ttliM!"'' 3 3V Ewmnn Wvtuth KLAMATH PALLS' PRINTS THE -v " NEWS WHILE IT ISNEWS OFl'ICIAL NKW8PAPKK ": nr J-zttt-rsxtrrxstrm KlgMri Year No, U.IIKI xvrt&acts&zt. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1913 frit FIT OmU ADAMS RAISES A BUMPER CROP ON LAND TAKEN FROM HIM TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO BY WATERS OFTULELAKE -SCIENITSTS TO ORGANIZE HERE mr jm, MARSH LAND MEN Radium Mines ...... ,.rpT .. ' HILL MLLI bUIII, ON GATE CLOSING low Kill M) in mm: i.i:vi:i it.i.t ins rMiniiun TIHM H.Mnor itllli. NttrvrS I um ItrlHg Iff llrrla uultPxt Nrrtt i ItrC.tmlu. Hid AtMuwM tmulrlnl lkl Dial Com IU ILwlr.1 im ImI lm I'rttol Ml Yrwiw Mill Mmm l) l Tt.C.N) Our. 111 KrllltlnlMl Hurt ol lli lu.lbud alolru k Ikr ltaialluti ! lui Ik ( Islutlpg ( 3. acir u Itn4 .. lrl by TuU l-kr ha bru I'fOWj by Ik f Ibat III tularin; ut Ik. Blttf ll all (( lbl bat bB uacold artrlal tfcuuiand ailr u( land. Ml IIIMi Will. Ill III Ml mr i.d-ii'U i'in hi mi: w:u., UIII.S I lit lt II ill I IIHIM Ml. III. INsllil I) A I IiiihIi ut I lulu Hrii.iiiiu mat b adjl.l (u lb Irllfluua ol(anila I In I) ul I til city, a rftoit tuwaid I luluiim a Mimrrjill.w ialr i,h ! Malted bi lolliiarf of Ml i:li A nir.llr.c .ill b urld latrr lu Id irk. libra .ronliatiuti plant lll br dlarutavd ibrrr ar nun a nuinurr of ti HaKtHKaailllllB Alfred Lawson, Aeroplane Commuter MlXIuAN VOTING WILL BE FARCE, ' SAY FOREIGNERS I:NC01 liW.INii I.KITIIII ItrXKIV-j Kit rilOM Hl.VNOTT ' t Hmm aw llralfe.1 Furm of lU.nd la UnHlMt, TrUtdrllt Maaoil Will) Call a Mrrllag ' " Mm.!.- of I llir AoUiion, at Wlilili lime Anion Will tU Takrii Itrtf.Mlliig I lit- ('lining ul I lit Hrailgalr ' Mrmbr of the Uitx-r Klalualli .Marsh Land' Asaoclallun feel cmally encouraged, following tho re-1 rript ol a Irttrr from Congressman I Hlnnolt, staling' lhal he and linker i Bawawawawaw IbTb r awawawawm WmmT S S BaH ?a t3aaaavSaf .j' Bl flawawawawawawawawH ff sawawa IgeBWawawawawaawawawawaai ' .Wbwbm BBaWBWBBaWBWBWaWBWBWBWBV .wwbwbwbwbb k flH ls - ' PU RI ' ' MY mm ! i HirKllTA WIM. centiw: I IMJMI.VATK, TIIKY HAY TO lnUdd In UU I a Had ul ol i l,M.ltn Hrltiitlili In Klamath Kail c, UtuiKlut lu 1 fraak , - . i'u ii. Aiur iu. i UU. a. ,QUC DlffQ IHOV -l,r. ullb. U... i.dull; i.uiai. Q ) 1 1 (J J(J CALLED BY LOW 33ZS'l.M- I'ltlN'I.I.IHM, Is HI'.MtMII.II ll I'.tltri 1(1 AN TT l llll:T MIT, IUT IT- iuill lb vnlll Hail Ti MialM wf lb Ixlillu.d laad a ku Cuoiill4 wnlll lb lot lt ol Jul' uC IbU ).f JbU fall lb, (lata ialJ on ll a.iiJ bIUi IbaD lufty bubl lu lb a'l Tfca ltUltu4 abut laud U out , lid ( lb Aral Mbit ut lb Klamath' .iiKt, au Mr Adalu lnld !( Hum Ik intamiatlun xflU lur IU lirUatlun. ' Tbl bat bn a hutuUr ul lu lulilr at lb lol land villi ut ltj rUMt(liM Mlllo lildli It lac ol Ik (utraiaat land udiot- I . i .. i. . ,.. ....i .,. f .,.,-...-,--.., - . tM, , i, -brflB mr. throu.h I4ml in Mann ......... , W.,,,. Tb trnli auinwuiitd at Ibo W. Nrobitt, defendant Tiir anniiuiKriiirnl of T Colcnitu du I'unt thai b will dflou bal air u-littnl In L radium ml or In Colorado hat intrrtrd tier clUiani. Mi du I'ont la hrad of Ibo larcnl la.adrr riiniiaiit in tun uorld Ho la lb Ua. kir ul tbr crrat bulldlliK pro Jl on Ibr alt of llir buinrd I'ult- fork a radluui n Urntcr a lb rrirrrnttl of Mr du I'ont. aatd: Mr du I'ont Inlrmti to iiroduce radium and brpindurta for hllan thropir iuri.a onlr. and "III jmt lh tnalrrlal In reach of all the h-o-llr itloradu ttainl a rhaure of Ti:il M.'ITI.I'H MI('.(III. lrodurlnt a lari part of tho world' aurplr lu fart It la actually ono ot th main t'rolufi-ri now. I'm lb nut Hwr. rba. lnrcj hair rrn at tho ahalt hou.o of caul raitlrr wr umiaarllr iltlt),r (Irrrnan llrlchtr lain at Central will., a brim t Jot) wa ruhtllrdi'itr tnorr than 110 tons of hl(h hate taken the qnMtlon of cloalnc the, .(air up with the depailmrnt of th Interior. , Tho Irtler follnw. Alfred Y. hawaoo. publlaber, ofimedUtelr to a belcbl of 1,000 feet. , Juda llakeand I taterdar had .New- York, haj come to the condaaJon' IbU lone commuter ot the air waa (a two houra' rotil.r.nre with ActlDf that he ouchl to reach his New York tix-edln- alone at a pace of (5 mile Hrcrrtary Jonee, W. C Klnf. altor-(offlr from hie home In Lon Branch an hour. Then be roee another 1,000 nrjr for Ibe reclamation tenrlce, and In ) time that the railroads hare' feet and pasted orerth Narrows like Knilnrer Davis of that terTlce, relaibn In tho habit of earrIn him. .a streak, lite lo teeurlnr the cloalnc of the So, like Mr. McCormlck ot Cblcafo,' He dropped a thousand feet as he (air rou wrote ut about on Sep-the learned bow to aeroplant Then neared Manhattan, and shot up the IIIimmIx Ulrlator'a Henrliiiirn Are la Cliartjo ot tint Vaiiou OSIrra In Con net I Inn Willi the KlecUon. I Anll-KorWan f'rrllnx rlaiil o Be) ' (Jrimlna-, ami HurrU la Tlaefit I" Ibo Hetreteljr mirrlac It. United Press Srlc JIKXICO CITY, Oct. 12. The Tola (at Sunda's (cneral election will bo eitremelr llcht, say forelfners who 'har studied the situation. HuertlaU troops ar In control ot all the elec tion machinery. With a flaw lu allowing walrr ura, .. Iaaa IIima fatllla art. LnflDrvl l-l..k...n I. makln auflal fur tb i "'lUMt "' ' I.. dl.ll.lB lb. ..I.ut ..I lit ll-e P- 1-illUI . . . d lil niahi br J. i- noir in L .in MBIUIfllH craitr illihblrnde ore This mine, wild llir Vomi iiniir and other, baa bru buuchl In- Mr du I'unt. He In. Irnd lo build a plant In produce 'dlnlll rlnar tu hi mines " Aa anon aa Oil dal la Murd. lb rrfltlaallon IT will tak trp luward adtrllttbi lu areur bid fur lb l.aalag ul Ibr lands for a lnu of ara. Ulrr IbU I In b thrown n4H lo ll:mBl. Jutul. prumliiriit tutlnrst mu. wrt urdrfrd lu ai-rer at H. court boiif si ! uclork tudar ll.dirr Hi. lihir n for tb lirar UK Ibuush Ibr uit wa t'tllrd Tb land, belnf rl.lm.d hat.iTr 1 Oiirn'O 111(10 lo..,4 with water by lb .tad- I A Tl M L l U iHlUR al rata of Tale Uk. Ily dlt.llln I LnUIIHl U IMIWH DRY FARMERS IN OKLAHOMA TODAY i u lb flnw ot Irfiel tlher Intu Klamath lllfr, lb rvelamallon trtlc Is low lint lb walr letel ut lb Isk. Th lands uncotered are icr.tlou-, ally fetlll. and ar easily tilled, Ihrr being no tulr or marshy plam' In b radkatd. Cuttlirallnn ran atari with no preliminary preparation APPROPRIATIONS 1lllli:i. IIIIICHIN .NATIONS iu:i'. lli:si:TI.I AT UK) ItlMUIIMrt; Dili IIIM'UW ntmi AM. OVKIl (MIlllirA. t imiTiiui. Tin.k en: AH iim: io nrAM iiv mi: ntati: I Mli:iHTV Ml I'nlled I'rrss Hervlce TIIJIA. flfcl . Oil. $: Thirty tliii.M rurrltfti imllilrlra loerlller Willi ITU IKIIITt -!, (,,, 'r, HlalM and Canada, were I'XlOlt ASIII.AMI NOIIMAU n-irrrntrd hy cxhlblU today when i ln I'l.hlli annual International Dry . ........ .., ..-I...1..I. r.,,.,.1. rainiliig fotigr olN-ned lu conllnu "" ,"' V. .,..."", i ...,...'. IhiiiiiBli NoiembiT 1st. Tho premium l.lhnly Kiw-lllun Mail I'nllrd l'la hertlc IMTTMIIl'llllll. I'a., Oct. II- Vn- lr ll. .iiali. ..r lli t'aal f.lbartl' .... ,- ...,..... --. .... Hli-I,.! UU""!-" ..". V. .- ,,.....,.. Iluiliira Men' AasuelalloM. the Ktt,al llieir annual " ' '""-"" lu ,.Kr,.gatid nppnulmalely IIS.- KllK-lllnn . l""rd lu- I"-'"'!) "'' b "" .""'"""'iio. day In aqu.r. Harden. The lr llir U lo, l a ...H-liUm will miln... until N"-" '"'J -I' ' th ' l0,n, ,.,,MrUi trmtier 11. uihiii Noti mbrr 6th The leather alo went on recu a lat nimloii l nngreaa ax rl.ilfd irc.oon for a complete .'eihlbll hy tho Hulled States Depart nii'lil or Agriculture, pariicuiariy lefiTi'lire to work In llii'.wra- Intra llovernora of twenty An reemhll..g a watch .. f...HMi l- re.c...bll.h.uen t of .... .... . . wi,-.. ill. Aahland Niiriual Heboid. It was ii urrn niTenmi in iiuna"i -..-- i i In nri.d I ' Ml l'l",,', "iriiii. . b It It iHMslbl Instantly to compute fell that Klamath toiinty i m , ,mu, BW1Cll ,Hona and Ibe Interest al any ralo on any gUelijol ' ' leschers. ami inai t j,,,,,.,,, w,U(m ,llM, Kmernor- earn ot money tor any length of H"-" ()r''(",, u rMW "' ..n,.rl ot Canada wero Inrllod to ,cluil lor iraiMiiia "- iiiinid time. DEFICIENCY BILL LAW Abolishes Connerce Court, and Ousts Officers I'nlled I'res BarTlos WAHIIINinON, It. 0., Oct. IS. "rr.ldi.nt Wilson luOny algnel tho orKini deficiency bill, which ul ollalm In- iiuiimerro ciitrl und re.ioves (Km otrira over a tlio.mand deputy evemm collflciors, provlJIng uioro fumls for Ibo I'anaiua rannl ami other 'leral eulerprlset. "I am ronvlnrvd gfler a careful tut. nmlnmion that thf oillrea ot deputy uilliTliir ami "'('"If ''l",, we l intended to I Incluils-.l l H' primary provision of Ihoelvll sen lc law," said Wilson. "Tim provision of I Ills hill. '' imiiiiitiiiunt of these rourerii ' - , . . , , ,llr,.r, l m.t lw t-nllrflr t W allow than ........ tho hill w-, . !..... la .... danger llml ll' .".oils prhululo m creel. Into tho matter Ihrougn n.y n...." Tulsa has nin.lo nrranRemonts to rnl.rlalu 10.000 accri'illtod delegates nml tlsltors during tho el.'M'ii li.)s of the exhibition, Hev nil no' hotels wero built to accora uui.taln tho Inllux of delegalea and tlallora All Oklahoma has rallied lo tho support ot Tnlxa In handling the lilac exposition nml nearly ovory i-imly In tho statu today Is partlcl imllnr; In tho etenl. China has tilt exhibit under the supervision of Minister ot Agrlcul lure (!. H. Aahun, nml Uussla, South Africa, Australia, Turkey and aev irl other foreign countries uamed special delegates to tuko charge ot lh respective exhibits. A knife with six blades radiating from u hub, pressed down by a han dle governed hy a spring from a sup port log bracket, hns been Inteutod for cutting plea evenly In restaurants, the result of th conference, and I rd for New York eltr. ....... . .... tnina win reauii in rooairying som of the harsh restrictions In his prop osition to your association on July si.t. . ; "The attlng secretary expressed a willingness to Krrnlt the gates to be temporarily do a agalmt the com log high water, but he suggested that a bond be given to aave the govern ront barm from any damag which may polbly be done to tb Van lirlmmrr ditch and tha riparian own ers and requested that Judge Haker and niy.rll ro-o4Tst -with flr.-Klngf and Knglneer Davis In drawing a suitable bond to protect th govern ment from tho above mentioned dam-) ag. "I'rom th a.atudo of th acting ; kerretary. Judge itaker and I are very J hopeful ot securing some substantial concessions In the matter of closing the gates. You may rest assured we shall do all In our power to expedite) an early conclusion ot this matter." United Tress Bervlcw WASHINGTON, I), a. Oct. It,- Government officials expect th Mex ican election will be farclal to th extreme. They bellov that by hold ing them, HuerU It adding to th dangers besetting th fortlgntn. There Is soma apprehension that none of the candidate will receive a With hi mechanician, Mr. Lawson .The machine reached Seventy-ninth j constitutional majority. There ar got comfortably seated In hit flytr.i street, when, bang! th propllori nve seeking to presidency. gave the motor a shov. and waa off broke and the machine began to tet-i In this event It is believed that ...... I . . .... ... .'if...... ii. .. .. . . tor the city, in six seconds, he says. tie. but toon nnasr control, u gnaeu .... wt rununue aa dictator. the boat left lhe watrr. niilnr Im. I rrarrfullr to the surface of the water. . Bucl umber Itb. t m encouraged over Jho bought a bydo-aeroplane and start-' North Ither. He Intended to go to! the Home float Club at 141st street. i MERRILL MAN IS HIRAM SAYS CAN'T filling Im-lgratrfully to the surface of the wstr.!8uch a result might preclpltaU a j demonstration aufllclent to demand I immediate action. I Wilson's potlcy of non-lnttrfrac will b changed only In cat ot seri ous outrage toward foreigner. OPERATED UPON KILL BOLL M0OSE;SH r 4.9-K-t.r 7i '.bows hU apprtbtnsloa by.trtaiaait- wuivrvBcea, aavx am lilt. HAMILTON" AHS1HTS HeXI IIKXT IKK.TOH IX ItUIOYIXa AI'I'CMIIX OP Al'tirST COCKA THIS MOKMXU 0.11.11011X1.1 GOVKItXOIl IS OX HIS WAY KAST TO HTCM1 .MASSACHCSKTTS IX U KHALI' OK I'lUKHtl'SSIVi: IMKTY oat a' complete line of action ha been de cided upon. This plan ha not aa ytt been announced, but It ha ba learned that If necessary th army and navy can be) ready at a moment's notice. (Ilrral.l Spnia! Service) United Tress Servlc ' CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Oovtrnor United Pr... tt.r.i, jir.iw.ii.ii. iki, ii.ur. rauer- niram Johnson or caiuornia arrived assisted by Dr. It. It. Hamilton vcrrs pni. n . .r..l"rM.. ... t . . . . son, assisted by Dr. It. It. Hamilton here today, en route to Massachu- , . . """ "" VrJ"1 " "As soon as the form of bond Is re- , ..,.,. I. ...ii. .m. .i-- . lour. u u" '"," arrived In this elty thla mornlnar and i..i i .in -.ii . ,.!., r .1,. of Klamath I alls, this morning oper- setts, where he will speak for Charlea... ., . . """'""." ived I will call a meeting ot the leJ Au c candidal, for' " "! " ,h p,er b' " mbers." said Tresldent Mason of ' ' , ' ' .,.'.".'.' ,'ro,re",T "" ,or.crowd. There, waa no demortration. reived nirintcr llm sssoclatlon today. "If we And The operation was to remove the avarnor. oung mans apendli. Thla after-1 the condition, to be what w. think.'" ;" """:, "VT.,; . ,"-""! ' ?. P"1' Mn t0. they should t. we will slxn th. pa- ." ' ' ' " , stay." said be. "The repunucan ana -- - iiinnn a w-r, stint have the gates closed." i An Open Letter to Taxpayers Hy ll.o t'ounly Court OUIOn, I nrnrmalvr will ral torrthsr onlr 1 The case deteloped suddenly, and , when th. former adopt oar platform, a when Dr. Patterson was railed thla I and not before." morning ho found It nt an acute, dan- . . gerout stage. Ho hastily summoned Uw Churchmen Elccld iir. iiamiuon rrom me county seat. . ,,v . vnl. .. SSo to ... lh. i.011ii. " vi.U lowever, as tha crowd had bn warned that any undue demonstra tion would be checked by bullet front Huerta's troop, which coatsaaad th. wharf. III. lo this tlmo we hsro dealt. In this series ot letter, with the proposed plan for a system ot good highway In Klamath County. We, havo outlined what road we con alder necessary for tho proper and J M Its. logical development of Klamath J County. We havo mentioned tho' benefits that will accrue to Klam- ath County front tho Improvements of her highway system both eco nomical and social. Aa most overy onu realizes, thla has been prelimi nary to the propoaal of a bond Issue under tho new law In order that the people ot Klamath County may reallio thcto benotll we have been talking about, through the Improvement ot tho particular high ways wo havo been talking about. This scries of frank talks wa to lay the foundation for tho pro poaal that wo vote bonds and la In lino with tho policy ot tho County Court to dlscusa frankly with the taxpayca of thla County what It has In mind so that tho people who put u In ottlce to reproaent them may know exactly what we are planning to do before we do It. Wo had intended to launch our deflnlto campaign for a bond Issue with the letter that appear today. Hut we doom It boat to dlgreaa a llttlo at thla point to tell you some thing that perhaps all ot you do not understand and to clear the atmosphere, a It were, ot much dry rot that ha boen carefully thrown Into the air In an effort to Injure the efforts ot the member ot the County Court In their plan ot permanent Improvement in WILL SPEAK AT MILLS ADDITION Wrtterborg llctter. Herman A. Wetterborc, who ha U 111 for sararal wk with .of deputies of the Trotettant EpUco-:,,Dh0M f.ror. u eonvaW-nt .... pal church. In session in New York, i where he u abu ,0 be up-for elected Uev. Altxandtr Mann, rector ihorl tlm9 Mch dlr Mr Wftu or Trinity church, notion, president borg re chief for the local tele of th bout. Dr. Mann waa tb. j phone company. .candidate of the low churchmen and -. htev. W. T. Manning, rector of Trln-j Archl Henllne, the photographer. Ity church. New York, represented snj Cha. Ma.hburn of th. OnW. the high church faction. WTA.WA (Contlnu.d on page 4) WIIKKI.KIt DKI.HlllTS AS WKI.I, AS IMTIIKSSKS AUDI- t:ci: at nitAci: m. k. ciiuiich. TOMOItUOW Ai.oll.rr liiMlge. j llule Store,, autood to Yalnai Tut !day, where Mr. Henllne has a num. ber of photos to deliver. Mr. Maah- drs. Ktu Wheeler, natloual W. C."""" uc" "uu """"" ' " "" " ot U. lecturer. Intermingled fun andl'"a,M ,hat ,ook a " "embers droaeropUn. clo, Is In it delightful harmony ht ' Medford during the summer. racing motorboat. Mrs. Ktu Wheeler, natloual W. C, T. facts llrac M. K. church last ulght, the re sult being a tolling broadsldo Into tho ranks of the Demon Hunt. A largo nudleuco attended. This evening, she will hold a meet ing at Mills Addition hall. Tomorrow sho cues to Merrill to carry on work.l It. S. H. Walker, deputy supreme burn, like the coon preacher, "took chief. Is In the city front Medford for 'his gun along," and expect to "(hoot the purpose ot organising a local j himself soma very nice quail and on. . branch of the Tribe of lien llur. This po' measly bar." " " . Is an Insurance order which admits i both men and women. Mr, Walker The oontoou of a new German hy-t closely resemble a -. THAW CASE UP INN. Y. (tut Dlitrlblltlug Suppllrw. Sheriff C. C, Low, accompanied by hit wife, Judd Low and Mrs. Stella Low, loft today for northern Klamath county to distribute election supplies. Ho will go as fur aa Crescent before returning. New Governor Orders Investigation of His Escape United Tret Service NBW YOltK, Oct. 32. Governor (llynu today formally ordered a grand Jury Investigation In New York county ot the escape of Harry Thaw llllt llauro CumlnK. Danclug will not bo tho only form ot amusemeut at the Hallowe'en, from the Matteawan asylum for the parly to bo given by tho Ladle ot criminal Intone. Sacred Heart church In Moose hall.i Altornoy Oeneral Carmody ha re Cards will also be played, and re-.appointed William Traver Jerome a f resumenta will be served. The Tin dull orchestra will furnish mualo. a special deputy attorney general Supremo Court Justice Oavefcn administered the oath lo the grand Jury, and Prosecuting Attorney Walt-' mau iu aiuvifaca, averiuis. a . .. .... L . .. . . . 7. utiior mi ruaa tat) pruoo to aat ewe. ' It hat been atterttd that Ue'i-H which succeeded, In accoaplltkamftte escape of Thaw from tb ! Jj natcnea m a vvesi omi saifj..aar forty or more wjt&etew k4N )- tubBoenaect to ayeear belere Mw qulaatorlal body, i ". Syt 'A -,iw-ty "V-a Mi- "i. ''j r- 'ijbj . W ' i f i i .., i , t1, r? . . I w - - un ' I a. - '.-'"-iJi ' iS- 'I .a.. M