h KLAMATH FALLS' OI'I'ICIAL NKWSI'APICK H.MIi '"" N"' a",J i txtmma ItoaU. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS r KLAMATH PALLS, OKEOON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913 " " " 111 '' ! CU MM FIEND CONFESSES TO MURDER County Court Preparing to Call Special Road Bend Election iw1--i ------ ......... -1-1 -, - i-.-j-wi-LrLr-OJTj-Lrjxnnnn TELLS SAN DIEGO POLICE HE MERELY WANTED TO KILL SOME I; HAS SEVERAL VICTIMS Baker's Bat Clinches the Victory for Connie Mack all HI IHtl I HHIMItN hf. I.MI-I IhmiII Jl Ht T II Vl'lltS-tllll fftu Uw- I ..i,fera In lalliiua Mill tr t ii Ulilili Hair I'Hig I tf Bnl liar I..II., tr.it INhimH) III 4Ti1Ivh ! Hn I'auill) IWmmm Im. Had V"rlt W llli It. I 'mlii-t jI whI llli lii A.MiOief i U4 I'm, i.r. MMm nil : -Th tuurd.t n"f . . lb Christian Helen Ua.il. t... bM appirhrndrd. ,.,, U. a... I,. I .l j aflrlli-l l'a I r fa',., i II at." Kll liiamltr bliil tti Hi ll.rahrr fia afatlmrnl. lw taut tit" liail juarf'ln win, Ik tu prtlhtrtiilrM Til. butab fall.d lu l plod and k a.l nr i- ik i .riiia.l Imtrt alilili djiiu.a il llrt.l. Aim. buildlpc. BIG OIL FIRE IS STILL BURNING Marquardls Batted Out of the Game considering the building of FOUR MAIN HIGHWAYS; THESE TO GO TO THE COUNTY LINES Philadelphia ... 0 New York 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 Runt 06 04 Hit Errors 11 1 11 0 imM l Srnlm) ' ' II. n,- II un -."" " -f 'i "tint rite tho (llama li the gam un "using the fans lo wonder who Mc '!. 1'nlo ((rounds th.y wre thrown draw will dind upon to fling for SCHMIDT'S PARD IS i Dst. lu i Ul!ll la. t la IMS IIU .- . mtiini Un a,. . HHfil. la k.. I4wl D U Jo Ui ... lilts,, '' lltllR.. ', IM . Hft I ... II Un. llal t. Hill: Willi II M Villi. I, SIMM) MltllMMI t hTII.I, III IIMMI Al HtN IIIII.O lltll IMMII.INi: TtNh i:l-MIIIM a nrgtu arr-tMl in nad a full ruufpsslnn u la our til lh lillxl '..aid I) lb aulliur- ' "irala I tin moat d. 'r rlr licoUlltlrit " Ih lit.ru says Mr. (la), and did ' ' "man building ' wanted In Kill , lank riplnlr.1. .faltering J did not rat wliii ll ni In all direeliuns ' Alter I wrnt lii Tinl.r III fir threatens lo rrafli 'Jin- I imllfd lirr , lumber ird of th California J al Id dour ill hr Lumber rompanr m-r II Mr. Nallaro r ,lf ,lr umbf mil know an; lr Tli Inlal li. la rdlmalnl al lulled l'lr. Fnl HAN IIICIIO. lift : Tti flit at Itr Mlandard till roitipall)'. I'lalil ' which ilarlrd Huud.y mufnlni: In lhl dtatlllat lana I. .1111 hurnlot l.a.1 lilcht a 30 090 Italian caait- Ih1 at Ih t'allfotnlai wlirt mllllnna of J I It atarkrd I aakrd h uurallon In tt tiui i.u Ju,t , ah waa t to a&.arr Ih uUihun ran. l u ,U . . lu ,,,,, uU m ni io ,, ,w,t ,! u,,,, "i r i.i ut W" Htl a ""J wit 01 Tit r '' Vila , l"M Iwu ' l.r ., lllo.. kPIfd I lliM ,, 'MfJil . ' "fllll. l 1(110,000 lUulrrv In Kilim I llllrd IVrM Hrltr I timk :& from IHIHTIIN. un I .dania. i.l Itini wrnl hum. nilr-".r,,,, I'MhUfllr onrmi (oi. "Ir rloh , l'nr riinrlloni, Aumiltlr. and , I'rtialoti Tund for r!liipliir, and A I Modrl Truil I'lililpnli) Iji ' wrrt Ih Ulnrlal aiilJU dliruaird at to- day' inrrlliK of Ih Trim Hifllon of llio Anirrlran lUnlira' Anaixlnlloti In annual rotirlilluli hi-l" Uii rnnfiaai to mur aakllta In Uia AlKrlra ' ll ,11.1 mil " hill nirrlr had a whll woman, and ah Hio ilcllm. gr!w?M ' H SfrB?. 1 i ( TriaJC w trr - ii .'. i "Home linn" lUkrr Ih thrnra f dranalr hr the i .t.ir In which ll. Athlotlca landd n Ih nianl'a iltrhrr( Kulx" Marquard. Ill Idol of the 'tu fain, and lone Ih nrld of J lui MtOrawr, wai tlalrd to win 111 -i.'HK xamt for the (llanla, wllh . t I lilrf itj-rfa brhlnd tb hat. In- "ad -f wlnnlnc. he waa batted out ' the hoi In the tilth frame, after h had lint Ih. cam In it.. Cfllr'tunlnr. after Colllna ...a i Kld "Home lluu" llakrr eon id with one of Hub 'a rune. ..urine He flrit home run of the I anrlea Ink i landall wrat ruihed lo tbe ' Urine lln- l Slrllraw to head off the liicfeal nt i be MarkroU He wraa found in the eldith lunlne by the Alhlvllra but after he allowed one run he u aent lo the bench, and lei T.-arean waa railed to flntah mat irr The mm h lalkeil of lailljr of team work in Ih. Athletic line up waa moat l.i.tlrnat.t.. b Ita nbarnrr, and the iipixirt anorded Chief (lender j Mi hain mati-a waa rferl YtlM Ihillmfl l.'l.t.V.. 1.1 ,. l , through the name, but he kept hla I hill pretty well acattered Never for' the Olanti ll la belleted that Al MaT JtrtfHv I - - " Wliri.ll Hoi.li TIIK HI'KCIAI, i:i.KCTIO.V 4IK TIMK NKAT MOXTII I'lan N lu llullil Herlrw of Ural 1a Illglinaya IVnnertla All Pari, or Klamath County, awl Connecting Willi I he llowU of Other Cuuiitlra Mrrrlll, lloua, Krno and Crrwnt Main lllliraya fnlted I'reaa Sertlco NEW VOIIK. Oct. 7 Dr. Jtirl r'oHowlnr Ita proxmalra policy n the aliened partner of liana rkhmldt. "OTrd to bt,r "lhwr. for Klam the murderer of Anna AumllUr. In " counr. County Court U at a counterfeiting plant, waa arralfnod prnl """lylnc tb. advlaablllty of today beforo Kedtral Judra Hunt on n,lln h" county for tho eonitruc- the charge of counterfeiting. r a rl' ' flrt '! perma- hi: i'i.iai Mrr ouilty mis hi: has .no monkv NO rillKMIs KL IX Tiioi-sAMi iMti.iaits at ii. AMI AMI TK.V Muret pleaded not nullty, and alto nent blghway. Mark a Philadelphia Aiurrlcan.a minute dl I the Chief teem In dli- Unix- .Manuanl aid that he had no money and no " " I)"IT", ,h-l n lctlon will frlendt. but would prove hla Innn- b c",lea ome tlm n" month to cence In a fair trial. ,ubmlt to " otra of the county Michael llryne. ex-aulitant fed- ,L' 'uw,lon of IulnK tbe bond.. ral dlnrlct attorney, waa appointed I M nrw,,nt' da, bln fathered a hli coun.cL ,0 Jet'rmlne the probable coat of the Muret waa held In llo.oou ball.1 ,T,,cm of ""nneht highway plan which be waa unable to furnl.h. and n'd" Wh'n thU ' dfld'1 "Poo. tbo waa returned lo Jail court wl" ,n Powlllon to proceed i with the arransInK of tbe ipeclal 'election. The aiirveya, etc.. will bo made In a ahort time by County Engineer K. t II. Henry. Uiwn thla the cot will be estimated. I The general plan at pretent. It la '(aid. conaltta of the beat highway. I poailble from thla city to tbo Hlnkl you county line through Merrill; to line through Ilo- SULZER IS HIT BY NEW RULING league Irani, and hit famoui four- lri. and nlirr the fifth Inning, when' iHmarco. the )ouugtler who flnlahed rk bat. won for I'hlUdilphla In Iheihe waa Ion. lied for three runa. he al the head of the National Uague IXIfltT HOLDS KV.l.V TITMIO.V ' the hake county .. . V...I. r. ...! ., n..i --. ... at.. i .. -i . ... . IVTl.ill'l'ii'ii .ji-v.r.,i... . .. " , aim IO ino I, TOOK ii iiuiiiniiuii iiiv -!' ii'i, inn. i.i, ...., aMii' ,11 .riira ia nireauy hi taio tu eiuergrncy. .... ..-.-. ,.,.,, .-,.. a,i,r.i a m county line .NOTH'I IU.hl.nw houae on . ,.,,, prt, ,,,,,,, i aaked Mia llaikln i:auno Knramiiiiirnt lueila li- WUk..,.!Mcr A""'"' "' !nlgl, lu regular .e..l..u There will HP lit ll liaip at.,. I i... ... .. I 'TiU.n. . ' """"lli.i work III Ih" I'alrlarrlinl degree. UlkoiiZ . " ,"'""' '" ,""iid all mrmbeia nr urg attend ..r..ilt Vl.lllng I'Alrlarrh nr. liiille.1 l tin i. , crlmi-a ru.ifeateil - mu Html BOND ELECTION IS SET An Open Letter To Taxpayers Ity 'llio County Court $750,000 bonda 1 the laauatir of I fur thla purpoae. I Crook county on our northern border will aoon vulu upon an (nance of 1300,000 In bonda for I a north mid aouth road acroaa that county terminating at the Klamath County Hue Cortland, or rather Multnomah II ha liieli tlu policy of Ihn ret- cniiiily, haa appropriated flSO.000 .nt Count) Cuttlogi. illrecl in the' Jor ',; con.tructloti of a .from I'ortliintl ca-lwnril. n .. .. ..... -.! - -. .-., Jpeopln III nil liull.ru oi puuiic ""'Columbia lllier to Tho Dallca. II. - ... ... - ..... . . .,.. I I.... ...I I.. . .... .. l I...1I..... II. .1 ,1 M .111... I .. I...... I. .. Ill ........ ... ., . ... . ai i un. ii, aenuilla ,'l llio I i.iiimi wornrra eiiiiwjri in imiiiuh.i' t "''' innriu , t- in im-v, imii iiiriii an inn- 'U rami. i ,, riltilrtn of ih tlerman nrliilliia trade. 7.:"J uiiel, illaruulon through the prei of let to the Oregon metropolU from .mur hain.1,1 In...... u.. . . .. .,..... ......... I. ..il. .... .... ..itti l...f..r v,i,-, .aiaj re- iiefiiug in me prnuer hiiiuii iiiii'iiiinii, .,.-.....- .- .. ... lind mil the wlalie of the oler of the roiiiil) and iiUo iiiiikn plain the liwa of tin' Court Therefor" It I hoped that nil MEN FROM EIVE STATES SEEK LAND .viii.i: I I United I'reM Service I A1.IIANV, Oct. 7. Tho lmcach. ment court, by a vote of 41 to 14 orruled the ruling of Justice Cul len. forbidding further consideration 1 of the ll)an teatlmuny ThU ernlta the court to comlder thla evidence tla Port Klamath and Crvtcent. Following theae other Iroadwaya would be Improved. Tbe County Court propoaea to call tho election under tbo provtaloni of tho new road law paiaed by the lait legislature. Thl. provide, that couu tlo can Imuo bond, for (he construc tion of permanent highway, up to 3 rer cent of It. a.se.sed valuation. CAMIOUMA. T.:vis H.O,UH, when de.,U.a,e. upon ... verdict. ZTZXTS. Z the MIN.NK.NOTA t.Ml IOWA .till: nni1 "lJlfM lnS antl-Sulleir ture to n.v ,h-lr ,hlir . ,,,. , salitlnient on th nan nf .h Miiri . . .. ' tl.l. OV Till! I 1st or" I'HOS.' , anu does not place all the burdeu of linn- i W Vote on City Hall Bonds Late Next Month'; l .. .. .. . . .. ... ... . Till or gn - ' """'"ii the rlly, Making lh roiincii to iii T" ' " . oo.ooofii.il, 'I ... . I....I.... I iiiul "' hH will i , V ",,",n,w ' ",r ,or ,,,. ,n,,," '"' , . I ; ' imprmf.l IiIkIiwii). Jn'.1"""''" "f I, ''' 0 ooo fr , .. tuw "' '' "Uhiiilltml It, h .n.u. .'..' " "l"'''"! "lection No. "lln.!? ,loil,l"l lt iilglif. ill .", . ,hu "'linen. Tho dale "J ninrl '! "K "'" "'""I'lloti of nil forth, ,ui f" " " "l",,,, 'l",'' 'l cir.lt.. '"" S"li"lli "fouB.ii i"0" wn" "mlnl " Hr,, ' 7""l"'llll,m.lgnoa by -. ui property owner., i will hi'iil and coiisliler rareiuuy nil Unit Hip Court hn. to any nnd ho ir'ar'l to tAkii .ulni- hi I Ion upon tin's" Issue, when llm propi'r 'llni" urrlte. wn ull discus, unit llio alluallon roliitlw lo good romls i roiiiili'tlou of tho rannma nt nn ".irly dale, tho coil' slrurlloii of rnllrniid. IliroUKhout tVntral Oregon nnd the coming ot llm Kri't luternatloiinl rspaslllon H.IU rnincl.ro In lino, mini nil "iinilutslr" the lieod for Oregon or Klamath,' the Central County route Thl. rout" will afford us a satis factory nutli t lo tho north but will , not .iiiiico eimrri) lor tuo reason' , i'i:ctivk srrrri.i:iis ,..,' , , . . .. Mho eipen.o on the prc.ent property Judge Cullen ordered the detail, of lJ ' (Continued on page i) the vot withheld. A party ot rho men. reire.utlnK dlffert'lit .late., nro now- In thnl wn now hno onlv the noore.fl K,ra,h Fnll !" '' J)' kind of nn outlet to California on In lnt.tlgatlng Klamath county. ino Kim ii Tin. road must bo improvtM or n Central Oregon highway will IMUMlini in onnuB, vie . ,.-, ... .,,,,, nnil rnune( now in It tho .al" of tho bond, uud too .....ii,., i,( nm! efforts an Ix'lng roiiiliU'lloii of Hi" "IIht pri'lliuluar. i , ,!,! h thai dlri'dlon In nil iimr- Ii'., . i, thai w lieu tho weiillier clear. ( lor. Oregon I. coming to np up In llio sprint, "W'Othliig will bo preolivl" llil. nl n'l Koodly In ri'iidlu.'.. for llio coimiieiicem.-nl ' mimlu'r of counlle. itiivo uud nro in rimiim. uw nfj.purjug for tho Issiinnro of "r w"rk' honds for Iho construction of por- It wn. tho opinion of tho council- ... .,,,, JllCk.(n county to i.Ki, present Unit ll' M "'" " ,, west of ,i. I.a. already, by an m,,. nall Mountain Itoad or KUtn-l. "." ,,"," , Pal,, inrVhont naked for until nftir tho irnlo of Oto n)(,rMnmIu. majorlt)'; declared It- nwswv,.wvvw f'' in iwamain ran. tor noout bond. wn. nuriil. I ,eif by an olorllon recently causing iuouuu on page v , bo of Utile uo and nluo to us. Aa )ou know, California haa bonded herself for 118,000,000 to build n stato highway from north to aouth, llil. highway will pass through KlikDou county and Intor- socl the Oregon-California state line near Coles or Hilt, Juckson coun ty haa seen the vnluo of thl. ami a. stated above hits provided n bond l.siie of $750,000 to meet thU great highway and carry It on north throtiKli Jackson county tu other counties which will complete tho saino on through tho statu. Tho only hope for Klamath Conn California I. represented by J C. Wnllaro of Orauge; Texa., by Arthur Orlst of Corpus Cl.rlrtl; Colorado, by II. r June, of Denver; Minnesota, by W II. Douglas of Minneapolis, and Iowa by John Martin of (Irlnnell. A liner looking quintet than thee giutlemen would be very hard, In diM'd, not to .ay Impossible, to flna Mr. Martin has been In Klamath Tall, before thl. trip, having .pent a few days here In 100S. Ho marvel. greatly at tbo many Improvement. noted, making especial mention of thu streets and sidewalks; ot tbe I in- iANKENY CANAL AGAIN Abatement of the Nuisance Is a Possibility ty la' tu get n branch road from proved farm, and tbe advancement In this gieat highway through Slskl-I dairying lines. )OU county, either by Grass Kakel . the Intention of the Dartv to Just as soon a. tbe city can assure tho government that holder, of water right, under tbo Ankeny ditch will cease to demand water, the Iteclama tlon service will cease to turn water Into tbe ditch. Thl. was the text ot a letter read by C. C. Hogue at last night's coun cil meting- The letter was front Samuel Adam., former first assist ant secretary of the Interior depart ment. Mr. Iloguo and others havo been at work for some time, negotiating with tho owner, ot tho water right to Induce tbem to abandon the use ot the waterway, which haa lone been considered a menace to the health of the community. He says that with tbreo exceptions they havo secured the promise of the holderi of tb water right. Of these, Mr, Hogue say. one baa not been reached. The other two de mand a turn that to tbe number of tbe committee, icema exhorblUst. !ji 12! I - . II