,M ...... n.-" flat rou Registered Yet? ' The Registration Books Will dose Monday Night onu'Z-mA ilLlTl 4Fmt1tr fill i S I """"THE 1 -a tllji? Humnn Ifcteralii NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! jrssa si.K-r Eighth Vrr ,Nu, 'J.tUtX KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1913 Price Five Osate A Si f p a m .a. a t - 3 n I AHUintK NbHi TO BE MADE ON CO.'S WARRANTS lUt'll e.m: hhi'i:ii in ki u: is. VILHTKMTI.It I'lltlr ul Talfajri. ImM tn Hair In, . ,, , , , , -....,, ..qiv Miiifiuni' tHf v,tvv UWWU, UITIOI lO ICST g.l I .,H.e .k t ,. ,.,, , , , B lqJtI(i ( c c(i (f riM () Mti o ii(i Watraal iMitral, anil In I'-. T1i.,1,,r "' l'illng lo tlatt on lour I I'Ut f atiooV ti market. Utile cart Ua.fr Wlu..L liHlrMMlM.M.u. ""J"'" ''""""' "' Wilder, forthcoming III . day or two. tb. iiiu rit i iix Ciiunt iuii, DIM III HI..U I.1UU..I lMU.ur of warranta b; th oubl " l'"l'llu btohehu butter. cuuM, wblcb bu Urn lb. caui. ui""K '"" ,"'"' !. He He ..teral legal acllubt wllblu lb. ...l,'Jr ,b,-M'' 'e lioinii Lav. n.un.1 Mar. It again lo Oiur. la lb. touit.. arcurdlu lu irtltlrtit lumur b.t mi lb iltrel ACCU(l)lll( lu IblM !-ulll, uuui lf ul liii.)t btl btlidx U0II1 tt lit ! mi llortllitlluu ul i .M.DIt ImiikI h) lb. cuulil) u K.Blllf...... .Ial-a-.t .. i , iintiit, iu.i iaubigbYt utt ( bn litruri.-l lur lln tiul .m. bl U, turli t.ltllr 1 lr . I lll U I. Km lu Mitiil ' - Allvtil; nifinbtlt ul II,. ofonii. Hull l lu (UbtulUIIUft till ullui hrt. lb lti lu Ibrlr IU..nn lut ulu,ur ludtbliviliiMi b) Ih. (uhl; It till b lb tlul) ul U-. to IntMlUtU tftif rttlf n.i. f.lil Utu.it. U'I lu Uk. si! u n. ,ol A uirnl, tbuuld II U Utut-d fur tiiunll)r lnd.bl.dl.ru Wb.lhrr or nul It It lb. llllrnlliio I Ibv Off (till. Hull u .11.1011 lu r-; fudul tlr.Utl IhukI dulloi lb .tl . muntbt It Dili kbll.li W. R. C. TO GIVE DANCIN6 PARTY M'l.n.ti, mi Nil- i;Mi.(iii:it to' Ml ATI II. ( I- M.M.I, TIIIn,Ji(1,1,,u,m,i i:kmii iti:riuiiMi;Ts! uii.i, m: ni:iti:n K daurlni I'.llr and a luuib.ua ar. f.atuira o Ih. .bl.llalntu.nl af I ttic-l hf Ih ltdlr-t uf H'ftur t'ha, lr. Wulnrti'a ll.ll.f Curi-i, fur tbtlr l Ralr In tba M hall of lb. Odd K.I lnaa' bulldluc Iblt oi.nlni Tb Carl la baliig (li.u lu ral fundi lur rrr;ln un Ih palrlollc and ra il. f Murk uf lb urcaiiliatlun H lal ruutlc hat been n(a(l lu dajr fur Ihn iltnrllia. and Ihn (rn.rat I'liti llr la Invllvd lo allnul Pledge Day Students Wi)l Return to (lUralil NirUI Hcrtlrc) CIKIKNK, Oct. I - Hiamllng erect hud raallillK Ihn nbllnallon (hat real I upon them, 060 undent of Ih. llul- riallx of OrrKoii ativiiibli-d la VII- liird Hall Wedlieadii)' moriilliK aud gave Ihelr iinuunllne.l intent and no l..wi.. i ,.,,, "" " ' . I ledge, read to' them by ufMayor (li'orgo K. Iloger nf rlalom, who witti i.ent by (luvernor Wutt In III t'f'l.'ori.Kmi. I heartily nckuowledgn Iho M ho wua tinablo In bo prntetit, .obligation I ahnll no to them. The The attidvitt body, which waa pre- oiittuulty open lo me hero for ic- ent almiwt lo n nmii, then inarched out of the hall lo the atralua of "Thoae Daya at Oregon." Thla mark ed Iho completion of the aecund I'lodge Day enorcltn In the hlitory nf the Uiilvorelty or Oregon. I'lodgo Day, aa It la known, haa bvnii niado an annual day at the tint Mirtlty. At till lltno Ihn atuilenta gather In Vlllard hull, fnniou for lla tradition, for Iho purpote of taking (he CltUenahlp I'ledge, given by the LUUAL VAgutKUS 10 MAKE A TOUR; III N II III' I I.M I It ItliHMIMCN IMMM'll -TfMH.-llll.lt lit NIMH At j II AMH.I.II. TOtlllllltllU uii i. mi: Niinu lllll Him. i i,,,. i:i,iiur. I10II1' !lf till Mtffltl IllUflltV !.- I.I intiUr . ..--, .,(U wmt is ivai Mini itui I Ml" than dulrb Ul I 111- Ul III I ! Ill la ICIatnilh rouulri ,at been M "'' "" ''" broach... iu J ",", '"1 "" "" I"H. loo I It .rli ,Ur. t,.y .HI ,1,1,, ( lf iull.i bmuchl In b lb. nttltrt j Tli lrwiw ittv . blr-rliih( n- '"', ' Wftl.ru ifuMi lb. ; iitii (i..ia n,i. niirftiouti Tiimur- In,. II... .ill Iriwtt ILk iniliiinini. ilOCAL PEOPLE TO VISIT KIT. STUKEL w mwiiini.i uii.i. t,tr. at mm: uriMhMnii: ina.N. mm. in iiKi:iiiiiMi iioum:. Iltl'k ! Tb. trrotid tlbt-MlB( Irlp tba Klatiialb I'altt butlliMt Intn lll b. lit Id lumutruir, ati.li a (arc I'trt) ill t lu Ibr lou of !ltukrl muutilalu. I'rolti Iblt ulnl a ld tlirlrb of ounlo It thlblr Tb auioaoblli -v. til Uat .1 bit,, urlixk lumorro uurnlnc Huun of lb. arljr t'lan lo l.afa rarllrr on hurirbark l.uorb will Un ralrn no uii uf lb k. t,. tum wu.r ini no tb train I'rldar lu Join b.r butband, oho la huldllK a (111 Job oil lb. Northarn Clwtrlc out uf Hacram.ulo II lor-mi-rl t a ronduclur on tb Klam ath r'allt-Wctd run. I'alm I lr Hluir llrri. Thn I'alm Clear tlnrr. o.nrd bjr 'ir- Murhx, oitoih! atalu Ihla murnlnc, aflrr a brief rloilu- ftiUliif tb butlnrtt of adjujttnir.it of the fiirmrr mtnurmi-iit Mr Murphy haa plarrd (It-ore II Kl.ell In rharx of Ibr tlnro, but lll (lrr hit own per nihil 1 1 mr lo Hi manait 31ml at Oregon State Cost of Education Ktirrnr Thlt a read by (lovrrnor I Writ perionalljr Intl year. The iurot of Ihv t'lercltvi la (o liittiri,M iiuir iIimiiiI. uiiitn Ihu mlnda (f l(l Ullr,u 10 ,,llly ,cy owe (lii'lr alaln for Ihn prlvllrx which tbt'jr itijny nt Ihu Itulltutlon, Follow Ing I Ih pledge, which wna ivrlllen by 1'rof !' II. Young, head of Iho lii'pitrtliiuiil nf Kcouomlca, Iho lieiu ,. a itudcnt nt Iho utilvrrilty, whjPK'u malulnlnvd by the people of nru riirluK triiliilug, Idcitl mid n vltlon for life, I deeply nppreclato and ro gitnl a a aucrod trutt, nnil do heroby plndgii on my honor that It will he my mint cherlihed purpote to render aa bountiful rot urn to Iho people of Oregon and Iholr ponterlty In faithful and ardent devotion In the common good na will bo In my power, It eball bo Iho aim of my Ufa to tabor for the hlglmat good and glory of un over greater commonwealth," UAR SHORTAGE IS FELT HERE! J t.I'MIII.'lt IVI.MTitNH A III! IX hlllll. Ills I'l.KJIIT. UWIMi 1I Till: I LU'K III' TIIANHI'llltTATIO.V 1 I'ACII.ITIKM TI111 Plant of Ih Ewaun Hot ,,. ' f..l.v I. !...... .1 l- . iniiiiicn nrmimia i.titni.. .!, . . uur hi fortfd to teniorrll7 auiptud .rulloni. nrrordltiK lu Herbert Bir. I'Ur Tht otb.r loml luiabtr ilDU tfalp iik lu iiultldo tiurkfta arn alio af. fr-i-ti-d ,f tbtt aborlaKr, which It ttld lo In, dun lu Ibti tniiiluc of farm rtn,t at till llin ALL ARE MORE OR LESS INSANE I'llHMIM.NT I'lHhll-IA.V CUtlMH in tr turn riiitu.VAi.iTV u nri. in imii:iii:t wkakm: or tiii; ritiMi.VAL I'bllrd I'rvta HtrtUo INIilANAI'OI.IH. Oct. Il.Maur lunatlrt ar dolor; a rrultr dajr'a work In lb oultld world. They ar brllber knuwn at Ibtane, nor do tbay think lhriutl,a lunatic On the olb.r baud, tbty bare never etm quettloned tbelr on aanlly. Tbla, In rfiecl, u lb ttat.ment mad today b llr ll.nl. I I'brlau or Klnfiton. Outarlu, tecrtiary of the I'hyalclana' AMorlatlon of Ibr American I'rlaon Attuclatloa, and a leading flcure In lb annual contention of that organ liallon, which today alanda ad journed "Th human mind la a romplei ma chine.' laid lr Chelan, "and It con tint ol tuch a multitude of part that all of them could not ba equally per feci and normally adjuited. There air. In Ih uutalde world, people who ar attending their rarlout locatloni and patting along through life un- ni.nked and unnoticed by the public; aud Jet tome of tbeae people are not tatie. They manage to dltcharg Ihrlr dull In their retpectlre sphere of life In the talltfarllon of all con cerned They auccred In fulOIUng Ihelr obllgatlona at cltlteut of tb country, and tllll they are really la ne Indeed, many dangeroua luna tin and Intaue wriont rihlblt a de- fiiv of mental vigor and activity many timet not pretent among the illicit and moit normal of men or women "Hu long, howcter, aa man' con duct iloea not endanger human life, or came him to be n menace to aocl rly or u nuliancc. to long aa n maa move nliing through the world In the tame groov a hit fellow men, he mutt be considered aane and retpon- tlMe, He may go to lilt grave with out Iratlng behind him any moro than the falntiit glimmer of hit true condition, UmIkp Will Practice A meeting haa been called of all Odd Follow for tomorrow afternoon at 2 SO, when the Second Degree team will hold a drei rehear!. The dcgriHi lentil are being niado up for Iho fall and winter work, and there will be huiy time for Ihn next few week by tho memhore In perfecting Ihemiehr lit tholr parti. I'd) alt Inn Vlll. Dr. I.eo W. Chilton la here from CniDoii City, attending to hutlneu mutter. Tho doctor, who formerly practiced here, I now- located In Can yon City. J, II, Carnahitn returned latt night front a combined buelnea and pleaa- urn trip lo Iho lloguo River country. Ho haa been away aeveral day. Allau Sloan hua gone to Aaliland for a fow day' vUlt with lit parenla. lleglttratlon clote Monday, !EX-i ATTACKS STAND OF PRESIDENT MAVH Hlti:ilT, CJOVKIt.NMK.NT IH I'KltrKCTI.V I.IXIAI, t Hmiii DrrUrt-a That Alllliulp of Hie L'nllril HUlr. It Ukrlf lu Itnult In ltuiiiiJon of Warfare anil Idol. Inie Hllualluu la Mnlro llrromlna; Mi.ir, t'uinlpi, anil I'lKalilrnt Mar ll Furred lu Make a b Mutp. United 1'f.t Servlco HI'OKANH, Waili,. Oct ID.- Henry Wlluin, former Meilcan ambaatador, at a dinner today talked la favor of lb lluerla regime. "Iluerta'a government it aa legal a. wat llooievflt'a after McKlnley ataaitluated, If Ih prraldeut doea not get behind lluerla, chaoa It com ing, and p will have to go and take car of Metlco, Then w will have tu aupervlie Ih election Tb man cboten will be labelled the 'Orlngo I'retldent,' and aa aoon aa the United rlutra troop leave, the native will again draw Ihrlr itllettot and the row will be on. ' Klghty-four Americana were kill ed during Madero'a preildency. and nobody waa puolihcd. My part la ettabllthlng lluerta, I believe, waa the moat valuable of my official ca- rper-: United I'reti Service WA8IIINOTON, U. C, Oct U. Through official and unofficial chan nel!, the White Home baa learned that lluerla may abdicate, and that diplomat! lu Meilcu City ar clamor Ing fur an American move. The iltu allon la becoming morn complicated every hour Advice from Secretary O'Shaugb- neiy are to the effect that lluerla will retire. He aaya there, la a atrong tentlment for American Intervention among the foreign diplomat. Wilton doea not feel Inclined to take a new- atep Ilia advlieri feel that he will aoon be forced to outline n new policy. An Open Letter to Taxpayers llj the County Court One of the greatett aatela that any country can havo la Ita at-tractlvent- to tourlitt. Tho moit conaplcuou example of thla It the llttlo country of Bwltierland, which la tUttvd annually by more than threo mllllona of peopl, a large percentage of whom are Americana. Swltterland dependa upon her tour, lit traffic to Improve and maintain her road aad to pay a large lrt of the running eipentet of her government. v Tbe atory of Swltterland'a tour- Itt traffic I a atory of good roada. Several yt-ara ago, that country found Itaelf rocky, barren and bankrupt, What can we do, wo the cry. It waa anawered by far- eelug itatctmen who began the conitructlon of the moit wonder ful ijttem of mountain highway tho world hat ever aeen. Some of the roada In Swltterland cott more than 150,000 per milo for great atretchc. And Swltterland haa como up from a bankrupt little nation to one of tho moit proaperoua nation In the world, Her bond bring the hlghvit prlcet In the great marketa of tho world. Hecauto Investor reallio that bonda laaucd to pay for good roada havo even a greater atiot behind them than bonda la aucd to pay for the vnglnea of war. The quettlou la ofteu aaked, "Why do ao many Americana go to Kurope to travel, rather than to aeo tho wom'erful Weatern part cf thn Untied Statea which haa icenery not to ho rlvalod In the whole worldt" And In an attempt to M.wer that quettlou the "See America Klrtt" movement haa been atnrted. Hut thla movement will never auccoed until the road that lead to Amorlca wonderland am Improved, ric-caute your tourlat will not to LODGEMEN HONOR GEO. HUMPHREY IS I'ltKSK.STKII WITH A I'AhT (jiu.mi ji:ui:u i.v ai-i'iiixia- TIO.V Of IIIH U.NTIHI.Na KV rOIITrt I'Olt I. O. O. V. Aa a token of the high regard la which be It held by hit brotlura and In recognition of the long and faith ful tervlce be haa given the Odd fal low' l.odg, Utorg L. Humphrey latt evening waa pretented with a beautiful I'aat (Iraud'a Jwl. The pretentatlon tpt-ech waa made by Tail (Irand Olda uf Walla Walla, Waih, following Iho regular butlneta I of the lodge. I Mr. Humphrey baa been a member of Klamath l.odge No, 137 for four teen yeara. Joining aho'rtly after the lodge w.tt chartered, during the put twelve y.trt, with ih exoepUoa of two termt of alx montht, be haa tred runtlnuouily aa eecretary of the lodge While today the local Odd Fellow1 Uxlre la In a rlourltblng condition, and own lu own beautiful home. with a continually Increasing mem bvtahlp. there were time In tbe paat blilory when but for the determina tion and loyalty of Mr. Humphrey and a fe. otbera, tbe lodge would probably bnve died, out of hit way to vltlt a country when It means great dlicomfort of travel. Swltterland and Europe nav a great hold on American tourlat travel became they have hard turftced roada upon which automobllea can be driven with comfort and at small eipeme. And you cannot atk the touritt to vltlt Klamath until wo provldo tome, thing equally good. Already Klamath County hat be come known aa the home of good roadi but tourliU who have et. pected to tee condltlona here aa good at they are abroad, have been dltappolnted. And It la up to us to provide a way to attract more and more tourists. Klamath Falla and Klamath County Ilea at the gateway of one or Ihe greatett natural wonder of the whole world-Crater Lake. We have rpper Klamath Lake, too, and the Wood River Valley and to the south of ui. we have Lava bedi. Slop and think a moment what It happening on all tides of ut aad you will see the great necessity for gooa roads mat will keep the tour- tit travel w have at Present and Ihe travel that la bound to come lo us as these wonders become more generally known. To tbe south of ut California It building her state highway, This Is a macadam road and tourists 111 undoubtedly be attracted to It. Jackson County haa Juit lttued bonds lo build a macadam road to meet the California highway at tho ttate boundary. Do wo want tourltta to CraUr Lake to go In via Medford! It we do not, we mutt build a gooJ road to Sltktyou County lo meet Ihe road that county la building from tho California highway In our direction. In Crater Lake National Park to tho north of ui, the Government le building a magnificent highway. It la up to ua to build the con necting link to attract tourtata here. Now, It It sometimes argued that tourltta do not leave money In a country. Most people already see the falacy of that argument, but we will gtvo you a few figures that wll opeu your eyea at to the adrantagea of tourlat travel. Tho moat patent cate la that li Southern California, which Uvea off her touritt travel. Masiachuietti has recently lttued bonda for good roada to tho valuo of 110,000,000, The atato commlialont that Invettl- gated the eubject estimated that for every dollar expended on road that cott $10,000 a mile, tourists left flO In the atato. Pretty good thowlng Isn't 117 It la eatlmatod by the United State office of good roada that In 1913, 500 automobllea made trip acroM the American continent and dlttrtbuted $1,000,000. The Den ver Chamber of Commerce pub llthet actual data that shows that 6000 automobllea that vltltod Colo rado latt year, apent more than $3,700,000 in that ttate alone. Now Klamath County hat more natural wonders than any county tn the State. It we will Improve our roads we can profit Immensely by the tourist that Is bound to come. Advertlietnent. SCHOOLDIRECTORS OUTLINENEWPLAN hKVKIMI. IJII'IUIVKII MrrrilODH OP CII.VUl'CTI.NO HCHOOi, WORK I.V lllHI.MXH-UKi: WAV IIIH- tTSSr.li AT mkkti.m; The, tcbool board convention of Klamath county met In the Central tchool building at Klamath Falls on Friday. The meeting waa add.'ested by M. S I'lttmsn, lately of Louisiana, and now with the Oregon Normal school. H described tbe county trtUm of tchoolt of Loulilant, and apok of the great Improvement lu the tchoolt of that atate after tbe adoption of tb county unit In tbe admlnlttratlon of their tchoolt. Superintendent J. A. Churchill poke brleflfly of lb plant of Ih ttate office In regard to the tchoolt of the atate. Th meat Important alngle fact of the Inttltute was the resolution of of the convention In regard to th county tchool taxes. Tbe county court has agreed to follow the recom mendation of the school board con vention In regard to the amount of the tchool levy. The convention de cided unanlmoutly to atk for a four mill levy. Thlt will provide a auf Cclency or rundt for a large majority of tbe dlttrlcu of the county without retorting to apeclal taxes. A number of dUtrlctt will need no tpeclsl taxes for maintaining tbelr respective school. Other districts that have been existing on acanty funda will under thla arrangement have.ample support. Thla Is In line with the Idea of a genuine public tchool intern, and a departure from a teml-pubtlc school tyttem. A resolution was unanlmoutly adopted to the effect that It, Is desir able that the annual orders for school uppli that will b needed In each dltirlct in tbe county be combined Into one county order, and that bids be atked for from the various school apply home. L "GRAPE JUICE" I'HKSIIYTKItLX.VH H.W IHIYAX ADOITKI) I'ROI'KII COUIWK. ALSO I.IKK hL'XIJAY CLOSING OK UKFICK United Press Service SANTA ROSA. Oct. 18. The Pres byterian Synod today adopted resolu tions endorsing Secretary of Stato Uryan's grape Juice policy. Ilia plan for closing the offices of the state de partment on Sundays was also lauded. Will Aulu to 'Kriaco. Harry K. Anglln, auperlntendent In charge of the new court houte con itructlon, and L. M. Schofleld, manu facturer of artificial stone, will leave Sunday morning for an auto trip to San Franrltco, making tbe drive In Harry'a Olyde. They expect to be away for about a week. Crook to Pay Warrants Finns Willing to Hake DiscovMsMAao-tsDw REND,, Oct. 18, Word has beon recolved by County Treasurer R. L, Jordan at Prlneville that tbe Injunc tion granted on March IS, holding up the paymont of about $50,000 of Crook county warranta lttued for road and bridge building expense, bad been dissolved, and that the money ran bo paid out according. Tho action comes as the result of a settlement between the holder of the warranta and the taxpayers, who MILITANT SUFF TALKS HUN6ER ffljfi TODAY aou.m:kmk.t hcarkh immi- fHIATIO.V OFFICIAL In a Panic, Cnalodla-M of .Votork KnglUli Woman linmedlately Tele graph to Waahlagloa, aad Mm I AvurtMl Release ok llnqilii Hsnr Ing TTila, Hlie (Jriaa, Kate Heartily ami Talk for (tie HnaTrace Caw. United Preit Service XKW YORK, Oct, 17. Tb board ul inquiry invesllgatias; the cm ef Mr. I'ankharal, lu claaaetl her m aa umkalrable Imtnlgraat flat- harla- ijueatiooeil tier lor aa hour or Mn, II ii deckled by Ihe boars U4 MM offensea lu which die admit larol-r- rtl moral turpitude. If aa a una I tu Waalilngtoa falla, Uie cane wW ao to Hie federal courts, followlag the pn rrtlent ralabllahetl ha the com of car I'rraldent Caalro. Mr. I'aakhant ar rlvrtl on Ilia kiramer La Provrace. United Prets Senrloa NKW YORK. Oct. 17. Mrs. Km- mellne Pankbum. th militant auf. frage leader from England, who la being held pending Investigation aa to whether ah Is an undesirable allea. tbrw the immigration commlssloa Into a atate of panic today, when she declared her Intention of ttartlag a hunger strike. Telegram were Immediately seat to Waahlngton, and tbe woman's law yer wa assured that she would be released on bonds tomorrow. Hear ing this, she grinned, and said ah would Ilka tot. While disposing of roost beef and trimming. Mn. Pnnhtmrst talked to the reporters. "If what I have done In th light of tbe Eugliah women Is called moral turpitude." the said, "then your rev olutionary warriors and nun spilling tea were guilty of tb tame tirlme. "I with It could be understood that our movements are directed at King Atqulth, not King George. Asqulth I tbe one blocking suffrage." BARNES COMPANY IS SUING CLARKE COMMENCES ACTIO.V l.V THE CIR CUIT COURT TO KKCOVKH MOK. KY AIXKOKD DUK FOR KVR. CHASE OF LUMBER Suit to collect $410 alleged due o a contract for lumber purchase ih Died in the circuit court today by Ue Uarnaa Lumber company against W. I. Clark. The plaintiff I represent ed by J. C. Rutenlc. The company operate a sawmill at Chlloquln, and according to the com plaint Clarke contracted for a certain lrcentage of their output, amount ing In value to $1,110. Of tbla amount It la alleged the balance aued for re- mains unpaid. ? brought the tult which bu held h tbe payment. V By the terms, tbe varies InwVf ' agree to accept 30 per cent ot'lfce'if y amounts claimed by them la fuH T',f -' ment, or about 110,000, W Tbe warrants were tossed to fy Portland Trust 'cpainV.' L'MWt Zl Bridge company. BeaH 0e,, m4i '' Couat Culrert and Fiuiae 'm9t, all of Portlaad, aad R, h, 'J -PrlaTl!le. ,.fiy, y N t r " i 9 f ) 14 5 14 ji I I t a-. a!Aijji5"3W miijXr'i