1 ,l' ';j,i . ', " TS't ,11 n,v ttummg !tealb KLAMATH .'ALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE J& NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i:umii v .V.i. U.IN7 KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913 lrk Vlfw Cant rt. h i H SHIP BURNS IN OCEAN; 1 36 ARE MISSING MORE THAN 500 PEOPLE RESCUED ATHLETICS WORLD CHAMPIONS MIS FRONT HUERTA FIRES IN A RAGING STORM BY VESSELS . . SUMMONED By wireless CALL k s Superb Pitching Brings Victory LAMPS LIGHTED?; CONGRESS; TAKES UP DICTATORSHIP mum: or nit h i in w h m.ui mii:iii; mi. ii.i.-r.ui;ii iiT.tMi wi:vr imiwn lli. i.ll.r (i , rrr tlnaaliH tint Hip ...ai.u vara druanad ii il.i.ugt.i H.ai ilia C tniaa.ng rp all ilri.atird In tlii-aa buala I'lilted I'lm KaMlca IU II. MA 1.1 .(.VI) I'OMCK JUIHIK IIAVK TWO I.VTKIII'IIKTATIO.VH. M.ITTKK WILL UK TAKKX 01' tTUTIIKIl Kill Htrrrf.KMK.NT AUowsOnlyTwoSafeHitsDuringGame i .1 HKNIf OUTIIHKAK M KXPWOTUB AXV MI.VUTK What kind of a light eontlltutea' thp front llfht nf an aiitnmnhllaf 1 Tbl. quetllon puttied Folic. Judge l1"' of ,,w Me" Am tUavltl lbl moralac. when K. II. Hall M:VUIIIK.Otl II IMd II , Mrlal UliUal. NmiiiI In tlin TliiiWH a(r tit ill III.. Trillium, one f III aaaa plrtrtit at tbe dlititrr. . lU.IIIng rra Allrr li-tlliig II. r raal Hurt.!1 Meamrc nea a llufal I llirr I III llalur.1 hitch a HraMtna) thai III Vrarl IImmipU 1rr lii Ma.ri'a IjIp. I llllr.l I'faaa Unll I.IVr.lllOOI.. tkl II Tlie lluat l.llw adatnar VhIIuiiiu butn- to lb ain't 4( in wM uraan rater. lay, alld unl) It" pluMpI llllirl III ll.p alirlaaa alU for dlatlraa pre tralnl another Titanic dlaatler The alreiner bail uu baid 1I ! auiia, Ihrliidlbg Mii(rf anil fl, jnj i lbr til alt rraruad, while C a(f Ubarriiunta-I fur The aula, uf frame . (frally heluatel on airublil uf a f)rrr alurni raging al lb lluir. and Ik rracueia ruinpallnl lu inatiruirr fur tuna lima In urdrr lu rl Into a uualllun "bale aBrcllte aula, could ! dun lllr I'amianla aurcrrdr,) lu (filing llli Vraa.l lo ah.le lii. could aand hla Ifrbuata nul. and Iruiu under tb lam uf Ilia bmnlDC ! urrrrdad n traruIlK alaim aaaanra Hbulllf allar ulhrr llnata ahl uul Ibrlr llfrboal, and Itir taiirk of Ira- ua aa nn In aarunt W'tiati ho Carmanla raacbrd Ibc Vulmrnii I Iip iraarl xu buinlllH Ulrrlf furoaltl and lulllDK liraUlr ahHoulind thai It.r lurtlillic iia- . ,. Ilia irncna uf Itm Vullumua had '.n dl- I lllliCl6lpnil tklrd aniline iraM-li liallnr in lb iramr and artlTlnt al lb acta Ngiy York In lima In aaalat In lha far of lb HIMiUlrri fullnaa IMchlran adulla and 1 rblldrrn rabln .aiachna Uiund fr Na olK una' adult rabln iaaarn(rr lor Mallfat 211 adulla. 11 thlldrrn and 1 Intallla. ilnlilr IKaaahfrra. for Sr i oik Jill adulti. II (lilldrm and le Infanta, l-miml fur llallfai Tiilal. SO Arrnl Tlmtnaa diflalrd that tli" iKtat rairlad anoucb Ufa txiala til c- raltnUllHtalr) all Oil titaal bad a raill)r fur 1.500 tiaa arnint allb all tbr nrrraaarr aipar' aim fui Ihrir ralr In raar uf an aril FL H E. 102000000 -3 6 1 000010000 1 2 2 ilrot An Klaaaclal aad CilanU la ttta Moatbani Htoraa An HbBt aad lfiilnaW la Clljr of Mcalco, jul Lota of Tllal la In ilit. ' n'tid I'imi 8rlco i POl.o illtUI'MlH. Nw York, Oct 1 1 I'.i Itir iblrd llinn In fuur oara Itir I'litladrlilila AlniTlcan lacu I. am nun Hip anrld'a baarball cliaBI .hiM' todar. l 'Ii I be burd-liltlltiK l)ira barnlrd loii-lbrr Vf t.'omallua MiHllllcu.td) IihiW frum llli- Nrw ink, fllanta, tbamiliin of tbr Na tional Iajur. I hi- fourtb vlrlorjr In HT.tlt I'lTCIIKIlK OrTIIKHKHIKS Imard. Ibal tbr h 1bi unWalablp ilrblnK of Kddlp I'lank the trlrran oulli'PA I lrlar m Hip Atblrllni. oaa rKnalbp fur dn.t. and r..ld not am,uM for Hip 'I-l-turr uf thr flnal r.n.p. a J-l.-l , fallulr uf I he rr to rate fur Hip iuriirtt TIip nnlr IHiaalbU rlpla nation, uld Thunm, aai Ilia rapid llrad of thp Ranipa, but claims that 11 It hard lo undeialaud bo plan that rould occur. Thla laatfa.lv niitra.1 tlhtn a Taw Al laa faptaln llarr uf lb ,, , , . -..,. Al. ' . tnllra uf lb acanp of lb Tllanle dl. aatrr. and nnlr lerntl Hip llnrr rranlum. uf Hip aamr llnr, on nrp. but lb blafp at ronlrollrd br lha ripar aflrr a ilrafprale Dahl. lklury. I'lank a at bla beat. Up held th (llanta In two hlln, and at no limp In tin (amp aas he Itm Iraat bit irrued, At Hip rluap uf thp (amp I'lank rarrlul nil Hip nrld nn Ibn ahouldera nf hla rherrln( learn rnalea. It la lonri-drd br all that the Tlctorr fori Hip Alhlrllra In the aprlra It due lar(plr l the ork of the twu vrter ana I'lank ami Chief Mender. , IIKht In the flrat the l'hlladel lihlana ime Into the run column, and In Hip third Ihr)- added lro Uiuro. Hli ' hlla and I litre runa wore (laaned off' Mall)'a drllt rr ilurlnn Iheav ranloa.l II The bill alter that "llle Sl" pitched iter-1 WP- JS irJ' Taaafcaajaatf alll JadT Oilef llriiilrrMiul labile I'lank uf lir .UlilHln. IMIV IICT.XK ISTIIKI'KX.VAXT larlraalu l-alra fur JaMli I II Unl I'fpai Her Ira HAN KIIANCIrtCO. Oct ppclal dttetala from the United llnic ball HI 1.1 1 to a(aln tullrll the patronn' The rflurla nf the (llanli anslntl. fhe pruxllpr had foulad III lb fallen of Japan al lha I'anatua-I'aclflr V.i- thp deller of I'lank were punr.j tackle, and unlr l" boata out uf thp uatun at California In 1916. left Onlr MrLi-nn and Malthewaon were' Vnllurno tur- here lodar for Toklo nn Hie ihiu able lo bit taleir all Inwerrd from Hie i railed In (rllltix aar ftum her tide Maru BURN INFESTED TREES War Is Being Waged on the Pine Tree Beetles IMerinlnr.1 lo ela.llralu llic pint bieii ciiinplelely drilled with all n.. . . . .,... II I. ,1l...llt.ln Wllfk Of ' "' '"" """, " M"i " a(elit III cliari in inn iiriu ui ut.- I'lullon. uf lhr llurrnii ut i.iiiouioi- Nena of the runa mado off Mat" lliewaon were reallr eiined. Krror.' br llorle and llurni were rripontlhlc, the latter throw Inr, hlgti to l.arrr Mc Lean In the tuipea of calrhlnt: Oldrlun lutliK bit two ateala horn. ' A tcaumo of thv five (ntuet tbowi' that all of I ho runt made br thai lllanlt were mad In elht Innlnit. , Tim Alhlrllra arored during twelrcl ItiniiiRt. Ion I iik tirni)-.rlo lunliut' of iiliiitiiut ball ilurluK tho terlea. I I'lral InnlnK Albli'llca UldrlnR forced Murphr out. Mallbiwtun (o Klolflior. "Ilube" una tenl to third by Coltlna' tingle, mid he tratnperiM home nftvr llurna'1 cuuRht llaker'a 11). llurna threw to bi-ulln br plonipt actluli lilirilltiaf lllfralrd tlliltier III Houlbarn llregoil ha. alre.dr b..en tUtled br- of Atrlnimir,., ,, .Mcl.ea.1 to head off the fleet outfield. Ih. forettrr .erilcp and prUate own- (n niakg , ,n,Mll,0M er. and on ll.lt .ollln. toro for aoc ra of limner, a lur.- ion.- . m 8oul,.tll orcson to aacnUIn tbo ure to go lo work lu Ihe IMullna Na- (f ((t hi,(iKl Wtl hu . Ilunal Kniral. near HllvirUike. bum- u111 )H ,,, ,,,,p, m.ariy ,.r)- ItiK mi arp of ten tiniarn mile". ,urRo r(a , ,. ,muBllont nnd Tho timber Hint l 1" "e uuf" ' in Hie what ndvke mr bo ticcea- . .. aa. all !..!... f.it III! prnctirmir wortnieaa, uema ,ry mutt purl Jack pluu II In" th u been und Mclnnla dumped u (rounder down lhi third hato line, and Colllnt Mtu put out between HermiK and Duyle. Omi run; ono lilt. , llliinla - llertoi; went down on n fly In Murphy. Doylo went down on a BalaaHijBalaaH J1 gaaaKBaaKkJ.'' ' BatttBBaWaBafJt'aW'elSi; BallHlB.baV. ,i far ... cimlned. lb. limber of ' "''"f Mclnnla. and OtdrhiK riiught tbo fly hit out by Kli'ti'lior. No runt. KiHOiul luulnit Athletlca Htrunk went out, Doylo Connie Mn.k, Mnu uer of lliv .tlilctlct found to bo Infixl.d wllli " I'1""1 Kluumlli mi.1 Lake countlea la not In beello, nnd In order lo iho.m.I any ,n, cndlllon, any limber men. pread of Hill petl II wilt ItiuilKl.l i lltfAnatT. It lit. been deemed beat brat tu dnalrov Itm men nl oucu. , unirli tliu tlluntloii curefullv aud KoIIuwIiik tho work In l.k eountr dear out I ho Infected timber nt r.l ' '"-: """rx " "T urry; tho private owiioi. and ll.u (lover... . , U dUcovered. Vr B'h.n Inndad out alngle. maul will carry tbo work Into Klam-, Tho comp.iratHely .nir.ll Infected but V tank, who followed, I.I n pop i. i- i r...rv. i..,r , in thoao countlo. nro III Illy to llerioif. No runa: ono lilt. lilt LIIUIIII II I a. laJllltl --" I llllll'i a a- --- - . Ho far, iwo dl.tlmt apeclea of Pine much lhi. miu. cot.dltlon now a. beetle. Ih. mountain pin. beetle nndlwero tho... u Northern ( Uniun nve I ho wealern plnu bctle, have been )er K. when a "'"" J ... ....... r. iri..ip bruak of fore.1 linecta commenced. iiiu.iu ... nii.tl.teii. untwi i . . .L . .....nAn ni Pti,,d .rk In Ireo .le.tr.irllon I. Identical, j Tbl. re.ulUd n the d..l rue Ion o runa ...... ,iir.Pilv ibrouan million, of feet of yellow nnd .ugar (llanU llurn. went out, llukcr lo Mi'lnuU! thu rlrtt bnieman olio rniiRht Hl.nfer'a foul, and lie rotlred Murniy on n throw from I'lank, No lit. bark, mid ll.eii cut gallerle. ,t. rough tho aoft Inner bark, depotll- IliK their eggt therein, lu thla wuy, Hie treo la completely girdled and Iti (ieatructlon la aa certain aa If It bad s, ohm timber, nnd necettltatod tho x pendlturo of Ihoittanda of dollar.. At tbl. time, (lovernmcnt offlclali be. Iluve tli lonil timber U In no danger, Tlilrtl Innlnit Atl.lellri Murphy tingled; Old rlun did likewise, and Colllnt lent thorn on n notch with a sacrifice, llaker then bit out a single and Mur phy came In homrj. Mclnnls hit to llurn., und Oldrlug for the second I time In the game scored by ttcallug borne after tho catch lu tho out gar do ... Htruuk went down, Doylo to Murkle. Two run.; three bits. (Haul. Mcl.enn Ml a fly to Old- rlt.Bi Merkle's liner wuw caught by Colllnt, aud Mntthewton succumbed by tho llnrry-Mclunlt route. No runt. Fourth Innlug Atl.letk-s Harry weut down by the Klutcl.er-Merkle routo; Sclmug lifted high one, which Murphy caught, and IMt.uk hit to Fletcher, No runs. Doyle's drhe. Fletcher bit a fly to Htruuk, No runt. 1'lfU. lunlng Athletic Murphy out, Doyle to Merkle, and Oldrlng went down on tho buuio sort of a play, Collins re tired after a tly to Shafer. No runs. (Hants After tlurnt went down on a lly to Mclnnls, Shafer was given a bate on balls, and Murray reached first on an error by I'lank. McLean then tingled, and Sharer saved a .hut-out, Merkld forced McLean at svcoml, Collins to Harry, and waa (llanta After Her.OB awunir wllil-!,,oubl"1 ou,i "aW t0 Mclnnls, One ly nt throo of l-lnnk'a Benders, Me- r""i ona hu' Inula made an unaaaltlod putout oft (Continued on page 4) answered to a charge of running bla I ur kith. lilt fr.,,i! Ilvhla fa Ifalt ! . .. . ... . .. ...... admitted that at the time an otScerl j notified him to appear In police court, ' nit headlights were) dead, but that IhU Interpretation of the city ordi nance pertaining to lights on a ear meant a rea n.ru on me rear or injnitrid prtM SerYie, car ana .hit. i.gnu on Ih. front of j mC0 clTtf trj,. According to such an Interp'reta-' ,nc DO,h hwu ot 0Br,' mU9mi' lion of the law. Mr. Hall was In tb.;U' Ho,rU UH,r " nfctator. clear, as bis car It equipped with ol!,rilp. ' Issued a normal proelaaa lights on the dashboard, sending a Hon, dlttolvlng tbo leglaUtlvo braaek glean that can be teen a far greater of the government, distance than that prmcrlbed by lav,: HuerU alto served notice that new which 1. 200 feet- senators and deputlea will b. elcte The Judge Is undtr the lotprwalon October 2th. that "whltp lights In front." which l the way the ordinance reads, re- United I'raaa Servlca) fera to the headllghta. "I am not positive," aald the Judge, .for tbe wording ot-Uo-ordlnanca U' not aa comprehensive aa might be. I Therefore, I will tine you 3, with the understanding that the fin. be r . milled If tbe municipal Judge of Port land holds that dash board lights are' all that Is required to comply with the law." The Judge will take tbe matter up with the municipal Judge at Portland al once. An Open Letter to Taxpayers lly Ihe County Court WASHINGTON. U. C Uetwll! Diplomatic, circle -en- at eiaiUrat lluerta's boldness In arresting th tax makers and dissolving eoagrsM. It Is feared that thla will precipitate Immediate outbreaks. The victims of liuerta'f order are powerful and Influential It la not likely tbatt hey will submit to bla order. It la understood that the City of Mexico and vicinity la under martial law, aa lluerta la determined to nip any trouble in Ita Inclpltncy. Tho stores are shut and barricaded, and the situation la most tenia. Our second rout. In tbe classi fication was: Tho highway to Siskiyou county via Keno, This Is an outlet we greatly need. We must get an open road and a good one to California. As suggested generally In a for mer letter. It can bo accomplished by either one ot three routes. I. The Orass Lake Koute, leav ing the Pacific Highway at Weed and following the courso of tbe Southern Pacific Hallroad to Klam- 3. From Montagu via Sail Mountain to Mt. Hebron and via. Ilulte Valley to Klimalh Falls. Th. grad. over Ball MonaUla It heavy and tho al.vaUon high. 3. Tbo Klamath River Root via Klamath Hot 8prlngs and Afor Intersecting tho Pacltlo Highway at Ager. Klimalh County now has very good summer road to tbo Califor nia Una near 8hovl Creek aad Sliklyou c untr la doing conaM- erabl. work between tbl lino aid Ager on th. Pacific Highway. Thla routo Is tbo shortest dla- tanco to thla Pacific Highway, tbo great avenue of travel wo must reach for an outlet. If we do not reach It we will bo Lola led like wo used to bo ath Fnllt. Thla Is th. tin. Ot lowest aaaaMAAMiwaaMaaaaaMiaaawwMaaaa grade but grclteat distance. i (Continued on page 4) FARMERS IN FOR TALK Water Users Meet With Chamber of CoHHerce Some llnio ago the Klamath Cham ber ot Commerce appointed a com mltteo to gather data to forward to the powers that be In charge ot tbe Interior department of tho United State government, showing that the condition ot affairs In tho Klamath reclamation project had been misrep resented to the agents ot tbo department. Tho apparent attitude ot tbe Cham ber of Commerce seemed to Indicate that In their opinion the farmers did not know what they were talking about. After the appointment ot tbe com mittee, aud before any action was taken toward forwarding the alleged data, a little bird whispered that such a step would not meet with approval from tho majority of folks hereabout especially the farmers and a call waa Issued by the chamber for tbo agriculturalists under tbe project to assemble at the headquarters oa Sev enth street, and express their views on the subject. The date set was for October Utb, and accordingly this afternoon be tween forty and fifty of tho water users gathered, as requwtod. ; That they had an opinion on tho, 7 subject was soon manifested,' anil MM ;1 ' Y' opinion seemed moat pt!ea'e . ," bo that they knew more about tbr V , own affairs than tho Caatabor-X , Commerce , and tbat untM Ooy'io- ' quested assistance of the Chgaaby el :' Commerce, aald Chaatsoir afwsaa rnorre would makT ager 'irWabj eM , not trying to undo tbo wrk,th feMsv ' er have been trrlfaj at. eonpllab. "'- l .-.. r - Ji. , -