First World's Series Game by Innings at the Herald's Bulletin Board Tomorrow. Don't Miss Seeing It h Eu-ettitta Mttulh KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1MI--N" J.H'J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER C, 1913 Vrtta Mr Otati TWENTY TO FIFTY FOR SERIES TICKETS Suffragettes Take Inspector's Hat and Cane; Hold Auction MAGNATES DENY YUAN SHI KA! il SALES NEW PRESIDENT MMMWMMVMVM'MMMMVMMMMMMMMMMWl TOSPF Is I I It'll II llllt t I m-U-tll II lll OICII I lll.ll ill' OM.l IHIM1 lltlllilt -.'lllMs ur.tii ' i" .u:itNMi:r nut nil ri.Mi: iiii nit'iin'. t .-. I l.l'. I 1,11 KeMIr CumU, III.I-IIhu- Hli..lli ! Ilir ll'KIN Clil C Yian Hbl Km baa .... bt. rlra-lcd prr-tldaet ,if ll Cblhntr la In Heri.,ua ..ihII I U. lubll. fur Irrn "I 0l leaf tU lhIUl IIAliUW lf Hum. . . ., ,ra ....I i.f (Irtil uf iMa-lnl .1 III- llf-'l..l IIUIl '"' -' !' "" ! rkr t.l,, li.r llir Ultra- IMUr LlUiai . II tliktla .MW-1 Plaai (Hill. VM-IIIMitllV II I . INI. l -wj lainf aln, ataa ii tiiMMilli ,aiVU II. la in.., n I uf." alii 1'ia-al. bat UlU "IliU U Infallible vikalhai Dial llirlr) Mill I- lll aat M arflr Mraillirr lltMMif tllM." .'mm I'lf.t wim. rilll.AlPKI.I'IIIA. On ( All wit atom Ota mruiltlnii uf Jack CsaVt, I'aanl Mark irtrlan ' Irun ,llai4" Clatn aa irmuie.t IinUj W H (HimiiihcisI thai ha It in I Uaf4UI bar, mih lM.utii WM attiibril lu rath foot ami an :h4 .tght I, ..hi ,a drail Grsartt lincul lu (ii cm llir taH Mill in th araaim Ilia feille I a agrrlUill n( thr apllir 4 It. .i(bit am bring utr.1 I" 'in tW iutt, apart. Mitt ot the uinlni that tic U Utf .r4 far the tauilil'a arllca ' Mill. FOOTBALL TEAM GATUN LAKES TO HOLDS PRACTICE SEPARATE SEAS i.ihHi MIlltMII I III III si Mm Mi till! t'MII II 1 1ll: WI'lll-s. MHItMMJ M IIU.I, I, HOI Mis. -ION THAT I'lllll tY'M IIMSTIMJ Men Who Will Guard the Outfield for the Two Teams in the Series (HANTH ATHLETICS 5 ftMlW. Smlr. , f XKW Yullh. Orl. .--Tim follow. hf -,. , ,,, tlHUr lf hl ,.,. irWrrau It ta pretty rrllallt (hat Its tfil,l. ,rl,, r,m , lW tola. .!, lrto ,, ,,.,. ir' '" """' " ,luv '" """' " ' WlUUlu. H,n,lr .lurlhtf lo irlo.l r ! tt Nr. lltk I'lillailrl!,!,!, lint- lira.' lnli..f. i,rltl ,, oijrrliiit wotlil l" '' '"' i: llirr .lr 150 mi. ll a li Sill Kal lrli-l waa llr Hun at Urn. Ili llral I fli.i-llt of tlit rrl'Ubllr ' Olllctala nrr of llif opinion llul Ilia rlrcllon of Viiali Hlil Km will Irr Hlllul" I tin llilrllial illiluromirra In jll.n nr ft-l'Utillr i ii. ii i ;t i.siins is urr in in: si;iii.i:ii lha mrulla mllllnl Ii) Krllh Am liroar. anj hrrrlnallrr uoli aa llir Toon Tram. ' folrcattirrrtl at itixloc I'arV Kurnlar lorrnixju for fontliall l-rartlrr. Alir a prrllmlnarr warm-up br ii i"iu( thr ball arounO llir lot. llir u. . linr.1 up In oflrnalti arra) and ,-, ' aii hour ur two In Lutklcc lm t nar liiira. practlclnc atttnal work . i l.iaanl patara Vrr) little ilr ii. i, mi.ik roulil hr ilonr. owlnc to i aoarnrft of any tflatrrlal wt.rrr li to ImlM an rntrsr llnr ' Thorn oi for prartti-r. hail lota of "pop " anil cinhualaiin. anJ. If llir tlmr Krilli ilruta thrni Into abapr, will K " ".. I.ich arniHil rlrtrn an awful i Amonc thoie at practlro r.. audi olil warrior at Kllloll. V S.I a'rr Ambriiar. Maiwrll. Ijilr- a i .ilr lll'onnrll. Iatltt. II. Ar- . a ArnoM. Krcrrtt, Koalrr ami lltUarr . .rroia In lr a OIRrrruro of . i aa tu llir orlshi limit alluwcsl ,. i wii Irani MrUlbrra of I lie . mo -am tin) air not to alrr- a lusher tliau U& lrr man, wblU "i. a lioul nunaKrinrlil aaarrta liat Ibo umlrralanillnK la tbal lh I an (ram mual nol atrrar:c toi' I i'iT man Thla pliaao of tlio qurttlon will un iiiulilrill)r br arltlnl III llmo to allow Alilbnwr to arlrct a Kant thai will conform with tlio tnailntlmia and rr iiulrriiunta niAdo ami provhliil, ami hair fnw ila)a practlrr aa a tram mil i. tr.MTi: tiii: mati:hs or IIIIJTMOOCaX.SS ll'ultril I'rrtl Bartlto 1 M'AHHINOTO.V, I) ('., Oct.-C-M'lilrtprrail iralrnr of the Mra I thai Ihrro will b au actual uulon of thr watrra of tlio Atlantic and thr Pa cific on llir opening of llir Panama anal lauird the war department to uatir a atatrmtnt nplalnlnK tho fact 'fiat ra watrr ou rlthcr ld of tint tathmua will Kvt no further than tha Mitranre of tha urcat watrrwajr i To iboai. who auuw the engineer. iiiK fraturi-a," the atatement -ar. thla Idra l rather amutlnc, aa, ao far aa thr canal la concerned, the watcra of thr Atlantic and PaclCc will mur mlnicle. Tha Oaluu lake, which la midway cf the rallmr; ha an elevation of S fret abor the ocean, and wa trr from tbla lakn will merely flow each way to tho two oceam, the. wa ter from the lake beluft, frrah and drrltrd from tho drainage from the aurroundlng area " The atatrroeni alto explalna that the blowing up of tho flamboa, Octo ber loth, will not permit the paiaagn if ririi a rowboat from ocean to cean, aa It will lie nrcreaarjr to com. pliir thr rcmoat of thi dlko by dirdglng. and I Inn to dredge out the Curararha tilde before the canal will br opeti from end to tnd. ALLIANCE MAYBE tl-'oritliiueil on page 4) I inlrrmlli'rw IitI I'lilted Pleat Hertlco Si:V VOItK. Oct Pnlegalea from many us Hoot of tho country are lirrr lodai li altriul llm annual contention of tho American Inilllulr of Marine I lidrrwrllrrt ALGOMA STORE CATCHES EIRE POIM'Alli: l.r.AVKS Hill A VISIT' IV AI.I'O.NMi'M KIX(IIM)M. AM) IHPI.lM.Tlt' IH'UOPK 1M 81'KCJ-' I'laTIMl aaaKJJLaWa. . ' . Jj l2flk rV( RKVa94 w llurna, IUkIiI I'irlil Smnlurai tViiti-r Murray, Ia-U CLOTHES TORN OFF MILITANT IN THE MELEE KKACIIKH PltlKON I TORX Li.vm:itr: Ural I'all Meeting of Thuae fcrklnj llw Klglit lo lUllot Profea to U m i Warm Srwaloo Police ConcraUcd I on the Stage Are Put lo Boat by I Women, I'alng Kltla anil fmbrvllaaj a,a Their Weapons. MllThy, lllght Klrl.l Slrunk, Ceutvr OMrlnir, Itt TheHeraldGetsHalfFare Ul UK AfllON IIV VOI.P.NTKCH run: ni:iwnrMi:T, iiili:i ll '(MMI.ssO.M:II I'llA.NCIC, Plti: i: l MIHHH'h IIIIhl'l.TS Fee Makes Big Reduction for Special to Medford ,7?!"' lu Hil. mill mil ugneahlii ,"p .""'"'H rt of niio.wuy faro Mr M Hip from Klniiulli KhIU Hi "tllnr ii,..!!.,, Qllhl I -'-"v. Hi, ,i in mii'illl ,.."'" "II" Hm' hnaulmll buiii,..". B. Pio. t,,,ml Pna.uuKur 'rrnf. l Hlll H. I' Company, 1, . '1,("" lelenrmu wna rocelveil ..I i. ,"'1 "ll" mliiK llirouil. S , "l'Krr iin.l 1-VolKllt AKOIlt 'until " Thl B,,,u lha mtM "i,H " '" n ITimilao Hindu by Mr. Mi, n "UHW)r n woulil lo I Tho niwaaju ,, , CIM(l ()f UAn I in. v " ,or tlio round trip t 0iS0. IW, Clt,ul'i ' ruimlug of tho i'l llutuball Hpoclal to Medford . "" ",, of (he big game bo- IM ii'it llm New Vork (llnnta" mid tho ClilcnK" 'WIiIIii Hoi " Tlio llernld llntelmll Hpi'flal will i. i..i i.. ,1... r.illit ai.ntn of tlio m n at'i'i ih, , - ...-- 'word. loiultlliiK of a apeclnl tmln of inra ruiiiiliiK ' ll "" ",1l" """ mmiiicil by apt-clul crow called for tho run I" Mi'dfonl nml reliirii. Tho llmo "I ilepiirliiro will b r ningiid lo iiuifuriii wllli llm rumen lonco of thu grvntiot iiuinuur of curaliuiUU, nml will bo uimiiunrvil In it ahort llmo. It aix-nia prohnbln that tlio lilgli ailiiiol (nollinll ti'Mii will Imvo u Riimi, nrriuiKtuI wllli Ibo Medford acliool on Ibo ilnto of Iho blK l" K1"""' ,ucl1 n Kmii can bo .ocurcd, tho football loam mid tliol. "rootera" will Jolu Iho Hpoclal," A fire llml t.irleil under the porch of iho AlRoma alorn Hnturday nfter noun cuuti'il great deal of exclto me lit for it fuu iiilniiti'a, and garo. Labor t'liinmltaliiiier V. H. Chanco i banco lit proo liltnaelf n hero. Tho lilnau la bollnusl lo luoo been ttartul h) n tpark from it piutltiK fri'lKlil train. It bml galuuil quito a hi'iidii hoforo Iho buokkecpcr nt Iho ttoro illacowrwd from wheuce in inn l lm amoko. I'lro UiiKiiUliMw wero brought Inlo play, but, owing to tho location of tho ble. proed of llttlo una. W'lillo a bucki'l brlgado waa form- lug a Un" 'r"m " 1ko ,u "10 uurn' i.,.. i.uililliiir. C'onimUtlouer Cbauco (ralihid a pick ami prlod olf u few boiinU on Ibo on Ik I ilu of tho building, KUIliK ' '"r limidllilK tho ex llngtiltliora. In n eliort tlmo Iho llro wu. out, with u-ry llttlo damugo otttatde ol mining n " of el0"""1 or i0 for Ihoiio lighting tlio tlatniMi. Il'nlted PrettSorvIco PAIUS, Oct. . Prctldent llay !mond Poluraro left hero today for n i three-day lalt lo Madrid, whero he I n III be the official i!uet of the King of Hpalu. II na rumored that an 'nlllnnce between the two countrloa I may bo tbn outcomo of tho trip. It It known Hint Hpaln la tired ot her liiternatlotial Isolation, and the aubji'ct of an entente. It not au nlll ! mire, waa broached at the tlmo King lAlfontti tltlti'd Franco In atnto last 'aprlng. The Idon wai received wltli coualderablii good will on both ildo of tho I) rroumn, nml when It was an , notinced later Hint Prealdont Poln jcaro waa lo mako mi olllclal vldt to Kugland and nnolher to Spain, It was rumored In political circles that Spain waa destined to becomo tho friend of both Kngland and Franco. "In cnto ot an Kuropean war," says Correspondent Mllllar at Madrid, "Franco will have to havo need of military aid either In Franco Itsolf or In Africa. Tlio l'yrronnos mutt also bo protvtced against Invasion, while our aid In tlio Mediterranean would rnlso tho nglillng strength of Franco's navy against lite growing fleets ot Austria and Italy. Naval bases at (llbraltar, Uartliagenn and In the llalearlcs, too, would be usotul. In BOWLING ALLEY TO OPEN SOON JOII.VsOX IIIIOTIIKItS 1.1LISK gi'AUTinis it.I)i:h thk odd lin.l.OMS TILMPl.i:, AM) AUK MAKIM1 I.MPIIOVRMKNTS I lllg Incrt-uMi la Meniberalilp I SKDAUA, Mo., Oct. C Reports 'allowing a big Increase In membershlii I during tho past year were read at to "day's opening sessions ot tho annual convention ot the International IUrotherhood ot Illacksmlths and Helpers which opened here today with delegates representing a score of states attending, I I United Press Serrtc I LONDON', Oct. . Miss Kennejr. I militant surage leader, was arrested again today by the police, after a bard fought battle between the "bob bles" and the mlllunts. . ,Mlss K'cnney struggled so hard that her clothing was torn from Dr body. She reached Hollowajr prison clad only In aadly torn underwear. The arrest occurred at the Suffrage Partition, where ibe first ot the tell weekly meetings was called. Chief Inspector O'Orlen ot Scot land Yards and twenty policemen were concealed In the wings ot the pavllllon stage. As Miss Kenner started her address, they rushed on the ttage and bore her away, scream Ing, kicking and biting. A hundred women using umbrellas and their flits set upon the mlnloaa of the law, and while they did not succeed In rescuing Itlsa KeoBer, ihey administered a sound drubblag to the police. Inspector O'llrlen's hat and stick were taken from him during the Hruggle. These were afterward auctioned off for tho "good of the cause." The hat sold for 125. The cant brought (31. 50. The headgear was purchased by an American woman. She said she In tended to send It to the cowboys at linn. Alberta, as a souvenir ot tha murage movement In "Mcrrle Eng land." The woman would not reveal her name. She said the cowboys called her "Charlotte Cordray." Itecrpllou lo Pastor. Tuesday evening the Ladles' Aid i Society wilt glvo a farewell reception I at the Methodist church to Iter, and Mrs. Oeorge II. Feese. It Is desired that all members be present. Tho Club Howling Alleys, In the i Ititement ot tho Odd Fellows' Tern-' pie. Fifth and Main streets, will be ro-opened to the public, Saturday, J. I Y. Johnson and Win. V (not Kadee or Creamery) Johnson havo leased the alloys for tho wluter. Tho now management Is making jcitenslvo Improvements to this pop- I ttlar amusement place. Already thero .Is talk ot a series ot nvo-uien team tournaments. Open Crook County Land exchange, wo havo need ot tho money necessary to till our soil and to outfit us to compete economically with the other nations. France can give us all this. If she will." 0ver300,000AcresNearUlArIededby;0r(ier United Press Service WASHINGTON, 11. C, Oct. 6. Over 300,000 acres ot land In Crook county, near La Pine, declared mora valuable for agriculture than forestry purposes, soon w'Jl be opened for set tlemcnt ou the lottery plan. Secretary IIouson has advised Congressman BlnnoC.tbat ha recon- mends tho elimination ot 11,000 acres from the Deschutes National forest Approval by the secretary ot tba In terior Is needed to complete tha anam ination, and tbls Is eipectad with! tho next ten days from tha resaarka Houston made to Slaaott, who haa been working to seuure lb e.lal tlon for almost a year. i !