hmmm ' 1 ' ' ., I iw1lJ i J"" d"' 't v' l." ttenmn ItoaU J u,- K LA MATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OIMMCIAL NISW8PAIMSK Cl&H, IMglilli Vr.r So, U.lmi KLAMATH I'ALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1913 h i Panama Canal, Dream of Centuries, Is Now Reality; the Last Barrier Is Dynamited Out AAAWWN wwmwmwiwmw WMSVMM 1 "iiiy,i" -M-nif'rii--"i,ii"ii"i" mm mm . . . i i"TrvvrirriAriiTjvijijLf i. ijuvun PRESI0EN1 GIVES HI FROM THE EXECUTIVE MANSE SS U.I. I'lWI, IM plnpl.l. IT. II. Ml 1111, ( I.IU.tlOW Hnar TliaH llmMh.l Itjuuullr lliafgr lf I Mtl li llltm Away Im- IIiihUm Hlkr, rw.rliig It.. Matr,. ( Malmi l-akn fnxii Co. Ii In lul I. lilunipt, lor IIm IiiiIii 1'Malair.itiig l',M... li aaier. f in, AlUbilc abd t,oa. ul III I'ariai !,, WMd today ',. bitaklug III two .,( l.icktoi, ' uitiiiirnl nnall, luuiplvti-d '- I mud male had ai Weird tidal ! iu i.iiiutl. had UtIi duaiutd ! atlHMii.t.d and abaudoued at log tigaitlir a lial fur human etluu Ami lira giratral trimm.ii III the tho canal Kill be tarltl.u hkluii at u, ill llm (real Nieiila ul IttiukltiU II t laud up aa a Hphlnx and Ilia I'ia luldi ut It, idaiii r Juit at , ,'gpat,i ul.rcatu. lial miIi trrm iii bate Uiu vll bigb IMulluvuutabU uWtatlr in llielf luk. Hi I nllnl Htali-4 baa uu drrlaarii and afculupllihad In Uu II an irt.u rn what four other tia u.irn ul I hi. world irlr.l and d.ipalrtd ul Ifuui lb rail; .att of lb all-iM-hih rciitury . - - , II baa tbru.n artuaa tb Uthiaut NCW York an arm? ul lilrli. and Ibe. mm bate td ib dreamed of paiaigtwajr uruuih muunlaim if fork U ,aa Uard IU nim and poured lulu In aiidrrtaklng a flood ii! nrailjr I Ion 1 u'iIikL ' tmo.oao. II la bard lur thiwn not brie on (ha I ATHLETICS CAPTURE TfflRD GAME Demaree Is Routed in Fourth Inning Extra Base Hits Clouted by Both Teams It at conveniently In winter at In mraim-r except In time or deepest now. Tb moit sstli'actory turfaclng we have done anil tha major por tion of It hat been tpread In the vicinity of Merrill. Tblt rai accomplished by meant of toleanlc cinders secured on Tule Lake near the Lava fleda. Tbeso cinders were barged forty mllet '.um ,u. L4iae ana up uotli Mrer to Merrill and tblt ilde oil .Merrill, and landed on the bank atl tl.SO per yard. Tbey are both! ttnbed ro:l,:r.na0;,r:;,.,nT EHU.D OIVK THB T,W.V0. lik cununtion. apparently tatla-l factory to all fair minded penonti tar n ta ai ayaa. daVvakaBAt a L - - " -jw MNiV vwvriim invra. CITY OBSERVES CANAL OPENING BY BRIEF STOP TIIUOl'CJH KIRK ALARM Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 ii) uti. siu:itii. i vwuirit for tbc I'nitrd I'rratl KillllK CAIIK. Uct. 10. i nlUd !' Itartlia I'A.NAMA, M I At -la alla'ftoon I.Uf (baxra of dy tamlle eiplmUd, bldwlnt out (lam- mm In aipiltr Die lailnctt of It ,r on tbrlr ibiril lclory from tbo mm d?ae, aiatla llatun IVa and'lbla urk, dnplle Hie tuluinr tbat 'iiULre Cut, Ibe lait iwrtutnant bar-lbaip Wta tlttu about II, but tbr ir In lb I'anama ranal ft(um at ilaifrrlnc lmalne a I (raldanl WlUun, at Vaablalvn,J "all "f earth and ruucb tifk Ibti-r luurhad an Ixlrlr bullon, iltnalllnc''"! blah and lbr fret acrott, uli.ri'l llrorc V lliwthala, cbltfj wrapped fit timet around lb rat til lillrwrf of lb iinI uk, to ilall at Ibr euator, and u may (rt an b btail In lb plr.ur ul ptac- .dr-a ul lil la meant by Katly eiriUdi In Ibe ranal nine, eublc tardt of riraiallun Ketentli Innlrgr. Tne elndert bav hn mrM eacu oirecuon irora xerrlll and at wat tald formerly, Merrill by rea ton thereof, now- hat the belt roada E. In Klamath Connty. 2 The town of Merrill W alto uted them alone Ita ttreeta and hat elimi nated the mud durlnc Inclement fi Q n.w'lhr t0 lh ' next to that mVf V or a pavement. I They hare been tpread to a die- taneo of teveral mllet toward R. -5 H. 8 li.ll..lnK ! rlaah, Bella R4a tad U'liUtlea lllow; Byataynat Hpattia Huapeod Activities, aad tbm 8cka Take a Iteee, U Uoawr of Um Ureat Work J oat Conpleted by M L'nlted Mate 11 Xfiiriiiiv tifirl ttnrv.latfaa.iti rlnn llcnder toMclnnlt. Iloyle hit a fly to' Olantt- llerro tlncted. but Doyle .Klamath Fallt alonit thla valley At exactly J1:1S a. in. th.r. wm Th-Ath Ktrunk, rttlrlne the Mcflrawltet. No forced htm out. Colllnt to llarry. In -" aource oi creat ute.-natnea over me leiegrapn wire to ine Ain- .... . . value, convenience and i. .t ....... . .. ... . runa. tutn uoyie wat torceo out ny neicn- ,, ,,,,, ,,onB ,t 'b,hw ' ,or """" ln ,,a,n lB" l ,,g, Oldrlnic ent down. Demtree to' " lr Ihro from llender to Harry. Td8 ,op of tna dln gnim 'oflp. m. by Eatttrn time. Iral4at Mrrxle: Colllni bit fly to Hurna and A two-bagcer by IJurnt tcored Kletch- rourte become tomewhat mnddv.Woodrow Wllaon at ih. Whl tiMa. rrault. tbe Mttlraw .,,. 'HaVer went out. Iloyle to Merkl. No", and Shafer tcored Uurnt by a trlp-Jdurlne bad weather, althouch the. ,ooeW l0, ,,w,rlc butto- ,. IU...r.eJiotaketwciamralrunt. ' pie to to rlht. Murray went out. Kradet are a jfrrat Improvement ,, ""C DUlUB Wf,ul i in inrrr4 iu iaae iwn camet . HMV- !........ ' n ,1... ,... .k..- . . I Una. th mtttm ar .a... ki..i. - Two rant; tnrte. w ,M Miw-r uiuuuuie. ajoucna --. w. ...a wnana iu wBiiow-noiea we uted to be I blow out tbo (Jamboa dlka I h. New ork (llann today, when they nnlalxJ lt'i a t-li.-i tcore. a lion will Lv Intrrd tu take two camel In a row. in iT.Ur to lie up with the ln xhU luulcc "Dutch" tnlra. I tiered Hnodgrui, Herxoc AI. Demaree. tbe young Hunt wbo Mhlrd for tba Giants, Hhatar rtr- (olng on i h" :i:.J.l.i)notiiiialied at the l.eaid uf tbn National! Koi i wblrh lli Lratur. went In (t Un for tbe Coin j Ulaiita Plei Kourtli Inning wlt.ael lltbali le-alf nailed, and tbaijianal work haa alll for. Or re-iain tram, but he pioted an eaiy mark.(U Colllna Icher went out on a fly r.iii... ,.. i ana 'COmMlled to travel , Athletics Barry went down on ,axo. fly to Murray. Schanc waa given an-, Tbe real 'iilh.p hiifin Italia fUtml. whn Int.t uted a thort time 'other bate on bill. Ilnder, who f ol- contratt and annreela.' non comet wr.jj tLe opportunity to for Mack giantklllirt. A total riaml Bbafer Men hilt and lour runt were' ttnder. No runt. gloaned from hi. delivery before hot Alhletlct - After Mcrnnla went aa drhen trk to make way for ,.., W,.,. ,., i,i,i. a l ... .."-h. .'w ... iln.. u.i . Mi..- Ctril; llarry duplicated this feat, and I'yle an blown out, leebnlrall) 0n-4ure to the picture ol a eolld block blng Ih canal (b 4.1'MSO ruble yardt of con- four buuJfad Cbirgti plodedj'1! thit bile gone Into lb rnu- mat. blowing nil lb lop and looaen-. triicllon of the lorki and the dami ag much earth, which aa lamoiaJ, tnd the aplllnaja iy dH-Ufia Tb other rbargei. 400 Kibui ilewp water In Ibe Carrlbean I a tiro, were eiploded at Intervalt. lle on the eait to deep water In Ibe during Hi .Ilk until ruHiptelely le lrirlc ncrin on tbe welt, the caeal ia,...d meaaure a length l.f 80 mile ri.nrc,. .uarlng hlnurlf In . tneaiure iftckaIoi. took .econd on the throw to Mrquad Tbe ileani dredge will complete, eia win reicn ua .u in mil eieration for hU -llaaalrnua work In the flnt .h4. ,, ,nu ,hirJ on , ,ailj ball 'orunt. K,u"' Mirkln Juggled lleudcr't drhc Juit, f)i. Hi nrf.. lln tnf lk ltilt(M'. . .. ' '"" "" """"" long enough to tcoroBbang and allow waa fliief llender. and the big In- tllo nultl to rMCl, flu Murphy pllcne.1 lilt utual OinalltentKent out on a lm llv. and Illdrlne rinturr "rut uui uu n iit , a . - num. hit . non in iijV.r lowed, went out on a fly to Murray. ' "' 7ur bortea or outomoblle up truck li ,.! ".dert -ndSchangwa. forced out. by Deylo .onto thl. turfaco of cinder, .rt.r truck in vain at llender a ... .. ..... .... . . trav or throurh mil.. nt .t.... unaatiitea, on iurpny a grounuer. .oi.. , . , - , .T " " "" ' ,nd mud. during both aummer and " minivr. i nmrmm an ki.. ..... .h..w.w u7 um. run- runt. Ninth Inning Marquard ,.. , . .,.,.. ...i . tllanta Crandall went to bat f . a uuiM.atiu 4t7 juu In hi. nnl mulng. Marquard alto ... micot,A ,m sh,f.... ,, ,hrn , place or Wlbon. but went down gae it.. Alhlet.rt two rum. but alter ,irii 8,h,nc Bl,0 bit out a tingle. Colllnt-Mclnnlt play. Merkla hit a br Had tbe Athletic, at hit i, In Sirunk and ll.rre and il, fly to Murphy, and Grant, batting for 111. A pup iuui tu ovuaua. I'anama canal. Ima.aalUb.ljr af tarwarwe, rtr CUtt Ed W'akefleld, U U TerwUlIf er, Oactr llrenneman. "Drowntc." Merle Itouav ton and John Hubbard aehwd tbo rope of the Are bell, and tor live minute the tonet of tba big bell, an- clutlon can Ue tbat the vallev lin!nouncln D completion ot the caaal. t Initnuit be flnlihed through to Klam-t wr9 heard In every part ot the tlty. by a " K". od Merrill and Malln The belU ot tba echooU and the oe given a utltfactorv outlet. Later when the Modoc North Kern Railway It built and In opera i non. inn tame nignway a work ot opening the channel by .mining lb tUbrli. etc . and once Ma la done a clear pai.ige from the tlanllr lo Ih I'arlflc will rrtull. Actually, lb remittal uf the. Haul- in dike dn not romplrte the canal r bllng alniul the union of the At- antic and I'aclrtc The grrit Cucah- ch illde at t'ulebra atlll blnckt. and t will trqulra hit. by a flight of three locVt located at llatun. un tb Atlantic ilde, and by one mk at I'rdrn .Miguel and a flight of two at Mlraflorrt on Ibe Pacific whlatlea at the Ackley and Savage lumber plants alto chimed In. and thit .ame highway will h- "- "" mauiy Juit as Important and useful Inl """ ,0 "" Vankeo achUT- provldlng a way for traffic to these m'nu Ulan IConllnued on 1'ig S) I'nliroll) 0rn to All It will coal I ho man who a)t taiet f.utnllhl In remote n 11.000 about II centi to uphold Victory ,the two rnlvrrslly ot Oregon appro- iMCy, uroko jgu.n.t the (Hants Kaiuu all tluough. In tbe leventh and eighth, though the (llauta got at hit drlltrry unit madn flro runt, but llt'iuler lightened up at thit point, and shut "rt any huet or a McGraw An Open Letter to Taxpayers II) tlir County Court Kur a fiirlnlght, though, the two i-rpam hate Iwen joined logelher br freth water The walcli truni llh tide he Intermingled through tbe medium ot a JMnrli l'le placed un der Ih (lainboa dlka. It It eipeclcd that b) IVfrnil.rr the water- of llatun lake will ha rl-eli high enough In bring tb t' In Ihn entire canal tip l Ihe deep water) level, when Ihe Urge -III!', tan be runt through prlatlunt N'otember I. It will coat the man who part tain on 1100 litt than 3 mill It will give alike lo I ho man whit p)i latra on 11,000 or 1100, hiiMctrr. farllltln for education In a tale Inalltiillnn that he hai hlmielt heleil build, without the necenlly nf paying feci. There are tin feel at Ihe 8IMe 1'nheulty. (Tio of the Athletic hits would have been r.i") outi, had Knodgrait been In roudllloii Ai It wai, lilt "charley huiM'' fourj him out of tho game. Mrla'an'a Injured fool put him out ot the game, too. The Alhletlra are all anxtoui for another truck nt Matlhuwiou. It is belle, ed that Mrllraw will uie him tomorrow. A woman mlMlonary put on a Todin'e game endt Iheulaver'a nar. 'doer's tult III Ceylon and brought up 'U-lmilloii In Ihe receipt. Thl morn- wna In tho Ireatury PANAMA CITV l l Since -r the lent llender to lecond on tingle. Colllnt ended tho Inning, thrown out I) Mcl.oan to Merkle. Three turn; four hlta. Fifth Inning tllanta Murray went to flral oa four wide ene: lcLean tlneled. arid Murray took third on the hit; Cooper " md. Ia ,ur u' )"!" "m! rau,for McLean. Merklo fanned; Mo , 'ra n'",l-, ,'v" ahl ,....,. ,, .ilho natural ono to make, wo shall Cormlck, batting for Deniarce. went'b(, .llc,Iwl 10 Mr .omethlng rela out to Oldrlng, Coop wa caught try' nro t0 tho merit and condition lni to ileal lecond. No runs. of each one. Maruuard relieved Dcmaree lu tblt I We enumerated at number one. claiilllcatlon ot high' itwo Important thlpplnc; ttatlons. , Then, too, with this development. Modoc County Is going to awaken ;inu win provide ua an outlet via uno l-ltt Illver to Calltornla. Thua our road from Klamath Palis to Malln will become a link In a great State highway, meeting and con necting with Ihe Sliklyou route via Keno, and Ibe Portland route, at mamatn .am. At the sound of tho belli, builaaaa wa suspended In every part of taa city. Even on tbo street, men paued for Ore minutes, many baring their f heads, and all proud to be cltlieaa ot the country tbat has not yet known a failure In anything undertaken, a na tion which by aheer determlnatleaj and stlck-to-lt-lveness, put through UA.L- !. Ufa. J.amm.aJ ... . ... f JeVhb.",w,ere?,.b' J,f f,r. f-'J. ".fore th. American, mad. their flrst Hlver between Klamath Palls and! bo Independent stand by dumping over board certain boxes ot tea, to say Merrill It dangerous and thould replaced. i Now that the machines ot heavy i nothing ot the Intervening jean W traffic have come to ttay they are1 fore tho United State became an ta il o longer tumcient and are a; dependent country. .nnrre nf riant-ni- a. wt.ll mam.' Inning for the (Hants, while Wilson tli highway to Modoc county l,tim,0iis expense. There thould be' At th" nl,h ,cn00, ib ,to,,u iiainam iaut.v, jicriui ouu ..u.ia ,(l,j ,ri,je erected next year oBl,u"cn' ouv ol ,no DU"" ! wetit behlud tho bat. Athletic llakvr f lulled; Mclnnlt, Thit It a very Important road and! rreii nliible pearls from tne oysior l(. Ibpri When I tin 1 1HS.352. I'lenl lutilug Glnnli- -HiiodKrais went down on a pup In linker; Doyle's fly fell Into Hlruiik's linmls, nml Klvtrher was re tired by n throw from llarry to lie liinls. No rum. Athletics--After Murphy went out on n fly to MnoiUrni. OldrliiR ilroio out n triple, Colllnt, who followed,! tl.A vnll.v mail nM thA iJ.M.-lnalnM In the nnan tnr tan a.laut. : iri.n .ntititni nr .nrir iim. aireaur .. . . .i .. .. ... wu, out. Marquard to Merkle; Strunk'r ' "- ", " """ It It nasics south'. unf',?.; T" ''."" t w grammar schools, the pupHe -. -r -. . . , tu a, u in luivouiiift uuiiiii. iuuinr af atiiiin ih-m nira ri at my l)rV nl hprd thlr ln.iru-.n-. tlt-Af 0,tateBasaswl a " SaVasSaaraS VaVaaa ww-wb " I tbe marvelloua wof k Just coaiteMM, MANYSEESTONEMADE Reception at Courthouse Site Highly Interesting to ho nbioliilely Iho bcit ho evr ox- Hrhollcld ml mil led Hint the (inlin a niiiiibot ul lieiipln look ad- aiitagn t tlio oppuiiunll) itrtordfd nmlned ... .. . 1....1 i u Uriin.1 Mr ''rm "y n," "'""," : : di;. .... nw mm m.ow .. r hot ;Cr.:,ly' :;.:;;:- :t ho . .,..... , . ... b. makliiE of tliu lieniillful sluno blocks produced. SiuUils'lhylnrolog Jf--- -t S purl rii,.:!,",,i",M, we.i.1,1. S: .' . .-. .... ... or AlilOilH iiwm. v.w -- inrinmi concrete contractors, or mcn.uniiK. hr nl into limn woro engaged In tho ri' .....i. ii ii uuiiiii. won ui una iniiu i....,. mirn. i. ., When I Ant felt this snnd I or turning out a pcrffct vas doing eoncfelo work exclusively, ilecluros Ihn plnnt of Mr. Hchollold to 1,1 Iho htNit equipped concern of the 1.1ml ho litis over son. nml tho qual ity or alone produced by Mr. 8choflold Ho nliu pnld hl rospocta lo mo nrclillect iloilgitlliK Iho l''M" '" .,l0 nuw tuurl houo, saying thc-y were the moat comprehensive, sot of plans ho had avor handled. walke.tT ILirrv duuhLJ. but Sleunk Ii". . 1.7" i .Z " ...k .-- v f ,u uo,u ."r"n,n .."" r ;"" wB.aerij uiuuSi. ..... ..... . (ruci;i and such traffic was held at third; Scblaug singled, tho Klamath Ilailn nnd takes a wvwuwvwmmw. coring Htrunk nnd llarry, llender (considerable- area ot the most pro- (Continued on page 4) went out, Marquard to Merklo. Two rum; two hits. Mvtli Inulug hit lo Merkle. but tho tint ba.emim ' m"rKU0 Ua."' lh ,I?J,M" routoi throw tu McLean. pultliiKOIdrlUK out ;0Wrl"K ll"f,",: Co",ul ,llca oul ,0 nt tho plato. linker went down on a r ll,lcuor- 'So ruus- ductlvo part ot Klamath County.' It serves a largo papulation and pcrcentagu of traffic and will al-F ways bo a much uied highway lor (Hants Ilerioggrouuded out, liar- all tortt ol conveyance!, ry to MclunU, Do)le swung nt threo' Tho mllago between Klamath. dcci'ptUu ones, Peltchor ended tholr'all' nd the Modoc Una belowl fruinu wltliahlghtlytoStrunk. No M-lln is Iractlcally forty and fori mat niiutu uiiauciT ii uu uju ae-iflAal ilmlnnii nrtil itlvnr(al A, ft ...... a... a . .. Ihl-VII Ml I I II V Malta) AitiiuiicsMurpny went to no-,,bi.hed with the oxcentlon ot about threo tulles. On this por . Hon wo have been delayed ou ac count of rights or way In dispute. i:iulitli imiliiir ! There are two brancbea ot tntt LOTS OF DEER IN HILLS runs. Sportsmen Are Retiirning laden Wkk Vi a a.. oi.... ... a.... an. I .la.lil.l lliuiuii . uu! in miaicr. .-u run.; iwu um. , - - highway known aa tho hll and Heroml InnliiK I Miauls Tho (Hants found "Chief .?. ' .. .,, ,,nlh h ' ,,Mn (Until. Hums went out on a lilt Lender lu the tulal sevouth. Ilurna'm)roed. The hill road has beenlre,uru rrom the mountains, and for lu Murphy mid Hliafer struck nut. poled out n clenu sluglo; Shafcr pop-hho better during bad weather and.loo next week or so there will be Murray reached lint utter beliiR lilt'lx'd "P uu t'osy ono to Collins; Mur-.ulll so continue until surfacing has i many venison banquets among Tho deer hunter, are beginning to tho by llender, nnd lie was advanced to third h) McLean' tingle. Merkle lilt ii foul to Mcliinl. No runt; ouo hit. AIIiIoIIch 'Mrlnnln banged out n (IiikIo mid went to second on a tacrl lUe by Htrunk, A tno-snekor by llar ry scored Met nils, rlcliatig went to (list by tho four-bull route, but llen der knocked n tly to llurni mid 'Mur phy popped nn easy ouo to flnndgrni,, One run; two lilts. Third Innliut (Hants Detnarce went out on a fly . Doylo to Merklo, ray liliigled sately; Wilson breexed; hen done along the valley line.' people ol Klamath Fnlls. Although lliirns nnd Murray worked n double '" hs. however, proUdod a good t0ma 0f tho partleu who made quick steal; Merkle slammed one Into deepl,,,,lcl .for tho .Me,rr"'cor"tr)r "'""i trips are returning empty handed, the lelt that bounded Into the bleachers I tho approaches to It have been nrminroi! nml will so continue until tor n home run, scoring llurns mid ho valcy lno u compietc. Murray uheud ut him; Marquard laid This should bo dono at tho ouo down to Hendor, who threw to Mclunls tor tho third out. Throe rum; threo hits. Athletics linker popped to ller sxug; Mclnuls knocked a tly to Herxog mid Btruuk went out on n throw from ' No runs. earliest moment possible tlnco this Is tho road which will sorre the greatest uumbor ot people and haa tho lowest grades. It also follow, section lines mid traverses the heart ot the agricultural district. With tho Installation ot Che proper surface traftlo may follow deer are reported to bo quite plentl ful, This Is the time ot the year when the deer begin to leave the mountains nnd are going down Into tbo lower ground, and as a result the shooting has been the best the past week ot nny time during tbe season. Doputy Oama Warden Ramsby, who has been in the mountains since the 10th ot last month, returned thl. week. lie brought back sw and had sent In another' earlier ta'th month. He states tbat be CuMI 'easi ly have secured as many m be wlb4 It he had so desired, but big tVvM In the performance of hit duties rather than for hunttof.'' Wlthrow, O. W. Roberts m Houston returned wl(h Mr, I game. Qua and Al Helta n afternoon 'with three tm have beea.buntiw on Hw ot the' Rogue. - Fred wwaawwaaa.U aaMaaaWSgil (Ceatlitte) wm,t aWtaaMMUMEtaV.' ',' ' ' 1 'i i. ."?r vr' .i iW . , ' I "H Tl ,m ?Ai J , 1 1, vi i 'Wl r - 1 .! . yt "i ,i j ' T -... e. i.