l tm IVHW ....'"':: J1 liuimmn Itealit KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS H " ClKlilli Vfi .No. '.',177 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1913 Iric rir Ctat (Pi t I, i v- : ? aJ L. AMERICAN No Word Yet Received From Man ijjyxirjj-ifxjTjAvvvvxjftra ,"uu "uin. ult j-i.ru j in r ir RESUME BATTLE NEAR SABINUS; SCENEGREWSOME 111:111.1. iohcim tin: .m Ti:m.n i.v hTiti:siiHi:M:n TIllHIMIIll Additional CllllltlllllllIU- Ii ,tl )! Agaliial lli I'lili-ml Hm-tUmi iirwMrvM Mirrlmif III VUIKi Tiinna Uilnl mill lliiitinl, 11ml Nini-finiillmil nlf lit Immliiriil I'iiII. ? .. - .......... ftJ nil r nn .(Mi"l"i rn-.i. t"i y Hum' ihmUI lmlii Irll tlila ? ill) llil liiotiilnil l"r I:kI' l'. rnltjInK luo MiiailnHi nml uitr mac liliin mm iiUIimiii uf III.- TIlll.I Clry, Mini IMIIrry i.TiMliK llilnl I lil.t Aitlll.r). Nh ilrlliillr rr-.ni for tlila liiiiti- Inw been furuUliiol by Hir tl in) ln-u.iinrlrm. ?"- fulled I'reae Service KAtll.K I'AHS. Hi-.it. 20. A thou ami additional troop nJ other rein forcement leached tlie constitution- .ili.t army, ami today '"' flisitili.ie as rraiimrd around Hnbtnus, Tim roiiatltut ounllsta forre are under commnuil of tlcneral lllanro, Fatalities are Increasing, according in aiorlr brought lii-iD liy refugees ' Ill miinu of the Interior town., they; my cnrpie are. piled like wood In thu .illeeta, mid no effort ha been madu 111 bury the vlilluu of tho flint. Hery city and town In the path of elllicr army bna been deatroied. Af-' Jer lootliiK tho home for food nlidjnnd lniproemi-nt vrero dlicuued at ilrlvlliK R nil Ihn uviillnbte mock, tin. Ilnilny' aeuliin f ll' American troop nro iiIiir il)iiamlto nml fire Nnti-combiitaiit nro IUtIiik by thu hundred for lh border, In Imminent peril. It I itatid Hint many nro on ihn verge of Urvllon. Mr. It. K. Hmltti will lenvn Ihl uwnliiK for n inonlh' llt with rela tive In Hncrntuento. REJECTS WOKDEN SITE Instead Council Prepares Lots 1 und 2, block 75, of Klam- ..II. .. ,1,1111,.. nl 11 mat of 110.400. .... .. ...11..! .100. not uppoiu io ...u c,y lUu.i. it city null sue. This wn ahown Inst night when tho council, by n dlvldod vote, ro juctvd tho offer Hindu by Mnjor. Ulina. i:. Wordou for. tho inlo of tho two Iota on Fifth street and Klamath nvo nuo. Till, provided for tho romoval of tho buildings. Mathen moved for tho rejection, Mid linger, Townst-ud, Hnmllton and Ulidarwood voted with hlin, Opposed 1et0 (loellor, Hnvldgo, Owous and Doty. "Why should wo reject this offer!" liskod Bavldge, who tecurad a four ir-in-rnn-iiir n n - n n rttr r rrinr-i rmrir-ii-iriin y - Francis Quimet, Champion Golfer, Carried From Field After Beating Englishman .''.- 410" itafigaraVgm j --. 'iTr.V kssjmsLRi'4t. ' ? Psxty.R . PP-aM E. i) JBi 1 WIh-ii Kranrla Diilim-I. the twenty-year-old tl(rr, won from IMward Hay, llillltli iirofmalonal rhaiuilpn, and Harry Vardnii, former prod-t- lonal chRiiiplon of KnclmiU, In tin-tonli-l at thu Tountr) Club In llrfMikllne, Mnu , hit frlrndt and ad- ...Intra wvli.i limt r..ll.iwi.l tilm nhout IlliMit i:K-r(a Meet I nlttd ('(cue fervlco IlimiOlT, Hepl. 30-Vurloui plana for n national policy of rond bulldliiK Itoad Coniire In third annual ea- Ion here. H'iml"r Jonathan llourno of Ori'Kon wii today' prlnclpM (peitkrr. Xi CleiKir Wlelder. Jno Koiiop hn accepted a po.ltlon with tho I'eoplo' Meat Market, and I now prmlUInK behind the blK block. for City Hall Bonding 1 month' option on tho ltn 1''" - for the 1 "Ilucnuso It Jump 111 prlco too "I under 1JIck rol,,u, Mnthow. stand Hint wo enn get tho two lot on tho other side of tbo gnrngo for lexn money, und with tho building Included. KollowInK tbl nctlon, Councilman l.'wllo linger rovurrected from the l.iblo tho petition of numerous cltl it n. nuking for nctlon toward secur ing n city hull, which wn prccrntod Biimv time ago. Attached to till was an ordinance profiling for a upeelnl elecllou to dotormluo tho question of Issuing bonds for city hall construc tion on tho city's property In block 7B. This was Introduced by Itogera, nnd passod It second reading. TROOPS MOVE ON BORDER nriPi i irnnr piri-ir-r-iri n i ---- - - I lit- roiirto rniild not b restrained. They bunded him a honu-nhott and, ptrklnjc blm off hi fret, carried him on their ehnuldera to the club home. Oulniet. who waa in much of a boy i the younRtteni who went almoit h)ati-rlcal titer I1I111, tborouchly en- limil Ihn nn-nlnn. L PERMITS GIVEN STAM)AIII till, tIMII'A.W Wll.li ITT IN HI.VCUAIi Ni:V IIUII.K. IMls (lAIIAHIM I'ltllMIMlNT IN Till! LIST Tho follow lug building permits were granted at last night' meeting of thu ceuncil: Slniidurd Oil company, stable, wag on abed, pump housu and offlcotjulld lug, at HI. Hi aud Spring streets. To bo of corrugntcd Irou. Henry Itabbcs, four-room bunga low on lot 3, block 63, Nichols addi tion, to cost $800. llert Mclutjre, suiall barn on lot I nnd S, block 06. J. Koiiop, woodihed on lot 8, block 38, 1'lrst addition. Annlo II. Jnrdlnvll bnrn, on lot 3, block 10, Second Fnlrvlcw- nddltlon. Albert I!. Klder, enlarging und hliiKllug cottngu 011 lot 10, block 4, First addition. r M. Ilnrish nnd II. H. (Irlgsby, gnrngo on lots 7 nnd 8, block SO, Nichols addition. A. P. llutchiiis, two porchoa ou ilwolllng 011 lot 4, block 85, Klamath addition. 0, i:, lllley and llnrry Stilts, gar age mi Northwest corner of lot 3, block 37. Tho original forests of tho United States contained timber lu quantity and variety far oxcoedlng that found ou any similar tract In tb world. - - - " .. - ............... - - - BOILER EXPLODES AND YOUNG BABY IS BADLY BURNED lUlltl.lMi IIUtMES WATEIl COM IMVV IOH I.VJLIIV Wilier Win Sliut 11IT !.) l'lnii)'t Or lr 1'rlilllnit Orilmm IIU Ulfr III. I Nut It mm Dili, ami Wint lnn.l IMliB Wlml Wntrr Tlicr ( In llii Itftillrr 'iinuinf Sa) Hi- IU.I llrrn .Vulldnl of MiuMIIT TI10 two-niontbujlJ babjr of Mr. anil Jin John UohrllnR wiu painfull calJid, anil Mn. Uebrllnjc'a band .erl.ou.ly burned by the explo.lon of a .......'.... ..'.ft. ...' .... not water boiler In the kitchen of the lehrlluc home. Tho etplotlon wai cauied by the h III t 11 rt fit ! utut ..all, (I.Ia ., .: .: :::,:.: :::' :::: .,., ,, , , t itn,ln of tok. Th beef cattie In lr. Uebrllnt. not knowing the ,he xnUey ,, ,n Dno ,,,. ,nd water wa. off, bad built a tiro In the'.B0W. .very Indication of bringing -, I.VH.V'U -I.BI Ktlivr IVLUaiUCU IU tho holler, did omo waahlng. and r. gltlng the baby a bath near tb. boiler when tho accident happened. . . ... ,. ... ,urlL.c.. u. . "o-'eno'" cl.tlm that no ono had notified them of tho water being cut off. though tb.-iI.at.rovl.lonm.ltnlhn.rreef that tho water company mutt notify Hie family, not only tbat tho water will be cut off, but after It ha been turned off. Mr. Uherllng tltlted the office of th water company Immediately after the accident, and had qulto a "et-to" with the local ofllco force. Tho little child 1 bllitered about the fare, chvt and aloniach, and Mr. I'i lirlliiK ha n builly icalded hand. "Mr. Uehrllng received notlco or ernl day ago Hint hi water icrvlce would bo discontinued." mid Manager 1 tK-orgo J. Walton of tbo California-1 Oregon Tower company today. "He wa In arrears, and our Mr. Foster blinded Mr. Uehrllng personally a no tlco that tho water would be abut oft on the Sith If tho amount due wa not paid. "Tho water wa tiot shut off until this morning." Uehrllng contend that It wa the duty of tho company to notify hi n Ideuro at tho Hmo the water wa shut off. ORDER LIGHTS m:vi;u.l of iiotii auk scat- Ti:itl:ll TllllOLdll THK DOMAIN of e.m: hotv, iti.rui:si:.TiNO "Till: IlltOWINd FIITH" A number of lights aud fire hy drants wero ordered Installed by the council Inst night. J. W, Straw asked for tbo Installa tion of n tiro hydrant at tho south east corner of block IB, North Klam ath Falls, Ho also uskod for street lights on I) street, nt Trlrd and Fifth. Throe West Klamath residents asked tor a light at the corner of Cyprses and Seymour. Councilman Doty asked for a light tor Third nnd D streets. He also asked for a hydrant at Upham and Pleasant avenue. Lost in Modoc Lava Beds .... ...,.,., .J.tJ.J.---- yi-nYVrrniY IFORT COUNTRY ' HAS GUOD YEAR 1 IV ADDITION Tt) OOOII HAY AM)! 1 liit.ti.v chop rmcix aiii: good; AND CATTLE l. (il HIIAI'U otiii:h m:vm sutim (llrralil r-in-rUI Srrtloa) KOKT K..A1IATH, Sept. 30. Unj' it all ui In tbla itctlon. The crop an J 1 lrlc nro both Mtlifactorr. There I liai bwu a rcadr market for all lhati ha been for aale. Tlirnlilos baa bcn on for aomt " lime. Tho Ilurna and Cox outfit U'MOItKTIIA.V .!00 AIIK OO.VHTAKT' now thrt-ablnc for the TelUm Slie- more compny. In a few day. Tber expect to Hnlih While there will be a Urea amount ".," """ '"' "UH' " would bate been much more had It not been for the frost that caught It ' In Aueutt l thn tlm It I.-.. In tli m0ll dellcat ttate. w"" '" .. t. ex. cellent for harTt. alto for the tat- nt qj pf(a ., ,,' - . e, ou,,put 'tb "?'" "',0 '"""' l'ro.prlty In the dairy bu.L "" To o"1 ,nlnB now needed along that line I moro cowi. ,,.,. . , ... J " Pf.r"r l.,.'tao ,ndJc,e, b' ,D "'""' '" ""' oeing built this season In the Wood Itlve. vryiey. Three who are building and! xpect to move Into their new resl-ily dence In a few day are George A. i.isk, tne Hitman sister and Walter uixon, an or whom have lato up-to-, data bungalow. The utter and Hums sawmill win itart up Monday to make the fall run. They will cut about 1,000,000 feet to supply the local market. They were compelled to wait until after harvest. owing to the scarcity of men to oper nto tbo mill. T,1C l le Power plow will itart in a few days, and will contlnuo to plow until winter. This will Increase (be grain crop next oar about 20 per cent, and Increasing tho cultivated acreago to about E,000 acre In this little valley. REGISTRATION IS PICKING UP 8KVK.STKKX XKW XAMK8 ADDED TO TDK LIST TODAY ItKQIS- TIUTION HOOK CLOSKS ON OC TOIIKH -MTU. Since the opening of the new books for registration, 207 voters have reg Istered their names In order to be qualified tor the November elocUon. Of this number seventeen came In today. Sovernl Important questions will como up for a referendum settlement af, tho approaching election, and It Is expoctod that all who aro entitled to oxerctso the right of franchise will have their names on tbo roll before the day of closing the books, which will bo October 20th. According to two English Investi gators, heating soil by steam before planting seed Incrooses Its food value, l'lants raised therein blos som earlier and produce more and bettor fruit. 0. L WAITE HAS SINCE YESTERDAY FORENOON; SEARCH PARTIES SEEKIN6 HIM MEAT INSPECTORS ARE KEPT BUSIED! LV AT WOHK HAFlUAItDLNO Till: IIIULTH Or' THK .NATION IN TIIIH WAV Hut very few person realti the magnitude of the government moat Impectlon tervlca or the cIom acru tiny that I given all meat ilaughter ed. In the pait seven year 377,000,- 000 'were Impeded at alaughUr house. 'and. 1,100,000 carcasses and 4,700,000 part were condemned. Right billion pound of prepared meat wore Inspected and certified for ex- t-ort. To do this work a force of 1,400 veterinary Inspector ha been kept continuously at work at 793 ilaugb terlng and packing establishments In S3? cities and town. These men. through long experience, can Instant' detect tuberculosis or other dls- rase In a carcass, nnd can, by touch and smell, dotcct anormballty In tny organ, MILLIONAIRE IS ACQUITTED ( HAHOKS AOAINbT (IKOItGK I1IX IIV AUK .NOT SUSTAINED AND OTHKIt INDICTMENTS W1LI. HE DISMISSED LOS ANOELK3, Sept. 30. The charge against George Ulxby, the multi-millionaire, charged with con tributing to the delinquency of Cleo Helen Darker, was proven unfounded on facts by tho verdict ot not guilty returned by the Jury last night. The state prosecutor announced to day that ho Intended to dismiss the charge preferred by Marie Drown Lovy. The grand Jury will itart the Investigation of Ulxby' blackmail charge soon. DIVIDEND, 10 PERCENT Union Pacific Stockholders Waxing Weak! NEW YOHK, Sept. 30. Tho execu tive committee ot tbo Union Pacific Railroad company Is In session, and according to Wall street rumors a Juicy melon ot 82,6"00.000 will be divided on a 10 per cent bast. According to the best obtainable In formation concerning tb financial af fairs ot this corporation, their surplus t 1 BEEN ATTKMITINO TO MAKK A SHORT CUT, IS IOHT IX THE W1KHD VOLCANIC STUKTCH thmrrti Krom .Vooa I'ntJI Dark Vc lay I'roTed Frnlllea, 80 It la Cou tlnuetl Today I'artlea Vtmbi H rill and From Klamatia rail Left tUriy Tbla Mormlnc to Tak Dp Mm Hunt May lie Injured by FaO. The expedition ot Klamath rails) men to tb Modoc Lava Bed csujm to anything but a desirable ending Most day, by a member ot th party, O. L. Watte, becoming loat In that rsglo of crater, cinders and lava. Sine he left the numbers of At party at 10'o'clock Monday to tak a supposed short cut to th other mem bers of th party headed tor Csptalk Jack's Stronghold, he haa not dm seen. Walto has neither food or wattr. Although hs haa a revolver, no shot Iiavo been heard. Thirteen automobile load ot man cnt Into the Lava Beds Sunday, tad Sunday nlgbt was spent at th big lea raves. Karly Monday morning th party set out afoot for Captain Jack' Stronghold. Some dlslanc from tka cave a bait waa mad to await th arrival of Charles Merrill, who ctd as guide. Du.-lnr tb halt W. O. Smith, W. A. belrell, J. A. McCoy and R. E. Smith, Jiicu.tfd the lava fortified region that va tbe principal battle (round during the Modoc War In th swrly 70's, and In advance ot th other party, they set out for tbe atrong hold, planning their route to tak them through th battlefield. Walt accompanied this party. Tbe other members of th expedi tion, after tho arrival ot tbelr guide, went to some of tho cinder cones, be fore going to the stronghold, and the. skirted the battle ground. The ar ranged that the automobile should be brought from where they wer parked, near th Ice cave, to th I'hlceney camp, which was nearer th strougbold, so as to xpdlt th Journey. Walt suffered from blistered ft on the Sunday hike, and Monday at 10:30, as th smaller party waa (Continued on pg i) " conslsU of $210,000,000. AfUr de ducting $100,000,000 aa a rnf' fund for th possible purchas ot ike Central I'aclfic, which th supr court may order, and fSt,9Q0,O0) m fvhrlnkaga In InveatmesU HUM ffv' cut stock prices, thU wiH MH It , almost 8i,ooo,ooo;avaaw for i trlbutton among Uo 1 .,ri ;vi fc-i J& f VJ I ', i. 4 K' i .' '