-.,5' September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September 2?uimttig Mvtatfi KLAMATH IALLS' OI'KICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NIW1 '!A r t.u. r.lKlilli Vi-iir Nn. 'J, Hill KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1913 lrlc FITS) Onk &h fr TAMMANY WINS IT IN TIE SULZER TRIAL ( iii,i,i:(ii: or nt,ui,i:v ik ni:iiiiri,i:n I'mliir r Ni'it mU' llntlng ' iiiUalnii Ijiii mul I niilrr of 1.,'Kla luliut I'liintiilllia' liiti-dlKiiHiiit Miilrr'a Ailliina l Niiiiuil n n Mftnlirr il tin- Inipi'itiliiiii ill I'miit Otrr (im niiir'a I'toliU, I'lilted I'leaa Her Ira AI.IIANV. N V . Hr. IV -Jatiiea J Frawley. Tntiiinany leader In Hit amain nl I ho New Ymk liKlalaliin-. nml mm nl ilnurnnr miller's Liiilcr i'l pnlllliiil iliriiilra. will h ii nil in lrr n( I In" IMbiwal It ndjudr" II'" Janir J I'mtilr) lliliraclilili lit (harieea pufiTfcd tiKnlml Ilia KHtrruur. TliU wm ilerlilril toilny, vilicu I'ri--alillliK JiuIkk Cilllru refutnl to enter lulu tho chnllfliKa undo iy tho itr frne n to r'mwlojr'a fllllem to art. Krnwli-)- wna iliAlrmnii "f the n- imlily' I'liinmllltii that mlMiruteJ llm liiiienclinieiit nf Kiilnr Hillrer nlijcctril In Ii I til n nirmber of the I rial b'mnl on thla nrrouat. Aft.'r tlu ntllrlia of liiirarlimtnt were renil linliiy, the roiirt niljniirneil until Miiiiituy. Clmrlca Lent, Kim hna n blK buy nml atuck rnufb nl llm Klamitli Mnrali, la In the iimnty aent for u lew dnya, lihlnit nlteiitliin to bml Ilea niHltera. WILL RE-CROSS PLAIN Auto Instead of Oxen, When Him. Orton A. Hlearua tuirheil Orugon with hU parclita In I8R.1, It wna nfler n Juiirnny or alx iniuilliH und four daja nrrnaa thai ptiiliiH from lllliioU In mi ox train. When ho leiivi'H Monday mornliiK lo go over tho biiiiiii route, alxty yeura later, ho Mill line nu iiutomobllu im lilt men n h of IrniiKpnrttitlnn, In tnnipiiiiy with J. K. Klllntt, Mr. Htearna will go In tlm i:illo(t nuto inobllo in Omaha, Chicago nml Mia aourl. Ilo will upend aomo tlmo In tho Mlddlo Weal, renowlng ac (lualntniictiahlpii after an nhtonro of ally yimrt, ' Since coming to tho Klamath coun try Mr. Htoiirnu lint beon nctlvo In Ita development, and ho U accredited LOCAL INVENTOR ' GETS A PATENT - ;",.;;; :i ivi:mi:d hi iom K IH lllll NO MANIJI'AC.' HIIIIli AT NA. I'HA.NriHCO. AMI IH III1IM1 Mil. II Oakley Welch, a real citato uiau ill Mriilll, Inn ai-emnl n contrail f rum loin Oilman (if Hun Francisco (or telling n folding en In p bed, which cru Ik- meil li aprlhga nil budateiida fni IiuimI.'iM pmputra II r Welch " i ii I fil tin agent lui llm disposal of Hit imh intuited InlilliiK bed -i In lii)n ago. Mini will rinviia Klamulh County. Ml. Cnlii.c. tin- Intenlnr, teuully lit ! In Merrill, ul tthlili plain lie um iiKaci-iI In tho rlliilrr IiAuIIuk biiilhiMi. DuiIiik aiirli lime an Mr. t'iilmiN wiu nut tnitilluc t Indus from llm t.Mn Hull) lie busily engaged Mm I fit In ludltig tie ni-w Intention. A luiihllia ng'i hi hi ii I i'il k patant Inr llm Iikw ilrvlie A 111 iii In Hn rrnnrtmo It now ni.Hirii' IiiiIiik u Kri it iiunitiir of lh luiU. mill nlieudy niic ilimn hate i - ii i-ni In Ml Welrli fur disposal. I .a iimli fatnnd that I'lieiler Mil) I nl I hi- Alfalfa town l annlillng tlm 111- iii'iii In llm liny City '.t.nliM llm ili'tlrr ninvi nil nib- lihlinl nint uatfut ns Mr Calinii t alio it will, no ilimlil tln patented t.iil will nt lil m n inmfiirlablt' for lunr MOVIES MAKE GOOD SAILORS MACIIIM AM) I H .M Altl. I hllll O.N MIII'IIOAIIH. H TIUISi: viiiutiiMi in i.i:s i-AN'T si:i: I'llTI'IIIM I nlteil t'u-aa HerrUo I'AIIIH, Heit ID A report of the navy iliirtiin'hl iublliheJ today aluiKa that the mm lea have entered I erlouily Into tho rrpubllc'a naval i leKlme. Tho lumlea am uieil In I I maintain illiililm at leaat to aid In maliiteiiaiiro of dliclpllne. Hereral i HKliieera nil baltleaMpa In the Third aitiBilroii liae clnematocrapli uii ililnra of llivlr oii cnnalrurtloii, They Klo dally pcrformanrra on i board ablp, to which the aallora are1 Mry fond of (oIiir kIii-ii off duly. The ollliera hattt found that olio of the moat aavcro punlahliicnla they rani Inflict on Die aallora for Infrncllom of lulea la to forbid llivm from ntlend- 'Inn the ablp'a moving picture uhlbl-i lluna. i HIiicii the ndM'lit of the linnloa ou alilpboaril there hna been n marked . ilerrim" in Hie number nf minor of feiinea. Chnrlet Acer wnt hero from Mid land Thiiradny on n biialnea trip. i to Transport Pioneer Willi hulng tho Drat whltu man to leucli the wnlur'a edi;o at Crater l.nko. It wna rhrlalened "Majaatle l.aKo" by Mr. Klenrnt, but thla name wna Inter i hanged In Crntei l.nko by IMItnr Hiittoii of tho Oregon Hvntlnel, ului pulillahed tho account of tho din intory of n eruter on Wlrard Itland In tho lake. At tho time ho mid other aoldlera' art out for Crater l.nko, Mr. Htearna wna u sergeant of nno of the com-' pa n lea of troopers atntloncd nt Fort Klumntti, Ilo wna muttered out In 1807, Later ho participated In tho Modoc Wnr. , Mr. Rlenrin wna tho drat Justice of tho peiu'o elected tu I.lnUvlllo pre- clnct. In addition, ho rvprotontod this district In the legltlaturo In 1880. 'CURRENCY BILL . MAY OT PASS THIS SESSION W11.M1S 'i mix id iiuimr hi:a. THUS O.V IT I Muslim tin- t'iMaue of llm ,Meuiirr bj llii' Ilutiae of lli'piiaenlallii-4, .; i ilem of ll.illi lloiiuit Are "I ii.i. lit; i.n Hie Job," 'InklnK Hlinil l.i-jl i lllll M.iy Not (Jit ll fine l.liule I lllll lile .Nell Monlll I led l'iei Hrrvlct V.AHIIIMirO.V, ). C. Kelt 19 - I - tail an nf the (IUw-0tn cutrtney I I nn m nil tittle tt thla aiialun by the I mm apieiia to be n M-iy remote iniiiblllty I iiaidtlit WIUoil lliatala that Hit) I'tlti l.oiue abuuld Ule iiiiiic etly ... iii.n laiodlhi; It II l I'leillittd Ihlil It Kill be late n 0t licr bums Hm amale Duliknu iiiiMliu ii-i'ima mi lb miaiure li.. a ,a iillili to be folloid by i ll . ul III ll.i 1 1 t'ollnuiiiK luo puMuge nf I l.o mraa ml llj ll. bulitfli ltlillW Lutii tn i ! iii'i il,i n nr.u .lie pla iany l . .1 ii.ll Ills REOELLiuN FtLT AT I. W. t MEET M M.lt.lli nrilVKI-lls MAKi: IT IMI Til IT A ( IIAMii: Ul" OI'. I Ifl.lls Ull.l, NOT IIAUM Till! l)lt(.AM.l III.N nMrd I'leaa Senile OIIICAtlO. Sept !!. Inaurseuiy In today' mtvtlnsa of Hie annual iiiiiit'titlnu of the Induitrlal Workrra nf tlm World, who opened their an nual loiitrntlun and bualiiraa nieet InK hire Haptcmbvr ISth. There hna brvn no apllt or Ulaacrev tueut oter the nollrlea of the I. W W but apeuker loda) made It plain thai a fiellnf eilita ammiK the rank and filo of the orsanliatlon that new- uin' tera ahnulil bo elected Aiuoiik tho leadera who oppoaed tho aURxeated cbanie were William I llajwood. Joaeph J Kttor of ljw reiire atrlke fame, r' N. I.ltlle, I'hl iienK Kaatman und Johu M. Koaa. mar Kaatman and Johu M Koi, PETERSON SEES IMMFKQe PPflPQl finds M'UtKti, i:mioi,i.mi:.nts aid: i.iti:Asi:n, and many i'i:ori.i: (ir.rriN(i iti:.nv ixiu Tin: r.iiu "One of tho Illicit grain jean wo hato ever knowu," la the unlteranl opinion of the farmers around Do nanxa and Yonna Valley, according to County Superintendent Fred I'etcr ton, who returned lato Thursday from ii tlalt to vorlout achool dtttrlcts. "Tho groin crop In that section Is much heavier than nana), and tho Kriitn Is of lino quality," said Mr. l'ftcroii, "Thcio lire two threshing oiilllls nt work there, and they liavo nil they run do." According to I'ctorson, the schools life all well started on tho year's work. Ilo reports an Increased nt. ttmlnnco In nearly every district. Interest tn tho county fair It great, he snys. There will be a number of exhibits brought In from there, not only for tho school fair, but for the county fair competitions. Kan Francisco Is considering an electric curfow. The schomo Ii ta liavo electric llghta all over the city glvo a signal at B o'clock, after which all chuldren mutt be off the atreets. ;Gayncr's Body Reaches New YorklTRIO AT LUNCH i - - la.. a lla.MMl ft. sU a MM "" "" '" """ ' . ..JaaBBBBBBBBlBlavSffiVaBBMae -) aaBBVaaVBHf BBBBTBBaaBBBBB JfHM':' .HlaaaaHaaH laaaaE- V tH IbbbbbbbbV? atV " BaaBaH aBBBaVVaaMl' S aaaaaafaBBBaH aV aHaHtta'a) fBaiaaVH iaaaaV mMK&fWte. ' lMLaaH BBBBBBBBW t bVIBbK taBM VIbBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBH I VI HAnH H OBBBBHbU ' ' aBBBBBBBBBKT ' .fcaBBBH dHtTaKVMS slSialBVLliaBBBBBBBBV t'AW i '1lBBMBkaBT BBBBBBBBBBBai ' S IBaH Iif jBaaWalaBBBBBBMl JaaMaWl liBraBBl BhH aBBBBBBBBBBBmaBBBM BBK fBBJBBBBBBBBalaBB: fll K jVnBL VbbHbVbHIMbI j. I'liologrnph il Mnjor (la) nor, I akin Juat lie tuta iKWrtlliiK Hie .sii-mner llalllr for l.'uroixs ' 1 nlted l'roia Service a'ler being landed, were taken In a Ni:V VOIIK, Sept 19 The body bM- to the home of the late e.ecu- .1 ll, 1.1. M. or William Jay (lay- U- Urooklyi,. Tornorrow the nor. who died on tho Steamer Ilalllc e.rt.1 will be e','Bta" '.'.... v v ,,n ih tln.r hre tho rcroalnt will Ilo In ttato. I.utllanla from Liverpool, Kngland. The ciitket wat trautferred to n municipal boat at tho liner reached ... k..i. i..i- n.vnp wiinn and other ctty offlclalt received It In thlt'rhurch from the city ball by a pro- ' --.--.. l l.tMl. nnrt unllra IrnflM .. Kacorted by police, the remaliit. WOULD REVIVE YE lOl'.MI IU(iLISllMi: hTAUT A t'liiHAin: rou tiii: gili.ndiehi: t)imTi:sv or a n:w ci:.nti'k. ii:h hack United l'rett Service LONDON, Sept. 19. Deploring tho pruacnt day dltrcgard ot tnanuera n league of young men hot been founded In London whoto object It to attempt to revive the courtety of tho pntiiln "tho grand style." The leaguo today commenced butlnctt In picturesque style. Whenever they patted the atatuo of n great nngllthuian the members raited their butt and bowed pro foundly." Standing bareheaded, tho members of the leaguo naturally attract con slderabto attention In tho crowded streets, and when a crowd had gath ortd, they uro supposed to address n short homily to tho atiembled throng on the pressing need ot retaining ths courtesy and respect to greatness which wero so characteristic ot n past age. Bomo ot thu members' find their courage fall them. at this point, but others conscientiously enrry out their missionary duties, "We nro. hoping that our little acta of courtesy In the street will do'much . . ., 1 AttsMAftMim aVM I hflWAN Monday morning Hie funeral ter- vlcit will be held at Trinity church, which Oaynor con.tanlly attended. the body will be etcorted to the reaaiuu in aunu -ivw ,.w.vV, ..vvr- and clllien will partlclpaU-. f NEW FISH IS WELL LIT- UP Di:KI hK.1 M'LCIMI.N Jt'ST WIS COVKIIUD HAS JV1 LUMINOUS OHGANS ON LITIILII H1DK OF ITS IIODV United l'rett Service SYDNEY, N. 8. V Sept. 19. A new- species of fish having the appear unco of an electrically lighted ferry boat, has been secured In tb Oraat Australian night, at a depth ot 360 fathoms. This curious tlsh has fifty-three light organs on either side of Its tody, which Itself shines like a mir ier, hat been named the Tuder. It was hauled up by tho trawler En deavor, and has been placed In the muteum here. Moro than 100 other now varieties were obtained, all the. Inhabitants lay habiting these tubmarlno deptha bo lus more or lets lumlnout. V City Health Officer L. L. Truax left Thursday morning for Mcdford, to attend tho convention ot the Oregon State Medical Association, tn session there. to convluce London that there Is just as much neod for courtety nowadays as tn past generations," said A. E. Wilton, iccretary, and founder ot the league. " - ' ""' ' v ARE SHOT; WIFE . BLAMES SPOUSE IK HlOMI.I..Vr 1'KI-AfAJ.MA lVlVL.lH.lVri II1UI.TII IH ItUINKD AH TUV II.1IHKII I A KICflVLT Woman Waa Kallng an Kirly Morn Iiib I.unrli In a Han I'ninclaco (iaraKr Willi Tno GaraRe Kinploye' at the Time She Saya After Hlioot. IniC Her, Man Klaaeil Her and Aak-j ril If Stic Wai lluit. Then Hliot Men ' L'ollcd I'ltn Barrlce Rahi iq "1 8AN' PnANCI8C. tran wLora I thin!: wa my buabind.i-"11! omen bluthtd and ahufflad abot me down before I knw of bla blr '' Ihla afternoon, while Clio pretence. Ilo then teantd over and "arktr mad recitation of, her al kltted me, and atked If I wot badly Uli retatlona with Otorf BUby, hurt. He then thol the two men." niiby tUred at tho wall during tho Thla It the ttaument alleted i0 , hare been mado today by Mn. Kate Coulton, who wsa probably fatally abot while eating an early morning lunch at the Atlaa garago with Wm. Acker, cbiiurfeur. and Night Clerk ( loiga Korak. Acker and Kotak wero killed In runtly. When aid leiibed her, Mn. Coul won tald the knew who ihot her, but refuted to rtvexl hit Idtntlty. Know. Ing that the and her hutband hare tctu ettranged, the police ordered a general anarch for A. II. Coulton, who It a prominent chicken fancier of I'rtaluma. 1 Late today, Mr. Coulton It alleged "to hare made a contrition to Eugene llott, a clerk In her hutband'a em ploy. In which tbs named her hut band at her aiaallant. She It mor tally Injured, and Itett alone hat been allowed to ate her. All efforta to locate Coulton have I been In vain. Tho police believe be committed. aulclde after the tragedy. PORTOLA TRACK MEET IS NEXT lATIILKTUS F1IOM ALL 1'AUTS OF k TIIKWKHTWILLCOMI'RTKFOn HO.NOItS AT (iATIIKIUNG DIG Special to The Herald 8AN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. The entries for tho Portola champlonthtps I close October 11th. That Is the word given out by the l'ortola Athletic I committee, which Is arranging for tho big games to be given In San Francisco during tho Portola festival of October S3 to 2S. The latt entrant for the Held aud track events will be registered Octo ber Uth. The distribution of entry blauka Is In tho hands ot Herbert Hauler, 4S70 San Sebastlon avenue, Oakland. I tauter Is secretary ot the I'. A. A. and of the l'ortola Athletic committee. Blanks can alto be tecured from Bob Weaver, resident Portola ath letic commlttloner In Los Angeles, and Morry Dunn ot Portland, com mlttloner for the Northwest, Blanks will also be distributed through Y. TIES POWDER TO BODY Insane Man Gets Into Bed; Darker Urn KM t i ;,.-' v? United Press Service UI.OOMINOTON, Ind., Sept 19, Mack Hunt, aged S5 years, who was recently adjudged Insane, and was awaiting commitment to the state asylum, last -sight tied several stick of dynamite to his body, Ignited the fuse, and crawled Into the bed occu pled by his two daughters. Maude, 16 years old, was Instantly killed by the WOMEN LEAVE AS GIRL TELLS OF BIXBY'S ACTS 'Mm ami Women llloah at Brrllatlna made by Voting Oirl Who WHh I libera Makra Cliarajea AgafaaM a California Millionaire. Detail of llainoajt Hull Art Told by tho Wit nea During Her Teatlmoajy. SAN FIIAKCI8C0, Sept. ID. "A women left the eourfrnAtn atiil aaaui Attorney Klttb for the protecullon atkad the girl the nature of Dtxby'i amulta, and after a hetltatlon, aha leplled that they wro unnatural, and lulned her health. The attorney then demanded a de tailed description, and dropping her chin on her cbett and ctoalng her ejtt. aha atarted her terrible recita tion. Tho defeme conflntd Ita croat ex amination to qutitlont regarding tho alleged payment! of money, MUa liarker admitted that aha. Jeinrtlo Kill and Maria Brown-Levy, alio "Jonquil Cllr la." all of whom had filed damage aulta agalntt BUby, da elded to take legal action together. They denied that any attorney bad prompted them In thla. Trade Treaa Rvperta Hold , ."nlted 1'reta Sarvlce . 8AN FRANCISCO. Sept. II. A mat meeting with addreate by rep- iWBtatlv bBsIn. and prof4i-!onl i men on luojecu or timely interett tn edltorsi publlthera and advertltert, featuied today'a tenlont of the eighth annual convention ot aha Fed leratlon of the Trade I'reu Aaaocla . tlont In the United Statea, which op ened yetterday. Many prominent ed itora, publlthera and odvtrtltlng men are acbeduled to apeak tonight at lb banquet of the federation, which rep resent 23 1 attoclatloaa and aeventy flve different trade, Induttrle aad profettlont. IVKHTKKS, J. V. Churebltl of the California Oregon Power company management, ' It here from Yreka on a buttneaa trip. M. C. A. athletic clubs up and down the Coast. The Held and track events are' to be held at tho Stadium la Golds Gate Park October 35th. The track events will Include three) military features as specials, partici pated In by Uncle Sam'a boys under the direction ot Lieutenant MlchaelU, In charge of athletics at the Stt Francisco I'retldlo. Atturauces already received by this l'ortola lesdera make It certain that the Portola championships will at tract a wonderful aggregation. CJeorge Freeth ot Los Angelas hag been appointed resident Portola swimming commissioner for Botithara California, to direct that BectlosVs plant for the swimming events. Taw appointment Is similar to thai of Do Witt Van Court aa resident boalaff commlttloner for Southern Catlformi WV1 3 W-n, HP cxplotlon.snd Elisabeth, i fatally Injured. Hunt blown to bits. ' ,' ,?' jth Ills wife and two s s, fr, il -'-lng bedrooms, wart ugUtijwrac.' ' The supptMltlM la tsM;Uras ' tended to kill hU'wUa'aktawMalt,. hut his eafeefcM mlmt Is 'Ma ( make a murtaks la ik tho daughtf;tVtjiw tte "T.J M 4 mi 'i M T- j ni V w . ii aJ V