KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER llslilli -N" '" v5V Suimmn Mzvalft E PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1013 "" - I'rica FIto Onto "BIG SLX" WINS GAME IN TENTH YPHOID Iff I CASES IN CITY ARE RFPORTED ::L ii III ! In. .,!.,( . ,,,,,, ,, of Mir oil.. f iligt li Truai i.,n ,, (itlt fKifl HOW lb fli.rm, Afll...ll,. iClill.g. , W bat. rianilnMl sample . f . ater rlil in hi x.u ,w..ii i Il teftH .utitfU,,.. jm. ..,- ... .. . ... ...... ", .... PLANK-MATTY iiiiu.tii.n d.m not it,.,. .,. . j"' "I'liialmllnn T..f., , Judfr- I., II,, ,,n,p. BIOo ,,, III II II'MIHIU lint In AIMIN alef I. ni lo, Joinnin- use .....till ' T'" '""""'Or fr.l.r. f,. I '' i u.r .i,mnt(i , ,.,,, l and bn.fic, i ,,,, , ,hilu i.-.,i ip xtil'W.lllr.l Ii) ,1 llloii.i. I'lfWItP I Neither Team Scores Until the Tenth Frame i Ulrfll"ftUI In Ulioill Hl.ltf ml tU I H Mtttrr lUt IU-u HmIm (mi ft t.n Ihf (CbU wHlnl I. l.l)( I .-(.. H) Mr WtWHtrU Cut tM.Mer,....f l. l t l AlUltiallnl. Hi.....-. Illtl....- I'-.-. . imnar rir? I"f (r tb 'aliform. ii,,. owiHinr I brf (u .uuHlll II.. fnllotelhi l "( tealrr !, Ir. "Home Run" Baker of Athletics Is Struck Out With Two Men on Bags '""'"""''"'1"1""' ' .-!! I l" T INI.I.II.I. Clint! I, I.i lUtr -t)rp Kail ' When Hi new I'nlvertallit church 91 Leroy. Ill , I. completed It will have a dance hall In th batemerit.' Iter V C Holme of l.eroy aald he look plratum In rrlnr a. en.rh .1 Ih football games and aa m-i. if the fair association, anil that l, ind lilt wf both enloreri dtnrin. II btllftve churehe. ihnnU .n. ihc young Iwrople to enjoy themielvcs under proper supervision MAYOR REQUESTS OBSERVANCE OF CANAL 0PENIN6 t4u.l .1 I lit. fli.tr 1. 1 rl. New York . Philadelphia .. . i. I; .hulil .".ii i'all. hat. bu '. Il.allh lim..f M.r, Mnlli .ffrt ' " I'.hl.f and John-, 11 lounc iliuihur til, . .i... (' Kimball, niij ii suffering from 1 I II..I Ih.lr ale ..(her ' ll.r bat liut br.n 0 l.f.llli i.IHin, U In- b. Ult.r 1.1-uit . of lli )rt, ll,uld ami .itihr," d V.BI U. ' 1 't'i or Iito IM lltMf II A !''! Ik dl Vr tea ClK'B ll Mtlkil I' H r ! It mi 1.4 H T , HtJ . Ai ib.. h m , MM 1B4 Hi' ' la 1 Ma. TU 01 1,. 1d . utJ TU , U. ii . . , !. ... . Tl. ton. . mtU4 1.. 11. "H ' urallh iiirn.r. 7L f.. . ni.Ua uf outer nt b in 1 l.i. mrr fr alial;ila on H 'mUr .i ...i i,f,.. No 1 i.iiran . r lllll.-TnUI JubUb). . ,., , , Mlll ,1C ,,lir 'f rwluo b. mi "No j 1, te,rr ,, ,,r,K mi r. 1, ...jmiiim, iiii.iHiii .r ' ',?'' " ' ' """ "I "'Imi l-llll; "Kn : ,, wpr ftl)(1 i.y.i,.,, "Ikll. ai.. Matualh Tiilal arali '" 'I i..r r r n, . ,P,. ,Uf '"' 1 uatim aim ! .(' bllloui f.trr i ..,,. .,. 111 w, i.(.in. " Mtlllu. nf l).iol.t onti.il t; j.Im ild, ll.r 1 n kclll It uHnorfJ trt I twk t.( Mill and ! th.m In llj runtrarl lf I "I lh con.IMIi.it nf 1 t alioadf btn lad. 11 I..JUU ut rMirlt terr. tub Trim by llr Caltln I. I (Cbntlnu.d on i. s vM(-) J W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0- R. -3 H. 7 E. 2 i""7" - JaHKII A lTTiMTfrU ! Jk'a LyaM.MiMki1Ljl A.ijublikXrSkBaVllllBcirS ! llllllllillllHI PNPiraHIHilHr " -lyf-k'. .- rnMH-awMMMii -0 8 2 I nlli-d t'rm 8rlco HIIIIIK I'AltK. l'blUdrli,la, Oct.' I'lirlitl Matn.rtetun, tli Ti-trran lolrlrr. brouchi l...m Ilir baron for ih Nw VoVK lilanu ll,U afternoon II on nt (I crralitt (atnra In Ihc but.irjf of I In. morld'a trrlrt conlr.tj. tn lb tnth liiulnc. "IIIk H1im tin ' (ltd, brlnclnc Crant acioat I ho tiln.i 1 Its Hip lniiliiK run Jlattr lto rorcHl ohm Krtriur iliirUd. I TL tint a one of tLo hardctt fouxut contrata rr ltnrad at KlilU. CnikJ and fur nln Innlnta wu 1 a iiltcbrr.' batllr bvtwivn Matty and1 IWdl I'lauk, iioh whom Connie Mark had pluurd hla faith. , Tl pltoh.r. fauKhl uck and f licck. tbroutlout Ihn 11 1 In. Innlnxt, but ' owing 10 hi. nick work In the rioting canto. Matty hat a alight rdjc ou tht irt.ran outhiaw, 1 1'lr.t IiiiiIiik (ilant HvriioK knockrd a flr to Collin.. U..)p wrnt out on a fly to' Slriiinm Klrtrhrr atruck out. No runs For ih. Athlrllrt. Murphy'a drle to IKil. a fumbled by th ond arkrr and Murphy reached flrat, UldtliiK .inclrd, .cnUliiR Murphy to ircoiid. and a aacrlflc by Colllna ad (aniid boll, men a ba With on. I t do 11 and a man on tecond and third, ' llakrr ttru.k out and Mrlnnl wa' rllrrd by a rly lo rUht fleldur llurnt. J N'i runt. I hit. ', .mvoiiiI Imiluic , lly an otcrwh I tdcratlon of, ui City voted. amoking on r era lti-ntly' rrcrlti-d complaint aajalnat aaoklac on car piatrorma Tho company tub mllted the raatlrr to the board of li.altli and In turn the qutttton waa ubmltlcd to the womn'( cluba with reiurit for an eipreaalon t'(nT(M lUrrter l lllown .lHay In iIm, Canal Zonr. Nrw Milt IU- Announcral by lUng lii of Klrw Itrll ami Itlowlnjr of Wlil.tln. aB3aBaLaaaaaaaaaaaalLllLlB& aaaRpnRLaaaaaaaaae ' iV W 1 SPitr " if 1, 1 nun 11 M walir frmn hydrant ". ....... ...,.iii, - " ml KcpUnaili Tolal '' t,rf Jhofrnl Hlli.nr.1 llii.lii ll.ti lot Tin. Nrbraakn ronlrlrm,' of tin- African Mrlhndltl l.'l'ltroiuil rhulih ha. ilrcldrd Hint 1111 man who ha. hern dltnrrrd enn pri'ai Ii III llial run frtriir 'Ih iiinfrlclir rrjccli'd a I onus rollrtn KradllAli. brcailti' and lb 'No I , 'P'lui lllr.i ""t '" UUII 11. r C I ""Co f riilitii li.rllli I u.r..i., i.r U'.r Il.rrl.ini ! tut IIUlnlN.. IC. I'l... ,..-1... ...... 1 . !..... it... ...t. ll, ..f I., lot.nl - . t .... 1. .1 irfioitr ..i.i.ri. I...- ,.-t... .... - .... KI(WtHtrl .a nf ... il.t... .... t. t't.i....r-. I1 1'i.Mii.li.k. .illtttrllitetldrllt I'kt bt . . .11 .. ..,-l 1. . . ... ... ....,..-. -.. u . tl... .. ' - ". ,r iiikii 111 oaritr in 111 ihihi, nn-...j ..r. J'lfl roiinl hut I.i. flnilt no ciilnti I'nlnl who ii..m.IimI rlithli't'U cadrla rlrllll ".... ..... ... ... '" ..... ....ai... .....,.d u... ...u.v r........ n.....v a.r ..m.ii.v --... -.('....k -... i.inn .'...... .'. SAW HIS MONEY GO UP IN SMOKE .-chafer rcitrrd on u fly to Murph); Murra) fanned. No runt. Kor the Mtilellct, Hlrunk u out, Uo)le In Miodgriua; Harry tiled to l-i.rnt; Lapp (truck out. No runt. Ttilrtl IiiiiIiik Kor the inula, McLean knockvd a pop fly tn lurry; Hnoditrat. .Inclcd; Matlnewaoii tiiiKled; llerioc bound- Kollowlng the adoption of a aim liar plan In all the wide-awake cillea of the country. Mayor NlehoU. h.. llaautd a proclamation calllnc for the utpentlon of builnta for live min ute on next r'rlday at the time of the vzplotlon of lb blaat which will icmote the lut dyke In the I'anama canal and opn a waterway from oue ocean to the other. Kollowln l. the proclamation of the mayor. I'nM-lauialiun Whereat, on Krlday. October loth. there will be removed ih. I... . malnlnc dyke In the I'anama canal, marking tbo completion of (hit tu pendou undertaking-, and, Wtivr... Ih. enmnlA., -. ...t- ., ,.,v .vHtyivngu u4 mu ai gantl ta.V la an everlaatlng monu ent to the determination of the t American people and the skill and In jienulty of the American engineer, ; and It completion I a matter worthy of much note throughout the werld: land. I Whereas, the Taclflc coatt, through the Immentlty of the marine trad to I be opened by the ut of the Panama j canal I especially benjfMcd through j the reduction In rates brought about I by the competition of ateamer with 1 railroad for tranaportlng goods from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the flood of desirable Immigration that Is destined to come to all parts of the IPacInc Slope. ' Willie to McLean, and Harry took ' "f0'' Tn'r'f. r lue of the Mtlli I1.11I11K third on the play; Plank hit to'uU,or"Jr me vested as mayor of for II... (Hants. I),.y0 out. l..k i. "r: McLean threw to Her- ."'.. """"". uo nere- CIIUI.sTIi: M.TTIIi:VM). 1 tilt Per the fll.nu. Hurle. fanned; f'r "'- ". 'M' . Pl.nk ,, -rr, ; cmm 1 tnrew 10 er- - -- - --- .,.ferre,,redonttny,oMurph,;!-r.::ryou,r ed to Plank, Wlltie. running for "' IWtrrjr, 111 ItM.Sd wu Mi man i.i:n li.Ml.M.I IN Si (II I HAT III. l.l:lT HIS "IUII.I," in: HIM) HIM HnoilKraa. tun ilown between third ' " rul". . .. . " lh ,l.na.ln. ...I. ... l nhv te..nf not t i.h..tn. ... ivnt... -"- -- ..wm vofti..vri,iiK inumnn. No runt; 1 hit. ,nua ta v1' of ,be rcal tenoflu to Teutli Innlntr ' BCCrU ' lMt ",,C"0I, fo e ""' ,"n,,, .completion of the canal, to suspend John Mcdraw. pets woke up at all business in the city for Ave mln- thl period, and proceeded to 'doutes. following the ringing of the thing fanla.tlc. McLean singled to bill, announcing the setting' off of ; Murray', fly wa gathered Hi,,,. . ... Lr Mew,! kiltie tho blast. rry; McLean filed Jo 0lSriM "cr"1c",1, ' ''nk- who "" " T. P. NICHOLAS. DCU'"II"1; Mhe son singled, scor-1 m., r u-i ..,,.' ".... u. ...-W.IU rat., w,w. 'e In b Mclnult: Hum.' He caught b Murphy No run. Por the Athletic. Col lint struck out; llaker went out, Kletcher to Willie; Mclnnl struck out. No run. Seienlli Innlni; For the (Hants, Shafer tiled out to Strunk IND (AN SELLS STEERS Brown Receives !Over $9,000 for 100 Head lllllo "r"U" "f V1'1" "'' Inth """ "' M""'"''""'v, who wa. "fIril)lhea,llnK chief of "Mragi,,, ,r Klnllm (lU I11.U0 """"" " "'" nam . g Kiinnl for Viilimx In tliu Mmliic ,.ir . uiiimx in tliu Mmliic KM I .1 " W"hl" ",u u fow 1 n.A'"" " ''"'"Ireil head nf lino 1. " m" r"r vr 8U a h ' lMlliig over $0.OUO nr;''r"left:imatl, V, Will M.i'ti) II011I1111 A. Iliililulii garugo uf Luke tiiH, which wilt deatrojed by tliu a fen dn). Jgn. Iiitt illt 11 nlcii lit t lu inn of 10 III" at llmt lliue. in wilt llllng tliu tank of an auto mobile wllli "Kim" hi 11 In tuiuo way it tieiiiiiin IKiilled, mid III II Until Hie ililire place aiis 11 unit, nf llaiiie. Tliu clolhi he wore Mere biasing, nml In In eiide.iMir In etiMpo from the pluie mid vxtliigiilsh tliu II to on his person ho iiulle furKul " .lake his ii.at llli Mm. The cunt was liatiK I11KIIIK ullhlii 11 few feet of him lit Hie Huh, mid lu lhi pockclH ut (ho ol.i Liiruitiil kiiugly relumed oir I1U0 of prutliiK K'""' ' "'" "' ""' "hIiii. win sii). null oy 1110 iiiiik no ru iiieuilierod I lie colli hu didn't wunt It and linuie Doile knocked a rly to A Hl'llllV oidrlng. N runs; : hits. Willie rt.lecd Snodgrnts nt first fur the (limit. Kor (ho Alliletles, Plant went out, 1 Diij In lu Willie, Murphy out, Mat- 1111 eiiiplo).. nf ii,ewoii to Willie; Oidrlng out, llnrmg to W iltie. No runt. rmirtli IiiiiIiiu Knr (he iliants, Kletcher went out, Hurry in Mi limit. Hum. .truck nut: Miuter iu iff on llaker'. b.ul throw ror the Athletics, Slrunk". liner war caught by Hums; Harry out. Her- i'iK In W llde; Upp singled, (ho ball bounding off Wlltie'. glove; Plank lined nnn tn Kelchcr. No runs, I hit. I.IkIiIIi IiiiiIiik Kor Hie (Hants, Wlltie went out, Cnlllns tn Mclmils; MaHhowson tiled In Murphy; llenog Hied lo Strunk. No runs. Kor the Athletics, Wlltie retired Murphy unassisted. Oidrlng went out. "ornir. k'nll. II. I. n. ... ..- khtro 1 , ru,,lrn ,0 Valnn., " . hi. vacquorro. gather ing minllier liistiilluiiMil uf his Hue ltonvt... Willi ). Ihcsn .1111. nf Ihe . i..,.nt. lint.,., ... .11.1 tint 11,110 i.io.i... ,..... - Ihelr ciipni'lty for cUlllied Industry? 1. i . . 1I...1 It... I.'l.i tmif Ii filtlitPl It. .1.... 1 1.... idt. fin..... uiuihiiz iii-tii lutl ttimiKl. In tr to got It. 1M1 111 tirimj " I .... ai... iilit Mi.iiul lull Ihn llltlllttlrt .i..w i.i inkit iiiUmitngv of1 Specliillsts curl nml frill cliry.an Ihl. fail, mi'' H I" w"'l i'"' l"11 -""" -- -.-- .--- . ".-..,.. ! ttv u II. a In lii.t, but was put out ntlemplltii; Kletcher to Wlltie; Cnlllns singled to in 111-111 scciiiiii. -o runs, hu iieiu. naher singled to right, and Kor the Athletic. In this Inning Collin, was held on seioud; Mclmils Cnlllns went nut, Matthuw.on to 'forced Collin out by llenog miasslst- Willie; H.ikvr singled; Mclunls was cd. No run.; 2 hits, out, Do) lo to Wlltie; Strunk walked; Mnlli Innlni: inn iliants novo fled i. Klotchcr singled throuah ahtirt; Hums walked; Shafer tiled to OldrliiK mid Murray flow to Murphy. Nn runs; I tilt. It looked for a while as though ling (Irani; llenog hit to Collins, who threw wildly (o Harry, allowing llenog to take second and Matthew sou reached third; Do)Ie was hit by one of Plank' offerings. With the bases full, Fletcher singled over llaker'. head, .coring Matthew.on and lleriog; 1)oyle held second! Hum. .truck out and Shafer knocked a tl in Murphy. Three runs; 3 hits. Kor the Athletics. Wilton went be hind the bat for McLean, who was nun, uidrlng went out. lienor to Wlltie, Cnlllns struck eut: llaker An Open Letter To Taxpayers By The County Court When the Siskiyou outlet Is ac- couipllitied and tho Central Oregon iroulo Improved through to Port. land, tlio real value and benefits as nut. Do, le to Willie. No runs. , r"U' 'r'" ,.ho , "co".e"' M- v... w. HtKltnujI .1, lllutMaill UU,1- .j tur nuiiii iuu lounuaiion and llieiiiliiu. hefurn (hey lire exhibited .. . ..I..... a ii.t.l I,. 11.... ut II...V nr. i frmn Ihn liimiiillii resera- """ " -' - ula. lni iiuUhors In IIm m'l I" l'l'er In th test advant- lllTlt. Ihn iiillln frmn Ihn Kliiiimlli reserva- tliill urn iiiiirkol. nut, Dii)lo to Wlltie; Strunk walked; tin rry forced Htrunk from llmt audi p(ir he un put out by Doilo. unassisted. 'i:......i , K'.. ....... , i.u I . ' .... . ...... . ..... tlftli IunluK (Hants Murray tiled to Oidrlng: MoLeaii singled; Wlllio struck out; Mntlhewtim walked: llenoc went tho Muck men would break un iim nut, Cnlllns In Mclnnls, Nn runs; 1 gnmo In this liming, a. two mcu ware lilt. lugged out at tho lust station. The Kor-the Athletics, Lapp wont out.'plny was as follews: Strunk singled ll.tll.1 In WlltC! IHllltW at.ii-lAil. lt.e. tn Pritllne. Haw. l...nt n... ....... pliy filed to Hums; Oidrlng forced! Strunk look third and Harry second IHniilf frnni llritt irelll.ttr I.I... mi, l.v nn Iti.vtn.a wll.l tin...... n i..ii..n. l.'leitric Spaukcr. In Cue At lluntlnglon. W. Va., two elec tric "ipankom" have been Installetl lu two of the city", school. Superin tendent Wilson M. Koulk doclares (hat tho "spankers," which work on the principle of vibratory massage. h.io been good persuaders. The schools In which the machines were Ipstalled wore noted for tho unruly ('.'Helpline, but aro now model, of do-portmtnt. There Is a modem chateau In Nor way, Franco, which Is constructed In i-niim iit.oi i.i.i, Bviiiim linn uui uy un imyiu. wuu uirow 10 wiiixe; .ucii a way that the brick work re tho Fletclier-Doylo route. No runs; Lapp forced Strunk out at the plate, 'sembles Intricate embroidery. drainage has already been largaly accomplished, will be apparent and greatly appreciated. When the present County Court assumed office It had very few passable mail, and a .mall nrt Inadequate amount cf machinery to work With. ' Buch as was nn hand waa inferior and unsuitable to tho task. The situation was like that of a man seeking to subdue wild sagebrush land with uo tools and little money. In that case the only thing to do Is always to get the proper tools and go to work with a will. There waa at that time strenu ous demand for road work In all (Continued on page i) E i?