-H ,y MOfc TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON riun.w, hi:it, in, tout f . atnBataBnataY . JWJMBPKiBMMk , i I aB-aAn-tm .! j HP I I OUJLJU i r VjUIUD The Evening Herald j 0. SMITH, Kditor Published Uallr except Suuday by The llcrnld Publishing Company of (Ktamath Kills, at IIS Kourth Street News of Our Neighbors iiulp mill Progre of .Nearby I'omniiinltlc a Chronicled In the Prow. SnniM. fiiiiu tln SIhii Tltt farmer' market did n thriving HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK t STAR THEATER HAMILTON AMI DUNK Itulw Comedy Singing A Talking Act "Winning a Prise," Great Nortbtrn Comedy "Wood Will Tell," Imp Dram "The urate' Outing," I'omi Comedy "The Word of Jose," Frontier Drama ADMISSION 10c and 33c Kutcred at the oitolQc at Klam- nth Valla. fVrapnt. fur tranamlaalnn ...... ...., ...., .w, ......,. .llirnnvli Iha ...all mmhJ .!.-' tilialliras for A fw hmira Ihla mom. matter, j line, mid wagon load, of garden truck ' were iitsposco or, nn)ors were nuiu- (8iibcrlpUontrnibymalttoanya.l.',ru,l, atlll ,,.cll,tty brink was the drc. In the United Statca: I demand for butler mul un. Torn. Ashland Council Would Shut Out Power Plant Fall House Cleaning Mt41 1'iinld Kiiilitil Jim In hnve Hint town ULi W II lUUllS I til, nii'i inn mm 1 1 lie nr i i i I muiivI mul li luiinn iiilnliiil nc)car is.DOn,. Wcr. iiUnlllul ut 3S cenla the ing the une momn . , SO I bos, and water melons were offered In shy luuntltx and reasonable rate. OUKao:N Work of remodeling the building IU, IU1S ..Hiiillii- (nil fiiirlk nl Ihi, liraaaiit !av.n, iwi ... .. - Ihinrkct place la now going on. and an iv..- ... mi- ,... u..oon as It U complt KUVMATII KALI.S, . PIIIDAY, SKIT. ASIN.ANI). Hept 10.- The city oiincll has passed it resolution ordsr- Ashland I'lcilrlo I'ouer and .rjht computy, u iubnlill.tr' corpora tion of tlio California-Oregon Tower tompnuy, to come selling electric tlio resolution If not voluntarily obey ul I: A. Itoitmc of Mvdford lint been engaged to assist tlio ell) ntlur ehy In the eno. H hull Id the order of Iho city rounrll ho strictly iibe)id, It l understood that nearly half of tlio rltlirns will be without Until and PIMM' 7.-. Browne Bros. Ili'.'.-ilj M.US SI HUM light In the elty, and to dart rcmot- power, im the oily pl.uit In aald In be i Date ! 1 TEMPLE THEATER The Coining of Orrtchem," Vltagraph Comedy "The tilil and the ('aagsler," KaUm Two-Keel Feature "lxe Old Hwerl Songa," Edison Drama MATI.N'KK DAILY AT 2tS0 ALL 1JCKN8KD IMCTURKS PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic Physician Sulla IS and 19. White Building Phone M 3..., 4.. . 5..., .... i . 8.... 9 10.... 11 It.... 11.... 14.... IS.... IS.... 17.... It.... ....76 ....68 ,...7 ....71 ....75 ....84 ....82 ....66 ....74 ....80 Si ....s: 4 ....71 . 8S ....87 ....88 Max. Mln. Weather I't. Cl'dy Pt. Cl'dy Cloudy l't. Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear I't. Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 47 48 80 SI 48 46 SO ss ss 43 SO 61 46 40 44 S3 S3 44 completed the farmers' , matket will be moved Into permanent quarters, Arrangements for dls it ml otorloadcd Honda were asked Inst December 111 the sum of $15,000 for nu auxiliary mnnlilt'nl plant, but the lug Its poles from the streets alios within the nott tell dnjs. Attorneys for the city were III playing products will bo adequate, u,mi11 u eniorcn me commnnus oi ciiuens tinea nown mo proposition giving opportunity for better service lliau Is now enjoyed In tho open air. ' It la belleted that when the market la permanently located that It will be found tleelrablo to Increase the num.- J . her of market days each week. In or der to supply the constantly growing) itAtnmnit fnr farm nrnitnrta ftfaia1 burg News. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE JACOBS CHOSEN MEOFORO'S MAYOR CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY AIWTRACTS INBURAXCK Members Oregon Association Title Men O. E. WILLEY, 'lloom 230, Odd Fellows Building Attorney at Law EMPLOYMENT Call. up COMSTOCK8, phone 90, If you want any kind of HELP lleglsttr at the COM8TOCK If you want employment (Set lltuy Itlght Away Major II. L. Uowlby, state highway engineer, arrived In Medford Wednes day and met with the county court to rush matters In connection with the paved highway, bonda for which were voted last week. The court formally accepted the official returna, and ap proved the advertisement calling for bids on the bonds. Advertisements for btda on trie grading of the road .over the Blsklyoua wilt be prepared .within a day or two. "I am anxious to start to work at once." said Major Uowlby. "and only await the comple- Itlnn of lh ailpvalr In atari ttilnva Tha CASHIKIl OK HAXK IS KLKlTKIs,k,r0ll mounUlB r,tch a,,,", u IIV TIIK CITY COU.NC1L TO KILL (traded before winter. If our present ....... 'plane do not miscarry." Medford """lilill-TrlbuM. What la Iho CoiKlllutliiii Among I'rleiiiU? Kditor llcrnld: In view of the recent happenings In our posttifllre, the abotv saying, which haa now become famous, might be changed to read civil service among friends?" According to the rules of the civil service n person cannot be removed ilrom outre unless there are good and sufficient reasons for such removal. Mr. Ilraudenburg has served as our postmaster tor about two years, or about one-hair of the term he was appointed for. Ills service! may or tWI-AI'lltKK TKILM III-: TAKK TIIK I'l-ACK I A llimy Man MEDFORD, Kept. IS. The cltyl Capt. J, P. C. Nash, who Is later council by a unanimous on Tuesday tested In mines In Humbug, waa In right In know. To miike him retire under a cloud, as Is the ruse now, duos not conform to my Idea of .t si'unie deal, nor do I think It con Inruis In the rule of the civil ser vice. Hut what Is the ihll service 'luting politicians of the same polit ical faltht Of iiiuiso the stall 111 our postal t'epartment Is not steeled to office by ,,t - j .. it',iiiui imp, .in riv ii.i, mni- nig it ineir acia are popular or not, and this brings homo the fart tbal n great many of our so railed public servants are only the servants at mime political ring or clique, and so far removed from the wilt of the peo ple as the man In the moon la from the cur dog which barks at It In the night We are supposed to have a demo- SHOW YOUR WIFE HOW mi To write checks for her bills Imlond of i minting nut I In r.tc tiionei, and then not bo nVo in toll wlieto her rash haa gone, .: l - V J'i ton wneio ncr rnsii una i 't& Yl Tl... tMial Tmil an. I U.i . v " llitnk tins n spoctnl depart Havings in tnt 'rliy7i ,"k? tri '"r t"11"'"' nicouiils, and will TA'jjV 't iV ''" ''"' "' ,,,ow ,")f """ 'IUW "ti-a -t-titI ' " ""I'll better n check Is than 1 "--' . iiady money FIRST TRUST and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON mir tint ttaVM hn amlltifailnrv It does not matter, for the people of ' ' Knwnl. w hleh meana rule this city were not consulted when he ' ih" vovU- ut " 01r, of ltov was apilnted. nor did they have . 'rnn'1rn,1 " n,v,, fl ,0 chance to vote for hla successor. ' ""' " ""'y". "'"'""' Personally I have not heard any """'" ' '" "" " "" '"' kick on Mr. Ilrandenburg. It Is also '"" t " "' " .1.1..1 ih.i hi. r.iin. i... K-.n .n,i , ' enough of It However, there Is ...in ,. i. .. .. .. th. ...! nuitx' f"r disc ... ,.,V .... .,,V... ..M .1, -- Isroiiragemcnt, for the drift la In the right direction, The for hi. resignation, doe. not state any 'nl''" 'r ' "other in uirrot iraisiaiion amply proves this. Home day we will have com- night named Ut L, Jacobs, cashier Yreka last week, and reports that he I - ,h., fh.r .. nn v,.i,. .... PMr democracy, or direct legislation .. . t. ... . m . . . .1 "- ' "" " " ' oi ii.e rarmera and Fruitgrowers "" ""' twelve reel more to tunnel hy he ah slstant postmaster general, In calling IN)V J. .I'MWAI.T, I'rr.. . M. IIVIIII, Vice I'rro. on.l Trees. IIKIIT l. WITIIIUIW, rleerrlary Surveyor! ami Irrl',ntIon lvn;incern Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING Mtl'.s, Pia.NH, lll.fi:i'IIIMS, Cle. KktMAlll HAI.M, IIIIKOO.N bank, to nil the unexpired term of i "fore he ought to atrlke a ledge. the late W. W. ElSerU The choice be Indications of the rock be Is pass waa a complete surprise. A petition ' through show strong signs of a signed by 400 of the leading business I le. While prospecting hla proper men and property holders of the city '"' "Prlng he found a good ledge waa not acted upon, and rest In the jcarrylnc tree gold. He dropped down pigeon hole, of the city's records .the h111 "" over a hundred feet without the slim grace of being for-"ni1 started a tunnel which he has mally acted upon. driven In several hundred feet. The The selection of Mr. Jacobs waa ac-' Property he Is working la the "Old rompllsbed after a conference of the Flag," one of the noted paying mines council In the afternoon, received the ln 8lsklyou In early day. Mr. Nash mi mere ih nu tiiiiu irniun .... . . should reslgn-oaty. hi. po- wXM t0 ll'tT .brZ "f m,r ""' Ultra view, are not of the same hue "'' " - " f "" as those of the present admlnl.tr.. re'.ple If they wish to establish lid.s tlon trlnl democracy or the ownership Now. I have no objection to chang- "'"' ""' I" lipto of Ing postmaster, but If Mr. nr.nden- h; mn, of llf' V" !,'7,J "' burg has done hi duty while In office ' " "' JU,r' """" he should not be ousted. If he haa not done his duty the public ha a San Dkicndn on Tnii-Year Ti)r United Press Service horse and fat hegs: notice the large HAN DIKOO, Kept 19 Otto llhsaa number of chickens, turkey and "I '" Young Men. Chrlstl.n Aso. ducks: watch the busr beea as thev elation of Han Diego, today has n entire vote of the council. The new ' own. a flre-etamp mill, which Is "sip the golden nectar from the flowers Reed start on a tour that will cover Good Land I. alwaya the cheapest In the end. Pour land I. dear at any prlie. I make u ieclally of desirable farnt l.uda, and shall be pleaaed to aliow yon the country. Itrlng famllljr lth (he Klamalli llaaln and having faell ltlr for .honing the land, I am In a INHiltlun to aerr yon. CHILCOTE Xcw location, OSS Mala Be. Fhoan M Farm Lands A Few Choice Farms at Re duced Prices and Easy Terms Newton farm, t mile from town, 80 crs, all In alfalfa and grain. Good house and barn. Price OM.OOO, one-third down. 160 acres on Lost River, 10 miles from town, all In train, two good springs on place. This one at $.10.00 an acre, 1-3 donn. mayor I. highly popular, well known. 10Prted by water. Yreka Journal, and a prominent member of the Elk. 1 he selection was made with the view Quick, Watson! of uniting all faction of the city po-' Tbe beautiful weather I here, and lltlcal herd, being of executive ability, I everyone should spend a day out In nd or a per.on.llty given to peace In' ooq and see what Nature. and progresalveneu. He na a targe 'ni,nt brush I. accomplishing. Drive foltowlag. along the road by the splendid J.cob. last night announced hla In-' """be, hear the hunk of the mowers tentlon. of declining the position. u ,he'r cul e third crop of alfalfa around the neat rural homes; camp . year. Ilhcnd I traveling ex along the banka of one of the beau- clusltely by motorcycle, and expects tlful streams, land a few trout, smell the camp fire, . Medford Hun. A l.llllr Hport A paper Is being circulated among the business men and others to raise ISOO as purses for three days horse racing during the fair next month In enter 25,000 miles before he re turns here some time In Reptember, 1915, In time for the finish of the International Exposition to celebrate the opening nf the Panama canal In ISIS. V. A Oertnan vacuum lie machine ef The pressure of other business, and l,r ,he Plndld Held of corn, barn We havo the grand stand, the Judge loimnloiit size for household use the fear that hi health would be af-, fl"'d wltn ltalfa hay, the ground'and a mighty good half mile track, doc away with the need of using fected by the over-work were the """'ed with golden pumpkin and Hubscrlbe to this, a there are some I'angeroue acids, and can be operated principal factor. In hi. declination, "''ons, the orchards laden with good horse, here, and n fair without by hand or by a small electric motor and hla friends say that the fact that Pc". per, apple, and prune.; ,race. I. not worth much. Lakevlew the amendment to the city charter '" Ilance at the .beep, cattle, fin j Herald. ' Today' new la Th HeraU. passed last winter, stripping the mayoi of all power Influenced blm also. The choice of Mr. Jacob was received with faror, and the new of I hi declination caused regret. Tbe ladles of the M. K. church will serve lunch at the Library building, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, pie, hnlrj.,1 lia.n. mwtA !.... m. m. .1 . ., --.-,.. HlHua ..UV, wujv Hung nnur.i V.U.u a . . m ' r,uar, nci'ieiauer sti. 480 acre In Poo Valley, 140 acre In grain; house, barn, gralnsry, windmill, good water. $15 an acie, easy terms. IS teres two miles from town; bouse, barn, chicken bouses; a good one-man proposition. Modern 6-room house, lot 41 Hx ISO ft; 9th and High SU 2,100, IOO donn, 30 per month. I have tbree policies, a total or $20,000.00. I figure that 1 have I saved at least 1200.00 a year, net cost, my having this Insurance In tbe Mutual Life. j C. K. Mitchell, (President Cltlien'i National Dank. Alamogordo, N. M. I carry Insurance In tbree compa nies, and the Mutual Life la alwara at.ead In benefits to the policy holder, Ceo. A. Raglln, Asst. Cashier White Co. Flank, Carml, 111. From an experience of three doI. ,lcle extending over 2S year, I can neartny recommend tbe Mutual Life of New York aa the best rnmnnnv fnr 'the policy bolder. Henry Lemllne, Portland, Ore, l r, M. PWE8T. Agent YOU WILL ENJOY A feeling of ntltlctl security if you take your trip in one of our rent cars RELIABLE DRIVERS AUTO TRIPS TO ALL POINTS OF INTEREST j.w. baile, fENTDAI f AD AfC .MxiMlfer llriitKrnire Department vEHlIVitL UJaJliaUE Phono IIMI mvtri.KTi: fiilnii stock or PETERS LOADED SHELLS and CARTRIDGES I'rtei Nliells liavr Hon liioio llr.l Prlr at Itlg hliiNil. M,, hi) other Hlirll. Darling Hardware Company oppomitk wmri: i'i:i.ic. hotel iisriit Fnlrhankk. ore Co. Knulne. Piimiw and Wlndiiilll '&ffiP1&.4fa. Wct-us supply your) Vc&tQnVcets 'SaiJk. SPINNING Pbone 40 I wiiyinasii CHAS. S i no s. otii st. )iVVVV'eVVVVVtVVViVVVVVVV WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Green Blab, le-laeh ftUIO Dry SUb, lS-lach MJM WJock Wood ta.Jtn Block Wood, doobl lod.f5.00 Nut Coal, toa fit. KLAMATH FUEL CO., (oat the hlH. asc extra) Oalee 096 Mala. O. Peytoa, Hgr Phone UT. PImmm SitW According to an Italian scientist a square mile of the earth In six hour. of sunshine receive heat equivalent to the combustion of more than 2,000 ton ofcoal. POLK'Si OREGON and WASnlNCTuN Business Directory A Dlractsrr f uch City. Town M VIIU.s. slln diacrlpllvs klch ( escti (ilscs, locatton, ppnlslloa, teit rai,h, shlppla and bankln. plntl Ihi OImik4 Dlraaiory, compll4 br m l I SZK I 6 x, x P ! n I ,b V L ' f 4V t k I filt-V J. II. CHAMIII'IW, Prop. Q-A .H .T&'C W. I bU5B i : - tlslsetc for tlm Huiiiiurr r"9SH H Tr 5y . I V?fy IW-lHren lh ami 7llt, on Main SV' .rCyP "W I Till: IIP.V hTOUK H I A? 4 ?vf- J? II I I .-a-Vy .S O W II Prompt Service Reasonable Prices I 1 X fi&'$y II W.O.SmithPrintingCo. I ! 'V .- ' " jCt? .1 f . x. w x vjooq rnnunp; MBaTaVal aaaV A. W .aBBaV bTsbTsb aTaaJ aVaV . I x X II I I w II I I V III Fourt, s' between Main and Klamath I ' ' y piuiuata soa prersfiion. II. I- rOUC CO, SEATTI.K i" i n ' ', s