f- y r ,'A September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls - - 25, 26 and 27 i IferaUi ituetmuj ." PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Clulilli Yrr .Vu. U,I73 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1913 .,. a- (3V Ml Preparations Under Way WVWMWWVWWSIVW JffuxftJXjnVVUTJxfu POLLOCK RULING AROUSES A HOPE IN MAURY DIGGS M I.I.I VAN I tVT HCi: IT THAT WAV. HOWEVER i. I'loviiilttir Iri-llrii' Ttuil llinui Fnl rr.il Jmlm lllil Nut I'niiwrly lutrr li I llr Mann Wlillo SUir Art. H). I'. H. tliipit-inr ('unit Will Hi- unxilliU Hilling If Appoul hTik-i'im -I lit 111 il lll.ll. Trlliiinul t 111! ft I'M t Servirt. U ll'lin .. Kana . Hi-pi. 33, Hold. I lie Hut Hi' Mmili While HU art wa. not imijiil In prevent the per sonal vamad ill lull kl.d women, " Fedi'lU Jililcn I'litluck )ttrduy lull J nut ilio white slavery ch.rge Kulliil I re linker (it (.ravcuwi.rth I'ullm-k litM that the wlilto slno net w lu pnum tliu transportation lit wamrli null girl, fur commercial Itril vim. I 1 iiltml l'io Herri HAN KltANCIHCO, Kept. 33. ' Fine. It look llkn our aix'al was, Hl," aalil Maurey I. IH(K luttay, f imiiinKiittiiK upon I'ollock'a rulln. ' Tl.li I. what I hate claltne.l from , in nrsi I "Ultirit tllMau (Wn feallltrtal lllllafttal r4hn..t aurefl our appeal .e.mi wr.oulhjUlcrln m W. II. Andewon. ..l.i II... f.,nn.nl The attnrtieya for these men have hI...iI...I fnp mn .iftlft.l f.l.lV .if "-" " - ' " I'lillock'i declilou. They Intend to auk a month' irmlon of llielr tlay of eirrutlon "JiuUd I 'nl luck muit not have read llin rtilliK of Ilia Untied Htatea u-, prrme court In Ihl mailer," nldl I'nxerutiir Hulllran llita afternoon.,""" """"' "'" '""- "' III. vle of tho ca.r. Ihounh. will ''" committed beforo noon ye.. not affect Iliac. nd Camlnettl Judg. '' A"" k' ' "?.1 . V', . mi, Fleet ruled properly Ihrounh-I murderer wa.hed hi. bloody hand, at ou, the lavatory. I i.iely lining Cup. 'I he beiiutlful loving cup which (he Hmithrrn I'ucinc company will pro a. lit to the owner of the lineal llol U'lii cow I'tlilblted at the county lair I. now on dl.play In the window, of I lie Hllll. Dry flood, company. Tho window ha. boon .peclally dec muted for the purpose of allowing tho beautifully drtlgued riyi IMIsuli .a), that I lie lnutlv gelilii. of tho achoolboi thoillil bu eu murugud by aoinv rvrognltlou In th. ilioul curriculum. BOY HURT Youth Coasting Collides The enp(C(ed bu. happened, Tho habit of rider, of bicycle, nnd iltlwr of iiutomuvlle. lo como .coot lug down tho Hot Spring hill at n high rat of .peed re.ulted In a erl ou. accident Monday morning, when llttlu Itlchard Klopiwr, .on of "I)lck" Klrppor ot the llrm ot Shlvo & Klcp I or, wa. tmi down by u youth on a bicycle. l.lttlo Itlchard wu. on hi. way (o .chool when A. I). Miller, who bad tlopped hi car at tho bottom of tho hill, a.ked tho little fellow to get In nnd ride. . Mlllor'a car wan ut tho ex tl'ime right hand Ulo of tho road, mill ho told Klchurd to come uround to that ildo to get In. Juit a. tho llttlo fellow panted from In front of tho car to tho right tilde, young Klllott, who had evidently MMM FLAMES NEAR POWDER PLANT nwr.t mi, i.v nun: hamieii. WVAI. MILITIA IH HI'.MM()Si:l to .tut i.v rniiiTivi i lit: for est run: I'lillnl I'rt-oi Hrrvlit. , HA.STA fill', hrpl. IM. A fnul .lilt U rKl4 n I'" I'W l".t ''" ImimiIit mm' k. Tin' limn l In Ilium iiIIaIh iUiikit. All llii' ni'l' In tin Iiihii mv Hull' llmnm, A mil . miiIIIiU miiitiliiu lor llii ni'l nf Hi' inn "I rrwrstt., Hupt iliilrnilriil Clrh of llii iwilrr .link tt'lrpl.i.nr. Hint nlil Mini r nl mm or lln plant Mill i'XI'IihIi'. MERCHANT TAKEN TO ROOM, KILLED . I mi: Mlltlll.lint SKINK Ills Aii: TO A .NOTi: MI I.IUVIM IT with Tin: iioim itixeiti: in: i'm:im VnHri ,.,. 8.lca INIIIASArOI.IH, Hid., SJept. 33 A' i.uuiiiiiii', .uuain u U (OUKht by the police .lie Indued Jotrpli Hrhlantky, a cloth line merchant, lu vlilt bU room ltb ...... . .. ......... ...-! -k... I,. Illlll ai Wl unrmw uu.tr.. n.to. o nn Mllril ami robbisl him. ; The rorp found thl morn- Mui; A cord uteil around the neck for traiia-llnc, and there m a( .wound orer tne leu eye. a wairn "I atarted to taxe in. money, ami I killed him, I would liao taken Mi ilutlie., but didn't il.ru dl.lurb the rnrpw.," anld a note, aliened lurey Anderton" found on the body. Tnllnr Arrhr. II. Ilennberg arrived Sunday from San Frnucl.co to accept a po.llton In Urn culling room of tho Houm of Hurry Tailoring company. i Tln new Chlue.e department of ag riculture, and fore.try I. very largely manned by Chlucao graduate, of tho i college, of thl. country. BY BICYCLE With Young Dick Rlepper lo.t control of hi. wheel, ran full tilt Into the boy, knocking him dowu and cutting a ua.ty ga.h ovur hi. right eyo, HI face and body wn othoi wlto badly brul.cd und ma. lied. Mr, Mlllor hurried tho boy homo iiml rart d for Dr. Hamilton, who took .ovoral atitchc. In rioting tho Jagged KiihIi over I ho o)o. Mr. Miller declare It nothing ihort of mlraculou. that thu boy wa not lu.tanlly killed. Hluco thl unfortunato occurrenco buveral huvo vpluntoered the Infor mation that It accin a regular habit of boy on bicycle to raco down the Hot Spring hill. Tho bablt, o tho poopla living In that neighborhood vuy, I not confined eolely to blcycla ilder. n n great number of uutu driver tuko the bill nt a forty mlloiunder way. Hay la selling for J10 dip, Panama Canal rti T$Frc HfaaaaEaaA?' tf r4& fty;. $45raaa' V.fcgS2JBjBBBBftVBflBBP!BflBBnBB aBBBBBiUBflBBB9BBBBBBBBBM)B Ki,vpKvBa2MBBSBBBjB'BBvf rif$&&''1' SBx! uuifl&i'Bj GnHfitfttwr1 'mMBBMBBsBBfV'' . ',, ufrV'' 4n -iffiBaBBBBB BFnfe' S llB Jjl ' aV kSMf9nHBaBBBBBBBBV 'Mtr.icmBiBHBf r & 't ' " HhSHbbbH vIBBBBBBBBBhSbSbIHbVbBBBBBCt'-"'.'' .rtaaaT'BB! T. r .ixplc !ou of trnly Inn u f i- -smite Aujutt 31; kt a ilyle a ml o ttlow the MMafloret lock, permit n K tin' vralrt of dm I'ucinc Ocean t o rt'icli the locki on the blch title followlnc. Ttie whole channel u nlli-il Title lrw ilioi the canal loo GERBER SENTENCE CHANGED TO LIFE .Ml'ltllKIt t'ASi: WAH i'.ni:it AI. I'lai, win: .v in:coiti)s wi:ui: iirjTi!ov;:i in '(ji'aki'-cai.u i:i "AtT or tioii." lilted I'reu Service HACK All IINTO. Hept. 33.--'Tho defendant lot hi. right to appeal through Cou'a act. Therefore I .. ..... ... .... ... comtuuto hi. acnti-nre to life Imprlc'iinil )oung children throughout the onnicnt." (commonweallh wero the Important . ' ' In Ihl. way. (loveruor lllrom Jobn. n.atttn ill.cuMod today at tho open, V10 cn'ron C; ;"ummer re"' ,ou commuted the .entenco of Augu.tjiaK ,e..lou. of the annual two day..0,' " buurn;u' but "-oa Inn. at, (Urber, coinlclcd of murder at Ban convention ot the Slate Federation of 'NM'a b.oaa sPrln" T, Vr...el.r I.. lflftS. und ...ntenced to IVnm.f. Plnh.. I U"U ,r0m tle 'PrlnEi Vfer brought I be hanged. The rati. wa. under appeal when tin. lecord. were dmtro)ed by ineiaiilfracc. In,- and earthquake. I'alrbalt, ----- teuton.. W Millions DHH BW I.Mil.S Ills Tin: Tin: :i:u hayi)i:x tiu.ijj of OIlHKIIVA.NCl DUItl.SO .MONTH OF Al'(lt'8T I.V Kta.M.Vnt ClllI.NTKV Thu following report ot Auguati condition., compiled by Engineer II.' I Haydeu, In churgo of Iho opera- llou mid inalntouanco feature of tho KUmath projeit, U contained lu the current l.aue ot the Reclamation! Record. publUhed by tho reclama- lion aonlce: iiir.uredly muko a aucccu at their Wuulhor wa. ery fMoruMi- forLojy location. "A a beginning, wo ci op growth; tho maximum tempera-. ltto 350 head ot beef cattle, 100 turn wa IM degree., and tho mlnthoad of Iambi, and n largo number ot " mum 37 degree; precipitation ; uiiiounted lu 0.71 ot un Inch. Thoi demand fur water wu light on ac- count of tho hoavy precipitation. Only routine maintenance work wa done during Iho mouth, emulating prln-l . clpnlly of cleanlug vegetation from Today' new today In Tb Herald. dltcho and bankB. Tho contluuedl, - warm weather throughout tho month price are oxpocted for the second cnued grnln of all kind to ripen crop. Tho following price for other rapidly; harvesting of much of the' crop prevail: grain crop una undor way, nnd tho' Wheat, 1 per cwt.j barley, 90 per ylold will be nbovo tho average, Tbojowt.; oat, Jl.tS per cwt,; potatoe aecond crop of alfalfa I good, nud $1 per cwt. Stock of all kind 1 In hnrveatliig In aome ot tbo Held wa uud more Pr ton In the stack; higher Almost Ready for the Big Ships kliiK touth from the MlUborei locki BABIES ENTER POLITICAL WAR: i MINMMIT.l WOMF.V, I.V Alll-' TIO.V TO hi:i:KI.(! Ht'KKIUGU wodi.ii nirrrcit Tin: vou.vo Cllll.llltK.V fulled I'reit Serrlco , llllAtNKItn, Minn., l'lana for a uio wide fight for legltl.tton tend- . Idk toward tho betterment of Infant. Another Important program to bo flapped out wa a campaign for equal u.. IM... II I ..h...l f iiin 'n.M-ii .i i.i.-. " B- .-.-- -.--.- - ANOTHiMEAT mm , Mi WKI.Ii KNOWN I.OCAl, STOCKMKN' i:nti:i: iiutchku iiusi.viss ix (ll.l VAN lUI'KIl IIUILUIXG OX MAIN STIIF.KT Tho new meat market, to be known ' M t!,0 Vonl'a Market, will open on' Til(,r,day In the Van Riper building ,uun -80 gamereu here toaay Maln .trcot. Tho proprietor... n trat nuluo" - '" Jlom,. t.UCa.. Hamilton and JarvI..',raor,1,nar' '",' invention to .elect Bt0 experienced butcher, and wlll,,woi"on candidate for Judge of II1.UWI i.. . .. ll0g. nd heep." laid Mr. Luca thl. . I ...n , ... .II1 IaaV .1... the ahop, uud the third will hi tlmo to .ecurlng cattle, dog, puultry, etc." lino condition; Ave carload ot beet cattlo and two carload ot hone wero (hipped during th month. for the County Fair WWWIWlNlWWWhMM lncr Aucunt 31t. NAPA IN PATH . if a BIG FIRE (ll .i'ia NKV-1"11 I AMII.IUS II.K i:i:ai KMt..Ci:iti:i t'AXYOX COT., TXOK IS lltll.MI) I'nited I'reu Service NAI'A, Sept. 13. A .core ot fam ine, arrived here thl. morning, drlv- len from tho mountain, eatt ot hero ten nun. ii.i? raounia.na eaai oi nero, .,, ...., .... I hero today. The fires are burning fiercely In Muuueu mu .'r.i i.ej. I'rofeuor J'cald'a pl.c on Mount i (leorge la all re. I E G. 0. P. MEETINGJN N. Y. hTATK LIlVDKItM O.V1HKU TO SE I,i:cT TWO MKX AS CANOI lATI FOII JUIKIKS TO UE I .NAMED UY COMMITTEI. l,n."?..," !.arT.,w . . . . T.V 0U. Sept. .3. btato ro- the Court of Appeal. ITtiilt.it ttiu nrcannt urata lu ttio itato committee and not .the conven-j Hon will name tho candidate. To-1 ..... .. i .......... "' "'" -y .... 1. . . .. .! . lia.UV. .. V"W UVM HUD VVM.-1 UNIQU 11 devote I neuJ tuat lnejr be chosen by the com-( e, heep.'nl,,oe " tho ePb:' candidate. Hois Burne was here early lining up tho old machlno guard to run things, but there wa every Indlca tlou that so-called "Jrogresslve ro p.liltcans" would make a bitter fight to eliminate htm entirely. 1 'nritmpiuent Tonight. Ewauna Encampment No. it, I. O. O. i'., will meet In regular seislon to nlcht In I. Ot O. F, ball. Vltltlng Patriarch nr cordially Invited to meet with u. ALBANIANS MIX IN BALKAN WAR two iic.wmr.D killed i.v at- ThMITf.Ii I.VVASIAX OK BEll wa nnirma fierce, hay DISPATCHES Culled I'mi Service ' III UilLllii; Sept. .f-SfIjhrfnJMiil !n Will Occupy .. ta lo tlic war office u; lliat SOO Atbao- 'n liara bff 11 killed on Die bonlr Hriral lliounmr inounUliicct . fruiu tli.it irurlnro hfltr atlrniptnl tof lnva'Ic tliN tountrj. I Tim (lulitlnK cuntlnuiM flrrrrljr. (tie line of lutllr twins from lllhra to' Drmaka. ' rrnn rtlatvrfcmtntt hare brrn , rrnt to I lie front. TOPIC TONIGHT IIIVF.IMJK.NCK IH LUE UY KXAM ATII LITKIUItr CI.IT1 IX ITU ritoaitAM ARTiiun o. hay is THK LIUDKIl "An evening of wit and humor." Tbl. I the way tonight' meeting .of the Klamath Literary Society baa,c "urn- 'I'd. An exceptionally clever I According to farmer, who ar irrogram bu been arranged. It If bere attending to trading. IM xaiB MMMI.Il.UKSOUTS AUK .....a i,. ., Ih. f.lr n-h,.A.. t,ia.v ui Arthur n. Hay I. the leader for the, 8aturday will cover every phaa ot evening, and be ha .pent aome time,"1' frmlng Indu.try. Tho yr ha In arranging thl. evenlng'a dlveralon. I tn a banner on for Klamath croa. MINISTERS GO TO CONFERENCE MimiODlST CLEItGY LHWE FOR AXNUAIi Ilt'SI.VESM MKCTINal OF Tim CHUHCll. TO UK IIlao,Prentedbyblgilblte. AT EUGENE Jottaoo. la Hoaorrd iSpeclal to Th Herald Iter. George II. Feete. paitor of ST. I'ETEK, Minn., Bept. Il A Orace M. E. church, Mr. Qeorge.an everlutlnc tribute to thaowataa Fceie, nor. Warren ot th Donanta M. E. Church. Rev. Worrell and wife ot Fort Klamath and Rr. Atchtaon ot Werr.111" left thl morning for th 1 Oregon M. E. conference, which wtllTeuing 0f th monument, which ta a Ni held at Eugene. replica ot th on rcted at th atate At thl conference th paitor arejcapltol at St. Paul. MlnneeoUa com oadgned to their pulpit for the n-Jtrlbuted to the monument fund. The ulng year, and whatever change ar lata governor wa bora hr Jaly II, to bo effected are made at thl Urn. 1 1861. HE SHOT PHEASANTS Former Official Arrested Charged with ahootlng lome ot the china pheasant recently ent here, . Formor shnin gbattuck of Jopblno county wa arrested at Olene tbl at .1 morning by Deputy Sheriff Ocorge A. I ll.iv.len. lla will ba tried before Jus tice ot the Peace Qowen thl after noon. The China pheasant 1 being pro tected all over the Second game dis trict, and In Jackson, Josephine, Coo and Curry counties, In the hope ot gettlug this popular game bird ao cllmated and to get It established here. In Klamath county the (port-. ERECTING BOOTHS ALONG MAIN ST. FOR COUNTY FAIR MA.VV IIVSIXESS HOCSM HAVE BIGNKD AOREKHK.NT8 t(o lUx-lli In Front of lit K. K. . Murr Carprnten An at Work To ilf KulldlnR tlic MtalW to H VlH b lUMMlur liine Variety f l.'tlillilta rronilaril by the Farmer. , Main atrcct It the icena of much , activity today on account of tho work pieyirstory to tb fair, which UkM place tho latter part ot the week. Carpentira aro engaged In erecting bootba In front ot the builneaa bouM en Main atreet. Theie booth, aro to be uied for homing tho dUslv brougbt In by tho farmer, la coatoa tltlon tor prliaa. Tho builneaa honaea that haro (Igned up tb.ua far for booth la treat of them are: K. K. K. Store. Temple Theater, Stutu, notxru Ilaaka, BaMwta Ilar.lw.ro Co., J. E. Bwiaiia, Hotel tfall. tint National Bank. Star Dm ,'ore. (lolden Itule Store, Stilt Coav iPinr. i. J.Keller. J. F. Magulrt.Wa. and the farmer win vlo with each other for honor. Particularly Intereattng will tw th Individual farm exhibit. For th be.t of theie. the member ot th county fair board have donated a diver cup. W. W. Mendenhatl ha arranged to utlltxe tho entire exhibit acao la front ot the K. K. K. Store (or nl farm exhibit. Fred Meloy and th Shook ranch, It I ald, Trill alto h thl vllUfe honor above all othr. I a atatue ot th late Oovernor Jaaa A. ( j0hnon wa unveiled her today. Memorial Jddreue preceded th ua- at Olene This MMg men have been watching the'aewlf Introduced bird to protect the. '. The complaint, aaalact. aattaek waa made? by Rex Dord, at 'l Olene ranch a number ot were liberated. ThaaJteftjMi, appearance there, ,t Bhattuck, wheo arretted, a that he killed thiea of'lka pheasant. He W tl'he' ' Imovr what they wer. 'h'u'." ' Several effort have 1 introduce poeaaaau ta i ty, but a number ot, tae I through th,lgmenuwe hunter la kHitac hJ V "Ji-.ft i I .i am 'Ni.1 t w Ai-'" r, i