" f f - . OS, a ,& 1 r- a if . '1 September 25, 26 and 27 Street Fair and Carnival at Klamath Falls 25, 26 and 27 September 1 i j v 1 i1 vl ." :l CSV v. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NKWSFAPK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT, IS NEWS .r i:lltilll Yiiir Nil. U.IIM KLAMATH FALLS, OREG 2G0N, T UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1913 VHe Mr Castas Ch 1,: WILL Congressional Bill Will AMAIAMAMMMMAAAAMAMMVWAA'VWWWWWWWWVMWWNAAAAMAMM' KLAMATH FALLS CUTOFF WORK WILL BE RUSHED, ACCORDING 10 CHIEF ENGINEER H. P. HOEY 1111111: in ixiMci.irrr. i in: i.im: is miii 10 111: M.rn:n OC I'CONOMY h4. nil mi I'm 111 ' laia,. 1. 11 tlui i)ii' dun A rMllfutiiU lt.l la hhl Im lie Nrullllg Nil lllil, unit I Ml.. 1 III lrrte Ami AnulilnK Slmk In l,t Ipp I niiiiin) MmIii 'liunli Will I'miin Hur 'llil l.lni. I'dCNi:. rtrpt 10. A new .angle In II.. ibIIiimiI alluulinli In WtiMeili OtcK. 11 la I'l.i-nlril In mi altltlo Jut i'J'Ullfllv'l. Plllliil)ll.g an Intuit l Willi II I llioy. roalilitil nmlunr fur Hi. rl.mllirlli I'jiH i' I'l.liipany. Ill i nun. 1 1.111 tiiin-aMjlnoy alulo Went Hint lllitllir-r II I.IMiiIjII U rriiurlug tin- iiiiuiuUlii nlmiil Udell l.akn (it n li'liiiiriii ll'i In . nlih.'.'t Natron ai.il liUn.il. i I'.illr.. anil Ms llllllli r alMlrlurlil III .1 In' hh la. uur ilny. to hear tl.it lurtl.i'i mutinila li.IV hl-rll ll I. II la pointed nul llmt I III' Hllllllll'lll I '.'Ull- ltUII.JIII ll-MM' i.l tin. Oiegiiu A riillfuriiU railroad I rum I'urlUinl In tli.' aim lln. muni i.f I lie inml ( Hi HlakDniia li.la I.IH Ihlrli-n iii ( in run It U asaerlp.l llml nlhpr Inlrioata l.ave been acquiring tiwk In the Ore t.nli . fallfniiilii mtiiaiiy. mill Hint 1 n'lii wil nf tin. lna In ttii'Miiiilhrrn I'mlfln la tuillkf l II li therefor argunl llml there li good reaann fur hiuryliig Hie ton . Irurllon of tlir remaining I on iulH' .if tint Natrun.Klamatli cutnll, aside .rnm tho mer dealt tii complete tho 'Inn mil) eliminate Hi dead weight nf ) ruiliiK two, tnti railroads Into u loniprrallvcly unproductive Icrrllnr). With a Irate about to cud mi a road 1 hit tint, IhroiiKh tin- HIKI)OU. n , '.laxluum grade nf 3.3 ir rent. It would nut l unllkel) that (he opera Him nf tlits Hue should In" ntmniliiiii'il iiihI llio 11111I11 lino nf tlm Hontlmrn !' illlc tiinii'il to tlm lino 1111 which II111 muili'iiim Kruilu U l.r. l'r rout. Of (li two groat obatuclM to tho roiiiiltloii of tho Nulron-Klmunlh raiN cutoff, 0110 U out of llio wiiy, Thoroughbred Hogs Will Be Given by Greenfields Farm as Prizes to the Most Successful Hog Raisers An InrontUe for brlnulnit bona ! ll.o rrninly fair uoxt week It lonlnlnod In Iho prlio iiiiiiounccint'Ul Juat muile by Kreil Bturr of Iho (Iroonllolila Kami,, which ralaoa lomo of tho llnoat 1'olunil China nml llcrkthlro awlne In Hie Wont. Mr, Hturr today minouiicvd In be half of lilmaolf nml Mr, Holt, lliut tlioy will kIvo four blooilcil hoga na liromliima to Iiok rnlsoiH. Thuao will lit given for the til boar and aow SOON till Hi itlmr ran h anlol I'll' :i , lin lliroo I'arlflra iirovrntoil i' M. 1 iirlalloli of inolii'X nroJril i" miii rurllnn wnrkr rn now nutli im . 1. 'Inc ili'iio. Tin ruloff hr.a 11 plrlril In DuLriilur miii I 'III I'mlflr fiixlni'i'ra linn mi 1 I.1111II) I'lmuKcil In Ti'i'Cl nt it .. oiint ry In r-l "inr oil of n Krnilo l. vliirli tin roai) Xuil l.i .onililrliil tin MHimil iiln.arlo imi.itili'il la . '1 v I .ill of I lii' lrli'1 nl IjikrO.lfll '1 I hr I nlli'il Htnli' rprlnmallon arr rir,. t in. lakv la to In mnl aa n ri iiim. I n rX rnl'r.l Oil ln nml Ihla uli.' iiiitainry llio rlikliKllic of ion lilnruMf. mllioail Whrrcna a lino h.il lii .11 unr)ri v. Itli u iiiatllnuin Kia.ln of l. than I i-r rcnl iiiik It III halo In ho nlmiil I f. hut ..rli lint. H Iim lliun hull u Kri'at aa tlin I r- loal rrnilii u rliiiithrrn Orrumi lr. Ilix'r ili'iiliil rinilialli-nllx that ' ni;iiir tho rli'tiillon of tho Inko o.il.l i-ii.i- tin- iihaniliitinirtit of tho .Sllllll 1 IHjlTl. With iho niipla itoo.1 fur i-uil) .iitniiliiii of loiitirnrtlon of tho .Snlrnii-Klaiiialli Kiilla iul-olf, thrro la llinalllon In puali to rati)' coin ilnlmi tho KuKoni-Cooa liar lltio. hIIIi a V tn pilPinlllie Ihla line In l.'iiiik'n. Cnllf., to n ronnrollon with itr nit llnra Inln San 1'rniirlicn Hun.'ja nro bolnc mailo for tho rou lu'iiuiK link liftwroii Uimm Hay mnl Kun ka, urronllnic tn Mr. Ilmy. "tho romt Hnr. tn California will Im llio airtilr lino," aaya Mr. I lory, hut II will protiahly not bo tho mnln lino Allhoucli tho gratloa aro ovon la ilinn thorn. 01 or Iho Natron Hnr, Iho nir.ia uro aiith Unit ll will mil Im ailuilnl In airnl." I'ollllrlaua t Hjirlimlli-lil, III., any llml forniiT I'nltiil Klnloa Hrniilor W'llllniii l.nrlnuT will Im 11 ruinllitnte fnr Iho amnio In Noomtir of noil )i'r Ho will not run na a ropub II1.111. hill illicitly In Iho iirlmarlra. Ho la cxHili'il tu make 11 atnto wlilo i.imiali'ii. i)iioa.ns,tht' Inltlntlw, rvf t it inliiiii uu.l riMiill, nml will aiiponl In Iho nl.Mluo alanilint roiubltrana. nml foi Iho mkuuiI boat of eneb on otblblt. At llio aiinio lluio Mr, Hturr aalit (hnt tlicro would be no entries from Iho (liioutlolda I'uriii, thua Uavluif tho compel Itliin open to the farmera of tho county who nro not making (Much pruleutloiiH In tho luduntry. Kvpii nt thai, Ihoro are Home iieil- 'Igrood nnlmiiU In tho county that will' 'bo brought forth, anlmnhi Hint nro! I not only worthy of u place In tho '..-...... a .. i.. l I. ait unuM Iia n if a1lt til ' county fair, but would be a credit to tho county at any livestock show. RESUME RAILROAD WORK WWWWtfWMVWWWWVWMWVMMVWVMWMyMSO Gen. Blanco, Leader of the Constitutionalists (lincral l.iii'ln lll.inco, leader of I l.r t iiiiatliiiiionnliata. iho army .l'ih I'jirsiii ritoai uta 111 polltlca. la tliiiic I'rcaldoiii llucrta of Mpilrn lunii' irniihlo Hull an) other rovolu lion.iry force. In Iho country Kor irontha ho hna ninlululiipil hlmarlf and a kou mount In certain portloua r Mi'ilio. uuil thr Mrtliu City guv einmiiil haa been wholly untucccMful II illaliHlglug him, (lu Aiigual 3d (leneial Ulanro con .Ued tho 73,000-acro citato of (Jen ci ul I'ellx Illm Hour Matnuioraa. This lalile, "I At HorrrgiM'," hna bivu aur vi'M'il ami illvhlitl Into trarta, which will ho aohl ul iiuiiloralo prices only to llio' who will Iho on Iho land ni.il cullhalo It. Twenty joara wilt ho allowed In which to complete the ia monts, which are being inado )eur- ly. This luauguraloa Mexico's ngra nun plans to mnko homo owners of 1 1... people of Mel(o, thproby convert lux thi'iu Into luiltpeudenl cltliens. E SWOOPS BAY Tin:iiM(.Mini:it niacin: eni: IIHMIIIi:i AT rt.W I'lt.VNCIKCO. (ioi:s o.m; iii;rn:it at h.xcua- Mi:VI' TWO I'lUWTHATIOXrt (lulled I'rvsa Bervlco HAN KKANCI8CO, Sept. 10. The holiest wavo of (ho season Is sweep IliK (bis hvcHoii. At 2 o'clock (he (hormumelor reached 100, At Oakland, where Iho mercury Is nt Ut, A. Cereghlno und Dr. Androw Cook nro prostrated. H.vrrnmentn reports 101, At I .ok AukcIch tho maximum Is 98, lieu Heed nt llouanta was In thy rlly Monday to meet his father, who, cniuo in from California. Compel . m:i:i 1 tun m w vii-.m!'.-ritoM iiiitiiou I .-.lilnii li"" mi lnirrx' In llio ' of ll.o 1 iilrrnl Inn) In Hi iiiik li Iho Hi lull. ma tif lln tint li. Mil Willi llu llllllli Mill!-. I'n aliii nl Hi) a I ho) lln "n .Vrt.it lit I I 1- of lln Tin. CoiiuliW'a. t I iota Kofko -Ml.. 1 'O l'l.. Sit IC T uiiski 'OiHcllnl !:: IU ,ir acaalon. llio :ni'ao of I'lralilrlit Itilcrta ; tiv ir.lil t iila. Cifliltie. l.iullK nlbrr tr.atteta ho urge uli Nr:ilr In tfftv'itltr Of flto Mexlran MerU? Xiyrico nrmy. Koveral orsanliatlons of each branch of the aervlro aro needed, 1 1 tier In declares. According to lluertn the wrmls ton of tho Mexican government gW- 1 n for n 1 crlod of six months to for eign worships tu remain In Mexican hurdora, will expire October SSth. VI. e meatHgo hints thai (hla may no( be renewed. Only una reference la made by lluerta'a message (o "Mexico's dim (iiKlca with (ho government of the I tilled .States." Ho anys Hint those, fortunately, nro not difficulties be twien (ho people of (he two nations. Can tlrow OUuta Dr. Frank It. Stnrkey .of Thlladet phln claims Hint by uso of 1111 elixir ho can grow a ruro of giants. Ho lias experimented with guinea pigs, which glow tu three limes their normal site with tho uso of the elixir, which is Injected lulu (ho glands. I'liula Cure for Unblen Clly ll.icterlulogltt Downey- I.. Har ris of 8t, Louis hus discovered a euro for hydrophobia, lly Injecting qui nine Into (bo blood he saved (he llfo of Chhrlcs Uoardsley, aged 71, who wim brought to tho hospital with a hud ciuo of rabies. Ilennlsley had ' been bitten by u dog 11 month before, j unit was expected to die by other' doctors. 1MEXIC0C0NGRESSI J C8flVERED;HUfRIA ' mm MESSAGE .aBBBBaaa'aBBBl aLLLaJaaLHi Pr?jidM rm Roads to Use Steel Cars - - . j. -.j---- Canadian Constable Took When He Arrested li , u Hie onlr pbotigraph taken 1 t etf-al nrreat or William T. Jeto :. former d'atrlrt attorney of V'.: Vork county, who went ss k 1 i iiity attorney general of tho atata In CauiiU to try to brine back U:r lliaw Jerome was accused ' E-mblluK. Ho did play penny ante Irn 1.1s dross suit cgso with a few STIRS INTEREST IN SCHOOL FAIR COC.VTV SCHOOL hL'l't:iH.NTi:l-I iunt rin:i I'irruitsu.v i.iuvks1 OX A VISIT TO Till: .MKltllll.I. JIHT.NTUV I County School Superintendent ' Kred I'lloraon h.vs gone lo Merrill lo sKlid a week vlsillug Iho schools lu thnt vicinity. He mnv eo 10 llonnnia whlle awnr. HgKna r. i.XuijtMimfjf . 7y-a fn4VN,PMKjaWVi ' aHHLLw bZL. . BaaaLLHF7' EF FjHvlIV .VBiPBfBVaav7gftaVT'aBBBV' LLgHgHi'v iLBiHiLLLLBaLLLLagBf1 aLaLH aamaaaaaaLggK. 1 This la tho first olHclal vUlt of Mr.'"''ornatlon of perjury are being Teterton to the schools this term, and , rando this iitternoon, A vordlct Is ex- ho will hnvc an opportunity to see thoJPocleJ tonight. work of tho new touchers. In addl-i - (Ion hu is working up Interest tn the' school fair, to be held here the last' of next week. Many prltes have been offered for tho best Juveulle farmers, ' woodworkers, cooks aud seamstresses. On the (Hen Oak rami, three tulles from Marshall, Mo,, u herd of hogs uiado a meal on ft lot of crushed ap ples from a elder press 'aud grape, skins und pulp left over from wine making. Tho hogs became greatly Intoxicated and two were drowned In) a wallow tug ptace. Tho hogs stag-' gored around tholr pens for several! hours. II01-MW Tiuwliig Awsjr lletween 1V07 and 1913 there was 1 a falling off ot the number of horses) They made the discovery after ob In Chicago of IS per cent. During taervlng for several days, a girl garbed the same period automobiles and rno-jln widow's weeds, make repeated yls tor vehicles Increased 670 per cent. It 'Its to the forests. . Is believed the horse will disappear altogether In the course ot fifty years. j.- - , i,jvyy-iotivu-u-ij-j-lj-ij-(-p-j1-jTj-lj-( a Very Firm Grip Lawyer Jerome for Gambling a c-n hile sitting In his ulomobllo Tho constable who ar- rrsu-d Jerotae was not going (o take any chancel, lie wound hit hand about the collar of tho lawyer's coat aa If ha win afrnli! hla victim would bteak and run, Jerome was calm' enough, ca tli.- -picture shows, to1 smoke bis usual cigarette, ' DI6GS-HARRIS CASE ENDING iii:i.ir.vi:u it wu.i, iik i.v tiik HANDS OK TIIK JUKV IiATi: this ,i-ri:iixoo.v, and vkb. D1CT 1OM0HT l'"lted ''re" Srvlco SAN KHANCISCO, Sept. 18, Clos- Ing argument In (he trial of Maurey 'K, Dlggs and Attorney Harris forisltlon, literature, etc. He bi writ- Banks of the Hudson Scene of a Second Grewsome Discovery in Ten Days; Find Well Dressed Ian NEW YORK, Sept, 10. Doys play. lug In the woods today found the. 'body ot a well dressed man on a tree covered cliff overleoking: the Hudson River, The boya assert that they believe this woman visited the corpse dally, STEEL CAR BILL INTRODUCED BY OHIO LAWMAKER M.U ItfMlKt JU'HT AIMHT THVM IIKKOKK IIIIH jlrn.lirr I'riitlilr fop the l'a ul Hteel .Mali Coaclipa lleforo Hie First of Hie Coining Ypr In Cium of Vlo latlona, Mruiirr I'ruTlilr 11 Klan of a Ttiouaanil DolUra for rUrh nt Iho Infrarliona ItrpoHml. n.'ted Tress Sertlce ' WAalllNOTON. II. (.'., Sepl. IB.-- I'onrrraaman Alfred (1. Allen of Ohio today Introduced In the bouse a bill providing for the adoption or all steel ens by all of tho Interstate rtllrpada. According to the wording of the .easurr, this Is 10 be accomplished l' July 1, 10t, or heavy fines will ' 1 Impord on the negligent ones. The bill provides IL.it after Jan 1. ty 1, all railroads mutt provide -t.cl mall coaches. The penalty at- lacLeil Is $1,000 for each violation. This. It I. believed, will bo enacted ir. preference to a score or more bills drawn up since Hie recent wreck at W'altlngford, Conn. PROF. NEWCOMER DIESINCALIFORNIA WAS IIKAII OK H.MHJHII DEPART Mi:.T OK HTAXFOHD UXIVKR MTY AMI AtrrilOlt OF HKVKH Al, HOOKS United Tress Service TALO ALTO, Sept. 1. ProftMor Alphonse Newcomer, bead of the En glish department of Leland Stanford 1'iilveralty, died today. His demise was duo to stomach trouble. Newcomer has for years been one of the authorities on English corapo- ten several text books, which are cscd In many of the leading educa tional Institutions. ', lly following ber they naally eu ' , the body. . ,. x The man' skull was ertwb4 ,, , nuln. Nearbr waa found a. eoat alaMn t-. ",'; IflllH with nHhl 'whliiVUrk.'.li ' ,... -.. ro, nw aa.aviBV- - lleved was used to kit! the sassx. ' - Nothing vyaa foukdtorVai'yiM ' aw'i Identity of the corWv Nes found a wotsasi' i4''lw4'' ' jy ' ' ,V i The. "police have mwuj WMbbsbW '" asjaanBRaa 4 y M ii- 'fS ) - X-' T-kii,; t? 2 iTr I, . r v; . ( f -. lA. i ' 1 CL. '-. ' ', '& -f