.J.a.jliVa.linV '""I" If 1 u '-, Jr. ..i ..' , ' 1 V r -5 r . Sft "ri I -to .v. ;, Ut: Ml V , to. ' f KLAMATH PALLS' OI'FICIAL NEWSPAPER Elgtilli Year No, U,km DETA1LS0FSEATRAGEDYGIVEN O'SHAUGHNESSY I mi) ri'iicw i. i i.xrii'ii n i Niiniir inn 'rtrfa 1nM. lMtlwillUrl 111 llir jmr al liMin-H, talk ! IImIIu) w-,,rlal) lll)ala Italia I t In tin ' laaailif IJwi llir 'Jliralltt of V Iwtliet lln Mimil.l k..i tin lu llir 4cNr ul tlu lluuMr t'alltd I'm IteriUa WAHIII.SinON. I) C. Of I IJ Mtiliillnc lu III tlltttlS Irplwllla IHtua luada by HWlelar Hi HUI N lu 1 llijati. Hunt baa ixHIBnl Amr Han lltnbaaay Krfrtar N'lwil irithaushliaatr lhal the ImprUilRed leputlxa ami tentl lll lil be h-aHnxl llral hat Bhtlfird AltlbaMtiliir Mild that br lll alVtia him lu uh , hit in itlarirtrHfi alwttt rrtMrnlnc lu Murr.) IIITKIilt anticipate ail early up-' (ratal In Mnloi a iull ul Hurl- I' rUi I'nurQclal drapaldira M( (hat lb federal airor. dlhallBd n It.r limn al Tiiflmn I laUltIC mutiny THE DUSKY DIN6E FORFEITS CASH M IXii: IWIIIT.NTI.II Hl.l.ll.tKH IN i nt: ni.u ,mui: that tiii;'. ni: i;n i emi: iuk," and ait At MIIIIHMII.V lulled 1'rr.a Hrrtlce CIIIOAOO. Oct. IJ.- Jtl Jn ..hi1 bund fur IJO.OUl) wat declared fuifelteil tnday by Judge Carpenter .n the. federal dtitrlcl rouil fur fall Ilia to appear In aer to tho charge glui lilin uf violating Kin Mann xlillo alatre art. Jnhuiuti'a allurney ieiintled a tiiiilltiiianre, alng that he Aa inn ildeiit that Jiiliiituti would return af ter filling hi traililetllleetigagrllitllll Judge farpelitel leflneil Hie culitln uancn. l!i lii Mnrrli 31, lhr I'hlladelplila mint rutiifd ttii.iuiu a il) In iilrkel In it au.ilay run. Jachainivllle, Kin I to ullHie luu llr playground 4 evening recrea tion renter. WHERE DO library Club Says New There I aumn iiietll(in whvtlier llio Women' Library Club of till elly will turn nvur lo tho now Carno tie library llio former' hooka. Till follow thu nniiniilireinii'nt by tho i ounly court Hint thu $30,000 struc ture I In bo nrcclc.il on tho court l.uuao block In Hot HprlDg addition. According tn member of tho or luiilintlon. tho club pollllonvd tho i ounly cuurt to rurt n Carnuglo library sotuewhero between Third and eh Real Earl Will Become an Actor Tt. Im . ainrk hu U tou mller ol Ilia boutahold lu lb lurd llrulrntnt vt Ireland, la lu appear al the ulitrUBi un October ! lu a Ola Main akttch railed A Point ol lion-' if. In which be will take the leading pail. Ibal ef Culunal I'lrirlanil, V (' . alt nWeer III Snanrlal lilRlcutllra The hul ul Irfirk Cairlck' aalsry will .be Jrliilr,! tit rliarltjr, atntl hr baa rv , CutrO rlrlal ilbr iiltrni of Biuilc ball rIafBirlil Tba Iradloc In A I'ullil of HuBur" lll i Mlaa ilirr r'orbra lluih UirJ ami IjJr Carrlck arr rll kirnun In amalrur tbratrl- 'ill. anil un oik urratlon al Iratt thr rail bat Hint hit hlttrlonlc powrr lu iral lift At an Intprctor o( dalrjr linxlurn umlrr Ihr Irltb board of ax- clrullHtn. ohm h aa Vlirounl Urr- m bv mirr bought anmr Irlth butter h Winn illijulicl at a laborrr. i i Uitd I'arrkk ilia In the buutv uf ' lordt at Huron llutlrr of Mount Juliet a til In hr rrrohrd latt Jrar I Jdr i atrirV. limurrlr Mitt Kllrn l.lndiajr, la a daughter nf l.lrutrnant Colontl Mem Hum l.lndtar of Dublin. HE SAYS THERE IS T '" JCNMNtlMIIIVA.N IIKNIIM Till! union tii t nix iii:utiv: is si I.I.I.NH LNII 111 THU JAPAN. i:si: i.n ri.iinui WAHHINtllON, I. C Oct. 13 William Jriinlliit Hrnu loduy moat emphatically dmled lb" report that are being printed In t'allfornln lu tho effect that hi cuutlii, vi-llowrnor Jrniilng of Florida. I eiiKiiged In telling Inml to tlii Jnpanete. BOOKS GO? Site Is Out of Limitsj w Tenth alrwil. where It would bo nc ....m.i.. rrmii nil nnrt of town. If ii. 1 ua iliiiie. according tu tho pott-i lion, Urn cluh wa ready nud willing to turn H hook mer to tho new In-1 slllutlou. . i Tho alto sclectod by tho court is niiUldo tho dlttrlcl pretcrlbed by the .lob. The. matter wa dlicutsed nt Rntiir.liiv',1 lllnulllll! Of tllU lUOIUUer Ol , tho club, but no action wa taken ( on It. I w i-uimmg KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913 MWWWWWWWyWWWMWMWWWWWWWlryiVVWrW SULZERS CASE 10 BE SETTLED , IN SHORT TIME inn m. iiiirnitTCii iii.twckv hk (Nil Ills ATlOIINIitN (ili'lliiil ali lu II" ImriiM-il at Inur Crriiul In IIIiih Him lu Mrfk t Malinirnl llrfonil ltii nan lliirjlrli. lu Itrfral All) J"' luakrr l'lllK III. Vul lu IiiiImiuIi llu- Klroilltr. I tillrd I'rrta Krvlr AI.IIANV. Oct. 11. The beglnnlng ..i ihr nut nf New Vurk'a itrrat pollt i al uafidr U alaleil tor late todar liiiljr a frw (real iurttlunt rrtrardlnic the tridlit ttllltln to b attlled be tore the totr ll he taken to decide whrthrr William Killxr thould be r muted Irum the ultlro nf coternor. It It uuderttooil that Duller hai l.raclkill broken with bit attorney iln to their lefutal lu rermlt him In lettllr If defeated. It It elpecteO Hut he lll blame the attornejt. , Tlie llefortn llullttlu of tba N't lurk t'ltlc lratue Jutt reetel her ihrratent the pulllleal eitermlnatlon , ol eterybodr riinilblo for the lin I'carhment of Hulier. Henattir Wende. who It leadlnc Hul trr'i flKht. ilrrlant lhal he now hat enough toirt to oreTent Hulier' re moval lie did nut iftfr the hum- tn-r. but t) he (lHcla the totea of all but one of the Judge nf the court of appeala. The antl-Sulier faction claim the tamo fur their tide. If the appeal Judbea tutu a a unit It will bate a telling ellect on the reaull. COLUMBUS DAY BEING OBSERVED Itl.NKs AMI ml'ItT lltllsi: AUK" CI.OM'II Al.li HAY CITY tX)UX-. I'll. V III. .NOT MKr.T TII'H KVl NI.NO Coluiubut Day la being nbtertedj by the bank and the county urtlclnl. Willi the exception ot tho aMraiur'al and county tchool uperlntendeut'! oltlcet all other at thu court houtel tin doted fur the day, On account of thl being u legal) holiday, thu city council Mill uot meet thl vu'titng. Inttond, lonlght'a biiiliuii Mill bo trantactcd tomorrow nlglit. Uikis-lu-diilf Men Meet United Pre. Servlco I'COItIA, III., Oct. 13. Uualueta men from cwty tjctlon uf tho Middle Went aro here today to attend the opening uf tho nnnual contention ot thu lJikri-lo-Oult Doep Waterwaya AtKorlutluu, tthlch opens Monday and ttlll continue throughout uont week. Will at Tlio Dalle. Word tins been received here that Jeas Johnson of Merrill won first plncu In the wild homo raco and act ond money In the burklug contest at tho Wasco County llodco, held at The Dalles, Isit week. Johmon I uxpurtod hero lu a few day, nfter a trip to nearly all tho big Western shown Hit summer and tall. There lire about thirty-seven pine uatlvo to tho United State, ot which twenty-flvo aro Weitern ipeclea and twolvo Kaitern. Twenty Pounds by Swimming in Europe KKKKKCaaaaaaaaaaaaat 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaT' W .Har t(V' alKV iHHaaaH iLaTlJ rVfltf When Mmc Alda. the beautiful opera (Inger and wife of Slgnor Oattl Caiaiza, manager of the Metropolitan opera bouie In New York, left for Kurupe In the (prlng, the weighed too much to tult berte If Hut how could he reduce' She atked tho tame quitllon that every third woman ak during thr coune of her life. In Kuro be found thr aniwer, an aniwer which might hare bvco gltrn her on any bathing beach In the United State iwlmmlng. 11 y iwlmmlng regularly and portlttently every day fur about two month he ha lutt twenty pound, and cam back with a trim and almoit tylph llke figure. BECKER APPEAL CASES ARE UP XKW YORK ltlMCKU., CON- Yitrrr.ii or the kii.u.no ok tiAMIII.KII HOHK.NTHAL. SEEK TO AYOID DEATH HKNTEXCK I'nlted Pre Service AI.UANV, Oct. 13. Argumeuta on thu appeal of ex-Police Lieutenant Charlea Decker and hi four Rosen thal gunmen from tho sentence of denth wero begun today before the court ot appeal. Thu urgument wero to have been mude noma week ngo, but the Suiter Impeachment proceeding at which the court of appeal Judge at aa mmbcr of tho Impeachment court made necessary tho postponement un til today. Speedy decision In tho Decker gun men caaua are expected. Should tho court decide against the condemned men It seemed certain to day that a further appeal would be taken to the United State, .upreme cour. This would mean that the men con victed ot tho sensational killing ot Gambler Rosenthal will not be exe cuted tor many months at least. Approximately SO per cent of Jap an's exports ot hat. and cap consist of Immltnttou Panama hats, mora than CO per cent ot the foreign sale ot tho latter going- to the United States. literals ORGANIZE FOR EXPLOITATION l.KJ.li JIKX TAKK STKI-rl TO UIVK I'L'IIUCITV TO UtVA IIKII HCy.S- KltV IIOAI) KltOJI KLAMATH ( KAI.I.S IKTIIi;i'lt.N Thr wonderful (tenet of the JIo-, doc lja IV'l and other po'nt reached through Klamath county U to be told to the world al Una through the organisation of butmet mnn edected at the Hotel Hall Sat urday night. Though organlted, the organliatlon bai no name, and appro priate title aro lollclted. Tnei majority of thote present were ' member of the party who went to the Lara lied a couple of week ago for a two-day' vllt- All returned greatly ltnprriied. Other trip to Klamath county point are to be made alto. i It I the Intention of the organisa tion to aecure a good road from the California line to the care and other attraction In tho Lata lied. The road from thl city to that point I ex cellent. Capttln J, C. Rutenlc wa elected president and Dr. W. A. Leonard eo retary of the new organisation. MOTORCYCLIST HAS CLOSE CALL id. HODKMIKIMKU. UIC:DI.Na IXI.Nt) laKK GIUDK WITHOUT HKADLHHlT ON MACHINE, Jim's to uvl' un: Coatllng down the Long Lake hill grade without the headlight turned on nearly proved fatal for Oeorge Ilodenhelmer of thl city lait evening. A It wa. he saved his life by Jump- In i; from the machine Jutt before It' went off the road and collided with a pine tree. The grade Is a long steep one, and there Is a sharp turn at the end of a , lone pitch, turning the road down ward at a right angle to the other deaceut. It was at this turn that ilodenhelmer met with his mishap, i which resulted In the wrecking ot the motorc)cle. WOUNDS SELF IIHIll SCHOOL LOSES PROMISING ! l(M)rilAl.l. PLAYER THROUGH ACCIDENT LATE SATURDAY AF TKHXOON I While getting Into a row boat to go :;:';::::;;:::;: i';":-::i;:iBaiky Secures RedKtJw to (tftait Nt iv uicnargea ni suotgun. as a ro-. suit, the muscle, ot the left arm was torn to bits, and the slda and shoal der were badly hurt. The young man was carrying the gun by the mutile, and tn stepping Into the boat he started the boat to rocking, Thla caused the stock ot tho gun to bo struck by the oscillat ing craft, discharging the gun. Lundy wa brought to the Black burn hospital here, and is under the care ot Dr. Hamilton. He la u foot ball nlftvur nf unuaual marlt. and waa soon to have started to attend tba high school. THE SURVIVORS TELL TERRIBLE taipq to piqqciocdc nc cutw COMING TO VOLTURNO'S RESCUE An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly the County Court We come now to the third di vision of our highway lyitem, which wa bare datalfled a THAT TO LAKE COUNTY LINE VIA OLENE, DAIMRY. DONANZA. LERELLA AND BLY. Tbl route ha been for yean. and alway will be au important. ,;.,, ,,rM, b,,,, one. Not only 1 It a mall route.) , ..., . . . but the outlet to a lane area of' LONDON, Oct. II. The crttteer Eaatern Klamath and the gatenayl Donegal ha been ordered by Ik ad- to Lake County. Perhap more! mlralty to ek the wreck ol tk Vol- automoblle traffic follow, thla line turno ,nd itak lt M Wt M ,t u u than any other In Klamath County. ... ...- . ...-l(- Dairy. Bonanta. Lorella and Bly .lit" ?" T' aa? . " ""f .. n .nrt n. n,n hl. mnll AcCOrdlM tO th UttWt Wlr!M U for their communlcitlon with Klam ath Fall and the oatalde world. A large percentaae of tie combine! traffic of Klamath County P"! orr " .' NEW YORK. Oct. Hi Cuk It U alo a link In that rrat 8p4nf ,obr- ot t i,Mr cJfaai National thoroughfare to be known, p"! . ;f " . " '"! a. the Lincoln National Highway.' Ku''u" top?Jfdf ".J? ThU ha. been marked throughf "ht b,P' ,,h 10 ' "" VHrBO from Turlock, Ner.. to Klamath urrlTor. Fall., and lead on to Portland and aeattle. Colonel Charlea W.f United I'reaa Serrlo 7h,C.he 15, ,,ndlcl'J " ,T,r3r ON HOARD LA TOUBAIN Wire torn In that dUtance. at every cro', ,. . .. . .. . Vf road and upon tree, and rock. 'rM-0tt- " Aordl to ata. by mean of yellow arrow, and Spurgeon. a paueoier oa Ike Cor- ahleld bordered with black, ao plainly that no tourist can easily lose the way. From Klamath Falls this route continues to Bend, and! then north to Portland and Seattle.' The County Court ha. appreciated the Importance of thla route and ha. done .ome permanent work thereon in the construction ot ev rral link. In Its length. For Inatanee: With the exception of a mile and a half. It I gradtd through and beyond Olene to a distance approximately fifteen mile from Klamath Fall.. Much ot this la heavy work, especially through Lost River Oap, where, a little uver a year ago, It wa dangerou. to cross with automobile or loaded wagonsrdurlnc wet weather. Part of thbVork will yet have to be surfaced, slnco the soil I ot such character that the surface will not stay smooth during either wet or dry weather. Thl., however, will not bo a difficult task, since large areas of rocks llo contiguous and a good deposit ot gravul ha. been discovered at Olene. The grade of the Meier Hill between Olene and Dairy has been reduced to that two horse may now pull load, that four could not In the old way. The Right ot Way tn thl. vicinity ha. also been cleared preparatory to . (Continued on pace i) GRAIN RATE LOWERED: A reduction In the freight rate on grain from Klamath Falls to points tn California baa Just been granted, ac cording to advices received by Agent 8. J. Bailey ot the Southern Pacific. Heretofore the rate on grain to Ban Francisco from Klamath Fall waa ,5,40 a ton. To Los Angeles the rate was $8.80 per ton. Under the aew order tho rate to San Francisco U t nnd to Lo. Angeles T.f 9. Klamath County has been rapidly coming to the front as a grata rakt- PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT II NEW! r. ,i HHir IH DIMPATCHKD TO BdOW IV AND HIMt Rt'fLXHB IIKHKUCT Calm ObtaJated by Coatteaal PUkf Ins of Oil on the Wa Tank KhJfiti HUattDa. by Mw lag Mletuner Orrttler lh Mlaalng Httid to Kara Into the Water b Sheer nea hulk wa atlll afloat, aad la the) Btk of the trana-Atlaatle Usee. United ITeea Berrlee I mania, seven or the voiturao ger were drowned wbea the flrat two lifeboat, were lowered. It' to thought that these two boat war aH It wa. possible tor U eraw of Um Volturno to launch, aad thea www rapilted. Eleven rescue ahlaa aeareh- ed every where for other boats, hat none could be found. f For twenty hour that the CaraM nla waa at the scene of the wrack bar pauengcra did not deep, but threeif. ed the decks, waiving and ihowttla! encouragement to the dUtreeaad ship. Spurgeon says: "Capiat lack Waa the last person to leave the alaMasf vessel. Ilefore he left ha secursd Jm ships paper. The Voiturao at that time was a mas ot nasaea front atata to stern." Outside those lost whta the laW boata were smashed and cap tied aad a few member ot the crew ktUeCam an explosion, moat of the victim i drowned when through desvalr fright they Jumped lato tba and endeavered to reach one of the rescuing vessels. . , ' The artificial calm prodiMed'af the tank ihlpa New York aad Narra- wMMMwwMMMawmt (Continued oa pas 4) BS ! i v. v : f 'I T . Hi i Ing section, bat tba era been hampered la fir)-!. grain by the blah frtdfbt MMVV f alleviate tala, My. Mttaf WwaVttf matter up with' O, wV Iaa. 9 freight traark result that tba Tba rata to 14.60 par toa.v Otaar Ma ft era Oraga , ft uuiut, -, u Tba aew rata wW as tea aa tba waHak a H A - Tl ' ' -L. J V J . -i: - fi " fV & Av! US H?I