The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 20, 1913, Image 1

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    -.!' 7
Have rou Registered Yet?
The Registration Books Will Close This Evening.
att lEtftttittg IteaU.
t. 2
HUtllll Yi-l Vn U.IIH
Prfcat Frr Oaa.
I'AIITt 111-11 Hth I HUM Mill1 III
h'i:n i.Uii mi sun
Wn. ,tr fi.r ll.r I'm,.
o Making II I'ImIMp i I lui II, r
i. Ilul
'" . '!
'il r u( VYalrr .liall.Mp I... II
I .( HirlMl)- MllaaMffM.)
'IImi I'liMiml
II...I litis
ih ItiWH Wtiiriiia
n.y Kmui'm Jw mu.. .mi' ' '". "''i-iint. nin t, Kukr,,.
Cuiidliu... U II M.lll,.... l HM ". kh.M Ih.l Ih.
im, n.i iui. h o..h.ii,b-jtt.i'MHl" ''- '"- " "
. - . . , . ... . lh thsi lor lii((lnc. Iidlru main.
ley Iihiii l-alr ciHiitlri. whril. . ..... ......
.....II., .... lulna-d In hU drmtirirr that th lam
tha) aaltlal d) luirllftlht..
.... , . ... l. teli.e l Hi rml of a county
i.a ptupoMd aal,r H4i. h abkb ,
.. i. . ... . . . ' raajal. waa a pall ol a publlr bltbver
Ik HI ha a Hill!. abd In plartus . . ..... ....
. .... . ..... a'llMr.l th" lltht to tl I
left tut Hi MauiHai of the ,
lb pall, th ottlnlun fulluaa
""" I II qu.tllii at Imu It !
Willi. It I. liipwalMe l .H an a.-j,e um, !,,,,,,, , , f1Muly ro,j
.ural. Wra i.l lb. auBt el alr b, it.- resttty null o..r I'll. ale lanili
atallakl. llhil a .mi.I.I. Hlur, . mlal.l lak ahur fairy with
iH m.iuUfa l IV haitr r III,, IM( (fc, Mlfltl ,h. , of ,. IM1.
atli04 llb trlf ' tk , H lh ,hof, tf ,r
I lll that Ik atrikrd ,'!1i(r
II -with II....IU4IIHI aihl .Ui ! T,, .atLB,,,!,. ,.r ,0 i, ,.
vfliic." aaltl MfUan tl'rn1wM,nih, apnb
HMItilbt It . Itei.lH, tu i,. ,w WchBM i, , ,,, nl,, (l.
Ilk Ik .bM lNllil..o S...1. ,, rlpiflJII .,, ,,hr4 tbrto.
-,..,.., ,.,. .,,, , . .,..,...
A.I. uf lrt l aMidatp a clt
lb all eift Klamath I'alU (a
a.arh, but Hi P4IMIMI ItMika ixl
hrtbtr Ifcvtas "III b a mn,tlt
and I bIUi It III pa, lb rttt lit
kU Ha rllbl It will be bceraaari
I rur, In luakr a tunri of the
Mil walPftbH I I line thai all
I Ik ahtk da, t lk ell, m. fat
haa alwply berh III lb natui ail a
ir,llmlnary lnllallun "
Taa llaaa l-.llr, Mgl.l. f
lllll) Ji.iil.t.iti. manaire aH nr a iuu
lliiwllna allr)a. baa mad aiianr 1
.ula In hale Vdnla) iiKbt fr !
..die. iilihl .1 ih flub all,). Ai
- . . .. .
lllll) JiihliiHb. manalr, att the Club
Mr-uund ball uf Hdr will b (Itrtl
hvmber III to Ihr lad) Ui oil lit Itipf
lalahral aturp lb ladtva alll U l-
u III batwl al lb Irttular lamina
.irlit ral hlch la I r.nla a pelaam
Ih Uautlful nia-riadiaum l-e then
y laat rk lair tilth alolr. nt
in i:ii iiiiiaati. n.a ii.iir.1 ::i
I'aiil Krllra, M..ri(lia.iarr.
Caul Kellr. Hip lljrarold aun ait
kr and Mrt 1 1 Krllrr, rrlumrd
ihla liinrnllit tiolii a wpk'a at) at
iha caiiinlry hmilr nf llutrall Hhaitt.
II wIiim ranch )ouiK Krllrr hat
balled III Hi aheeii rrnwlna" Indue
try. I'aul baa only two ahrrp now.
Pill be Intrude to Inrreaip bla flack
till hit ihrrp (tare am a llumialid
hllta llrolala-at telnlllK In Ilia ihrrp.
I'aiil.aaalatad Mr. Hbult with hit lit)
liatlllK, Ihelrby add lilt quite a tuni
In hta bank ari-a.iiiil
Sol III I'll llllllia-.
Knglurar lb I.'- Ilnydeii. In chart
uf operation and luniulriiaiiie for the ervlrr. baa gone In Hum
It) aide, Vh . I" allelid to aoine butt
praa liutlnia III iiililiafllou with tho
Ynklmn project
Thresher Hits Wire;
- ciiukk Iho children not only loo
Illielr m'IiiioHiik. hut Ilia loo fre
quent ainiill nl'i'iuUnr I cut down,
ThU cutllnK down of tho attend
., ,,., ,.. nnco oi-erale lo Impair the con-
i r up, under Ibe wire on tho l.lgu ' "-', Q . noitlniilty and value of the tchool
power Inn from thl city auppiyni..
M-rrll. am. will. "r
i.uwair Him from thl city aupplylng.
lean led Haturilay night lit tti '
liorae nulling the Hire illKMlKf"!" u" " " "'" , .
iiilllll. Tim alrller, J. V. Dolnn, wa
m I
not nerloiialy hurl. ,, ,,, 0 ,,,,
Then, ha lnH'ii roiiflderiihlo com-1 m ' " ,,u,.ior tamo
plaint upon tho pari of ho.., the leley.ut- "I tho a- rick a d . kor ,, o
.I,nn company and Ih. power com- li.m '"lir '" " " ," .,,
muy that thre.hlng oulltla. Inalrad '? U,;T..n,n,.d
....- .1.- L..M ni.,1 ilMrrlrky an
t'uy ('iui iui.m under tho wire, pull
Hirough thou, anyhow. Thl break
nml croate tho wire, and by the
...IIV,.,. .tW .,..."-." ---
Jl IMll III NMIS III I llllj, ..llAINHI
itWM.iiiu mi. niMiMt is s
trims Minn inn' in itiwii
i. tui. iim m:it !
Holding ik! H.p tiMii.t u( a nili' i
I Umi lor count r road turMM- .
r .--.-. ,.-...
lir.m. lu hi. n,u li.r wharfage nr
''" '' IK '" f l I'- l"lk
clora nul (llr lj l.lirml pilllli
vliii bmuKhl lull ratiial Jnbu Tultrn
lo enjoin IiIim Iiiimi ualii a poitlnn nl
(b iHwk ranch m landli.t le lur
' (lut aiiMt.tu. nmfl haa uailfnrmlr
(ibt auprem rtiuri naa unuornny
fctlll ,n ttr , ,,,, ,,.,.,, by a
m,bwa rrmtlna In lb adjacent
bids Wednesday;!
'in ,,lch In live and thereby In-
1;,, !i;it rl.l UIIIUIN T h fj t'l'dlrcll Inrreaao all material vatuam.
,..,.,. . .., .,.,....,, It It a trultm to aa) that economic
l"""'N ' N,-Ul "'UN alu- In an wmmunlt) Increaa.
imivr 'in mm: a 'it aitut nr illrrcllv In the ration In which the
raiisr. in i m: nniiiii: m
llMs I'.IMI, Wllth
. . .....'
" '" '"""'", "U "'""""l.urlal road. I. the Improvement
.be Adam, canal .a. taken up li.of tural (, ,
i.iliptl b) Ibe larluiia ri.ntractor Wra iM l(l f(H, .,.,,.,
Ihlt luixnlne. while Ihr reclamation I,,,,,, (1K)n ,),(,m of free duca-
rrk ha brvii at woik for the pati,un. Hut It cannot be denied
wa-rk am lla H.tluii of Ihr Job
John l t'lrghoiu lell today for
llrllna' I'l.lnt, lu take rharge of Ibe
riiKlnirrlnc fvliila of Hip work
ilnrlnc Ih abarllt alf Klltlllrrr I I, I
lllaidon. Olrthorn will hale i'liare)nK "laik In the land" without
i . .... .. i. . ., . . . ..... - ......
i'f the cuntirunion worK aa wen. .aioppin 10 ra.naiurr iiiai a man u.
Medneadayatternooi, the rwlanu- (" ' heltale lo '
. ... an. .r..... Ich dren away from tha. mon thick-
"lice will open bid. for cicaia-, ,,, ,ho
iiiik .elan additional achedulrt of the, roinry uhrri( l((). ar ,,,,,,,,,,, of
wldrlilnt; and dra'priilnit of Ihr canal ,,, ianlaKa-a of Riwd arhnol.
. ea a f .,..! m9 ll. .. Halliita 1. rt a,
.tiilu lu IaIpiiI.
Mr O. A. rtla-aint, Krnal Hlrarii
and f. W. Sba rmun relurne.l Sumluy
friini an auln trip lo Talent and ra
il 'P. maalia In the Htrarn' r"jrd, with
.t. , .. ll.. a. I..u.t 1lla lur.
ly led ThuM). mill Mli1frm run- inn rm.Mly rMUcttl In Ihow Kr-
.... .........I., ... .1... .a . n. ... u I...... 1 1 1.
nine nut of l! eela'll mil.' ueiniiu
H'micrr' on Ibe return trip, they
met will, no ml.h.P.
- -
Are Killed
..rri.tii.l Huturilay eiculug oc-
- ,,',,,.' ,. 0r i,s
"" ' ' TSTl I.
" " , . . .,., , orw.
HIHlll illi". "
ii.. ,,-,,.,! nf tho brvirk In thn Hue
the town of Merrill nml llotwnrn
were wllhoiit llghli i nhorltlme,
II) JMI.X iiti:i:i.M..v
i uprrlgbl l'JIJ. by tli Mull and
I.IIHVM I'OinpaUy)
AI.IIANV. N V . Ocl HI.- The ful-
.. . . w. .-..- ...-.-.-
limine ataiemrhl waa made Ihle af- h, wiiiuu, HHlwr. Ju.t ro-
l,nn..,l trim. 11.. ,.n. .if .if front tL. aiffli of u,rnijr nl
.Vaiw Vork
"I will a'-Mil from the rullriK u(
l!. hl(li loutt n( IniiM-arliincnt ami
tb inertly nominal cliarRa unoo
tilth I trldl tlirrai In ibe lillhir
caiuit of imbllc iiiliiton. u,fiira lileli
I Mill nrrnt Hip tru ami onljr ras
on lor tnr lini.arbin,nt ami rp
Hioial At laat inr lll'a ! una,apl I
ran lii 1,11 tb ipo.I bat Ihr
An Open Letter
to Taxpayers
II, Ilia t'uutll) Cuuil
t p to thla time e have dealt
lth th advanlacea of
Kood roada- the advanlaxea that
)ou an Btraiura In dollar and
renla aurh aa redured haullna
Iroita, mcreaard area of land avail-
able for marketing ability of tb
'farmer to lak advantai of quick
inaikrta. inrrraaed value of farm
laiula and tnrrraae In tourlat travel,
In ihla lettrr kc ahall deal with
MK-lal advantaxea that accrue
from koo.I roada, advantaara that
cannot be mvaaurd In dollar and
tenia, and yrl wblcJi. .alter oil, Jio
in mate a country more picaaam
in which In live and thereby In-
illrn-tly In Ihr ration In which the
.eorlal adianlac of that comnmu
lly Incri'aa
Klrat and foremoit nt the ad-
lantaria thai will roinr from hard
that llie latin i.oy ami in lanu
ttl am al a allaadvantaice aa
coiuparrd with their city brother
and alalera. whm It cornea lu tne
1..... ...... II..V .., lnutllni. I.l
a, ....I,. MM ... Mimanllv nreaeh-
I llio MM.IH' a.l ihi ii. i. "i. .,.,
I hoill til till acrlO'lt lltuhtlon I.l till
I ..... .. . - a- ...a .t.u
..r,ill,.tii nf rural achool and the
rural populating I tuur willing to
dav tn oupitort kooiI achmilt than
at any preilnua time And Ih
uno-room achool homo with It clr-
ririiliim ii f ih "Threa It a" It be
;uoiia in hip lanani ....... .. .-
ipoa.lbl.. for chlldreii to he conveyed
? ,r,,m l',",0, "' "u,'Uc n'
' Tl.. riinaiill.lalisl rural cliool I
the only hopp for better educational
ndmtitatr fur our country clill
ilien Anil Jilft ao long nj i liaa
IMior road wo cannot hop for the
eatahllnhiiu'iil of contollitntrd rural
arlimila. Kven In Urn amallor one
room li(Hi il'eat rlctd. had road con
dlllon often operale to keep th
, children nwny from nchool In
lormy iieatlier And thla operate
lo plnro tho one-room achool dlf
Irlrt nl ii two-fold itlaAilvtltlttlge, He-
work and tn reduce the appropria
tion that goea tn tliete .man ui
trlcl from tho achool fund of the
Stale. Ami Urn poor road, pro-
Slate. .ll lu Pr ruaua pr
trlcl Into large, atroug. graded
achool will, high achool courae.
aimnrlntended hv a competent prin
cipal and body of teacher.,
In those pari, or mo I'liitoi.
Btnton where good rnd penult or l.utn.l rural achool. there I
a marked tondoncy for tho con.oll-
datod .cl.ool to become tho social
ami Intellectual renter of tho com-
i.utt nulil not bat allowed m to "Ai Murjihr proeded. I a
tell. th farta which I iiromlaed tbe,nma:pl at bl knowladf of my Intl
lawyrra I would not dlacuta until mntp allalri, He aald ha knaw I waa
niter the verdict. In ullr In debt He then offered in
' I waa Irnpoarhed, not brcaua of toon to par mj dabta and lake.
Iliaa onniiea charted araloal me. but , Ihlnita ear hilar coycrnir. It waa a
brraua I refuted to do Murbhr'a bld-l pally matter, and party monoy, lie
atlnit: became, aa tb recxirdfihow, I aald.
hrtn relentleaaly puraued torrupt "Murphy atated that I had been a
lirnihifwu. Thla baa not bt-en a . ultr randldale, and had been rail
about pollllca, but a naked flrht of ly elected, and for leta money than
illrhoneaty, to cruth a. Koternor be- any candidal within hta recollection.
hum he dared to bo lilt own matter. , lln aald that If I knaw anything about
"Jual before ChrMlinii, or I could pay my debta and o to AI
te holldaya, I apent an afternoon , bany fcallnr eaally financially. The
Itti Murphy at bla private room at Tanimanylt then aaked me how
I'alrionlcn'a. Ilia attitude waa moat 'much I needed, to whom I owtrd
ftiandly. really ronfldtullal, He aald money, and other peraonal queatlona.
t aa a friend of inloe, and knowing "Aa I did not want to be tied up
m "nanciat coiidltlfifi, lu wlthed In hard and fait aa coventor, I declined
ImIji me out bla offer."
munltle Moat of thet modern j
l rural achool houaea are to con-.
atruclrd that Ihey aerve the public'
aa xitherlnr p'aca-a tor meetlnc of
varlout klnda. Th achool warontj
are often preavnl Into aenlec loj
haul farmer and their wire lo
Kranfe meetlnica. lecture,, murlcal,
entertalnmenta, abort courae or In-
atttute work at th achool. Hut.
In order that the people may re-1
celve the full benefit of their
achooli. the bulldlnr mutt be eatlly
acrrtalbl thrnuthtout the year..
And thla meana that we mutt have
hard aurfaced roada. I
Th beneficial effect of the rural1
free delivery aervlcp upon the hap-1
plnrn and home comfort of our
rural papulation are ao well reeon-
nl.ed that they ned only to b.r,s bird of value. Tb. chick-
oTr rtrM.;"Qrtffe.. -; " p- ??:
i mneh in ih. .friri.nrv .n.t . on ' n farmer who bad
aularlty of tha rural .free delivery
iaervlr ai Viard" iurfaceO roada.
' There la not a thadow of a doubt
that Klamath County would tet
evcral rural roirtM eatahlltheil If
I we had hard aurfaced roada r
the mall carrier lo travel on The
'I'otlofflce Department baa u.,,
'c.mpelM In many In.tanee to dlt-
continue rural roulet lcaue of lm-
.piaaable condlttont of roadt.
The total mlleate of rural route
In oeratlon In th 1'nlted State on
April 1. IM:. wa 1.018.909. and
i the dally travel by the carrier wa.
l.Oin.ajC mllet, whlrh It nearly a
Ian If nf Ida. ti-t 1 rrt il nlf a th rt
Ithe country today. There acre .-
inn .i.ll. .re r..ul.a .with n ...r.
age length of twenty-four mile
each The coal per mil per car-
rler In thoae ectlon of the coun-
try where hard aurfaced roada pre-
vail, wat la- than that In other
aectlon. of the country by more
than a half. We ara ataured that aurface.1 road, would re.olt In
ii,. imm...n.i. paiabllalimeni of
rural route. In Klamath County purchatcr u the owner of a fourth i:, Chlldcr of Honanta ynterday en-
Ami In tn theo two liitet.-nt In the wonderful rooter.'(rtalued Mr. and Mr. J. W. Chtlders.
great advantage of Improvement ' with tho privilege of keeping him out'tluy Chlldcr and Mlaa Gertrude Chll
In wlinol and rural mall aervlce, 0 i,,, ranch, with the under.tandlng'der and Mr. and Mr. A. O. Lewi,
con.lder the general .octal advant- that the embryo Morgan waa to liaT. I and Mr. and Mr. Nat. Otterbeln.Th.
?.K' '',:,.,""r!',?.. .'IT, .K.lrn' lhr off.prlng. two hen. and a roo. chllder. party had autoed over from
dlllon" II v.111 he found lo dcpnd,,cr 'roln ,n,, ,lock)r Mountain beau-
In every Inttance mon the gather-
lug togetlier of the people for tome
common purpose. You can eatlly
tee then tho relation between the
toclal condition of any
Ity and ll. road. hlch make gath-1
rriiaa a-a., ... .ii.iii...... I
Thete and, many otner ociai aa-
... ,.. . ..
lailtaKa ""I reaiiuy auggrai iiiem-
reive to you a benefit that will
come to Klamath County from the,
cnnttrurllon of good road bone-'
fit that on cannot mea.ure In1
dollar mid cent, but benefit that!
will return tn you many fold anyi
money expended In milking them, '
(l'ald Advertltement)
I'lONliiln ltolurtn.
Circuit Court Clerk Chaatatn
ugaln lit hi aleak, rollnwlug n .liort'
vicatlon pcnt ln the Uonania coun
try, Thl could hardly ba called u
"rot," u Chaatatn I. a accommo
dntluR eliewhcre a. ho I. In the office,
nml lie dovoted quite a bit nt hi.
vlall with n Uiresliliig crew, roundlnir,
l'l catllo, briiudlng, and other light
Itnbvrt l.ytlo of llonnnia I In the
county .oat today.
The MUae Lily and Kllm Stllta
nml Leach and Crlalor
Hindu tho trip to Honama Sunday In
their auto.
Main ttrect la convulaed today over
la .poultry deal In which a common or
bimvard fowl flrurr.1 . a ndi.'
hroujht to Klamath KalU a number
of fowl to be u4 at th rwcnlar-
Sunday dinner,
The chicken wa picked up by a
oet j, . Morgan In embryo, who lm-
moJUuly fet ,D0Ut ,0 ,,,, b ond.
.,, .... , ,,, .h..t,. j. i, i
The ate of the chicken mad. It Im-
,ouU',,, lo T'r' much 'or ll ,or
' u. " bcttoweal a pedliree
"IHin It and termed It a Hocky Moun-
tain rootter. Defore dUplaylnc It
for tale he forged It with corn, th.n
brought In a protpectlve purchar.
.-rhi, Lird.. ld th, tn.ucltt. -i.
a Hocky Mountain roottar, and live
""' on b,'r"M' ,ru,u nd ""
able," and with that h. toed a
handful of corn In front of th. bird
Helng chockfull of corn, the cbick-'ln
en refuted even to peck at It. "Ton
e he i, different to any bird ever
lK,foro ,nomn ,n Klamath county,"
M11Mei, ,ho itlUr.
. . . ., ....
ln 'hort "m ln8 d" wu con
ummatfd whereby the protpectlve!
oroer, in. owner 01 a iQunnjana .Mr, lwi anu air. ana tr.
Interval In tho bird wa to have It In-
tured for a tub.tanttal turn to
ttct the owner of tho remaining
commun-,,i,r,c.four,, nteret, agalntt tho
po,lb,e UMtn of tha b,rdi
T. .....,. ...,, ,..,1 . ,hi..
: , ;. , : --"i
mornltie when the aiimioaed lcnck I
- - "
Mountain rooster jald an egg.
i .possible nor unpopular at tho Ore-
Herbert 8. dale haa Jutt purchased j gon atate university at Kugene. Th.
from Mitchell, Lewis & Staver the old j Y. M. 0. A. collected statittlc laat
Calo Oliver place, near Maltn. The! year which showed that E3 per cent
deal was transacted through J. Fj of the members of the college f rater-
Magulre, and tho paper were record
ed thl morning.
Tho rauch contlst of 160 acre,
two anj'ft half mile from Malln. Thla
adjoin the 320 acre ranch recently
purchased by Oalo'i law partner,
Charles F. Stone.
Tho Klamath county high achool
football team mt and defeated a
local aggregation of plgaklo artlaU
under lb leaderahlp of Letter Iavltt
and lllll Hum on the Modoc Park
ground Saturday afternoon.
Thl preliminary acrlmmage al
lowed the follower of tha gam. an
opportunity to get a line on the High
achool team, From opinion eipre-'
d by the -old head." .Clamath
county high will b. notlceal quit. e.
Iderabl. In a football way before the
tnd of the aeaaon.
The boy nted a lot of teamwork
practice, and a couple are rather alow
yet. hut, on th. whole, do fairly w.nlomru,e1 ,odlr' " Phkrt
for the amount of training they bav.,ord,r,d mlud Imm.dlaUly.
been able to do. In tpoU their work' 1hl followed btwa
I brilliant. McClure. for lnatane...,,rldBt WlUon, Swr.tary of Labor
won many complimentary remarka for
hU eftectlv. manner In hitting th." """ " morni-x. utau.
line. II. we hi brain a well a. hi. nut M,d nndrJ. of prominent
feet, arm and .boulder. , American auffragltt wired hhl oa),
Tho tame may be laid of PeII,.whod,m,ndln ,h rla. of Mra. Paak
U an atgrettlve- .crappy fellow, Uknur,l
fng advantage of every opportunity! ""'T WlUon laid thr. waa a
thl preienl luelf. Oarrett U M!rlou doubt a to th. nei.
at.ady aa an old clock, and U fMt,0' Mn- I'knkuum In Knflaaa eeaM
learnlna the Dartlcular war .aeh man l B"fal turpltud. hf. H
receive th ball betL A came will.""'1 lnl n" "
probably be arranged with Merrill
for tome afternoon thl week.
oCsii ma.v ijcm:ii iivValc-
IXfi KItOM A HOlUiK Vi:U.l
ll.VY MOIt.MXO, 1)1 m HATCH
Without once recovering conaclout
ncu. Xathan P. Spencer, who waa
hurt when hi horte fetl under him
iVedneaday morning, died Saturday
afternoon at th. Ulacburn hoapltal.
HU mother and father vera at th.
beJttde, and thla morning they took
tho remain to Athland for Inter
Th. accident occurred at Keno, and
the fall Spencer' head .truck a
rock, cautlng concuulon of the brain.
Ho wa dragged a abort dUtance by
the hone, one foot being caught In
tho ttlrrup.
Mr. Levy McDonald and Mr. It,
Medford the day prevlou.. while Mr.
Ollerbeln went from the Pall In tb.
pro-,.cl auto Sunday morning. Th.
Mlate Kemle and draco lloagtand
!w ere al.o In the parly.
, t ,
Majority of
Are Self-
(Herald Special Service)
'gene, Oct. 20, Working on.' way
through college U not what on. could
call an ea.y life, but It I. neither tut-
nltles were supporting themtelvet In
whole or In part. It waa e.tlmatod
that the percentage of .elf .upportlng
atudeut outside th. fraterultle waa
at least aa great
Thla year's statistics nro not Tt
complete. The following fragmentary
Conference of Immhjratetra I
CamlaefU M4 Pll.lila! W
Held Till Monttauf 4 Uw WM
HiMlae Quratloa of latanWUMal
jar Knlrr lain Hie
a.aHYi A
ronllag t rWrHory oC
. .
UB,,,d V"U 8",e
WA8IIISOTON, Oct. 10-TM ral-
j Ing of th Nw York Immigration oB-
clala, eicludlng Mr. Emmarlls. Paak-
hunt from the United SUtM, waa
W,,,0B nd "anlTtlon CoBBtawlo.
Uw ,h cou,d ull'1 armUCi
At th. Presbyterian Man. Sunday
evening. Rev. J. S. &tubbllM Be-.
formed th. ceremony uniting Jatme
II. He and Mlaa rioreno. Herlknra.
In the bond of matrimony. Thy
will reatde here, where tb. areyoat k
connected with a local butln honM.
MerrUI Vbkor.
Frd McKendrc 'and C. X. HU4
brand cam. up from Merrill today to
i attend to bualnet mature In th.
county teat. "
A. V, A. M. Hrvta TofUatit.
Klamath Lodg. No. 77. A. 9. h
A. M. will meet thl evening at 7:10
at their ball In the Wh!t-MWol
building, for th. purpo. of caftr
ring the a. A. Degr. By or4ar of
the M.
Sltaa Obenchaln waa a Bonama vis
itor lu Donania Sunday.
Wale I building at Newport on.
of th. world' largeat lock,' which
wilt be 1.000 feet ong by 100 Ui
wide, and with a' mailmum water
depth of forty-Bra feet. '
A aolar phyalcs laboratory la la,,
erected In New Zealand, at Nililia.'
The alt. wilt probably be on a
mlt known aa Tb. Prince, wWen kaa
an elevation of 2,500 feet above wa
A liquor ltcn. cnata only 1191 In
llruttelt, and I permanent. '
V V. Cottlnghant, sup.rlntM4tat
of achool at Kuton, Pa., ha tanffkt
, alxty year In that on. poalUaeV v.)
list wa compiled durlai the Btja , .
hour on. day by a frnka IM ; ";
Modtord. Of ,thn. ,aa.rij..--' ,.
durluc that tlm. maay elkara 4tCMt,g
with their wtmm to b. aaeat ' t ,fl,
liay Wlltiaau, U0raa4a,vki Is Wa i
fourth year now, He watM m tolNi
act as agnt for a Mlt llala '
corn and ting In yaaila, . PwlM.
never had flaaacuU aaaMMWS.
Clyde PattM, MM1lNMr.
about to gradsat. tomig
way by workbK M aa
(4 a eenlor.tar. .
iwi. iiyaiiwalWWIfWfWaJ
vaPWwWB "War H if