n i . Etiemttg Uteralfr K I.AM ATI I KAI.I.S' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OIMMCIAI. NKWSPAPISK i I liililh rr So U.lmi KLAMATH 1'ALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOHER 14. 1913 Prlc Ftvo (Mi GLh I ' WORDEN COUNTY JUDGE'S APPOINTMENT IS GIVEN OUT 10DAY MILL 1 Hf. I I III IN (IVll. IIIIW MIIIIMM. 111 ((("111 I.IUI IM III. I'll-, l'll Irtil (i . U..Hllln ( llir llUi.i All. IIpV? li'p.tM-ail l.illl4M), l-- U.r lliat I'n.iii llir 11mm Mr Uolo-H Ji.lili.-it, ll-llrl, !! M l'f.l MlM.tr.1 lit iftr4 'wall Jiidf William M'ordfMJ I aiud I'm ffivu i. V- tfc Htn-HM ..I Ht.H A WAHIIIMITOS li f . ilrl It 1.um at (.Herat MtHtsref ul llr UKih !' avauduiu-d I .. uf - Milk fi.vrlufMrat ceMptBr An- Jiniiiiiiual !. .. in Meitra u.i. u Mtftl lu IMi wad. , nublli lot run I In I MtrJ la.t ia lii Ua romiMI). IMtH.il' III ti4at. (I X Wcbdllbt lli.lr-HI A JehKtIHI. hu lil tOV I, (M4 lltv dt-.tlnl. ul Id km) IM thr patl rar, l.ml.r.d rti(aitwA turn nut tie. In ut . i iW tUt In 4,lul bit Hill at n .. lu bli lumber intriMit ll bi'tllwl lu (emtio IU Chatg. Ublll ! rrMir Wat tllOt.b II it klitt that lb Klanialb It-. lumrt lit t-u:bl Jud n iu rH ih -Mlimn ul iDir. m l, trluH le raaiMir It for otit Hm lb- lullu.luc mmounr- n.ut iIb4 b'x I'mldtal l X. Vn- nine. Ixunt le.lr t lh KUm-' h l.lH'Hi?ril rMar AHiD.nKt .. II.. I'tui-U uf Kltmnlh IU na H.iuibtin t)itn i M lMtr4 in nBiiuiif I but litn Mr llnWit A Jnbntdn Iciidtltd it rtl(nttluii jrnrl tnna(tr ul bn KUnittb lo.l(ipiiinit rumnr. r ( lb qurtlliin l hit turrnttir " . ...... tou. c.n.ld.rallon. and a.kt.1 ll.e rupl uf Klamatn rant anu mum; .. .ue.llU... Many Uller. ..re ereited fluw allout rtunt. flrmt rliulrti aa attitianl in tne wora m to tbo attrmbly for amendment. Tbey ml rurporallimt Ibruu-buiil Kouth- fpenlnit up the Klamath llatln whm Tbe irmalnlu ;: parts, about a ll0ij ,,i there are enough tutca to ru Orrt-mi nearly all In fart, all -e built the railway throughout the Ihlnl uf the rttate. are dhlded amouglcunfir,,, tbP lmrachmeut on a taajoi l n. ier.iniin.iidall.in. ,. fur ,)ear. uf Hollo lu. wh.n later hit s: per.ont. mini of tham omployet.l r of ,tl, c,.,. ....I. Win H Wuid.n '- "'"' r M tl.i.tl.n. In ml.u who rerehe from one ia 195 part. Aorn ,slllHchncld offered to re in tlew i.f the fart that h. a. ly I walk., ami hit rrturn In our company aplf.e loK,n )(j (w BnJ lirrnU SuUl(. ( rrtunalrhulrefrum llieilaleof Huh i"- under mr dlrertlun at pretldi-ut. The will pmtldea that If any n( the, ,riUfy r Uiro.uro wltueuc lo re ... i 1..1........ . ...Knaliun. and the I feel tore will he good for ut all. IwneDclarlea hate left Mr fllinou'a . mi I'Mk. and Morcanlhau. lie atked l.rl that my pertonal Judgimin it tu .bumlantl) tutlaine.1 b) lliwe who l.ate adilre.i.il me I am pleated In ..nn.iuur. Ihe .ph.iiilmeht uf Mr PEDAGOGUES GATHER Annual Institute to Start Tomorrow Morning Tomorrow Ihe annual luach.ra' Inatltutn nf Klninatli cuuiitj c.innea lit Iho Ceiilral achuul lnilldliig. Teach eta lmii hieu arriving from all part. uf Iho count, and neatly every lenchor will Iw on hand ut the open- Ink'. The morning te.tlon upeiia at li u'clnck, i K. I., (Irlttln of Iho Oregon Agrl-' i ulliirnl rullexo ami Ml. Iluby Hlicnr ir of Iho Oregon .Surmiil kchool will ho Ihu luttriictora for Iho Ural day. 'I hey will to nldud In Iho department vork by local leachera, In Ihu own lug n rvivpllon for Ihu teacher aud .-I I. .-Ill 1.,. -llMII nl Hih lllffll iriiiiiiia "in 'v ,,-' -.- --- ...-,-. K"lioni uiiuiioriiim. . Dr. t'i I'. Iluilgo of Ilia Oregon Unl-J M.rtlly wiitl J. A. unurciuii, atate tu Iflrlnltndenl, will nrrlo from Uko low thla BYonlni, Thar will aid u Inttriiclura durlni! tliu rumulniler of Iho Intlltut.i. Thuiailny ovunliic t 8r ID, iho pub- VMMWvwa HURTING CHANGE IMI IIH t M I M.l.tMl lll lsl I'tllll Wa.lillifli.il HHicUU lllr Nn.lt) llMndll,r1 Mii-j- .if r..l-.lllll-I Inn. I l!lrllin (lie lt.l ( tlila Muulli- 4illllullitiatLti. I'M nipt lit liMIIlllg Nrar Vliilllr.r), l'ir-l-allug lur Allwk 01 IttrfruM hlt4 111 IhWUk uf ItrucmiluD All tbe diplomat.. cof(i bllV the ltUti. II hM, lll b farrlal. tun atdertnc Ui Ulr.l adltlUe. uf llu .tt. Of-tutaur baa ordered arahl-i to pnxtrd lu MnlfHll lrf. nl II la luiuurt-d that Hugland plana lu with draw III lr-icnlllun ll llurlta TIlU baa lurra..J the liillli of lb dmlu Wtallu. li lb x.ll7 JOii Wor-lfa Milro Kl. rAJKl. Ti. HI l It K rumoirj hl tbr roulltimuIUl mtrtlrlln truot t Munlnrr. Amrflem ml ntiuurablnt ln II It lrH.flrU Ih.t lrj.rlt. undrr Hiril Mt. r. mublllilin. I'lf i.rlurr Hi tlmilln ih trcaplurv f Tuffron. Wiudrn tu the (riioral management uf the Klamath i.loiriient rumpa nr. rRectli Drluber 15. Ill. llh .. i. ,,..... . ifiim.ih i'allt headquarter, at Klamath lall. , - - - - -' that Mr Worden w.. my ..rl.ln.l In 1 1.1. runner! on I Uet re to t) work of ami further It'" Ititerreta and com ui ienll tUmulale lh d.nelopment uf Huulhern tltrgun anu pariicu.ai.y Klamath Kalla and Klamath count) and particularly i Ih lerlur.a will be held at the High acliool aiidlliirliim. Tim program for the evening It aa folloua. k 15 Inilruuienliil tolo Mlaa lluth riiturvrmnn. I.ecliire J. A. Churchill, rtUlo Hu- perllitemlellt- ihiiI Holo Mra, '.uiuwall. I eciuru Dr. C. r llodge. Oregon llnlverally. Tim gmeriil public It cordially In vii..,i in lu. iin-ainl at any und ull of Ihn ti.tlont, und erj ono It par lliilliirl) urged lo nlleiul the eilln. aeaalun mi Ihuradii) utenliiK. 'iinj, nut lo hear und m'l "10 ,u,w '""' uperlnlcmleiit IU hn u met.ago for ua nil. .,-i... ...... i,..r eiuitliler UiomielNca i in- n',fc.i'. , ery fortuimto lu nucurlng Dr. Ilougo for Klttiniilh Knll Ho l ""o "' "' blK men of our country- llu waa horn I (Continued on page 4) i MANAGER OF K. D. CO. wwwwwvwwwvwowwww Silk Manufacturer Who Left Millions to His Employees i . Iarr.i 09 Vflf aaaMiaB'.Bm llr'it.aii (i moil, iwrbap tbt'lxi. baw adreil tbat the artlrlta uf ilk tr.atiifar(urtr in tlnlraiathnifiil ara faulty I nllrj Klalea. illtd in lUttnn. 1'a the uthrr da). It brcatue knoan Ibat i be bad Itlt a third uf lilt fortune. ea ..,., . . .? ... L1, .... .lo) llu builnMi wblcb h lii oxnl thlt()-l )rr Id balljlnc ami tip bad rurur to tbe cunclutlon I hat bit employe ere enlllled tome uf tbe ru(H Tu bit ldo be Iralrt bit todct. boutea In lUttun and bit retldenre at Inlun Hill. .V 1 . hit life Inturanc and 110,960 in rath The rrtldue of' bit ratal la !. be dlilded Into 3.000 arta Of Ibete artt Klliabalb Mary ,rllmon. hit lfe, Kelt CiSC pirtt, hit tltler. Mra r'tntlr HI lull uf Krankfort "" tne wain, iiermaujr, 3av; lr. -- -- - ..., -.-...... . ., . . .,..,. ; , i ' former hu.band.l J0 !' i: lempluy or are dead, their tharo la lo,h court lo amend the Impeachment w dhlded among Ihe olbera. Iilrvc- arllclvn. making permanent the Teck lion made that Iho bciicfklarlct , thall form a rurporullon to he known Mivtuvy Marhalt for Iho defente a. the It . II Simon rompany. .iLw ,u a ,a , tank-upley... eu,,,,,,,, Ihu I.u.ln.... The will waa'1(, i)luri.a tu, prMKIoll ,,-j f,. I dated June It. ISO.. Then, were no,,,, mi(,pr ,mn W(,uil, I public bed.iu-.la -t I .1 Ul,......-.. ...111 .. 1-..... ..! ' I ii iiiiiii. iiiiii m. ,aiiiii niiu , 'lliion Mill vmplO)d about J.SOUi handi UmY8 THERE WERE PLENTY Of BOATS M.vs.viii:it iir tiii: comimxv di:- ll..III.S I r WOULD HAVK IIKI'.V IMl'OsMlll.i: IHU Till! HIIII' Tt) II.Wi: I.IIIT 1 UK DOCK I ! Hulled 1'rett Servlco Ni:V VAUK. Oct. U- "Tho tlory that the Volturno carried only nine lifeboat, la rut nud foollthneta," tald Muuiigur lludku uf tho I'runlum lino today. "An body knowing anything of maritime Iiiwh knout that tho gov ernment Intpcrtora would Imui not hio ullowinl tho boat to atari III thin condition, Thuro Is no boat nlloat with n liner array of lifeboats than that purchmod for the Volturno," -- . . . - - - . SULZER CASE IS STILL FAR FROM BEING SETTLED lllll 1,1 .SOI1 IMI'l:.l HMKNT Mil. imiito lie i ii'i.n 'i i IIiIiik !! In lt.ticii llir ax tin! InlKxIiii. Mm. TiMI Iiiiiii) IUIIri.il Miitrmnil May IU Mall.il In Itifrr Hi" liu'arlimrnl lllili-. Ilji'k In tin- UEUUlurr fur t Inn. ilmr ul Tamilian) (Iimh li i i r.t tfarvicv A i 1IAN. S V . Oft tl -luiiport-rra ..I iluitrnor William riultrr tie ) ur IhHr tuecrtt In trcurlnic ,r addition ul further arcuoirnta. Ibrri- It a tlral puttlbllltx tbat tbo Inal ut tuddrlil)' ball ltb no f dirt Altbougb no mtniVtr of lb ruurt bai dltrtiurd II, It baa bttn lirmnl that tbf malurltr of tlie mem l.mlnr. uf Iba rourl uf alilM-ala bo arr vu tbo trial board qurttlonj trlouil) lli Jlcbt of I ha court toj amend tbl. ""' "j Tbr aifumcnU todajr rrfer to that! qurttlon malnlr- If th court d-' rldra tbat It cannot atntnd tba artl-i Irlra. It tnutt icfrr tbrm back to lli tatMBiblr. in' rrudrr a nrcatltc tr-i If lb. cbarcra to to a Vrrdlct on article four, charclne Mm Mltb tup- irpIDK etldrtire. It li believed tbat I the memU'ra uf tbo tribunal will roti lunltnl In fator of tbo accutrd niltclat. Oreat eiellrmcnt rctaltt In Ibt ran 1 1 ul A vote on the right artlrlet will probabt) Im taktn tomorro'. Ijile today It m reported that thr antl-Hulirr people would reject any imemiM" ium -juu.u iwi iu u (..Mton , ffrr , ,rl,c,M bMk ,, J Moraanthau iratlmonr. KANSAS GIRL IS A LOCAL BRIDE f)inim. .MTr.u Aimiv.u. raoM hlM'l.lnMlll ST.XIi: MONDAY mm: iii:c.mi: tiik win: ok YOl'Mi I.HMIIKIUIAN A pretty romanco wai brought to a culmination Monday evening, when! Mlt draco l.eoim (loodeu and Krwlnl Ho) King were united In matrimony. Only Immediate relative wero pre ent. Tho groom ha realded In Klamath Knlla for aoveral year, and hat'becu rouneclud with the lllg Dailn Lumber company during that time. He I popular with hi acquaintance, and I In every way a capable young man. The brldo and groom were nweet hearts In Kanta, and Ml Oooden arrived on the train from that atato Monday afternoon to become Mr. King. ' .---.. - - -J.--.-..-...--.-.---a He Jvst Cannot aWSHnaiaiaia 'BBA " fllBaBalbiiMaHaBaBaBfl a4kaVaakaB IoKHBaVpaakakav9SkakakMakakaa IBkWJoaia'' rvZbaiaiVaiaaW-" 'afoaaaLaBl aBallan'-''' 'TtiaBaBaiav' SiflaiaiaK aaaaaBBV":' 'v ""iPHB"' - vaSHfllfLaLaB V aaar IbiW'-r jT. rMn . K9RBaaaf rn-lleiit Hucrta of Jlcilcu An Open Letter to Taxpayers lljr the Cuuntf Court Tbe fourth dlvltlon of our J1- flcatlon waa given aa "Around and circling the Upper Klamath Lake, and north through Wood Hirer Valley via Korl Klamath. Heater Ma rah and Cretceut to Crook coun ty line." It it our opinion that the com pletion ot thU part of the ajatemj mean more to Klamath Kali frouit tbe atandpolnt of tourltt travel! than any other. J Upper Klamath Lake, Crater I Lake, Odell Lake and lletervatlon' polnta art the touriata' paradlie.l and are all erved dlrectl) by tblij hlghw-a) The) are valuable atot( to Klamath County and a great deal ahould be made, of them It llllB I..M.M .ql.l .!. ..till.. IMftma..! produce many valuable crop, one of tho heat will be tbr tourltt crop, wheu proper avenue of travel aro provided Into and out ot the country Take California for Instance. There are In that date over J 00,. 000 automobile When the north and outh highway I complete and our outlet via Sltklyou built, a great ttream ot travel will como northward each year. A largo part of It will pa through Klamath upon either tbe up or down trip and will vlalt the attraction we time here It I not unreasonable to say that out ot tho 100,000 machine In California, at loatt one- tenth or 10,000 will be ued by tourists for a northern trip each! year Terforce ot attractions andl conditions they must spend (overall da In this county, and all who havu traveled via the automobile! route know that M00 I a reason able sum for a total expenditure, covering tho garage expense, hotels, restaurants, butcher, baker and candlestick maker, etc. Now 10,000 machine with an ex penditure of 1100 each mean that $1,000,000 In cash would be brought Into Klamath County each )ear, and wuuld bo a salvation to ub. Can )ou name any crop In Klamath County that, I bringing uch results as this? All we havo to do to secure thorn la to go ahead and complete tho work wo havo started. It will not do to stop now, The most difficult and most expensive parti la now doue and the burden of( completion will bo lighter. Along this route much has been irjTj'.-njLrxririi"a"i"i" ---- ....... (Continued on page ) ............. . ... . ...--.J. , Behave Himself WILL DISCUSS CITY jEAUTIFUL ri:uTi.i:.vr Tone will jik IIIKIIT.IIT I'l' AT THIS KVE.V. IM! MKI.TING OK Till-: KLAM ATH LITKILUIVMXTIKTY The officials ot the city and mem ber of tbe Women's Civic League have been Invited to attend this even lug's meeting ot the Klamath Liter ary Society, at which time "The City lleautlful" will be dUcutsed. Mr. C. K. Stewart I tbe leader for the evening, and others who will talk are Mitt Krma Cole, Mitt Uettle Ap plegate, and Mrs John McLean. A dumber of Important points will be brought out at this eilon. Housekeeping rooms, near bridge. OFFICERS' ROW HURTS Many Farmers Under the As a result of the quarrel between Governor West and State Troasurer Kaj. and tho governor's action In uc- cuslng Kuy of negligence lu collecting school fuud loans, many land owners under the Klamath project will bo caused great Inconvenience ss well as be forced to suffer considerable finan cial lots. Governor West discovered that there wero u number ot notes and mortgages In tho custody of the state treasurer, which had been given as security tor loans from the state school fuud, which were over ten )var old, Aa tho last loglalature patted u bill making a ten year limit ou mortgage, the governor censured the troasurer for not having tho loan I aid or renawed. Although It Is a well recognised fact among tho legal fraternity that the atatuto of limitation does nut vuirk against the atate, thta did not ""i-irniTMTrvvviTjTjuvTjnjxa)UUjljtJUjijiA PERISH IN EXPLOSION IN COAL MINE U KI.ST CULLIKItlM HCKXal Of A niHAHTr.B .Nearly a Thousand Hen Pearaadad for Work llefore the Ksploaloa Or rurml fkflleTnl the Mat of Deaxl Will Itrwh .100 Ho Kar In Ihe .Neighborhood u( IOO nf Itirj Mm Hare Hern I teamed. f a ted I'rets Servko CAIID1FF, Wale. Oct. H. An ex plotloo occurred at the 1'nlvarsal col ' rrle at Alngbenydd, ten mil from thU city a tbe men were going to work this morning.. Nine hundred and thirty-one aaen Lad betn lowered Into tbe abaft be fore the explosion took place, and more were waiting for the lift. Ily 1 o'clock thl afternoon only 371 bad been rescued, moat ot them badly burned, many ot them fatally. The fatalltle may reach 100; 100 are known lo be dead, and tea bod lee have been recovered. v t At s o'clock thU afternoon thV-' rial conceded that 41S miners In the wett galleries were probably doomed. The fire which followed the explosloa baa spread to the alrshaft Intake, cut ting off fresh air from the survivor All tbe living miners have bead raicued from the east side ot the) mine. At 7:30 rescue work waa abandon ed, and the mine officials admit that, the list ot fatalities will reach .up ward of 500. lu from tbe Valley. Fred Fleet and family are from Langell Valley for a short vlalt.' He Is a member ot the Urns of Win nard & Fleet. , . -" Here From I-akcvlcw. Mr, and Mrs. D. T. MeKtmmoaa are j here from Lakevlew for a short visit. ,McKlmmons formerly resided here. but Is now deputy game warden la Lake county. I M. 1'. Nelson has gone to Ban tier Inardlno to reside. He has lived In ' i Klamath county for nine rears. Project Will Be Hard H nutke any difference with the gover nor, and as a result the state land . bo.vul has ordered the payment ot all notes which have been running over lm yeari. , The reason these notes have not,, been renewed In Klamath county aaa"" betn because tbe ownera of tbe (acid huvu signed water contract with tho government lnce tbe mortflf) to the lute were given, and tbey could not be renewed a first mortfaa, Thla actlou of tbe state land board . will force tbe land owners usdertas) Klamath project to either saclie their property to pay of the. state;., him or, U (hey are able to sawuw ; loan from, other source, to pav.wt -,... r.nl Inl.r.ll (, lhl ' "' .V WM . w ..vt . a ' v wharu they have been, gettlat It ttt, 0 tr cent from tho state. It 1 tlmply mean an addltloaal fcaifcfcaf --,, I lor tna larruer w mim umw Tr burdened with water aaw. aw. . i . i n a i f .3 V , .-, JL . 4 x