at J Fail i i! PAOK TWO GUIDE jWftJkffgfYWi''iii ..... HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER KMMITT llltOTIIKltS Thoo Homing Handle The Smuggler' Uaiiglilor," Two Itoet Feature "A IVoiililo Sac rltlrr,' l)rtnA TIip I'amuu JlcManu t'artoon. AIIMIMO.V 10 ami IVK TEMPLE THEATER II- I'liM-cn HaniK" Clnet To-Part Feature "Ttie Work." lllograph Cotuedy "The Hlglit .Number Hut Hie Wrung House," Edison Comedy. MAXWELL M. LONG Ottcopathlc I'lijtlctan Suite IS and 1. White Building I'lione IHI CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY AHSTHACTS IXSCIIANCi: Member Oregon Association Title Men EMPLOYMENT Call up COMSTOCKS, phone SO. If you want any kind of HELP TUgltttr at the COMSTOCK If you want employment USE NYAL'S SCREAM 70R duMMi! tldo, endcett Up. 1 Ua and sunburn us NraJ" turn Ocam, thr' rvxMng qulutogood. ItUgrcaseWMaad peroxid. Nr.r. Fc 0m la KjuUtaly peifunved. YoashouU infer it bov all other. Illssoltl a two sua ol oraamenttl srs, 25 and 50 cent. For rour com pluioa's k tu Myr F Crm. w have lh agency for tu ideal faca cream. Buy a u our More and ula it bora lo. tight TUs surely U hCrem Supram. TiyUaadytMl'Ualwsj UNOERWOOO'S PHUMlCt Good Land 100 acre grain furm, (I tnlle from Klauiath 1'alls, on main road. It' cheap at 1 ier acre, on easy terms, MO acre Irrigate! farm In tlio heart of tlio valley. You'll find no lx.-tler at anjr price. Only $7.1 er acrt-, one fourth raali and lone time on balance. 40 aero irrlifalcd farm, seven mile from Falls, ou koocI road. Will make line little dairy ranch. Price 70 irr acre; terms. House, Iota, farir.s and slock ranclie In all arts of the county. CHILCOTE (UU Main fit. I'lione 00 i- It ..--j .-,. f fPK!!LXaJJifafaffafafafafafafa vfSEMMBl.HIMIlr T T.8."A w. r im-rr IlBrVirMWVNVpr6 A . ,v - ' . II KBatsrsi'B jot, "ZZztZ'"'' I it In U Herald! It's right. Uh. Ton Mtr lad It 1m the Wast CotliMM The Evening Herald W O SMITH. Editor I Published dally eicept 8unday by The, Herald Publishing Company o( Klamath Pall, at 116 Fourth Street VmtA at that nnatnmr. at Klsu- ,ath Kalis, Oregon, for transmission through the malls ai second-class mitter. "Subscription term by malt to any ad I dre In the United State: Onejcvr I00 lOnc month 80 j .ilU.AM.TH IMI.US OUKflOX I WIIUNKSIIAV. (KX M, IIM.1 Wraihrr lVndlt..m for October lt 1.. N.,.""'npi"p,M: . . to it. u uy ..TT i ..'.1 ts :i :s :t HCllril AMI HXAM'I. OIIS It an age which place an ever-Increasing emphasis on the --.-.. . ...!.. ... I..II.I.I...I ei.i.oi, u. oou or..... ..-.... hygiene, to ociai rvecmeneu. 10, hygl i general protperuy The race l to I ' the community whote children thrive I anu wnote woraer. aeep -en It i) man hlth 1 a iiurrhmftAhlt a ai I eommoillty a bat been demonttrat rd la Cuba. Tanama aud the i'hlllp- ltjr. with It ad aa an it lMtl. Iof money to, IVI -.rT,t,t-' mmunlty can dyi , ... - ., . . . ., L in tun war o. a raairai reuuriiun iu nlfant mortality and In the general death rate Yakima rounty Washington. It an other example thowtng the rctulti of ,y..emat,c health work and liberal' e.rend.ture in a rural d.ttrlct. In lualva tniinlKa nn.latP tt full tlmai h.,1... offlc-r .iih . MUlnn,d!" laboratory and a corn, of Tlsltlng' nurses and sanitary lnsvector. the" ' death rate In the county from ty j pbold fcrer tu reduced from 1SS r 100,000 to 1, und the deaths from all causes fell from S3 S In 1)11 'to 393 In 1913. Th mayor of Colorado Springs said recently to the delegates of th American Public Health Association that the problems of public health 'are eten more tlul than those of In dividual health. Appreciation of this fact comv slowly. Money to (hate public health I given grudg ingly by thotc In charge of the pub lic place i itizeint of eterjr community should awake to the fact that com munity health Ii a first principle, of effective local government, and on Id adopt for their slogan. Public Health Is a Purchasable Commodity tutu l-'uel Ma) IU- Cliraer Through a patented process the Standard Oil company eiptcta to greatly lower the cost of gasoline Acrordlng to II (I James of Plndlay. Ohio the oil Industry will be revolu tionized and the Standard will be able to cut the price of motor spirits I centi a gallon. Kornier I'nlted Stales Senator Obe dlub (lardner of Maine has been' iitnu-d by I'resldent Wilson as mem-1 lr of the Joint International bound- ary commission having Jurisdiction over boundary dispute with Canada. I He succeeds Prang S. Stricter of Con cord. N. II. . PIA.NO KXHIIIIT ' For the benefit of our friends who love to Inspect beautiful piano yet do not care to be solicited to purchase we have placed our regular stock and Iho carload recently received on dis play All type of plrnrx will be submit, ted for your ipproval. If possible visit Shepherd's Piano Di-pct durlnc the nut ten days. We shall try to make your call a pleaiant one. Itemember the plsce, next door to Ihu pottoffice, Klamtth Falls. C-Stb X.x My Absolute Guarantee Policy Has Proven A WINNER In spite of Hard Times, my Business has steadily Increased. The reason la plain, tljr ciu f orner nre so well pleased with my WATCH IIKPAII1I.NO that tliey are alnaya ready to speak u good uoid for roe. HrlnK me your watch that tion't keep time. I guaraatoe satisfaction or money refunded. FRANK M. UPP K. P. Watdi Inspector THE EVENING FAMOUS MURDER TRIAL STARTS Courtroom Crowded With Cosmopolitan Audience Jewish Hatred Evident by the Russian Government trtl-L-L IV..I Ktlmr lain.- lai tall ' ., . h. .,.,.., llellli .. pLced on trial lyta In ..... .,i ik m.ft .11.. S. trlct conn for "ritual murder." On Pt'ci'd 'rroun' V ,n extraordinary Interest l'i PM I"" caseAha attracted throughout ri .Europe, thy court nnirn ai parked Cloudy lhr a ro.niotH.lltn throng when Judge llolduetl and nl aoUte mounted tbe bench and began the impanelling o a Jury More than loo neraper men from various royntrle had previous- I. ai.i.llA.1 . lrt.14 f-.,.ia.atll..t.a ' "I"'" " T .., - lhp . , , ,, ...,.. .', c.... i , reprctentattve of M. Stchegliultolt.llHirted to the i)rorltle The remit mlnltter of Juttlce.Vwho bad been lnwa not oiilyyrtfy dltmltaal of Mitt, ttrucled to wire a rynnlng detail ae - . , h( cnrf t la- Ct ltataKaa(( 1 I II ' Tin MMI (. V ! Kroniihc Inrrptlon t thr cno the uilnlatry of Juttlce had. carefully dl- reeled the actlTltle of tke liKal proa - '"'' llrnndorf and t'hapllmky.i and It wat with the full kppratal of, V,W - Mh rmnlpjil rnkairnhir.t V that that . -r-zrZ.t. .!!? Vk .."ini liiuiuri uut -- ..... In the original Indictment. Kter tlnre the morning of April 1. 1911, when the mutilated body of Andrei Mutrhlntky. a IS-yetr-otd "rl.tUn bor. found In an .ban - T br,ty"l,, '?" ouU J' "' ..... . .I..h I. l. u. .. .... ...... .. l."Jl..t.Wil .! Vrll ril'iraiUlllia' wUbllth the theory that he was ital? JD '-- ! ' ""'i' Jewlth rite pretcrlbed by the Tal- ! mud. o that hi blood might b uted In making pauorrr bread The goy- i ernment ha apparently done all It 'could In fiMter thla Idea. I .M. KrattortKy, rniet or the Klen detective department, was actually Instructed to proceed on the theory that the crime was the work of Jewg, although the only possible pretett for the "ritual" charge was that the toy's body bore I stab wounds Ac- pur-1'0""1"" lo curr'nt superstltutlon the ruuai muruer i aceoniiianeu oy i IS wounds. He rould obtain abto 1 lutely no evidence along the required line, hut on the contrary believed ' he had trared the murder to a gang i nf thieve. IF BACK HURTS BEGIN ON SALTS i i.r.-n Tin; kiiim;vs at e.vci: WHKV IIACKACHY OK llkl licit IIOTIIKIW MILXT roilMs ritic aciii No man or woman hn t-ali meat regularly ran - make a mistake by The Most Complete Stock of Heaters in town has arrived. Now on dis play. All styles, ranging in price from $2.50 to $16 with a guarantee of quality on each Our stoves are economical in wood saving, and pleasing in appearance PERFECTION OIL HEATER IS ONE OF OUR LEADERS WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE 1 HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON When Kratenvsky nude hit first report to hi superiors he as stern ly reprimanded l-atcr he prac tically forred by them to arrett Mrli' del llelllt. a Jew, 10 year of age., (iiriuii .if the brlek rd On pro- ig further fvldeiire indicating ullt of the thlete and Hie luno - during the g cence of Ileitis. KtuimiVr mi ills- mixed from When a freh made Wlrr the direction of WU iuc- Mlttrhoilk, he hit at y came lo'ihe ronclu all... ih.f I .I....I W:...l l...w ," - IIIU.I,llur. ...".. ,. fantastic rue and ao re- 'chouk and-fSo ofh! men but their ,, harge o fab'i.ating doe- I lilt. Ml orable tu Jewt " , ! ' or der to tt ten Ita .'ate, the gonernment caiiyfl wlUetpread publl- 1 ration of a tlalemenl made to th examining itniglitrat b the Arch- mandrlle Jtmbroilut. lrar ihn Or- thodoi jnonaitry at Klrfflo the ef fect uiat two inonkt, pr'ljtrd from thuSJewlth faith, hail' minutely de- Ibed to him the ptrtire of ' ritual murdr Ills Irttlmonrwat aupiorte.) by : 1'r.l ;" VUdim.i l'. '""' hT' "h? h"'1 T ' I It... ..f Vat. 41. ..aafe'.rd IMl. . ami-.'. m ut...-. "V" ' " cry !rv indlrilllon nf "rllual nufrdr." I"" .lh. y manlfeatly badCeeu tor- lured before death, and lit teeral ' peron were probablyX'1' to the eriroe A further cmpuAtlilng the attl tude of the goreutrnent. the rhlef of inn iiuittt igiattwawwi. no on Slkorsk . runten atnlued from bis poat In in traded neantlme the rat had atvagalnit the ld-wd- altenii-n Many prominent mn In Kngland including the archbishop of Canterbury and York. Iird llosbery. Autteti Cham- berlaln, A J llalPaur, and trure of university professor scientists and ministers of the guaprl . slgne.1 and sent nut to Itussla a strcir.g)y worded prolett agalntt the "blMMlarcusa- tinn " flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kid- ney poriw so they sluggishly filter . . train only part of the wast and poisons from the blood, then you get Nearly alt rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dliilnest. sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from slug- glsh kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in Ihn kldnevs or rour bark hurls, or If Ilia, llrlrin la elritnl .iffenalv.. full of .e,llment Irregular of passage or attended by u sensation of scalding, get about four ounce of Jad Hall The direct evidence again! Helll. far It h Wen illecliwnd. I of lather u Mini character r'lrtt there wan a tatemelil by a lamplighter named Nhakliowtkt. lio .ie-ure.i that Hugclie told him a few da) ' later that he and Vtirhliiaky had x'rnLj''rtrt,u','ltm , drUeu from the brick "'Vl--T,, 'lr UktmI tireulh nan with a black beard -HeoTed ,h;t". conenllun T.l. . ,.,. 'lliu rouiUled chief! ! Hhakhnwiky" CTredepoe.t that an acinialiitaucr Anna iunaroaia told her that the ia V.n.l.ln.1. ...! tlrtf hill brick yard kiln Ann,.,.. I..m.m rtallv ilrnlrtf Ihl. I al.1 .......... , - - vaaally I hetwrlak r.ugriie lain-' er. atated that a wee iwiore mo murder hi ton told him that two Jewt. wealing iinutual garb, had taken up their residence wun iinit. and that he had aren them praying I'nfoilunalelr. Kuietie. who had been sickly, died before hit evidence rould be taken hr the evaliilllltig ' inagUlrate or the niitteri might , have been cleared up Ijter. Ivan Kotchenke. a convict reformer, who wt plared In the same cell with llellla fur two montht. deetare.l that llellla arranged with htm to ixilaon all th wllnettr agalnat htm. and promfM-d that If be did to the Jewt would kaep him In comfort for life Throughout the various prelimi nary proeette of the cast the dafente hat been lerlomlr handicapped by the manifest prejudice of the court omrlali agalntt the prisoner All Htlble obttarle wern thrown In the way nf defente eountel Hit Ant attorney, tlrlgorovllch. wat tetetely reprimanded and tem porarily impended from the rate for having signed a petition protesting bliMid arcuaatlmi ' Hit Margoutln. was forced neit lawyer out by reason of a palpably false charge made by Vera Cheberlak. mother of the boy Kugene. that he had attempted to bribe her llalllt was tixlay represented In court by an array of muiiarl etnplnyed by rich Jet. chief of whom were two of the leading barrister of the capital. Kar- avrhevtky and (Irutenberg. from any reliable pharmary and takn a tablespoonful In a glass nf water b fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. Thla famous salts is made from th arid ! grape and lemon Juice romblned - with lithla. and has been uted for generations to Roth clogged kidneys and stimulate them In activity, alto tu neutralise the acids Iu urine so It no longer causes Irritation, thus end " "Udder disorders. Jail Hall Is Ineipenslve and ran- nnl 'njurtl. mage a delightful elTer- ""'" ",hl- ",r 'lr" "'"' regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys rlean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications l.llr Willi llniken ,Vek When Krauk Mitchell applied for admission to the hnapllal at It. ho complained that his neck wat MIT Physicians found Ihat hit neck had been broken by a fall n year ago Mitchell did not know how seriously hr had been Injured iaa.ava,aaa,,.aja,aa.. atit'stj Farm Lands A Few Choice Farms at Re- tluccd Prices and Easy Terms Newton farm, 9 mile from town, SO acres, all In alfalfa and grain, Hood houso and barns. Prlrn H,(MM, one-llilril down. 140 acres on Lost Hirer, 10 mile from town, all In grain, two good springs on pluca. This m at .VI,(Hi an acre, I -It llOHII, til) acre In Poo Vullay, HO acre In grata; house, tarn, grnlnry, windmill, good water, in an am-, m.y hrnis. IE acre two miles from town; house, lmiu, chicken houses; a icood ono-inun proposition, Modern G-ronm house, lot iltta ISC ft; ftli and High sta r-M0, (110(1 iloun, 30 per month, CHAS. S. SPINNING III) H. nth Ht. Phone 40 Nations Bankers Are Gathered I lilted I'ret Heft Ira I IIIIHI'ON. (Irt 1 Willi Utomlllelll aukei and fluiiurlela attending nut all patta of Ihn roiililr). Ih liirij-iilnlli annual rmiieitlloii of Ihn 1 Amerlcii Hanker Aaamlallou 'totmatl) ofgstilied today, r'lful Vice I realdriit Arthur llrynold rallrd the igNthrrllig to order. I'rraldrlit I'liat. 'it lllllllg of HI I .oil la hating dlrdl July I Addleaara of wrlroille were drill. ..led 9) Iho masor of lloaloii and Ihouflia I' Ileal, plr4ldel of the to and ihalriiuu lithe rnmtiltlli-a for lite roiiteiillun Today' biitliieat tew- tllioa roualaled rhtefly lit the letdllig w Drill, telle "' ',IK" 1r ""'l Heeielary red ,lm toward the'l: r.ll..lth. New Yolk. Tlea.ur.r , ' "' h" K,,r1,1,11V1:""" llellefat Uliaei tii.iiiiMa ii i ).n .v ew lork. I...,, ..Ii ,k.. The First of the Season Saturday HI' Mil Our Special Club House Breakfast Sausage ItiU l Itir trl l.l-rMt It H H. rirr til U-t. m4iit1, liHinliriU itltl lfllf) mIhi U im It. Itirfr U m imt U lffr rnrr lw(Mr llil u ofttltiAr) Hii4Kt l-rMt-tt I lie link Klirr Mini llir I'iIIMIIM t 4 tin I i if Hf utity Hi III Hales and Palace till HtMrtllV 1.1 -, , M tlthl-l- mi, hiatMMii i i.i mk.i n. d.r . r...,.,i,i..,. SHOW YOUR WIFE HOW . ... WkX ;V JyWk 3 vtfu f Sq - '' FIRST TRUST 6J12 SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON YOU WILL ENJOY A feeling of niltlctl security If you take your trip in one of our rent cam RELIABLE DRIVERS AUTO TRIPS TO ALL POINTS OP INTLM-ST J. W. HAILE, vlmiagi-r llenl heitlrn Department Plioiin I IMl if The Lnwrnnkcrt Dot- ignttte the Opening of tho Duck Senion, BUT WE FURNISH THE GUNS ANDTHE AMMUNITION. Selby Loaded Shells and Cartridges Get the Limit BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. MT.IIWMIMY, Iter loin in Convention , mall of the mix ill l.i, , terrlair of Hie aiai. i tollllilllleo A II H,., Vntk, Had the ,,' railllliltlta . one of tl.r m rolllllllllre of Ihn ..,. i , lleHIU fnun .. ,i,i illftelelit trcllolia a I,. I i Ihn roilalltlllloiial i. .1.1 It Jaiile of IUal.ui I , al IliU afternoon a ... M Ikt 1 llli ' ' Nt "l "ulU,) ti ' u. 1 .11 , Ubtlt " ' 'fit I ! I ! AIhmi.I II.. HI. sl.i, (ltn t lll IIIUCll pleat.. I " Mt. ' 'tWa a4 "tr ' tl Hi went of tut .ii.l I Hat paid II IJJ i III ham all alilium lii now applied I.. Ill Hi Mutual I. if. biuiin. lUktr tn.g V M fill) . I . Huuttkecplng fiw.ii" our bfHja. wrtur rm. ntt.i. m To wilt ( atf Mill Instead of 'uuolit.! --I lit mime-, and then nut i Vt l 111 while bar cath btt goat Th I'lrtl Trutt tr.d fisilan llslik has a a per U I Jaa'tonst 'yVJ '"' women's .' la and ll Jj b glad to show tin n k' luiirli belter a i s u lit III trS Ikli read- money CENTRAL GARAGE M "" ' - 'gn-iAj-uiXiVVi.-M-M-in