,.HltUl IMllUI 0'1 I'll'"""' flaw? You Registered Yet? The Registration Books Will Close Monday Night & xtvnitiQ Mttulb KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NISW8PAPKK PRINTS THE ' NEWS WHILE IT IS NIWJ An : .9. CJglilli i-ar .So, U.Iihi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913 IMea ttvo Csstta it PROTEST 18 RAISED AGIST THE NEW LIBRARY SITE; MAY CARRY RFM0NS1RANHF 10 RARNFRIF riTtlN A IIMM'K ; Is iihi r.wi i'Hiim iiik ii:nii:ii or iitt: I'itt rirMlllt "" HImT M'la t" ll Ililalx I'elill.ill, tnli'lliilii 1'ariM-. . ,. ,, -. . ., , ! t iiiIIIini llial llir Mir fw- " ' ImI U I Mliau.ll, ixl .taking Ilia Milli .l i.lirr li.f.llir In lur IIiiHiUmc "M AI weellbg ul a-xalal lucal e, Uiula Ibla tuuiuluf, Iba quealhiu ul Ih lin alibi, ul lb tia. UP.ueo Cat- begls Library wa taV.au up, abd was Ilia uplBluti lbl " I" blwk l ul Hut riptlbg addition la loo (ai llultl lb bualuraa ntar lu be tub Irblanl. AiuidlU(ll, plan lu 114 lu Clr tulale a leniubalfance, deflating Ihla Ha la nut Iba must luutatiltbt avail- able, ami aaklug lb Carnegie culpur ( Hub lu edtlae lb tbuualBg ul a, hHHa laattal luealluu Tuialher tin Maps anil ulbar data Ihla "III1 be loraldel lu Iba Carnegie ivflwr-' ttluli. a lilt U Mill donate llf.Vwe lur; tbe tuualluilluu ul a llbiaty, plutlded. ike tvuMI MbU; laliva ll.ees lut j la malutebabca, , Ik lualtar baa UaU belule Ibal riple lur auine llllla lima, bul Iba! uttuii ul a all aaa natal talaad A ( Uaja ago lhala aaa IMUIiied a leail Iruni Iba Klamalb letalupmeBl ubipauy lu Klamath ruualj. cmajr ni a l-ltlfiil ul blurt, ID, wbaia Iba .rfll.fl Liu., la II. lAlllla fllf MBlllUAi . ... . ..... i .! lon.lull(a.uuhlM..i.ld.dll.buuMl l.ft.l f..r IIim alia fur Iba I'Aftirfla ilbrarr. Tba mallat baa Un dlauaaad irura dlrlalant anclaa b) tba aupla ut I lhartlx. bul Ilia rnoianianl IblawBrn - ...,-. ... n aa ma niai iirniuia aciiun ! rila Wutuaiia l.tblarr I'lub baa UH .r ruhaldfraium "brtliar nut II ibiiuld luin Ma buuka utar lu tba oa nbrat a ban It la rnnlatr-4 bul Ibla .,aa hot Ihii aalllad SIX-FOOT WALK ON OAK STREET I'ltoi'inm nv.M:iix wis iut mviiii ,.n .uti:mit or uum. atii ih:vi:uii'mi:nt ii. tii hi iii'fi: uihtii or m:w wai.kn "A Iciur-loiit ur a tli-lihil aldaaalk li Oak ilrat lliim Cominorrlal alrci't M Hirlllt allralt" -ill "' l'l" IliK nuaalliili al laal IllclitV mrallliK ul (Tin rlly iminrll, III Urn villi II waa drclilnl that a li.fiMil walk miiiiIiI b irur. Tho qilMlllill lalard wliall l-'raiik (lullforil, lur Ibn KUmalli De uli)imriit riiiiiiaii)', aakril that tlio HITCHING RACK NEXT Street Committee Authorized to Help Fanners After bliliiK rumptiilcd to Uku III loniit In n livery alnhle In ra Ihn only lillrlilne rack In Ihn city win lu i.ko, Ibo Klnmutli county farmer la lo In Klveii n Mill' butler treatment. At liat nlMlil'a council meelltiK the alroet c.iniiultti'o win niithorliod In look up h aiillnhle alle for plenty of hitching t.U'ka, ami lake alopa townnt tliolr cciiiiructlon, "Hitching poali uro badly needed here," inl4 Councilman Towincud, ".mil tho formor huvu a right to trake complaint. iulutl,.ii mlupitHi lur 'In- uniiruc lii'ti uf ih iinMw sidewalk t hauled III luur ImI Ibla waa f(,. luant lit .rlllluh alined by prop et aafiara In Ibal illilrlct. asking that Id Klamath f Knluituffit cum pauy I held lu lit contract In build all tool aldeaalk A ilttruiikin ail tuiH lenilli follow- "I"" Hullfutd auppoft ItiK tba l ., ... . . . ! "'Mtiiilon ami Judo J II Orlf- r.tb aprnf lor tha Ti-rl uaii- " M' M'hola Joined In Ikla, .boMm- Ibal ai Ittorn la an ordinance s-elfilbg Ilia Mill of aldawalk In ,llin Hit. Ill council tiiulil make no chabfaa. 1'annfUman slj inoied dial II,. eimsfll bold lo lb. sli-tout spxlrl- It raima .if i,r irMilullon ami Ibla aaa t"l'-l ;BANO DANCE TO BE mi ' in hii.imi iiMMim:i.- m ii Mt i urn n.ti c Kti.i: in iicKirrx iumm.hn n iiim:ihi.mi m cii'in JuJflnt flum Iba a4tu tala ul tirkala lur Iba llalnl danra Ttiurtjaf MKbl. Ur Ui( al bala Iba larfaat tlrnilanir l anr ilanrr ul Iba aaa an Iba liuaUlnc cuuimlllaa" (ut bua) Widlira.lar, and atrr bualhaaa buuta r II a all Indlf liluala appruicbad i iiranii; iiir iuiih tt mi w i jaaiai ma uiKaunaiiun Tba bu)a liu lu aaa alary fur- baaar ul a llrkat (iraatnl al tbe .laaiJua aaaaatil lif Itia aVaaftafiH I'ftirt l ' adult a III bo franMcd lo lu that 'trriuna rnj)a atari mutuant uf tba i-taulnc Tba mualr Kill ba (urnlabad bi tki rnllra band, and danrlnc will ..ilitlnup until tba laat cuui'le It rrait; in aa anuur.li" lur una nlhl lama; UulM-lMlk, lll.lf. 1 Klud T Wrbb. tracbrr al Ibn l'i Ikriama afhiwil. lodn Iba IhlrtX-rlta mllia into Klamalh Kalla boraaback At II waa Iba fllel tlma lip had bran mi a liorao lur a runildarabla Unclh u( lima, Mr Webb waa auiunwbat J.illrd Ui b' Ilia lima Ilia trip ndrd. Ilia la brtn In attend Ibn tracbara' III jalllulc hllliraallll 0H-llula. Ur riiliar, aaalated by Dr. Ilamll inn and Ur Morrow, rformed two ilirficull but aurcraalul uperalluiia Ihla loii'lioun at the lllarkburu hoapllal. Una uf the patient wa Dr. Hauill luli'a ilnuitlilrr. little Ml Helm The iilhor waa Ibo Utile un of J. II. Ur tell Hulli uperatloni wet for the ri'inutal of tonall and adenoid. Until nrn attll nt the hotpllal. Ileui-lll dance, glten by Klamath Military Hand, opera houte, Thursday nUhl. "II n farmer Koei lo tie hli leant to n liilephnim pol, he I ordered away hy llm police. Ho la then forced In put hi learn In a livery tablo, IdiirlnK Iho nhort lime ho I hero dolug hi trntllng, The city aliould welcome the farm ir, InilQitil of treatlna Mm that way. If thuru I nu city properly available, n alio hniild he rented." Matthew aupporltd tltU, and ntntpil tho authurliatlou of tho ttreet Itommllleo to act In Iho waiter. INSTITUTE IS STARTED TODAY) - i Ml-lll III U MMII, W Till: tlMUSti INHfltl I'loilH, iii;t mm u., ii:(iii:iih r.tui: re , mi woiiu ii;tiri)ii,nii,v Iba ircular wuik ul Iba annual liu'lirla' InalltulD waa In lull awlnc i at J 30 Ibla tuianuun, acli driart I Hint batuiK aaiauiblad In tbalr re atri Una tuuiua altar llatanlnc to an , abln and Inatiurllta aitdlvaa by W. K Kaur'il In Ilia audllurlutu uf Iba (!(!! ral ailiuul bulldlrPC' On aniiunt il an unavuldabla do lar, 1 I. iltlftln of the O A. C. and Mlaa llubr Ht.aarrr ut tlic Orcfun Normal afl.inil did nut arrlfa at adiadulfd, to tba Iwlurn ruuma ware tumldrd mar by lorjfl lualructori In Iba ciada taachrra' room, In- aliurtur V. I. klurtlaiiii latturad on tba I'almrr ayaclam ul anuianahlp. taklnit tba plata ul Mlaa Agnra Joncl , nf t'hlraco. wbo waa pratantad from UMidiiiK Km Inatltutr on account of 'illnraa I in in I'luniallin iuUonlnc- Mlaa I juni-a la rtpri-aantlnit iba I'almcr I'm mahiblp ayttani, and wai to hara bran bria for tba Initttuta. I In Iba lilfh atbool teacher' room. .ibiuurtut M U I'uala talked on lilt if Afirr a brkf addri-aa on tbe uI.Jmi br atattad a general dlicua aluti In wblrh cttryona prraant waa umed to taka pai! Many ul our blatorlra," aald Mr I'uata, are alniply a compilation ul rttnta and dataa. Wbut we need It an Inlri ratine narrative, autbantlc, ut cuurie. but couched In a readable taK Ibal will Interrat tbe young rulka - lu tbe atlrrnoou Mlaa Uate Hot cata a prnmanthlp demonatratlon, wblla Mlaa Alice I Vol. In another roum. lectured un the "I'rlmarx ('lata At the unu tlma. In yet au other room, C H lllake of Merrill, talka.) un malhematle. At 3 3U all claaare and lecturet ad journed tu llitrn In A. J. Hauler, the famoua entertainer of (Iranta I'aaa. Hal II Hauler, thau whom no more ideatiiiK entertainer haa vlilled here In many mouua, (ate two Kipling iradiiiica n a way that raptltated the audlenie MAY USE ALASKA COAL FOR SHIPS mi:miii:iis or Tin: ito.iu m: isiiir t (H riti.ii.i.v iiti.v tiii:iu itinriiN iiiom iiiii ok MII'KtTION I'nllrd I'fea Hertlce HKAVn.i:, Oil 11 Member uf the list) 'a Aliukn rual lutpii'lton ex- iirditluu artlti'd today alter their trip of inapectlou It wa unoinclally atat- ri that the) fouud nu.intlty and qual ity of coal to Justify tho opening; of the mine by tho government to up ply tho navy. To facilitate tramporlatlon, Iho ex pedlllnu mine) e.l a railroad from the roul field lo the ocean, Thl opeua'a new teaport on Torlage Hay. IllK I'ihiI t'.iiiilim. The ladle of the Chrlttlan church will nerte their Tlinnkaiilvliig dluner lit tho library bulldluK un Tliankiglv liig day l.'vcry one Invited to din ner. rm.tuiai.ter Cuiinot Quit Hovernl mouth ago N. 0. Stono ro- alKiied n puatmuater at lloyalton, 111., lnH'iiiKO tha vitlnry I loo email, lie ha, however, been uuablu to quit be cuc no one can he found who want the Job, No one will tile application to appear nt tho civil aorvlco exami nation to quullfy. . 11 ha buett decldod to hold the an- iiuul comeutlon. of the Now Jeriey Womnii BulfraKc Aatoclatloit lu New ark early In Not ember. Tho associa tion will hold It annual parade In Iho aamo city the latter part of Octo ber. JKREBS BROTHERS WILL COLONIZE LARGE ACREAGE Itlt'V IT UJltfl f f l t III kfl fll'l.: .... ! ." 1 .,.. .., , tiii: I.IMI Mj'let) Hint llaa lUinaliieil I'naolti! hlnen llie I'uliipany I'unliaMI tlir Trail I'fi'lil the .tlguma Lumber I'uiiipnii) I lleeoinliiK Wuikel Out. Oplulou I tiierl Tlial .Veil Het tier .tie tu (iillie I'lUlil I'allirilalul Bo me twu ur three yeara agu, when lircb llrothera bought 2,100 acre of land near I'okegaraa from which the Umber had been cut, from tho Al goma Lumber company, people won dered for what purpose thl Immente nait uf land bad been secured, A few day ago a crew uf laborer commenced tho task of clearing away the underbrush uu this same tract, and speculation was again rife aa to what end tbe owners had In view. Now cornea the Information that the Alluvial I-and company, which same i owned by Kreb llrothera lll inaugurate a celonliatlou pro- Ject on thl tract early In the coming) spring. It I surmised that prepara tions hate already ben made for an Influx uf Herman rotunltU, though the manager of the Alluvial Land company declare that when tbe tract I prepared for homo eker It will' be available lo arttlers of any and all nationalities. The Herman colonist Idea may have I arisen from the fact that a man from (Irrmany. purporting to represent a . number of hi countrymen, who wilt an It.- In America next spring, ha bean In consultation with the Allu vial Land company' head otOee at Palem, and, with the manager of the Alluvial Ijtnd company, visited tha tract of land at I'okegama. HAINES TO EDIT HIGH SCHOOL MAG KV MIMI'I I'HOMIHIIS Till: MX'- ih:t tiii: -iikst kvi:ii" in Till! It'll AN'.Nt'AI. SCIIOOI. ITIIUt'ATIO.V At a student body election held Tuesday, Inland Haluet waa elected edllor-ln-clilcf of the Hoomer, tho high school annual. Other ottlcer ' ilrcted were Ithlliehart Mottcben bacher business manager, and Ollter Applegate, circulation manager. The appointment of the altnt will rn made In a short time. It I Hie Intention uf thui In rhadgo lo atari work a early a posible, and In addition to getting the magatlne out before Commencement, have a publication eclipsing all previous ef fort. Klt'itllnit .Matches Nu Crime At Ahevllle, N. C, Oeorge Jen kins, n grocer, had Walter Harris ar lest til for aleallng box of matches. ' Harria liad made soruo purchaaea, and picked up n box of matche and put them In lilt pocket, lit dismissing tho ' case Judge Adam rebuked tho gro- cer, saying, "matchei, like umbrella, rtro public property." Tho judge sala that ho himself frequently helped , himself lo mat dies when making oth er purchase. Would Amelia Kuicenlc Iw i Members of tho Mllwnukco Hoa pllal Association aro to actively urge the legislature of Wisconsin to amend tho ituto eugenic ranrrUge law. They , want women aa well a men to under-, Kit tho physical examination. Mrs. 0. A. Htpke, president of tbe aulclatlon, unys tho organisation had Ihe sterlll tntlon and eugenic marriage bill In troduced In Iho legislature, and that II wan changed bo as to Include only men, while women are a susceptible lo illaeaso as men. VANNICE NAMED AS A DIRECTOR! i TAKKH PUCK VAf .iTKII IIV HI.V.1 ri:ixi: :ii.n.i:it or com- ii:iici: will iovk to a sr.w HOtli: .ITO.M'r. " At a nutting of the Klimatb Chamber uf Commerce Toeday, K. V. Vauulce waa chosen a a member of the board of director. Mr. Van- ..... . . . .. nice lake, the pl.t. vacated by the lemnval of Iter. Utorge II, Feee from the community. that entire road Hacause the pull- Al tbU meeting It waa decided that t'nr power of the horso or motor tbe futute meeting will be held at1lfuclt '' "mltl "hen cornea to 7 HO Tue.d.y evening. Inat.ad of ,h' "or' pU!T0 J? - ta , .. it . ' ""u 7n tnnt remem ?r, loo, Tuedy afteraoona. The former ,hlt nlrd lurflcf- ntzc. friction uour ai umea inieriereu uu uinnerard thus render It more ft caasarr plan In many homo. ., . .....- .. t ... ncereiary ii- la uuay jtaHiui , -- - , k. n.n.,ia f ,i,.rp,.mi,fi'.l'" " o fcofJ In thei . . ,..,. I iwmi uunuing ine organisation will occupy quarter on Fo rth treat, between Main and I'lne, and the old quarters In the Keldy building will be occupied hy Ihe. California Oregon Tower company' oDces. hweU Dance. The regular Tuesday night dascs glten by the bouse committee of the Moose lodge was one of tbe most ue ctssful adalrs yet staged by tbl com mittee of princely entertainers. Th,K,.u,lMa-ATVi: OK M.4.CHIX. regular attendance wa augmented by Ihe presence of a numbr of visit ing school teacher, each of whom seemed to be having a better tlma than tbe other. Today' newa today In The Herald. An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly Ihe County Court Ws have spoken In a general way of the benefit that will accrue to Klamath County from the construc tion of good road. Let us ex amine Into these benefits a little more particularly so that yuu -an see clearly Just how much money good roads will put Into your pock ets and how much happlnvs Into your heart. And then you will see that not only you can afford to have a ayatem of permanent highway In Klamath County, but that you cannot afford not to have such a system. The rarlou benefit that accrue from the construction of good roads may be grouped under two main subdivisions economic benefit and social benefits. Kconomtc benefits may bo divided into the decrease In tho cost of hauling, the Improve ment of agricultural conditions such a tho Incroaae In tho ralue of farm land and tbo benefits to be derived from tbo attraction of tourists. We will first consider the decrease In tho cost of hauling. In most casvs. It I the decrease lu the cost of hauling that makes farm lands moro valuable. This I not always so, but tbe two factor are Inseparable. Whatever methoda are used to Improve a road, tbe Improvement for hauling purposes Is duo to three causes the betterment of the road surface, tho reduction of the grade and the shortening of the length. On such an Improved road, tho time required to haul a given quaullty of material a given dis tance I reduced. Tho reduction may bo duo to tha Increased speed or to tho Increased quantity of ma terial that may be hauled In each load, or to both. Hut the Import ant thine to remember Is that the tlmo la reduced. And dlatanco la no longer measured In mile. It I measured In time. When a man Inquires the dlstanoo from one point to another, whether he wanta to move himself or his produce, what ho want to know I not how many mile It Is. but how long It will take him to go there. Thu. a reduction In that time It takes a farmer to haul bla produce to mar ket 1 equivalent to a reduction In tho dlitance of hi farm from that market center. It It oay to oo then why Increased farm value mutt follow good roads, for their effect It to bring the farm. In u ense. nearer to tbe town. The fact that on roads with Improved surfaces, hauling becomes largely Independent of weather conditions or the season of the year, alto LOCAL MAN MAY BE LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS; KAY NORTH HAS' BEEN GONE SINGE FRIDAY MORNING .1 , ductlon In hauling costs. And It alo mean that many of Iho Ural- tatlon of the number and kind of I farm operation are Immediately I rcmoT1' Ur, " "JM ". '; 'you must remember that the wore .j. c ,. . ,,, ,,, , i.i. ,,., to,t thai ran naaa nr , f) secure good grades than I nee- aaaarr on Door road. Thars baa United State where the re-loeatlon u m imn lu wTn. a uvuucijun ul , grade has net oporatej to redueeicaB,u ,hu "". r U discovered aeeura a dadurflon at hauling cost. (Tald Ad Jslng) TEXTILE EXPERT VISITS KLAMATH Kin- cmii'ANV KNUflimaii aBd ,b,y punM(l nut. u t CHAMIIKIt OK COMMK.HCK lta I morning for Klamath rail. A,,,X "-OOU " fromp! "2? aTaS "- 'North set out In ssarcn for thsaa. The directors of the Klamath ' Late that afternoon a party ccjautUUtuj Chamber of Commerce are more 'of George Humphries, Karl Sharp, certain than ever that a woolen mill William Hall and Oeorg Mesa, la Is needed In Klamath Fall, follow- the tatter's automobile, passed the lr,g Tuesday' meeting, when they North camp on their way home from were addressed by II. A. Frelt. rep- a hunting trip, and the elder Korta letcnllnc a Massachusetts mill ma-'told them &U ion had not returawl thlnery concern. Mr. rett left thja, from his bant for tho hemes-. , morning for Seattle, f 'Saturdayraorh!a Henry StOUtT" Questions concerning a wooltn mill wh'o was camped la that section, that have bothered the Chamber of learned that North bad not put 1st aa Commerce were fired at tho expert In appearance as yet. This morala quick succession Tuesday, and ho ex- William I Johnson, of tho creamery, plained to the satisfaction of all a telephoned to tho headquarter at number of points that were In doubt. Crater Lake National Park, as waa In addition, Mr. Fretts left tome ' told that tho Norths had aot yet special written Information for the . reached tbo park. guidance of the directors. 1 Peace Hag Dedicate! An American Dag which has been cmled from battlefield to battlefield br Majojr Alfred V. JucUon. an ex Confederate, of Lot Amelia, has been dedicated a an Inilgnla of peace by I'realdenl Wilson. Major Judton, wbo ha conducted patriotic exerciser while tho peace nag avcd over Mis sion Kldge, Chlcatnaugua, Appomat tox. Gettysburg and othir battle ground of the Civil War, planted thelCuuie M-lloaaiMch. fie over Washington's tomb I) few F, J. Dowen of Donanxa, one of tsej tsyt ago. At tht flag wit unfurleli leading advocate of Irritation la ta In the executlte office by Major Jud-i Horsefly district, rode Into this city.'. uu and Lieutenant General Young, last night from bla Bonaaaa homo. representing the tltand Army j( the llepubllc, the president JolnoJ tho Veterinary VUlta. iloi.or In cxpreislug hope for dumet-j Hert Doan. the well kmosm Tet-t" He and International peace. Klectrlrally driven portable air pump aro provided by a big New York electric company to provide fresh air to It employe when work-1 nc unaeriroaaa, mj U.S.R.S.WAMuACnai foundtoTakeStepsTowari City Attorney Rutentc wss. last. night Instructed to prepare a reooln-l Hon ihowtnK tho Intention of tha cltr I to confer with the United States rec-jth city to purcbu; power fyoa.tM" jy . amutlou service reUHvo to tho deTol-'gdverr.nitjnt (or Ugbtlaff r$mm, c''-, A.imHH nt Mi.wUn.l .U.I.U i.Aaiasll.M. Ihel Ik. . kjili tssasf isltaHtsl i U . "..... I opment of municipal electric power cither In Link River or Iho Keno ditch. This was lu compliance with tho following letter from Supervising Engineer E. 0, llopaon to Mayn--Nicholas: "I have received your memoran dum of tho record at It appears on the city; Journal, to tho aSeet that oa I.KrT V.XMV TO KIM) HIS HOWUsa, Ml FA It, .NO WOKU HKANB Or' IIIH HKTUR.V Willi 111 Kallier, Waa HaaUaa la aaa flczuo Itlter Country, asMl saawl I'lajwcil lo Itfa for HUaaataa Fail VrbUy Morabag. aa Ma Was lu Mart lu U'uik " '- ffrftfnm I'. Julinrun tiues lu Jola la'ttesurlt Friday morning IC LI. North left biltsr Camp, on lb Kogu River, to bud hi horse. Unless b rsla'as to by people searchlns for him. hi , whereabouts la a niyatary- North and his father. William North, have been huotlss and fiahiaar llu Ihe Itogu Illver country for eom ttlm, and they had arranged before Isavlng bare, to return Sunday. Ths missing man was to have resumed his work Monday morning. Thursday the campers broke camp at Natural Urldge, aUrttag home ward. Thursday evening they campea at Silver Spring, near Hestile: Klvsi. Mr. Johnson, accompanied by Us wile and Mrs. K. D. .North. Uft this morning tor Silver Camp. Tbey.wlU remain If a aareh la nafaaaarv. il U .. . . . : ': r North It an experienced woodsmaa. and It It not generally believed that he could have been lost. Soma peo ple express a fear that ho may have bean Injured, but tbe majority aro hopeful that be waa delayed la flad-l Ing the horses, and with his father la, now on tho way home, jerlnary of the Honanxa couatry, la visitor In present. Klamath Fall just ai & Rest of order, best of music, boat of everything Hand dance, opera heue "r-r . K June 10th a motion wat carried kasho. council that tha city attoraoyraKjii resolution expressing tho rJestft. of . ., . ". .'.. !t, r. ft ., sWV ttVIIW' laisrsp sassass-ssssa- nny action on this rsoliHloaatt) with tbe result that nothing done by the counoll. a "It It unfbrtttHto that ' i '.'( ters proceed vMfc.ta mtwh Hon anU loss f Urn, MltH ' MMwaaeeiai,aaHaiaaiaiaia)jaaaaaass (CMUWo4sl ftafll l M Jt ' W W 1 1 i V . 4 fi 4 i i "i ! '1 i, etil 7i i . i..; Wjj f V'x ' . r .1 S. J. ; i V :y i anaaaMWKanarsanaroawaeaiwaiawisiiiiMrasj