,1-' -: W? lEurotttg lUraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NBWI KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER f m 1 V. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1913 IMc Fir Castas r.iiciitii v.m No. a, i mo 5 SAYS HUMPHREYS "SKEETER" AND IS A DISGRACE DOBBINS HERE Til Tnr Rf NPn!r,nv,',,,,,,',":im i,irr,',tv aitku SMI I II IlKNII-S ANY CONSI'lllAUY TOWAHD HIM JurUt Kugegeil III IIMIIo Against So iUIUU Wrllea a Nuto U Judge Nmllli, lleeiitliig lUrr'm Arlluii In IMeaalng I'rlionara oil Habeas Corpus l'rineelliiit Sin ill Says It Waa Dnl)' Kalr Treatment. United Presi Service SEATTLE, Oct. 3, "Judge Hum lti 1 1) dligruies Hi" trlicli. There It nu conspiracy aualuit lilui. I nc(tl lonv lu releasing Ilia irUuiiers, I ItiuUKlit It nu Ilia Just loursu. Judgo Huiiiphleys will mukn Dili a (public araudsl.' Till statement waa madu this morning by Hupcrlor Judge Hiullli, who Ul yesterday leloeeed on habeas pfiritu iirfirmltiKa a number uf ao- clulliu arreauil lit Humphrey's order. "llile uioniluK Judgo Smith rocaUutl (nun Judge lluiiipbrsje a uolo saying lliut Smith's action lu rclesslug ttio prisoners un habeas corpua waa con iturr lu lw, and warning lilm agaln dltobeylug Ibo statutes. In this, Humphrey asserfod that Ilia utbar two aurlur Judges aro tonsplrlng agslnil bin. . "IKj you renumber bow Judgo llntlth atccd lu tbo caeca where tho striking lallura war picketing Iba Vullmau aboii!" asked Judgo Hutu i.hrey tbla ruurultif. "Uo down among he business moil, aud you will Sod (bat Judia Hrallh la tint thuughl mucn of by them." Uharlra Skinner, barber, admit ted lu court In Humphrey tbat b algnrd Ilia defiant affidavit. Ho waa lined $100. llobrrt Hmllh luld JuiUe Hutu-l-ttrvr that ha signed Urn petition with inallro ntorelhuught, because bo did i.ot want tbo fact that be and Hum phrey were ertonal (rleuda to pre vent punishment. Hmllh waa lined 1100. The court room la ao crowded that It la Impossible to enter or leave. 1'eiin'jtvanla Prolila Meet Untied Press Service IIAUItlHIlUIHl, Penu.. Oct 3. tlalloual Chairman V. 0, lllnilow of I'lilragu, Eugene W. Chafln, Probl I llhm rouilldalo (or the presidency In 1908 nnd 191S, Dan Potting and i thera nationally prominent In the party were expected to bo on band when Ilia Prohibition Hlaln Commit l met hern today to plan Ita fall campaign In Pennsylvania. The Pro hibitionists named their own county llckota nnd held nhmf from uny al llanco thla year. In line with Die pol icy expected In prevail In the next uberualorlat election. TO TAG PET PELICANS Mrs. Bath Will See if Unique Pets Return in Spring Will pollcaua that have become t unod, be as tamo when thoy return oxt year, or ulll they shun the ap proucb of humans! This Is u question that Mrs. Louis I ath, Klamath Kails woman game vardoa. Is looking to auswer by fast ening Identification tugs to tho foot of auveral birds. During tho present summer, half a 'doton big whlto pollcaus tbat have remained close to tho brldgo, havo boen accustomed to go to tbo Naviga tion dock In answer to a call from lira. Oath, knowing that there waa i Iwnya a fish (or them. Following this, the birds have bo- oine (eal affectionate, and they dally Milt the dock, follow Mn. Bath .round, and have even tried to enter the house. And on several occasions, when they had fishhooks lodged In or snows wii.ii spend Tin: WIN! KIMS KI.AMA1H "Hkeetcr Hill" Itobbllia, thn cloil gated broucho buitur, who luatllla Kooit humor and iiaincuvaa a well Kood rldlnc Into every appcarauio be make, and hli aldeklck, Jolinula Dubblna, returned tait nUbt, alter an Btuciitn ot aeveral muntba. Tboy will aieml tho winter on k Klnmalli county much. J Immediately after tho Klka' Ho- duo, lu which they botli; partlcliiated, 1 tho ilr, Bccomtiauled by Jraa John, 'mil of Meillll, went to Hallnaa, where lby luok aouie ut the prliea at the iltudxi held Ibvrv. Krom there they iiouteated at the Topweulili. Waati., .ahiiw. the relidloton Itound'Uu, till ! Me.ll.riir county lair and the llotae Kodeil. 'HWcqtnr" wna unable to couiielu jat I ho Hound-Up, owln tu an Injury 'At all of the other ahowa he and hla liala cot In un thn money, Dobbina lakliic nil aoita ot bulldotKlim prltea. Jeaa Julinton will bo herv In a few daya lie la entered lu Hie compoU tlona nt the U'aico county (air. MORGUE SELLING III.Mi.llllAN li:ilir.l HTf KK.STS rt'IIMhil..ll WITH DISSIXTIU.V HI'IUI.ITN AT IMH.WIt-TWKX- r un: nmi-Hi: I'nlted I'rraa Hervlce IU'1IAI'K8T. Oct. 3. A aanaatlon I baa been caunod here by the formal charier today that the nmployea of the uinrKUn have been aelllnK human corpM'a for 11.20 each to medical aludrnta lor "aclentlflc purpoaca." When Krau Kramltka Voroa went jtc the moriue tu claim tho body ot 111 r momcr, who liau uieu vuuuvu., he waa ndvlied that It had been aold to the Anatomical Institute of the Illiberally of lludapeat. Upon folnc there the body waa refuaed her until alio refunded the It. 10 paid to the mnrxue. When the body waa lent home for burial, Krau Voroa waa hor rified to llrnl that the auppoaed body of her mother waa the rorpao of a inn u. InteatlKBtton allowed tbat the Alialiimlcul Inatlluto had "made n mUtakii" nnd aent tho wrong corpw. An olllclal InveatlRatlou wua atarted today. Cndlllnc. Mich.. Is reported to bo tho foremost city In tho country for varied a.id close utllltatlon of forest products. their throuts, they hnvo hastened to tho dock aud submitted to operations for tho removal of tho barbs. This Is tho first Initiuu-u known Imra of tbo domestication of Dollcaus. I'ho sight ot thu birds following their bunofactor Is ono thut draws tho at tention ot all passorsby. Tho southward flight of tho pelican hns stnrtoil, and Mrs. Hath has won dorod If the tame pelicans will return In tho spring, and If they will visit tbo dock as they have this year. To dolormlno this, she has placed metal mnnds on tho feet of somo ot tho birds. Docreo I (irantcd. A docreo of divorce was Issued on Thursday afternoon In tbo case ot Charles McOowen against Ilattle a. McOowen, Gov. Felker, Who Must Decide Case dl T-'laTaTaTaTaTaTaT iH HUTaTaTBaTaTaTaTaW I'or aeveral daya (luvorr.or Kelker of .Sew llampihlru baa haard arau inrhta of counael for and atalnat llar r Thaw In determine wbetbor or not I. ii ahould grant the requlnlllon of New Vork atate and r turn Harry Thaw WATER USERS II) HOLDAMEETiNG DlltlXTOUOS WILL OATIIKIt TO MOIUtOW AKTKU.NOO.V TO AT- '.ntoll TO MATTKItlt X)XCKH 1X1 TIIH AhriOCIATIO.V A msetlng of the directors of the Klamnlh Water Users Association will lm held tomorrow afternoon at the eMorlatlou'e oltlre In the loomls building. Many matters of Importance to those using water from the govern ment ditches will come up for atten tion at this time. MAN DIES AT CRATER LAKE (OltO.NKIl IS .NtnillCD ok Tin: di:misi:, AMI I.IUVI KOIt Tin: I'AIIK TO HtlMWItK UKMAINS roit ituiiiAi. Coroner Karl Whltlock this fore noon receUed word Hint (leorge Itced lied at Cruter Iiku last iilKht. The mau wus 43 )eurs uf uko. and has been wurklnc at Superintendent Stool's camp. A few das ago ho fin ished his work thcro and accepted emplomcnt at tho government road lamp. Whltlock left In his auto for the park to tako chargo of tho remains. RECEPTION FOR Tiuii:i: ui'rnt ci.as.sks ok tiik IIKIII SCHOOL WII.I. KXTKIl-t TAIX TIIK XKWCOMKItH TO TIIK I INSTITUTION' A reception villi bo given this even ing at the high school by the Sopho more. Juniors nud Seniors, Jn honor of tho Krcshman class. This will be held at tho high school auditorium. An Impromptu program will be rendered. In addition there will be games, etc., and refreshments will be served. Subscrlbo for the Herald, SO cents n month. iff. SEE LAVA BEDS xwK.NTV.rivi: on .Mem: may VIHIT VOIX'ANIO WO.NUKIILAMI MTTI.'lt I'AHT OF TUB CJOMINO WKKK lu order to obtain a flnt hand lm preaalou of tbo I at a lleda, the bl(b acbool and trade achool Inalructori uf thla city may pay a rlalt to that 'rticlon next week. I If the trip li arranced U at prei- out outlined, the party will lcavo here Friday afternoon, ipcnd all day Bat urday aud Saturday nlnlit there, and return aome tlmo Hunday. LAND OFFICE AROUSES LANE 'oitMiOYri JU.MOIl HII.VATOIl I'HO- ! 11.T AtlAI.NhTTIIi: IIKIITAI'i:! M m;ii:iioih ciia.noim m l.(! m.mii: Inltcd I'rcis Service WA8III.NOTON. D C. Oct. 3 Sen ator Iinu baa grown weary with the methods of the government land office. Uo complained on the floor of the senate that about nine-tenths of hla time was occupied trying to find out why some constltutent Is not al lowed to prove up on his land and socuro a title to It. As a rule, he said, be found that the Interior department had changed the rules and regulations after the settler had gone on the land, and that after complying-with the law aa he knew It when be enter the land, be found on proving up that there waa a different set of regulations to comply with. "Now In a civil contract," remark ed the senator, "l( one party to an agreement cbangea It, the other party has the same right. Hut the govern ment reserves the right to change Its rules and the settler cannot resist It. Wo are getting (rom day lo day doz ens of letters (rom mr constituents Involving such considerations. Now, If you giant wide discretionary pow er to the president, the carrying ot them out will fall upon tho heads ot bureaus In the Interior department, or some one there. I think they have too much work, and too much discre tionary power now. We should keep the legislative power of this govern ment where It was legitimately In tended to be In the first place, and not delegato these large grants of authority, to make rules and then al low somebody to change those rules, and so on, ad Infinitum, until no man not even a Philadelphia law yercan figure Ibem out, and the settler Is left up In the air." PETROSKEY TO MEEjJLABBEY wim:k wii.i. in: matched WITH IIOIl Mc.U.MHTKIt, SAY sax iuaxcisco noxixn au- THOIIITIKrl United l'ress Scrvlco SAN KltANCISCO. Oct. 3. Sailor 1M 1'etrosky of San Francisco and Jimmy Clabboy are scheduled to meet hero tnnlght In n twenty round con test. Thn winner nrobably will be matched to meet Hob McAllister, who already has fought two twenty round draws with Petrosky. Joo (Irltnn will referee. Sumo Sunflower. A sunflower head, measuring 13 tt Inches In diameter, Is on display at the offlco ot the Water Users Asso ciation. The plant, of the Kansas variety, was grown at Shasta View (arm, an unlrrlgated tract a mile east of tho depot, which Is owned by Col onel Allison and Albert B. Elder. 10 TARIFF MEASURE AI NINE TONIGHT UII.I, Hi: MADK CKItKMOMOUH OCCAHIOX L'nittTHooil, Simmons nnil Otliera In tiuiiuiitat In 1'rminlnir Menaurr, Will lk Invllol lo lie I'reeent at tho Mulling Nieakrr Clark and Vice I'mldenl Maraliall Will Sign I tin Hill During the Afternoon. United I're.s Service i waitress Jin. wary k. cugeti. Mrs. WAKII..NGTO.V. I. O. Oct. w. ""l V""'" 'I ho lioute adopteil the confcrcoca srlfr rrwrt by a viva turn vole. Tula IoIIuhoiI the speaker's ruling that ilrvplle the senate's action on the bill 1'rr.lilent Wilson Ut ulglil, a rr-appruvnl iiould be mrmtnry before Clark anil Marshall olgueil lu Tho bill iratlioil tho White House ut t!::r: f. bTbbVbW LaVawva 4. t j! aJ T P'TW iamVaW Sfe&ftV Jf '"si E "Jiswt"Ti A 'f'ff'f'f'vS Iuk uf the bill lucluJc iiieniocrs of tho ul0 ,,,! ot ,renheart. said to be the nay and means committee, senate. mMt durable wood known for these llnanro committee. Vice President purposes, which comes mainly from Mnniliall, Spetker Clark anil em-jorltlsh Guiana, beni of (he tublnet. I United Press Servlco WASlllMnu.N. u. v.. uct. J - Presldent Wilson expects to kttach hU slguature to the Underwood tariff re- vision measure at 9 o'clock ibis nlng. . As this Is ono ot the greatest meas-' ures of the administration and the! democrat party. It has been arranged to mako the signing at tho White , House a ceremonious ocaston. Congressman Oscar Underwood. who Introduced and helped to frame ' tho bill. Chairman Simmon. , of theiitor ,n th. cou t tenate fluanco committee, and others who were Instrumental In the (ram-l Ing and passage ot the statute, have' been Invited to attend, Tho bill was engrossed today as It' was passed by the senate lost night by a vote of 30 to 17. It was present ed to the bouse. The only remaining step Is the houso approval of the confrere's re port ot tho recession from tho cotton futures section. After this Vlco President Marshall nnd Speaker Champ Clark will sign the bill and send It to the president. SUFFS BEGUILE MEN WITH FOOD WASHINGTON'S VOTING POPULA TION PAHTAKKS OK DINNKR PltKPAKKD I1Y THOSK SEEKIN'Q KN'KKANCIUSKMENT United Press Service WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Just to show tbat they can cook and look "house-wlfey" despite argument ot mere antl-uffragettes, women work- LAKEVIEW GARAGE OF BALDWIN AND GORDON DESTROYED BY A FIRE LAST NIGHT; TOTAL LOSS era lor the ballot here today gare a "Domeitle Day" luncheon. The (air icekora after the Tote cooked and lervcd a bualnna lunch at the Ma onlc Temple. There were plenty of mere men on hand to test the cul inary output. The ladle did their own purchas ing of the dainties as well as the cooking. Sixty white-capped amateur waitresses all sulfragettes served the food. They wen- under Head the cashler'a tabic. The luncheon will bo repeated tomorrow. The profits go to "the cause." FIFTEEN HURT AT E MOHMIIlTKItS AT NKW YOHK J K WISH HKHVICKM Mil'. IN'JL'It Kll WIIKX A POHTIO.V OK TIIK HALCONY COIXAftiKr United l'ress Service NEW YORK, Oct. 3. A portion ot the balcony In the Jewish synagogue collapsed during worship this morn ing and fifteen persons were Injured, none fatally, however. This la tho Jewish holy season, and the attendance was consequently for (greater thsu It would naturally bo. Krelgtil and Work Train Collide United Press Service STEPHEN, Ark., Oct. 3. A work train and a freight train met on the aame track on the Cotton Kelt rail road this morning, with the result that four ot the trainmen were killed. IMucn ot the piling, wharf material and lock rites of the Panama canal I To Move Office. I Circuit Court Clerk Cbastaln and ni, deputy. Harry Benson, are Dre- paring to move their office from lu present location, nct to the circuit eve-jch,mDft t0 tno Jury room. i enai, ,i, n.,.,i M , luperntendent of ho YMnax ,ub.,rency her, toitr . ,,.,.. , , .. ..v ...r. Manul, y, wt known . , . IIIM.,,rt .. . Thllr.H.v TRIESrSTARTSPANK Hurls 2-Dollar Bill, Wrapped ii Beads, at Ctrns United Press Service NEW YOIIK, Oct. 3. At the coro ner's Inquest today over tho remains of Anna Aumlller, It was decided tbatj the portions of her body would be burled in the Potter'a field unless somo one came forward with the nec essary funds to secure Interment In consecrated ground. Hans Schmidt, her murderer, who sat huddled up on th reporters bench, when he heard this decision, Jumped to his feet, with staring eyes, trembling with rage. He Jerked some thing from his pocket, wrapped bis rosary around It and threw It toward tho coroner. His aim was bad, how- over, and he struck one ot the report ers present In the face. Tho spectators, alarmed at th man's action, and fearing soma des perate act on his part, mad frantic OAHOI.INK KXPIXWUO.V RMUtVn IX COMPI.KTK DI-MTRUCTIOX OH llt'HIN'KSH HOUSK CUpp Auto Company of Ttik CMy !. a Car, and WhMsj l'allran Auto Stage la Also Barawd Uf. Seven Automobllea were ilsetinyasl. In Addition to Knllra Stock and Mat Hrm's AccouaU and Money LAKEVIEW, Oct . As a rsMh ot a gasoline explosion lata yesterday, the Ilaldwln Gordon aaraaa waa I completely destroyed by Mr. Seven automobiles, all of the stock and th equipment and tb company's books 'and collections were burned. Among the cars destroyed ware the two used by the Clapp Auto company and the Daldwln-Oordon company on the elago run between this city and Klamath Falls. J. U. Hanson. Dr. Daly, , Manager Turmas ot th 7T ranch and Dan Malloy all kept Uelr autos at the garage, and these war all burned up. In addition, there was an Overload car belonging to a party ot tourists from California, whose names kav not been ascertained. The Ore started at about o'clock, as employes or the garage were allia a car's tank with gasoline. It m thought that, some ot th gasolln overflowed, and waa set flr by som heated part ot th autoaaoMla. Immediately the mac! was en veloped In a sheet or nam, and th Maie. fed by gasollno, spread raatdlr. The voluntesr lira department waa unable to cope with th blase, and th frame building and Its content was soon reduced to asbssv Ilaldwln A aordon's loa I Igursd at about 15,000. On this they hay f 1.000 Insurance. In addition to th loss or their car, accessories, etc, th company also lost considerable elec trical machinery, which recently ar rived. Another serious loss to th com pany Is all or Its account books. Man ager Crosby yesterday afternoon col lected considerable money due tn firm, and as It was too 1st to put this In the bank. It was left In. the garage, and was destroyed. Th building was the property of Dr. Daly. The loss of thu and ot tn private cars In the garage will swell the damage list considerably. "We do not know whether w will reopen a garage at Lakevlew or not at present," said Mr. Gordon today. "Mr. Baldwin and I will go to Lake view tomorrow and decide this." efforts to escape (rom tb roost. Policemen seized Schmidt and held Urn In a chair, whero be continued to mutter incoherently. When U thrown objejet waa examined it was found to be a two dollar bill, wranaad tightly In the rosary, K The coroner, a sooa a sWssMt had calmed down, proceed Inquest. Schmidt Is n pluble Ject. 8lnc bis Incarceration. h wasted away coosldsrsWyajU jy clothes, which be refuse Is) tMesU. hnr on htm looaalr. H raMassf as permit th .prison barber hs, and (or (ear ot sutJ tb ailistlg refuse to aUow hi an rawr, mi MPs hair uncombed, beard nnik'gfjsf fki i his cloths dirty aidltt-Mssssy mk hardly reoognUaW M.tWtMf m t d a few y; fj- . wHI J .1 4 1 . ,'ri. ". "il i'. wl tA , i K & ': i-i 7 1 4 I- ty i-wmltiaarijin-;in ap. r- - '- t