J t -s .ft. ,1 ' ' ' hMrf ii. 3. s-i September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 -j . j , . '.jj ' . 'H (EJy? 2u imitig HraUt KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS r..--j , U I t MMr-tjra E Klfthlli Vtai No. ,IU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913 Pries) riveCeaet . DELZELL IS NAMED AS POSTMASTER Glass Currency Reform Measure Is Adopted by House WMwwvvywwvvwMywwMVVivwvNwwvwyvvvwvvywiMMMw MMMMMMMMMDMVMMIVyMMMMMAMIM NAME COMMITTEE Impeachment Court Is Organized MESSAGE FROM TO CONSIDER A R , .. HAWLEY GIVES WOOLEN PLANT Both Sl Lookmg forJKtory THIS TIDINGS .I'llKIIIlN llCLts.lt ,T A M.tHH Mi:iril(i I.AM- 1(111 1' I luirlra J, rngiuiin mill J, I'. Ala. Hiilri' .rt Appolnlrtl in IhmiIi lulu I I hi' Mailer, ami II nraHi, tin lu NIm)Iiiii In (' I'lrfiil Is I'uuuil' In Hi' .lilliUali-l, .Sr I'lanl Mj ll lliuiiglil In IliU I iiiiumiiill) ' A wiiuUli lulll wuuld bo deall- III addition tu III t'lllrlplleis uf II. la clljf. we the opinion iilaud III last nUlil's mass inrrtluit at the Klminalli Chamber u( Cuuiuieri. J. F. Magulr auil t'liarlra J. Kit- Hdlll Well" named um a romuillle In kuk Into lliv ituHMUIoii mail b Jnlili Wilbur, liu w lilies lu units a plant hire (nun Slay tun. If a local slock company will W formed tu help Willi DtUIICM. The tmnmltten will make u thor ough Investigation, Irani the no ul tin- machinery, lc. hi tn Ilif mill I found In be Mi old style III Jill, ne gotiations wllli Wilbur will mm, In tint refill, II I brllntiHl that llir matter uf securing a woolen mill will be taken up wllli I hi iimiiufiitltirrra ul textile inarlilnrrr In Winchester, Mass., mill h urw linl may be start nl hero allh lotal capital. Mru III attendant lt evening, i ,, , , ...... ....... -,.... J n-.l 1'ii'M Service wuim iitii aiju,iii,vi -, ii.v ,, Imluatn. slated llmt I lift writ) will ing to Invest lu such u enlarprlae If' h. lug completely urganlted. tbe Ira- llm nienibtr ( IIik Investigating rom. l' Jrliinnit roiirl wlilcli la to Hear the mlltee rrpurle.1 favorably. II wtl'iK Inferred .(.lint (lovernon Ilia oiilnluii uf those present Hint William Duller, took rece today, while i' wuolru mill mlKlil not pay T rlnl will commence. In earne.t lrii tlUlitoiiJa. It would rr.. lu ( lomorrow niuriiluf. traaifciMKlilluuur other iminufur. Tim util) bulnw today waa the Hirer l.iwanl Klamath Kalli. lawearln In of the mcmoer. o( the I tribunal, In that Initial action Bui. 2iv aev "? iW V p t 'I "' !A,"s H r . ' mm mtn'mmmmmmmmrikZtf"c IKifif- LeH WVmmrLmmmWr t-Smi' mmW r'WmmmmmmmmmlkiimMlJmmw' .mmmmWmmmWr 'V9I Di'inn Tii tki: i:it:t ox ocrtiinlii ist lilrKtkiw Itrrrhiil liy Sir. Drlirll 'IliU Moinliifi; I'iihii (IrrKun Con KI.-oiiuii lmllclr Thai IIU .w l.liilini'iil Ha Hit n Coiiuriiml hf llu .'iiali' Oillcf lia IU-!! Warm I) t'oiilriulnl (or. Progressive Senators for Democratic Tariff lli.., .Mi.rpli), Tammany laNitlrr, DphnliU hulrr. AI.IIANV. N. Y., Kil. It. Alter New Vurk nclr?wia urn (oIiik lo"f naliinl n victory. htr n Inh with a bllllanl mom ami X '" '"""S "' Cullin. three ad- unri illlloual membvra of the court who . ire ilfRlKiiatr.1, hul nut elretiHl, will Itobtrt .Malcolm hn riluriu-.l from ' "llh the court Theae are Judie llncky I'ulnl, at which iileaaure rraorl , HUiocfc, Miller mid Cham. An nil of l,i' lina beau emiiloye.1 foi thu iiaitl""1'" ri--ubllriiu. the inemliera thrtti iiiontha, Mr. Malcolm la n toil'1 aorlnl arllnt, ami haa entered employ mi'Ut nt H'ifniiKiii'a No. 3 barber ahoi. uf the lower homo of the ataembly objected, hut later agreed. Ilulli fartlona irofe ronlldcnce. "V have every proof of nullt," ald Charlea V. Murphy, the Tam many leader, who la Uuticr'a political 'iii'iny "Wu ran prote Sulier'a gulll, and he will bu lmeached und emnteil from oOlce." ' I (Irmly belle e that I will get a fair trial," aald Bulier. "If I do I will bo acquitted." 'The time haa gone by," he con. llniml, "when tho whim of n polll l at boa ran bo gratltled through the H'limtal (rm oltlro of a mun whoao on' crime In that he hat tried to une the ptupte well nnd faithfully." "Vou lime been apHlnt4U ol matter ul KUinatli KalU. i The ubuvu telegram waa receltcd at 3S Ihla murulng by W. A. Lk'l iell troiii t'uugreaauau Willi C. Ilawley. rftm'1hl1t'llrulu thai the( immliiatlon uf Mr. Deliell waa con II i m 1. 1 by the United 8tatea tenale at the forenoon rlmi. Further tlc latla ale epected In a few day. "ThI I the only Information I bate recehrd legaidlng the appoint ni. lit.' imI.1 Mr. IMiell today. "I bellrte that under the connrniattou today I will not be told to take office until tie lit or October." Thu appointment of Deliell lu beeii eipeclcd dally, following the an liounceisint tome day ago that be had the aupport of the Oregon aena- lura, both democrata. Deliell, until, a abort lime ago, wa connected with I the office of the atate auditor of Ok-' lahotna, but he never gate up hla rr- Ideiire here, returning to nuke n light for the poatolllre. The fact that he left Oklahoma wa. taken by aulue to be the r fault of' wiiiio naauranre from member of con-' grea. W a ij-fL rTT Haaaaaaaaaaa?aK. aiBiBiBiBiBiBC' mmms m a' f JaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeleL mmmmmWStIm aaaaaaaaaaP m Bv'u ''' "PROGRESSIVES" VOTE WITH THE MAJORITY; THREE DEMOCRATS VOTE A6AINST THE DILL'S PASSAGE M00SED0M WILL E BIG TIME I KKI. I'lUKlIMM, C.AKDH A.VD IIA.NCIMJ AUK TO UK INDVUt. y.lt IV AT MONDAY MOBTa mitmsa IIOI.I. C.ll.l, HIIOWH THK FINAL VOTK TO HK JIM, ANB l Ol't'OSIXO I rat Ameailntrat Is KeaUVimta bf the lluua Htfore raaaaa? of ika .Wraaurr Till tUpUhaa That H la not tu lie Co I meal aa aa laeaM lUtioa of Oold Maaaara of Cate age nawial Aa I'icparatlon for a bl aoclal time aie being made by member, of Klin lib Kail Udge No. 110, Ixyal Or uir of Mooae. Tlila will be held Mon uuy evening In the order' commodl uua club room on Klamath avenue. A program will be a feature of tbe early evening, and thl will be fol lowed by a banquet of duck and other good thing. Following thl. dancing, rarda and other i!lvertoc will be Indulged In. Senator La Pollute Senator l'olndexter dvuator Hubert M. La Foliate and Other, who .ought to ucc,ed'J"lM l'olndexter. both Weaterner. riy.li. K. Ilrandenburc were Joe n. """ iiiKuiuiia....i It eailiuaiuii. iuiuu wi,u we uvuiv- MrAlllator nnd William Wagner. Mr. anil Ml. Karl Walker nnd Mr. 01 irk Untunkcr urrlved thl morning Dr. unil Mr. Johuauu uf lluunuin Alu In the county noitt for u few da) a,', having come uer lu attend tu lome, biialni'a mnller. I Mra, l.c'vl McDonald U In IKe city, from Illy In Mr. Walker' murhlne. hn lug romu down from her llonama Tho Walker will return thl evening. , Valley luime lu mnko arrangement, but Mr. Iliimnkor will remuln for .for IIiIiik In Klumalh Fall till win. a abort lime, having hr eye attend-1 lor, In order to give her daughter, Jo, ed to. the udtnnlnge of the local achool. U. S. FISH EXPERT HERE SHEPHERD FINOS .MTivit , i:.ti:mii:d , thu1 IllllOt'OII CKSTUAI, OIIICOAX, SAYS IICI'OIITH OF IIAUII TIMK8 aim: i:.ai:ii:iiati:i O'Malley to Visit Spencer Creek Commlaaloner llnry O'Malley. lu chnrgo of tho l'uclllo Coaat for the United Blutf bureau of llahcrle. ar rvud lnt tueulng from Oregon City, to luapect the Sponcer Creek and Wllllaniaon Illvvr hatchery alte for the alute flali and game coiuiiiUalou. lie loft today for Hpeucer Creek. Although In the orvco of thu fed eral' government, Mr. O'Malley ha r I! T, Shviihord of tho Shepherd I I'liiuu dupol, haa relumed from an I'Sti'iiiU'il .elllus tour of Crook, liar- I in')' nnd Luke couutle. "Ilnaluru Oregon mint be much nioio proapuroua tliuu other portion of thu atate," auld Mr. Shepherd. I ."Ttu'ro haa been o much talk of hard tlmi nnd tcarclty of money, been Ululating the atate Hah and , but I haMi found these condition khiiio commlaalou for auine time lu an, oveulriiwu In my truvela through thl ndtlaury capacity. fter looking purl of tho atate, over tho Spencer Creek alte, Mr,. "Our aulea thl year hae oxceeJed O'Malley will report n to thu beat by tbouaand of dollar that of for ty po of hatchery, etc. imer var, and In addition people are Following hi visit to Spencer I buyliig a hither claa of good uud Creek, Mr, O'Miilley will look over uro making largor cau payment tho propouud hatchery alte at Spring i lmn wu poiulble to ecure a few Creek and Wllllamaou Hlver. year ago.'' GRIFFITH RANCH IS SOLD TODAY Itl'SMAX VIIIAI.MSTd l'AY KLKV i:.V TIIOl'HA.Ml IH11.L.11H KOIlJ THAOT .VKAIl KTUKKI, llltllHIK OX .Mllltltll.li IIOAD I I The aale of tho raucb of Judge J, n, (Irllllth to a piirty of Huaalan farm- era waa reported today. The ranch I constat of about 300 acre, aud la ou' the Merrill road, near Stukel moun tain. icratlc majority In favor of tbe Under i wood tariff bill In the icnate. Sena tor Simmon, chairman of tbe finance committee, nor anyone elae In the up pur chamber, knew tbe two would ,glvi their aupport. Conaequently their (salon na a great aurprlse. The .grouud each took wa the general I nrnnnattlnn Ihflt whlln tltAV did not like the bill they considered It better thau the I'ayne-Aldrlch tariff law. GFRMAN PRINCESS TAKES OWN LIFE 111(11(111 IlKI'OltTKII AH HK.UT FAILt'lli; ATTK.XUA.NTH UK- I.IKYK hllK SL'ICTDKD LOVK' .IFFAIIIS ItKHI-OXSIULK I'nlted Vnu Service) WASHINGTON, D. a. Seel It. l)y vote ot 3St to 14. the hoiMof representative thl afteraoea a4ea. ted the (Iu-Owm currency refena measure. Many republican and procroMlVe) supported tbe bill, which I one ot the administration meuure. Among tbe opposition war tarta democrat. Congressmen Oscar Callo way of Texaa, Samuel A. Wlthertpo . or Mississippi and Walter Elder of Louisiana. The final vol followed tbe rejec tion of several amendments. The house reatSfllrtned the amend ment offered by-Congressman Pees of Ohio. This provides that thera shall be nothing In the currency reform measure to be construed as aa laval Idatlon ot gold as the standard of our coinage. THAW IS GIVEN IMMORTAL ROOM I'll. It J i'res Service , III'.IDLKIIKHQ, Sept. 18 Prince' ropula Saxe-Wetmer of Klseobacb ' (vs. found dead this morning In her room at her father' palace. Heart failure wa the olllclal explanation! for the demise. , The young woman' servant ad-' mil that suicide was a possible solu-l tlou. ' They declare it hat ,he loved a' young Uerlln banker, but that hi at tention were opposed by the duke. , The United Slates consul at Aber deen, Scotland, thinks that Aawrleaa manufacturers may bare a chalet) to compete In furnishing itavet for ash barrels. Tbers has been a rectat rise lu the price of spruca and Br staves from Sweden and Scotland. Klevon thousand prlro paid. I dollar waa the, IX AUDITION TO 1IKIXO USED UY FOUK 1'IIKSIDE.XTS, Al'AHT- Mi:.T 1T(1U1U IX CKI.KI1IUT- . , KDNOVKIj l.liU ItulliiUH Kll'etl In Turkish Wan .. . UOMi:, Sept. 18. Fir the llrt . CONCORD, N. II., 8ept. It. Har tlinu alnco the war with Turkey for'ry K. Thaw 1 quartered In room 7 l lie conquest of Tripoli nnd Cyrenalca uf the Uagle hotel, which ha been iloly today gno out the otl'lcal stale-, made Immortal a the throne room of mvnt of It total I'msi In klllU nuil i Winston Churchill's novel, "Coals- wounded. The number killed lu bat-1 Inn." tlojj placed nt 1,433; died ot disease, ( In addition, It haa been occupied 2.858; wounded In battle. 4,330; re- by 'residents Pierce, Hayes, Taft and turned homo on account of Illness, I tloosevelt when they visited this city. 43,921. The publication of the state-) Thaw Is technically a prlaoner. He mem Just before the October elec-i Is allowed to leave twice a day, once lions I expected to offset any dlssat- to go shopping, once to go slgbtse lufnrtlou aroused by the belief that InK. tho government as-keeping back the total losses becauie ot their reported enormity. Ill mother, who came here from Montreal, baa engaged an adjoining suite. Four new atate forests have re cently Ceeu added to those la Hawaii, making 37 in all, with an sggTtgate' of 013,101 acres. Ot this amouat IT, per cent belongs to the territory, the rest being private land administered by the terltorlal forest oBcers. Hongkong last year Imported 1IT, 000 pounds of ginseng, nearly all from the United States. HE IS STRONG FOR K.F. Says It Is Biggest Little City i Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Weller and their daughter, Miss Mary L. Weller, re turned to Klamath Falls last nlgbt after spending the summer months at larlous coust resorts. "Tho more I see ot other placet the belter 1 like Klamath Falls," said Mr, Weller this morning. "I've always liked Klamath, of course, but I really did not fully ap preciate what we bare here till this last trip away. "All one has to do to coavlaoe ; t. one' self that Klamath Fail It ";. jji biggest little elty la tke-warMIs Ja.ift ' lake a trip oyer the i the dlBerence. "There's' not a cHy of California to-the that has the rlht. eut-U immediate future that-. 1 , Klamath Falto,-. r i W' (tMUtsT.-aAVdlaalJL , llaat.ppWV', ! m W Mr. Weller. Ra W , daughter.. lift KltWtrjPaM mm the sprlac They htwe tMstt tf W ptomlneat reeorte' to ,CW wltWtW ' , oa mA-Wumm'.' -r q i hi 'J M -"1 A -t v,1 pi -'7 5 - ?l ,' SI ' I? t i ' 8 :?! ". i. . -i-'il' ,i i 'V-'JV f 'W '. s ' ' i K $ 'i'4. r -u