'.- " Ik JMV Jft September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September i' -i STljt Ixuimituj UralJn i ,i.'.-v KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , . PRINTS' THE- 4 NEWS WHILE IT IS HEWS - WH ' .. J1 Sv . i.iuiiiii vi-nh Vn. a. 1 117 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1013 Prfe Fle (M ROCKEFELLER IS AFTER EAGLE RIDGE Mrs. Griffith, However, MMVWVWVWVVWWVVWMVMNfAMMMAMMAMMI WOOLEN MILL WILL MASS MEETING THE COMMERCE will n.uii: a niMMimx CO TO STAVTOV AMI hKi: I'UtM' lU'WIMl 10 Nil Ib.mi. hi' l'ive slip l A.knl lor lit I In- Ottuer ul I In' Mill Aui'iil ink' ! MhIp Tliitiillir Tmii ll). Up I. a Matt ul l.lmlliil Miii., Hill mi I!niI TpvIIIp Winker UhhI Mm In llrli li) lMii Slink "" It I.IjiiuIIi KalU to hot a ouolrii ""7 Mil. la the all aUotblug tuple tor ill.. union al lh HUM m..llng to be bvl I tiinUht al iht I'liaiiitx-r of Com- mrire. HkuiiIIi itinl anil Klamath uuur Tim inrallliK will br rallnl In iinltr al t 'diack. Al IhU aivalnii. all who alp Intrf raliM will illacina the uioiiltluii inaJi. by John I' Wilbur of Nlaylon. (rr in iiiiiiu hla wtHili-ii mill from IM-rn 10 una ny ,t ui aurnuam. -. - .-w -.. WAHIII.MITO.V. I. I, bept 17 U ni'rflrd Inalrurllona havr baoii laturd to i' paldrnl lluirtu'a nifUJKi' ami thn Loral hualiiraa ami pmfr.aUntl tin' ollr ulTlrrra by N M Tartar, o'lirnif of any antl-futflcn di'inon noil Imip auliarrlbv'l u f'l'nl to ba riiiniiilMliiniT of public aafrty of airallnn nl tl'c opening nf the M ri ll nil In ilrfra)lli( (he opliira of a 1 u bur, (Ikln lu nrn-at all perauna Irin roiigrraa yratenlny haa arouaoj runiinlllrn In Co tu Hlayton ami arn ngat.il In aocli-ty rani p.nllra tit I imp of n pcarrful lolntlon of tlir I l.i' pUnl. Tim mrinbara will b np- lilutpil at IhU xtnlnx'a nirallng Aa Ihn rrporl li'UiUrpit b) lhaau 11 en will govern Ihn action laktn by li.rM piiipln III tho mailer. It la tin- tip i.rr to appoint two int." who urt llior oilghly rapabli', an all am urged to a trml who (.el liilen.liil In the pm J cl In ailillllon. Hip uiallrra to he uirlHiuil by lh rummltlpp will t an Ihi nutllneil llr. Wilbur nienlly purcbaacd the ooUp mill at Hlayton, but although I 1 ll r ti'itlli' expeil, he la liiinillra I lit b) luck of fumla, lu roinlnx to I ti ma Hi KulU, he iloea not aak 11 (rep all, or 11 bouii. luatisul, Iip tal.i that If tho loiutnlttaii flnda Ihl.igH aatUfuctnry, a aluck I'oiiipnuy bp formi'il tn lliiaiicn tho iniivlng of tin pi nit ami tbu romuirmi'tuent of, iixttttlnua, mimiIi'ii liooila urn In iliuuaml ul all iliu.'H, llieie U nrry rea.iin to look for aurcpaa. Tho uenrnrta nf tho Kli uiuth nml Uke county wool gro era U niiother niUiiuliigpuiia inntler. Tin' rlluylon pliml la it thru-aet mill. It hna twi'lvo lonma, whlrh tut 11 out hlankrl. Imtlnn rubra, ilreaa Kiilida, iiintrpaaea, inni'Uluuw cloth, ami en 11 bo mini In uiiiklnE liny kind I nf woolen good ArronllliK lo Hlntp Trpnaurrr Tom Kuy, who hna known Mr. Wilbur 11 Innu tlina, hr la 11 !lior nughly rnpiiblp lextllp worker, IipIiik fiimllliir wllll iiery fenlura ! Ibn work. Women Juror Wwp Whin Ihu llrat wouien'a Jury In Cook comity, lltlnola, lirurd tpatlmouy lu n number of rune nf wmneii nml , children In thn rourt for tho luaniin 'nl the detention hoapllnl, they broke dnwu uml aubbed. At time, the juror" wero moved to amllea, In aplte of Iho lilllful delnlU, Plvii tlmm an mini)' eurtluiuako jllioika are reionknl on Iho I'uilllc ' Couat uf Ihu United Hlntca iu on the Atlantic. BE TALKED AT TO BE HELD AT CHAMBER TONIGHT 4L )' i ltnuin.Cp. ir William Martlu, Fred llou.ton. I , l c( i w, i). Cmml and Chauffeur J W itilln returned tail evening linn, tli .'.million llouiid-l.'p, where i en by nulu All drclaie (Ik ' o . "i iv suprrb, mill ihpy nil rr u.icj u.jrn mthu.Uallr I In n ptrr - K'ti.alh Fall They are atrong .1, rrrouitntndlug a (tip ot rmnparUon I., nllicr plarr for. thoap who believe I... rr la an tliltiK (lie mailer with Mimalh. - in which the partr made waa bi-dickd fore-and-aft I ft. r ,, (fu illi banner bearing the Irn1 'Klamath KalU Rodeo. July J. I anil a. 1311 " While lii Pendleton thli car maJr thr parailp with llilrlmn buckaroua tilmaril, ami rauidl Ihouaamla In yell for Klamath Kalla. When the maiif Wlh pannrama li-w aa niaitr, thn "r urn thn mmt iromlnrnl Mialllon t any, lha Uttarlng on Ihn bannvra IHnie t-aally rraj. Thla ilr I lw. which prllra ar gltru, PELICANS Mrs. Bath Has Some Very Unique Pets in River Tho While I'ellian hna luhr, beau 1 iniiii!r I'm geuiTutloua II haa bee, . ml 11 111 11' ring In thp Klamath louutii II, Ita nun 11 "d pho lugraph gnu ea the lubiU ailornlKK the bullied prodiul nf the I mil I mineral aprlugar nml Iib cognnmeuln lion la nffrrti'd by gnniRpa, molor buuta. uml biiapball lenuia ga lorn but now It cornea forth 11a .1 jiouaohold pet. Oh, mi, not u houae linld pit In the dyed l.li-ii(il aeuao of the -wind, I'ellrnna nre ruihnr large little bird lea, mid their uwk wardiirai wnuld reault In tho upaultlni; of many thluua, mid II runuut bo aald thut the pltcuttirlnl aroma aurroundlng Ihi'iu would be particularly dealrnble In n lioua. The douieallcnlpil iwllcana nre four In number, uml during the aiimmer they luivo bvroiuo regular vlaltnra to the home nf Mr. nml Mrs. LouU Hath, lu the Navigation hutldliiK. They will even get out of the water and fol low .Mia. Ihttli iirouml Ihu duck, Mra, II11II1 hna long been IntercKted In (ho hundred of bird that upend Ihu aiimmer around tho bridge, anil In order to prevent uny molestation, kIk wmt aomo limn iiko uppolutcd u deputy gumii warden. Several tlmui alio Iiiih In en railed upon lo allow her Authority when the birds wero In dnugel' fVom lithuiuunn people. For n lone time Ihu fuur pollcani luivn been awlmmlng to tho vicinity of the dock to set uhutuvw tuod could bo found, lind they were never dliap pointed when Mr. Until saw them, llecomlng cognizant of tlila tact, they now make regular vUlta, ulwaya aure of getting flail and other pelican dalntlea. MMSMMMMSMMMWMVMMNVM THUNDER SEEMS TO HAVE QUITTED MEXICAN LANDS AMI UK ANh HAV TIIKV Wll.l. ICI! Tl'ltS MMI.V l',itiy ItntililiiK Hun lllritu ha)- llu'X Camp Italy ltraur of I lie Ai'al Mode li) l'n-.ldeiit U'IIm.ii Will Hi lui li Sollllt Soon a Tlirjr Can. Illimitf Ailiiilul.lralluu fur Ttirlr IVliarlurt MrMKr l.'lHouruxlii- HAN llllCO. rVpt I? - Declaring that tbty arc sorry the) lft their ranches In Mexico, ami believing (hat n,ere , ,,, (or ,, night from ii,, ,unir-. ,. nf l i,n.,l. rati mn. omrn anil chlldrrn arrlnl r ,0(jar ,. cruiur UufTato. ..Wm ,,, , tf.n mol,,j any vu ,nj CMI1, norttt only because ot t!lr, ullir, mailn by I'rralilcnt Wll- u,n ,aj our of th ranrhrra, "Wv m riuru to MaiUu Juit aa aoon aa . r ,.,t loo," ' All of tin- party hlamiil tho ail mni.tr.Uo,, for lUpr ,f,,arlurn . lcan iltuaUoa Jl ARE TAME liml of promluent'o In the Klamath n t Inn on l.outr Klamath l-nko mnsnltlient Imlel la muiiad utter JVwT . J P-n.lvrf Kr. "jtM Refuses WM( Men Wbo Introduced the Currency Bill Above It Senator llobart C ,0n it Oklabuma, who Introduced In the iiimle the curtency reform bill, one uf tho ailmlnUtratlon meaaurea. Slniultaueoualy with Ita Introduc tion In the avnate the bill waa brought Into Ihn houae uf representative by rougnaaman Carter Oloa of Vlr- Clnla (below). Until men were Inaltuiututal framing the meaaure. HORSE KICKS; l(lsll. huxti.nu IIAH ll.M'LIIAKA.NT WIIIJS PACK ueitsi: Tin; (ii'ini: PAKTV i:iii.mi, IXJllltKS J V, MrTlmmonda, wbo for iov crt'l ae.-Mioni l'a guided hunting par tita hark Into the hllli from Fort Klamath and lclnlty, met with a painful atr'dent Saturday afternooa. Aa it reault, ho la here receiving med I'Ul iiUenllon. McTlmmumla, with hla puck horaea, etc., hud taken n party of Houthern California people back Into tho hllli, mid they were returning from the' outing utter n ery aurcruful huut. While McTlmmonda was behind one. of thn liornea It kicked htm. Tbo nnlmul waa hoavlly ahod, and HtrllcltiR tho left nrra, the hoof cauaed a compound frarturo, bealdu pene-l aBBaHv fc. v. lnJf .lr BBaBaBaBaKawlalaBAaBftHaBMaBnQEaVTlL vl giBplsBM IP Bp'A (rating the tleah. M.TImmonds waa !,, 0od that ,h() poluu.ftl bosses bruuRht to tho Illackburn hospital,. , .... , whero the fracture waa reduced by'"' Bbo,,t ,0 hcar ,rom lhe people' Or. Hamilton. ' liana Nylander U In the county seat on business from hi ranch In the Merrill country,. to Consider Offers Made iWMrfMSMMWMVMVWMVWWVWMVWM DIGGS GETS TWO, CAMINETTI YEAR ' AND HALF; FINES1 i-ahi:tm ur (iiiti.s s;oiti:i iiv VAX FLKKT KikI.ij'. Ijully U KtrorUlpiI by llieUl tu lax a morality that makoa audi Juilti.Mrn Arr Sentenced toi :r,e up in nau V"enun 1. fi'iie Al for Kertlce of Time M..V-. Ill' 1 1 . 1 t.1 it r.Ni'lll Ulanil May of I'rurml - lug. tor T Day. la f.ranleu fulled I'rea Benilee SAN KItA.NCIECO. Sept. IT. De - raute of their relation leading to ronrluion under the Mann while vtate law, Maurey P. Ulgg waa ! I y avnteiiced to two )eara' Imprlc otiment and IJ.000 fin, and Ore Ci.iiiiritl to eighteen month' It- . u MM ud a fine of I1.S00. ,-,ey 1.1 4en , the tlm. lu Sao Quentln In pronouncing atntence I ederal Judge U rleet tcathlngly denounc ed a condition of aoclcty which wink SULZER IS . 1 I 1! M I Impeached New York United l'r Servlco ALHANY, N. Y Sept. 17 Tboy nave uonunaieu me politic ami ' government of (his grand old state too long." This was the only comment made by Qovernor William Sulxer today, VaBBBBBBBBBBBB&fSBBBBBBfeV aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBnMrN i''BaHA afafafafafannrlBty i .bbbbb1 KHfi; VaBBBBni 1 fr. ,aHEun'mf Jaaaagv' aa9i''iBr?laBw YX 7.UVamamr; A Ife tr 4r FRIENDS DF WEALTHY FAMILY ' uuc dccu nnDDtODn.nmp m HOPES OF SECURING THE PLAGE caiea poaalble. 1 The ludce renaured oaranLal nai ,wl tliat ren(lcrea , DobI, for Mar- ' atlh Warrington and Iaa Norrla ;"" inv iiauui ui uiiki aau an ji .. .., ,m ,,,-,,, tn ,ou w lh, , 'dominant character." aald the ludg.i laddreMlng Olgg. "I am atrongly In-' 'cllned to think that but for you, you two would not be Handing btr now. I do not think tbat Camlnettl U a fool by any meani, but I bellete yon dominated Mm. I agree with '" rountel for the defen.e that aa era,. (,, , hM t f "" k. your oltnw ha been. It fall be-itTtn jga D R T . .. . . : lo that of putting women lu a hou.,h, aund.rd'oil conp.nr', and lh. of proatltutlon for gain." , ,,,., rcheM i,7urm "J Af,r ,,,. ,nt,nce the defenje beg- ,7r toward Klamath with a vl.w -..-,wvv iapcndlng tha lumatara hare (Continued on pago 4) CONFIDENT; n 1 T II That the Uokff,lr Intereata hare Governor Anxious to TmlEJXVS upon tho eve ot till formal arralzn- jjment before the atate aupreme court 011 the Impeachment charge pre ferred against him by the legislature. Suiter appear to be very confident ! 0f disproving the charges made against htm, He evidently wanted to talk on the subject, but hi attorney, fearing the (effect, directed htm to remain atlant. IS OX P. OP THK I'RIvTTIRHTa RK SOUTH OX THK WHOLE PACIFIC COAHT to'nlanilr vit, t) i,tfy Hum. 1 mrr Itrtrrat m I'ppcr Klaaaadi l-ke, FrieawU or the Wrshkara iUa Have Worked Hard, Mat AH In Vaia, to Hocnr the lurUr ljabtUhmet lor Prltale ReaoH Tho fame of Klamath county'a Idtal lilfflmir rllfn.lM li .nM n.t.i. 1 1UH1 leiirracniaiiTea or atrs. uoca rieiier ana ramiiy nav nun driving for aome time 10 lea Kagle Itldn ITaern, the beautiful lummir rort ion Kagle Itldge. overlooking Upper 1 Klamath Lake, I a fact that became known here today. So far, though, their effort hare been frultleaa. 'irlClh, under whoae ownorahlp (he tavern haa become known all orar ta Weat. She expreied much aurprlae at tearing It waa known tbat negotia tion were under way, b'H declared that .he ha cloaed no deal with the linpU. "Friend of (ho Rockefeller h,v visited the tavern at different time," ,4ld Mr. Orimth over tb telephone today, "and they are med much lm pleated. They apoke aouiethlng at the lime of trying to Uaaa tha prop erly, but I did not (ake them arl oiuly. "Since they returned Kaat, how ever, 1 have received lettr frota them and from agent for the Rocke feller family, aeeklng terra for a leate on the Tavern for uae aa a urn mer home. However, I cannot con alder theae offer at all," Rockefeller I not the drat multi millionaire to eek the Klamath country a a summer home, for It has not, been many year line th late K. K. Ilarrlman, "railroad wli- ard," purehaied the beautiful Pelican nay Lodge property at the bead of' tha Upper Lake, and built a rommodl oiia lummer home there. The Ilarrlman family apent one of Itelr moat enjoyable aummer at tb te.ort, and they would have helurne'd to ll hnd It not been for tha death at Mr Ilarrlman. , Know From Expert), -Miss Mary Barlelra pi CfclMtWaa. I.Ur. to the Judge of thaJarwIU court say that If any ou-eMlliM, , with her In this court aad'kearWt., hJ of U and 15 tell ot troulrta tkMMaw '; to them through rata.wboat tfcer aMt ,t at-dance ball, and vhoaa naa) Umt '' did not ovon know, tay WMtM'la how necewary.lt It tt .the, should be supervltad. t ,'w Molten alav Inetead used teMad'tQgsiaaJr: bridge fSMajWrWWtag jM '".T-.1-Xt' t a VI lll.l m , ! m H .', ' T rv'.t J W' '. ",'' ", IT .