"3s w ,v? -4 ""f4i.. J- , A '' . A )A9 ' I -F ft , s W I iir ' t KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Hllllitli Veil Xo, '-M7II TARIFF MEASURE SOON TO Daring vvunnJVTJ-lJ-u-u-ij-u rL-LlH.itnnj1frinnnfri--i"" " "" ... mmmmmmmmmmttmmmmtt-tsAtttmmmmmmmmmmmm MIFF REPORT BROUGHT BEFORE CONGRESS TODAY lIMIITlOV MMlKlin 11)11 IIV 11). MOIMIOW Duly lll.mir.nniil Nun l Itrunnlliw riiiinii ruinn-o I olinnlim Aiion- Hull Tiiinnimti by tin IIiiiim', hen Mil' U HmmiIiiI to I'm II llmra iIm), mill tin' .tilillllim nf WIImhi' hlmmtllir Will .Mill- II Ih. l7itUt.il Pre Hervlco WAHIIINHTON. D (!., Sept. it. fl rniifcrcnce report nil llii Under- H1 UMIt i .vision iniauri waa ir inli'il tu the house nl iiimiii. 1 hn nuly disagreement tinted I. tl riling rottnli futures, The. coiifrttri agreed nil lle tariff rrpoit lijr at Met patty vnle None if Hip inllintlty signed IIm paper Til house U el peeled til ptiu the iihiiuic tninnrmw Adoption by Ilia stnatn la act (nr rhiirxHr. nriil that night Wilson will mi liU .Uniiur. The only poKllilllty nf deliy would if n dealrr by republicans fur final N-lii In favnr nf protection. '-Tint Mil U highly eatlsfaclnry iiiw," itll Congressman Underwood. 'A It la now dratted It wields n sur ilu riMiin next i'nr ( 118,000, IdO." When naked If It would further .-ituirn tue riwi hi inuiK. iiiiiivrwmMi ifilled 'The conference luwcra the dullea nnre than cither tlm aenale or lira luiiiu. The aunatu yielded about half iu Inrreniiit, and r yielded the 'Cut " I'.iiN Tnkr I'i "II) Kmilllnu" IA,"'r ,, T'" ",' i.er.1111 In lh(. I'l.lt.M Htal... mid whirl, iMer anread to l.nglnnd, Inday reach - mI I'arla. when lit I wren 50(1,000 mid t, dno.nuo pnatera went arntlcred nil mtT the city ili-trrlliliiK IIm germ car- ryltiK rnpnclly of hiiuin lllea nml Hie reaultant illteatea, nil lvldly Illui-Jiiut irntrd Thu wonting rloHea with the Trench Htilal(iit of "awnt Hie Fly ' Hie pnatera urn being circulated t'irnuKli the perfertiim nf police. linmo during Ilio rounly fair. SECOND UNIT FINISHED But Few More Structures Within a ory abort time, nil thin work III connection with tho con Mruitliili of IIm Second Unit of tho Klnmnth reclnnmtlon project will bu co"iniloted, Thla Itiaurca tho turning nf water Into tho new dltchc enrly next Spring. " Tho oxrnvnltou of tho lateral nnd nub Inturala waa completed gomu tlmo' ngo by 111b contractor, under Money rirnthori. - Tlm goveniinont haa nn-! Wilt ox Taken a llrltle. lahed the alructural work In North, Curd huo been received horo au- Poo Valley, and thostructiirea on lhonounrlnK the marrlnge of JohiwA. Houlh I'on Vnlley latoral will be com-1 Wilcox to lleaalo Mao Johnson., at plctnd In a abort tlmo. Dnttlo Creek, Mich,, Soplombor IStb. Vl'lio Second Unit will Irrigate )iroxmntoly 7, nop ncrca of farm nlnd, tho greater portion of It altuntod In the .-vicinity of Pot Valley.? Water J&v Euntng IteraU. Bird Man Attains a Speed of 125 MUs Peary, .he "Snow i I Tim Hiiiiw 'mill nlm li rlimrii (nr Iter huttiaml i up wliu klinw lli HlaU unit thi nilil nf till" KKliill llrri tlicrv l ftrriml Ire. Many iiiltllun nf r'rinnt lll rttollrcl "Tli Hun' lliil'y " tl"' clilUI nf llrjr A'tminl mul lr. IVary. lio M linrn In llir Affile Circle. Tlir riinicfmiil (if MlM Mnrlo loity In Arnold MnrMIIUu, li" mm with IVury uti hlii ilmti In tlm polr, lina In on Minouiirril Mr I'rnry w litirn furllirr nnrtli limn ny nther wliltc rlillJ In lli v-nrltl, lirr nuiiiirr Ulr.K iiia rtrt wlillo woman to winter with nn arctic i'invlltlnn The nin of "AIiiiIkIIo," Kqiilinn fnr "Hnow lllnl," iu bf Inwrd upon till- clillil, hn I th tuhjrrt nf Mr. I'rary'n bmik, "The Know llahy" l)r MacMlllan la hoaO of the jn - nunm Trip, Km! Ilrenirr mid II. 11. (lulhrldgel liilurui'd lait tiwnliig rrnm t-akcluw,j wher they went for the former'a wlfoj nml clillil, who line Peon Mallinit Mra llremer'a pnrenln, Mr. and Mra, ( A. Ilehart Aa the auto uenrol Ihn rraertalln line n rain florin act In, ' and by the time tho car reached Dairy ; tlm rnada were n aen of mud, Deaplte '"'I', howovcr. tho Intrepid electrle jmcM ,,,, p,,u 1 H ,,, ,0M of f(, r , ,rollb,,. 1 " uit'l '" !"' 'nlr), Mr mid lira, A, I). MltlcT motored. tn IIm Ankiiey ranch and to tho luimn nf Mra lllrnm Murdock Bun- ,du). Inking with them Mra. Murdock, who had been tailing nt the Miller Remain to Be Completed for Irrigation la takou from dm eaatl branch of tho mnln rannl. Included In the arlioine nrn ,mir mnln watvrwa). Theno nro dealg-j nuted oa tho North mid South Too Valley luterala, tho Nuaa Lnko Intern! mid tho drlllltli laternl. Water for I South I'oo Vnlley la carried ncroat I Lost lllvee lit Dlnlin liv n ni.itnl flimi.. np-iTho groom la well known In luumatli V'nlla, where hu wna connected with tho composing rooma of tho dully pa per, for more than a year. ( I ZmmmV .mmmmmmmmmmmmal SEjr smmmWa uH m. XfCPIMLW 1 llaby" l t be murri'Hi, ?Vm5,r3Xr,vS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1913 Baby," ,. Wed Explore CrucVir litiit ripi-dltlnn whoio vra mI ti Hinna' was irrceknd n!T llarce IVlnt Ijibrmlnr nn July ISth Th ditty nintliiuril lt inyaxn north on Hip l.'rkk, but waa unable In reach II wlnti.r (oil, Klanler Hay, thla aea aon nn nrrotiut of Hie Ice r Mac Sllllan iilannttl to l. In tlm far north fu( threo year. SUFFS AGAIN ACT NAUGHTY AIIMOI'TII l.r.MHIUI V.Mtl) Mt'MCII'.M. 11(111' LINKS tiii: kti:st vuniMK or MII.ITA.NTri' INK iMg&safcrggi -... I'liltcil I'rcaa Bervlio YAUMOl'TII. Sept. ii arrr.. . Kt'ttea today raided the Two dree in, I municipal golf lluka, In addition to Ideatroylng much properly, they pott led placarda with thu following; j "No Mil rii No Sport, No Peace." , "We Horned the Lumber Yard Sat- I urdny ' j The )nril waa the largcat here. The fire entailed a lima of 176,000, ACQUITTED, HE T0Li.0w1.Mi i:okiiatio.v IIV (Dl'IITMAUTIAIi, AltTll.l.iaiY OITICKIt C()i:S ON' HI'KKK IX WILD UThT I'ASIIIOX United Prea SerlrQ ;"l)li:DnNllOPK, dermany, Sept. 29. -UccaiiBo Knalgn Toeratcr rcmou atrated with him on nrcount of hla In toxication. Lteutennnt TUmth, nn artil lery nlllrrr, ho( anil KfTInd the, naval muni K Tlgho wna courtmnrllftled for turblng religion, eervlccs. Today man ills Today he waa acquitted, nnd ho mul hla frlendu folebrttart by.n'clrlnUInf bout,, . ' ' ........ ................ ...-.-... FIGHTING 500' REPORTED DEAD: itia u;i:rs iti.uvn: ii.wikowimj i;?: NAIIIIU1VKS I nllmtlim liefiiit ut II.iuil". nf l'ipi' nl A turn lllixxly lliivi-Ilufa llai Hi1, HiIh-U Art' I IreliiK .ot1lmnnl, l)'iiliii)lnK All limii", Millie ami Itmitlit In Theli I'ulhAiiii'riritu lnti-n-t Salil to llittt fiulTrml. I mud I'rcia 8rvlco KAdl.K PASS, Tviat, Sept. 2a. tUfucee airlnliiK nt thla place bring ilio tivwa of a tvHTtc bnttlo foucht r.cnr Hablnai, 73 ralli-a aputh nf here, bctwitu tlm main nrmy of the conitl tutlDiialUlaa anil C.000 federala. Tlin rubla were uefeated, anil rc tr:utiil toward the border, deitreyln: lowiin, coal ill I lies and ranclica In their retreat. ' If tlm atory of the refucrca haa nut been exaggerated, the American Inlitreita have auffered heaUly. BUSY OAY FOR LADY DEPUTY T.IM'AYKII TAKi: AllVA.NTAtli: OP IIAYDON'h ARsKXCK AM) riituvi) Miciurr's emci: to I'W IDl'.NTVH TITHK' MUa Klalo Low I. I.VInr er .rl tho clorlial department of tho alier- AM)tf, ninf0 () iy ,er lonely today. .Ui: owing to the abaence of Deputy Oeo. ' ' "' ' '" ' "' "" ' "" -' ""' able diplomatic and aeml-offlclal ao ,, 'A. Ilajdon. who I. on trip to the S1". !?!? .V?" 1J, . Mr. In Wiihlniton. Thla I. 1 ,,, . ' , , ... l..,j , '" oecmrei. mat more !'.-, 1.1 had been In to pay taxea today I than had eer com. In any one day .iiivu biiv uau uevu 111 iiu uiuce. iiv luldea the many taxpaera, aho had a couplo of caller, much under the In- lliieiicn of "anake medicine," who nandered In for a aoclnl chat. Altogether It haa .been a very atrenunua day for the lone occupant of tho tax collecting department. ADAMS DITCH TO BE STARTED SOON Hills O.V HM.AItdKMKNT AVOIIK will 111: oi'i;m:i) tiiuusday. watiiuway to in: iti:i:i'i:.NKi) .wo wiih:m:i) lllda for tho earthwork tu connec tion with the deepening and widen ing of the Adums caunl will be open ed Thursday afternoon at the local olllco of tho reclamation service. Tho work haa been divided Into twenty-coven schedule., entailing uliout 3,800 cublo yards each. The farmer. In that part of tho country Imvo been Invited to bid 011 theso, and It la their plau to do tho work fol IowIiik harvesting. '-. The rock work will be done by tho reclamation senr!ceT , "'t!!i .... a ... . ........... ..m.-...,.... - 'SUSPECT HAS A GOOD ALIBI i'ei.ili: hTii.i, iici.ikvi: , .i:iito IX Itl'O.NHIIU.f. Mlt T1IK. )iL'ni)i:it()i'Tiii: 1'AITH IIILtl.CH uh A(ii:i.i:s I LOS AN0KI.E8, Sept. !. The po llen admitted today that Chartea Aa lew, the negro auected of the bru tal murder uf lira. Hebecca (lay, the faith healer, S.iturday, haa proved an rrectla alibi. , The authorltlta are mill aure that a negro la the murderer. A number of iktectlrea are U work on thla theory.' II wa d!tcoered yeatcrday that lira, (lay'a purae waa empty. Tbla cauata a aurmlae that robbery waa the motive. Kellgloua fanallrlam la another theory advanced. BASEBALL SPECIAL MCBlO btK I AIBI I ThU la being wblapered about to- I.OCAIi Ai:.T UKI.IKVIX IIAIU day by tho Tammany membera of the iiiitm it-,, 1 mee . ,.VL. "bly, following a caucua taut IIOTI) mix SMKK I.OM IUTK ngM Bt wMcn .... Cn,rM Mur. 11)11 Till.' Tllll' TO Till: (JAMKphy waa preaent. AT Mi:i)KOIII 1 Mufpbr la bitterly oppoaed to 8ul- (rer, but It la not known for certain The welcome word cornea from Mr. llallcy. pa.aenger agent here for the Marine llaml In .New Knglaml Houthern I'aclBe company, that It la(un,ej i'rel Serrlco nimoat certain that the Houthtrn ra- ,. .... . . cltlc company will mako a apeeal rate .k n , v 'v... ..a the White Sox of Chicago, which will b played on tho Medford grounda iNomuiIht 18th. ' I0 " mo" 'B" "P ' trip," aald Mr. Ilalley, "It la probable T; '":.. 7T""'. "' L""" I ...r I li a 1 1 m mm annak u-1 1 1 nt . L- . n m.. ,.... "1-7 w l'vv. wf. Klamath Kalla could arrnnge tbelr ovl,ch(;uu,c ,eanB nna ro,urnlnB , , xMr ou conTen.no,.- wlt 10 kehooJ of a football K.imo between the Klamath County! high school and the Medford hlsh achoul arranged for tho morning of 1 . . .. . ... .. . ... I nu big uaiennil game, 11 anould oe1 v "'f " "",r '" vreaama meuis 01 tue various countries coan- au easy matter to gel enough for a Jaws squarely together. petlng. JV atiecial train. 1.. uiiiisiiN wiiMAN GOOD TEAMEXPECTED DENIES WHISPER'... - ! HUIIVIVIM1 VICTIM OP TIUPLK SHOOTINO SAYS HIIK lllU.IKVKS hiii: was Tin: victim op a UALLVCIXATIO.V SAN FIIANCISCO. Sept. 20. Mrs. Coulton testified today nt the Inquest over tho remain, of Acker and Ko vuck, who wero killed whon with her, when they were the targets for a futt lade of bullets In tho Atlas garage early lat week. "Aa I fell fainting In tho street a vole seemed to murmur to me: 'You arc hurt darling. I did not .mean to harm you,' I have since como to tho conclusion that this was n hallucination," she concluded. "I saw nobody. No word or look of recognition passed between Mrs. Coul.on and her estranged husband, who Is charged with th shooting. BE A nrin.ruTjTjTjT.njTjXruTjVxOAJVA Further Prosecution Threatened for Silzer I - I Oiorlea V. Murphy ltTnttiil Pr. Rrvlr. . I - . .. A LIIANY. Knt 7u"ir nnv,mn,. - j -. rhe;,U be proaecuted for criminal perjury. 1 If be la behind tbla laleat movement. B-niiieimiu -t AoiiIaOTON, Sept. 29. The. ,,., -,.,.. ,,.1, . . ' . .1 ir-01ta organtiatlon of Ita kind In America, left here today for a tour of the New Kngland states, NewYork, Ohio, Pennaylvanla, West Virginia and Maryland. Lieutenant Santle mn la the band's director. The or- wmi. Hou. function, and mnumer- 'inn fourth concert tour the band has1 . , -. """"' ,urIni The renowned John Philip aa one time director of the USnd, , A quick acting, powerful nut-. tracker, patented by a Texan, may be iOm ntnail tn h 'at.U l- -.---l' Mamatli bounty High The proapects of Klamath County high school having a championship football team wero never so bright as at present A rousing football meeting was ne.u iiu. .orenoou in mo mgn scnooi nucuiuiy uau. ai mis time taiu were made by Instructor McCall. who la athletic manager for thla term; K. V. llawley, head of the manual train ing department; Edwin Cox, Forest Pell, Leon Holler and Sterling dar retL A royal welcomu was extended four now atudeuts at the school, each of whom, Is excellent material for a gridiron Idol. Others In school who havo never appeared (or football practice have agreed to come out and 11 wmm eoTjMHEailiLaLaLaHE'1 BBBBBBjaigJgagggBBK . aiHBiaHiaiaiaian 'WWER' PRINTS THE JjLkri J NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! Price Five Cut LAW an Hour frenchIator beats two miles a minute in air WI.NH I.NTKILVATIO.NAL CHAM I'lO.NHIIII' FOR FKA.NCK JUurico lYeroat Atermgea ISA MUeo an Hour In Flight for the Jaatea (lordon ItenDett Trophy Hccoad la AIm Won by a Frrachsaaa, Vrr illn., Wlw Won Um Trophy at lal a'rar'a OtapeUtloska. 1 United Press Serrloa ItlllrlH, Sept. H&V AtUlaJag aa average apcol of VJ& bOms aa haar, Maurice I'moat, Krtach avUtor, I won the Jamea Gordoai HraawKt In . pliy fur Kraace today at Um lataiaa , llonal xhaanpkNHblp coaapitltloaja. I .utile Vcnllaea, olao o Um Preach train, atul IamI imi 1.I..M- - - - - -' tSZZZSZT The course of Um rac la a rkaaed circuit. 8U aalfaa aa rtKwmtmmNi. Iho aviators flew, arottad thk 'tea time, nearly all of litem -t'n'nlaj a kpt-ril of 100 mile an hour. f Preroat'a time waa faater than two mllea a minute. y Tho time of the Oral four follews: Prevoat, 0:S9:5. Verdinea. 1:00:51. ! Gilbert. Ii01;55. Crambea. 1'01:S2. KIIEIMS. France, Sept. 2.-V-The pick of alx nations today are corapat- big far the coveted lntertutloaal avi ation cup over a 10-lap coors of 10 kilometre or. about 12S miles. Tae United States. England. France, Oef many, Italy and Belgium are rasrs aented by the crack, aviators of that country, J Charles Weymann. repreaeBtlaar America, has recently done better than 100 miles an hour over abort trial courses, and la thouslift to h nn excellent chance for victory. A Loa- bafor th. r.r- .M .eh.. ,1.H to a.r IIia a,.m na m.II-1 I about the couraa were packed wtta a brilliant audience, which Indu'did representatives of the war depart- a a it . 5 is uettirg EnUattasiie. don football togs and help mskt up a championship team. A rousing big meeting la scbeduW4 for tonight, at which time the toast will adopt a suitable yell far ih teaw, eleck R manager, take steps to- Uard securing dates for aumee wtta. Ashland. Medford and OraaU and also fix the date for thslr1 with Ihe town team, whlea Kaita Asa. broac Is whipping Into i .ka.- f It was unanimously egra4'taat the high school team I'liriU'jirtsW every effort to arrange, a ' wtah'.- Medford. for the morahirof tat Jar on which the New York SwataaaK the Qbicago Whits Bob ptar atsMMt' at Medford. skd make tkt M4a ta-ss'; special car that will aa frtmj raiu on that date. '-. :) -TH 4 rtv 1 .s-i l.. I ,ii . Ui Ta - f .ii M A. ' y eFiL '!?, it if' a !! -eV-