ifs". tip i ' S ft ''5. V r- Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September September 25, 26 and 27 Stye f?u etttttg iteralfo PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! KLAMATH KALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1913 Cllllilli Vinr Xu. U.ITl) Price FIt Owli "V DOTY A VICTOR; niinnrur nniinT uMJiraitbUUKI lfit lain: iiiiiiii im .MiM.it in mi: ht ii I I nil I mill Jul) lltiulrr n i nllrl Aunliitl MiiHtnlli Nnilgiillmi 1'ulii mii) nml llluliii I mill Mnki-i Hlui. lUr lliillim .till r Ap nl l Tnkrn. 'Iimililn Wii (her M. it Inn Simmer 1'imii l.'nMiiini In I'ihit Lnkn (.' I' llmwir, nltotnry fir M II Duly, Ill M rase aifillitl Ih' Klamath l.o ki- Nnt lcl loii inmtun. haa r irltiil n iui nf llir auplniiit' uilirl trillion Jml handi'd down wlilili In III Uinr )it Mr Holy Tin' qurtlluii Intuited hi I in' - ni mm nf agtury nr authority n( Coluncl M 11 Witklna In make nil nKririm nt (nr tin' company with Mr I Mr A limit tlitrr yeara ago lilt Snvio Hull rmiipaliy rulerul lull u wrlllrli nut mil ltli Mr duly In ruin.- thr tliainrr Klamath mil of the wnlrr in Ijiki Kwauiia niilii llir hank n lliut i hi railroad cinpaiiy rnil.l tnilld u MrrlAl spur under thr limit, and llius h- rrmblril In load It nnt.i u nr In l.i hauled in tlir I'l'Kr Lake Tlir railroad ruiiipauy failed lu titillil Hi iur, mul It iiPv.nunry lo mute Hip boat nlxiut JUli (rl la I In- iimln tiding, and Colonel V. IUiiii. Urn prrildenl of Ihh lumpjur employed Mr Duty In tin t til I mil wurk TIik company rrfusrd pay (of Ihls ntk mi tli theorv that Mr Wllklna Iim nu mitlinrlly tii employ hi in without speelat illri-rtl.in Irum Ihn general manager, Mr I'lirkliural Tli Jury In tlir Inwrr rnurl hrn'ighl In u Judgment In fvnr n( Doty, anil thin la sustained tiy Ihn supreme nutt FIRM TO MOVE ACROSS STREET ihiini: or ni:intv movimi to UMllllllt AM lll.TTKH Ol'Alt. Tl.ltH 4IAIIMC.NT MAKCItH AltC IOMIMI Hi:ilK MKJV Tim building mi Main street recent ly aiatrd by I'rllry, thn Jeweler, and Ihp Mill Hunk Hturi', hits hrell leaw-d if J. llrutils, manager for Ihn llmisn ( Ih'rry Tullurlng enmpany Mr. ilraitls rrnctrd n partition, making iwu rumpartiiiriilk Thr front rnmu wilt lu used fur illapluylnx guuds, mid the rear room will ho thr work loom fur the Inllura Mr. (Irani" la ery well plensed with Klaumlli Kult, and liitiiuda l.i vmalii herr prrniaiuntly. lln has irranged for thn homo shop In Han rumlx-n to svnd up two ripurl gur muni iiinkrra fur the house hero. Tim muting ' bl stock from llir ild Vim lllpvr building will begin In nnrrnw, mul by the Ural of next week Mr. (Irani pipecla In bn' nicely iliiiirrd lu hi now iuartirs. SCHOONER GOES ON THE ROCKS IMITAIN AND CHKW OP TIIK MAX TA fill'. AUK IICI'OHTKD HAI'l.'. TIIK VIMSCIi WILL HI! A TOTAL liOHM tlulted Pros Horvlin HANTA HAItllAHA, Bout. 20 Tho Hloam schooner Bantu Crux went to pieces mi thu locka nt lllncoii today, luring heavy fog. Bho I sluwly pounding to piece. Captain Nldovor nnd tho crew, It In reported, reached the slioro safely. Former Caddy Now Golf Champion .. .. ... Twenty Year Old Player Is Now Title Holder wtM i "Laa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaBlaP'aVl aaaaatJ vicj C3f4jro, flllt.J I'rata Krtlca iiiiooki.ini:. tun hii so - riirrrtd by Wdllrr J Trla, whua imlily lie mill In U', I'rancla Qulmrt FAIR BOARD WILL GIVE SILVER CUP ih to in; awaiiucii ion thi: in:hr ii:m:iiai. iahm c.miiiiit at nu: foi'.vrv i'aiii ami snti:in hiiow A taluabU aeclal premium fur Hip Klamath County Pair and Dtreet C'arnhnl la a slher lining cup, which will lm presumed to the nwiier lit thu hut tlligtr farm rxhlblt 'Ihn nip Is thr duiintlnn of the ini'iiilivra nf the cuunty fair board, lli'iirgo T llaldwln, J I'rnnk Adaina mid Janira I'clton. It was rrrrhrd today from Dan Krnmliin. mid Is of imperially brautlful design PAINTER UNION OFFICER SHOT I (It'll UXKNOW.N MUX IN AUTO hi-op ix rito.vr or iii:aikji'.u- TIIIW AMI KTAItT A I'l'Sll.LADi: WHICH HKMILTS I'ATAI.I.V llullod Press Bervlco CIIICA(U), Hepl. 50. Pour nu know u men this morning nutord In (bo front of the huudqiinttrr of the Painters mul lei orator District Council, mid tlrrd four shot nt (leu. Cmnnron, thr Union's ugvul. The men eiicapoil. Cameron I dy lug. Molliem-lu-LuH Win Uultud Proas Service I'AHIH, Sept, 20, Mothur-lnlnw hud their turn hero today when a formal court order waa handed down, an promised, disallowing tho claim of a plijslclnu for 1700 medical service. 'I ho plDKlclun nskml 1700 from tho estate) of his mother-in-law, Thn court' order wa that physicians should treat mollur-ln-lnw free of chargo. r. . ., ..i iiuslnii. :o )i-ata alii, wun the na iinual alf rlialiiiluiiihli today. Tin- louth waa thtutluua In tlir . ,.i3 ) muriiiiiK. lnm l" ' ,.u, with Vardiii and llay. the bvat ,t ll.r II. mill milfrra lontrndlnK for Ihi llllr Tlir totula ttn ljuliml 'i. Vr .Kii J7. Hay ; yuiim-l urtrd a Travla' raddy dur tnc lli tnut u( Hie Important iiialrln In which the (or hut cham pion iiartlrlnati-d In Manachuarlta lln ctrdlta hla aurCMa tu a ran-fiil tluJy n( the inillioda umM hy Mr 1raU Ouliurl i ntiTi'd thf tnurtiainrnt un kmi 'ii. hut In thr drat two dsjra of lilay liU (m in atlraclrd much tttt.n llun, uiurltlnE thr irrdlctlun mailn hy ronnr rricnrdln the outcomp. TraU waa compU'lrly outclard hy Hip yountatrr. SUES ROAD FOR LOSS OF BOVINE iiitiii:s itAM-HKit iiim.mi:m:im AtTlOV AtlAI.NST Till: nOl'TII. Klt.V PAflHC IOK IIIUTII l A COW Detelity-ftve dollars Is demanded t by W C. Craddock. who today Mod an nctlun against thu Southern l'a ilflc cnmpiin)- for tbo loss of a row killed hy n train. , Crnddnck has it ranch near Wor sen The cow waa killed In October, a the complaint. County Pair next Week CLERKSAREAUDITORS DeLap Home From Session Strong for System 'AAA Cuunty clerk uru madu ex-o(nclo I county uudltors uuder the )tem which ha bi't'ii formulated by the lusurunro rnmmlsslonor undrr tbe i provisions of the new uniform ac counting law, which Is to' bo put In operation mi January 1st, County ,i. .-I, ,' II ll.t I nit r.,liirni,l Prlilfiv .iein ,' .. -- ........ , - ii.. il..... I ...I.. ... I.k - nvilllUK linni i imiiiini, ni-iu lie . i i., i, ,1.1,1 ihn iiiAetliiir nf the county clork of tho tutc, who wero rrcolv lug Instruction In tho now system. Mr. Do' Lap I ery enthusiastic over hi trip, and tho plans for the now )slrtii. Ho believe It will re sult In it great sating to thu counties of tho stale, and will moan a more businesslike conduct of the several olllre. Ono of tho principal purpose of tho law I to furnish statistical mid Intelligent Information to the tax payors rclallvo to the oxponse of tho tiovurument of tho countto of the slate. Tho Insurance commissioner pro- 8ULZER FEARED Tfl DC 1111001110 IU Dt Itftomu ON A COLLPASE win: .mi.nk h .rri:.in tin: 1 .U'rt'MIII M,N I iliniU, ,1 vAtlmt 1 lint U'oir) unit Hliuln HrmklliK lluwn llir (Jin. I'llinr, lliilrrtlnr In Vnlu lo llr Mini ('null I'll) li Uli lt-llril I llf Will AM-r rrnxiiially lUfnri' Ihn liuralliiitlit Court. mild I'rcaa Krrtlc ALIIANV. N V.. Bpt. 20. Thf ,.1., ncal toudltlon of Uorrrnor Wm. rtultrr U a auurce of much worry to Lu Ir.rnda and iupportrri. Iapltii hla itAMurancri, It baa bun IrJinrd that hu la near a break t'o ii, oi a reauU of th worry and train of the Iminachnient chamra iimiId agalnil blm. Hn far. flulter liaa refuted the aid of phyalclana Imtrad ho remalna at WillUm piulirr th riitcutlvo mansion, whrrr his wife la atlrudlnK bis m-eds It wus reported today that afler I l.o attorneys eihaust the technical lllne In the rase. Duller may appear prr-unally before the tribunal. I This, hla attorneys aay, tbey will ' iiut permit If Duller will heed their ladvlrr. 't'nltid Press Service 1IUPKAI.O, Sept 20 Louis Sareky, (lovcrnor Duller' private secretary, bus brvn located here He Is attend ing to business matters. Kairky denies thai bo had fled from the Jurisdiction of the legisla ture, lie ) he nlll return to Al lan)' Monday, poses to muk each of tho 33 county 'clerk of the state, exclusive of Mult- 'iiomuh count), ii county auditor ex- olllclo, Alt of the financial transac tions of i very kind nnd description of each county will clear through the (ouiity clerk. Hu will maintain such record as will show tho dolull of tho source nnd amount of all receipts, and the purpose, amount nnd authorisation of every Item of expenditure, and the records and (or ma which will be In stalled will bo so arranged that any Interested person may readily deter mine tho financial staUis of tho coun ty ut any time. Monthly reports are to be mndo by the clork and treasurer lo the tax commissioner. Prom these report thu commissioner expect to be nblo to complla n completa annual report of tho financial condition of each county to tbo taipayers within a few mouths after thr close of the calen dar year, PREMIUM LIST FOR COUNTY nm in m M SUGGESTS IViAIL JURY SERVICE' t'.MO.N ItliTIIILT ATTOILNKV WOLI.I) CLT (ILT tMJMK OI TIIK tin:nni'.s tiiavkli.ng iix. I'K.MHTL'ltl.H fALKM, Sept. in. lu hla annual, irport to the secretary of slate. U. II. j I'pjohn, district attorney for the' twelfth Judicial district, composlnc I'olk, Yamhill and Tillamook coun-j tits, recommends a chance In the lawj nxlnc tbo terms of court, to allow the term of court to be open the year around, so that court may be held at seasons of the year most convenient to the Jurymen and lltlcanls. He points out that l'olk and Yam- hill rountlea ale larcely devoted to, i agriculture, and the term of court la! tlstd for Aucust In folk and Septem-i Ur In Yanihlllf the busiest season of) the year (ur the farmer. He states , thai farmers called lu to do Jury, .duty ofu-n suffrr material financial j UNtftfa. He alau recommends that the law requiring sbirlrfs to make personal service upon Jurymen be amended so the sen Ice can be made by mall. He sayj that the sheriff now Is compelled j tn ildp all over tbe country, at consid erable eipense to ihn taipayers, serv-' 'fnc Jury summon. f I CALLS HIM NAMES;1 HE STARTS A SUIT! iSIUTTI.i: TI.MIX CALLS HltVA.N A "HXKAK," lAIM8ITK.n KK. HK ASKS FOIt iWO.OOO IX DAM MIKH United 1'ress Service SKATrLK. Sept. 20. Congress man James W. Hryan of this city to-, day filed his second libel suit for) IBV.ooo against publisher Ulctnen of lh Time. lu hla complaint Ilryan allege that thu Time called him a "renegade," a "contemptible cur," "scoundrel," "In- lainou person," -coward, -sneaK, "paraslte," and other mean names., llryati also says thu Time said hi election was a disgrace. PORTLAND FIRM AFTER BUTTER (Tinti:i: chkami:kii:s op klau- ATll COU.NTV ASSUHKD OP A M.llIKirr AT TOP I'MCLS nu ALL PHOIU'CT SKXT NOUTH Thu Klamath Palls, Port Klamath ami Merrill creameries have Just be cnioo associated with tbe Northwest Mutter uud Produce company, one of the best known clearlug houses for products of this kind lu Portland. All the butter shipped there by the Klam ath creameries will bo handled at prevalent price. "Klamath county butter ha estab lished u market for itself In Port land," sa Chris Myhre, represent ing tho company, "and It commands the top market price. The supply, though, I not large enough as yet to meet the demand," TAMDI CTEn. MAMV whhtlliu, mmu ADDITIONAL PRIZES GIVEN 'List of Awards for Grain Exhibits Will Be Announced During Fair; Cattle MustStandTuberculinTest Work of arranflni tbt premium the awards for iraltu. Iltt for tbo county fair ha been com- The' grain prlies will be announced pletcd by the county fair board. Tbelai toon aa It la aactrtalnad Juit what prlies that will be awarded In the dUplayi will be mad by Klamath different departments hare all been county train raiser, decided upon with the exception off The premium list follews: Ill.UT IIOIUK8 Stallion, 2 years or over ....,.,. Bullion, 1 year old and under 2 .. Mare, 2 year old or over Mare, 1 year old and under 2 ..... . Draft team, gelding, to have been owned by exhibitor thirty day prior to date of fair. To be shown In harness; style and action and soundness to be considered Rrneral purpose team geldings; same same conditions 10.00 - 7.50 '- .... -' ... 'r? -1 j, CATTLE a, Holstclna ', Hull, 2 year old or over .'. 20.00 .10.00 ,,,, Hull. 1 year old and under 2 10.00 " t.00 ' .... Hull calf under one year 5.00 -2.I0 ... V Cow, 2 yeara old and over ,',.. Cup . . 20.00 10.00' " Cow, 1 year old and under 2 ...,. 10.00 5.00 .... Ilclfer calf, under one year S.OO 2.50 .... " Jersey Hull, 2 yeara old or over 10.00 5.00 .... , Hull 1 year old and under 2 6.00 ,2.50 ' .... ,Hj. Cow, 2 yeara old and over 10.00' 5.00 ' . .... Cow, 1 year old'and under 2 6.00 ' 2.50 " .... -,' Href Cattle ' ' j)J; Hull, 2 year old and over 20J30 ' 10.00 .... '?? Dull. , 1 year old and under 2 10.00 S.OO .... ' Cow, 2 year old or over ,.. 15.00 7.60 .... Cow, I year old and under 2 10.00 6.00 .... SWI.NK '- (Ireenfields Tarm will give onerptc "" i each for first and second beet boar, and one pig each for first and sec ond best sow, any breed. Uest pen, any breed 20.00 KAIUI I'HODl'CTti Heat General KxtUblt Single Farm lily District 10.00 Uonantn District 10.00 Yonna District 10.00,. Malln District 10.00 Merrill District 10.00 Port Klamath District . , 10.00 Keno District . . . 10.00 Klamath Valley District 10.00 Utat general exhibit any single farm. Sliver Cup. VKGKTAIILKS J Largest potato, any variety; potato to be property of donor after Fair . , .Hocking chair, Virgil A' Son, yatua f 5 Ilest display potatoes, 2 varieties .. 5.00 S.OO ' .... llcst market potato, any variety .... S.OO 1.60 .... Uest celery, not less than ( plants... S.OO 1.60 .... I'ltl'lTS General display of apple 10.00 1.00 ' .... Largest sound apple, weight alone to determine. 2.00 1.00 .... Premiums will also be given for tba follewing: Kxhlblts of all Vegetables of merit. Por sbeaf grain. Por threshed grain. (Samplo sheaves must be different sptclmens from those shown In col lections.) All fruit exhibit of merit. Poultry exhibit of merit. Special Premiums Hy Southern Pacific company, for beat Holstoln cow, silver cup. Hy county fair board, for best gen eral farm exhibit, silver cup. lly Virgil & Son, for largest potato, rocking chair, value $5. Ily Greenfield Farm, for beat boar, first, pig; second, pig. For best sow, drat, pig; second, pig. lly M. J, D. company, for best Hnrred Plymouth Rock trio, 5 pound can M. J..X). coffee; for best WblU Leghorn trio, 6 l-ounce package (5 pound) Tree tea; for beat pen of First. Second Third 20.00 10.00 (.00 10.00 7.S0 5.00 ' 20.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 7.56 5.00 10.00 IS. 00 10.00 5.00 10,00 ducks, S pound sacks M. J, B. rice; for best pen of turkey, 2 H pound cans SI. J. II. atlced pineapple. Uy California Palut company ot Oakland, ten gallon best white paint. Tuberculin Test Required Section 31, S. D. 43, Law of Ore gon, reads a follow; "No bovine animal over one yea old shall be exhibited at any Hto, district or county fair, livestock M- Ul.l ...l.t.1 II... H.lu. IBUkllM' UIUUU, WUWIM IUB,,I"W . ".W T . twelve months prior to loch aowj ,j, Hon It has been subjected tot- rtX ,$'' culln test and received a httUtmi'wt-' V1 health from qualified TtiMrt ', ' ", No entry for exhibition fcavH t Mr j, cepted until such a certlSMtt to . , No public auction Mia of Msf ktft or I'aik ui m un. w. --.. ii f -i i animau lntenaea,rer arssaisiai ssr-j. pose, shall be bald HcestaMir c) process of court, ub1m a,tir)v vvMM'M'iMMiwwijirMpMaiisiaaaiai (CeBtUtwM.'M ') X M f , n J, .. . .... i 31 .1-" r; ,-,. v t. 1 f