s DYNAMITE NEAR COURT HOUSE Visit of High Railroad Official Causes Much Optimism Here wwwwvw lijNSWM "" "--'- - - - -, , M g a i - I -------- ---., at an...... --- -.-...-.. -- r--,---vy--K--rirwnnj--Lru--u TO ELIMINATE FELIX DIAZ FROM MORE THAN FIFTY .OVER 250 MINERS THE CAMPAIGN, HE IS ORDERED 10 POUNDS IS FOUND : STILL ENTOMBED; CUBA BY MEXICAN DICTATOR HUERTA LOUllUffl FIRE IS REPORTED' Contender for Mexican Presidency 1 10 RPI IFVFil TO . CONFIRM REPORT : OF A JOINT HIE tll'IIKIt MltKttfllM IMMt Ml. timi.lln AIII! I'All llllitl HI'IMI MlllUtl, Pill II I I N Mil, I 111 im;i:utai wiiii err ittiii:iii: HIAIILV l.hlM IMI'Klli: KFKORTH ur TiiK'iiitM'L'cim lli)n " Milt Ih la"ig I iMitulla. ll II. I. ttulu 1'ml.Ul It ItrlrtlllUnl Ni4 In Make u) t tutngr In Ml AllllM.I t'tilll Alter WmhiLiI la) Otiler tu AMrttaltt ''',1 Will 11 AmunplMirtl I.J llnll.-i aii tur buuda .. ifupiui. a rual that a.ij .a.l in awaiup anil "o II It neeettary ll.l I aaaureil f Mt runnerllon fur ih road Hum I hi. Fair ilreuaila lfm i. w , .. .. . , . ... , ., . ran rati (or tmnda for II. Improve- ' ,'"'l,r" ""I1" "' ln MI.U IU-(Mill i.f the. Mine I. Mime e.f Com 11. I Thla mailer ut the rWtrnd air 'unletard lia. bH t4-Httlnc for Cnlttd I'lMt keMlrti VMIA CIIUX. Ott. JJ At tint IU MHlira ii r Ih t'.iHHti Comt i4 ifcal H would I- toti thins fr In peepl ul Klamath I'allt and far Ih rill A ul Ih 'ohi.1) al lar Wr hai eien (en to far al In ir' when Ih l.ulerl la rum- 1114 a lll ).ln unto It with rtir rrttJ IrHW th fair Grounda and thettf lu Midland and Mr till W rannvl do Meat No that a Umd elertht) I Im minent and that th la require. l-.Hr.l ill 1 1 ... I iii Hip Aullu.rillea, and UaiinrriHit TiiJ .Wr ltcii.i.te.1. , lli.llilll lletelup. ll IKin Nut IUI.. nc In lie llrrlauialluii fienleci Mini Mtt Nut Cteil lt (Villi limit. ii.l-erallnt; ClrruuitUnrra, t tlip CaiuIHe uf f KolnaC Win kens ll)t- terlrat, .Wtrml.le In Hi Vain IIomi llial Tlirlr liiril Um-. Will lie Taken Allir Fruin the Mine la It iMittlblo that aomii person or Culled Plea Service i-MMHtt laid .lana tu biuw up tha new DAWSON, N. il., Ott, JJ. At noon, """ H" nnutr. now unutr today II was estimated that JGS min " ' ci.ntttuttlou. ir r, (tlll ntoubil In Mlna No. J ! a ijuettlmt that It telluutlr of Ina H(a( Can J on Kutl company, al . ---,- ' - -j- . MaMrr in rblr At Ilit-'Urtlran army, thai tel fnflh th terminal Oli. Ih tll and othr uttior- a i.tull of thaVIoaIon Uat nlbt. I'lethlenl llurlta lida nrdeie.l Kcllt earh itd and Ih aiHonnt of HI t the rlir aud rtHintr. (ollowlnR . Thare It cry llltla hope of rracu- lllal, at a feiirfal. to JiiKee.1 at Mir In llataiia on lha ctulttr Karacuia. If llal leatca he la rllnilnalrd frutu Um hallul fur th lraldfiirjr rtundar, llll( th field III tha l.lhff Cauda lalra. If h Itfutea lo fo ha la llatU lo arirtt fur llltillxildloatloli, with hmiI- hi; death aa a .unlthmtnl hat net ubejrrtl lha ordtr. rUt far tit tn th ntjr or lnlerette.1 (ttrll-t will lit mi an nnltel at Ih Cllr IJiuln II It nol too lat for Ibal tu I- 1'fljBH. b U'HIKP KM.I.NKKIl I.NHJ'KCTH THH ' WORK HONK AT KIRK MltlxHigli He la Kotlccnt, ViaM of ( Jullu Krulltel.nltt to Tlitt Be .. .lloa t Taken lo He a CeMaJa ! illrailon That lh Hoalrtrra raetta ; anj the Hill Mae WW Coataatac Work ob Una ClaarcthHt M Itaaa Went, II la rrlxirted. ludlral thai Ilia ( included In Vlrilraii tlluatloii la a luutl teilnut ( road liiiproiemenl line. I'rrlldel.t Wilton and Hefltlar)- M'alU of Hlatn llrjan ala In ruiiiulutlnii iitet thn iltuatlou ttila allerniMin It It alto rirwd thai attltuda lit Ih ndinllililralluu will leinaln uu- iiinher frtiM Ih nK.1t of th tl.n dlti.nerr of nflr unda of dy Iuk them tale of that II It iirupoa.! nauilln In tha main canal of thai It ihnurli not enn. ,,.,I!:, V. lLTt. ,'.," '.?' project near th. new .true nrtn.d. Ibal fire ha. broken out In Ha I fl II HT )( Mr a aa a r llround. road In th. call fBr,""p'hU ""'"' the mine. It thl. I. th. cao thero Ui bond, unlett a ar auwre.1 that """ 'inaniiir. two hunored and i utterly no chance lo retcuo tbo men. ' fiiri)-li ttlrk. In all, m acaltered Fourteen corpte. were reeoerpd.J aOB ih Imtlnm of the canal ami, and twentr-thrt men reacu'eJ allrol alon the Iwink. lor a dl.tanre of thla mornlnc I Frederick Qimboa. until recently In tha field for the Mexican prt.l- half a Mock or more. On account of the deadly ca.e. In tecr.tary of forelan allalra In the dency Tbla ll the reaaon. It la al- There ar a number of children In I the mini, the reacur work la proceed- cabinet of Prnldent lluerta. la aald lecrd. that lluem nr.i.r.H Mm .,. ' !.... a. a. . .. ... . i a a . . . . . ' - -r .................. paled tb pe4 lnlerctte,l tel to.' mr m.i yei oiu enouan. in: aiowiy in retcuo crew ejui-i to lie one of the ttronceat candidate! rented a .hort time aco. I tether and what ran ! don to o I" achool. who are wont to play'ped with oiycen helmeti, but even If th Cuunlr (ohm U anurrd Ihat'aloin th canal They found the with thla precaution they can only der. and handled them work abort ahlfta, nt thla mornlnc durlnc. The I'nlled Slatea mine rcacue dune now for Ih and rail we .uffeit for banda that b la pie- I'ulUd I'l eta Mtftlc. ninnwin. 1. v. """ ; piupul MMI.nd road will hae',rk, , ,h,. Cipher Hieta.a to th. .lata d.pall-1 minM, ,ih . (Mir alnel. It.... ..... n e.'ii.e rim Ill plan Adierllteinenti .. m -..-. 'their play, but fortunately none of 'la eu rout here from lenrer to In WHITE RIBBONERS rhantil unlll after Ihv election Meilru, which takta place Hunday It la Ihuuiht lhat an auuuuitceuitut wilt be mad Ilia Aral palt ot nelt week rlearliiR away Ih friction te M.rie. tu eiltl between America ami ,,ui, uiM'IIIIIAt T. Ih OI'II.NKH ilanaerou. riptotlve to be remored i. inn of the Kuropeau Miwor IIIIMl Ih powder eiploded. alat In the work. Th children ot Mr. and Mr. Jack, Tho lateit ratlroat la that IS" men' Kerr repotted lo their mother and were nt work In the mlue at the time Mm Jimeph Hmlth their flndlnc of uf the eiploalon. ' the 'pretty ttlrk," and tho women,' (leneral Manacer O'ilrlen It per' upon iiiakln Invpitl'allon, were hor-i tonally hcadlnc the rrtcuert. rifled lo find that the children had At the entrance ot the mine there been Inylnc with powder enoucli tolhave (athercxl the men, women and ' The Tlatt ot Jullua KrutteehnUt, jrlre prealdent and chairman ot the board ot dlreetora of the Harrlsamn line, lo Klamath Fall, and the pry. ' Bt'trm'In1JTonrre7oiTarKff3iBM practically eonflrmtd tha report. ae csrdlnc to tboae who are In toueb with the plana of the Southern l'a clflc, that the line north ot Klamath FalU la to be extended at once to con nect with the road at I)nd, itvlnc through connection between Sacra mento and Portland. Mr. Krutuchnltt arrived laat nlht In hit private train. Thla morning be went to Kirk, where a abort ttay waa made, the party leavlnc on their re turn aoutb in the forenoon. With Mr. Krutuchnltt waa Superintendent C.opbell of Portland and Dlvlalon Superintendent Uetralt ot Dunamalr. While Mr. Krutuchnltt refuted tp admit or deny any of the report con cernlnc the plant ot extenalon ot the Southern Pacific, or to talk on the i.lrnlllcance of bit prettnt vUtt, It It W... -'.... I. I,.,.,. . A. .., . ..!. , . ......MLn. jiii.h. i.Mi:Kiiiifii. i'iuhiivkt iv uuun rciiauix reDorieu cnac nia vitit .,' 111111 it n.t.t 1 U.1.H.1H1.U ' ...... ... , - . ..-., itaa nt rr.,1 l.ntu..lHHA. .n ipl...,h. -. w. s.v. tu atiauiaiii -te -ALCATRAZ 70 FIRST WOMAN TO BE ABANDONED SEEK PRESIDENCY I. blow up halt the town, Mft Smith notified Acting Police Chief Ham Walker. He ranted the Official! aay that (Mellon la ilium annnyliia; than einl.atrattlm. n.l eipreat lh hop lhat rltcuiil tlancea will adjual tl.onitehea. It la emphatically denied Intervention It coiitl.lertd. IN fruiii Ih elte limit ...i.u.i.'ii'e itw. ' ""'" Walker Inilllutnl an localization Hlltl KIN nir1IIIISAIIi:illP- tu determine how the powder got Into itii:vii:iiTiii:iu: I'nlleil Preat Service Ih canal, but without tucceat. At the reclamation aenrlce head iiuarlera, near where the powder waa found, nothing waa known ot the dy- An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly tho miity L'ourl KIW Yflltlv. Oct. S3. Del! alet naiiilta Thmt In rhirit nf wnrlr nn from Ihe Putted State, and thirty-five m nou. rourt houee any that there forelun roiinlilea met lu th Academy m been no ponder purrliated for uf Miulc In llrooklyn Unlay, when Ihe ,hlnr there I ureal wurld't rotiveutlvu of Iho o- Coenellui Murphy, In charge of the nien'a Chrltllau Teinperaiire Ifiilon road work done on Crescent nvenue 'uHiieil teiilont which will i nullum" fr t, Klamnlli levelopment cora- 'ihriniKh Tueidny. pnuy. a) thai no powder work hrui The union U the Inrgtat orjiuulin been dnnu by lilt crew, and h baa no kunnlmlKn of lulu Iho rnnnl. how the powder got lion lit Iho world lit which women , I.U.I.I nlono hold mltco. rece .1 yw called a nil. ... ' ''"' A".crlf.n '"'""'l' "'"'" llrT tlut Iho r'mli.y IJmirt ". "ul 3.o.iO and Um Iht.ll.l. SB0.000. M.oek at nulhlng about tho propuiw.t road Among Iho mor prominent forelail rnlled I reaa Sorvlco from Um Fair (Irounda lo llilii..i.iratea will be l-ady Holder, Ana- PANAMA, Oil S3 An earthquake tllly l.lmlla nt HMonil or Third , 8)m. lMif Aiireii llownnl, arconil alioek of Dftien aeromU durallou waa atritila unlll ll. hackra nf Ihn ,. (lf ,,, (.,miiie of Oarlltlt,MI liero IhU morning. No damage a', km, 'i'liar':,.::;...! .... .., : ..-., -""" Hit Second atrwl Imulnniril will l.o Clilnii. Japan. Korea, Ittiaala, lur- iniiiiili.ii..i au thai il... I'uiiiity Hi.aln. Now Zialand mid h ranee "' inuicini UulU'd Preit Service NP.W YOIIK. Oct. 23. Tho grand Jury fur New York county thla morn ing returned a trim bill ngnlti.t Harry K. Thaw for contplracy. havu n lornilnua for lit road from Uin, renreaenled today. Titled Ihe Fair llrouudt. ilelegnlea will bo formally pre'tontod W wl.ti to call llilat mailer " llM,0 ,nll(,uet nt tbo Hotel A.tor to Um nllent on of Iho K-oplo again. ,n... .r. naa neermlllod We feel that .rl.apa It It nut fullyl"1"1"' ,.l,cr". w" "on r,r,,"," thai tho County rgnnolrilolfKniM l altiuidnnco today. ml until UiU It iloiio. No rnattor, , , , . . , what our wl.l,.-. In the. natter may Cotton waa rnlthateii In Morocco, A Jiipane.o company ha panted l.o wo cannot a.k for bondt tu lm- ,,d mild lu Kiigland "InrliiK lo Civil 200,000.000 pearl oj.tor In a bay In provo any road unliwa Iho terminal' War tl ti,0 i;nod State, mid during that country, and bellovei It will har of thut road and tho amount I'ro'lii,,, ei.iinn rrlala of 1K71. Af tor that I wM million of pearl through n re- r.:!.".. 'I. " elnl'l eron aro , . .ho ,iama,ui failed and cultl-kcnlly Invented prnc.t tor Lnprog- tZr'l"' '?" J""'" ":: waa dronned. nnthiK tho mollutk ' uubub, uoTlouaiy we eauuuu i -- ih'Ireii related to the entombed miner. The. are iiiottly In a ttate of hyaterll. IIAIIUOIt WILL UK .NO IXINOKItt isi:t as piacr. oc cximi.m: mi:.t nut ri:iu;it.t. txi.NVicrsi Till: hUFFIUCK MOVKMKXT. p WAS ril,T WOMAN TO PILC-j It It generally conceded that . TK'i: lll.FOUi: bLPHKMK COURT ),c,,ou of ,h KUmath FalU-Natron I cut-off It not probable within the next ' WASIIINOTON. a C. Oct. JJ.- I nlt.d Pre. Service i!! T"' I,0w,w' ,tt ' U,;d 'It ha. been decided to abandon the! ,...o.. " ' .. 'hat PUn' ro n0 tT ' r ,-Thltaf.' ... . A1 ., .. ".. u. v-.. u. . through connection between Baera building, there will be turned !Coi,ratubtlona Uwn Mrt, United Preit Service IIAWSON. N. M., Oct. 23 lernoon fana aro pumping air Into the I ,hi mine, and lite omclalt hope to drive out mmt of the after etiat.1 tl.n reteuera greater rapidity. , , TU' w-6'- w introduced In inn iii.ute vy iiepietcuiaiiie itaavr. and a It it In lino with Ihe wlihet of old military prl.on at Alcatrax. and ,-..,,. and r.i.,i,M ,.,.- .hn., ...,.. .... .." " . .,,, , .wnvavw wrum mm urilAUU OAK Ol ID VeW- ! altl real til at I Iritla atama f .. nt I a ... .... Belvaj cadet. It I said that the road from to proceed with . immigration. ;,rfrage for women, ot. the event of neetlon. made at Ilend. and that the Thla will probably havo to be ttop- ped It It I dlicovered that the mine It on tire, at If tuch It the cato the trc.h. nlr would merely feed the flnmet and raute them to tpread with greater rapidity, Thla morning tho rctcuera were anil through ahaft No. 2 and S, which ronnoct with Tunnel No. 3, aud claim Hint tho underground pauagea wore, comparatively free from debrt. T'ui f,.aetlr nvnriWl Ilia hnnn that Ihta enuritM will i.ttnt.lit Ihem In raael. ' the entombed men lu tlmo to ave lliein, The iiilne ot tl.u Stag Canyon Fuel company wero cnnaldered among the nafi'Ht In the country, and every pot illilu tufety appliance and method wnt lu u.e. Thl afternoon one retelling party brought out lx corpte, and lay that they taw at leatt a doxen more the varlout departmenti, Ita pauage la aaaured. her Md birthday. roaj , D9 uttli j0ntiy D. tn Hill Mr. Lock wood, a kindly little wo- and Southern Paclflo line. Both ot man, U one ot the moit prominent 'theto roads are now operating down figure at the national capital. She the Deechute to llend, although the U tbo llrtt woman who wat granted ' pretent traffic la not aufflclent to p?- itlie privilege ot practicing before the vrnt a heavy Ion. I Culled State lupreme court. ' With tho extcmloa ot the line tb J Years ago Mr. Lockwood, alone Bend It I argued that a large amount aud unaided, fought her cato through or the through trafflo can be handled Mh rnurfa ami unn hee rleht ,nri thuiflt mneh leta entt In Ihn vnal. Itiin QTDCCT liiAfclTf illrl':,'t of ot,ur wome" tu Practice be-ioer the heavy grade ot the BLkl- JUST WHAT WALL M MAYS CCIIUC..NCY IIM'CIIT lll: (lARIIINtl Ciai'SC IN THH CUR. IIKNCV IX) Till! rlUN'.m: IIANKINO fOMMIlTI'.K fore tho lilghett court lu the land Mr. Lockwood alao hold, tha ilia. Illuclton of being tho only member of her aex ever to bo a candidate for ipreildent ot the United Statet. export of bttculla and cake from (Ireat Britain Increased to 25,500,- 00Q pound Ihe tint tlx month of thl year. A button tewing attachment tor ordinary tewing machine has been patented by a Caltfornlan, WASHINGTON, I). C. Oct. 13 Alfrod Croxler, currency expert, ap peared before tho senate banking committee today to give tbo member ot that committee tho bonoflt ot bit experience. Amoug other thing Mr. Croiler tald that tho currency bill "grants juat what Wall alreet and big butl ilea wanted. It will glvo them twenty-five years private control ot tho country's currency." ,W Jcnivy Huffrngo Uelayeel Through an opinion by Assistant Attorney General Gaaklll at Trenton, woman suffrage In New Jertey has been glvon a setback of a year or more. Tho constitution requires that an amendment mutt be adopted by two successive legislature and that after pattago by tho first body the fuct mutt bo advertised for three months before tho Bccond legislature meets. Tbo amendment should have been first published on August 4th, but was overlooked, and the law of ficer holds that It la now too late to begin the advertU(ng. yous, As thero It a very caty grade between Kirk and Bend, the report that the extentlon It to be completed by next fall would appear to have) merit. ' Vandcrbllt Cook In Ketet. for tho purpose ot loarntn; how M. Uallly, chet ot the St. RU Hot. New York, prepares aohdlab,: par ticularly for the Individual who of drs It, Mr. French Va-derMM. cook bo entered the St Regie a a pupil. The hotel, peeewe .... rt, u u,.H.q itvt MtH. " ,( W , 'rt flllverwar on be ket ttmtUH- "-" nlthlng by wtbl K wMk ililM r u which a little coltodloft hM Ma a tolved, ihe reeulUn MM Mm removed with whmwsbJMi Hj silver la to be weed.' " ' " A t ?.: Si 'J , ' Vt '""HI -. wi. It ' r$Kl 'C3 .' tf-r y "V. ii.rcsi ' - s Jw Aav- 2 ' -v- '' ?L -jj .- tn,w -i ,'