wnitux literati. KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THE MEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFI'ICIAI. NKWSPAI'KK t:i,i,tii vt Ni. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913 I'rir Fir Oeraf ato l PRESIDENT TO BLOW ENTIRE COUNTRY WILL PAUSE FOR A FEW MINUTES MUUI.0 Willi! W'll.l. ASMIIt.M'i: ni.utr lUkiolM lb llrirlp. ( I ImIi I'll! Utmlmm, Hi. IUII Will lll lh hl(il, and Ir I Iip Xlnulr Dual. aa Will IUII. Mtil.llr. Will llluta aaj lull. Will IIImi m a, lilMilv U itml I axIrHaklna' I'.itid I'imi Kanlc WA.IIIMiTON. I l'. Oct At 11. Wklt Hum. at 2 u'clurk lix Maris. I'la.id.bt W'lUun III prraa IU ..ttue Baahlag Ih eUnal Hi Ih. wtira t t l'om canal to eVt.rt. Ih lUantlr bla.l which ill arnolUb Ik laat barrl't Lw.n la ! ftf.aba All trrtk.mrnl hate ! cum AM (or tkU la. tart, end when lb. ia.;firr dim la d.tru)rd by lb itMa.nl (bar. u dlbirult. lb in. canal .III b an accumiUik- lid ikd North and rbiutb Am.rlra III k dlisrcd tit Musing uul ot lb Itral i.rti.n dike at llaiuboa, which U iU l.a.lalr.1 oUlecl. k.plng lb. iitar. el (Uluii Uks Irurn Culebra l. lll .Bret lb. ruinpl.tlun til lb fiuaa taaal. and lb r.alllatlun ul M at tta surld a ii.al.at .nilur- .I ittit n. tiitic nit ( tii low. tijtimlt. tuniorru will b tba oc- tiles far a r.lablallon all mar lb tiled Mum m bunuc nl the Yank.. laLrnla.tiun tbal put tbruugh tba vwj lt(h. and an lb I'aclCe Coa.l vlw la toktn nl lb big thing. Ibal r ctniDf lor Ihli rrilnu thruugh otniii( n ba ixaan lu icatt irr U I'ortbnd, Han Franct.ru. I lilt and all uth.r lam. rill., all il Ik itrt ran will nop, ami pr.i I'ttUI tilult. mil ba tiled at all (oil. Iluiluraa aim lake "It auafrtiamn, tulluwlng Ills f '! ot tkt flaih anhminrlng the arl "I et III Mail. 1U ll.r.ld !, arranged lor lb IkiIH c tla.li from (Umbo nl lit ItiUl.t l, bUat a a.l ulT, and llll t,r uiilimiiiCrd lijr flic fir ' f tkt Ore b,. Iium.dlat.ly tIL in in ci) x,, iU,,; out ' ll4 lldllid, mid .lll.llo. and lUil. U u ,,Tmliiaxl-.t I'm Mcbulaa jrmli'filay laauad a I'wlinittloii aiklnr llt rltliana lo "Had bgiinM, (ur Dfo mlnulta, '""lac llm hi'Ka n( canal' oHilln Moil u( Ihi. bualncM ' taio atratis,.. lo do ihla, and t loia . b, ,!! rnlixltiiK on , 4iCnl mirk nl l hi. Amir- talnir OVER 50 BU. TO ACRE Experiment With Turkey Uld of f,n; bushel to the '' tl a .!,. . .. ... .... iu, . "v mip reniru mm nee ttU u" ri"'rl' "'"' n,"t"1 'rom IumI' 81""1 '" 0r iledtled to en S"1 "U Turkey llud tvhoat, irtln r?"" 7 W cr" trMt ,0 lho I.M.J .' w,"" Ihre.lied recently. . "q buihel of excellent a.!1 TO PLAY HERE 1111 IMI.IIM IIIIKtnlK HUM lltl.l. null. Kill UM.M. V.Wn will, in; I'uti.n i.ii: in tiii: MIIMII A f aula bltn lb (uglball taami ul Aabtabd blub irbuol and Klamatb ruunl bl(h trbuul .III L. pla)d at kloduc I'alk uu Halurdai, Oclub.r Jt Tbli nuall) arltUd I) lun( dli lain lrlibul till MUlblLI In i'll'lllim lur tba oiinlnc cub ical fiiarb it A MK'all will mt III .)ra tbniuch a iru.lllu tralnlnc trlud. and It II KKilbla tbat Urn lll iiulllba a ttrlrl dirt lur tbrm tu (tick lit during tb ItMllball ieMin kill all baa quit a buncb ul bn)a uul lur I'Ucta Ilia man. lbnab. ai arailr all llcbl. but tbr) loa bu llm In t'tllni under a;. an tbalr l mar makr Up lbs lark ul bra! Itrferti Irurn Aibland ars lo tbr llrl tbat id. tram tbta irar la coin lawrd "I braan lada TbI baa ar rancnl an silrnalls uur (nr Ibla a.aaon SCHOOL MONEY IS rT MiiiMii, hii'i:iiinti:m. i:nt jit mwi'i,im tiii: Ullllh htMTl; AMI ttll.NT iici.i-, tin: iuTitiri fuunll HurlHtrndrnl Krrd I'rlrl xli baa Jual roullrl tbr annual atirllunniriit u( cuunl) and atal luliila lu tbr larluua arboul dlalrlcta i( tb count. Tb la irmldra tbat at lb Octn br aMirlliininrnl each dialrict ahall IKrli llwu and lb lrlalndr ul tb lutid. aliall b ailKirtiund lo tb ilialtlrta In iirui'iirllon tu nuinbrr ul ,uiU rnumiratrd Tbla alluoa, brildta Ids 1100 (ur sacli dlalrl'l. an addllluual aum ul II 60 ir l't'lt. llm atalo a'ortluiimriit la II l-rr liupll liurlnc Hi rr ( ll Uu'"' " brrn dlatrlbulrd 1 100 lu cacli dll- irltl and III 60 l-r rupll Hum tn rounlr lunda. Micro -III t ni'l'roi. Imalrly i: lr IHU'U dlalrlbulrd In I'lii'iiitmr ur Januir). Ilraldra llira auma a lalKO UUtuUrr ul dUlrlcta ba lunda drrlird Irom ai'fdal laioi. In llm .ctiiiul. Ilio letting oil of tb blait will b" the ofta.lon for the ringing ul II" '. "" f,,r u l,vo iltkiKo'si halt l'" I"H'"- "url,,K thl. period, the leather will briefly outline to the lu.'U In" w''""', nrhlnvi'ini'iil Jmt made a reality. Red Yields Big Crop ... ,.i,f.i ) tbo proper knrlely for 'lii hre. nttordlng lo i .a. i.,iiiiliti tint eh Mr. Hliori. in" 'M' "" ilomumlraled lht II U 1"' " ailnpivtl l Ho ellinnle, '! uUu ilntit yield I nlci In II favor. r-MiiimtKcd ly ' ,um "' Mr' Short will I'Uut Urge area to Tur key Hud wheat Ihl. Ml. Some of bU nuliltbor are planning to do likewise. MWNMtfNM iAiMMMMy MACK'S KID Giants Are Given Walloping at Polo Grounds; Schang Gets Home Run; Collins New York . . . Philadelphia . . . II) ll.ll. hlll:ltlll.N i VVrlltrn lur lbs I lillrd 1'fr.a) Hil.li nllOI'MlH, Nrw York. Oct. i uluii. Mark a nra kid pllcbsr madr C'-l ltli Irncranc todaf. brn Dual . tb uunr.atrr lakrn Irurn Halt l.akr rarllar In ths aiaaoti. un (ruin tbo lllanla Tb )ouncatrr bid tb Olanla cum (Irlrlr at till BtiCf, huldlOK tlivin d"n to a arant air o( run a and (It bita ilr t a itrdlr at all tltnra. aud altbouih b did nnl attain aur atrlkt out rrenrda, b nnl walkrd on man and bit una man Ha-aklnc ' )uncatrra, tbr dar UK ul W'allrr Hrbanc brhlnd Hit (lair lor tbr Athlftlra muat nut b HVMl I'ltilur, Aililrilr - uterluokrd Thl. kid attorded .picn-. did support lu Hutb, and .eieral f lbi putiiiila atu arcredlted to him. iCasaaaaaV srA! butli from tun alter foul. nd qultk.IOK k,,ofkisl a pop fly to Collin.. No .rg lo second- In the elgblli Hch.ng .rni. rloutvd uut a homo run. 1 On the other hutid, the Athletic. Kill lo "1.11110 Jed" Tiireau with a I , nuiaiico, and when the .moko final 'ly cleared aw). It touni that the pli)ir from the City of Ilroth erlr l.ue had taken eight ruti. and n iluien hlU Irom the Otark Olant ,11ml Dee" Criituliill, who relieved ! him. Itli-.ht from lho nr.t Inning the Ath- telle took n Hart, and In tlio llr.t uml .ecoixl Imiliil!'. I')' huntlilng lx I hit., they itlenned n quintet of tallies. I I'-elther'. wild throw over Morklo' head wa rci'un.lblo for two run.. In the eunth the Athletlr. again did tliliiK". and lho irlldo by Collin uu. followed by lo alliRle.. "Tc." wit. then flit l ll" bench. Crandalt fltibhed lho eieutli lun lug nlrely. t'l I" ,l" 'llilh Sthaug lundrd out a homo run. Tim llUtil. w,,r outplayed, out fielded, outlmtled. In fact, outttawod In oery fcnluro of the game by tho Markmen. Tho work ot Collin., second ba.e for lho Athletlr.. wa. one of tho tea turts of tho gati'o- 0ut of elut clinure ho made llvo putout and tivo a..Ut. figuring lu the double pla. lu the first Inulug ho singled MVWWMMMMVMMWMMMMMMMWM'1 PITCHER MAKES GOOD! - 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 and acutrd; lu llif around lis alngltd, brlnnlnc boms a runnar, and la ibt isicntli lis druir out m thrrs-ucktr, ruinlnK lo wltb a run on lbs ilngls (olluollK. Il ralnrd nrarlr all Jar jtitrrdajr. and drlulrd a hlt tbU morning. Ai a rtiult. lbs I'olo Qround dia mond a aomwbat brarr. jl'1!'' "u,h ,0 llirrJr ,0 Melnnlt, No llr.t Innlug j rum. Atlil.llca - lluri.hr tnt out.' Scirnlli Innlnu I inrb.r lo Mrrklo. Oldrlng alogltdi . Atblillca-Murrar .Inglrd. but b. toll.,., .inglrd and Ilakcr alio dror '"" J " y?" f uut a ns.ck bit. bringing "Hub.- " T Oldrlng; Collin, then tit .rro.i tb. Mats. Mclnnla ..nl do.n" I'"1 toT lhf7ck.r. acorlng Li tbr tbrr-atrlk. reute: 8trunk0'f'. nd liaVtr'a .Initio (ollow dial, to .hurutop. but Fl.Uhsr '" "ou' Co nt yr ' rb tbrs tbt-ball Mer U.rkl.-a hsad.'- w.a at thl. point that the allowing Colllna and Dakar to romp bom and Htrunk to ctt to ircond; Harry lop tlr to Kletebcr retired thr Alhlrllri. Tbrc rum; three bill. (ilanti llcrioic at out, llarr) to Mclnnla. Itayls alnglrd and Fleteh r rnt to Brit altrr bring lilt with Ihr ball. Tb chance (or a acors waa rndrd hn Ilium hit a pop tlr. birh aa gatbrrrd In bjr Colllna and tui.rd to Harry, doubling Harry out No rum, I hit Sotuml lulling AlhUllr Schang atruck out and lluih tlU-d to Murray, alnglra wero made by Murphy and Oldrlng, and Colllii- ircond aluglu u( tb game (nought thrte two homr. Ilakcr (urrrd Colllna out by thr Doric una. Ittrd roulr. Two run.; i hit.. Olant. Sliafrr out, Collin, to Mc liinli. Murray knocked n fly to Col line, and Mclean endrd tbe Inning when 8cbang gathered In hi. op foul No run. Third Innlujc Athletic. Mtlnnl. knocked a fly ,tu llurni and Strunk alio drove out, 'n fly which the right fielder gathered: . ... in. nam. nop fly wo. taught by., nVcr b(foro he M . tack" MtLean. No run.. Two run.- J hit I lerkle out un a fly t0 , I0 ,cconiI two rum, . mis. lllaail. Qkaf .llnl'A All. a. 4 u l-l -.w,. ijrrr niants Merkle jstrunk; Te.re.tu .truck out and Her Fourth InnliiK Athletlr Schang fanned out and It it ula uliiseld.l hak r.ittisil'nMil rtn flrsl In. Murphy', fly wa. grabbed by Sh. - , ter and Oldrlng went down by tbe Doyle-Merkle route. No run.; I hit., fllanta Haker taught Doyle'a foul ; after a hard run; Fletcher tingled.' mid while Hum. wa. fanning out ho'uau lo wiii.e. wno reueveu eraie stole .ecoiul. ShKfer went down by n' nrt, and Murray went down by Collln-to.Mrlnnl. play. No rum; 1 ll(( 1'ittlt Innlnit ' Athletlr. Cullln. out on a lly to! Murray and Haker' fly wa. caught) by Fletcher, Mclnnl. wont out on lly to Murray. No rum. OlunU Murray wnlked and tolo .. . . I aeronu; itci.enn men urovo oui a .Inglo. tegliterlng Murray; owing to McLean' .ore foot Coovr ran for tho catcher; Merkte knocked a fly to Murphy and Cooper nnnexed aocond; Te.reatt went out, Haker to Mclnnl, nnd Cooper moved lo third; Ilertog retired on n throw from Schang to Mi'Iimli. Ono run; 1 hit, Nlith Inula lllg Larry McLean, who wo In jured ye.terday, wo retired, and Mo draw put Wilton behind the rubber fur the atanta. Athletic. Strunk knocked a fly to a Three Sacker j , V - a 1 ' i 1 R. mmmmm H. 5 0 1 0 0 8 12 . .. followed, llurna. and Harry, who druts out a .Ingle; Schang went outi un a (oul lo union ana iiu.n uu lly to Doyln. No run.; 1 hit. (il.SU Mtlnnl. garnered lor!e'. gro.md.r and retired him un- BMUted; Kletther walked, but Hum. who (olluwed him. hit Into a double SCIIANti Catcher, Athletic. derrick m failenrd to one Jell Tee- ruau, and Old Doc" Craudall went in tbo but. Mclnnl. ended tbe Inn- tne uv nv to Dovle. who touehed .-- -. . -- - --. uu loutumi (Hants Shafer drove out a two-, .acker and Murray followed with a I.lnglr, .coring the Dutchman; Mur-. ,i . ,i.,i ..,.,n,i hi ahMKt U,row to Collin, retired him; hj va -. v-a -r -- a h - '41"'" w lvn a D" on "" oul "-'randan, wno louowcu. em oui. Collin, lo Mclnnl.. Ono run; J hit. Klglitli Iimlni: Athletic. Strunk retired Cran- llm nme combination. Willi iw men down Walter Schang clouted the ball lor n four-sack trip, tho .etond homo run o( tho .eric, llu.h .truck out. retiring the Mackmeu. One run 1 blt. (limit. Ilertog drove out a liner 1 "aker. and Hoylo wa put out by IM,iil.i n fntil frnm PlAtTt.p1. till Mclnnla; n foul from Fletcher' bat wit. taught by Schang, retiring tb (Hants. No runs. Ninth Inulna Athletic. Murphy hit a fly to Murray; Oldrlng' foul wa nabbed by thrce-.ackcr Hertog and Collin went down on u fly to Shafer. No run. (Hunts Ilurn went out on a fly to Murphyi Shafer wa given a baie on ball, but he was forced out, Darry to Collin., by Murray. The Dual (llant went down when Wilton knocked a foul toward Baker. i "- r. UP DAM 0m m OPENS kwcNlNGo IIIUilhTIUTIOI.V CI.KIIK l)K I.f .IIIIU.MUM TO KK:i OKJICK OI'KX Fltllr.W AM) HATCIIDAV MOUTH U.NT1I. 7lSO "Hate you r.glit.redT' Again thl. I. lbs eternal queatloo. and tbera I. Juit until tbe 20th lo nb.tl. lo tCaUUr, tu urdtr to be able to tote at tbe tpecla! election la No- tetnber. At that time a number of Important mt-aaurei. among them the L'nlter.lty appropriation., will come before tbe people. ...... lu urarr lu sue an caaacw w rcgliter, Itrgiitratlon Clerk Perry De Lap wltl ktep tbe county cterk'i office open until i:u tomorrow ana oaiur- . Jm- !,... f.t .III ! M. W.W- ""' "' '" "' --- ' , "" .k-i.' .. ." .... and alio to bring their wire, to reg- l.ter. An Open Letter To Taxpayers By The County Court 8lnr It l an unsittakabte fiCl that Klamath Fall, will be more greatly benefitted In proportion than any other part ot the County, It I. quite right tbat .he ihould aa.l.t In tbe payment ot the co.t ot this y.tem of highway.. Up to thl. time .he ha. contributed only about IJ per cent ot that amount ot the work which haa been paid from ' general fund. The balance ha. come from the tanner, the tim ber owners, the railroad, and other Interests outilde ot tbe Incorporated towns. Under the law the entire road lery comes from tbe tair raid upon property out.lde the In corporated town and .lace the laat aoei.mrnt roll .how. that the valu ation ot Klamath Falls la between one-fourth and one-fifth of tbe total 'valuation of tbe entire County. It can bo teen that ahe ha. not con- 'trlbuted any too heavily toward tbe road work already done .Ince her part wa. only about 15 per cent ot that amount done under the ' A, .nr r.'t the many benefit are o apparent and the community; of nierest between the County at large and Klamath Fall I o ex - !fn,lrCl ni? nportnt. that wo be- ..... - .,,. , ,fc. nit. ..n' iUMwritxm:" ?? he development of our highway, P""" "4 ,0 U T a. mm tclptlng for all ot the re.erved seat ' ..la M a. s 11 ,. .,. . ,h ,hrr are not everal large competing town in Klamath County, as In other coun - ::" r. "" "r." "....." .;..:.. rnii i n ss rn n nee sin inn criiiiiaui relative to the development of thl. awa.An. Mrl.h Ll.n.,lh M.1l. .. v.loni with Klamath Villi a. center, nnd no Jealoutle between I Tho four were taken to the grand elites on account thereof. Tho fu-l Jury anteroom today, turo will take care ot It.clt It wa'. At.lttant District Attorney John tomplete our work well, and nll,on ,,, tne law doet not prevent other towns In the County may In- th. .luh from .el,tn .iekats to esVVMMrVteVVWVrV... (Continued on page 4) TO EXPLOIT Important Meeting Will For tho purpote of forming an or sanitation to exploit the iconic at traction, of tho Lava lied country) and the cne ot the Modoe War, a meeting will be held Saturday even lug at 8:30 o'clock at tho Hotel Hall. All of tho.o who took part In the re rent vi.lt to the lava bed a well u all other citizen Interested are In vited to be present at the meeting. nMWyM'WWVWNW SULZER CASE IS BEING ARGUED BY ATTORNEYS MAIlrillAMi MARKS BRILLIANT I - PI.KA- fr-OR GOVKR.XOR lr(cne Holds That Uie KtlliTi Iav trwlurcd by the'HUta Ha Beam IllrgaJ Iklletrd That KefeaMl to Allow Bolieir to Trstlfy Waa .Vot fur Hie Hot lateteate of Hla I IIU Knrrolea Comfldrat. ALtlANY, Oct. . Final argu ment wa commenced by the defenM In the Sutler cue, on the contention that the .tate'a erldeoee wa Illegal. After thU the conn decide whether It ha. JurUdlttlon to try for any of fcn.ea committed before Suiter waa worn In. There I. no aue.tlon but wn.t the refuul ot the attorney for the de feats to let Suiter testify hurt the goternor'i cue. He acn.ule.ced only when told that bU te.tlmony would Intolre nU wife. Attorney Mar.b.11 contended that tbe remote! ot Salieir from the for ernor. chair wai a .ubatltutlon ot anarchy for Uv, and he made a dra matic appeal for three hour. He blamed the men whom "the goternor prevented from looting the .Ute." AUTHORITIES TO PROBE SEAT SALE OFFICIALS OF TUG XEW YORK .NATIONAL LF-AGCK CLUB ABE SUMMONF.D UEFOR1 WHITMAN TODAY NI.W YOIIK. Oct. J. Dittrirt At torney Whitman today Uiued sab- ,Ioena. for Secretary John roller, , rre.ldtnt Hempitead and Treasurer I A- f10 ot ' York ball club, owner of the New York Olant. la connection with the ula of ,. oat. MlM skinner, the stenographer. old for the world' erlea. The Investigation grow out ot the j demanding of from 20 to ISO for 3 J " r iptcuiator. . . .. ..... ' ce , 'T1' ,1"' manoge- a!"VM " "f"1"" t -- - .-r-. . . . .... whomever It pleate. LA V A BE DS Be Held Tomorrow Nifk It I believed that with a lltUa work on tb part ot a live organisa tion the l.avn Ded can be made a gieat an attraction to tour! M Crater Lake. Plan will be dUKtt4 for securing th Improve"!, ot roadway to tb tc cave. An tort may also be made toladuc tk eminent to create a national parkot the Lava B4 cottairy. HI m - 1