"" i fr 'j' .i ' ,.;,.j-unrtM" to 3Eitmftw IteraUt KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER l PRINTS THE " NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ' V l ajB3s-'Orirr I IhIiIIi Yixtr N. 'AIHI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SIURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913 Me five dearie h NATION TO Efficiency Bill Is Passed by the wvww AT THF EXACT TURNED INTO I IIII.IIIXI. MILL .lWOUM'i: Tllll KVKNT IN IU.AMATII FAI.M Aimrlrn'k Clnal lliiitlnrcrliia- '' illrl Will Ih (VlrlitMlnl Tlllo'llli diiI llin I.Kli'1 lijr n llliiulim ( HrlU, Illmilnu of WliUllr- mill .Moiiicii- lary Hiih ii.l.iu of llulut rrly Htcry lly ami Town. I1' III Ipeopto tbo benefits tn come, lu this .Sot Friday la tl.oday tliat Coloul,,,cnOII through thla great waterway, Uiorge tloclbala, chief engineer ot 'und nnkltii; for a nhort olxfrranre. tl i I'auama raual coutlructlon, baa 1. iUnatrl fur Hm lulllal opening of, Hi a treat waterway. Hoiaetliua that, ilir b will ordar tbo hvadgatea op nod, lu allow tbo walera now eepa-' rated, lu commingle, making potilblei tb.i loug-dreamud-of occau-toocean tnp arroaa (bo Isthmus by vessels of an tonnsgo. riiorc waa no lot ceremony ar tuuged lu mark tbo actual openlnc of Hi waterway, una of tbo greatest on gll erring accompllthmente of tbo wnrld'a bUtory a probloui which do fi ted tbo geulut ami aklll of tbo ontlnecra who bad already construct irfl tbo Suet canal and an otorlaatlng inimotlal lu Yatikco activity and In Kt.tully, atldu from tbo Pauama-1'a- rll e International Kxpoillton ni oau Fi tnrlaco In I DIG. in the laal few daya, when It bo ut .)n known that Colonvl (loothala, II.. human machlno that baa direct d uYir) movement In tbo stupendous un tcitaklug, would (urn tho walrra h. on October 10. ' " ln Ulohn'a Kord car. They will do! at. rtod all over tho UnlUd Hl.tea fur, a abort iibaervanre. At ilgnnla flaabeo , from rannmn when Iho he-adgaloa aroi o..nid, holla will ring, wlilatlea will Hldon ntal blood orangea from Pal blow, and In many cltlia and towactlno nro Iho mutt prlied In tbo btialneaa will bi-aiupuidnln few mtu-. world, according In a firm of fruit U(M .brokera(lu Lhorptol, which la now r 1 ,,, 11,.. i.n.i win.lmporllnis nearly . lullllon boiea of b vapvclally marked, for the opening. of tho galea will mean not only Iho completion of Iho great ditch, but tbo commence of u now vra of prosperity for Iho ontlro I'aclflc Slope, when our manufacturers will havo a direct mar ket for hta wnrca in tho Knit and on th i:uropiin continent, and the con tumor will hnvo thii prlvllego of buy- RIVER ON A Guadalupe River Floods United Pros Service AUSTIN, Texas, Oct, 4. Tho Unudalupe lllvor has reached a forty foot flood height, and Is causing de struction In that part ot the state. The (laudalupo und San Marcos valleys are Inundated, Tbo crops (biro are all dostroyod, 1'evonty-llvo porsons have been ma rooned at Hants Anna mound, two miles south of aontale. Two boat loads of provisions have betn sent to their relief. xfuxnrT-njurTvviJxnj-i I FOR WIRE TIME WATER IS THE BIG DITGK lug lil goodt direct (rniu lliw maim facturer u( Kioto tedious. Klainnlli Kll residents will be up ITliol iif tlm opining (it the head 'KilM through tlm ilctnlil As sunn as (hi I started word will bo flithed ,Iii t llrM. ami lliv newt will be alren In lliu public by (ho ringing of tbn Unto brll at tbo lira station Allrld) llirlff U talk of a short nifiTinldii nf butlnett hero (o mark In.tlm raiil' ni ruing Mayor Nicholas, la )!, la irlnrliK a proclaam- Ion. raltlne tu the attention of the EN ROUTE EOR ROGUE RIVER I'.VItTV I.K.WI.H TIIIH MIIHM.Nd TO i:.NJ()V CAMI'IMl AT HKAII WATKIIH Ol' TIIIH IIIIAIITIKUI. HTHKAM A. I). Miller and wife, Allen Sloan, Dr. Hamilton, Kd Hodge and Clarence I nderwood left today for a camping ! trip on tho Upper Itoguo Hirer. Tliey win uo lunowtu tomorrow uy W. I'. Johnion and wife. Still an other patly will loato tomorrow for tbo aamo neck of tho wood, In which will be (leu. Illvhii, (leorge Humph- .. .'l.i(f. UIl.ii nn.l 1.1 VVlliBr.l '""""" ,",u ''BUiid. 1 In n French competition for $100,. 000 In prltea for Iho gretvtt Inven tions for safely In aviation, n Non hrollu lincntiir will enter n parachute folded on tho tall of an aeroplano and attached to nn aviator by bar nets. RAMPAGE Two Rich Texas Valleys So tar no fatalities have been re porlvd, although there have been sev eral narrow 1 scapes from drownlna Ono family spent tho entire nlgn on Iho floating root of a homo, and wiru retcuod this morning In au al most oxhausted condition. Thu Hood Is the worst over known tn this section, and tbo damago dono cannot yet bo estimated, llosldes tho ontlro loss of crops, much stock has bein lost and many buildings havo been swept away or totally destroyed. OBSERVE mim Will Educate His Children in America Auguitu II. l-guln, former preal ilt lit of I'cru, haa derided that ho wanta tu make North American! of hi. two aona. and bo haa brought (hi III to thla country to bo educated lint jiiaMr, iiiq ciqrr. ! HI iUV uai Trrslty of Wlnconsln, wh!I Juin. Ih youtiitcr. tins ben snt lo nn ncatlemr ai arremon, m , w1.11.. ,,.i,i,ni f i.., Mr i.,,i, Whlliiprcaldentori.ru ir. I.egulal did much to promote the InlcroaU ot hit country lln haa laid plana for building a railway which will con' nrcl Iho water of tho Pacific with the Atlantic I'cru haa 3,000 ml I en of navigable water, and when a railroad la built from Corro do I'atco to Ucay nil there will bo direct connection be tween the two oceana Another remarkable achievement under tho direction of 1-er.ula waa tbo erection of a wlreleaa atatlon on flan Crlilobal Hilt In t.lma. Thla la the largtat wlreleta atatlon In the world, mid If New York haa at largo a one, direct communication by wtroleaa would bo potitble between Now Yorki and Lima. ROOSEVELT AGAIN TO HIS JUNGLES l-Uli:il l'IHllli:.T AMI I'AHTY i.iau: today roit iixi'loiia- TION Ol' TDK M)UTH A.MCItl CAN I.NTI.'ltlOlt United I'rett Service NKW YOItK, Oct. 4. Theodore lloosowlt sailed today aboard the steamer Van Dyko for South America. Mrs. Itootovilt, two naturalists, Ker mlt llootevvlt, Krauk Harper, the Colonel's prlvuto secretary, were umoiiR tblto who composed Iho ex president's party. They expect to reach Itto Janerlo! uctouor si, Airs, iioosoveu win re turn from Itlo Janeiro lo Now York. A tentntltu ltlnorary was given out today was that tho party will reach Sun Paulo October SSIh and lluonos Ayres November 4th, At those places nnd at Valparaiso and Santiago, Chill, tho Colonel will mako speeches. From Santiago tbo party will strike Into tho Interior of South America on a Jaunt somowhnt similar to (he famous African Jungle trip on which ltoosevelt embarked Immediately after turning over the White House rolns to President Taft four and half yoars ago. Colonel Koosevolt will bring back much data for the American Museum of Natural History. Tho party ox- peels to return next spring. Roosovolt remarked on embarking: gar A jfajfffwiBai taaanr.'' kaaWMaVaBkaJ MWrtWWWWWWMWVWMWWWVIIWWVW KADEE COMPANY 1 OONATES A SITE FOR CUIBRARY ik I'Diinos or tiii: immoih "IIMK.'K TUN" Iknl fur Halt nil Atrt of tlio New 1'iiiirt lloiiM' Work la Mini fur IIituiiI Till Aftiruuuii tJO.IKM twillahln lor lluildlng 1'niin tlic ('arm ii'o CoriMiwilbn County tu Italto I'unil fur Maintenance. A doed conveying to tbo Klamath county a fro alto for tho county library waa died for record thla after-( noon at tho county clerk'a office. Tbo provltlona of tho tmtrument follow; I'nniaiona o. mo umrumeni ioi.ow; ,u " P"y "" WU -"-- "" --------- - - -- u' " uouf om com 01 iu uuhcq 8ulM ot America, to It paid by the' - - - -"- --.. - ..v..y. "hereof la hereby acknow edged, and ' " . I. -,... .. .... nuuirui t. (irivu; RVKUUnicUKVU, toll for and In conalderatlon of the ore- Hon thorcon by tbo party of the tec- ond part, of a carneglo Library build ing, hereby convoya, remliea and quit clalmt unto tho party ot the aecond pari, all that certain lot, piece or par cel of land alluatcd, lying and being lu block 10 In Hot Hprlnga addition lo the City of Klamath Fallt, County of Klamath, State, ot Oregon, and par ticularly doicrlbed at follewa: "Uoglnnlnc at tho touthwett corner of tald block ten. Hot Sprlngt Addl- Hon to Klamath Fallt, Oregon, thence I miulb TO degrtea and ST mlnutea eail n dlttance ot 150 feet; thence north 31 degreet SO minute eatt a dlttance of ISO feet; thenco north TO degree! j 27 mlnutea wctt a dlttance of ISO I fret; thence touth 31 degreea SO mln-j uioa won n uisiaucu ui isv ieci, more ftp t,.tf 111 It... tinll.f nf I.Mlnnli.o. containing O.S ncrca moro or leta"' 1 Tbo nung ot Iho uaed ror record .1 .u.. .... . ... ... . . . b iho count) court Indicates that the alio has been accepted. Thla Is a por tion ot tho block where tbo Klamath County court houto Is under course of ronttructlou. Iho CanuRlo Corporation haa BKieed to erect a 120,000 library building In thla city, providing tho county will furnish a slto and raise not lets than 11,000 annually for' tho maintenance of the Institution. The library fund ley annually brings In nn amount In excess ot this. CALUMET CAMP i'outy mim:us i-ut in a dull- I'K.V flK.V. AllllKY TIIHKAT 1..NS SU.MMAUY TltlUTMENT I Oil OFKKXUKHS CAI.UMKT, Oct. 4. General Ab bey, commanding the militia patrol ling tho copper camps here, has an nounced that ho will rule the city with an Iron hand. This baa quieted the disturbances. Forty miners uro held In a bull pen today. " Wo go to carry to our brothers In tho south a message concernlo, the newer Ideals ot the greater democracy which has come Into being among us bore." CANAL OPENING Senate I, Curtiss's New Olenn II. Curtlta haa Juit ahlpped to Knclaiid a naw "flrln boaL" which may engage In a race with lm- - ...... ...-, ' ? iaVa f 'I flpBPHatalbi,. V 'aalkaSaSaSSSaBSKttl Ey..1AjMl k .iiiLlAaalaaaBaaaaaBaBalBfe nar ooaia 01 cnguia uiu. mi, uof ,,,,, rMUU n , crmrt not ,,uu, iu,iib,-v nm iun ui tuiifrv in hour Curtlu exists to have It dem-l0 Mr. Curtlu expocta to have It dem ocitrated for a number of IlrltUh .,.,.. "'"lto ur "'"" THRESHER KEPT BUSY THESE DAYS INDIAN 1 ItUsKKVATIO.VS UllAIV ('IU)I' H A Ht'MMKIt THIS YK-lt. oTiiKii m:s 1IIAT bKCTIO.V NOTES VltOM I (lleral.l ttpctui twnrice) KLAMATH AfJENCY. Oct t. Tho taw rttervatlou tbreabtng machine Is , . ' " ' . lino ..,-k It. .tir..4htn (ha' .'&..U.I1 .run ,u lun . iciuu. u. uuuuc 17, , . . , . , 1'olnl. T" ernln crop la heavier and belter tbau utual. and there la a lot to bo threshed, but tbo way the ma- I aportamtn and later to tend It to tbe"iand1'1 bMiMfiiUr wben carrying a Mediterranean. Curtlta' flylne boat I heavy load. chluo Is diving Into It, It looks as at Its destruction. Light Immigrants though It will bo finished In a short' bo were In tbo building at tbo time jl'nlted Press Service lime. Tho Modoc Point country Is became panic stricken, and narrowly TIIUCKEE. Nov., Oct, 4, Baow ouu of tbo best dlatrlcta for grain ctraped death from tho flames. ( sheds covering a stretch of several ud fruit. This has been proven by The varloua railroads using the ralks In tho high Blerraa west ot here txperliuent. , union depot will now erect one ot the 'were destroyed by Are today. (most modern buildings of tho kind ln( Tbo lots Is $20,000, . Mr. C. llarker and family will leave tho country, the estimated cost of In addition all the trains will be for Medtord today, whero they will which Is fJO.000,000. .delayed at least ten hours, reside. Many of their friends here -sT:TSrrrrS55SSSrsssr2S3? r.lll miss them, but tbey wish them lucces In their now homo. They will , make tho trip lu their wagon. I Mrs. N. Cblckatkano Is very 111 al her homo. She Is not expected to ro-j cover, sue is tbo widow or the late ljulmby Chlckaskaue, who was mur dered ou tho reservation two years ago. Qulmby waa catcher and cap tain ot tho baseball team, and his ab seuce teems to have killed active In terest ln tho national game on the reservation. The Indian schools opened Monday all over the reservation. II, W. Hlncks, project engineer ln charge ot the Modoo Point reclama tlon work, la doing great work on tho big ditch, Ho has more men at work now than early In the summer. A completo steam Are engine mounted on two wheels and light enough to bo handled by two men, has been Invented In England tor suburban and private use. This Afternoon MWVMMMMAAMMMMMMMAAAAMMMMMMWiAWWVM "Flying Boat" la dealcncd throuhout aa a f our-paa-, tnar macnino, ana me wmf are. hull and otory part of the machlno hM pUnnod accordingly; thla. f,o jail U 100 imnUaru lWOpUtQr botl whtn uppj wUh curtlu O-X h P motor, butono that will leave hi,, w-r , ..,nv d which water very quicgiy ana wnicn "' handle beautir.iliv h.n rirrrin - DEPOT BURNED: GOOD FOR TOWN III It ST. l'AUt, lUlLKOAH UOJ1K WILL UK IIi:i'L.VCU) UY MOD- I Ut.V STKCCTUIIK COSTI.NO TUNI MILLIONS J I 8T .AULi Mlnni 0ct. 4,At an, .early nour ,h, morning the old Union depot In this city was destroyed by lire. The atructure haa lonr been an eve, 4 " "" uaa long neen an eye- toro to tho retldenta and vltltora In tills city, and no regrets wero heard TOFIX CUSTOMS RATES i 'Customs Officials Arranging the New SckWes United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 4. Customs officials In all parts of the country are today grappling with tho task ot administering tho provisions of tbo Underwood tariff measure, which became a law last night. It is predicted that within ten days' time the system will be working smoothly. Although technically effective to day, tho customs collectors were ad vlsod to assess Imports temporarily under the old tariff rules. This wll permit the Immediate las port of merchandise. MANY FEDERAL PLUM TREES IN DEMOCRAT HANDS HIM. GIVKH MUCH I'ATRONAOK TO I'AKTV Abollaliment of tho Commerco Ooavt, anil tho Taking of the ApBotataaaat of Deputy Collectors of 'In ami Itercnue and Cuatona aa4 Poyly MarshaU Oat of ClrU 8rrlc I Are Ilcaaa la the Unlte1 Pr 8rl adiii.-ujv., u, C. Oct ir-Am urgent efflclency bill, carrylac prarV alona abollahlns the ceaimre. jn December SUCrtmOThtg COIICClOni UIX OotpUt trom th civil trr., PMm4 I ate today. Th. hm.. nnt ml. ,m i. ,. Z. L., tho commerce court, bnt alee legislation remorlng the preaeat commerce court Judgea from Uetr Job. Tbo senate provision rttalaa tfceae judgea at circuit Judgea until Jfcetr dutlea are terminated by either real- 1 nation, death or removaL I The removal of the varloua dopu tythlpa from the civil tervlco opotaa up million ot dollars In patroaac for dlttrlbutlon by tho democrats. SNOWSHEDS BURN IN THE SIERRAS 1 WKNTY TUOURAM) DOLLARS HI MOXirrAItY LOSH, UKSIDHs THK DKLAY TO ALL TKAFVIO KN IIOUTK Tbo new ratoa will. go late within a tow days. "The consumer cannot tariff to show Its effect for months, possibly a year'saMiCetv grossman oscar unasrwooa, mm of the new bill. y- ino goods IB SBtM have on their sholvee were uv, U.OiU MMUt. 0 WH,1fvlSTW tlon the new law eaMa.wWJwsr ductloa o( jseJeea UatH'ta , cbauU have aUaaeta ;isjg mm t J stocks, tkl." BUuraHr, v: 4 :l l 'j ll A fM 1 1 ' , j at : ) t ',. ?