,l-. I . .o -! v xtmxtux Mvmth KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Illulilll Vi-niw-.Vii. U.I7I) KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TIIUKSDAYW, OCTOBER 2, 1913 I'rio Five Carta it .' 1 flS. ' S 1 : i V- tfl til r" :-i. 1 -,, ! 1 .5t ? i & 9: PRISONER TELLS OF TIMES TRAGEDY ""' ----- -"---ri-i--r irii-invg-i-irii-LrL-irL"u-u-j-Lruvvj SUSPECTED DYNAMITER IS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY AT NEW YORK; ALSO IRON WORKER'S OFFICIAL TARIFF BILL MAY GOTO PRESIDENT FRIDAY EVENING BALKANS AGAIN PREPARING FOR BLOODY FIGHTS 1 """""" . .--- ininryiruan.-jirvnrLTu-ij-u-uxVT. S1 WIW ... . - -.,.. .VvVVyu-uVLnJ)J. Mrs. Mary C. 77iau; and Son Going to Hearing Before Gov. Felker of N.Hampshire M lli:il AIIIIIMTH IN Till: NIUII ittpiii: .tin: invri:ii at IIV -llli: HI.I.I'TIIK Miirlr) nf tin- Iron WmkerV I'nloii ul lnilliiiiMtHilU U AiM'alf.l for foil Muring for ll)nicillr Tmii'portn Him Man Arieate.1 In ,e York IIh Hern rooglit liy Oflliem fur t Ik l't Tun Year United I'rcM Hervlro .New MIIIK, Oil 'A In III .lull Mil III llaht) HmU ilisUnil that H pllre liml irrn pill 1111 Ilii limit of W'nllrr Dm nml IMrrllip lllirm. OLD SWEETHEARTS AT LAST UNITED III'M.VM C III llll. M IIIMIt, DAtN IIAI'I'11,1 riUMI.Ti:il IMIIIh ciTviis vi;imjiI.v i; i:imi; iiv .1 Vi:illll.M 1 SIMMONS AhKS I OH A VOTK Ull.l, UK AI.HJMill IIUI'DltllNT TONIHIIT TIIIH TI.Mi: '" ..itlon In 'llil. , .Mml,. ,j . letter of VmIiIiikIhii, nml Koine if Ihr Member lif tin I pper HollM- ic ul llic Opinion 'llml Ilii- Hill Will Not ll Adopt,-.) llrfmv l-i(i K.lllll.U AfllTIIIMIM, llnifn Will Soon li Imp Wr AkIii.I Till key llulicnrln nml I'niliaMy Servl Will I'lulit for Hie lllliiuuiii i:niiiv, nml .Munli-negro Will Help Orifie Trooji IMnic Molillle.1 Call Kenl fur lli-eri- I llitod I'lesa Hcnko WAHIII.N'llTON. Otl. fulled Picas Benito ' Whin i VIKNNA, ()c. . Oreeco will noon ml Important Ho for. tbvrp lll lln aehatc adopt III Intlll iuas- declare war against Hie Turkish rm- plre. nrrordlnc to advice, rereltcd here. Tin- troop are being mobilised on the border. A rail fur tho rnerte to lB In readiness liai been unit from Athens. Thl. will embroil the um llalkan (ountrlea that have figured In Hie ' iwi'f Thla l the A iirrlty imiiaiiro wat brouKlit tu n ' uui-ttlmi I'rri- tn-!ny. imi tiuiiic i'iini,n)' rr:iliiK, I up two aniWf-rii ",'" ,J",,J- ? H"1",;',";11','l1""':"1! -TI,o tariff bill wllUo to 1'rrald.ni Jul... K l.o,.l m..l 1-yJln I.. Van v.'ll-on for I.I. algn.tur. nut i.ur llrlmmr. italjr .r r,l.n, .a ,,,,.. ,fll Hlllor y u frl..nd..ltrndedllMPr..inony. s,mlm of North (;aro,u,. u.alr- 1'lit iniltrjltllliit lal(litf irn aMifl tusM .f n.M nn.h... f....,.nf.u mi. Ii.nrt. wI.hi Mr.. I.I11M wa. In lir.m ..wn n k. tl.. Whin. n.L. i.Jtltbti'"1 Jurln lhe ',Mt J'Mr NKW VOIIK. Oil. IS After lu... IioIIiik inom tli.n two yrar., railjr 'Ipvii. ami Ilii Rrnom In lilajniKht nirrni uiurpi. lining arrrciru iiiiir.e luentlii, lltlliK III Central Kaima..) until, aoiiint In ronnrrtlnn with the (rrtiintanrr. riarateil ttirin. Mr. Dnamltlng of IIik U Arntelm llmt .,, e ,,, fr timv .. U,M)I1 hU return lm found tlm yiiunn IaiI? marrleil to aiiollir man. A few )enr later lie marrli'd alto Until faiulllrl evelltunllr drifted lo the Weil, and each waa par tod by death from Ilia hrlpmiet taken at tlm 'MilldlnK In 1010. AreordlliK lo n atatrtuent made hf nlnral Ulitrlct Allnrner Wood, llatl. haa ronfeaiMnl lit. participation ifllh thn Mc.N'apiarna In Hie iljrnamtt In it. Iln rnea'.il manjr nw detail. nr the riploilou, aar Hie nmrlal, .lid, altar A few month. ao llio widow 1 dmltleil that Ortln MrManlaal wa. a nml wldovcr mrt attain, and the wwd io.wnrker. olxK laat evcnlnf I. the rrault I'nlted I'r.aa Btrvlro IMHANAI'OI.IH, Oct. 3. -Ilarrr ' .lone., lecretarjf of thp Iron Worker.' I'ulon, wa. arreatrd today, charxed "Itli rnmplrlnic to unlawfully Irani port dynamite. Thla la the aamn charco on which Ihlrly-eldlit Iron worker, wrro ron ilrled hero. It ha. been hinted by federal nffl lera here that n number of arreata are In be made on tlm Pacific roaat, under ( lie anmo rhargea. FOX TAKES THE SACRAMENTO P.O. iicsi'iti: tiii: ritiiiT or iuo, UltlLHNIVl:, IIK.MOCHAT I.KAD i:it NI'.CHIIIM A VAI.UAIII.I! It).' I.ITICAI. ri.ti.M. 1 Under the new treaty Ilnlaarla will Iheln Turkey Kerrl. will t.m(.i,w 1 .1 . ....... ... ---..., . m.. ..u. r,,w ,, u.i.u.iiiuu iu(n,i ir,K)1 ll( tD, guUn, Ihu ndoptlnn of the menaure." , KlnB Nlrhola. and hi. Montene- Niiieitheleaa, othtr member, of thai isrln troop, will flKht with the atiialn do not belleo tlm bill will be'lrreka, paaaed bitorn Haturday, piwalbly Httl- urday nltchl. Wfaaii Hi. bill u cnll.d In tho! aonatu today Hlmmon. naked that at ote be taken lonlcht. To thla l'oln letter objicteil. hut Hlinmon. refused ' to rnnaent to the oitponement of the ote until tomorrow ' MURDER FIEND ON TRIAL SOON HJ.ifSat vK'-V4iHa-aMH.' JUDGE HUMPHRIES; BARS SOCIALISTS ROM PRACTICING r THREE OUT FOR PERKINS' TOGA Tlm moat coniplcuoui woman In Ihu Thaw caad la not Kvelyn Thaw, lor whom Thaw killed Stanford . WliIlD, but Mr. Mary C. Thaw, the I prUonor. mother. She ha. .food by him from the btflnnlng and turn lahtd hundred, of thoutaud. of dot ;(ii:il.MA. M'lllMII. TKrilKU AC- TM.II IIP MaVI.Nd SI.XTI 1M ATTI.JIITI.Mi 111 kii; in 111:11s for hi detente. No aoontr had be reached New llamixhlre than ahe liuirieil lo the tctsc, sst! dnrlng (L da of the hearlns before Qoyernor Felker on the motion of Lawyer Wil liam Trarer. Jerome of New York .'or hi. extradition .be wa. with him. "KltKK.SI'KKCH" IS IIKMI'OXHIHLK IOIt TIIIH MOVK UruMic Action la Taarn by Hraltto JuiIku When Koclallala Are Hnmit Into Con it for CrlllclaUc 111 "Aall l-'rro Speeeli" )rder letter of t'rolrat I. AtuuerrU by a Hecoatl DlalMiniirnt Order IVoro, Ilencli. L'nlted I'reu Benlca HKATTU), Oct, 2. Jud Humph . rle. today dlabarrcd from practicing In the courta of the aula Attorney Glenn Hooter and Unlet WelU. When Hooter appeared to anawer to a contempt chares betauie be had crltlciaed llumphrlea' public apeeeh, the dlabarment waa ordered. Hoover represented the nlnety-ntn 'oclalltta recently ordered arrested by llumphrlea. I "What are you butting la fort" laaked llumphrlea of Hoor.r. The dlabarment followed. 1 Well., al.o charged with contaapt, I drafted a letter prole.tlng atalaat I llumphrlea treatment of the aoclal lata, and for this he alio was dis barred. I'lilled 1'reaa Kertlro HAt'ltAMIINTO, Oct . !. I'm, lleiiiocrutlo louder, I'iiIIimI I'rea. Hervlco I.OH ANtlKI.KH. Oct. 2. "Davit 1 na on tho eiecutlve board of the Union beforo my limn," .aid Ortle MrMnnlKal todny "I aaw Mm In tho court room at Inillanupolla, and am .lightly nnjualiited with him, hut I ilon'l know much about the maa." "Davla' imme wm on John Mo .S'aiiuirn'. hooka." anld Olllccr Mc Laren, who nrrealvd MrManlgal. "Thu entry .aid he wna pnht 11,000, hut I In lontrol of California politic. 1II1I not atatn the nature of aervlre. iii:.m:, rnruw ami mc.vaii ahk IN Till! Itll.VMMJ. JOII in:i.ii:vi:ii to ham: iiiioi OUT United l'roa. Sertlco IIKItLIN, Oct. :. Preparation. were completed today for au early TEXAS FLOODS CAUSE DAMAGE WV.AlttWal,)i"r'',,r,Tr,S,U,,,at ".VK MII.I.II1.V IS Till: l.TIS, imi'ii! ""H'it, the uholeaalo murderer -" of Muhlhauaen and Dogerlocb. 1 MAIli: orTIIKCIIOI AM) ! Wnciier 1. charged with sixteen! l'nlted l'reaa Sertlco HAN KUANOIHCO. Oct. ..With who... ronflrinulloii na ioatnmater at I "'"'' " llfiiey already thu avowed Hnrrniueiito Senator. U Kullottu nnd' ndldat for tlm I'rogreaiho noiu. Thomoa ngalnat I murders, Including tluue of his wlfej (iind four children, nine attempted' I sTIMATi: 1101'- KIITV I.OvS IIUIIIN'U Till: L.1MT llllll.'i: DAYS CURRIN-BAILEY WEDDING NEXT llltllK-TO.IK I.1UVKS FOK ST. joii.ns, win-in: tiii: ckiu:- MOXV WILL UK I'KFUOIUIKU TOMOItltOW. HETCH HETCHY NOT THRU YET St).MK OK TIIK SENATORS KX VMJiS A UKSIIU; TO DKBATK TIIK MI-.tSUHK COMKS UP AF Ti:il TIIK TAHU'P u'.irLy rA..i.i ... u..t.t...-..iu .- 1-1 uiniiuii 111 aturrfiMi rfoiiniiir iitnriFrt i't... . in .!.... of tho poa.otllco here. Hen- ""' " IMIWorpl. next joar; Kor.(l,"r nl"dr , " Me ullL iit,5 lur Work, nlleged that Kox'. ap- 'er Major Jme. I, l-helan. p.e.ul ,,' 'Zu,l , , . e'o t'hioone tmln.ment wa. tho flr.t at , a .,. "''' I.Ib of tho Democratic nom- . 'a 'lf " """ "' -' n.l PI... l.R .l tho Dcnocrula """'" '"' "" ' eN.t. former V "" ..' . , ?"V' leudered.' l'iiH-r la SihiI, Hull to fnrerloaii on a rhattul mort linri vin e'ininioiiMiii toilar by tlic Vnughn MnnufucturliiK company Mtalimt J. O, Hiimnkor A Ron, pub llahur. of Iho llonnntii llulletln. The inmplnliit alleges I2R0 Is duo on a reaa. Huen on 11 Notw. Henry llolvlu todny commenced mi J action to collect 'JI3.8S from Dr. 1.. ' W. Chilton nml Don J. I.ytle. Thla umouiit I. alleged to bo due oil u proinlaaory liuto. Mrs. A, Kiiltcnliorn, n well known resident of Merrill, la hero for 11 abort vl.lt. REED APPEALS ACTION Losing Here, He' Takes Suit to Supreme Court Attorney W. H. A. Henner haa pre pared all tho papers and documenta In the suit of (loorgo Heed va. the V.'cateru Union Telegraph company fur lit. apponl lo the supreme court. 1 hoae will ho forwurded to Balom In t'uio to placo tho cuno on the lupromo court docket Monday, Heed wna .truck by n bucket ofJ paint dropped from the top of a tele graph polo by nn employo of the Western Union. Alleging that ho wat permanently Injured, Heed commenc ed nctlon In tho circuit court for 110, 000 dumugva. The enso waa brought up for trial at tho last term of court, but tho do clalon was udvoreo to tho plaintiff, Prom this ho hus appealed to tho higher tribunal. ". faB.1 !. V a CtaMaaan murder, and oen raae. of uraon. uagncr I. a murder llend almoat lulled Preas Service Mr.. Lottie U Ilalley left tbl. without parallel In tho unnal. of SAs ANTONIO, Oct. I. r'our were wornlng for St. Johns. Should .he crime. On tho ululit of Siit.iiii.r . ......... .. r '- ..irnutiii iminv iiv iiia nnn.i vn - luiurii. 11 win w aa Aira. i.narnnn c:. j .weeping the builneu district. , Currln. ' Tti.i iirarl.il In t tnm lli Ifiat luun. 1. . .. ... 1 u.lli t. . .a invi'.vviriiHMuiiivi iiiv ui .nv', u7 vuumv mil vv uiurncu upua ty-four hour, amounted to eight, j. itatto--ai arrival at the Portland 'ncn,!' Uuburb. In readlneu, the groom has -- 'furutahed u cottage there for his I'nlted Preae Service , bride. AUSTIN, Oct. 2. It Ii estimated The wed.ilnir M, .. ni.i. of person, a. the villager, rushed out! "ial 15.000.000 damage, has been ,urprle lo the many friends of the hlhauien set fire to seieral houica,, and with two automatic revolvers .hot and killed ten and wounded nenrly a score of their bouses. I Wagner Is a school teacher, .. !..... ... piiy.inan. and ns cnolo- "'" "uuu """"ii ' rk uee St. John, to go luto the drug bualneaa aunereu uy inrmera. rauroau. anu eontractlng partle., although It la a roU;bulnca lutere.ts In the Southern I1UMt havpT one ,,rlor , ,n t0 Klata nllko. Medical authorities de clare that ho Is sane, and ho himself Heine, vohciueiitly that he was un bnlnnrcd when he committed tho inur. ,uer. On tho contrary, ho declare.! that ho had planned and contemplat ed mum for months. j day.. N I'riincli J, Hcney lll'llllll Is liiipnititl, Mra, A. U I.envltt returned Wed .nesdny evening from n sojourn of sev- irul veka In Oakland and other Cal ifornia points, Her many friend, will bo Kind to loam that her health I. ,Kiently Improved, TRAINS MEET AT "DEATH CURVE" with hi. brother, Mr. Currln was manager of the Star Drug Company, United Pre. Service WASHINGTON, D. a. Oct. J. The deslro of. senators to debate the Hetch Hetcby bill prevented Its coa- .Ideratlon today, at Plttmaa re quested. The measure will be called up af ter the tariff bill Is out of the way. J. tl. Swan was In Wednesday from his ranch at Merrllll, attending to business mailers. He was formerly county school superintendent. and later connected with Underwood's Pharmacy. Mrs. Ualley for the past three years has been secretary to Count Judge Worden. and a deputy clerk. Like Mr. Currin, .be ha. a wide circle of friends throughout Klamath county who cannot help smiling at the com plete secrot the couple kept the news of their coming marriage. PAY CITY WARRANTS United States district attoruey.asked to stund for tho Itepubllcan nomina tion, California todny Is facing one of the biggest political fight. In Its history. The candidacy of Honey Is accepted by nil to mean that flovornor Hiram VUIHiik In Miilfortl. Mrs. A. I,. Marshall of this city Is visiting In Medford. a guest of Mrs. M, Hanson. of approval. As tho situation now lines un. nmt Johnson will not bo n candldalo for I) ear's race for tho scnntorshlp with tho sonato but will try for re-election. Iho pooplo for tho first tlmo making jisney ana jonnson, two or tho state's '" iiiuii cnoice, (no race to succeed lending Progressives, are close friends and It pructlcally Is certain that He noy's candidacy has Johnson's stamp Senator 1'erUlns promised to eclipse tho governorship fight In real Inter est and excitement. ti:n sluuitly i.jum:i i.v 1UH.HOAI) ACC1DU.NT Will l'ASSi:.(!KltS COLLIDK AT OAK ia.V'1) STATION ."'Bonding House Pays Draft; Warrant Call Sim United Prcsa Service OAKLAND, Oct. S. Tea persons were slightly Injured In a collision of the Portland express and tho Los An geles flyer today. Tho accident occurred ut what Is known as "death curve," near the Sixteenth street station. Bubscrlbo for the Herald, SO cents a month, On or about Monday, persons hold-' Siemens drew on the company (or the Ing unpaid warrants against tho city I amount of the bond Issue, pressing Issued prior to July 1st of this year.l and Interest, amounting la all to ' Kill re'colvo the face valuation and 'about $78,000. He has received ,werd accruod Interest on this paper, as 'that this draft has been honored. City Treasurer J. W. Slemena expects I In the meantime Caputs fUtia'tlll 1 by that time to Issue a call for un- Is busily engaged In computlag lae- , ' paid warrants. , 1 est on the warrants, V(h6 K h M4 ' r Folluwlng tho signing of tho city's 'sldcred that the refuadlag Imm'wIIIXjV' murrain rerunning bonds by Mayor Nicholas nnd Police Judge Leavltt, and tholr return to the Security Sav ings and Trust company, Captalu pay off all warrant lna Mwt,- -!. August S, 1910, and July 1, iMIyK V ? can he teen that the Cialiaiils) a ' ,,', busy man hoe8 fiaa autaau sUva. u j l i h- .' i yM - .?-H -.t .1 1,f v; :. l o 't $ '. tri -" ""'