t joui"" Otitic '1 ' 1 Have You Registered Yet? The Registration Books Will Close Monday Night. V Tlj 5Tte i KLAMATH FALLS' ttetttttg tmam PRINTS THE OI'I'ICIAL N.-.WSPAPKK NEWS WHILE IT IS NBWI Ulllilli Ver Nii, U.IUI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913 Price) live) Gtak K. " I T SCHOFIFLD GIVES BEAUTIFU1 riJUNT TO THIS CITY leave to work URGES THE WOMEN TO VOTEn ship game Isulzer guilty on Al ASftH Sllb BY HFTTINfi TAfi FIRST IIFRHMUF8 MADE BY ENEMIES I r.r lJiVtXtU. iMVAnltl.S lull till MU llllliMl.s Will NHI,, Mil lit. Kill Ml-thl HIM, mi Ollll M III' U ll.ll , Ul..' (III. Hilt I lit Ml'l'l.t Pioneer Worker Says, "Register" IU Kuiuircr juk MiU.ui ai,u tuu(ituirr ( Hir .lilllltUI Mhik ' oulirlliii.ii llu r) llitm jh 1 ( j lel In ll. I ...(,. II..,, l Hm. ''"', '" ' murium; lr tu. !pfO"ard municipal water aupplr in1 Cult IIuum. M.k.w ()..,,,. IK , J,,,,,,,, , AiM Uk0 u iUM, l,ll..l, lu Hi I'iumi ( ll. r t II; d.l Went work, luuncllllian llntullfut I uuiilaltt .I1.M li.r M " Dutf lll Unlbuilir llb a' IIm. II, I., !.,- M.I..U. , """ T""' "7U M,a " """'' tlliiclrd r daw Thla alll L. I IHtUlled by lb lty lit Ik window uf Ik llaldalb Tb Blllif of tb city uu lb Water llatdal tuwpauy t elul li tl Mulif wuul.l to lu Uafijtr of llital bUlllul lulllilbl.u luunl.lb, IMud-' Idallun UNlrae a lullalli m iui.I ill d led, uul4d and rl by I. M hcbu-' ilMpment work It dun annually, lu bfl'l, and pie.abled by hint lu Ilia ieb..w lb Int.ullun ol lb umbl'lpil. III ol Klaiualb rlla Tin furnt.l i'y lu n day ut the Bate supply ottering ol lli fuuul.lu u lb ttif. fh Hulk le b dun by lb (.art), lu Mrs. Dunniway Would Thwart Parkinson Plans ,(. Will M'AIIDK.Y HKCIUVKIJ A HVV- , I'l.V OK TAOS WHICH MAKE Till: MIII'MK.NT TO OTHKK riacji lmjai. lljr AIHOAIL HCOTT DUXIWAV An Appntl lu (ti U'unirn Volet of Oregon) . Mtbulae, MUII4 Ibl fuleuuub In a'mraiuflnc the flu ul lr. altu pru- bilf tuMapoodur betarab Mr )( Hi eya nllnie. IvkufUld and Ik major . Ibl (III lu lb cty U dnliutd '" 'l'iMlug lb. l,n ut work alum b lit, ul L'urlntblau aitbl " I ib ituiin tur lb. n ImIui. bd con.UU ul tu. tbatt. i "" " "Ullulni. and bltb al (uur black.li and a bo I and U Inl1" ' WT l-rut. In lb lb (nlal tuim ut an orUion. Tb Uw I. a nUl ltb .ultaut an it, (Itluc lb lut.lun ul a mw- m.lrKal tru4, lb fuur alltia ul hlch Maud ol al lb Hal ildr ut lb Mlacn baft. TIik mm ut uur maa-ulflcenl xouu(,tllal liniorlaiic, and nprclal InUr-IInx, wbcr iUt unlruraitlc am not aloof OrtVoii data craultd uu tb,' tu vry Iblnkloc roan and womau'ln Jtopardy. ballot It now Ih.I.(mi.. ki in u,. ""' "ur uuu.ra. vjf ui ui imuciuai anu It Urlr ItiHid tli atureaald "MtaaurM'U'ducrtiunal wotld ar upon lb wo- and ruu will that one uan baa! ruin vot.r of tba atata of Onion. i iiai,iiiinanumtiairuprul laken , UK0 hlmaelf lo natllff the Ul It uol b aald of juu that jou Msurr, Willi Arcurnr nla lli-t. ,0 of ,bo t SKutalUe aaavmblr .re (nlruatrd with an tiptMirlualt inx tb am. tu II. HubmllUd tu tb bjr tbe ur uf hired rrUr.ndum pt.lo du jrour dulf, and that you did It ,.in. ui inv niai in ur.xun, at U(1U1 la propoaal lo nulllf lhaaaiaot. ui mrriai i.ipcimn uu Turaday, .No- i,,ra.ur r tho ui. of jour ballota Tbu lima for rejlalratlon la ahori. ,,mMr ' ,,,J inioukin IlituurUua .inuur attack upon lb .ry Ufa and tb tlm. for ollu U star. On i be fanpblrl. I dlarater uur opiwr- Uf our atata uul.rnltr I am told -ch of tho mraaurta attacked Ij II. tuulty to .rof joun.hra worthy of u,,, ,u thief reliance for a ruajorlty'j I'arklmon'a two fractionary refer lb rr4K.nalblllly xrantrd you by tholf,ir l,u reacthmary placa of oUtlcrndumi, Yote "VIM." and auaUIn tb ii.tr. uf inru al Ihu enral aUctluu frrebootln reata uwn lb women of aimrunriatloni. ul .Numbr, I'JIJ. lorraon. It la alleaed that It la Ur thU baUlotle action ion will To enry urn. uf yuu I apiKial, In through your rote that ha ciicta lo prove tu all tbe publlc-aplrltej men fuluir, tu U of aoni ua and orna-iluT't lullrltud. ttlnc you to dratruy the atrucgllnK atat unlver- and wumen of tbta world that you are mnl t lb city , nl.irin your duty aa enfranchlad ally, make IU coatly equipment value wortby of the iruit bequeathed to I'uttbrrmtii li au happena ILat i ""i ll.daler yuurarltea aa vol Iraa. and corneal our children and our you by the chlralroui, liberty and ik ItHibUln "lilru I i.ruin,, tu in.- rr "ire I' nu hate not already I Krandrhtldren lu rr for hliber tdu- J u, tier lovlnr men of Orexon. who ar ' VHI .IP.. M. I - - - niLt anil,, tol1 lo "'" r" thioub juuritlt and B'n ration to California, Vaahln(ton,"eitetlnic jou to do your duty aa TOl- Mlaa-un abaft i"1 '''"""I Irpirarnu lu riccullon Mr reaaona fur Hit a-l are of ( Montana, Idako, Colorado and Wyom-Jera on lie lib day of No-ember, 1913, lu lb. four abate, futrued b lb. b....'",", "" "" ' our ""' r"1 bd Muu abaft .land loilulblau """ uuh "' ik. for th l JSZ Any of the aportamen who dealra lo ablp gam to tbelr friend out of tbe city can now do to by procnrlni metal ta from (June Warden C. U. Itamiby. Mr. Ilamaby baa Juat re- crl,ed a euppty of Ufa from tbe game and Dab commlaaloa These Ufa can U aured on the payment of ne cenla each. The law proddea that any game anlppd ouuld of the aU. or to polut within the aUte mutt be tag ged. Application uuet Lu made to the gam warden, who. If he U satla dd that the gam waj legally kilted, will laau the party Uga for Bra rtnta each. In tb ablpment of duck, each bird muat be lagged. If a deer la (hipped lf CIIAItOKD WITH riUMO FALMK HTATKMK.VT (lallrrire uf Hm HUle Hove Are I'arkeii tu Their Capacity Wlktet thr Final Vote I Aowntetl aa ta Onlrr Other Charge Are to Be Taken Up In Order l.y lite JHeaaaat of tli HperUI Impeaehmeat raaal ALII ANT, Oct. 1. William Sai ler, gorarnor of New York, waa to day found guilty of the Drat of the charge made agalnat him In the pj peach ment article. Ily thla, be U conrkted of a Hag a fall atatement, regarding tbe tag peniea of hi campaign, with tbe ecretary of lUte. Thla Draetle.lt ,.. Ik bam.... - ' h .va in quarter, each quarter muil bare a charge, that be committed perjury tag attached. In caae, however, of jln IbU atatement. the game being carried aa baggage,' Tbe other charge are to be takes the llcenae tag attached la auffldent. P In order by the Impeaehmeat -- I board. i The gallerle of tbe aaaeatbly root ' re packed when Justice Cullea aa flounced that the final vote was la order. hiark.t. .hlch, -Ilk lb. .ball. euiJ"" "' '' tu b. found lll lb bowl bat lll alao be a a-Hirr uf ion I'ruilalun la mad. tbtuuab lh.,"M '" tm ,Mlu' ball aad Uil fur water 4p and m.iil tu prudur lb apra) Tb' liiuiiUIrt I. Mad uf what la known aa tWkiifUM alone, lb faring uf wbl'h la uiJ with fib wkla quart' aand (indpiro hli1'oilliiid rrmnl Tb IxMly la mad with Hbatt aand and (ratel and ordinary IVrlland cement rtita at nillrd a.pataUly, then multnel with a aolullun uf tb baalr ealla of ralrlum and aluiunl. which unlalna a ivagcul. lh purpua uf lllcll la tu prrrllMtatr the doubl cal- luin-alumlna alllratc which rreulla in a alun uf dena crytlalln alrue tHI an cliwaly iaiubllug lb bt luallty of natural atone that It I lm limlbl u dll III dltfet.nc In on reaped, hua.trf. It la a gtral luiprutiiuent mrr natural lun.a In thai It I abaolulvly fir nwif Tbli a iliin In Hi fart that Ita rrtttallni' trurlur I nut In !U unite, aa la lb raw In uatural (talilt., but form I In aegrrgal.d unit A. an llluatratlun, a lire plr of ala. canuut In- limited al mm point rfllhoul ahalt.llllg tb aliol, whllr ilia amnr glau, If brokut lulu aiuall i.Ucra, ran lm healed In auy inaliner wlllioul any uf th .mall piece being broken again by Ulium ripaualou Th folluwlng la IIm rurtvapoiid. uir wblrli roinplelril Ih presenta tion ami ll aaknuarHUiiirnt by llin iimyur fur lb (Ily Islam. Hi r'ntla. Oct IC, IPI3 Mayor T K Mrlmla llear Hlr- Hlnrp hi) rt-elileiiru In )uur rlty I liatt Iweii u kindly rn irlked by III people of Klatnatli KalU anil inadu lo fr-l an llioinughly nl hlillir. nulling )mi thai It l mr uVelro In leati wild ynu aiiin .mall aped- HBAi DANCE IS TONIGHT'S BILL The fountain follow tb Corinth ian arhwl ol architecture, and Wat jraicuril by Sir Marcel t'builn, wbu m) IKutlug all ul tb modeled wutk on ike lie oiuit lioUM, and abu, be-1 fute (mlacherr. did a targe palt otillll, Htl.K (ll'TII'KITS IMUtMTIi1 tbe preliminary modeling fur tb Art Hulldlnc ill tb I'.iiama.l'acinc llii'i-1 tlllun I I pru4M, thruueb lb kludnr. uf j Judca tleuta- T llaldwln, lo erect Ibla fuunlalu In the ilium alnduw uf An Open Letter to Taxpayers Ily the County Court lb Il.ld.tu ll.rd-.r. company'.. Jc (Jir mrMtf uf ,hr Klulln -A Yiwterday wt talked about re ducing grade and their effect on tbe coat of haullnc. It rauit be I.MI III MSMI.NT IN Till! Ol. remembered, however, that the rol of hauling farm produce lo market la not to much Incrraaed by tbe! preeenre of eiceaalre grade a It I A ii-rord aalv uf llrkrl baa kern by bad condition of t i.utt.i. tm.MiiM i: at tiii: cut imu'.m: KAY NORTH BACK IN CAMPUNHURT IAMXl. MAN ItiatJItTKO MISMIXl. M'KNT .V MOIIT AWAY FltOM CAMI' I.N hlUltai tX)lt HIS HOIWIi alor fur a time, with the purpua of K.I I. Military baud In the latt few i plarlng It that the tealdrnU of the! . . .,.,. w, ., , . lU'ntly. hoeer, It riti war ha an oMM.rtunlly. with- ''',- ""' b'6 "" '' U 'llt",, Bt hrn It I mott dealr nil lr hat. an o portuniiy. aim U UlHni lp )ru OUiton., ,urface la .ul inrtintenlcnce. lo cloaely eaam-l . , ,. . ... '"'"'. ...' lur Ih rlaa uf aurk we ale rtetiit Ing lor lb ruurt hump I lull funildrr It an honur lu my tell and a rertignllluii of tlir talun uf the prudurl wblrh I am manufactur ing If yuu and the council And It con lenient lu accept tbla gill, lu he rrt-ct- rl at auy llinr and al any place yuu may -rlrri Youra very truly. U M. HrilOKIKI.H I M KrlinAetd Ifcvar Hlr I beg tu acknualedite icrrlpt of uur letter, prraeutlng to tbn ill), through liiyarlf mid tho iiiiiurll. Ihu butlful fountain l'T tult me lu thank yuu for your grtu-r-oua klndmwa, and I aeeiire lhat yuur lellnr will be ptraellteil tu the rtiun ell nt IU tint mcrtlliK, wurtl nii iliiilktrilly ufflrlal ncknoaliulgnieiit all! In- mailK b) ttml body Tho beautiful foiintitln yuu hate ciinatrurlril will be a permanent orna ment to Hie rlty, ami rnecU great rtrdll on yiiiirfelf nnd wnrkmi'ii, Yuur tr-ry truly T T .NMCIIOLAS, Mayor SAYS HE'LL END LIFE Krlenda of Kay North learned with road urface. relief laat nlcbt that Inatead of belnr Vlmoat otery road I hard at cr- n , iir, ,h i.t m. ,.. tain aeaaoua of tbe year Too fr- .,fi ., Rlu.r r,m ...,., , . .. I lisntuna ! ' it wata v I4 dealrcd tu uw the "' re,utn "M DrouSht In by Krncat soft and the "ulu and -"" wllhrow,.wbo re- ;iit.i liiiuae The procreda will gu ronaequent tractlto rralatance I turned from a hort hunting trip. .toward the maintenance1 uf the organ- picvmIvc and waatvful Conalder, North and hi father, Wm. North, for Jnatancr, our rln of the patt before leaving here. lntcd that they week It would have coat the ouId lKltlvely be back. Monday. 7a ea..- h fl 1 lea a.iii aa ft aaalA :T:.T .",'.:." .".""r.t.. " rrU-mlht,on their way homeward before, the rain than It did juat ,rom lb "0Kue ,,lrr- lhT earned aftor the rain or than It would "l 8llr cmP- ' urng the night If wo had hard urfacvd roada. wie borae strayed away. The laving U probably not lr North darted after them the next than ten thomand dollar for the. morning, and he remained away from entire county. falu1 u njh,t ,aV,nC up ,Uu qUMt Thl I probablo and cannot be for the hore the neit morning, and Ub.'; "nyU ,,,11,IP . ,hln,k returning with them to camp late about It On a muddy earth road.),,,., .fc, , , . . . a hot., ran pull alniut S00 pound. """ n'sM ,A, v"tr ot local ,"orU- matluium load In an ordinary wag- m,D "" toto nturnlng here on over a Ivtel surface. On al,ll1 orlu 'lld tiecn away from camp amootb dry earth road, he ran pu'.l.nll of one night, and after returning A IK)- from 1000 io S000 pound-; on a' to Klamath Kail they became alarm- uravoi roau in oau conumon, ironi;fd at tbe non-appearance of the 1000 to 1800 iKiund: on a 'ljNorlh.. and began to fear that ome ARE PREPARING 1 PDHP DfDnDTi ltl.tX.MATIO HKItYICK Orrl C1AI.S AHK WHITING FAIUUUW to i.yii.v Tin: ii:i,n VAl.LK OK l'HODl'CTM AND CELERY PATCH IS SMALL MINT , liallun iSlunlr will be furultbed by the band, wbli h I. aeiiind tu unuo In Sonibrili tlMgnli a In li It roinii In I tin. hariuour alult 'MISSUS' BETTER -BOYS JOYOUS II.I.NINs ti:.vciii ii.n.r IIN ri.l.MIWsTHIITItllKMRlN- After Telling Worker, Bertholf Blows Off Head Wlillo wiirklng 111 n field th Hortholf was nbottl SS year of nge, llerlholf rniirh uour llunanra Wed- lirailny ufteruomi, Kreil llerlholf told Wullitco Knlrllvld, with whom ho waa working, that ho wa going lo kill tilmavtf, llo lull ahortly nflorunnl for tho barn, nnd placing tho iniuilo of a tli ul an u ngulnsl hi head ho I ullvd the trlggor with hi loo. Tho man' fnthor nnd sister were nwny from homo nt the time, nnd It was nut until llielr return Hint tho 1'iidy wna found, Tho lop of Hurt holt's bund had boon blown off tiy tho ox plosion. ' uuumrrlvil. Me hn long boon ol n uivlHlirliol)' illiioltlon, nnd Ims been kIWiik hroodliig, This lm heon lulled hy ni'rly nil who knew him, nnd It whs fur thl reason that Fair field paid no piirtlculur nttentlon to Hn iciiiiirks of llirtholf, t'cronur linrl Whltlock went to tho sirne of dentil Wednesday, to nutkc liitettlKiitluiis. Ho Interviewed ull who Know mi) thing of tho trnKedy. mid ho vn convinced Hint thore n mi iiernsslty of nn Inquest. .... ..-... ... ... i.. i .nM.,ii.. -i.... fl Mi III" "l II. in ,IF tint li uwu m liuou vouuiuoii, auuui ,j -1.1,. n . ,iie.l . pound! on a macadam road, from ml'.lin ' m,a5r " occurred. IIM: IIOMIMMOhr.D" jooo ,0 5000 pounds, and on a wterday tnornlug Wm. l. John- 'brick road from 5000 to 8000 ou nd wife and Mr. North left for Mrs Ktiiuu Kelt, after a few data Pound These flgurt are con- Sllvrr Camp. It ha been learned uf aerlou lllnes. 1 again recotered. rrr1,l,l,0u.,?,,B,"'?,1 n,ad.e h 'n -..!. ..in 1 - .11 .. a. Un'l'd Stat Offlro of Public ..... .. v 1 ..v -..--..... ..v. l(oaJ nfu,r MWfu, Mpormenti menu., out especially tu nun n uu.en cou.rnK mny years. They show )oung fellows, whom shaslyles "her Hut It the speed traveled Is tho bo)s, ' who are In the habit ot silling same on all these road aurfacee, a down twice n day lo lucul prepared horso will haul 011 a good macadam by Mr. Felt, road rrom tnreo to five times ns .. ... ... ....... 1 many tons per ml'n per day as 11 me i..u. uu t ! .t tuua ,,,, A moJerlel muddy earth in 1110 woriu.sno aint nawinin-," uas rn.A Or von an e..M ihi. lung lm n the alognn of tho luck) six, .matter In another wn Suppose and this tins been brought forcibly that a horse Is rnpabln of .1 cor hume lo tlu-m durlnK the daof ltk- tlu (ltd duty per dAy With a lies, when they woro compelled to, , Klon load, his offoctlt radlu of lexiwfstl frtrt1 aa van nn nl nn at scout lu other place for their proven- tier. Their sorrow oer her sickness hat been terribly strong, being prompted bulh b) the heart nud by the sloiimrh. tho ntimisphero of thl weo board luiflioiiso Is uno lhat Is homelike, and tho (nod Is prepared In Hint "mothor-used-tu" st)lo, This I taken ns tho riustm why within tho Inst fow months four of t tif boardors have Muted to line, cherish, etc., ns they liuo livcomo thoroughly convinced that homo cooking 1 tho only truly perfect enpor. lleiielU D.mco of Klumath Fall l.avnl rrnm n elvAtt nnlnl nn I macadam road will bo Increased from threo to ftvo time tho radius ot travel from that same point on a moderate!) muddy road. And oti must remember lhat, In thla coun try. oten good eartn roads are moderately muddy many month In tho )ar. Consider these figures for a few minutes and )ou will seo that wo are well within tho facta when wo say that Hie absenco ot macadam roada costa the farmer of Klatu nth County $10,000 a year. In 190S tho Ilureau of Statistics of the U. S. Department of Agriculture deduced an average coat per ton mllo of 32,7 cent, based upon re- lhat after finding the horses tbe North decided to remain there a few days more, lu the hope of bagging n deer. TWO MORE TAKE INSTRUCTING TWO IXCAt, MEX ARK RKAUsHN . WorkjjUwarlng A.xtorUii.lbe UUtajUr&liMi OK A. sWAIJU crop condition this year under the, VrTMIT Olf CATITAL ANB Klamath project baa been .Urted by jLNi,.. , ..,,. tbt reclamation errlce offlcUU. , ,";xl,'1,J UHOB Jllink are to be lent to the farm-, er. In a few days fat the enutrtrit-j What can be done on a couple ot Ing of experiences of the Indlildual. tow lol oaa been ahown by Mtesr. Aatcruier. 'Webber and Jensen, who are now Yho Innnirl,. i,.in, .1 n..t -.,.,-1 marketing about T.OOO bunches of the tela alio a blank report, drawn up1 auttt ttltTr rtr ,hown ln KUaaUi for filling In by tho farmer, tending: p",u- Tbe '"' WM ror on Por ta make the report uniform. ThU "on ot 'nre l011 ,n tn e"r tcntalna pUce for Information aa to'"n,tlt md at the recent county the number of acre dry and Irrigat ed that were tilled, the products rnl'ed for market and for home con sumption, their values and amount of the yields, values of butldlpgy. tools, ll mock, number of sale and pur rliase of dock, return from dairy ing, bee, etc. FALL OF HORSE INJURES BRAIN lOinrii ix iiosi'iTAt, ix ciutioal CONDITION, IOLLOWIXU AX ACCIDK.NT AT KK.NO HEX., TIVKS Alti: SUMMON Kl) fair .axlly took tint prlxe, aad waa pronounced the beet quality ever teen. Webber A Jenten will realise about f 500 from the sale ot thl crop, and thero baa been a great demand for tola clary, a It I so far superior to anything shipped In from tbe outside. I Undoubtedly tbe growing ot celery la Klamath county I deatlned to-become a great Industry. J of the brain. Dr. Merryman was sum moned, and laat night be removed Spencer to Klamath Falls. It la believed that when the horse fell Spencer's bead struck a roek. When the hone regained IU feet aad atarted, Spencer, unconscious, was dragged some distance, wltb one feet In a stirrup. nlln. rrnm Innulrloa sent in ahnnt Military llnuil, opera house, Thursday . -. -r -. - n u nltiht. Music by the band. (Continued on page 4) 1 I OIIMKIt KUUIATH COUNTY IIIOII hCHOOI, 1'UIULS, LEAV ING UMVKKSITY, AUK KDUOAT INO I'l'TUUK l'llKHlUKXTa (Herald .Sh-cUI Service) KKNO, Oct. 1-N. I. Spencer, a son of Tout Spcr.cer, was Injured by a fall with a horse at 10 o'clock Wed nesday morning, and la In a critical condition, the fall causing concussion Although every offorl ha been made to revive the youth, Speaeer, who waa taken to tbe Iltackburn hos pital latt night. U still uncoasdeu. Fearing that be may not surrtre the concussion, word has been Mat to the young man' relatives. Mb) mother I expected this evening from Ashland. FALL PROVES FATAL Irwin Itolfe, formerly u student In the local schools, and lator enrolled at tho Unlterslty of Oregon, Is teach ing school at Lancaster, Oregon, ac cording to word received by bis friends. Miss Kdlth Uuetl, who formerly re sided here and attended the Klamath Falls schools. Is also engaged In In-! stilling the proper knowledge andrancu Ideals Into the new Idea. Following "Et her work a the University of Oregon,! Wlillo walking In the second story she accepted a place In tho Creiwell'ot tho house, Mrs. Mill slipped and schools thla year. I foil dawn a flight of stairs. Her Woman Dies Without Recovering Ommam (llerultl KiH-clal hrrvloi) KKNO, Oct. IB. Following a fall n few day ago, Mrs. Cordelia Mill, mother ot Mr. Frank T, Nelson, died Wednesday morning at the Nelson Mrs. Mill was 81 years ot shoulder bone wss fractured, aad sae was Injured otherwise to sued a tent that she remained useoassleae 1 until her demise. . The funeral services wets beM ',. t he Nelson home this ntrlaf. ''' service was conducted by Her, JMaV , ardi, paitor of fJroce H, KttmHkfk Klamath Falls, wd the t attended br a large a ot the bereaved faaUtr. i f V,k1 (A :m JC KX A2 mmmi$0mmim 1 VJVt. Vjm "r s-Mm. gMP i