The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 20, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ; V
HATltltOAV, HOT, ill), 11)111
Herald's Classified Ad vs.
von SALE
I'Oll HAI.i: Jersey tow, Hue look
ing, fi-yeur old thiiniiiKhhrvd Jr
Mey row, 7f. Cull V O, Hmllh
Printing Co -
I'Oll HAI.K -Thrui mid a quarter
wiigiiu, 2fi ('nil W. O. Hmllh
Printing i'ii, lli-tf
I'Oll HAI.i:rH.,l ill
Aim ilrnim, tliriip,
I'liuiin 130.
II. I.. I.lllult.
run mam: -ah ncuHiii iiiiini imiriiiK
inn fur snln iliiinp at Die Ford
gurnro. 14-lf
.New Mnililura, $.1011 ilniui unit
.n nil n .Muiilli
KluliiHlli I n 1 1 .Mmli' IIiiiim
-a. "llJSVianfVar VTry-lTU
All Muds uf gun repairing nt Schu
bert Main street, g-lf.
Herald Want Ada bring results
UCQINB it four
fifth sellout )ti
atpfiw n u i-o
Aaaicuitunc tuaiNiiniNQ MOMtiMr I: II IVrguson, Cincinnati, O
leohoMicn M.MNa rosiainr. com. 1Ar Hlr On Ihe same day Ihut I
wtacs I'lisnuscT . .. ,
two-ycar i aoa.cou ","l';k '"" hta l'"Utr '
ante roaiaini Commcncc noauset liar mllry In anolhsr eiinuiuy. Now
TL'ACMCn'O COOHSCO In insmislil Ilia.) tlml thf palil-up uddltlima In
Irsinliig, agtlriiltnir, ilutiieille selencr
ami all
MUUIC, Inrliiillng J.lino, mlng, band
liiiliiiiiirnia and ti.ler rulluir,
"Tiik l'.aii.MHRfir iik Kuai. Lira"
i. I CTa.Uh,u lll t tiullcil firr
bti appllralli It
Ad.lira. M M Ti.xnant, MrgUaiai.
il.llli.a iiitTtllla, Otrgva
We Owe You
I'irnt - class Goods; the
HcM possible service,
nml courteous treatment
You Owe Yourself
Tlic habit of taking ad
vantage of the best place
lo buy
Fresh Fruits
nntl Vegetables
I'liuno H.S
(Inr Hniiltmy I'iikoi Imiin.
ilr not only Kimranliia you
I'll full) HuUlieil linen, but
proli'ila )on lioin oiilnuloii
llin trry lalt-ol liiumliy inn.
ihliuiy, loiiililneil mIIIi the tit
iiiiml mm nml iiltrnlloii on Hiv
pnrt of ciiiilo) re, nilda niH-ka
nml months to Iho ui'uilug.
Ilino of )onr Karmeiila.
t "llaik
Toilny" speduU fur
Klamath Steam Laundry
"The Wlillo Liiundry for Wlilloi
Entire City Will Go
to Church Tomorrow
Il'iillnl Pius. Korvlin
I ( I.I.VI.I.AND, Ohlu, K-! 20 -'Hutu
nrn wry fim pmiplii In Clove-
lllllll lllllll) Mllll llJVW lllll lll'CII espu-
ally liivili-il in utliiiil miiiiii i liurcli
liir liiiiiiirruw
IIiiiiiisk rlmuli nlltiidaiiio lion mil
In i n wlmt (liurcli uullinrlllis llilnk It
should Imi fur n rlly nt the sltn of
Cleveland. I lin Clnvi'lanil Federation
iif Cliim lies urn! nut luvllntlnns H
nery nun In Cleveland, ri"uratlng
Ihi'lr irMnin nl some i liurcli of llmlr
Mr I'li'il N. Chi-ui-y, HI l.ouls, Mo.i
laimr Hlr Twenty yvnra ago, two
ItisuiMiK" aguita, ouw for Hie Mutual
l.llii mid the other rtpinscnllng a
prominent onipuny, innlvatid wry
liuril fur it policy on my life, arh
claiming In Inuo the bsl. To villi)
thf innlli-r I louk IB, Uuu. 00 In rach
imiip.iny 'lliu Mutual l.lfu cheek
fur IO.U17.Ku la imr 1 1 00.00 In vx-
ii-m nf the nlliir company. I Imlay
i:im lilslrlil Mauugvr Win. II. Ilosa
an application fur f mi Ihu
llf nf my son
W. II. I'lcher,
Vim pirsldrnl I'ltrhi-r l.nd Co,
Jnplln, Mn
)nur policy am aumeihlng llko IV00
morn than under Hie other pulley. I
must ny that I am eitremely well
pl.Mse.1 with Hie sillleinriil made by
iiur iiinipany, and you may use this
teller ua n tratlinonlal.
William llrltnth,
Tim Jnines llrlrfllh A Huns Co.,
I'nulratlora and Lumber Dealers
F M. I'HICHT, Ageut
.Nnllrr In Cmlllors
III the County Court of the Hlate of
' Oregon, Klamath County.
Iu the Mailer of Ihu Kslate of l.ews
I I Furlxr, Deceased
Noll Is hereby given by the un-
Idiislgmd, I'dgsr I- Kurber, who has I
ben duly appointed administrator of
Hie estate nl Lewis I. Kuiber, de
'riaaid, to tin rrrdltors of, and all
,-rBiiia iinvinK claims aaauisi saiu
deceased, or the said estate, to pro-
lsent such cUlms Willi proper vouch-
us within slk months fioiii the dalu
o flhla notice. Huch rlatma roust be
ptisented to slid administrator In
person or sent to his address, which (
Is Midland, Klamath county, Oregon,
Dated Hits tllli day of Septemler,
A D 11113.
KDHAII. le KUIlllini,
Admliilslrator of the Kslale of liwls,
I Furber, Deceased. r
. . ,.
The Herald, SOc a month
I 1-
Complete House
I or Ihiruiiliia. llu ('iiirlra .Veil
nml M'iouiI Hand (IihhIs'
For ll.ugitii'.. Ho rnrrles lie"
r.irni'r Mnlli nml Main
Tho Lawmakers Des
ignate the Opening of
the Duck Season,
Selby Loaded Shells and
Cartridges Get the Limit
iiwn ncli'itlnii mi Kiniilny, September
Hey l: II Wright, si-iretnry uf
lliu federation liuil chargo of sending
mil tin) Hit nullum I In declared lo
ilny lliul he lnllevc In- illiln't mer-
limit nil) iimi.
Thrii aru 2U0 iiilnlatera In Ihelthvy ahould come lo the Master will-power throughout Mailer' life. In!
Cli'rclaiid Kcdtrnllmi, and becnuao J Iho ijuotlon of our toil. iwcakncaa he waa born In a liable, I
Ihn clly hna hvrti ao thoroughly enn I K T. Hweooey aaya "Authority Iwhllo In power be waa tacorted by.
llin Hi lM iivrii au iiiuiuukim lllll!
vaarril, lliu lurccrt church ntlunlniire,
In lliu history of Cleveland la looked
fur tomorrow.
At the Churches.
l'nli)lvrlaii t'lmrtli
Third and I'lnt atrecla, J, H Htuble
fiild, pustor
hunday school at 10 a. m., J, II. Ma.
ami, superintendent.
riirlstlau Kndiainr at 7 p. m., Miss
i: Hanks, president.
I'luarhlng at 11 a in. and V p. in,
Miiinlng subjift, "Tho True ItuU
of l.lfu "
Hulling subject, "KIIJhIi."
Hpi-rlal music.
Midweek ineelliiK at X p in Wed.
li inlay.
A rimllal Itjvllnlloii to all.
I liilltli of llm hurnil llrarl
This being li"' third Holiday nf the
month, list William McMillan, H. J.,
will hit lii altrndanco mi his flock at
Merrill Mr10i,t i:,,Kop a.urtli
corner Tenth and High streets.
IteV. (leo II. Keese, pastor.
Hunday school at 10 n r.i., Oeorge
J. Walton superintendent,
i lilrlti" sertlre at 1 1 00 a. in. and
7 30 p m.
I l.pworth League at 7:00 p. m
Hlsnley Wood, president
l'rn)er meeting Wednesday oirn.
ling at o'clock
, Judge lli'inon's lllble Class at 10
u m . iKlure room.
Hpvclal aiitiouurniieiila.
Mnrnlng them.', "An Old Holdler'a
i:i-nliig thi'iiir, "llixid Words from
Ilia. Kalor."
HM'lal inuslr both moriilug and
ctnilng Morning, duett by Mrs. Illr-
druu Fraker llnmbell and Mrs. II. It.
The last au-rtlci- of tin- conference
Cordis! welcome Obliging ushers
(lood music ,
ihrl.iUn flmtili
I'orner Ninth and I'lne streets
Llder H. ll. Harlan, minister; resl
,dtnre, comer Tenth and High streets.
il'hone 17.
1'naclilug lord's Day nt 11
a. ro.
mid ! p. in,
1 lllbld school at 10 a. lu. fleo. A.
Iluydou superintendent.
V. P. H. C. i:. at 7:30 p. m., Jennie
Applegate presldcall.
I'ra)er meeting Wednesday night.
Friday night, teachers' meeting.
All ale welromo to these services.
ItuplM CIiiimIi
Hunday school at 10 n. m
PienrhliiR scnlio ut 11 n, in nml
8 p m., J. II. Iltllnili,
I'r.ijer uuvtluK Wednesday even
lug You (iiiiinit nrfiird In miss theso
ii'nlo'i, so mine.
The qiiaullty of rnltle lu this coun
try has di cri'iiKcd in recent years,
wlllo tho poullr) llock has grown
II)' lll.lll It H. l, ILUILAN', Pastor OlirMInn Cliurrli
Mutt. 21 23 "11 what authority! the Lord, relied hi. faw to speak to
does! tlimi Huso things, 'Israel, which veil l done 'away In
Jesus linn been doing somo wonder
fill things mi till his lait visit (o
Jerusalem, llu linn cleansed (ho torn
il uf merchantmen and cursed the
hg tree, hut tho i oil Important
a... a al u II aa
transaction to thu Scribe and I'liar -
Iicm waa Ms Irlumnhnl intrv IntoTirnlM hr rlAelrlellr unrf.r nmtrnl
tint Holy t'lty, reiorded In tbla chap -
Her Ho It avenia inoit natural that
" ."vw nuiiviiv
l of twu kinds: First, primary au
,'thorlty, which grows out of the rela;on the crosa, but In power ha Is raised
Hon of thoio who havo tho right lojup of tho Father. lAt us learn the
command thole whos.i duty It Is to 'lessons of Christ, our great teacher,
obey Hvcond, delegated authority, Ilia trery word waa weighty with life,
which (an bo glren lo another by the and his otcry example full of Inspire
party holding primary authority." Hon. Dellcte his teachings, obey bis
(lod, our Creator and I'rcsenrer, commands, build hope's tempi on
Is lh primary authority In religion, his promises, and by his warnings
lin appears to Abram saying (flcn. keep from danger.
I'll). "I am almighty Clod." As llefore leaving this world Christ
power ho hern appears lo robellloua' authorised his apostles to preach his
and undisciplined man. To Israel fiospel lo eiery creature. In transfer
(od says (Ki. 20. C)- "I will show of authority from Father to Son there
merry to thousands of thera that keep was no danger of error or mistakes,
my commandments." And after 4,000 fur their mutual understanding was
)ears of human history, Jehovah re- perfect. Tho apostles were human
veals himself as "Love" and "Our and imperfect, and lest they should
Father" through his son Jesus, who 'err, Christ promised, "I will send you
should sao hla people trom sin. I the Comforter who will
Tho Father then dtlegates nil au -
ihurlly lo his Bon (Matt. 28:19.20): lepruentcd (lod so the apostles
'All authority Is glren unto me In (spirit guided) gave Christ's will to
hmvin and earth, (lieu. 1:1): "God the sons of men, for "he that recelv
having of old time spoken unto the eth you, rccelveth Me and
fathers by tho prophets hath also him that sent me." Through In
in Hie end of ihcae days spoken unto spired men the will of Christ becomes
us In his Hon." Christ Is the Image "they perfect law of liberty"; nothing
of Hie Invisible Rod "He that hath lo be added or taken away, "that the
seen me hath in the Father." man of fiod may be perfect thorough.
Motes, new from the presence of ly furnished unto every good work."
Bulldogs Are Whole
Show in
I'nllid I'ress Sen lei
NKW VOHK, Bepl, 20. Tho sea
eon of monthly matches of the Hull
dog llrrt-durs' Association of Anier
ilea opened today with the aihlbltlon
at the Hoffman House, with the
puppy contests lor .logs irom llireo In
mr muniua inn; irom nt lo cigni
mouths old and from eight to twelve
months old. At all the matches med
als will be awarded as rlrst prliew
Al Clilrngii, Tim,
CHICAflO, Sept, 20. Prominent
breeders of Kngltsh bulldogs from
If yon are looking for a house, lot
or Income iiualnc property. It villi j
flu- lo your Intermt lo see me Have
a very gooil liny In Main at reel Income
property, u feu good lionscs at lotr
prlrrs, ami some cheap Iota near the
.!, mint litiuaa. I
Nrl-tl KB Mala M. Phone CO
- -
. a
PVR disoped skin, cracked lipa,
Un and sunburn use Nyu'e
Face Geam. there' nothing
quit so good. Illsgreaseleasand
peroxide. Nyal's Face &eam b
exquiaitstypeifuraed. Yoashould
prefer it above all other. Ills sold
in two sixes of ornamental Jus,
2) and 30 cents. For your com
plsstoii'e sake us Nyars Face
Cream, We have the agency for
this Ideal face cream. Buy Jar
at our store and Uk It home to.
Bight, This surely is the Cream
Supreme. T17 it and you'll alway
buy It. ,
'f '"
mM,, .rp
Christ (ll.Cor, 3:12-1!.). Christ rep
resents Iho Father', power. Tower
nml force arc different. Forco li
represented In Iho thunderbolt that
cleaves the heavens, ihattera the
I I a.. a . . a
1 mighty tries, etc, I'ower la rcpre-
propelling cam, machinery and ahlpa.
There la a blending of weakneta and!
niinij aaa ivr,va aav naiai ibvuivci, u
anglea to earth. In weakness he died
' guide you Into alt truth."
as Jesus
Two Cities
the Lim Middle West had entries
In the show which started today at
lllsmark Hardens under ihu auspices
of the Ilulldog llreeders' Association
of America, There aro close to 300
i, Mini cups In be given as prlies.
'"v ""- - u.u.nnc inrougaoui
" .
K.IC.I. Tll AMI tiUU'llUll AND
I The use
n j n l -
ise of Sage and Sulphur for
faded, gray hair to It. natural
tna 1111 fi- rrsniltnnlhas'a
l storing
color date, back to grandmother'.
llts Qhn tisLstit If In lran ht.p tifstr .
. "... I. i . . a "hlamath, on tho 2nd day of Septem-1
beautifully dark, glossy and " '-
nnl. Whenever ber hair fell out or
took ou that dull, Mdrd or streaked
appearance, tho simple mixture waa
applied Willi wonderful effect.
Hut brewing at home Is mussy and ne .Inl.a Vn.i.n.lnia liv naVlna. nl .
nny drug ktote for n SO cent bottle of 9
"Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair 9
lleuiedy," )ou will get this famous
old rcclre hlch can be depended 5
upon to restoro natural color and B
beauty to the hair, and Is splendid for 5
'daudruff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp'5
and falling hair. )sa
A uoll known downtown druggist
$ii) It darkens the hnlr so naturally
'and evenly that nobody can tell tt has,
boen applied. You simply dampen a
r longo or soft brush n Ith It, and draw
Ibis through your hair, taking oue
i strand at a time, lly morning the
gray hair disappears, and arter an-
lnlhar niitillfttlnn nr Ivn. It ltAnma'M
.- , -,...-..w.. .- . , .- .,.
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and
(Paid Adterllsement)
I Schemes for tho construction ot a
3,000-mlle railway through Central
, Africa nt n cost roughly estimated at
I $50,000,000 have been revived by the
termination or ino war uetweon iiaiy
and Turkey.
To booit KUmath county lend
ThJ Herald to your EaiUrn
-I , i-
Western Conference
United Press Servlco
CIIICAUO. Hunt. 20-Flvn hull.
.. ... . . ...... .. . .
" gnuiron logs mis aiicrnoon lor
1"! flr,t 'lm on, and under
tho eyca of acoro of coaebca at the
big unlreriltlc of the Middle Wet
went through preliminary workouta.
Today algnaled the official opening of
football practice In tho Western con
Wesfrn football critics, taking
Legal Notices
In lUnkniplcy .foreclosure against Addle Knapp Md
In the District Court of the Uialtedl,. Jay Knapp, defendants, oa the tod
BUtes, for the District of Oregon M,y of September, 1913, recorded t
In Iho Matter of W, V. I'elley ,h, jU(iSment lien book of ald court
Ilankrupt. at page ji, tolume J, I eeea-
To the Creditors of W. K. Pelley of ;ialln(j,d t0 Nl, , thoM ple lW
Klamath Falls, Klamath County, parcels of land, situate In the Ce-Mty
District Aforesaid; of Klamath, Stale of Oregon, bowtded
Notice Is hereby given that on the.ana- prteur described M follews:
17lh day of September. 1313, the AH the following portloa otlot l.
said W. E. I'elley was duly adjudl- of Mo,k- ... n. wt K,..h raU
cated a bankrupt and that tb. first
meeting of his creditors
ai ins ouice oi me unaersignea, in
ne Mm .auonai nan diock.
n...a.n r..., vre0.., io.
.....a .a .. .. M.iAk.a lai, a at...!
uuu uaj taa vairiuavi, a,a, hi iiatj
hour of 2 p. m., at which time cred
itors may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine' toe bank
rupt and transact such other business
as may regularly come before said
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
September 19, 1913.
Ilefereo In Bankruptcy.
W. II. SHAW, Attorney for Ilankrupt.
(Form of Advertisement no. IV.)
Notice lo Contractora
The County Court of Klamath
County, Oregon, will receive bids up
lo September IS, 1913, for the con
struction of a road described oa fol
lows, same being a part ot what Is
known as the Rattlesnake Point read:
From Station J7B. being B. callca.
from the beginning point, to Station
jSBH.tO. a distance of 11,340 htLl
Also from station 8.S corrected line
to sritlon 0 on corrected line, a dls-I of 8.00K fl. A1. frnm R...
Hon 0 on corrected line to an Inter-
(frtn f (ne rrMt county road
from Klnmntla fialla In Vtrt 11ftmtti
a distance of approximately 1 miles '
Wm. S. Worden, County Judge.
C. O. Merrill. County Com.
John Hagelateln, County Com.
.Sollro of Slieriri's Sale or llesU Prop
erty In the Circuit Court ot the SUte ot
I Oregon, In and for Klamath
III. C. Chamberlain and Laura II
I Chamberlain, Plaintiffs.
Addle Knapp and I. Jay Knapp, de
fendants. i wm iu "7 Tutuc u& un uruvr ui ,
re-!,e nm, elecuton , forecMur,
,,,, ou, of ,, clrcult Conrt of th I
Under and by virtue of an order of
..." , L .i.r .t. -.1
8 If you are going
to build
Now i the time to gecure
your lumber. One entire
yard of common lumber mut
be moved to make room for
new cut.
This lumber will be gold at
an enormoug cut in price if
taken within the next few
weeks. Call and let its cob
vince you how cheap we can
furnish the material for your
new barn or building.
Dlb BAdM
stock of Iho conference material In
advance, nd Judging from paat rec
ords ot the men who will again this)
year return to the game today, doped
It out that Wisconsin, Chicago and
Minnesota In the order named,
should bo played favorites In the
fight for the Western Conference
Outside the conference .Michigan
and Notre Dame, It wai thought, are
certain lo have elevens on par with
thu best In the West.
ber, 1913, In the above entitled action
whcroln tho above named plalstlSi
obtained Judgment and decree of
K,Mmln Kllu KUmath Count. Ori-
Ileglnnlng at the northeaaH ear-
.. . ...j . ...
thence weat oa
lha Ubo btttn lot to 4 tk MM
0t six. two hundred feet;
south at right angle with U Berth
line ot sild lot six flfty-lve feet!
thence eaat and parallel with the Mtd
north line two hundred feet; these
north and fronting on Mala afreet,
flrty-nve feet to the place ot becks
nlng bving a strip of land fitty-lve
feet wide off the said north aide ot
lot sir, in said block four. In West
KUmath Falls, In the City ot KUaa
alh Falls (formerly Llnkvllls) KUm
ath County and SUle of Oregon; aJeo
one water right In the West Side dlteh
Incident to said land, together with
the lenemenU heredlUmtnU aad ap-
purtenaacea Uiereto belonging or la
any wise apperUlnlng.
Notice U hereby given that oa Sat
urday, the 11th day of October, lilt.
at 3 o'clock p. m In front ot the
court bouse. In Klamath raits. County
- . "' " ' r" ' T "",
,,.. . . ., , . ."T"'
.'- ." "-"""
,, . . ,7 . .-
stliak nl.iVak alavaaolkaial KBaaKaitaa Aaa .
. " - f.-w. m,
nucU ,herK,f " W b rr, tO
satisfy plaintiff's Judgment, attorney's
fees, costs and expense, with latere
thereon, and costs of this sal aad
fe" " herewith, to the high
est bidder for cash.
I a c. low.
Sheriff of KUmath County, Oregon,
lly OEO. A. HAYDO.V. Deputy.
W. If. SHAW, Attorney for Plaintiffs.
9-4-10-9 r
Good Land
Is always the cheapest la thai eaaf.
I'oor land U dear at aay price. 1
make tt specUlly of des4rali faras
Unds, and shall be pleased to ehow
you the country. Hctag faaatUar WH
Hie KUmath Itaaln aswi liavtavg faert
lilee for allowing the had, I am fat a
idee ror all
serve yo.
w s Vs'
cv location, 033 Mala Hi.
" ul
I i , t. if-
w' "' j$2.JH? ''
si -kf rltiys tf'-'.-fj
V ..T
" && '
1 . "tj .lLv A!.U
T "j . ' ! T,l