. ViMrt" nH' j-tll ' .Hi laie Voii Registered Yet? The Registration Boohs Will dose Monday Night. (Stye iuimma 1Hral& KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NltWSI'APKK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW1 1-V Clglilli Vwsr ,i, U.IU-J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1913 Prfco Wre ' GERMAN MILITARY IN AIR; 28 DEAD iim.imj niAit fAi.iJ 'iinti;i: nim'HA.Mi ii:i.t 11. ClUMll ( hll"H, A Tilt- t.lr. lu Tllol. Milne Appall, lug TimI) tkmU "I Aliililp I'lrM unit II") l t'uiuiiilMlou, In Hi lllllglble Hi llxt I In..-, Air let lllill l.ltlr.l b) IIh 111. t uitd l'et nni IICIll.lN. Oct IT Tb. Xppllu .llrlglbl. I.-I lplod.l ud uibl nt l.vuv lt lu h ll this moro lug Tanl)-l(bl ul lb lbl)-nib l4iiU aloud r kllW4 a&J urn ' bl) uiaugUd b) lit (all Tr.li () Ulxl alt trail bulll lif Count ltpplln. and II "aa dlu Ml lur Ik liM ul Ilia liup.Mil nat) At lb Urn uf lb utltbap lb dlrlgt bt a waking IH lllal lllp. alarllng Hum Jubaublilhal Held lu addllluu lu lb . lb lufal' admllilt) roniutUilbU, kdU b) Ad utlral lUbnWcli ul lb Imperial net). vl. a boa id lur lb trial All tt kllle.1 laitafttlf vllb lb exeplluii ul Natal l.lulnanl Ilium ton llubl. ho was taken allt (rout lb wich.' ii Tht uBir, bor. U o tr-' libit buttled aud mutilated thai h ' anuut puaalbly Irtuiif Tkoiiunda uf pl (ithrtrd toB( ,tlurl. aud Ulembela uf tb lliii lb. lllal ut tb air craft, and tlllUi and iut unit aBalra ruu ttptd luttlly aa lb. big balluuu i ui litre, left Waiblngtuu today (rum ilatlrd upaalda auJ bl Ibluufli lh Wailtlngluu nay yard uu tb number uf nimulil. Tb chr.ta .( OoiMi W burror aa at ah alti tude, uf 1,00U fret flalur ! n elng lb. il Kulloalng Ihl. lb Ictrinc drluna tlun Ot rlptudlng aa bratd Tli .r..e thru fall lu lb eallh Ilk a blallllg lurte.tr Only lb alumlnnm (ram ul th altcratt (rachrd lb ground, falling mi tb UMlIra uf lb tlctluii Thli waa i hut thai tb rcurra wet at BratMii attack th. largela, wblCU lll niiabl. lo approach It. liprM lb enemy ' Bret, about f.. ...ii .... i.u.u. l mile dlilant ..,.,..... m... v-... -- - rd and mangled horribly, lu aome a aaa l.ai,t aaa-iaf till Infl TI.HI,- w.,a d..p.tchd to .w.M-..lalrJr.l.l.meMMrW-J-hack in. ciftd. and cat. for Ih. n th H ' . ' '' '' inrp. Tb. budlea wr. rmued aa aoon . a poablr by lb. auldleta Th. t tnalna are entered with Higi. and a ullllaiy guard of honor haa been ltd, 111. bmly ut lb pilot ' lb ' fated air ctalt waa found to I badly burnetii bul hla chatted handa atltl ilulcbrd lb. atretlng wbael III lb dill cabin. After llio IJwnl. r'red Noel, Waller Pimatl aad I'rank llliigumu left ihla moriilug for Hllter Caiup on thn Ilugiio Itlter. Jual S. P. TAKES Resumes Management UKNO. Nov.. OC, iWh. Houth. . ... ... inr. I.a.an urancn oi ua rni". mile long, ..'lending from tho main Iiefor. leavlug Ibu Irlo drut. lo in. -" - JV, ,",,,,,,., .. Marihall ll.ua. and Inaded In euough Tumorrow r I g ,b' "" ptotl.lon. to do tben. Mr a few , Ho Women a IWW li-, , I. a L..L. ti.. i.i.nl. of their atay In .. lancing party In the I- O. O K hall ... wood, will be gnternc. by their tor tb I- .-. f !- aucc... wltl, the iIHm. '" Noel .-try on .--. k ...ad. a vow to remain In 111. wood, lion A luncheon will b. ncd to nnUl h. d Ih, limit t Jrwf. I'"" " luf"" ""' ""ur ling, o.l.nilllif irom utu ..,.inii train hua tak- near Wad.worlh. N.v.. to Bu......vng.r .rt n Mtcuell . all. h i ,, In I.a.n county. Calif., whence on Umi our. t KO from rcrn.oy 1 1 no .in. .. . ' . ..... ...in lu. .... 1 lUdtoKlama. rail l..nd.d to Klamath .WMU. AMWicheftjIiwIlltoP" taion thl. wwk. whereby paang.rl will be ablo to leave lleno at . m. COUNTY STOPS IL llll'IION AMI Kl.l'tlll Mllllh Ml .tit Mils i;ll ,H I MIAI HH.lt mi: lilt: until 1 1 mi MllSKt IN Work uu tl ruutit inula haa been mil.,!.! atc(ifl b) lb cuuitty court, and lb machinery baa ben ordered .li..j in abellcr tut tl. ulnter. Tlila l o.lng tit th Kuril) ul monr III Ih roid lutid. following the eitrinltr uperatloht tbla )aar On account uf lb attacks nude up bit th purrhai. of road machinery. tb..u,,l, rmiitha. d.l.rnHn.4 not , to ri.eed ,b, atuount in lb. road luud Aalltefoad bund uuwllun lll! .......... ..... , um biot lb upl tltla iulr. i.i U !! piiMpMt ot a t'lcbtllul .uil of iniitii'r for oiutluulint aotk I. a till! calr acal nll ar CRUISERS START FALL PRACTICE llllJ.IIU.Nt tNII t AIIINI.T l.lwWI. IN llli; MWI IJIUIill lit uir. NIJ.S mi; UiHIK or t'NCI.I.'Imiiini to the Carnrglr CurtKirallon, Httl'Hlil N.NI.ItH United l'ra tfni WArtlll.MITON. 1 C Oct. 17 t'lraldrnl Wllwn. iclil uiembet. ol pildrnl )arbt, Ibw k)a)Dur, to ft line fall target practice uf the At lanllc lleet ub lb Muutberu drill gruundi oulildr Dm Virginia cape, tl.e Mi)fliirr It ipectrt to arrhe iuR Ih cat-" lotnutiuw wurulng. Tb fllat dlililou. cunilillng ul tbn t'lih. Allium. Nottb llakuta, lrla ll and W)iim(ng. ftlll begin dill- lull Intel practice about nouu Tb blpe ftlll b furuird In battle culuinu IM.I.I. VI,. i.uttua t.iv M.j .. .-- . glnla, Vetruoiit and Connecticut will lite ranoui iunHiinirn ..m .m raptalna lll b. tetted lt lo marki. mauihlp and aklll In handling the great "rlllee " Tomorrow night the preildmt and hla patty will wllneaa almllar pracllr. un the varlou. alilpa, eich. huweier. mlng toredo defeliae baltetlra. All IntrrratliiR fealiite nf tbo baltlo j,,,,!! rtindurlid by the rulea of I ho naty department, la that all cum pelltlima ut gun rrewa are computed in hlta per gun per mluute. I'rltea and himura aim ilepend on lb abll Itr of the gun rrea In "atari hilling Ibeelieiu) tttat " OVE LINE of Fernley-Lassen Road ana .rrl ZV tllnlTi. T.SO II. m. "..'..... .... e,,.,.lilntlon una. iioriitntttw v . . HiiaanvlllUi TI... hlH Un. w U bo- , mtm(M ,u Wc.twood, a town be- ausauvlU. by tlio IK bui'i NWlkor l.umuor romjan, .. -!... I ..-. Taiiiiiirratu'. WORK STARTED ON NEW URRMYpi N0W '" THE MARSH LANDS Worden Defends Selection of die Site t'liuslruilloii ul lb. tounly' uw IZI.uiio Cartiegln l.lbrarr waa cum uu nod tltl morning, wbn tort ut in inru under Cornelius Murpby Leg. n tlif notation (or tli baa- main uu tli pottlun ul block 10 died- 11I lu tli county lor library puipo. .,. l - ....1-.1 ... ,..... I Mr KUIH 1 i ir ttt7V w - , i... ....t l. runitxtlou with tLU. ",. ,,,,, u,t,r .a. glt.n outlo-l"" b c , ,,, w Word,n: ,. iiitor nuaiu ; I iiuia lu a cup) ul lb Kiaulu 1 llriald ul mil til dal that a UiOTr 1 inrnl la on tool In aei'k a cbau( lu .f l.traiiiin uf lb Carnegie Mbiary, bull u now under cuuitructlon on , an ara uf land I&0 lt equate aud ta pait ul block lu, the alto upon ftltlth tit new court Itoua la bellK , lunitiucted. Tbla ilia baa been deed ed to I bo county regularly and abao lulr title (ranted thereto. A copy of 1 ttm iIfimI haa been mat to the Came ' (i t urpnratlon, and the location baa km. nppiovi-d by them. At tl.e .line time, phutugiapba and main and oil nrCea.ary data were aub. , hualng the l.tnn of the propuied allr. telalH.lu Klamain halla I no-. logtapht wet. ahown from the lop of ,, hMe uul u(r(j , T, courl ,et.no laon,r themaelTea, and their act Ibe hill un lb. eaallern eJg ot town,' d unanlmou.lr In what It thought. .... e.r. nnlr L Internretml that ther and alti liom lh. tlclnlly of the Weal ,be u ,0Uton forth, welfar.) wnt Ui lo .pend none .Kept at uch Hide achiM.1. (miking at the alio trom , llf ,hr tuauly ,nco m, library. wba . ,,lacr, M they may ae. Bt to dictate, both dlirctlnn. I'lclure. of tb. Iw.rtiiHtfutUu, ftlll be a. permanent ae) m tic talr warning that abould medial, aurruundlnga were alio aeul, ,,,,, Mw tou, hoUio building. ,ny right be atarted by the, ob.truc- a. well aa nI.w. trom tb. wwlrrtt j Wf B(rf CUB,w,Iej .b. purcbaa., tlonlita and a delay ..cured. I will go ,it otlbe city an J the central. ', n v ilu ,or a, MM0U u,t I , N,w York peraonally. If nece.iary. Il.ery tact neary in the '" w.rv wiMo aeeut. .omethlug on MalnJThU bunch ha. had all th. chance knowledge of Ihreltuallou waa Hank-J rrr of conlluou, ttter,.0 iUCh ther. I. Klr.t they went to tb. got I, dlru...-d will, the t.amegle Lor.,t(( wouJ M1 rom JS0))U , io..'frnor; .econd. they bad the grand puratlun UUU ,,, w, uuld bat. llttl. money Jury, and then the recall. It I. now A .pedal alleaa wa. laid uwu the ,,,,, for ,h(, building. Neither did ft. time for them to quit and get out or fart that alnc. we er. building upon ,., , M levy a tax at tbla, th. way of the progreaa of lb. town Mock lo a modem courl houae build- , to,rr ,ho co,t of purchaae of antl county. i.g it. i.i the aura nf IUS.O0O, we fell iltai could aate money aud u,nsg lu do. Were ft. lo uen tbla ctmaerte our Inlereeta better by plac- m,t,.r up w. would probably bo be- inc our county building, upou tb.'alr. tr tcudota ol probablo .lie., aaine area, that c could do aayIUl ,llrI. wouj b. considerable Ula, villi th beating plant neccasary lo jjn.factlou lu that case, ftero . lo tb. library on other territory, and C100M one. supply tbi aamo trom tb. court house Vt.t aa we ,j 0 our communlca- ami that by reason ot having our con.,oll con,jcr.d to alte, ono being! alructlon all cloic together we could lllp olJ cour, I0U( ,u0 ,uj tns other aate at least li.aou.ur gel tnai ruucu.)ia orwoun l will .ay to you frank- more value Into the builiiing tor iuoy asm. money ' The Caturgle Corporation I. fully informed relatltrlo the situation audi all ol the tarta petlalnlug tber.lo, and haa approted the all, and ha. ao written the county court. I am en rinsing herewith a copy ot a latter from tho Carucglo Corporation, dated October . nnd reading a. lolleft: 'Ta)ini'nl ot account of graut of Itt.OOO for lll.tiry building for Klam- allt county will be made lu Install meiita, uu nrrhllecl' certificate. In ? itmiilllita aa mailed Irom tluio to timo .luring lh" construction of lb. build lug. W preler to mak. remittance An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly tho County Court In considering cood road. It I. well to remenioor that the great economic; problem ot today I not to much n problem ot production aa It la a problem ot distribution. Th. highway I. the flrat and moat Important link l tho proccaa of distribution, and It I. bolng oper ated at pnent nt It lower effi ciency. Th. bualuea. of farming 1 es sentially dependent on the condi tion or country road bocau.o tho product or the farm must bo hauled to tho nearest markot cen ter on road, and whatovor I uaed on the larm must bo hauled or.r those same road. And pror-ar-ou. farnia moan u pronporou city for Klamath Fall, people. Ono ol the greatest benoflt to t0 ,, tMBi. bec.u.. o lwprovod roada I. tho dlv.r.lty that e. bo given to ht crop. At pre.- h ,round CMh mrkot In rn aiuounU, from IJ.000 loiork for men who would otbarwU iK.uoo. t Idle, funda alo to be applied for r Iftlr. ilcned hr Ih- proper tutbor. It.M. in char uf library .ffalra. and ,,.. n,. .,i..i t.r . r.riifir.i. frnm ih H VN,'aft I -.. .-w wwm . . architect, rrrtlfInK to the amount " rontractora for work completed on tbebulldlni. . -rieaMi note tbal no ilKIU aratu lob. mad.. j.ccompll.h any imlta by l' - -Th. fund of 120.000 will b. ...Il-'ence. ..(el to try to delay, and "l able when we are adrlied Ibat the would be unfortunate for tb. labor- ...... . .' . ..i .... ..-v.. i .i,. ii II 000 furnlabed by Klatnatb county liaa Uen eipcnded." ' oul.l prerent th putting or thla --" " - " TUcountyu,tl.now.tftorku1mon.ylnclrr,,UloD.ttloeofth.:'''hl. .,,...lle....dh,..uPtotbl.d.te..x.y.rb.nltl.mo.tneeded. You all! ' conf.frtoc -lib AUUi , nZ IJ.4U70 iow.rd lb. con. know that a cold winter I. coming on. "eUrf'rj0DM; Wl "' Kl"' ' a.ru.tlun ol tbla library. Within aiand It would only d.prlr. "'-C""' V"d"-.i' ZT ' M t-w day th. eica.allon and founda- mechanic, and laboring men trom '' ''"" "d. ,he"-Jo" " d' itlun ol tbla library. Within a'and It would only deprlre nume - ua d.ya Ih. ..c.llon and found., mechanic, and laboring men from will be complete, and a. aoon filing In aba, for a rlgorou. .,.. ... ...'...'. ... ifi.-,..i.li.. I on th II.OOO lurnlibed by Klamatb'ler. county ta ripendid, amounta will be! cut to the county treaaurer aa tbey'vurk and the road work thli year. ate needed, according to the teller ol' there would kata been very llttl do- October lib. ng In Klamath county, and w. bat. I am Very aotry that aoy moTemeutiia arranged that the library would ta un foot to Interfere with lhl.lr. xtnnr at inch a time to keD lUn )nfe ,t ,, , countJr kff,,f Bd.he Uuorr.t mcn at work aa long kl . .. .,.. nd hr ,.... of i.w. Th.r.fore. w- dealr. that d nnUuX or the county court. It . ,, tcrUlll ,!,, , couIJ not pleat. I ,.trrrtM)jr llf ,eMOn of a location. I ,r tian lhlfe ,re ,0 min)r 0ihsr' tnat H0 wouj a bav. been glad lu bate built It on the old court bouse u,. Uul un account ol tho maw1 tot. taken ome time ago. In which' lh. ieoulo decided, oter two to one. io sell It. none of lb. courl desired to go against thv will or tho peoptu lu that matter Therelore. wo decided, ,,d will build the structure on block lu. Any Interterenc. on the part ot lertalu Individuals who dealr. to hold' this up, can do no good, and will notu. Indicated In your article, are cbaugo our courao. We will bate thoj . . .. ...... . . tat I...I building under root before bad.fte .lioiild be permmeu io, wnnoui leather, und will compU'le th. Inter- the burden ot another undealrable lor tlurlug tho ft Inter, thu. affording 'fight. e.m.r linn thai tnelaaea th. area deimnds entirely upon road condl- liana. with a good arstem or tm- . .. r.M-...i rn.,. n.itaiine from th. . .. ..... ... . i. market center. It mu.t follow, all ftlll Iticreaso a. well a. tho area capable of .upporllne illorlloili crops, Aud the whole buslnes. of Mr ml n i! U sutflclontly depends.! , niton weather condition. without. th. added uncertaintity ot roau con- dltlon when crops are to be mar keted, Thou agalu, It I a well estab lished fact that market price even for staple crop vary considerably throughout tho year. Where bad roads prevail, farmer, aro forced lo move tholr crop, not when tbo arkot price 1 tavorable, but when in tho roads aro favorable. And It Is a common experience lor th. tar mor to tlnd Ibat he cannot haul hi ocops lo market when prices are highest, bocauso the roada are Impassable or bad enough to make hi hauling unprofitable even In tho lace or high markot values. When the road become pasaable, the tlmo for tho market has largely passod and produce 1 compelled to movo In maasea, wblch frequently gluta tho markot and cause a break In price. Excessive fluctu ation In market price are seldom 4 IL.rc baa not Lata rt deal of work on the new court bouto for car- ,t, but on account of the library I 1...11.11.. i-.i. 1...1K i i. n,.r. tIMItltllllb M-Mfc UH1II -. - will be comlderabl work for Ibcm ,""'" "-"-"-"- -.- '" thereon, on account of the building '"MOOacre. of hnd at U.w.r Klam of forma and Interior flnlali. We do tl ' ' t . . , noi wii.re mai anr upi.it.bu . ,lng n.an and lh. merchant, alnc. It Hail It not been tor tb. court houi. ihMe .-Mule who are aeeklng to ob- rutl wm keep handa off. and get out nf the way. lie Inc. ibr ar. .Dendlng v. note alio In the article men' itloned that tbrro I. .ome talk ol lb., kon. with the Klamath county aggro Women' Library Club relualng tojCatlon. turn over the book, or the present Coach McCall haa bad hla team out library. We abould be very sorry tottery evening, putting tbem through ... this, for th. reason that we would I a course of .Ignal work, punting, rather the county abould carry their j kicking, blocking, guarding and tack- burden and conduct tho library along illng. the proper line. However, .bonldl When the whistle blowa on the they a, fit to do so, w. will have to . ssth th. local team will b. In aplen- get along without tbem. There naa, been 11,000 at aside by lb. couniyi clerk tor the purchase or dooks. inn' will be done upon the completion or tho building and the Installation or th. rornllure. The present Horary now octuple, a part of th. old court house ground, which location the ladlea ar. very welcome to occupy I until .ucli time a we uiaposo oi ui U or tbo 17th or .November, which I. ,.lte. when thoy will, ol course, be.th. date or the big baseball gam. In, asked to vacate. In clolng, I hop. that th. rumor. founded, and that we may proceed a. . al.nul.1 m V.tt-nltail trt WllhAUt 1 'due to overproduction. They fre- quently take place In region where mo locai pruuucuuu uuv. uv n ii... ak.l.i ..... nn... . .nn.nniTiMnn ii... iiiirin the annual consumption, uui mer. are counties, rich In agricultural poatlbllitl and burdened with bad roads, where the annual Incoming shipments ot rood .tuff, exceed. tho outgoing shipment In the ratio ot four to one. Many aucn coun tics with Improved roads could be como not only self supporting, but could ship produce to other mar ket. Thl I true In a large measure ol Klamath County. When rar mer rind that they cannot find a market for tholr produce lu Klam ath Falls. It Is largely becauie the, local market ha already been up- piled with the particular kind ot produce they are offering for sate. What tho merchant mut have regularity or delivery. That Is why he dependa largely upon commis sion men who can guarantee ship ments over tho railroad with ab solute regularity. Once get tho road Into Klamath Kail surfaced with hard rock or asphalt so that the farmer are not dependent upon weather condition, (or the delivery of their produce and you will rind that the local merchant will buy jinjinruuu.rwwMy.'T1' ,-i----t------.' (Continued on page 4) INTIMUOK lli:i'AUTMK.NT AMHKKK I ti) ri:iiMiT tiii: clomimj of Till: OATKH AT TIIK ItAJLllOAI) CIlOsSIMl AT llWf.U l-AKi: WADIIINOTOK, l. C, Oct. 17, Pf "nttlte Blnnott of Oregon "BUi"" "' "lran" """ P"0 l'c"",,r cof td "nU with Interior department wblch will taaii It le eAjlai rr a Mai f IA AAA In rur aorae lime me ueprrimeni naa , . eJ '"" vlalon acroai teen urged to permit galea to bo put1 culvert or bridge bul.t by tbo1 nder government auper- acroaa Klamath lllrer. and thle I - . ,, ", ."..u V ... "' ''"" "d, ,he"-,JoKn" " d permit lh. g.U to b. pt ta If th. water niera aaioelatlon would glr. a bond to Indemnify the gotern-j .v wt am.rf .Iaa awl aim.. li.A r V rr . V. . J:. 1M return tat. n.it .k, and r. thc right, ol Van tlrlmm.r ditch and',. . . . . . .K11. , , , .. other, would not b. Interfered with. EOOTBALL TALK BUSIES STUDENTS The vol. on removal waa l to IS. 1 Aaaemblyman Prawley, l.ader of IKACTICK OAMK WILL UK WAV.lh, .,M wlali 8uU,r, ,nB0u.e.d Kit SATL'ltllAY, ASHI.1MI HIOHjbeforo the court that It had ben de- Wll.l. UK IIKIU:iTH AM) MKO-! elded not to try to convict lh. goter- I'OHI) WANTS A GAME Tb. proverbial bu.y bee waa a .lu gard compared to Paul Noel, minager of the high .chool football Uau. N'oel .pent th. forenoon dlitrlbutlng and t dliplaylng window card, announcing, the flrat scheduled gam. or Ih. Jea on, October Sttb, when Ashland high ' aenda her eleren over to try couclu- mj physical condition, and Ashland, will have to .end over a bardy bunch' t0 get away with tho Initial game. Th. Mulford paper, printed a ' f0r tho SchoUeld company. The (or schedule or game arranged for th. mer romman. Mr, Bcheuer, returd iledford high. In which schedule an- .pejred the announcement that Klam-' h County high school football team would play at Mcdrord on the morn- Medford. Manager Noel waa naked ir thu .tatcment wa authentic, and re-, un-i,,ued that In all probability an ar- rangcraent ot that kind would b. .i..l.. ... aft. rt -aAX. -nn-auna.loaw ...u. uut ,.mt . ,,,..ui u -.w.u that effect u.u ,e.u0u ,u. team. Saturday afternoon a team ot town bo,., under th. leader.hlP ot Letter j ' .... ..... .... ... ...... ...ii K..'n teavt ,,, flTe ,he h,h .chool boy i. ,... . i-m .n,. .u - .l.nMItU -...MV. UT.1,.1 .Ml. .... the town boy who can play football to ba on haad. MURDER Mexican Mob Attacks Foreipers at MM Caap United Press Service MEXICO CITY, Oct. 17. A gang of Mexican today killed Thoma Bar tett, mine manager, aud William Kendall, au employe nt a mine In Jalisco state, and threatened other Americans, according to dispatches received today. Twenty-live other foreigner, who woro threatened by the mob, escaped massacre only when the rural says he HAS JUST BEGAN HIS REAL FI6HT I.KAVKS 'OH TUN MOU.VTA1M KOIl A HIIOHT HWt ,ernor Ac.ullu-.l urn Fim ArtleJ. Court Vittc to Itemore Hlaa Vroaa OOl.r, Hut Iternaca to Kocwrer iter llhtr r'rvm Holdbag (Mo-rnw ley AnniKiaKeU Loat Mfbt Thai I'our tliargcw WovJd not go to VoU !' Brle ALBANY, N. Y. Oct. 17, W ," ' -. c.Urf at tb. .iutlr. manalo. tir, ht round tb. Impeached got.raor "kng or.r a pack.,, of p.p.. I. " " i '' I." aiu. oult.r I. going lo the mountain. lor a brier real, Latins Sunday. It I ru.td to mak. a public .Utemeat at tbla time. Lieutenant Ootarnor Glynn waa to day aworn In aa goternor. Hultar waa acquitted on article. 6, t, 7 and S. Th. court rotad to r S mot. blra trom offlc, bat rtfaaeii to iforeter dl.qualtfy him from holdlif oOc. nor on tb. Uit counU. 1 DOTY PROMOTED TO GOOD PLAGE I.IM.ML iCS CIIOSK.V rXHtKMA.V tr' hTO.NK WOKK VOU HCHO FIKI.II COMfA.W OX OOi'KT IIOt'SK tX).NSTKCCTIOX alont. Doty, whose home la.awre In Klamath FalU, and who haa,! employed at tb. SchoB.ld work., baa been promoted to tho po sition of foreman of .ton maker to Oakland eurly In the week, and la .electing hi euccaor. Mr. Schoield 'picked Mr. Doty, In whom had been discovered a capacity for learning lh. .y.tem or tabulating nnd marking .tone far beyond .ipectatlona. Thl .y.tem U rather IntrlcaU, M4 h Mr p-bofl-i,- 0uud that Mr. l)ot M fllnntar wUn tllU p,rtl0J ,h(J wotk no d.cW.a thtt n, cg,W t-tj.j better reaulta through Uto local (mani 10 p,ced hm ,n charge ugd.r th. direction o( lillly Contl.uua. Thl. appointment not only carrle certain amount or locul prld.hut Insures th. distribution ot a greater ....& n ai.a an.., in.. , ru.a ... T. . 'among local workman. AMERICANS guarded their departure oa irate for Ouadalajara, A Mexican kill Barrett wttk aa axe. and Kendall, who cpture! the'., , murderer, turned him oyk to tt ",'(( rural Oa Ue way to Ma4al;,fv tho prisoner tried to woeaa4 - ,v , killed. u i ,-, it u rumored br, that 'maun ihot hla, awl tbla ea4 Mm MM kill K.adall. The otkor twilgpftjl protected th.aMelTM wr NP cadt. ' '''.''-' 14 u - -t? v ' a .N .-; vn 'a